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Published by Express Publishing

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© Bob Obee – Virginia Evans 2003

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First published 2003

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ISBN  978-1-84325-531-4


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                  UNIT 1           Crossing Barriers ................................................................................................................  p.      5

                  UNIT 2           Moods and Feelings ..........................................................................................................    p. 17

                Self-Assessment Module 1 .......................................................................................................................   p. 28

                  UNIT 3           Making a Living .................................................................................................................    p. 29

                  UNIT 4           Make Yourself at Home ....................................................................................................    p. 42

                Self-Assessment Module 2 .......................................................................................................................   p. 56

                  UNIT 5           Modern Living ...................................................................................................................    p. 57

                  UNIT 6           Going Places ......................................................................................................................    p. 68

                Self-Assessment Module 3 .......................................................................................................................   p. 79

                  UNIT 7           History ...............................................................................................................................    p. 80

                  UNIT 8           Learning Lessons ...............................................................................................................    p. 92

                Self-Assessment Module 4 .......................................................................................................................  p. 104

                  UNIT 9           Planet Issues ......................................................................................................................  p. 106

                  UNIT 10         The Cycle of Life ................................................................................................................   p. 116

                Self-Assessment Module 5 .......................................................................................................................  p. 128

                  Further Practice ......................................................................................................................................  p. 130

                  Checklist             ......................................................................................................................................  p. 133

                Peer Assessment Checklist .......................................................................................................................  p. 144

                Key to Workbook .....................................................................................................................................  p. 145


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Unit 1  –  Crossing Barriers


Vocabulary: English in the world; the Internet; means of communication; aspects of language; speak/say/tell/talk; touch/hold/contact

Reading: multiple matching (reading for main points); multiple choice (reading for detail)

imageListening: multiple choice; note-taking (listening for gist, main points, detail, function, location, roles & relationships, attitude, intention, feeling, opinion, specific information) Speaking: making suggestions; responding positively/negatively; comparing and contrasting; making assumptions; expressing preference; saying goodbye

Use of English: ‘key’ word transformations; open cloze; error correction; word formation: forming abstract nouns Grammar: articles and determiners; partitives; countable and uncountable nouns

Phrasal verbs: switch; put; hang; run; get; call; cut (related to communication)

Writing: letters (formal/semi-formal/informal style)

Lead-in (p. 7)

Read out the title. Discuss the meaning. First, elicit the general meaning of ‘barrier’. A barrier stops something from happening e.g. an object, like a fence or a wall, or a law or a problem. It could also be a language e.g. ‘a language barrier’ – people who don’t speak the same language may not be able to communicate.

1      Ask Ss if they have any experience of  the highlighted places on the map (if they’ve been there, if they know anyone who lives there etc) and what they know about them. Then ask them what they think the highlighted regions have in common.

Suggested Answer Key

I think the common element is that in all of the highlighted regions the English language is important: in some places it is a native language (e.g. Britain, Ireland, North America, Australia and New Zealand); in some places it is an official language (e.g. Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong) although different local languages exist too; in other places it is used widely as the language of administration and business (e.g. Singapore, India), and in some places it is simply an important second language that most people learn (e.g. South America). Some of the regions include former British colonies (e.g. many African states, India, Hong Kong, parts of the Caribbean etc) and so have been influenced by the  English language and culture. The native cultures and religions in the highlighted areas vary widely. English can be seen as a way of crossing the barriers created by different cultures, religions and native languages.

2      a. Explain the task and let Ss look through the sentences and guess what the missing words/phrases could be. Play the recording. Ss do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key


1   websites

4   celebrities

2       peace talks

3       holidaymakers

5 products and services

b. Go through the list. Ss do the exercise.

imageAnswer Key

ñ        The media               4 ñ           International trade 5 ñ           World politics         2 ñ           Tourism   3 ñ        The Internet            1

Elicit other factors from Ss, then list their ideas on the board.

Suggested Answer Key

Other factors which have encouraged the use of English around the world: Ss wanting to come to an English-speaking country to study; job prospects in their own country.

3      a. Go through the list. Allow Ss two minutes to do the exercise. Then Ss compare their list to their partner’s.

b. Ask Ss what they find difficult while learning English (e.g. pronunciation, phrasal verbs, grammar, idioms etc). Write them on the board. Go through the table, then get two Ss to read out the example. Ss work in closed pairs. Check round the class then ask some groups to act out their dialogues.

Suggested Answer Key A: I’ve got a problem with pronunciation.

B:       If I were you, I’d watch films. A:             That’s a good idea.

4      Tell Ss to look at the two quotations and explain what they mean. Ss in pairs discuss which one they agree with. Encourage Ss to explain why.

Suggested Answer Key

The first one means that if people all over the world spoke one language, communication would be easier and so the world would be more peaceful.

The second one means that every single one of the world’s languages is very important, so when a language disappears because nobody speaks it any more, something important is lost.

I agree with the second one, because the first one gives the impression that it would be a good idea if everyone spoke the same language.

5      Ss discuss in closed pairs. Check pairs round the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: I think that English will be more widely spoken in the future. More and more young people still want to learn English, and many want to go and study in an English-speaking country.

B: That’s true. In many countries, English is still the key to a successful career. I think that English will continue to be the language of computers and the Internet.

Reading (pp. 8-9)

1 a. Write ‘the Internet’ on the board. Ask the class the questions. Find out how many Ss look up websites in English, and how many look up websites in their native language. Write the figures on the board. Ask for comments on the results, e.g. Why do you think so many of you prefer websites in ...?

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Unit 1

b.     Go through the statements and elicit Ss’ guesses. Ss scan paragraphs 3 and 4 of the text to check if their guesses were correct.

c.      Ask Ss to look at the title of the article and the headings in the box. Explain any unknown vocabulary items. Elicit Ss’ ideas about the contents of the article.

Answer Key

1      True    2              True         3              True         4              False

2      Explain that Ss will have to match the headings to the paragraphs. Draw Ss’ attention to the strategy box. Remind Ss that it is not necessary to understand every word in the text to do this exercise.

Ask Ss to skim the whole text for general meaning. Emphasise the importance of getting an overall idea of what the text is about before attempting the paragraphheading matching exercise. (Check general comprehension by asking ‘What change is it about?’ and ‘Is it an easy change to make?’ It is about the change from mainly English websites to websites in many different languages. Translating the sites into different languages will be difficult and a lot of work.)

Tell Ss to read the first headed paragraph of the text carefully. Ask Ss to work out why heading B has been chosen for this paragraph. (The phrases ‘it might make you think everyone in the world speaks English’ and ‘give you the impression that it is the world’s most widely spoken language’ and ‘If this were true, it would ...’ all fit the idea of ‘false impressions’ in heading B. Also the figures in the following paragraph show that the impression that everyone speaks in English is indeed false.)

Tell Ss to read the second headed paragraph carefully and choose a heading for it from the list. If Ss find this difficult, draw their attention to all the figures that are mentioned (‘Yet English is mother tongue for only 5.4% of the world’s population’, ‘a further 7% ... are proficient’, ‘only around 12% ... can communicate well in English’, ‘This figure is nowhere near the total number of people speaking Chinese’) and point out also how this information contrasts with the impression that ‘everyone in the world speaks English’ in the previous paragraph (and is therefore surprising). If Ss easily found the answer (F) without help, ask them to explain which phrases helped them. Continue in the same  way  for the next paragraph – ask Ss to read and choose a heading, and then ask them to justify their choice. If students are unsure, draw their attention to the phrase ‘people would apparently rather buy things online if they can order in their own language’, pointing out that ‘would rather’ means ‘prefer’ (so H ‘Personal preferences’ is the best heading). Repeat the procedure for the next paragraph. For the last four paragraphs, ask students to continue by themselves, underlining phrases that link to the headings they choose. Then ask Ss to compare their answers and the phrases they have underlined in pairs. Finally check Ss’ answers and the underlined phrases as a class.

Answer Key

1       imageF ‘Yet English is mother tongue for only 5.4% of the world’s population’, ‘ a further 7% ... are proficient’, ‘only around 12% ... can communicate well in English’, ‘This figure is nowhere near the total number of people speaking Chinese’

2       H ‘people would apparently rather buy things online if they can order in their own language’

3       D ‘companies              wanting   to             reach       world       markets   are beginning to realise that they will have to translate their websites for their various customers’

4       C ‘creating a multilingual website is not an easy task’, ‘Companies wishing to translate their sites ... face both technical and linguistic problems’, ‘unable to use automated translation systems’, ‘this huge challenge’

5       E ‘Customers ... will need to discuss matters in their own language ... while prices will need to be in the local currency’, ‘Companies will need to adapt their advertising materials so as not to offend different cultures’, ‘have to change their way of doing business to suit certain customers – in Japan, for example ...’

6       G ‘Such       vast         changes   will          not           happen    overnight’,

‘Companies ... need time to translate their sites ...’

7       A ‘local companies ... will certainly be at an advantage’, ‘offer more opportunities to smaller businesses’

3      Ask Ss to do the exercise in pairs. Encourage them to try and guess the meaning of the words from the context. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

benefits: advantages fields: areas proficient: excellent accessing: using local currency: money used in each country format: arrangement of information adapt: change slightly guaranteed: certain pace: speed

local companies: businesses that operate only in the country where they are based expanding: growing

4      Point out to Ss that these are all pairs of words that were used in the text they have read. Ask Ss to find them in the text, then elicit/explain their meanings. Ask Ss to work in pairs to write short sentences using the items.

Answer Key

     mother tongue                         access the Internet

     cultural diversity                       target market

     fast pace                                   conduct business

Suggested Answer Key My mother tongue is Polish.

Immigrants bring cultural diversity to  a country.

The fast pace of city life is exhausting.

Soon we will be able to access the Internet from our mobile phones.

Teenagers are an important  target market for mobile phones. Many companies conduct business on the Internet.

5      Show Ss how to work out the meaning of the first two items from the context surrounding the lines given. Remind Ss that working out meaning from context is a very important reading skill, and will help them read texts more successfully. Then ask Ss to work in pairs to work out items 3 to 6. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       b             3              a              5              b

2       b             4              a              6              b

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6      Ask Ss to look again at the text and underline the reasons. Then ask Ss to discuss other reasons in pairs.

Suggested Answer Key Reasons in text:

ñ ‘only around 12% of the world’s population can communicate well in English’ (lines 21-22)

ñ ‘people would apparently rather buy things online if they can order in their own language’ (lines 31-32)

     ñ ‘by 2003 only one third of Internet users will be speakers of

English’ (lines 33-34) ñ ‘companies wanting to reach world markets are beginning to realise that they will have to translate their websites for their various customers’ (lines 34-37)

Other possible reasons: ñ avoid domination of one language and culture ñ young children can get information from the Internet if it’s in their own language

7 Ss discuss the questions in pairs. Ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key



I would really enjoy using a multilingual Internet because then I could look up websites in English and in my mother tongue. What about you?



Well, I think it helps my English to use English websites, but it would be relaxing and enjoyable to use my own language as well.



I think that if everyone can use their own language on the Internet, there’s a risk that people will become isolated: they will stay in their own language groups and won’t communicate with people with other languages and cultures. What do you think?



I agree. The World-Wide Web won’t be worldwide anymore. When there is a common language, like English, everyone can communicate with everyone else.

Language Focus (pp. 10-11)

1 a. Explain to Ss what a collocation is and how important it is: when two or more words go together naturally without a necessarily logical reason. Verbs can collocate with nouns, e.g. ‘do business’, adjectives can collocate with nouns, e.g. ‘heavy traffic’, adverbs can collocate with verbs and/or adjectives, e.g. ‘seriously injured’, etc. Tell Ss that they are going to think about collocations connected with different ways of communication. Ss do the exercise in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

ñ letters: write letters; receive letters; send letters; answer letters; address letters

     ñ  phone call: answer a phone call; receive a phone call (Also

make a phone call)

ñ fax: send a fax; receive a fax; answer a fax ñ text message: send a text message; receive a text message; write a text message; answer a text message

ñ   note: write a note; send a note; receive a note; answer a note ñ          face to face: communicate face to face; talk face to face ñ   email: write an email; send an email; receive an email; answer an email

imageb. Choose two Ss to read the example aloud. Then Ss do the exercise in pairs.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ           A:          I usually make a phone call to book a table at a restaurant.

            B:  Me, too.

ñ A: I usually talk face to face to introduce somebody to somebody else.

            B:  Me, too.

     ñ     A: I usually write a letter to make an official complaint.

B: Me, too, but people can also complain by phone or face to face. ñ A: I usually make a phone call or send an email to ask a favour.

B: Me, too, but people can also write a note or ask a favour face to face.

ñ A: I usually make a phone call or send a text message to invite someone to a party.

B: Me, too, but people can also invite someone to a party by letter. ñ A: I usually talk face to face to get someone’s attention.

B: Me, too, but people can also get someone’s attention through a phone call or an email.

ñ           A:          I usually send a fax or make a phone call to set up a meeting.

B:   Me, too, but people can also set up a meeting by letter or email.

c.      Do this as a brainstorming exercise with the whole class.

Suggested Answer Key

telegram; video conferencing; graffiti; sign language; gestures; facial expressions

d.     Ss work in pairs. Ask Ss to discuss which means of communication (from Ex. 1a) could be described by each adjective.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ I think writing letters is sometimes complicated because you have to express yourself carefully.

ñ I think making a phone call is costly because you have to pay per minute.

ñ I think making a phone call is reliable because telephones rarely break down.

ñ I think sending a text message is economical because each message costs much less than a phone call.

ñ    I think writing a note is unreliable because the note might get lost.

ñ I think talking face to face is personal because you can see the person you are talking to.

ñ I think sending an email is efficient because it arrives much faster than a letter. ñ I think writing a letter or sending a fax is impersonal because you cannot see the person.

ñ I think writing a letter or sending an email can be inefficient because the person might not check their mail straight away. ñ I think writing a letter or sending a fax is formal because we usually write in full sentences and include addresses.

ñ I think writing a note or sending an email is informal because we usually write in note form.

ñ I think talking face to face with someone is easy because we can usually communicate quickly.

2      a. Explain the meaning of the verbs. Then, Ss work in pairs, and match the pictures to the verbs.

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Unit 1

Answer Key

1       E       3              G             5              C              7              F

2       B      4              D              6              A

b.     Explain that as Ss cannot be sure exactly what each situation is, they need to use the language in the box to show that they are guessing. Ss do the exercise in pairs.

Suggested Answer Key

A      Judging from their happy faces, the people might be clapping their hands because they are enjoying a performance.

B      She could be weeping because she’s had bad marks at school.

C       She must be yawning because she’s tired.

D      He may be giggling because she’s told him a joke.

E       She must be yelling because she’s very upset about something.

F       I can’t be certain, but it looks as if he’s blowing a toy whistle. G  He must be whispering a secret in her ear.

3      a. Explain to Ss that this exercise also deals with collocations, this time connected with the topic of language. Ss do the exercise in pairs. Elicit/Explain the meaning of each collocation when checking answers.

Answer Key

1       body 3              native      5              language 7              talk

2       first  4              accent     6              tongue     8              speech

b.     Ss do the exercise in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

(Ss’ own answers)

4      Explain to Ss that they are going to think about gestures and what they mean. Ask Ss to define what gestures are and why people make gestures: a gesture is a movement of part of the body, usually involving hands and arms; people make gestures to express emotion, convey information, etc. A gesture is non-verbal, though it sometimes accompanies words. Ask Ss to give examples of gestures from their country.

         a.   Ss do the exercise in pairs.

Answer Key

         2    e         3     b         4    c           5   f           6   d

b.     Elicit answers from different students.

Answer Key

impatient: 1           disappointed: 3       calm: 5 pleased: 2   uncertain: 4, 6

Suggested Answer Key (Ss can use language from Ex. 2b) The people in picture 2 seem to be pleased because they are happy to meet each other.

The man in picture 3 seems to be disappointed because he may have received some bad news.

The man in picture 4 seems to be uncertain because he is thinking about a problem/situation.

The man in picture 5 seems to be calm because he is reassuring his employee/colleague.

The man in picture 6 seems to be uncertain because he doesn’t know the answer to a question.

imageAs an extension, Ss in pairs try to think of other situations where the sentences a to f can be used.

5      Write say, tell, talk and speak on the board. Point out that collocations can often help them decide which word to use. Elicit collocations Ss know with these verbs and write them on the board under the right verb, e.g. to tell the time, to say you’re sorry, etc. Tell Ss that it is important to record whole collocations in their vocabulary notes, not just individual words. Ss do the exercise in pairs.

Answer Key

1       to tell the difference        4              talks non-stop

2       speak your mind              5              telling people what to do 3     don’t say a word     6              talk business

Sentence 4 matches the picture. (‘A chatterbox’)

6      Elicit the meaning of ‘idioms’ and ‘fixed phrases’: groups of words without a necessarily transparent meaning. Ss may know the meaning of individual words, but not the overall meaning when they are put together in a particular way. For example, to burn the candle at both ends. Ask Ss for other examples. Ss do the exercise in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

2       get hold of  5              hold the line

3       lose touch with           6              come into contact with

4       lost contact with

As an extension, remind Ss of other useful fixed phrases using these words, e.g. get in touch with, keep in touch. Alternatively, ask Ss to choose an idiom and draw a picture based on that. Ss show their pictures to the class. The class must understand the idiom.

7      a. Ss should work in pairs. Tell them to do as many as they can on their own, then to check a dictionary for the rest. Ss should memorise these phrases.

Answer Key

3       at                7              to             11            at             14            with

4       with             8              at/ to       12            with         15            with

5       at                9              to             13            with

6       at                10            to

b. Ss can either continue with this story or invent one themselves, using all the verbs and prepositions in Ex. 7a.

Suggested Answer Key S3: I chatted to her for a few minutes.

S4: Then I saw someone waving at me from across the road. S5: I smiled at him but couldn’t think who he was.

S6: He came over and shook hands with me.  etc

8      Remind Ss of the importance of phrasal verbs. Advise them to learn them in context rather than lists. Ask Ss whether they are more likely to find phrasal verbs (multi-word verbs) in speech or writing (in speech). Tell Ss that there is usually a formal single verb equivalent. Give an example: Put up with = tolerate. Ask Ss to give examples of phrasal verbs they already know using the verbs given. Write them on the board.

Ss do the exercise individually. Check Ss’ answers and the meaning of each phrasal  verb.

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Answer Key

1       switched           3              hanging   5              cut           7              call

2       put    4              ran           6              get           8              hung

For further practice, Ss (in pairs or for homework) make up a dialogue using as many of the phrasal verbs from this exercise as possible.

Listening & Speaking (pp. 12-13)

1      a. Tell Ss they are going to listen to eight people talking. Draw their attention to the strategy box. Remind them how important it is to read the questions carefully. Emphasise how much information they can get from the questions. Ss then do the exercise in pairs.

Suggested Answer Key

1      Key words to be underlined: talking about the organisation she works for; What service ...?;  the blind

            ñ    one person

ñ             fairly formal language and vocabulary about the blind ñ     she will talk about a service for the blind

2      Key words to be underlined: conversation in an office; Why has the man gone there? ñ two or more people ñ fairly informal language ñ the reason why the man has gone to the office

3      Key words to be underlined: get connected to the Internet call a helpline; What do you have to do?

ñ             one or two people ñ                fairly formal language ñ         instructions about the Internet

4      Key words to be underlined: leaving a message;   answerphone; What does he want the person to do tomorrow? ñ      one person

ñ             fairly informal ñ      a request about tomorrow

5      Key words to be underlined: radio interview; How does the man ... feel?

ñ             probably two people ñ            fairly informal

            ñ questions and answers, the man will express feelings

6      Key words to be underlined: news programme; What is the report about?;  new ñ            probably one person ñ            fairly formal

ñ    something new about means of communication, perhaps mobile phones

7      Key words to be underlined: couple talking in a cafe; How does the man feel about what the woman is showing him? ñ               two people

            ñ    informal

ñ    the woman will talk about something she shows the man, he will express an opinion about it

8      Key words to be underlined: talking to a group of people; the man’s purpose?; a product ñ              probably one ñ        fairly formal

            ñ the man will say something about a product, and will try

imageto affect the group’s opinion

b. Ss listen to each speaker/conversation twice. Stop the recording after the second playing of each one to check the answer. Also elicit evidence for the answers by asking Ss to recall what they heard that helped them to choose the right answer. If necessary play each section again to check the evidence, or ask Ss to look at the tapescript at the back of their books.

Answer Key

1        C              3              A              5              B              7              C 2           A              4              A              6              C              8           B

Evidence for answers:

1       Braille literacy; ... no blind person should be limited in choosing what she would like to read; ... access to whatever Braille publication they need

2       about the phones; ... we’ve had this problem; ... I can see to that

3       If you need help with setting up your Anderson Online Internet connection, please press 1

4       I’ve taken the Fiat to the garage and it should be okay to pick it up tomorrow, so could you?

5       hesitation and repetition throughout

6       The new Wesley model; ... at the touch of just one button, you are instantly connected to another mobile; ... and you can leave a short voice message

7       And how much would that be?; Probably about a hundred quid; Forget it.

8       The aerial about to be installed has been inspected and approved by scientists; copies of the certificate of safety are available; ... the aerial has been manufactured in compliance with the guidelines issued by the government

2      a. Tell Ss that they are going to hear a report about public phone boxes in the UK, and about how people are using them less.

            1       Ask the whole class these questions.

2,3 Deal with questions 2 and 3 together as a class. Draw Ss’ attention to the strategy box. Go through the incomplete sentences in Ex. 2b, explaining unknown vocabulary items, helping Ss to paraphrase the sentences (e.g. 1 BT profits from public phones have fallen) and eliciting what type of information is missing.

Suggested Answer Key

1      adverb – describing how much the money has decreased, e.g. dramatically, a lot, etc, or a period of time, e.g. in the last 5 years

2      A period of time, e.g. 6 months, 2 years, etc. (number) 3     noun – maybe some word like ‘box’?

4        number – either a year or a place 5       adjective – possibly describing the colour of kiosks 6            noun – society? way of life?

7        noun – name of colour 8         past participle – increased? doubled?

9        number or adjective – public? new? 10  number – an amount of money

b.     Play the recording twice, while Ss listen and write their answers. Check Ss’ answers as a class, if necessary replaying relevant sections of the recording until Ss find the correct answers.

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Unit 1

Answer Key


1   by half/since 1999

6      culture

2    8 years

7      silver

3    1884

8      doubled

4    call office

9   a thousand/ 1,000

5    wooden

10   more than í2,000

As an extension, direct Ss to the tapescript on p. 240. Ask Ss to work in pairs to underline the parts of the script that are paraphrased by the sentences they have completed in the exercise, and see how the information is worded differently.

c.      Ss discuss the question in pairs for a few minutes. Then get feedback from the class.

3      Explain to Ss that in this task they will be in pairs. First one student will have to speak for about a minute about two pictures. The student will be asked to compare and contrast the pictures, and say something else (the question will vary according to the pictures). Then the other student will have to give a brief answer to another question about the same pictures. After that, roles are reversed with another set of two pictures.

a.     Ask Ss to look at the two pictures and elicit what they show. Read out the rubric and check that Ss understand the meaning of ‘compare and contrast’ (they should try to talk about similarities and differences between the pictures, not simply describe them). Present the useful language on comparing and contrasting, and elicit several example sentences about the two pictures using the language given. Give Ss vocabulary as needed. Then direct Ss’ attention to the second part of the question, and elicit possible answers from several students. Insist that Ss give reasons for their choice. Then ask one or two students to try and speak for 1 minute on the question in 3a. The rest of the class keep time and listen.

Suggested Answer Key

See tapescript for Exercise 4 p. 13 in the S’s Book.

b.     Read out the question and present the useful language. Elicit brief answers from a few students, insisting that they use one of the structures from the useful language box.

Suggested Answer Key

See tapescript for Exercise 4 p. 13 in the S’s Book.

c.      image& d. Ask Ss to look at the two pictures. Elicit the situation in each one, giving vocabulary input if necessary. Read out the rubrics and put Ss in pairs to do Exs 3c and 3d (one should be Student A, the other Student B). Remind them that Student B should try and speak for 1 minute, without interruption from Student A (who can keep time), and then Student A should answer question d briefly.

Suggested Answer Key

See tapescript for Exercise 4 p. 13 in the S’s Book.

4      Explain that Ss will hear a model interview based on the tasks in 3a-d.  Ask Ss to listen and think about what is good about the students’ performance. Use class feedback to explain the assessment criteria. (The model candidates perform very well on all the points.)

Oral performance at FCE level is assessed according to four different criteria.

1      Grammar and Vocabulary ñ The ability to use a variety of different grammatical structures and to produce them correctly.

ñ    The ability to use a variety of vocabulary appropriately.

2      Discourse Management

ñ The ability to connect ideas using linking words. ñ The ability to organise ideas and produce a contribution of suitable length.

3      Pronunciation

The ability to pronounce individual sounds clearly and to use stress and intonation patterns to highlight meaning.

4      Interactive Communication ñ The ability to speak fluently without frequent pauses to search for words.

ñ The ability to communicate ideas and take part in a discussion with a partner.

Ask Ss to assess their classmates’ performance according to these criteria, but try not to discourage them. Point out that their performance will improve greatly with the oral practice they will do during the course. For more formal peer assessment, photocopy the Peer Assessment Checklist at the back of the Teacher’s Book.

5      Explain to Ss that this exercise involves brief exchanges made by people when they are saying goodbye to each other. Draw their attention to the example, and ask them what they think the situation is: Two friends are talking (face to face or on the phone) and one is wishing the other something positive for the future. Ask them to do the exercise in pairs. They should try to imagine the situation, and then complete the exchange.

Suggested Answer Key b   A:             Have a good weekend!

            B:  You too.

c       A: Let’s meet for coffee sometime.

            B: Sure, call me whenever.

d       A: I’m heading off to the meeting now. B: See you there.

Reading: Culture Clip (pp. 14-15)

1      Write ‘THEATRE’ on the board and ask Ss if they ever go, and what is enjoyable about the theatre. Use this discussion to check that Ss know basic vocabulary to do with the theatre that will be used in the text (NB ‘to act’, ‘actor’, ‘audience’, ‘the stage’, ‘a play’, ‘a performance’, ‘a musical’, ‘lines’ and ‘producer’).

Alternatively, ask Ss, in pairs, to work out mindmaps with ‘THEATRE’.

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                              spotlights       stage directions


                     performance       rehearsal

This will help Ss revise vocabulary related to theatre.

a.     Ask Ss to look at the poster. Elicit what is advertised (a performance for the deaf) and if Ss have attended one. Ask Ss why deaf people might not normally go to the theatre, and how a performance specially for the deaf might be different.

b.     Elicit answers from the whole class. If necessary, explain ‘sign language’ and ‘interpreters’.

Suggested Answer Key

The text will be about the work of sign language interpreters, who probably help deaf people understand and enjoy the theatre by using sign language (Sign language is movements of your hands and arms used to communicate. The deaf have got their own

‘official’ sign language to communicate.)

c.      Write some of Ss’ suggested  questions on the board, then ask Ss to scan the text to see if their questions are answered there. Check Ss’ answers and help Ss with vocabulary if necessary. Then elicit further basic information from the text that has not been covered by Ss’ questions. (e.g. where the interpreters are during the performance in relation to the actors – the three styles: ‘placed’, where they are away from the actors and don’t move, ‘zoned’, where they are on stage and move a bit,  and ‘shadowed’, where they follow the actors around. Make sure Ss understand the word


Suggested Answer Key

ñ Do theatre interpreters have a lot of work?  (not many performances, but a lot of work for each one, especially musicals)

ñ Do they need special training or qualifications? (not stated, but probably, as they are professionals)

ñ What do they actually do during the performance? (they stand somewhere where the audience can see them and use sign language to show what is being said)

2      imageAsk Ss to read the rubric and check they understand the task. Go through the strategy box with the Ss. Demonstrate the strategy by going through the first two or three questions with the class: e.g. for question 1, ask Ss to  read the question stem, underline the key words (theatre interpreters; become commonplace; because), then find the relevant part of the text (paragraph 1) and read carefully. Ss look at the choices and underline the key words (A: avoiding B: wanted to become more accessible C: a new law ... compulsory D: attract audiences). Point out, however, that Ss must pay attention to the whole meaning of the phrase, not just what they imagine to be the key words. Help Ss to choose the right answer (C) and check exactly where the information is in the text (lines 2-5 ‘the Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires that theatres become accessible to deaf people’). Also help Ss to understand why the other answers are wrong (A: not stated that deaf people were avoiding the theatre; B: theatres were obliged by the law to become more accessible; D: not the reason why theatre interpreters are common).

Repeat this procedure for the next question or two, then ask Ss to continue on their own for the remaining questions. Ss check their answers in pairs before class feedback. For each question focus particularly on the evidence in the text.

Answer Key

1       C lines 2-5 ‘the Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires that theatres become accessible to deaf people’

2       D lines 17-20 ‘tickets are also sold to hearing people who are interested in seeing theatre interpreters at work’

3       A lines 26-30 ‘The workload is immense ... we have to learn the whole play in as much time’

4       B lines 42-50 ‘ ‘placed’, where interpreters ... do not move; ‘zoned’ where interpreters ... move only during a change of scene or act; ‘shadowed’, where interpreters move freely ...’

5       A lines 59-61 ‘The ‘zoned’ style of interpreting is a happy medium between the ‘placed’ and the ‘shadowed’ styles’

6       B lines 70-73 ‘placing the interpreters directly within the action ... The interpreters are ‘blocked’ into each scene, and literally shadow the actors’

7       A lines 86-88 ‘producers nowadays think of interpreters for the deaf as a new avenue to creativity’

3      Remind Ss of the importance of recording new vocabulary in context. Ss reread the text to look at the items in context and match them to the meanings.

