навчальний посібник "Люби і знай свій рідний край"

Про матеріал
Навчальний посібник призначено для учнів 3-5 класів загальноосвітніх закладів. Він містить 12 тем (кожна тема містить текст та різні види завдань)
Перегляд файлу



Пригодич Л.Л.









Скадовськ 2012





Рекомендовано методичною комісією вчителів іноземної мови



Автор Пригодич Л.Л.

Англійська мова: Навчальний посібник для початкового рівня загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів з краєзнавства/ Пригодич Л.Л. – Скадовськ, 2019. – 37с.: іл.: малюнки та фотоматеріали учнів 3-В класу


 Навчальний посібник призначено для учнів 3-5 класів  загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Він містить 12 тем (кожна тема містить текст та різні види завдань) 





D:\КАРТИНКИ ШКОЛА\Nabor_fonov_№5\5-22.jpg 2222


























Make sentences and answer the questions


Learn poems by hard


Work in groups


  Creative  exercises



The text for information


Writing exercises











Let’s remember the words connected with school and complete the sentences with these words
















Make sentences, as in the example

  • I have a school bag.
  • There is a pen in my pencil case.
  • There are some books on the desk.

Answer the questions:

1. What school do you study at?

2. What time do the lessons begin?

3. What subjects do you study at school?

4. What are your favourite subjects?

5. How many lessons a day have you got?









Learn this poem by hard

My native land,

My Motherland’s Ukraine.

I love your steppe,

Your mountains, your rivers.

I love your gardens,

Forests and your seas










  Choose from the poem sentences connected with pictures

Use the table below to describe the country



Is situated

The south-eastern part of Central Europe

Type of the country


Bounded by

The Black Sea, the sea of Azov

Borders on

Russian, Byelorus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova, Romania




600.000square km


47 million


Ukrainians, Russians, Jew, Moldovans, Greeks, tatarrs, Poles, Americans and others 


24 regions and Crimea republic

D:\Мои рисунки\r_kherson.gif


 Work in groups. Read the definitions of the following verbs and phrases, look at the map and ask another group about Ukraine and Kherson region.

To border on – to be next to

To consist of – to be formed of two or more parts

To be situated – to be in a particular place or position

To be bounded – if a country or area is bounded by a sea, it is next  to it




The capital of our country is Kyiv. And here we are at the heart of Kyiv and our Motherland, Independence square.

Read and act the dialogue

Nastya: Hi! Have you ever been to Kyiv?

Andrey: Yes, I’ve been to Kyiv several times. What would you like to know?

Nastya: I want to know what places of interest I would see there.

Andrey: I advise you to visit Independence square with beautiful monuments. Another famous places in Kyiv are the Golden Gates, St. Sofia’s Cathedral.

Nastya: Would you like to go to Kyiv again?

Andrey: With pleasure. If you haven’t been to Kyiv, can you say that you would like to go there.

Nastya: I would like to go there next time.

Andrey: If you are a theatre-goer you would visit some theatres, such as the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, the Taras Shhevchenko National Opera and Ballet House.

Nastya: I suppose that my visit to Kyiv will be interesting.



Read the poem and guess: what is the next station?

Let’s go, Mummy, to the Zoo

On Sunday, on Sunday.

I’d like to see a buffalo.

On Sunday, on Sunday.


The text for information

Our area is well-known for Askania Nova National Reserve.

In 2009 the National Reserve became the winner of competition “Seven natural miracles of Ukraine”. Askania  Nova National Reserve is a Zoo, a botanical garden and a largest area of protected steppe in Ukraine. It covers an area of 34,000 hectares. Not only is it a landscape of enchanting beauty, but it is also an important research centre for biodiversity. It is situated in Chaplinsky rayon, Kherson region.






 Look at the pictures. Which shows: a) a camel, b) a buffalo, c) a peacock,  d)  a goat, e) Watusi, f) a gnu, g) a zebra, h) parrots, i) an eagle, j) an ostrich, k) deer

1. 2.                                 3.                                                  


 4. 5. 6.


7. 8. 9.









Complete the table; use your notes to talk about the reserve

Name of the reserve


Winner of competition






Type of the reserve






Using the table describe your favourite animal










   Work in groups. As in the example complete the      riddles


  • I’m grey, big. I have small tail, big ears and big trunk. Who am I?  An elephant


Write the sentences about the animals from Askania  Nova National Reserve

 Game. Your teacher starts a chain round the class. Each student adds a word. If you forget what the others before you said, you’re out. The last one in is the winner!

T: In the zoo there is a zebra.

S1: In the zoo there is a zebra, a parrot

S2: In the zoo there is a zebra, a parrot, a camel, etc.











The text for information

Complete the text using the WEB


Our Native  Town

There are many large and beautiful cities and towns in Ukraine. But as a proverb says “East or West, home is Best”. Everyone loves his native town most of all.

