Науково- практична конференція " талант та елітарність". "Grammar is a piano I play by ear"

Про матеріал
Головне завдання навчання граматики – навчити учнів практично користуватися нею в комунікативних цілях, тобто оволодіти способами змінювати форми слів і комбінувати слова в реченні – оволодіти граматичними навичками. Головні питання сучасної методики навчання – це відбір граматичних явищ з урахуванням мети навчання та послідовності їх засвоєння; способи презентації граматичних явищ залежно від виду мовленнєвої діяльності, в якій вони використовуються; співвідношення роботи по структурах (аналогії) і правил при навчанні граматики
Зміст слайдів
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IIІ віртуальна науково-практична конференція «Талант та елітарність»Ноздрачова Олена Геннадіївна,вчитель англ.мови. ЗОШ 11 Grammar is a piano I play by ear(англ.мова)2020 н.р.

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Grammar. Things to remember when teaching grammar in the primary school:

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When learning their second language, kids apply the same strategies which they used for learning their mother tongue. Their expectations are:- The language is always in a situation- The language has purpose(has direct relation to a child and his needs).(it’s about NOW and HERE).

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Two main approaches to presenting grammar nowadays are: We need to match the way we teach with the way children learn. The inductive approach is more natural and is used by most authentic books. Deductive(Meaning-Form-Use).

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DEDUCTIVE METHODYou begin your lesson with and end withgeneralization, a rule, a definitionexamples and illustrations

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You start the lesson in biology with the definition of pollination, then show a video clip of the pollination process. EXAMPLES:

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INDUCTIVE METHODYou begin your lesson with the, with what , with the and with the You end with the students givingexamplesis knownconcretedetails. generalization, abstract and conclusions.

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EXAMPLE: For the lesson on pollination, you show them a video clip of the process of pollination. Make your students view the process of pollination, then ask them what the process of pollination is.

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 1st form: Implicit Grammar Teaching (Meaning & Use only!)Students at this age don’t need to understand grammar – they need to it. You can focus a lot of grammar implicitly without using grammatical terminology. Grammar is incorporated into other activities (games, listening and speaking activities).

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The meaning of the grammar structure is introduced (situations that are related to kids’ lives) - stories, pictures, children’s life experience. After children are open to the target language, they need opportunities to use English to with others. in a contextcommunicate

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2nd form: Introducing the rule (Meaning-Form-Use) Stages of Grammar Presentation: New Grammar is introduced through 1. Meaning: context (story)2. It is the teacher’s responsibility to attract children’s attention to language forms and make them aware of accurate language use both orally and in writing.3. Students study the rule in the book – by this time they must be familiar with the form.4. Lots of practice (oral and written use).familiar vocabulary.

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The Primary School Teachinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWe0 T4 UFXd. U

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Teaching English to the Primary school children in Fun Steps5 PPPlesson planninggames and activities

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Step 1 Warm Updrawinmotivatedfocusedis called“Teacher says”5′-10 ′

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Step 2 Presentationrepeat2 -3 saymeaningobjects, kinds of synonyms,opposites,body language and pictures5′-10 ′

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Step 3 Practice10′ -15′is called“Whispers”materialgame or an activityvocabulary or sentences

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Step 4 Production10′ studentsapplylearneddolesson

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Step 5 Review5′ Total Physical Responseyoung

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23 січня 2020
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