Answer Key audience: people who watch a performance rehearse: practise and prepare for a performance placed: fixed in one position zoned: limited to certain areas shadowed: following the actors stage right: right side of a stage for an actor facing the audience stage left: left side of a stage floor of the house: the area of the theatre where the seats are scene: a smaller section of a play act: a larger section of a play

As an extension, help Ss with other useful vocabulary items from the text.

e.g. line 21 ‘a colossal project’ (a very big task) line 26 ‘entire’ (whole) line 27 ‘immense’ (very big) line 55 ‘interact’ (communicate) line 66 ‘patron’ (member of the audience) line 75 ‘in close proximity’ (very near)

4      Help Ss to work out the meaning of the phrases.

Answer Key

1       a big profit

2       in the area where the actors perform the play

3       in his mind sees the actor and the interpreter together as one person

5      a. Ask Ss to underline Ian Cox’s words and then, in pairs, to discuss the questions that the reporter asked him.

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Unit 1

Suggested Answer Key

Lines 24-35: How long does it take you to prepare for one play? Is it a lot of work? How does it compare with what an actor has to do for the same play? Is it different for musicals?

Lines 83-88: What is theatre, for you? And what is interpreted theatre? How do producers see interpreters for the deaf? Other possible questions: Do you feel as if you are an actor? Which style of interpreter placement do you prefer? Why? Do you think interpreted theatre will become more common in the future?

Optional activity: In pairs, Ss can role play the interview between the reporter and Ian Cox.

b. Ss work in pairs. Ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

TV news, conferences and meetings, interviews, etc

English in Use (pp. 16-17)

1       Elicit from/Remind Ss of some of the basic rules for articles: ñ When talking about people/things in general: no article. ñ We use ‘the’ when it’s the only one, e.g. the moon. ñ We use ‘the’ to refer to something/someone previously mentioned. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail.

Allow Ss two minutes to do the exercise individually, then compare their answers with their partner. Check Ss’ answers round the class.

Answer Key

1       –, a, the, the, – 3              a, the, the               5              a, –, the, the, the

2       the, the            4              –, –, –, –, –

2       a. Elicit from/Remind Ss of the two main functions of determiners: to identify things (a, the) and to say how much or how many we are talking about (some, most). Tell Ss that in this exercise they have to decide which determiner goes with each class of noun. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Ss work in pairs.

Answer Key

Singular Nouns: every, a/an, each, either, any, neither, another Plural Nouns: a few, many, any, both, fewer, enough, other, several, all, some

Uncountable Nouns: less, any, enough, other, much, little, a little, all, some

b. Tell Ss that they should choose from the determiners in the list to replace the determiners used in the sentences. The meaning must be exactly the same. Ss work in pairs. Check Ss’ answers round the class.

Suggested Answer Key 2        Neither of the girls seems happy.

3       Fewer students came this time.

4       Several/Many people called earlier.

5       I’ll need a little time to check my messages. 6               Every room has a phone.

         7 Another person asked for you after you left.

3      imageElicit from/Remind Ss of the relationship between the too and enough structures. Write a couple of examples on the board: e.g. It’s too warm for snow. = It isn’t cold enough for snow. It’s too dark to see what’s happening. = It isn’t light enough to see what’s happening. Ss work in pairs.

Suggested Answer Key

2       they’re too heavy./I’m not strong enough.

3       I’m too poor./I’m not rich enough.

4       She’s too nervous./She’s not brainy enough.

As an extension, ask Ss to complete the following sentences using too or enough.

e.g. T: I can’t see in here. S1: It’s too dark.

S2: There isn’t enough light.

Suggested sentences:

I don’t feel like going out.

I missed the appointment. I can’t drive a car.

Close the window, please.

4      a. Remind Ss that the partitives can often be used with more than one noun, and that there is often an element of collocation involved. Ss do the exercise in pairs.

Answer Key a piece of advice            a jar of honey a sum of money               a drop of rain

a tablespoon of salt          a ray of sunshine a clap of thunder

Suggested Answer Key

I found a sum of money on the ground and I handed it in to the police station.

Mix a tablespoon of honey with your yoghurt: it’s delicious! In the middle of the storm, there was a huge clap of thunder which made everybody jump.

My friends brought me back a jar of honey from Greece.

Suddenly, a large drop of rain fell on my nose.

I can see a ray of sunshine coming through the dark clouds.

b. Explain to Ss that they are going to look at nouns whose plural form has a different meaning or use from the singular. Show Ss the example. Ss use their dictionaries and work in pairs to do the exercise.

Suggested Answer Key

2       ‘Work’ is a task that you have to do; ‘works’ means ‘factory’. ñ               I have a lot of work to do if I want to pass this exam. ñ        The men are on strike at the steel works.

3       ‘Damage’ is harm that is done to an object or a situation; if one person has harmed the property or reputation of another person, a court can order ‘damages’ (= money) to be paid by the first person to the second person.

ñ  The severe storm caused a lot of damage to the house. ñ     She was awarded í5,000 in damages.

4       ‘People’ is the plural of ‘person’; ‘peoples’ is the plural of the singular noun ‘a people’, which means the men, women and children of a particular country. ñ There were a lot of people at the market this morning. ñ She wrote a book about the native peoples of South America.

5       ‘Wood’ is the substance (from trees) that you can make things out of; ‘woods’ means a place in the countryside that is full of trees.

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ñ Their garden table and chairs are made entirely from wood. ñ If the weather improves, let’s go for a walk in the woods.

6       ‘Content’ is what is contained in something seen as a whole; ‘contents’ are what is contained in something seen as individual items. ñ Students were not happy with the course content. ñ He’s leaving the country, so he’s selling the contents of his house.

5      Ss do the exercise in pairs. Tell them they can refer to a dictionary, but only if really necessary.

Answer Key



2    offence

5    allowance

8     preference

3    formation

6    inspection

9    interpretation

4    defence

7   resistance

10     information

As an extension Ss think of other abstract nouns with the same endings.

6      Explain to Ss that this section of the Use of English paper tests their knowledge of different structures and that correct spelling is required. The rewritten sentences must have exactly the same meaning, and the key word must not be changed. Go through the strategy box. Do item one with the class on the board. Ss do the rest of the exercise individually. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       ... want anyone to answer ...

2       ... didn’t remember anything ...

3       ... nobody I knew ...

4       ... how much it cost ...

5       ... there was anything else ...

7      Explain to Ss that this section of the Use of English paper also tests their knowledge of structures. Draw their attention to the strategy box. Ask Ss to look at the title and read through the text quickly without paying attention to the gaps to get an idea of what it is about. Then ask a few questions to check general comprehension. (e.g. What is it about? Are text messages becoming more or less popular? How fast are they? Who uses them? Why is it successful?) Ss do the task individually, then check their answers in pairs. Remind them that capital letters are not important, but that they should spell correctly.

Answer Key







1    was







2    can







3    than







4    the


of/ in





8      Explain to Ss that this section is an error correction task. Most of the lines in this text contain errors. Draw Ss’ attention to the strategy box and the kind of words that might be used incorrectly. Ask Ss to look at the title of the text and check their understanding. Ask them to read through the text quickly once, without looking for errors, to see what it is about. Check comprehension by asking a few questions. (e.g. Why did the lawyer decide to get a computer? What sort of computer did he get? What problem did he have at first? How did he change?)

imageThen tell Ss to read the first two lines more carefully. Check they understand the examples and elicit an answer for line 1. Ss do the task individually, then check their answers in pairs. Check Ss’ answers again with the whole class.

Answer Key







1    the







2    being







3    an







4    one







Writing: Letters (pp. 18-22)

Ask Ss if they ever write letters, who to, why, whether they like writing letters, whether they find it easy etc.

Refer Ss to the guidelines on letter writing. Explain any unclear points.

1      Go through the rubric with Ss. Elicit the key information to underline and the answer to the questions.

Suggested Answer Key

Key information to be underlined: Letter you have received from a penfriend; need to speak English better; haven’t got time; extra lessons; regular study sessions; what else can I do; improve my English; what you suggest; letter

1       a letter of advice

2       a penfriend

3       informal

4       to suggest ways he or she can improve his or her English 5   Points to be ticked:

ñ               read books and magazines in English ñ write letters/emails in English

               ñ  watch films in English without subtitles

Point out to Ss that the other suggestions are not practical for reasons of time or money.

6       (Ss’ own answers)

Suggested prompts: listen to music with English lyrics, subscribe to an English-language newspaper, listen to English radio/watch English programmes on TV.

7       Each point could be put into a separate main body paragraph. Ss should be encouraged to write two or three main body paragraphs.

8       I could end by wishing my penfriend luck, with an expression that I hope my advice works.

Refer Ss to the information about Informal style.

2      a. Explain that of the two letters on p. 19, one is good and one is bad. Give Ss a few minutes to read through the letters and decide which one is best and what is wrong with the other one.

Answer Key

Model B is more suitable because ñ the paragraphs are better organised. ñ the letter closely follows the instructions in the rubric. ñ the style is perfectly suited to the target reader (informal throughout).

Model A, on the other hand, has a lot of problems, such as:

ñ poorly structured paragraphs (each paragraph in the main body ‘jumps’ from one subject to another).

ñ     the letter is not always relevant (suggestions are made but the writer wanders off the point). ñ       the style is not consistent throughout (e.g. "Hi, ... in which ...").

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Unit 1

b. Ss work in pairs  and complete the task.

Suggested Answer Key

1       Irrelevant information includes: references to extra lessons (it has been made clear in the rubric that this is not possible or practical); mention of the writer’s French teacher.

2       The style is mixed – sometimes suitable and sometimes too formal (e.g. "your letter in which ...", "a range of options", "Furthermore", "I recommend that you accept ...").

3       Each main body paragraph should contain one or two suggestions. In this letter, the subject of music is needlessly spread across the two main body paragraphs.

4       The target reader will not be very well informed and will probably be disappointed because the letter doesn’t give very useful advice.

5       Corrected mistakes: ñ I’m good but  " I’m well but ñ I write  " I am writing ñ I like to say  " I’d like to say ñ that it helped a lot  " that helped a lot ñ listen to the English music  " listen to English music ñ spend hours to listen  " spend hours listening ñ if I was you " if I were you ñ these advices  " this advice

         c.    Ss work in pairs and answer the questions.

Suggested Answer Key

1       informal style

ñ short forms: it’s, don’t, you’ll, etc ñ colloquial language: it’s great, practice makes perfect, etc ñ phrasal verbs: brush up, pick things up, give up, how you get on, etc

2       The paragraphs are clear:

Para 1: introduction

Para 2: 1st suggestion (read more) and expected result

Para 3: 2nd suggestion (watch films without subtitles) and expected result

Para 4: 3rd suggestion and expected result (get Englishspeaking penfriends) Para 5: conclusion

3       Topic sentences to be underlined (with suggested alternatives):

ñ First of all, it would be a good idea to start reading more in English. (To begin with, one suggestion is to read more in

English.) ñ Another suggestion is to watch films on DVD without the subtitles. (Have you thought about watching English films with no subtitles?)

ñ The best advice I can give you, though, is to get more English-speaking penfriends and email friends. (Why don’t you try getting an English penfriend and writing to him in English?)

3      a. Go through the language for giving advice. Give Ss a minute or two to highlight the advice phrases in model B.

As an extension, Ss can replace these phrases with other appropriate ones from the table.

Answer Key

it would be a good idea to ...

Another suggestion is to ... That way ...

imageThe best advice I can give you ... is to ...

b.     Direct Ss to the problems. Elicit which advice is appropriate for each one.

Answer Key

         1     D                2    C                 3    B                 4    A

c.      Ss work in pairs to practise using the language of advice

from the theory box for the problems.

Suggested Answer Key

2       Have you thought about getting a part-time job? Then you’ll always have money of your own and it will give you a bit of independence from your parents.

3       You should speak to your teachers. That way, at least they’ll know about the situation and they’ll respect you for trying to find a solution.

4       I think the best thing you could do would be to invite her out for a coffee. If you do this, she’ll see that you want to make an effort to sort out your differences.

4      a. Remind Ss that the way a letter begins and ends is also very important. Go through the various ways of beginning

(opening remarks) and ending (closing remarks) informal letters. Then, Ss do the exercise.

Answer Key

1       g               3              h              5              d              7              c

2       e               4              b              6              f               8              a

b.     Ss write alternatives in pairs.

Suggested Answer Key

Alternative opening remarks:

Dear Dan,

Good to hear from you. Sorry I didn’t reply straight away but I was away on a school trip. I’m writing with one or two suggestions on how to improve your English.

Alternative closing remarks:

Well I hope this helps. Give my regards to your mum and dad and write back soon.



Refer Ss to the information about semi-formal style.

5 a. Allow the class a minute or two to decide on the style of each extract. Check Ss’ answers, then Ss work in pairs to fill the gaps.

Answer Key

Extract A is informal (short forms, simple vocabulary) Extract B is semi-formal (more polite, neutral style)

1       really cool 4              an excellent opportunity

2       drop me a line          5              contact me for further details

3       promise me              6              hope to see you

b.     Elicit answers from the class.

Answer Key

Extract A is to a close friend

Extract B is to a former colleague

c.      Explain that Ss should decide which phrases fit in with the semi-formal style of extract B. Do the first two items with the class, then Ss work in pairs to complete the exercise.

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Answer Key

1       inappropriate – too informal

2       appropriate – polite and respectful

3       inappropriate – too informal

4       appropriate – polite and respectful

5       inappropriate – too informal

6       appropriate – polite and respectful

7       appropriate – polite and respectful

8       inappropriate – too informal

6       Explain the task. Help Ss with the first item as an example, then Ss complete the exercise in pairs.

Suggested Answer Key

1       a             informal – to a friend

2       b             semi-formal – to someone you don’t know very well (e.g. a family you are planning to stay with)

3       c             semi-formal – maybe from a problem page

4       d             informal – perhaps from a friend who lives far away

5       a             informal – to a friend or a penfriend

6       d             semi-formal – maybe to a family you recently stayed with

7       a. Ss do the exercise on their own, then check round the class, drawing attention to the difference between the informal and semi-formal expressions used.

Answer Key

2       asking for permission:  D

Would it be all right if I stayed at your house next Friday night?

3       expressing a complaint:  G

I was dissatisfied with the food.

4       correcting information:  H I think you might be mistaken about the price.

5       making a suggestion:  A

It would be a good idea if you phoned the secretary and asked her.

6       refusing an invitation:  C

I’m afraid I won’t be able to come on Thursday night.

7       thanking someone:  E

Thank you very much for all your help at the reception.

8       apologising:  B

Please accept my apologies for the damage to your jacket.

b. Ss work in pairs to write sentences. Then ask various Ss round the class to read out any one of their sentences; for each one, the rest of the class should say whether it is informal or semi-formal and what its function is.

Suggested Answer Key

2       asking for permission

Informal: Can I call you if I don’t understand something? Semi-formal: Would it be all right if I called you if there is something I don’t quite understand?

3       expressing a complaint

Informal: I didn’t like the show at all.

Semi-formal: I was dissatisfied with the show.

4       correcting information Informal: You’re wrong about John, you know!

Semi-formal: I think you might be mistaken about John.

5       making a suggestion

Informal: Why not try going to bed an hour earlier? Semi-formal: It would be a good idea if you went to bed an hour earlier.

6       refusing an invitation

imageInformal: I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to make it to your party. Semi-formal: I’m afraid I won’t be able to come to your party. 7  thanking someone

Informal: Thanks a million for being a shoulder to cry on. Semi-formal: Thank you very much for being there when I needed you.

8       apologising

Informal: I’m really sorry that I kept you waiting so long at the cinema that night.

Semi-formal: Please accept my apologies for having kept you waiting so long at the cinema that night.

Refer Ss to the information about formal style. Elicit why one might write a formal letter (e.g. to apply for a job, to complain about a product or service).

8          a.              Allow Ss a few minutes to read the extracts and discuss their answers in pairs. Then check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Extract A is informal. It is written to a close friend to ask permission to borrow their guitar.

Words and phrases to be underlined: Can I borrow; a couple of days; take very, very good care of it; you see; get-together; be a laugh if; brought our guitars along; trouble is

Extract B is semi-formal. It is written to thank somebody, probably someone the writer does not know very well or someone much older or younger.

Words and phrases to be underlined: really appreciate; largely thanks to you; great opportunity; meet up; thank you again for

Extract C is formal. It is a letter complaining about the treatment the writer received on a recent visit to a restaurant, so it is probably written to the manager of the restaurant.

Words and phrases to be underlined: not only ... but also; specifically booked; I found this to be totally unacceptable; in addition to this

b. Ask Ss to read the extract and establish that it is in informal style. Explain to Ss that they have to imagine the extract is to become part of a letter to someone they have never met, so a much more formal style is needed. Ss work in pairs to produce a more formal version using the language given. Monitor and help Ss as they are doing this. Then ask one or two pairs to read out their version.

Suggested Answer Key

I suggest that we ask Marcos to help us. Not only does he have a car, but he also has experience in this type of thing. I am confident that he will be willing to help, especially if we offer him some money for petrol. In addition to Marcos, my brother has offered to join us. With four of us, we will be able to finish the work very quickly.

9 Go through the rubrics with Ss and elicit the key information. Ss then underline it. Ss work in groups of three or four to answer the questions. Monitor their work. Ask one group to report back for each rubric.

Suggested Answer Key

A Key information to be underlined: penfriend; recently written to you; unhapy with school and home life; write a letter of advice; offering your support; making various suggestions and saying what results you expect

1       a letter of advice

2       my penfriend

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Unit 1

3       I should say that I have received my penfriend’s letter and maybe mention that I was sorry to hear that he/she is unhappy.

4       informal

5       different pieces of advice in separate paragraphs (I should also mention the expected result of each suggestion)

6       Beginning:

Dear Mark,

I’ve just received your letter. Sorry to hear that you haven’t been feeling so good. It happens to us all, though, so don’t worry too much about it. I thought I would write back straight away with a few suggestions I have thought of.


I’m sure that if you try some of these things, you’ll feel more in control and things will start to improve. Let me know how you get on. Helen

B      Key information to be underlined: Your best friend; wrote to you to ask what you have been doing; write a letter; say what you have done lately; plans you have for the near future

1       a letter giving information

2       my best friend

3       I could say that I have received my best friend’s letter and maybe make some comment on his/her news.

4       informal

5       My main body could be split into 2 paragraphs: ñ   What I have been doing. ñ     My plans for the near future. 6  Beginning:

Dear David,

Thanks for your last letter. It sounds as though you have settled in very well in your new environment. You asked what I’d been up to so I thought I’d drop you a line with my latest news.


Well, that’s about it for now. I should really get back to my studies. Let me know if you’re planning to be in the area – it would be great to see you again.


C       Key information to be underlined: Last summer you stayed with a British family; ask how you are; whether your stay helped you with your studies; letter in reply

1       a letter giving information

2       the British family I stayed with last summer

3       I could thank them for their letter and apologise for the delay in writing.

4       semi-formal

5       My main body could include paragraphs about my news and my thoughts about how much my stay with them helped with my English.

6       Beginning:

Dear Mr and Mrs Carter,

Thank you for your letter. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply but I have been doing exams at school and have been studying very hard.


imageThank you once again for everything you did to make my stay with you so enjoyable. Please give my regards to all the family. Yours, Kevin

10 Ss write the composition for homework. Remind Ss that they must use what they have learnt in the writing section in their compositions. Before Ss hand in their pieces of writing, ask them to go through the Checklist for Unit 1 at the back of the book and check their answers against it.

Suggested Answer Key

        A   Dear Karen,

Thanks for your letter. I was really sorry to hear you’re so unhappy at the moment and thought I’d drop you a line to cheer you up and pass on some friendly advice.

First of all, it seems to me that both your problems are closely linked. Because you feel lonely at school you are unhappy at home. Why not join the school sports team? I know you’re fond of sports so that would be an ideal opportunity to make new friends with people your age. And have you ever thought about joining an after-school club? I did that when we first moved to the city and believe me it works!

Now, as for the situation at home, I really think you should talk to your parents. Just explain how you feel; you’ll be surprised how understanding they’ll be. As the situation is now they can only guess at why you’re so sulky all day and they certainly can’t help! Trust me, it will clear up the tension and they’ll probably have some useful tips too!

If you follow my advice, I’m sure you’ll feel much better soon. Anway, let me know how it goes.

Lots of love,


        B   Dear Lee,

Thanks for your letter! It was great to hear all your news. Since we last spoke I’ve been really busy too.

First of all, I finally got my driver’s licence! You can’t imagine how relieved I was after failing four times! I’m now working overtime to save up for my own car. Remember I was thinking about starting Spanish classes? Well, I finally decided to enrol in a language school in my area with lessons on Saturday. I’m really enjoying it but as you can imagine there’s hardly any free time left!

Fortunately, it’s already May and I’ve got my summer holiday to look forward to. On 1st June I’m flying to Ibiza for a week and I’ll probably hire a jeep there. I know it’s rather short notice, but would you care to join me? It’ll be great fun! After my holiday I’ll be very busy with some conferences I have to organise for work. Then, in December I’ll have my Spanish exam, so I’ll really need to study hard after the summer!

Well, so much for my news. Don’t forget to let me know if you can join me on Ibiza.

Lots of love,


        C  Dear Mr and Mrs Whitman,

Thank you very much for your letter. Since I left England a lot has happened.

To begin with, I have been very busy with my studies. Now that I am in the last year of university, we seem to have one exam after another. Fortunately, I only have one more month to go and then it will all be over! After the summer I will start looking for a job and hopefully I will soon be working as a psychologist. Furthermore, I am still fond of horse riding and have also been busy with that. Next year I even hope to take part in competitions.

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My month in England with you really seems to have improved my English. According to my Scottish penfriend I now make hardly any mistakes in grammar. I have also found it very helpful with all the books in English I had to read for my studies! Once again I would like to say how grateful I am for your kindness and hospitality.

Thank you once again for your letter. I am looking foward to hearing from you again. Give my regards to Lucy.

Best wishes,


Unit 2  –  Moods and Feelings


Vocabulary: moods & emotions; physical sensations; expressing feelings

imageReading: gapped text (reading for text structure) Listening: multiple matching; multiple choice (listening for gist, main points, detail, specific information, attitude and opinion)

Speaking: asking about and expressing feelings; exclamations Use of English: ‘key’ word transformations; word formation; multiple choice cloze

Grammar: present simple and present continuous; state verbs; used to, be, get used to Phrasal verbs: phrasal verbs formed with up/down

Writing: transactional letters (1)

Lead-in (p. 23)

1      a. Explain the task. Brainstorm with Ss. Ask Ss to say as many adjectives as they can think of to do with feelings. Read out the adjectives and elicit their meanings. Ss work in pairs and do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

2      d 4              e              6              g 3           c              5              a              7              b

Suggested Answer Key

1       fearful, terrified, troubled

2       drowsy, worn out, shattered

3       smiling, positive

4       concerned, anxious

5       irritated, upset, displeased

6       gloomy, depressed

7       stunned, dazed

b. Allow Ss two or three minutes to make up sentences, then ask individual Ss to read them out. Elicit why the people feel this way.

Suggested Answer Key

2       The man is this picture looks rather cross and annoyed.

3       The man in this picture looks exhausted.

4       The children in this picture look happy and cheerful. 5        The man in this picture looks rather worried and thoughtful.

imagec. Elicit how different Ss feel about the situations given. Read the example aloud. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

      A: I find travelling to work really stressful.

      B: Really? I don’t. In fact, I find it quite relaxing.

      A: I find writing letters really dull.

      B: Really? I don’t. In fact, I find it quite enjoyable.

      A: I find shopping really enjoyable.

      B: Really? I don’t. In fact, I find it quite frustrating.

A:       I find going to the cinema really enjoyable. B:       Really? I don’t. In fact, I find it quite boring.

      A: I find exercising really tiring.

      B: Really? I don’t. In fact, I find it quite relaxing.

      A: I find driving really frustrating.

      B: Really? I don’t. In fact, I find it quite relaxing.

      A: I find tidying up really boring.

      B: Really? I don’t. In fact, I find it quite tiring.

2      Read out the sentences one at a time and help Ss to interpret them, then elicit which students agree/disagree and ask them to give reasons. As an extension, ask Ss to find similar proverbs in their mother tongue and explain them in English.

(Ss’ own answers)

3      a. Explain the task. Play the recording once. Ss listen and do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers. Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to explain why each speaker feels the way he/she does.

Answer Key

      1    bored          2   surprised/excited           3    stressed

b. Elicit various situations from Ss and write them on the board. Ss work in pairs and talk about the situations and how they felt.

(Ss’ own answers)

Reading (pp. 24-25)

1      Write ‘Happiness’ on the board and ask the class what makes them happy. Elicit a few answers, then refer Ss to the items listed, explaining any unfamiliar words. Ss complete the task. Ask some Ss to read out their list to the class and to justify their choice for the most important item in the list. (Ss’ own answers)

2      a.       Read the title and the first and last paragraphs aloud.

Elicit answers to the questions from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       The article is about happiness and how, despite our efforts to achieve it, many people remain generally unhappy in their lives.

2       (Ss’ own answers) 3    Janet’s steps are:

ñ get rid of doubts and learn to be more contented with yourself and your life

            ñ change your outlook, your relations with others and the

choices you make

ñ  be an optimist ñ      learn from other people ñ       change how we interpret what happens to us

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Unit 2

ñ see ourselves as acceptable to those around us and as valuable members of society

ñ       don’t criticise yourself or demand too much of yourself ñ     focus on the present

b.     Allow Ss two or three minutes to read the text quickly (not including paragraphs A-I) and check their answers.

c.      Explain the task and go through the strategy point. Explain that Ss need to follow this advice in order to complete the task successfully. Ask Ss to read the paragraphs (A-I). For each one, check that Ss understand the main point. Then ask Ss to read carefully the first and second paragraphs of the text, and try to decide why G is the correct answer. (G contains the reference words ‘In the past’, which contrast with ‘these days’ in the next paragraph and shows the passage of time. It also contains the word ‘now’, which relates to ‘these days’. ‘That particular group’ in the next paragraph refers back to ‘the younger generation’ in paragraph G. Also ‘feel comfortable talking openly’ in the next paragraph contrasts with ‘rarely discussed’ in paragraph G.) Then ask Ss to reread carefully the paragraphs before and after gap 1 and ask them to think what information is missing and then find which paragraph fits best. Check the answer (F) and why it fits, eliciting the connecting words, phrases and ideas. Continue in this way for one or two more gaps. Then Ss complete the rest of the task individually. Check Ss’ answers, for each one eliciting the reasons why it fits.

Answer Key

1             F              3              A              5              C              7              D 2           B              4              E              6               H

Connecting words, phrases and ideas:

1       In paragraph F, ‘nowadays’ refers back to ‘These days’ in the paragraph before gap 1. In the paragraph after gap 1, ‘She’ refers back to ‘Janet’ in F, and ‘slowly achieve contentment when she realised her attitude was changing’ refers back to ‘slowly found that changing her outlook has brought her ... happiness’ in F.

2       In paragraph B, ‘She was, at one point, a definite pessimist’ continues the description of Janet before she changed in the paragraph before gap 2, and refers back to ‘she criticised herself endlessly, certain that she did not deserve success and happiness.’ In paragraph B, ‘she came to the realisation that ...’, and this idea is continued in the paragraph after gap 2, with ‘The turning point in her life was when ...’ .

3       In paragraph A, ‘Change’ refers back to ‘change many aspects of her life’ in the paragraph before gap 3. In the paragraph after gap 3, ‘If we do decide to change things, however ...’ makes a contrast with ‘Most of us have a tendency to stay with what we know rather than choosing any form of change ...’ in paragraph A.

4       In paragraph E, ‘these findings’ refers back to ‘What she understood from her research was that ...’ in the paragraph before gap 4. In the paragraph after gap 4, ‘how we feel about an event’ refers back to ‘the way we view it ... leads to happiness or unhappiness’ in paragraph E.

5       imageIn paragraph C, ‘moments of both happiness and unhappiness’ refers back to ‘how we feel about an event’ in the paragraph before gap 5. ‘Janet herself..’ makes the transition from generalisation in the paragraph before gap 5 to Janet’s personal experience in paragraph C. In the paragraph after gap 5, ‘that same level of contentment’  refers back to ‘being a contented individual’ in paragraph C.

6       In paragraph H, ‘however, ... happiness is not a goal ...’ makes a contrast with ‘ as long as we really want to succeed ...’ in the paragraph before gap 6. In the paragraph after gap 6, ‘further advice’ follows on from ‘advise people that ...’ and the advice given in paragraph H.

7       In paragraph D, the negative consequences of ‘thinking and worrying about ... the past and anxiously planning the future’ fit in with the advice given in the paragraph before gap 7 to ‘focus on the present’.

3      a. Allow Ss two or three minutes to read the article again. Ss then explain the words in bold by giving examples or synonyms. Ss can look up the words in their dictionaries.

Suggested Answer Key desire: wish achieve: get openly: freely contentment: happiness vulnerable: defenceless outlook: viewpoint upbringings: the way one was brought up

criticise: put down, complain about demand: ask focus: concentrate deserve: earn, be worthy

b. Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and underline all the adjectives used to describe feelings and complete the task. Elicit answers around the class.

Answer Key comfortable: at ease - comfort contented: happy - contentment unhappy: sad - unhappiness sad: unhappy - sadness valuable: important - value

4      Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and explain the phrases. Ss may use their dictionaries to help them. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       surround us/come at us from every angle

2       acknowledge the truth

3       take a course of action that we decide

4       interpret things in our own way

5      Allow Ss time to read the text again and ask them to make notes about three  of the writer’s main points. When Ss have prepared their answers, ask them to work in pairs and discuss them. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class. Choose some pairs to discuss the points in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: The writer suggests that we cannot be happy in life until we decide to stop being unhappy.

B: Yes, she believes that happiness comes when we change our outlook and attitude to life and concentrate on the present rather than the past or the future.

A: That’s right. She also states that the way we interpret what happens to us can make a huge difference to how we feel. I think she makes a number of valid points and everyone can be happy if they always look on the bright side of things.