Our native town is Skadovsk. It is a district center in ……... Our town is situated on the northern coast of the Black Sea about 60 km eastward from the Dnepеr area. Our town is small. It’s population is about ……… people. Our place is a …….. area. Our lands are rich in fertile soils. But our climate is very ……. and ……. The average temperature in July is above +220C. Our farmers grow good crops of ….., ……. and ……. .
















Work in groups. Match the halves of these sentences.

  1. Our native town is
  2. It is a district center in
  3. It’s population is about
  4. Our place is
  5. But our climate is
  6. Our farmers grow good crops of
  1. grain, vegetables, fruit
  2. warm and dry
  3. Kherson Region
  4. Skadovsk
  5. 30 000 people
  6. steppe













Translate the words in bold





The text for information

Skadovsk is a small merchant seaport. It’s not very old. The history of the town and the port goes back to the 19th century. There were founded by a landlord Skadovsky in 1894. We have celebrated the centenary of Skadovsk.

The monument to the founder of the town Sergey Skadovsky is situated near the cultural center. There are a lot of places of entertainment, too.

All inhabitants of Skadovsk love it very much and take care of it. They do their best “to make our town a nice place to live in”, as the founder of Skadovsk once proclaimed.


  Complete the questions using the question words about Skadovsk



                     What                        Where 



           When                             How

 Work in groups.

Describe pictures using the words and word-combinations








Work in groups. Memory game. Work in two teams. Look at the pictures for two minutes, then close your books. How many things can you remember? The team that can remember the most wins.






The text for information.  Read the text and explain the words in bold

There are no big factories in our town. The industry is presented by small factories. Skadovsk is a resort town. There are many resort camps, rest-homes at the seaside of the town. Thousands of people have a good rest and improve their health in our town. When people arrived at Skadovsk they are greatly impressed by the freshness of sea air, tidiness of the town and hospitality if its citizens.








Answer the questions:

  1. Are there big factories in our town?
  2. Is Skadovsk a resort town?
  3.  What are there at the seaside of the town?
  4. What do thousands of people do there?
  5. How do people feel in our town? Why?


Complete the table and discuss in groups what advantages and disadvantages people have got relaxing in our town.

Skadovsk is a resort town











Work in groups. Memory game. Work in two teams. Look at the pictures for two minutes, then close your books. How many things can you remember? The team that can remember the most wins.







Learn this poem by hard


The grass is green,

The sea is blue.

The sand is yellow.

All these are for you.


The Black Sea is deep and has a wide range of animal life. However, there is no life lower than 1.500 m. Do you know animals which live in the Black Sea?






Learn this poem by hard


I can see the Black Sea

Throw the window.

I can see seagulls and dolphins there.

I can see the Black Sea

Throw the window.

I always like to be here.















Look at the pictures. Which shows: a) a  dolphin, b) a jellyfish, c) a  shellfish/shrimp, d) a seagull, d) crab, e) sea horse

  1.                             2.                                  3.          




4.      5.                                            6.



  Complete the sentences with new words 

Game. Your teacher starts a chain round the class. Each student adds a word. If you forget what the others before you said, you’re out. The last one in is the winner!


The text for information


The dolphin is one of the largest animal in the Black Sea. Its colour is blue-grey and it eats small fish and shellfish. The dolphin has got a long body and a big tail. It can swim fast, but it can’t stay under the water for very long! There aren’t many dolphin in the Black Sea. They need our help!



 Read again, choose the information from text and   write the table



In the sea











Usually lives



About you: ask and answer

  1. What’s your favourite farm animal?
  2. What’s your favourite sea animal?
  3. What’s your favourite wild animal?
  4. What does  your favourite sea animal look like?


Work in group. Using the plan describe your favourite animals and draw them.


The text for information

Skadovsk is very nice and green with straight and wide streets, lots of grass and flowers.

There are some places of interest in Skadovsk. This is a new cultural centre, two libraries, a historical museum, several cinemas

Read, choose the correct words, describe your street and write.

I live at ………street. My street is (straight, wide, narrow, long, short). There are a lot of (trees, grass, flowers, bushes) in my street. It’s (green, yellow, brown, white) in (winter, summer, spring). It’s so (clean, dirty). It’s so (quite, crowded, noisy). There are/aren’t many (huge buildings, busy café, shops, a crowded supermarket, city centre, small houses). There is/isn’t so much noise and traffic and the air is (fresh, dirty). That’s (a lovely and perfect place, horrible place) for me. I like/don’t like my street. 



                Work in chain. Ask and answer the questions about your street one after the other, as in the example

S1 What street do you live?

S2 I live at 5, Pushkina Street. Is your street wide or narrow?

S3 My street is narrow. What are there in your street?......

    Look at the pictures and describe them.        














The text for home reading



Victory Day is a sacred holiday for every Ukrainian citizen.

Every year on 9th May, veterans who fought in the war take part in a parade. People give them flowers, go to the monuments and stand for a minute silence to play tribute to those who died in this war. Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.






