НУШ Тема "Family and friends"1клас (Г.К.Мітчелл)

Про матеріал
Даний урок допоможе учням оволодіти лексичними одницями з теми" Моя сім*я та друзі" Удосконалить навички та вміння вживати граматичну структуру ( I have got..).Ляльки на палочках сприятимуть розвитку навичків діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.
Перегляд файлу


Добропільська  райдержадміністрація

Криворізька  ЗОШ I-IIIступенів

Добропільської  районної ради

Донецької  області



Урок № 2

Тема “ Family and friends ”

1 клас

C:\Users\Татьяна\Desktop\Конференція 1\Family\depositphotos_63509663-stock-illustration-happy-family-cartoon.png 




Москаленко Світлана Петрівна

Вчитель англійської мови










                                                  с. Криворіжжя


Lesson plan


Module: Family and friends.

Lesson time:35 minutes.

Aim:to practice the vocabulary about the topic”Familyand friends”;to develop listening; speaking and writing skills.

Vocabulary:father,mother, sister, brother, grandmother,grandfather.

Structure:I have got…her name is… his name is…Who is this?

Outcomes: pupils will be able to use grammar structure” I have got…”Her name is…His name is…,asking and answering questions about family.They will be able to use family pictures in game.


I.Підготовкадо сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Greeting.T: Good morning, children! Nice to see you!

Ps:Nice to see you, too!(the children make the circle and ask each other ”How are you today?” - “I am good. I am great.I am fine. I am well.../so-so…all right.
2.Warm-up.Game “Jumping ball”

T:Let’s play. I have got a jumping ball. I throw it to you and ask questions. You catch my ball and answer my question.

- What is your name?

- How old are you?

- Where are you from?

- Where do you live? Have you got a family?

- Have you got a mother? Have you got a father? Have you got a grandmother? Have you got a grandfather?

II.Основна частина.


Videoscribe  “I have got a family”

T:Ok. Kids!Look at the screen and repeat after me.

T: How clever of you!Thank you.Now, take photo of your family. Point and say each family member aloud.

  • This is my mother. I have got a mother.
  • This is my father. I have got a father.
  • This is a grandmother. I have got a grandma.
  • This is a grandfather. I have got a grandpa.

                                     2. Knowledge -fun.

Exercise “The talented painter”

C:\Users\micro787878\Desktop\проект family\Сім'я розфарбовка.jpgT:You can see cards on your desks. Please, take and draw it.Pupilswhohave drawn the family members,show their drawing.  (To use the grammar structure:I have got a mother…father/brother/sister/)

Physical Activity.

D:\IP TV\загружено.jpg                                     (Sing a song  ”Family Song - My Family - ELF Learning”)

This is my mother.

This is my father.

How are you?Fine thank you.

This is my sister. This is my brother .

How are you?Fine  thank you.

How are you? Fine  and you?

3. The assimilation of educational material –interesting.

T: Let’s make two ranks, facing each other. Pupils in the first rank -ask questions. Pupils in the second rank - answer the question. Let’s begin.

-Have you got a father?

-Have you got a mother?

-Yes, I have got a father.

- Yes, I have got a mother.

-What is his name?

-What is her name?

- His name is Ivan.

-Her name is Ann.



I have got a father.

I have got a mother.

I have got a sister.

I have got a brother.

Father, mother, sister, brother

Hand  in  hand  with one another


III. Заключна частина уроку.


T: Thank you very much .Our lesson is over. See you on Thursday.






11 лютого 2021
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