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6      Read the questions and explain the task. Allow Ss time to prepare their answers. Ss complete the task in pairs. Ask some pairs to report their answers back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: When I need to cheer myself up, I usually read a good book or watch a comedy film. How about you?

B: I usually go shopping and buy myself something nice like a pair of earrings or a bag, then I feel much better. Would you say you are an optimist or a pessimist?

A: I suppose I am a bit of a pessimist because I always think about the worst thing that can happen rather than the best thing. What about you?

B: I am more of an optimist because I always tell myself that no matter what happens I still have my family and my friends who can help and support me.

Language Focus (pp. 26-27)

1 a. Read out the list of adjectives and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Write a table on the board and ask Ss around the class to say which adjectives are positive/negative to complete the table. Ss copy the completed table into their notebooks.

Answer Key

Positive: cheerful, generous, calm, glad, relaxed, joyful, happy, excited, optimistic, funny

Negative: depressed, stressed, frustrated, aggressive, lonely, worried, angry, nervous, sad, furious, shy, tense, lazy, proud, terrible b. Explain the task and read out the sentences. Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers, and check differences in meaning by asking Ss to expand their sentences with an example.

Suggested Answer Key

1       Jack is in a cheerful mood today.

Jack is in a generous mood today.

Jack is in a relaxed mood today.

Jack is in a joyful mood today.

Jack is in an optimistic mood today.

Jack is in a funny mood today.

Jack is in a tense mood today.

Jack is in a lazy mood today.

Jack is in a terrible mood today.

Jack is in an aggressive mood today.

2       Maria feels happy today.

Maria feels excited today.

Maria feels glad today.

Maria feels calm today.

Maria feels lonely today.

Maria feels worried today. Maria feels angry today.

Maria feels nervous today. Maria is feeling sad today. Maria feels furious today.

Maria is feeling shy today.

Maria feels proud today.

Maria is feeling depressed today.

Maria feels stressed today.

Maria feels frustrated today.

2      imagea. Go through the lists of words and elicit their meanings. Elicit which physical sensations go with which feelings. Ss make sentences. Check Ss’ answers by asking individual Ss to read their sentences aloud.

Suggested Answer Key I was so frightened my heart was pounding. I was so excited I had a rush of adrenaline.

I was so hungry my stomach was rumbling.

I was so stressed my palms were sweating.

I was so nervous I had butterflies in my stomach.

b.     Read out the questions and elicit answers around the class. As an extension, ask Ss to guess what these actions might mean in another country. Alternatively, play a game. One student mimes a situation and performs one of the actions. The rest of the class try to guess how he/she is feeling and why.

Suggested Answer Key

In my country people frown to show they are unhappy.

In my country people drum their fingers to show they are impatient. In my country people lick their lips to show they are hungry.

In my country people raise their eyebrows to show they are surprised. In my country people wrinkle their nose to show they are disgusted.

3      a. Explain the task. Read out the words in the box and explain any which are unknown. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Words to be crossed out: fear, panic, obsessive

b.     Explain the task. Then Ss talk in pairs about their own


Suggested Answer Key

A: I sometimes feel lonely when I am at home by myself. What about you?

      B: I feel lonely sometimes then, too.

A:   I always feel astonished when my favourite football team wins a match. What about you?

      B: I feel astonished when my brother lends me his bike.

      A: I feel sick when I smell fish cooking. What about you?

      B: I only feel sick when I am ill.

      A: I often feel irritable when I am tired. What about you?

      B: I feel irritable when I am stuck in traffic.

      A: I feel alive when I am on top of a mountain. What about you?

      B: I feel alive when I am running.

A: I feel angry when I hear about people being cruel to animals What about you?

      B: I feel angry when I don’t get what I want.

      A: I feel offended when someone is rude to me. What about you?

      B: I feel offended then, too.

      A: I feel frustrated when I can’t do my homework. What about you?

      B: I feel frustrated when I miss the bus.

      A: I usually feel hungry before lunch. What about you?

      B: I feel hungry late at night.

      A: I always feel better after a good cry. What about you?

      B: I feel better after I have watched a comedy film.

A:   I always feel strong after I have been to the gym. What about you?

      B: I feel strong when I have eaten a big breakfast.

A:       I feel healthy when I eat a salad. What about you? B:          I feel healthy after I have done some exercise.

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Unit 2

4 a. Explain the task. Play the recording once. Ss listen and do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers. Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to explain why each speaker feels the way he/she does.

Answer Key

                                Speaker 1  B           Speaker 3    D                Speaker 5  E

                                Speaker 2  C           Speaker 4    A

b. Explain the task and ask various Ss to talk about their

own experiences.

Suggested Answer Key

                                 B: When do you look forward to something?

A: Towards the end of the school year, I look forward to the summer holidays.

                                 A: When do you find something fascinating?

                                 B: On school trips, I find museums fascinating.

                                 B: When do you miss someone?

                                 A: At the weekends, I miss my school friends.

                                 A: When do you like having friends for dinner?

                                 B: On my birthday, I like having my friends round for dinner.

5 Explain the task and check Ss understand the adjectives and the example. Ss do the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking some pairs to act out their exchanges in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key A:      You must be pleased.

                                 B: Pleased! I’m overjoyed!

A:            You must have been scared. B:               Scared! I was terrified.

                                 A:  You look angry!

                                 B: Angry! I’m furious!

                                 A:  The food was bad.

                                 B:  Bad! It was appalling!

A:            She seems happy with her exam results. B:           Happy! She’s delighted!

                                 A: Sarah seemed upset.

                                 B: Upset! She was heart broken!

As an extension, ask Ss to make up similar exchanges using the rest of the adjectives (filthy, fantastic, huge, delicious).

6      Write tired and tiring on the board and elicit the difference (e.g. ‘I feel tired’, ‘a tiring day’). Elicit other pairs (e.g. interested/interesting) and check Ss understand the difference. Explain the task. Ss do the exercise in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       relaxing            3              depressed               5              surprising

2       pleased            4              terrifying 6              excited

As an extension, Ss make sentences with the adjective forms not used.

7      imagea. Explain the task. Ss do the exercise. As an extension, allow Ss two minutes to think of as many other idioms using animals as possible. Elicit idioms and write them on the board. Ss copy them into their notebooks. Alternatively, ask Ss to write down similar idioms in their own language and explain them in English.

Answer Key

2       f  owl          5              b              mouse     7              h              peacock

3       c  mule        6              a              dog          8              g              snail

4       e  fox

b.     Read out the adjectives in the list. Ss do the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

brave cowardly              quiet noisy wise foolish   sick healthy stubborn flexible         proud modest cunning straightforward slow quick

c.     Read out the definitions and elicit answers around the class.

Answer Key takes a long time to do something - slow is intelligent and well-informed - wise has no fear and is ready to face danger - brave does things behind people’s backs - cunning is very arrogant - proud

8         Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers, asking Ss to explain why the word they did not underline is wrong. As an extension, ask Ss to make their own sentences using the words not underlined.

Answer Key

1         miss       4              like          7              please

2         growing  5              express    8              hurt

3         strange   6              true

9         a. Elicit phrasal verbs Ss already know with ‘up’ and ‘down’. Do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the exercise. Ask Ss to check their answers by referring to Appendix 2 at the back of the book. Then check the answers as a class, making sure Ss understand the meanings of the phrasal verbs. Ss should memorise these phrasal verbs.

Answer Key

1         up           3              up            5              up            7              up

2         down 4 down 6 down 8 down cheer up: become happier calm down: become less upset/angry ease up: lessen get sb down: depress, make sb sad loosen up: relax, become less stressed let sb down: disappoint sb open up: express one’s feelings wind down: relax, unwind

b. Explain the task. Ss use the phrasal verbs from Ex. 9a. as

expressions. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       Don’t let me down.

2       Cheer up!

3       Come on! Open up a bit.

4       Loosen up a bit or you will get ill.

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10      Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss and then Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Divide the list and the class into four groups and ask each group to check six items in Appendix 1 at the back of the book. Check Ss’ answers, then Ss make up sentences using the prepositional phrases. Alternatively, assign the exercise as written HW. Ss prepare the sentences for the next lesson. Check Ss’ answers. Ss should memorise these phrases.

Answer Key



1    of

9      to

17    to, for

2    by/at

10    with

18    of

3    with

11    with

19    about

4    with, about

12    about

20    with

5    about

13    to

21    of

6    of

14    with/to

22    to

7    with

15    of

23   about/to

8    at

16    with, about

24    about

Suggested Answer Key

1         I am afraid of spiders.

2         I was very amused by the clowns at the circus.

3         Tim is angry with me and he’s not talking to me.

4         My mum was annoyed with me about my behaviour.

5         I am very anxious about my exam results.

6         I was ashamed of Jane for behaving so badly.

7         I am bored with this computer game now; I need to buy a new one.

8         Philip is brilliant at chess.

9         I was very close to my grandma.

10      Bill was delighted with his birthday present.

11      I am disappointed with myself for failing the exam.

12      Charlie is excited about the school trip.

13      Stuart has been faithful to his wife for forty years.

14      Jack is very friendly with the boy next door.

15      Harry is frightened of snakes.

16      Anne is furious with Andrew about what he said.

17      Diana is grateful to Eddie for lending her the money.

18      Liz is jealous of Emma because she is more popular than she is. 19 I am very nervous about taking my driving test.

20      Chris is pleased with Jake because the teacher says he is trying very hard in class.

21      She is very proud of her new house.

22      A man on the bus was very rude to me this morning.

23      Martin is very sensitive about his baldness. 24     Janet is upset about losing her watch.

Listening & Speaking (pp. 28-29)

1      a. Brainstorm with Ss. Elicit why people might go to a therapist and what types of therapy and/or words related to therapy they know. Write these words on the board. Read out the descriptions A-F and elicit the key words. Ask Ss to suggest what they think each therapy involves and to say which of the words on the board are related to each one. Ss copy the relevant words into their notebooks.

(Ss’ own answers)

b.     imageGo through the exam strategy box. Explain that Ss must follow this advice in order to complete the task successfully. Read the descriptions A-F once more and play the recording. Ss do the exercise. Stop the recording after the second playing of each speaker to check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

     Speaker 1    E          Speaker 3    B         Speaker 5    A

     Speaker 2    F          Speaker 4    D

c.      Refer back to the notes on the board. Elicit which of

these words Ss heard on the recording.

(Ss’ own answers)

2      a. Explain the task. Read out the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1          Body language is the messages we send out through the use of actions and gestures.

2          I think people can probably guess what cats are thinking and feeling through their body language. For example, if a cat tilts its head to one side it may be showing that it is curious about something.

b. Explain the task and read out the strategy box. Explain that Ss must follow this advice in order to complete the task successfully. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the exercise. Play the recording again, pausing after the information for each question, and Ss check their answers.

Answer Key

1       C  3              B              5              A              7              C

2       B 4              B              6              C

c. Read out the question and elicit examples around the class of body language which shows how we feel. Write these on the board. Ss then work in pairs and discuss the question. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: When we are angry we might put our hands on our hips or clench our fists.

B: That’s true – and when we are tired or upset we rest our head in our hands.

A: We shrug our shoulders when we don’t know something and we scratch our heads when we are confused.

      B: Yes, that’s right. And, of course, we smile when we are happy.

3      a. Start a class discussion by asking individual Ss to give their opinion about what they think is a stressful situation. Then Ss look at the pictures and identify each situation. Ss work in pairs and discuss each situation in the pictures, choosing the three most stressful ones. Ask individual pairs to present their choices to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

See tapescript for Exercise 4 p. 29 in the S’s Book.

b.     Read out the questions and Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers by asking some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

See tapescript for Exercise 4 p. 29 in the S’s Book.

4      Explain the task. Explain/Elicit the meanings of the points to be assessed as well as what would represent an unsuccessful performance in each of the areas listed. Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the task in pairs.

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Unit 2

Suggested Answer Key

Both students perform equally well in terms of grammar and vocabulary. The pronunciation of both students is equally good and they interact well together. They both answer the questions quite well although not as fully as they could have done.

5      a.          Explain the task. Ask two Ss to read the dialogue aloud. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

Are you alright? - asking how somebody feels

I’ve been in a bad mood all day, I’m really depressed. - expressing how somebody feels

b.     Go through the phrases in the box. Model a dialogue with a S. Then Ss work in pairs and act out their dialogues. Monitor Ss’ performance. Then ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key A:      Is everything alright?

        B: Actually, no. I’m upset about having my car stolen.

         A: What’s wrong with you?

B: To be honest, I’ve been in a bad mood all day because I’ve lost my purse.

6      a. Explain the task and what is meant by the term ‘exclamation’. Read the adjectives and explain/elicit the meaning of any that are unknown. Ss do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

2       He’s relieved.   5              He’s annoyed.

3       He’s confused. 6              She’s disgusted.

4       She’s grateful.

b.     Explain the task and read out the sentences. Ss

complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

         a    5           b    6           d    3           e    4           f     2

c.      Explain the task and model the exchange with a S. Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers by asking various pairs to act out their exchanges in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A:            Look at that big roller coaster. B:           Wow! That’s amazing!

A:            We’ve finished the project in time. B:    Phew! What a relief!

A:            What’s fifty seven times eighteen? B:    Er! I don’t know.

A:            I bought you this gift. B:         Oh! Thank you!

A:            Listen to my new CD. B:          Shh! Be quiet!

Reading: Literature (pp. 30-31)

image1 a. Read out the title of the novel, explain the difference between ‘sense’ and ‘sensibility’ and elicit ideas from Ss about the content.

Suggested Answer Key

I think the novel is about life and manners in the 19th century.

b. Allow Ss time to read the short text about the author, help them with vocabulary and then elicit what questions Ss have. Write these on the board. Ss read the extract. Elicit answers to the questions on the board from Ss around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

2       a. Go through the strategy point and explain the task. Explain that Ss need to follow this advice in order to complete the task successfully. Ask different students to read out the sentences (A-I). Ask Ss to look at the example and elicit why D is the correct answer. (It contains the reference words ‘After all, the house’ which introduces the why ‘no one could dispute her right to come’ in the previous sentence.) Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       C  3              F              5              G             7              A

2       B 4              H             6              E

b. Explain the task then ask various Ss to complete the task orally in class.

Suggested Answer Key

      7     A ‘But she’ refers to Margaret in the previous sentence.

2 B ‘that’ refers to the action in the previous sentence ‘leave the house forever’.

1 C ‘Mrs Dashwood’s’ contrasts with ‘any woman’ and ‘the offence’ refers to ‘this thoughtless behaviour’ in the previous sentence.

6 E ‘Elinor, too was suffering’ follows on from Mrs Dashwood’s and Elinor’s ‘sorrow’ in the previous sentence. ‘She could’ begins the list of Elinor’s abilities, continued in the following sentence.

3       F ‘These qualities’ refers to Elinor’s character as described in the previous sentence.

5 G ‘The two women’ refers to Mrs Dashwood and Marianne from the previous sentence, and ‘them’ in the next sentence refers back to ‘the two women’.

4 H ‘Elinor’ and ‘she knew how to control them’ presents the contrast to her mother which is described in the following sentence, and is referred back to by ‘a knowledge’ in the next sentence.

3      a. Explain the task and ask Ss to find the collocations in the extract. Ss then work in pairs to write sentences. Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read out their sentences.

Suggested Answer Key hasty decisions (line 24) strong emotions (lines 34-35) thoughtless behaviour (line 5) good-humoured (lines 45-46) self-control (line 44)

I try to avoid making hasty decisions whenever possible.

People who display strong emotions make me feel uncomfortable.

There is no excuse for his thoughtless behaviour.

Sam is a good-humoured person.

I know how to show self-control in emotional situations.

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b.     Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’

answers around the class.

Answer Key

ñ   line 11 - Mrs John Dashwood’s husband’s family ñ                line 19 - Mrs Dashwood’s three children ñ             line 32 - Marianne ñ           line 37 - Mrs Dashwood and Marianne

c.      Allow Ss two or three minutes to read the article again. Ss then explain the highlighted words by giving examples or synonyms. Encourage Ss to work out the meaning from the context before looking up the words in their dictionaries. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key dispute: argue with inconsiderate: thoughtless impolite: rude hasty: quick similarity: resemblance striking: very noticeable cherished: appreciated inappropriate: out of place offence: insult disgusted: appalled

4      a. Allow Ss time to find and underline all the adjectives. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

Mrs John Dashwood – inconsiderate, selfish

Mrs Dashwood – enthusiastic, generous

Elinor – affectionate

Marianne – sensible, clever, generous, likeable, interesting, not careful

Margaret – good-humoured, agreeable, romantic

Mrs John Dashwood is an inconsiderate and selfish woman.

Mrs Dashwood is enthusiastic with a generous nature.

Elinor has an affectionate nature.

Marianne is sensible, clever and generous. She is also likeable interesting. However, she is not at all careful. Margaret is a good-humoured, agreeable and romantic girl.

b. Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and do the task. Check Ss’ answers orally in class.

Suggested Answer Key

Mrs Dashwood – deeply hurt, absolutely disgusted, hated her daughter-in-law, her love for her children, overpowered by the pain of grief, overwhelmed by sorrow

Elinor – concerned about her sister’s strong emotions, suffering, her feelings were strong

Marianne – overpowered by the pain of grief, overwhelmed by sorrow, her sorrows and her joys had no limits, strong emotions

5      Explain the task. Do the first item with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

      1    B                 2    A                 3    B                4    A

6      imagea. Read out the question and elicit answers from various Ss around the class. Ask Ss to give reasons for the choices.

Suggested Answer Key

I sympathise with Elinor the most because she is also grieving for her father but keeps her feelings hidden to try to make their situation more bearable. She has to be the practical and sensible one in the family because everyone else is too emotional.

b. Explain the task. Play the recording and elicit answers

from various Ss around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

English in Use (pp. 32-33)

1      Explain the task, then work through the exercise in class eliciting answers and explanations from different students. This serves to revise the present simple and continuous tense forms and their use. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail.

Answer Key

1       are playing - to show sth happening at the time of speaking

2       freezes - to show a law of nature

3       is visiting - to show a fixed arrangement in the near future

4       catches - to show a habit

5       is looking - to show sth happening around the time of speaking

6       is always interrupting - to show an irritating habit

2      Explain the task. Ss do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       am trying             5              don’t play

2       does     6              Do you trust

3       argue   7              are leaving 4           is having  8              doesn’t get

3      a. Explain the task. Revise state verbs and refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Ask Ss to explain the changes in meaning. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       is thinking - is considering

2       think - believe

3       doesn’t taste - doesn’t have a nice flavour

4       is tasting - is testing

5       see - understand

6       is seeing - is meeting

7       is - doesn’t listen 8              is being - is behaving

b. Explain the task. Explain that Ss must think of state verbs to do this exercise. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key I hate getting up early in the morning.

Jane loves eating ice-cream.

Tony wishes he had enough money to buy a new car.

I promise I will be back before lunch.

Sam wants to go to Spain on holiday this year.

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Unit 2

4      a. Write I used to ... on the board and ask Ss what it means, and how the sentence could end. Then read out the sentences in the exercise and elicit what each one refers to. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail.

Suggested Answer Key

a - a past state b - a current situation c - a current changing situation d - a past habit

b. Explain the task. Do the first item with Ss then Ss work in pairs to complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       am getting used to waking up

2       used to play

3       used to go out

4       used to eat

c. Explain the task. Elicit suitable answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I am used to getting up early in the morning.

I am used to going to school on the bus.

I am used to living in a big city.

I am used to going to bed early.

I am used to sharing things with my brothers and sisters.

d. Explain the task. Go through the situations and start a class discussion. Ss then complete the task. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I’ll have to get used to a new school if I move to a different town. I’ll have to get used to working for a new boss and working with new people if I get a new summer job.

I’ll have to get used to eating different food if I go on a strict diet.

5      Explain the task. Help Ss with the first two or three, then Ss finish the exercise in pairs. Remind Ss that the second sentence must have the same meaning as the first. Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers and ask Ss to identify the grammar structure being tested.

Answer Key

1       ... not like Noel to be ... (be like sb + to + inf)

2       ... does not feel like going ... (feel like + ing form)

3       ... avoid being recognised ... (avoid + ing form)

4       ... has a tendency to criticise ... (tendency + to + inf)

5       ... is always complaining about him ... (present continuous to show an irritating habit)

6       ... is used to sleeping until ... (be used to + ing form)

7       ... interested in learning Spanish than ... (interested in + ing form)

6      imageWrite the adjective endings -ing, -ive, -able, -y and -ed on the board and ask Ss to think of any adjectives that use these endings. Elicit a few for each ending and write them on the board (e.g. tiring, exciting, productive, attractive, enjoyable, likeable,  rainy, sunny, excited, tired). Elicit the related verbs and/or nouns, and point out spelling changes such as the loss of the final e from the verb tire to tiring, the change from the verb produce to productive, the double

nn in sunny etc. Ask Ss to look at the list of verbs in the exercise and check they understand them. Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide which adjective endings can be used with each verb, and whether any spelling changes are needed. Point out that in some cases more than one adjective can be formed from one verb. Check Ss’ answers, checking differences in meaning where there is more than one adjective. As an extension, elicit from Ss the nouns related to the verbs and adjectives formed. For practice, Ss write sentences using some of the adjectives formed.

Suggested Answer Key comfortable/comforting relieved trusted/trusting pressured/pressing

    irritating/irritable/irritated       caring

     protective                                scary/scared

     bored/boring                        satisfactory/satisfying/satisfied

7      Go through the strategy point and explain that Ss must follow this advice in order to complete the task successfully. Follow the procedure outlined in the strategy point. Ask Ss to look at the title and elicit their own ideas on what makes us happy, and what they think the text might include. Then ask Ss to read through the whole text quickly, without paying attention to the gaps. Ask a few questions to check basic comprehension (e.g. Is there a link between happiness and people’s situation? Is gratitude important?) and help Ss with unknown vocabulary in the text. Then ask Ss to read the first sentence again more carefully. Focus on the example, and establish that happiness is a noun, and is the object of the verb ‘studying’. Then focus on gap 1; elicit what part of speech is needed (an adjective to describe the noun ‘conclusions’) and elicit the answer (significant) and write it on the board. Remind Ss that spelling is important in this exercise. Repeat the process for the next few gaps, reminding Ss to look at whole sentences and to keep in mind the meaning of the whole text. For the remaining gaps, Ss work in pairs to complete the task. Allow Ss time to reread the whole text to check that it makes sense. Check Ss’ answers and spelling.

Answer Key

1       significant   5              essentially               9              realisation

2       reflection    6              ungrateful               10            activities

3       relatively     7              tendency

4       miserable   8              complaint

8      Explain the task. Go through the strategy point and explain that Ss must follow this advice in order to complete the task successfully. Read out the title and ask Ss what they know about Feng Shui. Ask Ss to quickly read the text silently, ignoring the gaps, to get the gist. Ask a few questions to check comprehension. Read out the example and explain that booming is a verb used to show a sudden increase and collocates with business. Elicit/Explain why the other alternatives do not fit. Then do item 1 with Ss. Ask Ss to look at the words before and after each gap then think of a word that would fit. They should then look to see which of the options matches what they think the missing word is. Ss do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       A 4              A              7              B              10            D              13            C 2           C              5              C              8              A              11    C              14            A 3           D              6              B              9              C              12            D              15            D

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Writing: Transactional Letters (1) (pp. 34-38)

1      Go through the theory box and read out the rubric. Help Ss to recognise and underline the key words. Then, elicit answers to the questions.

Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: class; organising; surprise birthday party; English teacher; Mr Smith; class prefect; invite his wife; ask her for advice on what to buy; as a gift; notes; use the information to write a letter to Mrs Smith

1       Mrs Smith

2       semi-formal

3       to invite her to the party and to ask for her advice about what gift to buy

4       who I am and why I am writing

5       two

The party will take place after school on 10th May. It will be held in the school gym and it starts at 5pm. There will be a buffet and the guests will include Year 10 English students, the staff of the English Department and the Headmaster. I would like to ask your advice regarding a suitable gift. We cannot decide whether to buy a book, a watch or a jumper. Perhaps you could tell us which you think he would prefer. On the other hand, you may have a better idea. Any suggestions would be more than welcome.

6       If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to seeing you at the party.

2      a. Explain that this task tests Ss’ ability to recognise writing styles and that a semi-formal style is the most appropriate style for this type of letter. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Could you help us to decide what present to buy?

We are holding the party after lessons on 10th May.

b. Read the questions aloud. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       yes

2       As you know, On the other hand - As you are aware, Alternatively

3       yes, semi-formal ñ no contractions or short forms e.g. I am writing, we cannot ñ no colloquialism or idioms ñ advanced vocabulary e.g. your presence would add, advice regarding a suitable gift

4       I think Mrs Smith will be pleased to attend the party and give her advice because the letter is well-written. It has a polite tone, addresses her properly and uses courteous language throughout.

      c.    Explain the task and remind Ss that semi-formal style is

needed. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key b, c

3      imagea. Explain the task and allow Ss time to read the advertisements and notes. Point out that indirect questions are needed for a semi-formal style of writing. Read out the phrases in the box and the example. Point out the grammatical change needed from direct to indirect questions. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

I would like to know how far in advance I need to book.

Could you tell me which bands will be performing? I am interested in finding out whether there is a discount for students.

Could you tell me whether equipment will be provided?

I would like to know exactly when the holidays are. I would appreciate it if you could let me know what other activities are available.

I would be grateful if you could tell me what the cost will be.

b. Explain the task and read out the example. Ss do the

task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I would like to know how early I need to book.

Could you tell me which performers will be taking part? I am interested in finding out if there is a reduced ticket price for students.

Could you tell me whether the necessary sporting equipment will be supplied?

I would like to know in which months the adventure holidays take place.

I would appreciate it if you could let me know what other sports are offered.

I would be grateful if you could give me some more information about the prices.

4      a. Explain the task and read out the extract. Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       a letter of apology from a restaurant to a customer

2       to apologise for a mistake

3       the main body

4       by offering a free meal

b. Explain the task and point out that the style of the extract is too informal. Ask Ss to match the notes to the sentences in the extract. Elicit an answer for the first sentence and write it on the board. Ss complete the task in pairs. Help Ss where necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused. We take full responsibility. There was some confusion which caused a misunderstanding between our departments. I hope you will forgive the regrettable error and I assure you that we will do our utmost to compensate you. Please accept a complimentary meal voucher to be used at your convenience.

5      Explain the task and read the rubric aloud. Help Ss to recognise and underline the key words. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: you, group of your friends; rented holiday apartment; number of problems; you left after three days; letter of complaint to the agency; read advertisement; and notes; why you are dissatisfied; what action you want taken

1       the manager of the agency 2 a formal letter of complaint 3 Opening remarks:

I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction with the holiday apartment I rented from you on 15th August. I believe your advertisement was misleading for a number of reasons.

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Unit 2

Closing remarks:

As you can imagine, I am extremely upset. I demand a partial refund in addition to an apology for the annoyance and discomfort I suffered. I insist that this matter be dealt with promptly.

4 a strong tone because there were a lot of problems and my holiday was ruined

6      Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the two models. Remind them that when choosing the most suitable model they should think about factors related to the style and tone of the letter, as well as how well it answers the question. Ss do the task. Check Ss’ answers asking them to give reasons.

Suggested Answer Key

Model B is appropriate because it is written in a formal style and uses appropriate language. It covers all the points in the rubric and it rephrases all the information.

Model A is not appropriate because it is written in an informal style which is not appropriate for this letter and it does not include all the information from the rubric ( balcony railing is not mentioned) and it does not rephrase the information at all.

7      Explain the task. Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

excessively strong language – ‘how angry and disgusted I am’,

‘the ugliest apartment I’ve ever seen in my life’ aggressive tone – ‘if you don’t you’ll be in real trouble’, ‘hurry up and reply to this letter’

overly informal/colloquial/idiomatic language – ‘you’ve got a real cheek’, ‘wasn’t room to swing a cat inside’, ‘I’d had enough’ irrelevant information – ‘I spent the first day of my holiday cleaning them’

phrases taken word for word from the prompts – ‘Not at all! Lots of essential items were missing.’

points not covered in the rubric – dangerous balcony railing, view of car park

8         Explain the task and ask Ss to read the phrases. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

to complain about – to express my extreme dissatisfaction with misleading – totally inaccurate quite dangerous – extremely hazardous

I felt I could not stay – I refused to remain

I am quite disappointed – I am extremely upset I feel I am entitled to – I demand for the inconvenience caused – for the annoyance and discomfort I suffered

I look forward to receiving a prompt reply – I insist that this matter be dealt with promptly

9         Explain the task and do the first item with Ss. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       strong – I would like my money back as soon as possible or I shall consider taking the matter further.

2       mild – I wish to complain in no uncertain terms about a faulty appliance I recently purchased from your store.

3       imagestrong – I would like to make a complaint about the poor service I received from your staff.

4       strong – I am writing to complain about your staff.

5       mild – I insist that you resolve the matter immediately.

6       mild – I wish to express my complete dissatisfaction with the appalling service I recently received from your company.

10      Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and underline the key words and answer the questions. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

A      Key words to be underlined: you work for a mail order company; received a letter of complaint from a customer; read the extract and notes you made; write a letter of apology; give an explanation and details of what you will do to rectify the situation

1         a letter of apology

2         the customer

3         formal

4         Dear Mr/Mrs (customer’s name), Yours sincerely (my full name and position in company)

5         I would like to offer our sincere apologies for the unfortunate delay to the delivery of your goods and the inconvenience it has caused. I can assure you that we are doing our utmost to rectify this situation as soon as possible.

6         two

7         1st – explanation for delay and solution

2nd – offer of compensation

8         We hope you will forgive the regrettable error, we take full responsibility, please accept a complimentary ..., Please accept our apologies ...