The monument to the founder of the town Sergey Skadovsky is situated near the cultural center. There are a lot of places of entertainment, too.

All inhabitants of Skadovsk love it very much and take care of it. They do their best “to make our town a nice place to live in”, as the founder of Skadovsk once proclaimed.





Home task

Using the Internet resources find the more detail information about some monuments from our town. Complete the table










Made of






Reason built


















The text for information


  1. The island is in 9 km from a town. Length of island is of 35 km. (2) There is a beach, places for relax on island.

(3) On island you are met to a monument to the heroes-seamen who were lost in Great Patriotic War.

(4) Dzharylgach is a pearl of Skadovsk region. (5) Air is pure and transparent. (6) Only occasionally it is possible to hear disturbing shout of a flying by seagull.

(7) The lighthouse on an island East side specifies a way to the ships in the Dzharylgatsky gulf.







Match the sentences from the text with pictures


b)       c)




d) e)














 Game. Your teacher starts a chain round the class. Each student adds a word. If you forget what the others before you said, you’re out. The last one in is the winner!













Translate the words in bold





Look at the picture and answer the questions

  1. What is the name of the festival?
  2. When does it take?
  3. Where does it take place?
  4. What is the reason for the festival?
  5. What are the preparations? Think about: food, costumes, decorations.
  6. What happens during the festival?

The text for information

Ukrainian child's festival "Black Sea Games" takes place annually in summer on the Black Sea coast in town Skadovsk. Children named a festival "Fairy-tale on the Black Sea shore ". More than 2000 participants take place annually! A festival "Black Sea Games" gives an opportunity to the talented children to feel the real artists, giving to them for a performance a professional stage equipment, remarkable prizes and gifts!!!

D:\КАРТИНКИ ШКОЛА\skadovsk-festival.jpg








Read, choose the correct answer

Every summer in Ukraine, the people of Skadovsk have a fabulous child’s music festival. It lasts five days. There’s fun for all tastes and ages.

Over two hundred performers take place there. There’s even children music and entertainment and that’s not at all! All performers will be well known and they are very talented.

No one is bored while the festival is on. With lots to do and see, everyone always has fun. All the events are on a shoe, in the culture centre.




  1. The text is

A) a story;

B) a letter;

C) an advertisement;

D) an article about a film festival

  1. When does the festival take place?

A) twice a year

B) once a year

C) every two months

D) every season

  1. How long does the festival last?
  1. Four days
  2. Two weeks
  3. Four nights
  4. Six days





I. Choose the right answer:

  1. The capital of our country is…

a) Kharkiv            b) Kyiv                  c) Kherson


2.   Ackania Nova is…

a)  National Preserve

b)  a resort town

c)  a district centre in Kherson Region


3.  Skadovsk was founded in …

a)   1890                 b) 1894                  c)   1900


4.  Skadovsk is

a)  a merchant  seaport and resort town

b)  a National Preserve

c)  an industry centre     


II. Look at the map and tell about location of Skadovsk









III. Fill in the about native town with the words from the pictures                  


Our Native Town


12127025908310Our native town is Skadovsk. Our town is situated on the northern coast of               .



Skadovsk is a small                  .


There are many resort camp                at the seaside of the town.

Skadovsk is very nice and green with straight and wide                                             ,             , lots of grass and flowers.



There are some places of interest in Skadovsk. This is a new cultural centre, two libraries,


a historical museum, several cinemas,



IMGP6224The                             to the founder of the town




Sergey Skadovsky is situated near the cultural      center.








the Black Sea        merchant seaport       rest-homes         





  streets               monument                     parks


IV.  Read the text again and write yes or no

  1. Our native town is Skadovsk.
  2. Our town is situated on the northern coast of the Sea of Azov.
  3. There are many resort camps, rest-homes.
  4. The monument of Taras Shevchenko is situated near the cultural center.









Unit 1







Unit 2





Is situated









Unit 3



would you like to know

 Unit 4














Unit 5



district center












Unit 6



founder entertainment inhabitants

 Lifting crane sunset

merchant seaport were founded landlord








Unit 7



freshness hospitality



rest-homes improve





Unit 8



 jellyfish  shellfish/shrimp seagull

sea horse


Unit 9



busy café



 crowded supermarket,














Unit 10



monuments forgotten




Unit 11










Unit 12




 is bored professional stage equipment

music festival performers

participants annually remarkable


well known






  1. Unit 1…………………………………3
  2. Unit 2…………………………………6
  3. Unit 3…………………………………8
  4. Unit 4…………………………………9
  5. Unit 5…………………………………12
  6. Unit 6…………………………………14
  7. Unit 7…………………………………16
  8. Unit 8…………………………………18
  9. Unit 9…………………………………22
  10. Unit 10………………………………..24
  11. Unit 11………………………………..26
  12. Unit 12………………………………..28
  13. Check point…………………………...31
  14. Word list………………………………34
























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Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Буренко В.М., Михайлик)
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