9         will be sent by Express Delivery tomorrow – we will despatch your order within twenty-four hours very sorry – good customer – We deeply regret this unfortunate situation and hope to retain your valued custom.

damaged on arrival – Unfortunately, it received some damage in transit.

we had to wait for the next delivery from suppliers – We were forced to wait for a replacement sent in the subsequent delivery from our suppliers.

offer free carry case and 3 films as compensation – By way of compensation we would like to offer you a complimentary carry case and three rolls of film.

10      We apologise once again and hope to continue to receive your custom.

B      Key words to be underlined: you are arranging an anniversary party for your parents; The Claremont Hotel; seems suitable; you need more information; use the notes; write to the manager; giving details of the event and asking for further information

1         a letter requesting/giving information

2         the manager of the hotel

3         formal

4         Dear Sir/Madam, Yours faithfully, (my full name)

5         I am in the process of making arrangements for an anniversary party for my parents and would like to request some information from you with a view to holding the party at your hotel.

6         two

7         1st – information about the party

2nd – questions I wish to ask

8         Could you tell me ..., I would be grateful if you could tell me ..., I am interested in finding out ..., I would appreciate it if you could let me know ...,

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9         price list – Could you tell me the cost of hiring the different function rooms?

disco – I am interested in finding out whether a disco is available.

menu – Could you possibly send me a sample menu of the dishes available?

10      Thank you for your help in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

C       Key words to be underlined: you want to improve your English; advertisement; school notice board; read advertisement and notes; write a letter; giving details requested and asking for more information

1          a letter requesting/giving information

2          Mr Thompson

3          formal

4          Dear Mr Thompson, Yours sincerely (my full name)

5          I am writing in reference to your advertisement on the notice board at Baines High School for private English lessons.

6          two

7          1st – information about myself

2nd – questions I wish to ask

8          Could you tell me ..., I would be grateful if you could tell me ..., I am interested in finding out ..., I would appreciate it if you could let me know ...

9          where – I would like to know where the lessons will take place.

when – Could you tell me on what days and at what times the lessons will take place?

how much – I am interested in finding out the cost of the lessons.

course books provided – Could you tell me whether all the teaching materials will be provided?

one-to-one or groups – I am also interested in finding out whether the tuition will be individual or in small groups.

10       I can be contacted at the above address or by telephone on 01253-701514. I look forward to hearing from you.

D      Key words to be underlined: you ordered a gift from a mail order company; it was late; you were not happy with it; read the advertisement and the notes; write a letter; explaining why you are not happy; and asking for your money back

1          a letter of complaint

2          the mail order company

3          formal

4          Dear Sir/Madam, Yours faithfully, (my full name)

5          I am writing to express my complete dissatisfaction with the gift I recently ordered from your company.

6          two

7          1st      –              first          complaint                and          consequences/reasons/ justifications

            2nd   – second/third complaints and consequences/


8          Firstly, What is more, To make matters worse, As a result, In addition,

9          cracked – The figure was damaged and had a crack in it. wrong message – The message engraved on the figure was not the one I had chosen.

took 3 weeks – too late – The item was delivered three weeks after the date I placed the order and not within ten days as advertised. As a result, it arrived long after the occasion for which I purchased it.

10       imageAs you can imagine, I am very disappointed. I insist on a full refund and an apology for the inconvenience caused. I await your prompt reply.

E       Key words to be underlined: letter you received from your pen friend, look at the notes, write your letter in reply, giving advice and information

1          letter giving advice

2          my penfriend

3          informal

4          Dear (my friend’s first name), Love from (my first name)

5          Hi. How are you? Thanks for your letter. I was glad to hear you are thinking of taking up tennis and here’s the advice you asked for.

6          two

7          1st – first area of advice (how to learn) and examples/ suggestions

2nd – second area of advice (equipment) and examples/ suggestions

8          If I were you ..., You should ..., Have you thought about ...? Why don’t you ...?

9          join a club – see if there is a local tennis club in your area and become a member find a friend to give you some lessons – perhaps you know someone who can give you some free tuition borrow a book from the library – the local library may have a useful ‘how-to’ guide buy a racquet & some balls (don’t spend too much – about í50-í75 – you might not like it) – As for equipment, a tennis racquet and a few balls will be enough. You should stick to a budget of no more than í75 in case you change your mind later.

trainers and a tracksuit are OK – you don’t need special clothes – Don’t worry about a tennis outfit. Your ordinary trainers and a tracksuit will do.

10       Well, I hope my advice will be of some help to you. Write back and let me know how you get on.

F       Key words to be underlined: you are going on a cycling holiday, with two friends, read Jane’s letter and the notes, using the map and the advertisement, write a letter answering her questions and making your suggestions

1          a letter giving information and making suggestions

2          a friend of mine

3          informal

4          Dear Jane, Love, (my first name)

5          Thanks for your letter. I have thought about what you said and I’ve got some information and ideas for you to think about.

6          two

7          1st – make first suggestion (the route & what to see) and give information/ reasons/examples/consequences 2nd – make second suggestion (where to stay) and give information/ reasons/examples/consequences

8          What about ...? I think it would be a good idea to ..., Why don’t we ...?

9          too far – I think that it would be a long trip and we would get very tired. I agree – I think Anne is right.

Queens Hotel is cheap – The Queens Hotel has reasonably priced rooms.

Yes – tell her places to visit – There are lots of interesting sights we can see and places we can go such as...

10       Well, I can’t wait to hear from you so we can make all the arrangements. Talk to you soon.

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Self-Assessment Module 1

11       When you are confident Ss can complete the task successfully assign it as written HW. Before Ss hand in their pieces of writing, ask them to go through the Checklist for Unit 2 at the back of the book and check their answers against it.

Suggested Answer Key

                                 A  Dear Mrs Brown,

I would like to offer our sincere apologies for the unfortunate delay to the delivery of your goods and the inconvenience it has caused. I can assure you that we are doing our utmost to rectify this situation as soon as possible.

The reason for the delay is that unfortunately it received some damage in transit. As a result, we were forced to wait for a replacement to be sent in the subsequent delivery from our suppliers. However, it has now been delivered and we will despatch your order within twenty-four hours.

We deeply regret this unfortunate situation and hope to retain your valued custom. By way of compensation we would like to offer you a complimentary carry case and three rolls of film. Yours sincerely,

Jane Thomson

Customer Service Manager

B      Dear Sir/Madam,

I  am in the process of making arrangements for ananniversary party for my parents and would like to request some information from you with a view to holding the party at your hotel.

I would like to hold the party on Saturday, 20th April. I expect there will be about 150 guests and I would like it to start at approximately 8pm and run until 12pm.

Could you tell me the cost of hiring the different function rooms? I am also interested in finding out whether there is a disco available. Furthermore, could you possibly send me a sample menu of the dishes available?

Thank you for your help in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully,

Emma Brown

C       Dear Mr Thompson,

I  am writing in reference to your advertisement on thenotice board at Baines High School for private English lessons.

I am sixteen-year-old high school student and I have recently passed the First Certificate examination. I wish to improve my English further so I can sit the Proficiency examination which I believe will help me to find a well-paid job when I leave school.

There are a number of questions I would like to ask. Firstly, I would like to know where the lessons will take place. Also, could you tell me on what days and at what times the lessons will take place? I am also interested in finding out whether the tuition will be individual or in small groups.

I can be contacted at the above address or by telephone on 01253-701514.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

James  Green

D      Dear Sir/Madam,

I  imageam writing to express my complete dissatisfaction withthe gift I recently ordered from your company.

Firstly, the figure was damaged and had a crack in it. What is more, the message engraved on the figure was not the one I had chosen. Therefore, it was totally unsuitable to give as a gift.

To make matters worse, the item was delivered three weeks after the date I had placed the order and not within ten days as advertised. As a result, it arrived long after the occasion for which I purchased it.

As you can imagine I am very disappointed. I insist on a full refund and an apology for the inconvenience caused. I await your prompt reply. Yours faithfully,

Mark Blackwell

      E    Dear Sam,

Hi. How are you? Thanks for your letter. I was glad to hear you are thinking of taking up tennis and here’s the advice you asked for.

Firstly, if I were you, I would see if there is a local tennis club in your area and become a member. Alternatively, perhaps you know someone who can give you some free tuition? Have you thought about seeing if the local library has a useful ‘how-to’ guide? This would help you get started.

Next, you don’t have to worry about a tennis outfit. Your ordinary trainers and a tracksuit will do. As for equipment, a tennis racquet and a few balls will be enough. You should stick to a budget of no more than í75 in case you change your mind later.

Well, I hope my advice will be of some help to you. Write back and let me know how you get on.



      F    Dear Jane,

Thanks for your letter. I have thought about what you said and I’ve got some information and ideas for you to think about.

First of all, I think Anne is right. I think that it would be a long trip and we would get very tired. Instead, why don’t we just cycle round Lake Windermere as you suggest? There are lots of interesting sights we can see and places we can go  such as the castle, Wordsworth House, the Steamboat Centre and the Beatrix Potter Museum.

As for where to stay, the Queens Hotel has reasonably priced rooms. It is also conveniently located near the lake and would make a great starting point for our trip. It even offers home-cooked meals, and I think it would be a good idea to stay there.

Well, I can’t wait to hear from you so we can make all the arrangements. Talk to you soon.



imageSelf-Assessment Module 1

1      Answer Key

1       speaks         8              touch       15            tell

2       say              9              open        16            hurt

3       the              10            Hurry       17            off

4       piece           11            into          18            first

5       mood          12            call          19            from

6       used            13            miss        20            to

7       too              14            up

2      Answer Key

1       C  3              C              5              B              7              D              9              C 2           B              4              C              6              B              8    C              10            B

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3      Answer Key

1       ... was too hot for ...

2       ... there was anything else that ...

3       ... not like Duncan ...

4       ... I could not remember anything .../did not remember anything

5       ... does not feel like going ...

4   Answer Key



      1    invention


reflection          5   importance

      2    defendant

5   Answer Key




      1    the



5 !


      2   After/later

6   Answer Key





      1    b           2    a

7   Suggested Answer Key



4    b          5


      1   everything alright



don’t think so


2       it’s been a

3       about

8   Answer Key



Why not


      1     D                       3



5    H


      2    F                       4

9   Answer Key



6    A


      1    B                 3    C



A                7


      2     C                 4    B



B                8


                   10   Suggested Answer Key

1       I’ve been studying English for five years.

2       I think that my knowledge of English will help me to find a good job and I may then use English at work. Also, I want to travel, and I think that I will use English abroad because people in many countries speak English.

3       Well, I speak some German and a little Italian.

                   11    a.  Suggested Answer Key

Student A

Both pictures show women who look like they are usually very busy people. In picture A the woman is at home in casual clothes, whereas in picture B the woman is at work in business clothes. In picture A, the woman is trying to do three different things at once: carry the laundry basket, talk on the phone and hold the baby. In contrast, the woman in  picture B is only doing one thing. Also, the woman in  picture B is getting paid for her work, whereas the woman in picture A probably isn’t.

The woman in picture A is probably more stressed than the woman in picture B because she is trying to cope with so many different tasks at once. I don’t think the woman in picture B is stressed at all because she seems relaxed with her shoes off and her feet up on the chair.

b. Suggested Answer Key

imageStudent B

I find it very tiring when I stay up late at night trying to finish my homework.

        c.   Suggested Answer Key

Student B

Both pictures show conversations which are taking place outdoors. The conversation in picture A is a face-to-face conversation between two men whereas the conversation in picture B is a telephone conversation between three people. Both the man in picture A and the couple in picture B are concentrating and listening carefully. In picture A, the conversation looks serious. Perhaps they are discussing a problem. In contrast, the conversation in picture B looks cheerful. Perhaps they are on holiday and they are calling home. 

The conversation in picture A could end with: “Maybe there’s some way we can sort it out.”

The one in picture B could end with: “We’ll see you all next week!”

d. Suggested Answer Key

Student A

I feel most comfortable discussing problems with my mum because she is a good listener and I trust her advice.

12   Suggested Answer Key

Dear Miss Diamond,

Thank you for your prompt reply. We are delighted that you are able to perform at our party.

The date which would be most suitable is 14th June, which is a Friday. We would like to start around 8:00 pm, if that is convenient for you. The venue is the Great Hall on campus, which I am sure you will remember, and we have sold approximately 200 tickets.

We would appreciate it if you could perform for an hour. If this is not possible, please let me know so I can rearrange the programme. There are also a number of local bands in the programme, but you are top of the bill.

As to whether there are still some tutors here from when you were a student, I think you may remember Dr Johnson and Mrs Peake. They will be at the party, and are looking forward to meeting you again.

Please do not hesitate to contact me again if you have any other questions. We are all looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

John Duggan

Unit 3  –  Making a Living


Vocabulary: types of jobs; skills & qualities; earning money, places of work

Reading: multiple matching (reading for main points; reading for specific information)

imageListening: multiple choice; note taking (listening for gist, main points, detail, function, location, roles & relationships, attitude, intention, feeling, opinion, specific information) Speaking: asking for/expressing opinions; agreeing/disagreeing; encouraging; demanding explanations; asking for/giving advice

Use of English: ‘key’ word transformations; word formation:

negative adjectives; open cloze; error correction Grammar: -ing form or infinitive; reported speech

Phrasal verbs: run; put; take; eat; live; cut (related to money)

Writing: reports & letters of application

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Unit 3

Lead-in (p. 45)

1 a. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and explain/elicit where each person works. Read out the example and elicit answers for each of the remaining jobs.

Suggested Answer Key

B      A stockbroker works in the stock exchange or in an office.

C       A medical researcher works in a laboratory.

D      A grocer works in a grocery shop.

E       A flight attendant works on an aeroplane, in the cabin.

F       A chef works in a restaurant.

G      A piano teacher works in a school, a college, a conservatory or as a private teacher in his/her home.

H      An estate agent works in an office called an estate agent’s.

Extension: Divide the class into two teams. One team says the name of a job. The other team says the place the person works.

e.g. Team A S1: artist

Team B S1: An artist works in a studio. Newscaster.

Team A S2: A newscaster works at a TV station. etc b. Read out the title. Elicit what it means. (‘To make a living’ is an expression which means to work in order to get a wage for one’s living expenses.)

Suggested Answer Key

The pictures and the title are related because they show different careers people can do in order to earn a living.

c Elicit what each of the people in the pictures is doing. Then brainstorm with Ss for ideas about what they might say in each of the situations. Write down any useful phrases on the board. Ss copy them into their notebooks and use them as well as their own ideas to complete the task in pairs. Allow Ss some time to prepare their answers, then ask various pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A      I love my job. I get a great feeling of achievement when I help somebody.

B      So, that’s two thousand shares at 55p a share. Thank you very much, Mr Brown. I’m sure you will see a huge return on your investment within the next 6 months.

C       I’m examining some blood samples under the microscope at the moment.

D      A:     Here you are, madam.Will there be anything else?

                                       B: Yes, I’d like a packet of sugar, please.

                                        C: Mummy, I want an orange, please.

E       The seat belt is fastened like this and unfastened like this.

F       imageIt’s always very busy in the kitchen, but I love being a chef.

G      A: Very good. You’re doing very well. Get ready now. I’m going to turn the page.

                                       B:   OK.

H      I’ve just sold another house.

Extension: Ss work in pairs. They think of a short dialogue in a workplace. Each pair acts out the dialogue, the class try to guess where it takes place and who the speakers are.

e.g. A: How much do they cost? B: 50p each.

A: Give me a dozen, please.

place: florist’s speakers:  A: customer   –   B: florist 2 a. Write the jobs on the board and initiate a class discussion about each one. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Make notes under each job for each of the points in the question. Ss work in pairs and use these notes to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

nurse: works indoors, needs practical and theoretical nursing qualifications, has career prospects – may work up many levels to become a head nurse, poorly-paid, needs the most training, is physically and emotionally demanding, involves flexible hours and shift work stockbroker: works indoors, requires qualifications – a degree in Business/Finance/Economics to postgraduate level is usual, may offer bonuses, well-paid, may receive a commission or a bonus for the profit made on buying and selling stocks and shares, is mentally demanding and involves long hours medical researcher: works indoors, needs a science/medical degree, may need a Masters or a PhD, well-paid, is mentally demanding

grocer: works indoors, no formal qualifications required, could have staff discount on goods in the shop flight attendant: works indoors, requires qualifications in English, Maths and languages, has career prospects - may work their way up to rank of purser, needs training in first-aid and safety procedures, has perks and bonuses – gets cheap flights, is physically demanding due to long and unsociable hours, but the hours are also flexible chef: works indoors, requires formal training and qualifications, may work up to head chef, can be well-paid, perks – free meals, is physically demanding due to long hours, and can involve shift work piano teacher: works indoors, must have teaching qualifications and a music degree,  well-paid, can have flexible hours estate agent: works indoors – in an office and outdoors – showing people around houses in order to sell them, must take to professional examinations, usually has flexible hours, could be promoted to a management position, may receive a commission for every sale made or a bonus  for selling a house

b. Explain the task and elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Go through the useful language box. Ss work in pairs and use the useful language to complete the task. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class. Ask various pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key



I believe that being a nurse and helping people must be rewarding, but stressful too, coping with ill and injured people every day. What do you think?




I quite agree with you. Also, I think it must be a secure job and they could progress to being a senior nurse or a ward manager. It’s certainly not a dead-end job.




I think that being a stockbroker must be really stressful, don’t you agree?




Perhaps you’re right, but on the other hand, they enjoy a lot of perks and bonuses as well. It’s certainly financially rewarding!




To me a grocer’s job is a dead-end job. What’s your opinion?




That’s not quite the way I see it. An employee could work their way up to a management position if they were ambitious.




I think a flight attendant’s job must be repetitive because they follow a fixed routine every flight: giving safety instructions, serving drinks and meals. Don’t you agree?




I couldn’t agree more. It must be quite boring. 





I believe a chef’s work is creative. Thinking up new dishes needs imagination. What’s your opinion?




I see what you mean, but not all chefs invent new dishes. Some of them cook the same thing over and over again, and that could be repetitive.




To my mind a piano teacher’s job is creative and rewarding. What’s your opinion?




I partly agree, but they must give the same lessons over and over again, and that could be repetitive.




In my opinion an estate agent’s job is quite secure. After all, people will always want to buy and sell houses, won’t they?




That’s true. To me it’s quite stressful though, because they have to co-ordinate the needs of the house-buyers and the house-sellers, and people may want different things!

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3      a. Explain the task. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers and ask them to identify what helped them. Ss can then look at the tapescript at the back of the S’s Book and check their words.

Answer Key

Speaker A: a flight attendant (travel, cheaper air tickets, hours changing, never in one place very long)

Speaker B: a nurse (kind, patient, caring, careful, helping people ... need)

Speaker C:  a chef (food, creative, hygiene, what I make, hours antisocial)

b. Explain the task. Ss may choose a job from those already presented or one of their own. Allow Ss two to three mins to prepare their monologues. Choose a S to start. The S that guesses correctly then chooses another job and continues the game.

Suggested Answer Key

I deal with people and money. I need to be patient and careful. Sometimes I give customers advice. My salary is quite good. I like my job because it is challenging and I like working with people. Answer: bank clerk

4      Explain the task. Read the quotations aloud. Explain/Elicit what they mean. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

“I’d rather be poor and happy than rich and unhappy .”

A: Well, I couldn’t agree more. There’s no point in being a millionaire if there’s no joy in your life, is there? Material possessions are not more important than simple things, like feeling happy.

B: That’s not quite the way I see it actually. To my mind being very rich solves more problems than it causes. I believe my life would be more comfortable if I were a millionaire.

“Whatever job you have, you should do it well.”

A: That’s true. Your attitude is the most important thing. If you work hard and try to do a good job, that’s what counts, not the type of work you do. After all, isn’t every job important in its own way?

B: I don’t agree at all. Of course it matters what kind of job you do! Some types of work are more important to society than others. I believe it’s what you do, and not how you do it that is important.

Reading (pp. 46-47)

1      a. Explain the task. Elicit how each person could help or not when choosing a career. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to report  back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

image... they know my academic strengths and weaknesses, and they could help me choose a career which would suit my abilities.

b.     Explain the task and read out the options. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Ss complete the task, then compare their answers in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

(Ss’ own answers)

c.      Read out the question and elicit answers from various Ss

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I think it’s easier to get a good job nowadays. In my parents’ day not so many people went on to higher education. Today, a good education is available to a greater number of people. If people have qualifications they have a better chance of getting a good job.

2      a. Read out the title of the article and the headings. Elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I think the article is going to be about young people’s career choices today.

b.     Explain the task and allow Ss some time to read the text

quickly and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Main ideas:

     Para 1: Why do parents make terrible careers advisors?

Para 2: Today’s 14 and 15-year olds – are optimistic about their prospects but their career ideas are rather vague (optimistic = positive – vague = unclear)

Para 3: A job for life is not in their vocabulary; neither is a deadend but secure job ( not in their vocabulary = what (they) don’t want)

Para 4: In the past - guidance counsellors - their faith in rigid career paths (in the past = the old attitude)

Para 5: But the world has changed. The future belongs to quickthinking people (the future = tomorrow’s)

Para 6: she has to have the training and guidance to help her - no one is telling them how to turn the new rules of the employment game to their advantage (guidance = support)

Para 7: A good first step would be to change the way in which schools prepare young people for adult life. (change = rethinking, schools prepare = we teach them)

Para 8: up-to-date information on new jobs and qualifications can help guidance counsellors to help their students (guidance counsellors = careers advisor)

Para 9: the best thing is to forget all the advice your parents gave you and step into your teenager’s shoes (step into your teenager’s shoes = see the world through their eyes)

3 a. Explain the task. Go through the tip. Allow Ss some time to read the text again and complete the task using their answers to Ex. 2b to help them. Check Ss’ answers.

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Unit 3

Answer Key

1       B   3              E              5              A              7              C

2       H   4              G             6              F

b. Explain the task. Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’


Suggested Answer Key

Why can’t parents give good careers advice? Young people have different ideas about work from their parents.

They want to do something that they will enjoy.

Attitudes were different in the past.

Modern career paths are changeable.

Different skills are needed to succeed in today’s job market.

Schools need to help young peope to develop a wider range of skills.

Careers advisors should offer positive encouragement and accurate information to today’s job seekers. Parents need to see things from their child’s point of view.

4       a. Ss work in pairs and complete the task using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key prospects: chances of being successful determined: decided upon sth rigid: unchangeable, fixed well-founded: justified dependable: reliable resourceful: able to use initiative pitfalls: things that may cause problems redundancy: loss of one’s job due to financial reasons freelancing: being self-employed, working for different employers obsessed: thinking about something constantly guidance counsellors: careers advisors optimism: positive outlook resilient: strong, able to recover easily from setbacks

b.     Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

Positive: practical, ambitious, optimistic, determined, diligent, dependable, quick-thinking, resourceful, independent, resilient

Negative: obsessed, unrealistic

c.      imageExplain that the words can be matched to form collocations used in the text. Allow Ss two mins to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers and check Ss’ understand the meaning of the collocations. Ss then make sentences.

Answer Key


pay the bills (lines 13-14)

take the initiative (line 27)

follow your dreams (line 60)

get ahead (line 23)

change your plans (line 21)

step into sb’s shoes (line 57)

5       Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Encourage Ss to work out the meaning from the context. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       is not something they think or talk about

2       a job that leads nowhere and has no prospects

3       shocked and appalled 4   does not offer benefits 5        earn a decent living

6       can act as a remedy

7       put yourself in their position

6      Ss discuss the question in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

The writer addresses parents of teenagers. The words and phrases which determine this are:

     ñ ‘Why do parents make terrible careers advisers?’ (in relation to

the previous four lines)  (lines 4-5)

ñ        ‘we as parents’  (line 55) ñ     ‘Step into your teenager’s shoes!’  (line 57)

7      Read out the questions. Ss work in pairs and discuss them. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class, then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

8      Divide the class into groups of three. Ss complete the task. Ask some groups to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: Have you decided what you are going to do when you leave school, Jane?

      B: Yes, I want to be a singer.

      A:  No, seriously.

      B: I am serious. I want to sing in nightclubs.

C: You are not being very practical. You need to think about getting a proper job with a steady wage.

      B: Your father’s right. Singing is not a very secure job, is it?

      A: Maybe not, but it’s what I want to do.

C:   You should think about getting an office job with a pension so you will have a regular income and a pension at the end of it.

      A: I want to have a job where I can travel and meet lots of people.

I don’t want to be stuck in a boring old office all my  life!

      B: Why don’t you give it a try? You can sing at the weekend.

A: No, I’ve made up my mind. I want to earn my living doing something I love, not something boring just because there’s a pay packet every week.

Language Focus (pp. 48-49)

1      Read out the list of qualities and elicit/explain the meaning of any unknown words. Choose two Ss to read the example aloud. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Monitor Ss’ performance, then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key



I think a door-to-door salesperson must be persuasive in order to encourage people to buy things from him. What do you think?




I agree. I think they also need to be persistent, because they must face rejection a lot. It would be good for the customers if the salesperson were honest too!




I think a tour guide has to be punctual and calm because he is responsible for seeing that a tour programme runs smoothly.




I see what you mean. What’s more, they should be patient and caring because they are dealing with the public.




I believe that a firefighter needs to be courageous, as he needs to enter burning buildings to put out fires and save people from the flames.





I totally agree. They should be physically strong too, as they may need to carry out injured people. I also believe they need to be emotionally strong, to cope in disasters and emergencies.




To me, an interpreter has to be intelligent and alert because what they are interpreting may be of great importance, and it needs to be accurate.




I see what you mean. I would say it’s important for them to be quick-thinking too, as sometimes they need to interpret at great speed.




I think an executive has to be decisive because she will need to make important company decisions. What’s your opinion?




I quite agree with you. I think they also need to be intelligent and hardworking because it is a demanding job.

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2      a. Ss work on their own and complete the task, then compare their lists in pairs. Elicit Ss’ answers, and write them on the board.

Suggested Answer Key

shop assistant, waitress/waiter, babysitter, hotel maid, pizza delivery boy, cleaner, kitchen porter, camp leader etc.

b.     Explain the task and go through the useful language box. Read out the example dialogue, then Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class.

Suggested Answer Key



You’d be great as a babysitter because you really love children.



You might be right actually. I’ll ask around and see if anyone needs my services.



This would be ideal for you, a part-time sales assistant in your favourite shop!



No, that’s not for me. I love shopping, but I don’t think I could cope with standing up all day serving customers!



You’d make a great bartender. You’re so sociable.



Yes, that’s certainly a possibility. I’ll look into it.



I can just imagine you as a waiter in a good restaurant. You’re very charming. Just think of all the tips you’d make!



You surprise me. It’s not my kind of thing at all! I’d rather work in a music shop.

3      a. Read out the reasons A-F. Elicit from Ss what sort of jobs each reason might apply to. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers, and elicit the words they heard that helped them decide. Also elicit the job each speaker has.

Answer Key

Speaker 1

C (lighthouse keeper)

Speaker 2

E (interpreter)

Speaker 3

A (primary school teacher)

Speaker 4

F (air-hostess)

Speaker 5

B (social worker)

b.     Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and do the task. Ask

some pairs to report back to the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

4      a. Elicit the meaning of countable nouns (nouns which can be counted, e.g. book, flower) and uncountable nouns (nouns which can’t be counted, e.g. sugar, money). Explain the task and read out the nouns in the list. Explain any unknown words and elicit answers around the class.

Answer Key

imageCountable: wage, salary, pension

Uncountable: pay, savings, interest, cash, pocket money

b.     Allow Ss two mins to complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers by asking them to read out the completed sentences.

Answer Key

1       interest       4              pay          7              pension

2       pocket money             5              cash         8              savings

3       wage           6              salary

c.      Elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key Most of my salary goes into my savings.

I pay a lot of interest on my credit card.

I am saving up my pocket-money for my holidays. I can’t wait to get my first pay packet.

5      Elicit a variety of jobs for each place. Write these on the board. Check that Ss understand what each skill means and write it on the board. Ss work in pairs and discuss the hours and skills required for each job. Check Ss’ answers by asking various pairs to report their answers to the class.

Suggested Answer Key ñ   department store: stockroom assistant

A stockroom assistant could be part-time or full-time. They should have organisational skills to arrange the stock, and mathematical skills to add and subtract the incoming and outgoing stock.

     ñ  school: headteacher, teacher

A headteacher – This is a full-time position requiring managerial and organisational skills to administer the school and its staff. It also requires mathematical skills to organise the school budget, and communication skills in order to converse with teachers, parents and students.

A teacher – Teaching can be a full- or part-time job. The skills required are: managerial to keep order in the classroom, organisational to create a syllabus for the students to study, and communication  to be able to pass on knowledge to his/her students and discuss matters with parents, and other teachers.

     ñ cruise ship – ship’s doctor, entertainment manager

A ship’s doctor – This is a full-time job. Many special skills are needed including, communication and language skills  in order to converse with patients, and organisational skills  to manage his/her practice efficiently.

An entertainment manager – This is likely to be a full-time job. Managerial and organisational  skills are essential for the coordination of the entertainment programme. Communication skills are also very important, as the manager deals with entertainers and the ship’s passengers.

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Unit 3

                                 ñ   hospital: nurse, doctor

A nurse – This job is usually full-time and requires very good communication skills. A nurse is in such close contact with his/her patients that he/she must be able to converse well. Organisational skills are also necessary as the nurse’s duties must be performed in an organised manner.

A hospital doctor works full-time and needs excellent communication skills in order to attend to patients and deal with the nursing staff. Mathematical skills are also required to calculate the correct dosage  for medicine.

                                 ñ restaurant: chef, waiter/waitress

A chef is a full-time position in most cases. The job calls for good organisational skills to manage the  food preparation in the kitchen well, communication skills to deal with the kitchen staff, waiters and restaurant manager, and mathematical skills to work out how much food to order for the dishes that he/she will prepare.

A waiter/waitress – This job can be full or part-time. Communication skills are very important as the waiter/ waitress takes orders from customers.

                                 ñ supermarket: checkout assistant, store manager

A checkout assistant – This job could be full- or part- time. Special skills are not really required as the cash register will calculate the total cost of people’s shopping and how much change is to be given. Good communication skills are an advantage as the job involves close contact with the public. A store manager – This is a full-time position which demands a combination of various skills. These include: managerial and organisational skills in order to run the supermarket efficiently, communication skills to handle both the supermarket staff and customers well, mathematical skills to calculate the profits and expenditure  and telephone skills to communicate with the head office and suppliers.

6      Ss complete the task looking up unknown words in their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key



1    profession

4    crew

7   perks

2    resign

5    candidates


3    employer

6    vacancy


7      Do item 1 with Ss then Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1             d              3              e              5              h              7              a              9              c 2           g              4              i               6              b              8              j               10            f

8      Do the first sentence with the class, showing them how to work out the meaning of the phrasal verb from the sentence. Ss complete the exercise in pairs. Then, tell Ss to check their answers using Appendix 2 at the back of the book. Check Ss’ answers. Ss should then memorise the phrasal verbs.

imageAnswer Key

1       have spent/used it all      4              reducing, using up

2       saving              5              pay living expenses 3              obtain      6              reduce

9      Ss work in pairs to fill in the prepositions they can, then refer to Appendix 1 at the back of the book to check and complete the rest. Check Ss’ answers, then Ss continue in pairs to write sentences. Ask individual Ss to read out their sentences.

Answer Key

2       from            7              by/with   12            for

3       for               8              in             13            at 4          in             9              in             14            at

5       with            10            in             15            in

6       in/with        11            for

Suggested Answer Key

2          Mrs Green is sixty years old and will retire from her job next month.

3          Harry encouraged his friend to apply for the position because it was such a good opportunity.

4          When she finishes her law degree, she will specialise in company law.

5          I enjoy my job because I deal with the public, and this brings me satisfaction.

6          I have experience in marketing, but I prefer sales.

I have lots of experience with children.

7          Everyone was impressed by the new office assistant because he was so diligent.

I was very impressed with the new staff room.

8          He is ambitious and very interested in promotion.

9          She is highly experienced in all kinds of accounting.

10       George is qualified in computing. He is a qualified computer engineer.

11       She was very suitable for the job.

12       The new manager will be responsible for sales and marketing.

13       The chef is skilled at creating all kinds of seafood dishes.

14       Do you think I would be good at dealing with difficult customers?

15       Please fill in an application form and hand it to the secretary.

Listening & Speaking (pp. 50-51)

1 a. Explain the task. Point out that Ss will hear eight unrelated dialogues and that there is one question related to each one. Allow Ss some time to read through the questions and underline the key words. Ask Ss to say what each situation is, who the speakers are and where it takes place, where they can for each question. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       Key words: place of work; owner; secretary; colleague The conversation takes places in  a workplace. The speakers are a man and a woman.

2       Key words: news report; British employees; variety; reluctant to have children; don’t like fixed schedules

It could be a TV or radio news report. There is probably one speaker. The language will be semi-formal/formal. It seems to be about the likes and dislikes of British employees.

3       Key words: advertisement; radio; purpose; young people; learn music; musicians; holiday; recruit; young musicians It’s a radio advertisement. There could be one or more speakers, the language is probably quite informal and persuasive. It’s something about music.

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4       Key words: live radio broadcast; New Year; Chelsea FC; won; match; London; mayor

It’s not pre-recorded. We may hear a reporter and a crowd of people. Probably some kind of announcement will be made about a special occasion.

5       Key words: woman; mobile phone; feel; confused; upset; stressed; angry; disappointed; sad

The speaker is a woman. We will hear one side of a telephone conversation. We can guess she is speaking in an emotional way. 6 Key words: speech; where;  meeting; ceremony; company party The speaker will be one person. There may be some background noise like applause or the murmur of conversation.

7       Key words: job interview; girl’s; education; high school; degree; post-graduate degree

There will probably be two people – the candidate and the interviewer. The interviewee is a girl. This is a formal situation. We will hear specific information about the girl’s education.

8       Key words: two neighbours; think of working from home; irritating; less social; advantages

There are two speakers and one is a woman. they know each other quite well so the language may be informal. They are going to talk about working from home.

b. Play the recording twice. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by playing the recording again, pausing after each piece of information is given. Ask Ss to say which words/phrases helped them to deduce their answers. As an alternative Ss can look at the relevant script in the tapescripts section and underline the words.

Answer Key

1      A 3              C              5              B              7              B 2           C              4              A              6              B              8   C

2      a. Introduce the subject of job interviews. Ask Ss to read through the gapped text and guess what information is missing. Explain that what Ss will hear is paraphrased in the text. Ss work in pairs and complete the task.

Suggested Answer Key

1          workplace, employment market – nowadays, lots of competition

2          company, location – if you can, pay a visit, the day before

3          confidence – researching the prospective  employer

4          initiative, free time, information – make a list of things you may be asked or wish to ask

5          write down – your questions

6          bad impression – not being punctual

7          public transport – keep in mind ... may be late

8          nice, polite, friendly – when you enter the company building

9          relax – interviewees normally, when the interview is over

10       wages, pay, salary – avoid asking the interviewer questions

imageb. Explain that this is a note-taking exercise and that Ss need to listen carefully for key points. Remind Ss that they should not write more than three words in each gap. Play the recording twice.Ss listen and fill in the gaps. Check Ss’ answers by playing the recording again with pauses.

Answer Key

1       job market             6              bad first impression

2       company or organisation       7              buses or trains

3       self-confidence      8              polite and courteous

4       information            9              ask questions

5       write down             10            private life

      c.         Allow Ss some time to think of interview tips of their

own in pairs. Elicit Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key ñ   Answer questions calmly. ñ    Dress appropriately.

ñ Be early. ñ Don’t chew gum. ñ Give a firm handshake to each interviewer.

ñ Sit comfortably. ñ Use positive words, e.g. when instead of if. ñ Don’t dominate the interview. ñ Be attentive.

3      a. Divide the class into pairs and each pair into Ss A and B. Ask all Ss to look at the pictures and elicit/provide key vocabulary items (e.g. potter, pottery, vase, clay, keyboard, type). Remind Ss that SAs must talk about similarities and differences between the pictures, not just describe them (refer Ss back to language for comparing and contrasting in Unit 1 p.13) and also answer the second part of the question. Then SAs complete the speaking task. Go around the class and monitor Ss’ performance, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

See tapescript for Exercise 4 p. 51 in the S’s Book.

b.     Read out the question and elicit answers from SBs

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

See tapescript for Exercise 4 p. 51 in the S’s Book.

c.      Ss work in the same pairs. Allow SB in each pair a minute to study the pictures and then complete the task. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class, then ask some Ss to report back.

Suggested Answer Key

See tapescript for Exercise 4 p. 51 in the S’s Book.

d.     Read the question aloud and elicit answers from various SAs around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

See tapescript for Exercise 4 p. 51 in the S’s Book.

4      Explain that Ss will hear a model interview based on the tasks in Ex. 3a-d. Check Ss understand the criteria for assessment, and ask Ss to listen and think about what is good about the candidates’ performance. (Both candidates perform very well according to all the criteria.)

Then ask Ss to assess their partner’s performance according to these criteria. Encourage them to give positive as well as negative feedback. Allow Ss a few minutes to give each other feedback in pairs. For more formal peer assessment, photocopy the Peer Assessment Checklist at the back of the Teacher’s Book.

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Unit 3

Oral performance at FCE level is assessed according to four different criteria.

1      Grammar and Vocabulary ñ The ability to use a variety of different grammatical structures and to produce them correctly.

ñ    The ability to use a variety of vocabulary appropriately.

2      Discourse Management ñ The ability to connect ideas using linking words.

ñ The ability to organise ideas and produce a contribution of suitable length.

3      Pronunciation

The ability to pronounce individual sounds clearly and to use stress and intonation patterns to highlight meaning.

4      Interactive Communication ñ The ability to speak fluently without frequent pauses to search for words.

ñ The ability to communicate ideas and take part in a discussion with a partner.

5      a. Ask two Ss to read out the dialogue. Elicit answers from the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Phrases to be underlined: ‘I don’t really understand why ...’;  ‘Do you really expect me to believe that?’ B is an employee and A is the employer/manager. The problem seems to be that person B is repeatedly late for work and person A is angry about this behaviour.

b. Focus on the phrases in the useful language box and elicit example sentences. Check that Ss use the correct word order for indirect questions. Read out the situations. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key



Can you tell me why you keep using my computer? You have one of your own, don’t you?



Well, you see, there’s a problem with mine, and until it’s repaired I can’t use it.



Can you explain why the report I gave you hasn’t been finished on time? It’s two weeks late!



To be honest, there were so many errors in it that I thought it better to re-write the whole thing.



I can’t concentrate today. Why is it that your mobile phone keeps ringing all the time?



Well you see, I’m selling a motorbike and people have been calling all day because they are interested in buying it.

6      imageAsk Ss when they ask for and give advice. Go through the useful language box and explain the task. Read out the situations and ask two Ss to read out the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key



I really don’t know what to do about my job. My salary isn’t very high and I think I deserve to be paid more.



I suggest you speak to your employer about it. The worst she can do is say ‘no’!



I’m having a problem deciding what to do. I really like my job, but I have to start work very early in the morning and I’m getting fed up with it.



Here’s what I’d do. I’d go to my manager and ask if I could change my hours or work mornings on a rota system. Do you think that might work?

For further practice, Ss ask for and give advice based on further situations of their choice.

7      Explain that the expressions a-d are related to money. Allow Ss two minutes to read the sentences, then complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key



Could you lend me í10 until next week?



Sorry, I’m broke.



I’d like to pay for these shoes by credit card.



Sorry, we don’t accept credit cards.



Can I pay with a í50 note?



Have you nothing smaller?

Reading: Culture Clip (pp. 52-53)

1      a. Read out the list of jobs and ask Ss to look at the pictures. Elicit which jobs are shown in the pictures. Ask two Ss to read out the example. Ss discuss in pairs what they think each person does at work. Check Ss’ answers and give information where necessary.

Suggested Answer Key



That looks like a strange job! He must be a town crier.



Yes, he makes public announcements at events and ceremonies in a town.



It looks as if he’s high up in the air so he must be a steeplejack.



Yes. He cleans or repairs high buildings, church steeples, for example.



I think the man in picture 4 must be a chimney sweep judging by that brush and his black clothes.



Yes, I think he climbs up the inside of chimneys to clean them.



I think he’s a butler and he works in a private house for a rich employer. What do you think?



Yes. Butlers manage the whole house for their employer. They’re responsible for everything – food, drinks, bills, cleaning, gardening – even the other staff if there are any.

It’s quite a difficult job really.



He’s a milkman, but I don’t think that there are many milkmen left nowadays.



No, it’s a pity because they used to deliver dairy products to your door, which was very convenient.

b.     Ss read the title of the text, the introduction and the subheading. Elicit answers from Ss as to what they think the text is about. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers, then Ss read the article silently and check if their guesses were correct.

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Suggested Answer Key

I think the text is about the unusual and traditional British jobs in the pictures. It might tell us about the survival of these jobs in the modern world.

(Ss’ own answers)

2      a.            Read the example. Help Ss to answer the question.

Answer Key

During the week I’m in jeans and a shirt - At weekends- I put on a suit. (lines 7-10)

b.     Ss work in pairs and do the task. Check Ss’ answers. Help Ss if necessary.

Suggested Answer Key

1, 2   wear special clothes – have a special/unique costume/ uniform

3      works at night - doesn’t work in the day

4      undergo formal training - completed a special training course

         5, 6 like the sociable part - like meeting people

7     doing job since child - ever since he was a young boy

8     rarely has contact with people - doesn’t meet/see many people

       9, 10 travel - get to go to lots of different places

     11, 12 live and work same place - work from home

     13, 14 have to be fit - need to be in good shape

c. Instruct Ss to do the task one section at a time: read each section of the text carefully, go through the whole list of questions and decide which apply to that section; then, go on to the next section of the text. Allow Ss some time to read the texts silently and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers, asking Ss to justify their answers

Answer Key

1       C (line 35) } in any order

2       F (lines 83-84) 3     D (line 52)

4  B (lines 16-17)

5  E (lines 73-74) } in any order

6  F (lines 87-88)

7  E (line 64)

8  D (line 61)

9  C (line 38) } in any order 10 B (line 23)

11   F (lines 85-87) } in any order 12           A (lines 5-10)

13      D (line 55) } in any order

14      B (line 23)

3      Explain the task. Do the first item with Ss, then Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

a I cannot choose when I will take my holiday leave. My employer informs me when I can take it, in order to fit in with his plans. b To be a steeplejack you should not be afraid of heights. You have to feel comfortable and confident about working on tall buildings.

c The job of town crier is very old, traditional and liked by a lot of people. By continuing this profession, it is not forgotten or lost. d Picking up and carrying heavy crates of milk hurts my hands and makes the skin on them rough and dry.

imagee A sweep visits people’s homes and they usually offer him a cup of tea and like to chat. Conversation with his customers is an important aspect of his job.

4      Ss explain the words/phrases in bold by giving examples or synonyms. They may use their dictionaries if necessary.

Suggested Answer Key self-employed: works for himself

train: learn the skills required for the job extended: long grace: make more attractive ceremonial: related to a ceremony promotional: related to advertising and sales booming: very loud boast: something he is proud about complete his round: finish delivering in his area crates: plastic containers for bottles strains: causes pain and discomfort through overwork go against nature: do something unnatural isolated: lonely, alone faulty: malfunctioning, not working properly obstructions: blockages ventilation: circulation of air on your guard: be wary, alert bomb scares: bomb threats

5      Ss read the text again and make notes about the qualities related to each job. Ss work in pairs and talk about them. As an extension, Ss can collect information about traditional jobs in their country and prepare a poster for the class. Alternatively, they can find the similarities and differences between these jobs and the jobs in their country and present their findings to the class.

Suggested Answer Key


Shaun Harrison mentions that he needs to be polite, respectful and well-organised. I strongly agree that these are necessary qualities for a butler.


Mark Thompson says that in order to be a steeplejack a person should have a head for heights, be strong and quite fearless. I agree, and I would add that a steeplejack also needs to be careful and cautious, because it is dangerous to work at such a great height.

Town Crier

Peter Moore states that he has a booming voice and this is certainly a necessary quality for a town crier. Furthermore, I believe that a town crier needs to be an extrovert and sociable.


Rick Booth says that a milkman needs to be in good shape to do his job. I agree because it’s physical work and it involves a lot of heavy lifting.

Chimney Sweep

Ted Cox mentions that in order to be a good sweep, you have to be a good listener. I quite agree with this because he works in people’s homes and there is a social aspect to his job. I would also say that you need to be careful to do the job properly.

Yeoman of the Guard/Beefeater

Miles Reed says that Beefeaters have to be on their guard at all times for bomb scares and robbery attempts, and I strongly agree. He also mentions that he enjoys meeting people from all over the world, so being sociable is also important.

(Ss’ own answers)

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Unit 3

6      Ss work in pairs and give their opinions.

Suggested Answer Key



I think some of these jobs are in danger of disappearing because times have changed.



That’s true. In the modern world there isn’t really any necessity for the role of town crier in my opinion, don’t you think so?



I agree. However, I believe that jobs like the steeplejack and butler are still relevant today because a need exists for them.



In my country a traditional job which is in danger of disappearing is that of a grocer in a small grocery shop. This is because big supermarket chains offer customers products at a much cheaper price.



I agree. As small grocery shops can’t afford competitive prices, people prefer to do their shopping in supermarkets.

7      Ss work in pairs. One S takes the role of interviewer and formulates questions while the other S takes the role of a person from the text and answers the questions. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class, then ask some pairs to act out their interviews in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

                                 A: So, Mr Harrison. What do you do for a living?

                                 B:  I’m a butler.

                                 A: What skills are required to be a butler?

                                 B: You have to be polite, respectful and well-organised.

                                 A: What exactly does your job involve?

B:   I do everything from paying the bills to picking up the children, organising parties and getting the washing machine repaired.

                                 A: Who do you work for?

                                 B: I work for a family in Oxfordshire.

                                 A: Do you wear a uniform?

B: Not really. During the week I’m in jeans and a shirt, then at weekends, when the family arrives, I put on a suit.

                                 A: Do you get much time off?

B: I get four weeks’ holiday a year and I have to take it when it suits my employer.

English in Use (pp. 54-55)

1      Quickly revise the infinitive and the -ing form. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1    to have

5    to fire

8     spending

2    watching

6    to work

9       to apply

3       moving

4       ringing

7    to have

10      making

2      Explain that some verbs have a different meaning depending on whether they are followed by a gerund or an infinitive. Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       a to work – expresses a future desire b working – enjoy

2       imagea to call – refers to an action that needed to be done b calling – recall a past action

3       a       staying up – involves b           to stay up – intend

4       a buying – a past habit that has stopped b to buy – shows purpose

5       a       to send    – attempt

            b    sending   – do sth as an experiment

3      Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       We can’t afford to eat there.

2       They couldn’t help laughing when she tripped over the cable.

3       He avoids buying expensive clothes.

4       I didn’t remember to bring my wallet.

5       We are looking forward to seeing you next month.

4      Go through the list of verbs with Ss, then read out the example. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking individual Ss to read out their answers to the class.

Suggested Answer Key ñ You can choose to work at home on this project if you wish. ñ Sarah offered to help me as I had a mountain of work to do. ñ My manager hates people using their mobile phones in the office. ñ I would prefer to work in a non-smoking office. ñ I can’t stand listening to office gossip.

ñ Try to read all the reports tonight so that we can discuss them tomorrow morning. ñ Stop wasting time and get on with your work. ñ I am very pleased to accept your job offer. ñ Was it difficult to learn how to use the computer?

5      Read out the examples. Elicit answers from the class. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail.

Answer Key

1       The present form in direct speech changes to the past form in reported speech. (e.g. doesn’t " didn’t, can " could) For orders, the imperative changes to an infinitive in reported speech. (switch " told me to switch)

2       A change of speaker means a change of pronoun in order to keep the meaning clear (e.g. assuming Larry was talking to me, and now I am reporting it, "Can you help me?" " Larry

asked if I could help him.)

3       asked (if), said (that), told (me to)

4       Word order changes in reported questions. (e.g. Can you " if I could)

Punctuation changes in reported questions – the question mark is not used. Also quotation marks are not used in reported speech.

Certain words like demonstratives and time words change in reported speech. (e.g. This " it)

6      Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Elicit which verbs could be used with which sentences. Draw Ss’ attention to the note and point out the different possible structures that can be used with the other reporting verbs given. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking some Ss to present their answers to the class.

Answer Key

1       Sheila admitted that she had made the mistake.

2       Sheila offered to help Steve.

3       Sheila explained to Steve how the machine worked. 4              Sheila invited Steve to go with them.

5         Sheila threatened to leave if things did not improve.

6         Sheila complained to Steve that she really didn’t like it.

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7         Sheila asked Steve what the new boss was like.

8         Sheila insisted that Steve worked on Saturdays.

9         Sheila reminded Steve to take his briefcase.

10      Sheila suggested to Steve that he used that computer.

7      Explain the task. Choose two Ss to read out the example dialogue. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

                           A: What are you doing?

B: Jane offered to lend me her computer because mine isn’t working properly.

                           A: But that’s not Jane’s computer, it’s mine.

                          B: Oh sorry! Paul told me that this was Jane’s desk.

A: The manager insisted that I stay behind after work today to look for the missing file.

B: There must be some mistake. I informed him that I found the file earlier.

A: No one told me. That’s a relief! By the way, Mr Harris insisted that you call him.  etc

8         Explain the task. Point out that the second sentence should have the same meaning as the first sentence. Remind Ss that they must not change the word given. Do item 1 with Ss. Elicit the grammar structure tested. Then Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1          ... told Bob not to be ... (reported speech)

2          ... used his computer without asking ... (-ing form after preposition)

3          ... no point in listening to ... (phrase used with -ing form)

4          ... if he knew what time ... (reported speech)

5          ... did not succeed in getting ... (-ing form)

6          ... finished his speech by showing ... (-ing form)

7          ... why she had not tried ... (reported speech)

8          ... accused Liz of stealing her ... (reporting verb followed by -ing form)

9          ... offered to help me file ... (reported speech)

10       ... apologised for cancelling ... (reported speech)

9         Explain the task. Explain that the prefixes go at the beginning of the adjectives to change their meaning from positive to negative. Point out that in- becomes im- before adjectives which start with m or p, il- before adjectives which start with l, and ir- before adjectives which start with r. Do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1      dissatisfied

2      inconvenient

3      impersonal

4      illegal

5      disagreeable

6         indirect

7         immature

8         impolite

9         dishonest

10      illogical

11     irregular

12     irrelevant

13     unsure

14     unreliable

10      imageAsk Ss to read the title and elicit Ss’ ideas about the advantages of being the boss at work. Then, ask Ss to skim the text, ignoring the gaps, to get the gist. Check Ss’ comprehension by asking ‘What advantages and disadvantages of being your own boss are mentioned?’  Read the example. Elicit why own is the correct answer (being your own boss is an expression). Do item 1 with Ss. Advise Ss to focus on whole sentences at a time, and to look very carefully at the words before and after each gap to help them decide on the missing word. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers on the board.

Answer Key

1      someone

2      whenever

3      yourself

4      However

5      such

6         much

7         at

8         least

9         without

10      also

11     which/that

12     having

13     them

14     it

15     should

11      Ask Ss to look at the title, then skim the text to get the gist and say what it is about. Then tell Ss to read the first sentence more carefully, and establish that the first line is correct. Next focus on the second line and ask Ss to explain why the is an error (‘other people’ refers to people in general and not a specific group of people so no article is required). Ask Ss to read the following sentence and focus on the next two lines (items 1 and 2). Elicit that back is not used with the verb remember, and so is an error, and that  the next line is correct. Remind Ss that they should always look at whole sentences to find the errors, not just each line at a time, since some errors depend on the grammar of the whole sentence and Ss might mistakenly think they are correct in the smaller context of the line. Ss complete the task individually or in pairs. Encourage Ss to reread the whole text afterwards to check that it is all correct. Check Ss’ answers, asking for a justification for each error found.

Answer Key

1          back (the adverb ‘back’ is not used with ‘remember’)

2          !

3          of (the verb ‘waste’ is not followed by ‘of’, though the noun

‘waste’ can be as in, ‘a waste of time’)

4          us (the pronoun ‘us’ is incorrect without the preposition ‘to’)

5          !

6          to (we do not need the preposition ‘to’ in this sentence – send sth to sb BUT send sb sth)

7          in (‘spend a fortune’  is a fixed phrase that does not need a second preposition)

8          !

9          !

10       from (the verb ‘avoid’ is not used with the preposition ‘from’)

11       for (the verb ‘expect’ is not used with the preposition ‘for’)

12       them (the pronoun ‘them’ is incorrect without the preposition


13       to (the verb ‘read’ does not need a preposition in this sentence)

14       !

15       of (the verb ‘manage’ is not followed by ‘of’ though the noun ‘management’ can be)

Writing (pp. 56-60)

1      Go through the theory box and explain any points Ss have difficulty with. Read out the rubric. Help Ss to underline the key words then go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: college; you study; changes; Dean; student representative; report; conditions in the classrooms; suggest ways; improved for students and staff

1       the Dean of the college

2       the conditions of the classrooms and how they could be improved

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Unit 3

3       Headings to be ticked: Purpose; Classroom Conditions; Suggested Improvements; Conclusion

2      a. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the report and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       Purpose

2       Classroom Conditions

3       Suggested Improvements

4       Conclusion

b. Read out the questions and elicit appropriate answers

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       The first section is the introduction and it states the purpose of the report. The second section outlines the current conditions of the classrooms and the problems. The third section contains the suggestions on how to improve the conditions and the expected results. The final section is the conclusion which summarises the report.

2       I would strongly suggest, special care needs to be taken, if the college ... it would mean that.

c. Ask Ss to read the report again, then elicit answers around the class. Stress that the solutions are relevant to and follow the order of the problems.

Answer Key

not much desk space – keep the number of students to below ten – classrooms tend to be dark – special care needs to be taken as far as lighting is concerned – difficult to see the video screen – invest in a larger television

3      Go through the theory box. Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Although – Despite the fact that (make concession)

Firstly – To start with (list points)

Secondly – In addition (list points)

Finally – Last (list points)

To begin with – In the first place (list points)

In this way – By doing this (express effect)

Also – What is more (list points)

Last – Finally (list points)

To sum up – In conclusion (conclude)

4      Explain the task and elicit possible answers for the first sentence. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read the completed sentences aloud.

Suggested Answer Key

1       To start with, despite the fact that

2       By doing this, Furthermore

3       I recommend, in order to

4       it would be a good idea to, Secondly

5       especially, By doing this we would

6       especially, Furthermore

5      imageExplain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the prompts and, in pairs, complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       One of the main problems with learning English is that it is difficult to get enough listening and speaking practice.

2       Secondly, there are a lot of difficult things to learn, especially grammar.

3       One solution would be to watch TV and listen to the radio.

4       This would mean that we would be able to hear the way the language is spoken.

5       As a result, we would soon be able to develop a more thorough knowledge of the language.

6       Furthermore, if we also studied regularly, we would slowly build on this knowledge.

6      Read out the rubric. Help Ss to underline the key words then go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: school; you work as a teacher; brochure; distributed to the public; headmaster; write a report; suggesting aspects of life at the school; photographs

1       the headmaster

2       academic subjects, sports, school history, exam results, facilities, field trips, classrooms, staff

3       Firstly, Secondly, In particular, I recommend, It would be a good idea to, Also, In addition

4       Conclusion, Exam       Successes,               Purpose, School      Activities,

Classrooms, Other: Staff, Facilities, Sports

7      Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the two models. Write the headings on the board and elicit which model is inappropriate. Ask Ss to give reasons. Write the reasons under the appropriate headings. Ss copy the notes from the board into their notebooks.

Suggested Answer Key

Model A is inappropriate because it is set out like a letter and not like a report. The style is informal and personal rather than formal and impersonal. Also, it does not make any suggestions or recommendations for what aspects of life at the school or photographs should be represented in the brochure.

8      Allow Ss some time to read Model B again. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ Purpose – contains a clear outline of the purpose of the report Classrooms  – suggests including information and photographs of the classrooms

School Activities – suggests including information about school projects and photographs of the video room Exam Successes – suggests including the results from recent exams and photos of last year’s prize-giving ceremony

Conclusion – offers writer’s personal opinion ñ         Firstly - To begin with

one suggestion would be – it would be a good idea This would give a good impression – In this way, we could

Secondly – In addition I think – In my opinion it would be useful – it would be a good idea

In this way – By doing this Finally – Last we could – I would suggest To sum up – In conclusion I believe – I feel that

As a result – This would mean that

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ñ Words/Phrases to be highlighted: The purpose of this report is to make recommendations regarding which aspects of life at the school should be represented in the proposed brochure (long complex sentence with complicated grammatical structures  including use of the passive); in order to show how successful (complex structure); we could illustrate this with (advanced vocabulary); we will be able to create a very attractive and informative brochure (advanced vocabulary)

9         Go through the theory box and explain any points Ss have difficulty with. Read out the rubric. Draw Ss’ attention to the underlined words, then go through the questions and elicit answers around the class. For question 4, elicit that none of the extracts are appropriate and ask Ss to give at least two reasons why for each one.

Suggested Answer Key

1       the manager or personnel officer at Taylor and Partners

2       my reason for writing, the position I am applying for and where I saw it advertised

3       three – 1: what course I am studying, 2: what work experience I have, my academic qualifications, 3: my personality

4       reasons:

A                   – too informal – uses a short form ‘I’d’ and a colloquialism‘drop you a line’

B                   – Does not mention what the job is or where it was advertisedC – uses short forms ‘I’m’, ‘it’ll’ and informal language ‘thanks for giving me the chance’, ‘great fun’ and does not use an appropriate salutation ‘Yours’ instead of ‘Yours faithfully’ and doesn’t sign his full name ‘Jim’ instead of ‘James’ D – uses a short form ‘I’m’ and informal language ‘Call me if you like’

10      a. Explain the task. Ss read the letter and answer the questions. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key


1       the Student News

2       I am a sixteen-year-old high school student.

3       When I leave school, I plan to study Business Administration.

4       I have often helped out in the family business, where I have been responsible for duties such as filing and taking telephone messages.

5       I would describe myself as industrious and motivated. I am a sociable person.

6       I look forward to hearing from you.

b. Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’


Suggested Answer Key

imageI am writing in reference to the summer position in your London branch as advertised in the Student News yesterday. I would very much like to be considered for this vacancy.

I would be pleased to attend an interview at your convenience to discuss my suitability for the position. Thank you for your consideration.

11      a. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the letter again then elicit answers from various Ss to complete the table.

Answer Key


Informal Style

Formal style

think about






I haven’t got any

I have no

done things like

been responsibe for duties such as

answering the phone

taking telephone messages

as for what I’m really like

As far as my personality is concerned


I am capable

If you want

If you wish



can ‘t wait to hear

look forward to hearing

b. Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers

by asking individual Ss to read their full sentences aloud.

Suggested Answer Key

I am writing in response to your advertisement in the Student News dated 12th May.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. I am writing with regard to the vacancy in your London branch as advertised in yesterday’s Student News.

I would appreciate the opportunity to broaden my work experience. I have no experience of working in an office, but I have worked as a part-time sales assistant in a department store. I have been responsible for duties such as customer service and stock taking.

As far as my personality is concerned, I am hardworking and patient.

I am capable of working both as a member of a team and independently.

If you wish, I can provide a reference from my previous employer.

I am available for an interview at any time. I look forward to your reply.

a. Explain the task. Explain that the model contains a number of errors which have been underlined. Allow Ss some time to read the model, then Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

ñ I write this letter - wrong tense – I am writing ñ always wanted doing – gerund/infinitive mistake – I have

always wanted to do

ñ I was little boy – missing word – I was a little boy ñ will work at an office – wrong preposition – will work in an office

ñ It sounds really cool and I’m sure that you are a great boss! – ñ language too informal – It sounds very interesting and I am sure that I would enjoy working there very much. ñ and another reason – unnecessary word – another reason ñ want this job it is because when I leave school – punctuation problem – want this job. It is because when I leave school

ñ how much is the salary – wrong word order – how much the salary is

ñ Yours truly, Bill – incorrect salutation – Yours faithfully, Bill Smith b. Explain the task. Ss read the letter again and work in pairs to  complete the task. Check Ss’ answers and elicit examples of the problems.

Answer Key

3       #       6 #           9 #           12 #         14 #

4       #       7 #           10 #         13 #         15 #

5       #       8 #           11 #

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Unit 4

13      Explain the task. Help Ss to underline the key words then go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A      Key words to be underlined: you have a weekend job; shop; manager; make the shop more profitable; a report making suggestions

1       a report making suggestions

2       the manager of the shop where I work, formal style

3       To: Mr Johnson

From: Jane Smith Subject: Increasing Profitability Date: 1st September 20..

4       Introduction, Advertising, Merchandising, Special Offers, Conclusion

5       my suggestions and the expected results.

6       Firstly, Secondly, As a result, One suggestion would be to, Another suggestion is to, This would mean that, I believe, To sum up

7       To sum up, I believe that if you act on some of the suggestions above, we will attract more customers to the shop. As a result sales will increase and consequently so will profits.

B      Key words to be underlined: free time; evenings; sensible and mature young people; work part-time; Accounts Department; do not need any experience; honest and reliable; tell us about yourself; why you would be suitable

1       a letter of application

2       the manager or personnel officer at James & Mills Co, formal style

3       Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in response to your advertisement in the Daily News on 18th January for the part-time position in your Accounts Department for which I would like to be considered.

4       no

5       what I am currently doing, my qualifications (and experience) and personal qualities

6       In addition, Also, Finally, I feel,

7       I hope you will consider my application. I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Rachel Brown

14      Explain the task. Inform Ss that they can use Model B on p.58 for task A and the model letter on p. 59 for task B to help them. Assign the task as written HW. Before Ss hand in their pieces of writing ask them to go through the Checklist for Unit 3 at the back of the book and check their answers against it.

Suggested Answer Key

A      To: Mr Johnson

From: Jane Smith Subject: Increasing Profitability Date: 1st September 20..


imageThe purpose of this report is to make suggestions regarding ways of increasing the profitability of Elle Clothing.


Firstly, one suggestion would be to start  an advertising campaign. By putting an advertisement in the local newspaper or on the local radio we could attract more customers to the shop and so increase sales.


Secondly, I think it would be helpful to change the displays within the shop. In this way we could present the merchandise in a way which is more appealing to customers and attract more passing trade.

Special Offers

Finally, we could introduce a number of special offers such as discounts for students or ‘buy one get one free’ promotions. By doing this, we could attract more shoppers to the store.


To sum up, I believe that if we follow some of the suggestions presented in this report, we will be able to attract more customers and so increase sales and the shop’s profitability.

      B  Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in response to your advertisement in the Daily News on 18th January for the part-time position in your Accounts Department for which I would like to be considered.

I am a seventeen-year-old student currently studying for my ‘A’ levels at Lofton College. I plan to follow a career in Accounting and so this would be a perfect opportunity for me to gain some valuable experience.

I have some previous experience of office work gained while working as an Office Assistant for Blackwells Solicitors last summer. My duties included filing, answering the telephone and some typing.

I believe I am a hardworking and sensible person. I am also honest  and reliable and can be trusted to act responsibly and maturely.

I hope you will consider my application. I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Rachel Brown

Unit 4  –  Make Yourself at Home


imageVocabulary: types of houses; rooms/areas of a house; appliances and furniture; renting a house or flat Reading: gapped text (reading for text structure); multiple choice (reading for specific information) Listening: multiple matching; true/false; (listening for gist, main points, detail, opinion and specific information) Speaking: making a complaint; avoiding giving a direct answer; omissions

Use of English: ‘key’ word transformations; word formation; multiple choice cloze

Grammar: present perfect; present perfect continuous Phrasal verbs: put; wash; clear; hang (related to household chores) Writing: making suggestions

Lead-in (p. 61)

1 a. Read out the title of the unit. Elicit who might say this, in what context and why: (When someone has a visitor in their house they would say this at the start of the visit, in order to make the visitor feel relaxed and comfortable). Explain the task and ask Ss to look carefully at each of the pictures and identify as many items as possible. Write new vocabulary items on the board.

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Answer Key

A      potted plants, a carpet, ornaments, a wooden floor, a basket, a hammock, a table, a vase of flowers, a picture

B      light fittings, a fireplace, French windows, a mirror, a threepiece suite, a coffee table, curtains, ornaments, a vase of flowers, a clock, candlesticks, a lamp, cushions

C       light fittings, a fireplace, a coffee table, a wooden floor, a sofa, a vase of flowers, candle holders, blinds

b. Read through the list of adjectives and elicit/explain the meaning of any unknown words. Ask a pair of Ss to read out the example, then Ss talk about the rooms in pairs. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: The room in picture A looks very stylish because of the hammock and the wooden walls. It also has character.

B: Yes, you’re right. It looks quite rustic, too as all the furniture is made of natural materials and it is light and airy because of all the tall windows.

A:   The room in picture B looks very cosy and lived-in, don’t you think?

B: Yes, it looks very comfortable, but it is rather traditional with all those ornaments and the draped curtains.

                           A: I agree. It’s not very spacious with all that furniture.

2       a. Elicit some adjectives that describe personality. List them on the board (artistic, sensitive, creative, imaginative, etc). Start a class discussion about how a person’s home can reflect their personality. Ss then use the ideas and points raised in the discussion to help them complete the task. Elicit answers from various Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I think the room in picture A belongs to an artistic person, or someone who is very creative and imaginative. It is a beautiful room and it looks as though someone enjoys relaxing and daydreaming there.

I think the room in picture B belongs to someone traditional and sensitive, as there are a lot of soft furnishings. This person likes to feel comfortable and protected and to be surrounded by beautiful objects.

The room in picture C probably belongs to someone who is straightforward and who has simple tastes. It is very modern and bare, so I think it belongs to someone very fashionable and wellorganised.

b. Explain the task. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers then elicit what words helped them to decide on their answers.

Answer Key

                           1    C                 2    A                3    B

Suggested Answer Key Words which helped:

1       imageneat and tidy; spacious; not crowded or cluttered, don’t have any unnecessary furniture, love natural light, spacious and bright

2       relaxed and comfortable, feel close to nature; a lot of potted plants, sun lounge; picture windows onto the garden, lots of light; nice view, decorated in neutral colours

3       warm, cosy and comfortable, ‘lived-in’ look, rich colours, solid furniture, afford the nicer things, ornaments, pictures and family photos

      c.              Play the recording again. Ss listen and answer the


Answer Key

      1   newspaper editor           2    airline pilot       3    solicitor

As an extension, Ss describe their ideal room to the class. The class say what kind of person they are.

3 Explain the task and read out the options, explaining any unknown vocabulary. Ask a pair of Ss to read out the example. Elicit what the pros and cons of living in each of these places might be and write them on the board. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise using some of the ideas on the board. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ A: I would like to live in an isolated cottage in the countryside because I would love to feel close to nature and live far away from the city and all the buildings.

            B: Yes, I think it would be great to enjoy the peace and quiet.

ñ A: I wouldn’t like to live on a houseboat, as it would be very cramped and I like to have a lot of space. I prefer large, airy rooms with large windows.

B: I agree. I think I would feel sea sick constantly moving on the water, too.

ñ A: I think it would be nice to live in a caravan or mobile home because I could travel around and stay in different places. It would be like being on holiday all year round.

B: I wouldn’t like it at all. It would be difficult to make any friends and become a member of a community if you didn’t stay in one place for very long.

ñ A: I don’t think I would like to live underground. I think it would be dark and damp and I’d prefer to live somewhere warm with lots of natural light from the windows. B: I agree. I think it would be very quiet, though.

4 a. Read out the quotations and elicit what they mean. Then allow Ss some time to discuss them in pairs. Ask various Ss to report their answers back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ Even though you may look for something elsewhere, you will find whatever you need, in the place where you live. ñ Your home should contain things that excite, interest and entertain you, as well as food and warmth. ñ A house is not a home unless it is filled with love.

A: I agree with the third saying the most. A home should be a place where you feel happy and safe because you are surrounded by people who love you. What about you? B: To me, the first saying is the one I agree with most.

b. Before Ss do Ex. 4b, ask them to work in pairs and prepare mindmaps related to home. This will help them revise vocabulary related to this thematic area, which they will need to answer this question.

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imageUnit 4 fridge


                                                                 tidy      wash

Read out the question and elicit a variety of answers from different Ss around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

Reading (pp. 62-63)

1 a. Read out the title of the text. Ask Ss to look at the picture and suggest what the text may be about.

Suggested Answer Key

I think the text is about underground houses.

b.     Read the introduction aloud and explain/elicit any unknown words, then elicit Ss’ answers. Ss read the first paragraph and check.

Suggested Answer Key

I think the couple decided to live underground because they wanted to have an unusual home and also because they wanted to help the environment.

c.      Explain the task and read out the prompts and explain any unknown vocabulary. Ask two Ss to read out the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to report back to the class. Then, tell Ss to read the text quickly, ignoring the numbered gaps, to find out what advantages and disadvantages of living underground are mentioned.

Suggested Answer Key

A: Living underground would probably reduce building costs,  as you would simply dig out earth to make a room instead of buying thousands of bricks to build walls.

B: Hmm. That’s true, but I think it must be a bit cramped living underground and you might not have much contact with your neighbours, too.

imageA: You’ve got a point there. I don’t think you would have any nice views either because there wouldn’t be any windows. However, I think living underground would cut maintenance bills and heating bills, as the earth surrounding your home would keep it warm and stop draughts from coming in.

B: Yes. It would probably be quite safe, too, as your home would be protected from bad weather.

2      a. Explain the task. Ask Ss to read the first paragraph again, then read out sentence I and draw Ss’ attention to the underlined words. Elicit what they show. (They refer to Timothy Scott, mentioned in the previous sentence in the text. In the following sentence of the text, ‘The couple’ refers back to the underlined words.) Read out the tip and establish that this is what Ss have just done with the example.

b.     Allow Ss time to read the missing sentences A-H and check they understand each one. Explain the task. Remind Ss that there is one sentence that they do not need to use. If necessary, help Ss with the first few gaps. Ss complete the task individually and then check their answers in pairs.

Answer Key

1       F  3              B              5              A              7              D

2       G 4              C              6              E

c.      Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and underline the words which helped them to choose the correct answers to Ex. 2b. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       the first time, they expected, instead they found

2       large square holes in the roof, glass pyramids, these will be the main source of light, natural light will spread through the glass

3       the pyramids, the light coming in through them, reduce the need for artificial light, this will cut our electricity bills

4       living underground, has many advantages, money is saved on energy and maintenance bills, earth-sheltered homes, free from ... noise, low fire risk, What’s more, they

5       conservationist methods, energy usage, space-saving, avoid living in ‘shoe boxes’

6       don’t have to be like Timothy’s, they can have attractive glass fronts, a patio is also possible

7       disadvantages, for instance, also, difficult, deep structures, a lot of excavation

3      a. Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Encourage Ss to work out the meanings from the context. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

leisurely = unhurriedly massive = gigantic

virtually = almost ample = more than enough estimate = calculate approximately inhabitants = residents methods = practices costs = expenses

b.     Allow Ss some time to read the text again and find all the words which describe building materials. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

concrete, earth, brick, glass

4      a. Explain the task and read out the phrases. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ss may use their dictionaries to help them if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

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Suggested Answer Key ñ              sensible, valid ñ       at least

b.     Explain the task and read out the sentences. Ss work in

pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ    The couple truly believe that living underground has many advantages.

ñ This kind of building helps to preserve resources and prevent the destruction of the environment.

5      Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and make a list of all the points for and against living underground which were mentioned in the text. Ask various Ss to present different pros and cons to the class.

Answer Key

Advantages: space-saving, money is saved on energy and maintenance bills; significantly reduced heating bills, free from most forms of noise; low fire risk; reduced need for artificial light; naturally protected from wind and draughts, greater security, building will last 500 years, compatible with new conservationist methods, keeps agricultural land green

Disadvantages: hard to get planning permission, difficult to cope psychologically; building costs can be higher when a lot of excavation is needed

Suggested Answer Key

A: To me, living underground has many advantages. Firstly, it saves a lot of space and it doesn’t spoil the landscape. Secondly, it can be much cheaper, as you save money on maintenance and heating bills by installing solar power and glass roofs. They are quiet too, don’t you think so?

B: I agree. They also have a low fire risk, are not draughty and are very secure. Also, most importantly, living underground helps to protect the environment.

A: That’s true. However, there are a few disadvantages to living underground. It can be hard to get planning permission and the building costs may be high if a lot of excavation work has to be done.

B: You are right. Also, some people find it difficult to cope psychologically with living underground.

6 Start a class discussion about ways to save energy and write the headings on the board. Ask Ss to make suggestions and write these under the headings. Ss then use these notes to talk in pairs.

Suggested Answer Key alternative energy sources: wind power, solar energy recycling: glass, paper, plastic, bath water insulation: loft insulation, wall insulation, double glazing

A: To save energy in our homes, we can start using alternative sources of energy, such as wind power and solar energy, so that we can get electricity without having to use up any more fossil fuels.

B: Yes, we should also recycle our household waste. Glass, paper, plastic and metal can all be recycled and used to make new products. This means that we will not destroy our planet any further by using up its resources.

A: I agree, we can also use our bath water to water the plants or wash the car.

imageB: That’s a good idea. Also, insulating our homes will stop heat and energy escaping. This means that we will use less energy to heat our homes, as the insulation will keep the heat inside our houses.

7 Explain the task and read out the questions. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class, then ask some pairs to present their answers to the class. With weaker classes give prompts on the board to help them. See the phrases in bold in the Suggested Answer Key below.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ A: I think that earth-sheltered houses could be the homes of the future, as they are a great way to preserve the environment and have an unusual and cosy home.

B: Hmm. I’m not sure that I agree. Underground homes can be quite expensive to build, so not many people would be able to afford them.

A: Yes, but they can be much cheaper to live in, as heating and electricity bills would be much cheaper.

B: That’s true, but what about the psychological difficulties some people have with living underground?

A: Well, underground homes do not have to be too deep underground, and they can have large windows and lots of natural light from glass roofs. B: Maybe you’re right.

ñ A: I think that in the future, people will have houses with solar panels all over the roof in order to provide electricity for their home.

B: Yes, I think you are right. There are already some houses like this. Also, people might have houses made of special glass which will allow a lot of natural light into their homes.

A: Maybe. I think some people will have houses under the sea, in sea cities, as there won’t be any space left to build on on land.

            B That would be very exciting.

8 Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and complete the task using the information in the text as well as their own ideas. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class and ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Tim: Oh dear this doesn’t look very promising, does it?

Sarah: Do we have to go down there? I bet it’s all muddy and wet.

Tim: Yes, come on. We might as well have a look now we are here.

Sarah: Oh! It smells nice! And it’s dry, too.

Tim: Yes, it’s quite big, too. I think this place has got potential. Sarah: I think you’re right. It would make a wonderful home. We could have three bedrooms and a kitchen over here. Tim: Yes. Let’s put in an offer.

Language Focus (pp. 64-65)

1      a. Explain the task and read out the list of types of houses. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

Suburban areas: bungalow, council house, maisonette, semidetached house, detached house, villa

Urban areas: flat, bedsit, council house, maisonette, terraced house, hotel suite, studio, penthouse

Rural areas: cottage, bungalow, houseboat, mansion, villa, farmhouse

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Unit 4

b.     Read out the questions and elicit answers from various Ss around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

2      a. Go through the list and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking individual Ss to describe their house.

(Ss’ own answers)

b.     Explain the task. Go through the useful language box and read out the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class then ask some pairs to present their answers to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: My house has a small balcony. It would be nice if it had a back garden so that my dog would have somewhere to play and I would have somewhere nice to relax on sunny days. How about you?

B: My house has two bedrooms, but I wish we had a guest room because then I wouldn’t have to sleep on the sofa when people come to stay.

3      Explain the task and write the nouns on the board. Elicit a variety of adjectives from Ss around the class to complete the spidergrams. Ss copy the completed spidergrams into their notebooks and then talk in pairs about which of these features they have in their houses. As an extension, Ss write a paragraph describing their home using vocabulary from Exs 2 and 3.

Suggested Answer Key door: patio, stable, back, heavy, glass, wooden

window: stained glass, double-glazed, bay roof: tiled, flat

garden: back, vegetable, ornamental, herb, rose staircase: wooden, narrow, open-plan kitchen: modern, traditional, farmhouse furniture: bedroom, period, second-hand, wooden

In the living room there are French windows and modern furniture. An open-plan staircase leads up to the bedrooms. The kitchen is well-equipped and modern. Outside, you can see that the roof is tiled, and the back garden is spacious and well-kept.

4 a. Explain the task and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words in the list of features. Read out the example, then Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking some pairs to present their answers to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: I don’t think style is that important. After all, we can’t afford somewhere very expensive. I think it is more important to find somewhere cheap and affordable.

B: Yes, that’s true. We need somewhere fully-equipped and fullyfurnished, too, as we don’t have enough money to buy household equipment and furniture.

imageA: That’s a good point. We need somewhere that is easy to maintain, too, as we don’t want to have to do a lot of work around the house or spend a lot of money on repairs.

B: I agree. It should be easily accessible as well, as transport is expensive in England and we need to be able to get to college and to the shops easily.

A: So, do you think we should look for somewhere in the city centre? B: Yes, I think that’s best.

b. Ask Ss to read the advertisements silently. Help Ss to explain the words in bold, then Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Answer Key

    FF flat = first floor flat                mins = minutes

     p/w = per week                         pcm = per calendar month

fully-furn = fully-furnished

As an extension, ask Ss to find advertisements from English newspapers/magazines and list similar words, then try to explain them (e.g. p/m = per month).

5      a. Explain that all the nouns are compound nouns, and it is important to put the main stress in the right place. Ask Ss to read the list of nouns silently and underline the main stress of each one. Explain that usually the defining part is stressed (e.g. pillowcase – as opposed to briefcase, suitcase, etc)

Answer Key

ñ pillowcase  ñ dustbin bag ñ ashtray  ñ CD ñ greenhouse  ñ bathtub ñ armchair  ñ remote control ñ bedside lamp ñ fireplace  ñ pepper mill  ñ light bulb  ñ washing machine  ñ bookcase

b. Play the recording. Ss listen and check their answers. Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to repeat.

6      Explain the task and read out the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

      A: I suppose people who don’t have ashtrays could use a saucer.

B: Yes, that’s a good idea. And people who don’t have CDs could listen to recordings or the radio.

A: That’s right. I suppose people who don’t have a greenhouse could use the conservatory or put their plants in wooden boxes and cover them with sheets of clear plastic.

B:   Mm. I suppose people who don’t have a bathtub could have a shower.

A: Yes, that’s what we do at home. I suppose people who don’t have armchairs could sit on a sofa.

B:   I guess people who don’t have a remote control have to get up and change channels themselves.

A: Yes, and people who don’t have a bedside lamp can use the main light, or a candle.

B: Good idea. People who don’t have a fireplace can use an electric heater.

A: Yes, and people who don’t have a pepper mill can just use the plastic container which the pepper comes in.

B: Yes, that’s what we do at home. People who don’t have light bulbs can use oil lamps or candles.

A: Yes, and people who don’t have a washing machine can go to the launderette or wash their clothes by hand.

B: Yes, I suppose people who don’t have a bookcase can put their books on a shelf.

7         a. Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Ss can check their answers in Appendix 2 at the back of the book. Check Ss’ answers and ask them to explain the phrasal verbs. Ss should then memorise these phrasal verbs.

Answer Key



1    out

3    out

5     up

2    up

4    away

6    out

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put out: take something outside wash up: wash the dishes clear out: tidy a place and throw away unwanted items put away: put things out of sight hang up: put items of clothing on a coat hanger hang out: peg clothing on a washing line outside to dry

b. Explain the task and read out the example. Ss work in pairs to complete the task, using all the phrasal verbs from Ex. 7a. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

        A: I hate doing the washing up.

B: That’s alright because I don’t mind doing it, but I don’t like clearing out all the junk in the garage.

A: I love doing that every summer. It’s great because we have a garage sale. I don’t like putting things away, though.

B: I like things to be tidy so I hang my clothes up in the wardrobe every day. I hang out the washing every two days, too. A: That’s great because I hate hanging out the washing.

8         Ask Ss to look at the dictionary entries. Elicit what information is given (e.g. part of speech, phonetic transcription, explanation of word in context, example of use of word, etc). Help Ss to locate the information for the example (5th entry). Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       This is a convention used to make a guest feel relaxed.

2       home-grown – This is an adjective used to describe sth which has been grown in your own garden.

3       home-shopping – This is an uncountable noun that describes the method of buying things from home over the phone or by post.

4       homesick – This is an adjective used to describe the feeling of unhappiness caused by being far away from home.

5       made my home – This means that London is the place where he/she lives now.

9         Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the exercise. Ss may use their dictionaries to help them if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       feel at home: comfortable, relaxed

2       no place like home: nowhere compares to your home

3       hit home: made an impact on someone

4       came home: be realised/understood by sb

5       home and dry: be successful

6       home truths: unpleasant facts about yourself

7       home bird: someone who likes to stay at home

10      Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers by asking individual Ss to read out their sentences. Ss should memorise these phrases.

Answer Key

1       in            3              in             5              in, of        7              within, of

2       in            4              on            6              to             8              within

Suggested Answer Key

My house is situated in London. I live in the country.

I would prefer to live in the suburbs.

imageMy friend lives on the outskirts of a small town.

I work in the heart of the city.

My dad works close to the city centre.

I live within easy reach of the beach.

My house is within walking distance of the train station.

Listening & Speaking (pp. 66-67)

1      a. Explain to Ss that they are going to listen to five people talking about sharing a house. Elicit various pros and cons (problems dividing up the chores, noise, having company, sharing the bills etc). Ask Ss to read the headings A-F and underline the key words, then make guesses about what each speaker might talk about.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined:

A      appreciating own space             D              adapting, someone else,

B      managing chores        E              the right flatmate

C       a way to afford a house             F              difficult person

I expect one speaker to talk about the advantages of living alone and having somewhere to be by yourself.

I expect one speaker to talk about sharing the housework equally.

I expect one speaker to talk about how expensive houses are. I expect one speaker to talk about the problems involved with living with someone who has a different lifestyle or routine to you. I expect one speaker to talk about the importance of getting a flatmate who you can really get on with.

I expect one speaker to talk about the problems of sharing a house or flat with someone who doesn’t share your opinions on how to share a living space.

b.     Explain the task. Remind Ss that they should listen to the whole recording of each speaker carefully because isolated parts of the information can be misleading. Point out that Ss will listen to the speakers twice. Play the recording. Ss listen and do the exercise. Stop the recording after the second playing of each speaker to check Ss’ answers and elicit evidence for each one. As an extension, ask Ss to refer to the tapescript at the back of the book and underline the information that links to the headings chosen.

Answer Key

     Speaker 1 – B                      Speaker 4 – F

Speaker 2 – E    Speaker 5 – A Speaker 3 – D

c.      Read out the question and elicit a variety of answers

from Ss around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

2      a. Explain the situation and the task. Help Ss to underline the key words in the statements (1-7) then Ss complete the task. Ss may use their dictionaries to help them if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined:

1      lonely – solitary sociable

2      painted pink – decorated pink

3      invested – spent earned

4      ballroom – dance hall;  in use closed

5      rich – wealthy poor

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Unit 4

6      built entirely – constructed wholly partly

7      according to his political beliefs – in line with his politics

b. Ask Ss to read items 1-7 again. Play the recording. Ss listen to the recording twice and mark the sentences as true or false. Check Ss’ answers, and if necessary play the recording again. As an extension, ask Ss to refer to the tapescript and underline the evidence for each answer.

Answer Key

1       T  3              T              5              F              7              T

2       F  4              T              6              F

                                 c.         Read out the question and elicit a variety of answers

from Ss around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

3      a. Explain the task. Go through the pictures and elicit what they show. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to perform their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: I use my television three or four times a week, because I often watch films in the evenings. What about you?

B: Well, I don’t watch much TV, so I probably only use my television twice a week. I use my microwave every day, though.

A: Oh, I only use my microwave once or twice a week, when I want to heat up leftovers, but I use my toaster every morning.

                                 B: I don’t have a toaster, but I use my fridge every day.

A: Me too, and I use my telephone every day, too. I don’t have a blender, though. Do you?

B:   No, I don’t. I use my cooker every day, and I use my stereo every day, because I love listening to music.

A: Hmm. I don’t use my cooker very often because I don’t like cooking, but I use my stereo every day, like you. What about your iron? I only use my iron once a week.

B: Oh, I use mine three or four times a week, because I have to iron my shirts for work. I don’t have a dishwasher. Do you?

A: Yes, I do, and I use it four or five times a week. I use my computer every day, though.

                                 B: Me too. I use mine for work and to send emails.

                                 A: Which items do you think are the most important?

B:   Well, I think every home should have a cooker, so that they can cook.

A: That’s true. Every home needs a telephone, too, because you need to be able to contact people, especially if there is an emergency.

                                 B: Yes, I agree. What about a computer?

A:   Well, they are important, but I think a fridge is more important, as people need to be able to keep food fresh.

B: Yes, you’re right. So, every home should have a cooker, a telephone, and a fridge.

b. Read out the questions and explain the task. Allow Ss some time to prepare their answers in pairs. Ask some pairs to perform their dialogues in front of the class.

imageSuggested Answer Key

1       A: I think life would be very difficult without modern appliances. It would take a lot longer to do household tasks like cleaning and cooking without the appliances most of us have in our homes.

B: Yes, you’re right. We would all have to work harder and we would be more tired. We would have to go to the supermarket more often, as we would not have fridges and freezers to keep our food fresh, and we would have to wash our clothes by hand.

A: That’s right. We wouldn’t have as much free time, as we would have so much more work to do, so we wouldn’t be as happy.

2       A: I think that modern technology has improved our lifestyle by making our lives easier and making it possible for us to carry out everyday tasks quickly and easily.

B: Yes, that’s a good point. It also enables us to enjoy ourselves in our own homes instead of having to go out for entertainment, as we have computers, stereos and televisions.

With weaker classes, help Ss by giving prompts on the board. Ss use these to act out their dialogues.

Suggested prompts:

1         ñ              household tasks      2              ñ              make our lives easier ñ           tired        ñ              do things quickly

ñ  shopping ñ              entertainment ñ     free time

4 Explain the task and check Ss understand the assessment criteria. Inform Ss that they will listen to two Ss, one of whom will make a number of errors, and they should listen and assess their performance. Play the recording and elicit answers around the class. Help Ss where necessary.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ Student A uses a broad range of appropriate vocabulary and accurate grammar throughout. Student B uses limited vocabulary and makes a number of grammatical mistakes. ñ Student A puts forward acceptable arguments and gives valid reasons for his choices. He expresses his ideas clearly and concisely in full sentences. Student B hesitates a lot and his answers are brief with disjointed phrases and not very coherent.

ñ Student A has good pronunciation and uses stress and intonation to convey the intended meaning, as well as appropriate linking words. Student B makes a number of pronunciation errors and does not use appropriate linking words or devices.

ñ Student A leads the conversation, develops the task and moves it towards a conclusion and invites responses from Student B and maintains interaction well. Student B does not always respond appropriately and gives minimal responses, but does attempt to initiate turn-taking on a couple of occasions.

5 a. Elicit situations where people make complaints. Explain the task. Elicit any phrases Ss already know that are usually used when complaining. Read out the phrases in the list and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Then Ss work in pairs and complete the task.

Answer Key Mild complaints:

ñ        There seems to be something wrong with.. ñ        I’d like to bring something to your attention ñ      Can you do something about it?

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Strong complaints: ñ    I want it repaired as soon as possible ñ that’s not good enough ñ       What are you going to do about it?

ñ that’s unacceptable ñ I have a problem that demands your immediate attention

b. Ask Ss to read through the two dialogues and elicit which one is a mild complaint and which one is a strong complaint (the first one is mild and the second one is strong). Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Answer Key

1       I’d like to bring something to your attention

2       Can you do something about it

3       I want it repaired as soon as possible

4       that’s unacceptable

c. Explain the task then Ss work in pairs and complete it. Check Ss’ answers by asking some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key



I’d like to bring something to your attention if I may.



Sure. What is it?



I’ve got a problem in my flat. The lock on the front door is broken.



I see.



Can you do something about it, please?



I’ll see what I can do.



OK, thanks.



Could I have a word with you, please?



Certainly. What is it?



There are some loose tiles in my bathroom and I want them repaired as soon as possible.



I’ll have to get back to you on that.



Well, I’m sorry, but that’s not good enough.



Alright. I’ll come and take a look at them now.



That’s more like it. Thank you.



I’d like to bring something to your attention if I may.



Sure. What is it?



I’ve got a problem in my flat. The roof is leaking.



I see.



Can you do something about it, please?



I’ll see what I can do.



OK, thanks.



Could I have a word with you, please?



Certainly. What is it?



There is a cracked window in my flat and I want it repaired as soon as possible.



I’ll have to get back to you on that.



Well, I’m sorry, but that’s unacceptable.



Alright. I’ll come and take a look at it now.



That’s more like it. Thank you.

image6          a.            Ask Ss to read the exchange and elicit an answer to the question.

Answer Key

Speaker B is trying to avoid giving a direct answer.

b. Go through the useful language box and explain the task. Ss work in pairs and make exchanges similar to the one in Ex. 6a. Elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key ñ   A:             When will the repair work be completed?

            B: I can’t give you an answer right now.

     ñ     A: How much will it cost to have double-glazing fitted?

B: I can’t say for certain. ñ          A:             Can I move in with you?

            B: I’ll have to think about it.

7 a. Explain the task and read out the first item and the example. Elicit answers for the remaining items around the class.

Answer Key

2       Have you got/heard any news yet?

3       I (do) miss you.

4       Have you got the time?

5       Have you been waiting long?

6       I/ We had better be going (now).

7       Do you need a (helping) hand?

8       It’s time for bed.

b. Explain the task and read out the example as a full exchange. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking various pairs to act out the exchanges.

Answer Key

1        g              3              h              5              d              7              e 2           f               4              a              6              c              8          b

Reading: Literature Corner (pp. 68-69)

1      Explain to Ss that they are going to read an extract from a novel written by Charles Dickens. Ask Ss what they know about Dickens (e.g. Where he lived, what he wrote, any works by him, etc). Ask Ss if they have read any of his works. If yes, ask them to give the class a short description of the plot and what they liked about it.

Allow Ss some time to read the background information. Help Ss with any unknown vocabulary. Read out the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       I think the moral is not to let yourself be corrupted by money and good fortune.

2       I think Dickens chose this title to refer to the different characters’ expectations in life and how they differ from reality.

2      a. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the questions (ignoring the multiple choice options), then elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I think that Mr Wemmick’s house is quite small and unusual with features such as a bridge, a pond and a fountain, and contains a collection of curiosities.

b. Ask Ss to read the extract quickly to check their answers. Elicit further information about the house in the extract.

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Unit 4

3      Explain the task. Remind Ss that the information in the questions may be paraphrased in the text. Allow Ss some time to read the text. Then, do question 1 with Ss. Read out the question and help Ss to find the part of the text that it relates to (lines 5-7). Point out that the question asks about Pip’s first impression, not overall impression, so the answer will be very early in the text. Read out the options A-D and help Ss to decide on the correct answer, and eliminate the others. (C is correct because we are told Pip’s opinion in lines 5-7. ‘I think ...’,  A is incorrect because the garden is only mentioned briefly, B is incorrect because there is no direct evidence that Pip thinks it is ridiculous although the reader might think it sounds ridiculous, D is incorrect because although the text says ‘I said I really liked it’ we can infer that he didn’t really like it.) Ss complete the task and identify the parts of the text which helped them. Check Ss’ answers and the evidence for them. Help Ss with vocabulary in relevant parts of the text.

Answer Key


1   C – lines 5-7

5   B – lines 40-46

2   B – lines 8-9

6   C – lines 59-63

3       A – lines 31-32

4       D – line 35

7  B – global meaning

4      a. Explain/Elicit the meaning of the highlighted words, then Ss complete the task. Ss may use their dictionaries to help them if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key hoisted = raised hold out = survive leafy = with many plants winding = with many twists and turns ornamental = decorative locks = curls manner = context

b. Allow Ss some time to read the text again and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking individual Ss to describe Wemmick’s house.

Answer Key

Words/phrases to be underlined: little wooden cottage; large garden; the top of the house had been built and painted like a battery loaded with guns; tiniest, very few windows; door almost too small to get in; bridge, at the back; vegetable garden; leafy shelter; path, winding; ornamental pond, fountain

Suggested Answer Key

Mr Wemmick’s house is a little wooden cottage with a large garden. The top of the house has been painted to look like a battery loaded with guns.There are very few windows and a small door. It also has a bridge. There is a vegetable garden at the back and a leafy shelter at the end of a  winding path. There is an ornamental pond with a fountain in the middle of it.

5      Ss work in pairs to give explanations for each of the phrases, then discuss their explanations with another pair. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       imageYou will have the chance to taste a salad made from my vegetables.

2       I do all my own household jobs and repairs. 3                to make his house perfect 4   I do not talk about my home life at work.

6      Read out the question and elicit answers around the class. Help Ss if necessary.

Suggested Answer Key

To show irony because what Wemmick called the bridge was not really a bridge, but just a plank of wood.

7      Read out the first statement and the example. Allow Ss some time to read the text again and find evidence to support both statements. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key ñ                Mr Wemmick is house-proud.

He hoists his bridge with pride. He has worked on the house for many years. He believes his house is perfect.

        ñ   Pip feels a little uncomfortable.

He says he likes the house when he doesn’t really. He is uncertain about meeting Mr Wemmick’s Aged Parent.

8      Read out the questions then Ss discuss them in pairs. Ask some Ss to present their answers to the class.

With weaker classes, help Ss by giving them prompts on the board.

Question a: Ask Ss to think about: ñ location ñ furniture ñ rooms ñ atmosphere ñ feelings

Question b: Elicit possible improvements from Ss and write them on the board. e.g. redecorate rooms / paint walls / make an extension / have a garage built / change tiles in bathroom / change furniture / buy new appliances / etc

(Ss’ own answers)

Did you know ...

Read out the statements. Ask Ss if they can name some characters (e.g. David, Amelia, etc). As an extension, ask Ss to do some research at home and present another little known fact about Charles Dickens in the next lesson.

English in Use (pp. 70-71)

1       Revise the present perfect (how it is formed, when it is used, etc). Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Explain the task and read out the example, then Ss do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

2       f                4              b              6              c              8              e

3       g               5              a              7              h

2 a. Read out the sentences. Elicit what tense is used in each sentence (present perfect in the 1st sentence and past simple in the 2nd sentence). Focus Ss’ attention on ‘since’ in the first sentence and elicit the meaning of each sentence and how they differ. Ask: Which action started and finished in the past? (2nd); Which action started in the past but continues to the present? (1st)

Answer Key

The action in the first sentence started in the past and continues to the present, whereas the action in the second sentence happened at a specific time in the past.

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b. Read out the list of words and elicit which are used with past simple and which with present perfect. Elicit sample sentences to check sentence structure, then ask Ss to work in pairs to make up sentences. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

Past simple: ago, last year, during last summer’s holidays Present perfect: already, for months, for ages, yet, since 1996, several times, over the past few weeks, lately, before,  recently

3         Allow Ss some time to complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers. Ask Ss to justify their answers.

Answer Key a                1)             have been (past event)

2)            was (past event) b  1)             have seen (past event)

2) was (past event) c 1) has not called (action which started in the past and continues to the present)

2) did you leave (past event) d 1) has gone (action which started in the past and continues to the present)

2) left (past event) e 1) have you found (action which started in the past and continues to the present)

2)     have looked (action which started in the past and continues to the present)

3)     have you tried (past event)

4)     looked (past event)

4         Explain the task and go through the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking various pairs to act out their exchanges.

Suggested Answer Key



Have you seen the new film starring Al Pacino?



No, I haven’t./ Yes, I saw it last week.



Have you ever failed an exam?



No, I haven’t./ Yes, I failed my Maths exam last summer.



Have you ever been bungee-jumping?



No, I haven’t./ Yes, I went bungee-jumping last year.



Have you read any good books lately?



No, I haven’t./ Yes, I read The Autograph Man by Zadie Smith last week.

5         Explain the task and read out the example. Elicit a variety of answers for the remaining items from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

2       lost weight

3       changed your hairstyle 4       missed dinner 5       he/she gone?

6         Revise the present perfect continuous. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Ask two Ss to read out the example and then Ss in pairs do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key ñ              A:             How long have you been using a mobile phone?

            B: For about two years, I think.

ñ    A:            How long have you been living at your current address? B:  For about five years, I think.

image        ñ    A: How long have you known your next-door neighbours?

              B: For about four years, I think.

ñ    A:              How long is it since you redecorated? B:               About two years, I think.

7         Explain the task. Remind Ss that the second sentence must have the same meaning as the first sentence. Do the first item with Ss, then Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1         ... is not big enough ...

2         ... last time we sat ...

3         ... is/has been a month since ...

4         ... have not heard from ...

5         ... am still waiting for ...

6         ... second time I have been ...

7         ... been good at ...

8         ... never heard such strange ...

9         ... is too small to store ...

10      ... have not changed since ...

8         Explain the task and read out the example. Allow Ss some time to complete the exercise. Remind them that they must keep the stem of the word and add the correct ending from the list to form an adjective. Point out that in some cases other spelling changes are needed, e.g. fame ! famous where the e is lost, and defend ! defensive where an s is needed. Check Ss’ answers on the board.

Answer Key

2       reluctant   8              creative   14            golden

3       imaginative              9              historical 15            prestigious

4       economical               10            wooden   16            careful

5       independent             11            courageous             17            possible

6       resistant   12            wonderful               18            durable

7       absent       13            horrible

9         Explain that the words in capitals are the stem from which the missing words are derived. Ask Ss to look at the title, then quickly read the text to see what it is about. Read the first sentence of the text aloud. Elicit that storage is a noun, forming the compound noun ‘storage space’. Ask Ss to look at the second sentence and decide what type of words are needed for items 1, 2 and 3 (noun-person, plural noun, adjective). Then elicit answers and write them on the board. Ss complete the exercise in pairs, then check answers on the board, eliciting spelling.

Answer Key

1         designer              6              jewellery

2         suggestions         7              Additional

3         spacious              8              clothes/clothing

4         various 9              Finally

5         wisely  10            normally

10      Read out the title and ask Ss to skim the text to get the gist. Read the example and then do item 1 with Ss. Ask Ss to look at the words before and after each gap, then look at the options and decide which best fits the gap. Ss do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers by asking Ss to read the completed text aloud. Ss should justify their answers.

Answer Key

1         B          4              A              7              D              10            B              13            B 2           D              5              C              8            A              11            B              14            C 3           B              6              B              9              D              12            A            15            D

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Unit 4

1         ‘might’ is appropriate as it is part of a contrast

2         ‘pros and cons’ is a phrase; ups and downs

3         at times = not often, sometimes (prepositional phrase)

4         get used to (phrase)

5         quarters = space for people to live in (living quarters)

6         no matter (how) = never mind (expression)

7         sign = public display of a written message i.e. ‘PRIVATE’

8         take the job (phrase)

9         previous = former

10      ‘benefit’ is followed by ‘from’

11      a sense of (history) = a feeling (refers to ‘feel’)

12      basically = essentially

13      day to day (phrase)

14      staff = personnel

15      despite/in spite of + noun

Writing: Making suggestions (pp. 72-76)

1      Go through the theory box and then read out the rubric. Help Ss to identify and underline the key words then elicit answer to the questions.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: exhibition; ‘Ideal Homes’; suggestions on how to make the next one even better; Read advertisement and notes; write a letter to the organisers; giving your opinion; and making your suggestions

1       a letter.

2       the organisers of the exhibition.

3       formal. I have never met the organisers of the exhibition.

4       yes

5       In the first two paragraphs of the main body, suggestions should be made about including kitchens, bathrooms and a feature on gardens in the next exhibition. In the third paragraph, suggestions should be made about the price and duration of the exhibition.

6       Beginning:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to congratulate you on the recent Ideal Homes Exhibition and to tell you how much I enjoyed it. I would also like to make a few suggestions on how to improve it for next year.


I hope that my suggestions will be of some help to you. I look forward to attending the exhibition again next year.

Yours faithfully,

Ann Bell

2      a. Explain the task. Point out that the words and phrases in bold are appropriate, and the purpose of the task is to expand Ss’ range of vocabulary by finding alternatives. Allow Ss some time to read the model letter and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       congratulate you on the success of

2       put forward

3       To begin with

4       truly

5       imagedespite the fact that

6       Lastly

7       In addition

8       useful

b. Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Ss complete the

exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       congratulate you on the success of the recent Ideal Homes Exhibition, the ideas for living rooms were truly impressive, the ideas for protecting the environment were very well presented

2       Perhaps in future years we could see, One suggestion would be to, I am sure many of your visitors would welcome, I think it would be a good idea to include, I recommend that you, If you

were to, if it was

3       In this way, more people would, then this would

4       living room ideas – Great! What about kitchens and dining rooms? – the ideas for living rooms were truly impressive, I am sure many of your visitors would welcome inspiring ideas for kitchens and dining rooms.

Bathroom ideas? one suggestion would be to feature more ideas for bathrooms

Environmentally-friendly ideas, Fantastic, but no mention of gardens – Although the ideas for protecting the environment were very well presented, it would be a good idea to include a feature about gardens, people would be able to design their outdoor areas in a way which actually benefits the environment Not long enough! Should be at least a week! – I recommend that you increase the duration of the exhibition, if you were to remain open for a minimum of one week

Too expensive for most people – reduce the cost of the tickets, if it was cheaper

The writer has included all her notes in the letter.

3       a. Go through the useful language box. Focus Ss’ attention on the different sentence structures. Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key ñ I recommend that you extend the duration of the exhibition... ñ I think it would be a good idea to include a feature about gardens. ñ Perhaps in future years we could see ...

     ñ   if it was cheaper ...

ñ If you were to remain open for a minimum of one week ... ñ One suggestion would be to feature more ideas for bathrooms ...

b. Go through the example. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

2       I think it would be a good idea to ask the principal to give the prizes.

3       Perhaps we could have a party in the school hall.

4       If we bought a new computer, we could work better.

5       If we were to move the desks, we would have more space.

6       Another suggestion would be to sell tickets to students and parents.

4       Explain the situation and the task. Go through the useful language box and the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise using phrases from both useful language boxes on this page. Ask Ss to write each answer in at least two different ways. Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read out their suggestions.

Answer Key

2       c           3              f               4              a              5              b              6              e

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Suggested Answer Key

2       I think it would be a good idea to advertise in the newspapers. In this way, we could attract more students.

If we were to advertise in the newspapers, it would attract more students.

3       I think it would be a good idea to change the lights in reception. The result of this would be that it would be brighter for visitors.

One suggestion would be to change the lights in reception. In this way, it would be brighter for visitors.

4       If we were to start an English club, it would help people with the language.

I suggest starting an English club. The result would be to help people with the language.

5       Perhaps we could employ one more teacher. In this way, we would be able to reduce crowding in classes.

I think it would be a good idea to employ one more teacher. The effect of this would be to reduce crowding in classes.

6       If we were to use more video and DVD lessons, it would make classes more fun.

I recommend using more video and DVD lessons. As a result, classes would be more fun.

5 a. Allow Ss some time to read the paragraph and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking Ss to read the corrected paragraph aloud.

Answer Key



1    finding

4    could

7    would

2    way

5    using

8  would be able to

3    would

6    were


This extract could be taken from a report.

b. Explain the task. Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers. As an extension, ask Ss to suggest an appropriate sub-heading (Problems with parking places).

Answer Key

Make a suggestion: One way to solve this problem would be to ..., This could easily be done by ...

Highlight a problem: Another difficulty that was mentioned in the report was ...

Mention the expected result: If we were to do this ...

6      Explain the task. Do the task orally first, then Ss complete the exercise in writing. Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read their paragraphs aloud.

Suggested Answer Key

Another difficulty that was mentioned in the report was that student numbers are falling, with the result that the school may have to close. One way to solve this problem would be to advertise the school and what it offers. This could easily be done through the local newspaper, on the radio and through posters. If we were to do this, more people would know about the school and we would be able to attract new students.

7      imageGo through the theory box, then explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task in closed pairs. Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read out their rewritten sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

1       Why not go to the party? You never know, you might meet some new friends there.

2       You could try to learn a foreign language. Then you could get a better job.

3       If I were you, I’d join a gym. That way, you’ll get fit and feel better.

4       Why don’t you phone him? Then you could talk about it again.

8         Explain that Ss should put themselves in the situations and think about what they would say. They have to think about how well they know the person, what the circumstances are and what their position or role is. Go through the example, then Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

B      semi-formal – One idea would be to contact the British Embassy in your country. They will be able to provide you with lots of relevant information.

C       formal – I think it would be a good idea to open soup kitchens and shelters for homeless people to go to.

D      formal – I recommend that we resurface the tennis courts.

9         Read the rubric and help Ss to identify and underline the key words. Then elicit answers to the questions.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: you are a member of a local youth club; may have to close due to lack of funds; youth leader has asked; to write an article suggesting ways of raising money to keep the youth club open; next newsletter

1       the youth leader and members of the youth club - semi-formal.

2       an article

3       items to be ticked: Increase the monthly charge to members, Ask the local council for help, Approach local companies for sponsorship

4       In this way, we could raise extra funds to keep the club running.

We might find that they may contribute money to help the club.

That way we could use their donations to help run the club.

5       I think it would be a good idea to ...; I suggest ...; Perhaps we could ...; If we were to ...; One suggestion/idea would be to ... As a result ...; This would mean that/lead to/result in ...; The result of this would be that ...; In this way ...

10      a. Allow Ss some time to read the two models. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers and ask them to justify their answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Model A is an unsuitable answer for the rubric in Ex. 9 because: ñ the title is unsuitable – the title is too long and is not catchy ñ the introduction does not catch the reader’s attention – it is too  general and does not refer to the specific problem and it does not address the reader directly

ñ the writer does not follow the instructions in the rubric – it does not make clear suggestions or give the expected results for how to raise money, only on how to spend money

ñ    the style is not appropriate for the target reader – it is formal in some paragraphs and informal in others

ñ the writer does not paraphrase the rubric – ‘lack of funds’ and ‘The youth leader has asked the club members to write an article suggesting ways of raising money to keep the club open’ are taken word for word from the rubric

ñ the suggestions are unsuitable – they are not about ways of raising money as the rubric asks - one is about saving money and the other is about spending money

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Unit 4

b. Ask Ss to read model A again then elicit answers to the

questions around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       No, he hasn’t.

2       the present financial climate, the amount of rent paid, that the youth leader has asked for club members to write articles, and that the writer enjoys going to the club

3       The conclusion. It could be improved by replacing ‘I really like going to the club and I know others do as well,’ with ‘All members are invited to attend a fundraising meeting for the club on 4th March.’

4       I think the target reader will be confused about the problem and will not be impressed by the article as it is poorly thought out and mostly irrelevant.

                                 c.      Ask Ss to read model B again then elicit answers to the

questions around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       semi-formal – As most of you know, one thing is for sure, If we could persuade, This would mean that, one obvious solution, it might be our last chance

2       The introduction introduces the problem and tells the reader that a number of possible solutions will follow. The main body contains three paragraphs each presenting a different suggestion and the expected results. The conclusion refers to future action and offers a personal opinion.

3       Introduction:

You must all be aware that our youth club is in danger of closing down due to financial difficulties. If we want to save our club, it’s time we all took action and did something to help. Conclusion:

There will be a meeting on 4th March to discuss all these suggestions. Don’t miss it – the club needs you!

4       I think it would be a good idea to – One possible solution would be to; we could apply – I recommend applying; one obvious solution is to – another idea would be to ; I suggest

that each of us pays – If we all paid

5       If we could ... we would – This would mean that ...

As a result – If we did ...

Then, we would be able to – The result of this would be that

11 Read out the first rubric and help Ss to identify and underline the key words. Then elicit answers to the questions. Ss work in pairs and complete the rest of the task. Help Ss where necessary.

Suggested Answer Key

A Key words to be underlined: letter; from a  pen friend; My cousin and I are planning to visit your country; end of July; short holiday; I’d like your advice; five or six days; where to go; what to see and do; letter to your pen friend

1       a pen friend - informal

2       suggestions about where to go and what to see and do

3       go to London, visit Tower of London, Madame Tussaud’s, Big Ben, see a musical in the West End etc

4       imagehe/she will have a wonderful time, learn about English history and culture.

5       Why don’t you ...?; You could ...; If I were you ...; I think it would be a good idea to ...; Why not ...;?

Then you might/could ...; This would mean that ...; You might find that ...; That way ...; You never know, you might ...

6       Beginning:

Dear Susie,

Thanks for your letter. It’s great to hear that you and your cousin are coming to my country. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time and I have a few suggestions that I hope you’ll like.


I hope these suggestions are helpful. I’m sure that, whatever you do in England, you’ll have a brilliant holiday. Write and tell me all about it!



B      Key words to be underlined: your college; replace its small snack bar with a larger self-service cafeteria; college magazine; invited readers; to suggest; which dishes; other changes; make the place more inviting to students; write an article for the magazine; making your suggestions and giving reasons

1       readers of the college magazine - semi-formal

2       suggestions for which dishes should be included on the menu and other changes that would make the place more inviting to students with reasons

3       include vegetarian and low-fat options for students with special diets; play modern music to make the atmosphere lively and inviting to students; buy some more comfortable seats

4       more students will visit the cafeteria; it will be pleasant place to spend lunch breaks

5       I suggest/recommend ...; I think it would be a good idea ...; Perhaps we could ...; If we ...; One suggestion is to ... As a result ...; This would mean that/lead to/result in ...; The result of this would be that ...; In this way ...

6       Beginning:

As most of you know, the old college snack bar is about to be replaced with a bigger and better self-service cafeteria. Will this mean that we will finally have somewhere comfortable and appealing to eat? I think that if the college follows the suggestions below, the new cafeteria will be a huge success.


It’s about time we students had an eating place we enjoyed spending time in. Let’s hope the new self-service cafeteria is everything we’ve dreamed of!

C       Key words to be underlined: a one-day trip to London as part of a group of young people; person organising the trip; Mrs Jones; list of interesting places; list and notes; and write a letter; to Mrs Jones; suggesting which places you think you should visit

1       Mrs Jones - formal

2       suggestions about places I think we should visit in London

3       visit the Tower of London and Madame Tussaud’s; go shopping in Harrods

4       we will have a wonderful time, learn about English history and culture,be able to buy some souvenirs, do things that will suit everyone’s taste

5       I suggest/recommend ...; I think it would be a good idea ...; Perhaps we could ...; If we ...; One suggestion is to ... As a result ...; This would mean that/lead to/result in ...; The result of this would be that ...; In this way ...

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6       Beginning:

Dear Mrs Jones,

Thank you for the list of possible places to visit during our trip to London, which includes a wide range of interesting sights. If I may, I have one or two suggestions as to which places I think would be worth visiting during our trip.


Thank you for considering my suggestions. I am sure we will have a very enjoyable time and we are all looking forward to the trip.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Cox

D Key words to be underlined: student exchange programme; Your teacher; write a composition suggesting activities; foreign exchange student; free time in your neighbourhood

1       my teacher – semi-formal

2       suggestions for activities which my foreign exchange student can do in their free time in my neighbourhood

3       take a walk in the forest; visit the shops; go to cinema; visit cafes

4       see   the           beauty     of             the           English     countryside;            buy souvenirs/gifts; practise English; sample English cuisine

5       I suggest/recommend ...; I think it would be a good idea ...; Perhaps we could ...; If we ...; One suggestion is to ... As a result ...; This would mean that/lead to/result in ...; The result of this would be that ...; In this way ...

6       Beginning:

We are all aware that our foreign exchange students will be arriving next month and we are all looking forward to entertaining them. The question is: what are they going to do during their free time in our neighbourhood? I believe that the suggestions below will give us all some good ideas.


Taking part in a foreign exchange programme will be a wonderful experience. Let’s make the most of it, and help our exchange students to do the same!

12 Assign the task as written HW. Before Ss hand in their pieces of writing, ask them to check them against the Checklist at the back of the book.

As an alternative, ask Ss to exchange their pieces of writing and mark each other’s writing task. Make photocopies of the Checklist for Unit 4 at the back of the Teacher’s Book and give them to Ss so that they can assess their partner’s piece of writing.

Suggested Answer Key

                           A   Dear Susie,

Thanks for your letter. It’s great to hear that you and your cousin are coming to my country. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time and I have a few suggestions that I hope you’ll like.

There is plenty to see and do in England. I think you should definitely go to London, as it’s the capital city and is full of exciting places to visit.

imageIf I were you, I’d visit the Tower of London. Then, you could learn about English history. Another suggestion is to go to Madame Tussaud’s and see all the wax figures. This would mean that you could have a wonderful time and feel as if you are meeting lots of famous people! Why not visit the West End and see a musical? Then you could learn something about English culture and practise the language.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. I’m sure that, whatever you do in England, you’ll have a brilliant holiday.

Write and tell me all about it!



B   Let’s make it better

As most of you know, the old college snack bar is about to be replaced with a bigger and better self-service cafeteria. Will this mean that we will finally have somewhere comfortable and appealing to eat? I think that if the college follows the suggestions below, the new cafeteria will be a huge success.

First of all, I think that it is important to include vegetarian and low-fat options in the new menu. In this way, it would cater for the large number of students with special diets.

In addition, perhaps the college could invest in more comfortable seats for the cafeteria. The seats we have at present are hard and uncomfortable. If new seats are bought, the cafeteria will be a comfortable place to spend lunch breaks.

Another suggestion is to play modern music to make the atmosphere lively and inviting to students. As a result, more students would visit the cafeteria.

It’s about time we students had an eating place we enjoyed spending time in. Let’s hope the new self-service cafeteria is everything we’ve dreamed of!

C   Dear Mrs Jones,

Thank you so much for the list of possible places to visit during our trip to London, which includes a wide range of interesting sights to choose from. If I may, I have one or two suggestions as to which places I think would be worth visiting during our trip.

Firstly, I recommend visiting the Tower of London and Madame Tussaud’s as they would definitely be interesting places to visit. I feel sure that we would have a lot of fun there.

Secondly, I suggest that we do not go to Buckingham Palace or Westminster Abbey as I believe they would take a lot of time to look around. This way we would have more time to do other activities.

Finally, I think it would be a good idea to visit some shops, especially Harrods. In this way, we will have the chance to visit a famous department store and buy some souvenirs and gifts.

Thank you for considering my suggestions. I am sure we will have a very enjoyable time and are all looking forward to the trip. Yours sincerely,

Jane Cox

D We are all aware that our foreign exchange students will be arriving next month and we are all looking forward to entertaining them. The question is: what are they going to do during their free time in our neighbourhood? I believe that the suggestions below will give us all some good ideas.

First of all, I think it would be a good idea for our foreign exchange students to take a walk in the forest. This would mean that they would have the opportunity to see the beauty of the English countryside.

Another suggestion would be to advise our exchange students to visit the local shops and cafes. In this way, they would be able to buy souvenirs or gifts, practise English by shopping and ordering food and they would also have the chance to sample English cuisine.

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Self-Assessment Module 2

Finally, I suggest that our exchange students go to the cinema. The result of this would be that they would be entertained while practising their English at the same time.

Taking part in a foreign exchange will be a wonderful experience. Let’s make the most of it, and help our exchange students to do the same!

imageSelf-Assessment Module 2


Answer Key





1    retired                     8    away





2    in                            9    makes





3    centre                   10     in





4    thinking                 11    down





5    money                   12    since





6              afford      13            last 7                driver       14                furnished





Answer Key





1    C          3     D          5     D          7



9      C


2    B          4     A          6    A          8



10    B


Answer Key

1       ... no point in waiting for ...

2       ... why she had not tried ...

3       ... apologised for being late for ...

4       ... never met such a kind ...

5       ... was not big enough to ...





Answer Key







1   dissatisfied







2    various








Answer Key









1    back









2 !









Suggested Answer Key






1   ideas/suggestions



This would be



2       I’d do

3       thought of



not for



Answer Key






1    a          2    a



4    b          5



Answer Key






1    C                 3     A



B                7



2    C                 4    B






Answer Key






1   agreement






2    flexibility






3   high-flyers



structured routine


4    alternative



extra skills


5    control



time management

10   Suggested Answer Key

Students A & B

A: I think a garage  is useful and important. They are good for security and they protect the car from bad weather.

B: Yes, a garage is very useful and not only for keeping cars in. In a lot of countries, many people who have a garage use it for storage or as a workshop.

A: Now, what about the kitchen? I’d say it is more than useful; it is essential because everyone needs a place to prepare and cook meals.

B: I absolutely agree. It would be impossible to live in a house without a kitchen. The next picture shows a living room. I think that is useful, don’t you?

A: Yes, I do. It is important to have a living space where you can relax and watch TV and spend time with your family.

B: That’s true. What about the hall? Do you think that’s a useful part of a house?

A: I think it’s useful to have an area that separates different rooms and it can be used for storage, like for hanging coats and so on.

imageB: You could be right, but I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary. Many houses don’t have a hall.

A:   Yes, you’re right. It’s not essential. A dining room is quite useful, though. It’s good for having family meals.

B: Yes, everyone needs an eating area, but that could be in the kitchen rather than in a separate room.

A: Mmm, but what about when you have guests? It’s useful to have a proper dining room then for dinner parties.

        B: I don’t disagree, but I’m not sure if it’s absolutely necessary.

        A: OK. What about the patio?

B: I think it’s great to have an outside eating area especially when the weather is nice and it’s useful for barbecues.

A: Yes, but I would say that it is not absolutely necessary especially if you have a garden or a balcony. I think it would be unused for most of the year, especially in countries with short summers.

B: Yes, you’re right. So, we agree that the hall and the patio are not absolutely necessary.

        A: Yes , but the other places in the pictures are.

11      Suggested Answer Key Students A & B

1       A: The main advantage is ownership itself. Property is an asset which you can sell or pass on to your children.

B: I agree. Also, paying rent every month seems like a waste of money when you can pay a mortgage instead.

A: Yes, and when a house belongs to you, you can remodel it and decorate it to your own tastes which you can’t do when you rent it.

2       A:             I miss my bedroom. It’s the place where I spend most of my time and I feel really relaxed there. How about you?

B: I miss my things. I like having all my books and toys and CDs and everything around me. I like to look at my posters on the wall and my ornaments and everything.

3       A: My bedroom is the place where I feel the most comfortable. It’s where I hang out with my friends or by myself. I decorated it myself so it’s just how I want it. What about you?

B: I feel most at home in my kitchen because it’s a very cosy room. It’s also bright and friendly. I like to cook too, so I feel happy in the kitchen.

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12      Suggested Answer Key

To: John Smith, Camp Leader

From: Katy Brown

Subject: Places of interest for the students to visit Date: 12th March 20..


The purpose of this report is to make suggestions for places which students may be interested in visiting during their stay next week.

Durris Castle

This is an eighteenth-century castle, built on top of a hill and surrounded by forests. There are lots of interesting things to see there such as the dungeons and the gardens. Entrance fee for castle and gardens: í2 (with student card).

Pengillen Shopping Centre

This is well worth a visit. As well as having a large variety of shops, there’s a lovely café with delicious cakes and a wonderful view. There are three craft shops selling locally produced arts and crafts.

These would make great souvenirs and presents to take back home.

Trelawney Cove

This is a beautiful beach with white sand. It is very safe for swimming. It is usually not crowded, except at weekends. A wide range of water sports are available such as windsurfing and waterskiing.

Roscommon Leisure Centre

This indoor leisure centre is climate controlled and has a number of different swimming pools and eating places. There are water slides, wave machines and a games arcade. A perfect place to visit when the weather is bad.

Harris Museum and Art Gallery

The museum has a number of interesting exhibits related to the history of the area and even has a replica of an Iron Age village which visitors can walk around. There is currently a modern art exhibition in the gallery and there is also a tea room and museum shop. Entrance is í3.50 for students.


Overall, I believe that the places of interest suggested in this report offer a wide variety of activities and experiences that  visiting students will enjoy during their stay.

Unit 5  –  Modern Living Objectives

imageVocabulary: expressing likes/dislikes; modern lifestyles; TV programmes; fashion; personalities; media/fame Reading: gapped text (understanding text structure); multiple matching (reading for specific information) Listening: multiple choice; blank filling (listening for gist, main points, detail, location, roles, attitude, intention and opinion, specific information)

Speaking: expressing likes/dislikes; giving/reacting to news; making and responding to suggestions; complimenting Use of English: ‘key’ word transformations; open cloze;

error correction

imageGrammar: adjectives/adverbs; comparisons Phrasal verbs: take to; go off; keep up with; be out/in; be into; be taken aback

Writing: for-and-against (compositions, articles, letters)

Lead-in (p. 83)

1      a. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and elicit what each person is doing and how these activities are related to the title. Teach vocabulary items as required.

Suggested Answer Key

The pictures show different aspects of modern living such as: beauty treatments, skateboarding, shopping, fast food restaurants, the Internet, phones and credit cards.

b.     Go through the list, explaining vocabulary if necessary, and ask Ss to say which of the trends and fads are related to the pictures.

Answer Key

fast food restaurants, keeping fit, shopping centres, designer labels, chain stores, beauty treatments, credit cards, text messaging, junk mail

2      a. Ss work in pairs and put the trends and fads from the list in Ex. 1b under the correct headings. Check Ss’ answers. Then ask Ss to make sentences about how popular each trend/fad is in their country.

Suggested Answer Key

I would say that text messaging is particularly popular in my country. It is a cheap way of keeping in touch with friends.

I think that soap operas are rather unpopular nowadays. They used to catch the public’s attention but I don’t think they do anymore.

Muzak is more or less unknown in my country. As far as I know, it is functional music with soothing qualities.

b.     Go through the useful language box. Ss work in pairs and use the useful language box to complete the task. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class, then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

      A: What do you think of text messaging?

B: I kind of like text messaging. What I like most about it is the fact that you can communicate quickly and cheaply with your friends.

A:       How do you feel about celebrity gossip? B:           I just can’t stand it.

      A: What is your opinion of designer labels?

      B: I don’t really have an opinion on them, I’m afraid.

3      Explain the task. Play the recording twice if necessary. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss' answers. Ask them to identify what helped them. Also elicit whether the speakers like or dislike what they are talking about and why.

Suggested Answer Key

A      Fast food restaurants

B      Budget airlines

C       Graffiti

4      Help Ss explain what the quotations mean. Ss work in pairs to express their opinions. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

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Unit 5

Suggested Answer Key

ñ    You won’t get any respect from anyone if you are not fashionable.

A: I strongly disagree with the first statement. It suggests that you are insignificant if you are not fashionable in your clothes and ideas.

B: That’s right. There is more to life than fashion and people should not judge a person’s worth as a human being based on what they wear or think.

ñ    Fashion changes all the time but classical ideas and practices remain.

A: Well, I agree with this statement on the whole because it is established practices and ideas that remain. Some new ideas become established after a while but many do not.

B: That’s very true. I think that what is a new idea one year will often be an old fashioned one the next.

5 Ask Ss to look at the trends and fads in Ex. 1b. Explain the task. Allow Ss two minutes to prepare their answers. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

In my view, the use of credit cards would be the thing a person from the previous century would find the most difficult to get used to because of the technological development involved. Plastic money, ATMs, shopping through the Internet, or even over the phone, are all things a person from the previous century would find hard to get used to.

Reading (pp. 84-85)

1      a. Read out the options and explain any unknown words/ phrases. Individual Ss answer the questions.

Suggested Answer Key

I usually spend a couple of hours every day watching TV. I mostly watch sport. I never watch soap operas.

As an extension, do the exercise as a class survey. Elicit answers from Ss and write the percentages on the board next to each type of programme. Present any useful language necessary to explain statistics (most of the students ...; the majority of ...; some ...; only a few ...; a small number of ...; etc). Ss look at the percentages and make full sentences using appropriate language.

e.g. The majority of the students questioned like watching films. etc

b. Read out the questions and elicit answers from various Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

There are a couple of reality shows that I am familiar with in my country: Fame Academy and Big Brother. I find them both interesting and entertaining. I enjoy the idea of watching a variety of personalities dealing with everyday activities. In this way, you can explore people’s characters and attitudes.

2      imagea. Read out the question and elicit answers from various Ss. Ss read the first paragraph of the article and check their answers.

Suggested Answer Key

I think reality shows are popular because viewers are involved yet detached at the same time. We can laugh at or sympathise with ordinary people just like us.

b. Explain/Elicit the answer for subheading A, then Ss work in pairs. Ask some Ss to tell their guesses to the class, then Ss read the text quickly to check if their guesses were correct.

Suggested Answer Key

A      reality game with celebrities in unusual situations

B      ordinary people live in a house together and are filmed all the time

C       contestants attending a school for/course in singing, dancing

D      contestants living on a desert island/in the jungle

E       a competition for singers/models

F       a competition to become a pop star/group

3      a. Allow Ss some time to read the questions and underline the key words. Help Ss with any unknown vocabulary where necessary. Check Ss' answers, then Ss paraphrase the questions. Check Ss’ answers again, then they guess what the correct answer might be.

Suggested Answer Key

1                disgusting things: revolting actions – I’m a celebrity ...

2                two sets of winners: two groups of successful contestants –  Popstars

3                unpopular with the others: disliked by others – I’m a celebrity ...

4                break the rules: not follow the regulations – Survivor

5                money made directly from the public: viewers pay through/by ... – Popstars

6/7 be watched 24 hours a day: show is screened 24 hours a day – Big Brother/Fame Academy

      8       live in style: live in luxury – Fame Academy

9/10 experts comment on individual performances: judges give their opinions about each contestant’s performance – American Idol/Popstars

11             one of the judges makes sarcastic comments: one expert makes ironic remarks – American Idol

12             style unsuitable for this kind of show – inappropriate style for a show of this kind – Survivor

b. Go through the example and ask Ss to find evidence in the text (lines 47-48 some particularly weird contestants). Go through the tip. Allow Ss time to read the text and complete the task. Remind Ss to concentrate on one show at a time and to go through the whole list of questions with each one. Check Ss’ answers. Ss justify their answers with evidence from the text. Help Ss with any unknown vocabulary where necessary.

Answer Key

1         A (line 12 – eating worms)

2         F (lines 84-86 – two bands)

3         A (lines 8-9 – Rhona Cameron falling out with almost all the fellow participants)

4         D (lines 49-50 – smuggling meat)

5         F (lines 91-94 – a share of telephone call charges; more money ... sale of singles and albums ... merchandising)

6         B (lines 19-20 – screened 24 hours a day)                } in any order

7         C (lines 40-41 – TV cameras around the clock)

8         C (line 35 – luxurious residence)

9         E (lines 65-67 – judge ... judges)               } in any order

10      F (line 90 – judges working in showbusiness)

11      E (lines 67-69 – Mr Nasty ... ironic sense of humour)

12      D (lines 59-60 – the glossiness detracts from what should be a down-to-earth show)

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4      a. Ss work in pairs and complete the task using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key tuned in: watching the specific channel challenge: test screened: broadcast

chat-rooms: Internet sites where discussions are held with other users updates: latest news/information intense: involved/ exciting hosts: provides the facilities features: presents shown the door: sent home/ asked to leave

smuggling: bring/take sth somewhere illegally/secretly wave: movement swooping: moving suddenly downwards down-to-earth: practical, ordinary

nasty: spiteful, mean,

spokeswoman: woman chosen to speak on behalf of the

organisation/company potential: prospective, possible race: compete, hurry formula: method, procedure

b. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’


Suggested Answer Key

Nouns: reality TV; tragedy; celebrity; ITV; show; ratings; viewers; series; camera; Channel 4; finale; video; contestants; BBC; talent show; screens; programme; hit; shots; time-lapse photography; US version; role; presenters; public; finalists; spokeswoman; entertainment; drama; live performance; television screens; show business; producers; merchandising

Verbs:           watching;                tuned       in;            monitored;              screened;                 features; competing; host; produce

Phrases: played out; tabloid headline grabbing shows; score highest ratings; on camera; camera work; flooded our screens; under the watchful eye of TV cameras; huge hit; down-to-earth show; interactive participation

5          a.            Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key



1    celebrity

3    contestant

5  merchandising

2   housemates

4    evident


b. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ss can use their dictionaries to find other nouns which go with these adjectives. Check Ss’ answers.

imageSuggested Answer Key huge hit – success, star old tricks – habits, acquaintance fellow judges – contestants, students ironic sense of humour – attitude, smile, twist of fate final choice – countdown, decision, destination unsuccessful contestants – attempt, team global appeal – warming, phenomenon, market live performance – broadcast, match, entertainment interactive participation – programme, approach, behaviour 6 a. Read out the statement. Ss discuss the question in pairs. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

A: The main characteristic of a reality show is that the contestants’ fame is quite often very brief.

B: That’s true. There are so many ordinary people appearing on TV daily that the chances of everyone achieving fame for a short time is possible.

b. Read out the question. Ss discuss the question in pairs. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class, then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

If Ss have difficulty doing the task, give some key words to help them.

Suggested key words: famous; no privacy; luxurious lifestyle; embarrassing; rich; etc

Suggested Answer Key


Would you ever participate in a reality show?


No way! That would be far too embarrassing. Besides, I like keeping myself to myself. What about you?


I’d love to! Maybe I would become famous after starring in the show. It would be great to be a rich celebrity and have a luxurious lifestyle.


Explain the task. Divide the class into groups. Ss

complete the task. Ask some groups to present their idea to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

The show would be called Holiday Island. 10 contestants spend their summer on an island running an apartment complex / hotel. Every week one contestant has to go (TV audience votes); there is a cash prize and a job as a hotel manager for the winner. The logo could be:

imageHoliday Island

Language Focus (pp. 86-87)

1      Look at the pictures and elicit what each person is wearing. Read out the list of qualities and explain any unknown vocabulary. Elicit which terms could be used for the people in the pictures.

Suggested Answer Key

Picture 1 – trendy, casually dressed, a fashion victim

Picture 2 – scruffy, unconventional

Picture 3 – smart, well-dressed

Picture 4 – casually dressed

Picture 5 – smart, old-fashioned, well-dressed

2      a./b.     Pre-teach difficult vocabulary items from the quiz

(e.g. accessories, enhance, exclusively, flatter, reflects). Give Ss some time to complete the task and read the relevant description, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

      c.   Ss work in pairs. SA suggests possible answers for SB. SB

checks if SA has guessed correctly.

(Ss’ own answers)

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Unit 5

3      a. Explain the task. Remind Ss of the vocabulary from Ex. 1 and elicit further vocabulary describing a person’s style from the descriptions for the quiz in Ex. 2 (e.g. cool, carefree, casual, conventional, trend-setter, boring, fashion conscious). Allow Ss two minutes to prepare their answers. Ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A:   I think the girl in picture 1 is quite casual judging by her bright outfit.

                                 B: Well actually I think she is definitely a fashion victim.

                                 A: I think the couple in picture 2 look really scruffy.

                                 B: I quite agree. They are definitely not conventional.

A:             I think the boy in picture 4 is quite casually-dressed. B:        I think that’s true. He looks trendy and carefree, too.

                                 A: I think the girl in picture 5 looks quite smart.

                                 B: I quite agree. She is perhaps a bit old-fashioned.

b. Ss complete the task in pairs. Ask some pairs to report back to the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

4      a. Read out the sections in the list. Explain any unknown words, then elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

arts: information about films, plays, concerts, art, dance, profiles of artists and book reviews

society: latest news about the life of celebrities and prominent people

classified ads: advertisements for items for sale and other personal notices

business: news articles related to commerce, trade, industry and the economy

opinion: letters to the editor, comments on recent events international news: news stories from around the world obituaries: notices of people’s deaths and accounts of their lives national news: news from around the country lifestyle: articles on health, fitness and recipes sport: sports results, match reports and articles about sportspeople employment: recruitment section, advertisements for jobs travel: travel reports, articles on different holiday resorts, holiday advertisements

b. Allow Ss time to read the excerpts and decide which sections they belong to. Elicit answers and ask Ss what helped them to decide.

Answer Key

                                 A   sports                                  B    society

As an extension, ask Ss to bring newspaper excerpts in the next lesson and work in pairs to find out which sections the excerpts are from.

5      Go through the useful language box, then ask two Ss to read out the example. Ss, in pairs, complete the task. Ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

image                                 A: Have you heard where Pete is travelling to next week?

                                 B   Where?

A:            He’s off to the Far East. B:      You’re joking!

6      Explain that the words on the left should collocate with the words on the right. Do the example with Ss then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers. Ss can use their dictionaries. Check Ss understand the meaning of the collocations. As an extension, ask Ss to make sentences using some of the collocations.

Answer Key

      2    shot – shoot                   3   sit – set

7      Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers. As an extension, ask Ss if there are similar idioms in their own language.

Answer Key

1       the centre of attention – be noticed by many people

2       hit the headlines – be on the front page of the newspapers

3       brand names – well-known products

4       first impression – initial opinion of something

5       short-lived trends – sth that comes in and out of fashion quickly

6       in the public eye – the centre of media attention

8      Encourage Ss to work out the meaning of the phrasal verbs from the context before checking in Appendix 2 at the back of the book. Do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss' answers. Ss should then memorise the phrasal verbs.

Answer Key

1       take to: like sth straight away 2 gone off: stopped liking sth or sb.

3       keep up with: change at the same rate as sth

4       is in/out: in fashion/out of fashion

5       is into it: enjoys/likes

6       taken aback: shocked

As an extension, ask Ss to revise the phrasal verbs they have done in Units 1-5. In the next lesson play noughts and crosses. Draw the grid on the board. One team uses the symbol ‘X’, the other ‘O’. Taking turns, the teams put an ‘X’ or ‘O’ each time they say a correct sentence in which they have used the preposition in one of the phrasal verbs. When one team fills a row of 3 ‘Xs’ or 3 ‘Os’, they win.










9      Do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the task. Ss can refer to Appendix 1 at the back of the book to check the preposition needed. Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out their sentences.

Answer Key

1       to 3              with         5              about       7              in 2          with         4              for           6              to

Suggested Answer Key

1       I am addicted to shopping.

2       The new shopping centre was crowded with young people.

3       Play stations are extremely popular with young people.

4       That actor is famous for his bad temper. 5                She loves to gossip about other people.

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6       Britney Spears appeals to young girls aged between six and twelve.

7       I like to know what is in fashion.

Listening & Speaking (pp. 88-89)

1      a. Explain the task. Point out that Ss will hear eight unrelated extracts and that there is one question related to each one. Allow Ss some time to read through the questions and underline the key words. Ask Ss to say what they know about each situation from the questions and possible answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       The speaker is a teenager. The subject is her favourite TV programme.

2       The speakers are two women. The location is on a bus. The subject is where they are going after work.

3       The speakers are a man and a receptionist. The location is at a health club. The subject is what programme he decides to follow.

4       The speaker is a famous woman. The situation is a radio interview. The subject is her reason for going to Milan.

5       The speakers are two girls. The location is a café. The subject is what one of the girls has just bought.

6       The situation is a TV programme. The subject is attitudes to advertising.

7       The speaker is a man and his colleague. The location is at in office. The subject is his line of work.

8       The speakers are two teenagers. The subject is what the boy thinks of the local shopping centre.

b. Explain the task. Play the recording. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by playing the recording again, pausing after each speaker/conversation. Ask Ss to say which words/phrases helped them to deduce their answers. As an extension, Ss can underline the relevant words/phrases in the tapescript.

Answer Key

1    C              3              B              5              C              7              A 2           C              4              B              6              B      8              B

2      a. Elicit what the picture shows and ask Ss what they know about life in modern Japan. Explain the task and allow Ss time to complete the task in pairs. For each statement, ask Ss to explain why they think they are true/false.

(Ss’ own answers)

b.     imageExplain that this is a note-taking task and that Ss need to listen carefully for key points. Ask Ss to read through the gapped text and guess what information is missing. Elicit Ss’ predictions. Explain that the text paraphrases  what Ss will hear but the information they need for the gaps is clearly given in the recording. Remind Ss that they should not write more than three words in each gap. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and fill in the gaps. Check Ss’ answers by playing the recording again with pauses.

Answer Key


1    traditions

6     reserve a seat

2   Twenty-seven/27

7     traditional lunch

3   detectives

8      go out together

4   flower arranging

9      unmarried

5    home

10   respect

c.     Before Ss discuss the question in pairs, write the following key words on the board and ask them to make sentences about the role of women in their country. Make notes under each key word.

ñ marriage  ñ housework  ñ entertainment  ñ eating out ñ family  ñ work  ñ politics  ñ raising children

Ss then look at the completed text about Japanese women and the notes on the board and in pairs do the task. Check Ss’ performance, then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

3      a. Divide the class into pairs and each pair into Ss A and B. Ask all Ss to look at the pictures and elicit/provide key vocabulary items (e.g. newsreaders, studio, game show, presenter etc). Remind Ss that SAs must talk about similarities and differences between the pictures, not just describe them (elicit language for comparing and contrasting; if necessary refer Ss back to in Unit 1 p. 13) and also answer the second part of the question. Then SAs complete the speaking task. SBs listen to their partner and keep time, making sure SAs talk for about one minute uninterrupted. Go around the class and monitor Ss’ performance, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Student A: The first picture shows a news programme, whereas the second picture is a game show. There are two newsreaders, a man and a woman, sitting behind a desk in a television studio, looking quite serious, but there is only one game show  presenter, and he is smiling enthusiastically. The newsreaders are looking at the papers on the desk, probably putting them in order for the programme, but the game show presenter is holding up a big bundle of money, probably to show the contestants what they could win. One similarity is that all the presenters are formally dressed in suits. I think news programmes are more popular with young people because they watch them to find out what’s going on in the world. In my opinion, game shows are family entertainment programmes, and are probably more popular with older people.

b.     Read out the question and elicit answers from SBs

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Student B: I prefer to watch the second programme as I love game shows. I enjoy trying to answer the questions before the contestants. I think shows like this are good for expanding your general knowledge, so watching them is not a complete waste of time.

c.      Ask Ss to look at the pictures and help them with vocabulary if necessary. Remind Ss that SBs must talk about similarities and differences between the pictures, not just describe them. Ss work in the same pairs; SBs are allowed about one minute to complete the speaking task, while SAs listen and keep time. Go around the class and monitor Ss’ performance, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

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Unit 5

Suggested Answer Key

Student B: The first picture shows a business woman in an office whereas the second woman is sitting on the steps outside a house in the country. The first woman is sitting behind a desk holding a telephone to her ear and looking at a man opposite her. She seems very busy and stressed whereas the woman in the second picture seems very relaxed. The second woman is casually dressed in jeans and a casual top whereas the businesswoman is formally dressed in a suit. Both women are about the same age but they obviously lead very different lives. I think the second woman’s way of life would be more satisfying because it seems slow and relaxed; the businesswoman’s life seems hectic and stressful.

d. Read the question aloud and elicit answers from SAs

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Student A: I think that the first picture is closer to my lifestyle, as I also work in an office. It is usually quite busy and noisy, with people coming in and out and talking loudly, phones ringing and people valuing. It is quite a stressful place to work, but there is always something to do, so I am never bored.

4      Explain the task and read the list of points. Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the task. Discuss Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key





uses a variety of language to express




their opinions/feelings




hesitates too much




uses a range of different linking words




answers only the first part of the question




describes the pictures in detail rather than




compares them




uses description/paraphrase to avoid




unknown vocabulary



5      a.            Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Phrases to be underlined: Would you like to go ...; Well, I’m not in the mood for ...; Tell you what, we could always go ...; That sounds like a good idea to me.

Alternatives: Let’s go ..., shall we?; I don’t know. / I don’t feel like ... / Maybe some other time.; Why don’t we go ...?; That’s a great idea. /

That’s fine by me.;

b. Go through the phrases in the useful language box and the situations. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues.

Suggested Answer Key



Would you like to go to a concert on Saturday?



No, thanks. I don’t feel like going to a concert.



Oh, OK. Tell you something, we could go to the theatre.



Sure, why not?



Why don’t we go to the new club later on?



Well, I’m not sure if I feel up to that.



How about going to a café instead?



That sounds like a good idea to me.



Let’s watch a video, shall we?



Well, I’m not in the mood for watching a film.



How about playing a board game instead?

            A: OK. That’s fine by me.

6      imageElicit possible situations Ss can compliment sb on sth (e.g. new hairstyle/clothes/house/etc). Read out the expressions and the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

2       A: Do you like my new dress?

            B: You look great in it!

3       A: What do you think of my wedding dress?

            B: Wow! You look fantastic!

4       A: What do you think of my new hairdo?

            B: I didn’t recognise you!

5       A: Do you like this picture I painted? B:      Gosh! That’s really good!

Reading: Culture Clip (pp. 90-91)

1      a. Elicit various fairy tales Ss know of, and check Ss know the three given. Elicit which tale each line comes from, and ask Ss to give a brief account of the context of the line.

Answer Key

1       Snow White – her wicked stepmother says this to her magic mirror

2       Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves – they say these magic words to open the entrance to their hideout

3       Little Red Riding Hood – she says this to the wolf when he is pretending to be her grandmother

b. Explain the task. Read the title of the text and ask Ss to describe the two pictures. Elicit answers from Ss as to how the pictures and title are related.

Suggested Answer Key

Both pictures are related to a fairy tale, probably Cinderella. Both pictures show scenes from a theatrical performance of the fairy tale, which may be a pantomime, a funny musical play for children.

2      Ask Ss what they know about pantomime and elicit answers around the class. Explain the rest of the task, then Ss complete the true/false task in pairs. Allow Ss time to quickly read the text to check. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

A pantomime is a funny musical play for children usually based on a fairy tale and performed at Christmas or New Year.

      a    True            b    False           c    True            d    False

3      Allow Ss some time to read the main body of the text and underline topic sentences/phrases. Help Ss with key vocabulary and do the first few paragraphs with them if necessary. Check Ss’ answers. Then ask Ss to do the same with paragraphs A-I. Check answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Intro     The Christmas season in the UK would be nothing without the traditional ‘Panto’.

     Para 0 Pantomime has become big business in the UK.

Para 1  Over the years, it has combined many different features of theatre

Para 2 To be described as traditional, a pantomime needs to have a strong story line and include all the important elements of ‘good’ battling against ‘evil’

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Para 3 This form of comedy takes its name from a device that was carried by a pantomime character ...

                                                                                                                                            Para 4 the basic ingredients of successful pantomime

Para 5 Another example of this role reversal is the all-important pantomime dame

                                                                                                                                            Para 6 one particular chorus of dancers.

Para 7 It is hoped that this unique tradition will continue long into the future

A      a visit to a show may be child’s first experience of theatre.                                                        

B      The most famous of those Pantomime clowns was Joseph Grimaldi

C       Pantomime has been tried abroad.

D      Pantomime has always tended to adapt to the times E             keep up-to-date with events and new trends.

F       Song and dance are also important

G      The tradition of cross-dressing

H      Pantomimes can often run for six to eight weeks.

I        The shows are mostly aimed at children, and are based on

popular fairy stories

4      Explain the task. Do item 0 with Ss. Elicit from Ss which words link the correct paragraph to the gap. Remind Ss that there is one paragraph which they do not need to use. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers, and elicit evidence for their choices.

Answer Key

1      imageH 3              F              5              G             7   A

2      E 4              B              6              D

5      a. Ss explain the words in bold by giving examples or synonyms. They may use their dictionaries if necessary.

Suggested Answer Key combination: mixture

adapting: changing according to the circumstances elements: features device: tool, gadget ingredients: elements that go together to make a whole era: age, period

chorus: a group of singers and dancers who perform together impression: a person’s first thoughts/feelings about something proved: has been shown to be

trends: fashions

plot: storyline exaggerated: overplayed

b. Explain that the words from A and B combine to form collocations used in the text. Allow Ss a few minutes to match the words and find them in the text. Check Ss’ answers and understanding of the collocations. Then Ss make sentences. Check Ss’ answers by asking Ss to read out their sentences.

Answer Key

folk legends (I)            lasting impression (A) big business (line 6)         fellow actors (line 26) star performers (line 8)     role reversal (line 31) live theatre (A) theatrical effect (line 26)

Suggested Answer Key

The story of ‘Peter and the Wolf’ is a folk legend from Russia.

Pantomimes are big business in Britain.

The main roles are played by star performers. I enjoy live theatre more than the cinema.

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Unit 5

The play made a lasting impression on me.

The star applauded his fellow actors.

There is a lot of role reversal in pantomimes.

The actor used his voice to create theatrical effect.

6      Explain the task and read out the sentences. Allow Ss time to discuss the task in pairs, then check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

In the first sentence, ‘theatre’ means entertainment that involves the performance of plays.

In the second sentence, ‘theatre’ means the building where plays, etc, are performed.

7      a. Explain the task and give Ss some time to discuss the questions in pairs. Then ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

b. Divide the class into groups. Allow Ss time to prepare a scene from a pantomime, then ask willing groups to act out their scenes in front of the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

English in Use (pp. 92-93)

1      Quickly revise adjectives and adverbs. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers, and elicit examples to illustrate the T/F statements.

Answer Key

1       bright               3              local        5              fast

2       hopefully          4              sudden    6              impatiently

                                 1    T                 2    F                 3    T                 4    F

2      Remind Ss that some adverbs have two forms, each with a different meaning. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers. Ss explain what each adverb means.

Answer Key



1    a    hardly



2    a    high



3    a    late



4    a    deep



3      Explain that certain adjectives already end in -ly and so we use a phrase with ‘way’ or ‘manner’ to form their adverbs. Help Ss with the first sentence. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key


1   in a friendly way

3    in a silly way

2   in a lovely way

4  in a lively way

4      imagePoint out that if several adjectives go before a noun they have to be in the right order. Explain/Elicit the rules for order of adjectives. Write on the board SASCOM. Elicit what each letter stands for (Size - Age - Shape - Colour - Origin - Material). Elicit adjectives for each category, e.g. big, small (size); old, young (age); round, square (shape); blue, green (colour); Chinese, African (origin); wooden, silk (material).

Explain that adjectives for function or subject come afterwards, directly before the noun. Point out that opinion adjectives (beautiful, ugly, etc) come before all these adjectives.

Write these sentences on the board and elicit the order of adjectives from the class to illustrate the rules:

1      I’m looking for a ................ tablecloth. (linen/white/ large)

2      I bought her a ................ brooch. (silver/heart-shaped/ beautiful)

3      He was wearing a ................ jacket. (scruffy/leather/ old)

4      We had lunch in a ................ restaurant. (Chinese/ little/cosy)

(Answers: 1 large white linen;  2 beautiful heart-shaped silver; 3 scruffy old leather;  4 cosy little Chinese)

Then Ss work in pairs and complete exercise 4. Check Ss' answers. Ss should justify their answers.

Answer Key

1       exciting, original, expensive (any order)

2       ugly, old, black

3       boring, old, social

4       cosy, small, old

5       a. Quickly revise comparisons: use visual prompts to elicit the comparative and superlative forms of some simple adjectives. Write them on the board and focus on meaning, form and spelling. Then, elicit other ways of making comparisons, e.g. (not) as ... as, less ..., the more ... the less, etc.

e.g. old – older – oldest narrow – narrower – narrowest tiny – tinier – tiniest beautiful – more beautiful – most beautiful good – better – best (irregular)

Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Explain the task and go through the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

2       as convenient as         4              as expensive as

3       more and more          5              The more ... the better ...

b. Explain the task and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I am sure George studies twice as much as I do.

I bet Mary solves Maths problems half as fast as Sam does. I bet John goes to the cinema twice as frequently as I do.

As an extension, ask Ss to look around the class and make sentences about their classmates/objects in the class using comparative and superlative forms. e.g. S1: Mary’s bag is heavier than mine.

S2: John is the quietest person in the class.  etc

6         Revise so/such. Write the following words on the board. heavy              much money

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a heavy suitcase                far heavy suitcases much Ask Ss to add so/such accordingly. Elicit the rules, then ask Ss to make sentences using the words on the board (e.g. The suitcase was so heavy that I couldn’t lift it.). Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1          The actor is so ...

2          Harry Potter is such a ...

3          The new Star Wars film got such ...

7         Explain the task and read out the example. Allow Ss time to complete the task in pairs, then ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Harry Potter has the best plot of all.

Star Wars has the best music of all.

The sound effects in Tomb Raider are better than in Harry Potter. The plot of Harry Potter is more interesting than Tomb Raider.

8         Explain the task and point out that the second sentence should have the same meaning as the first sentence. Remind Ss that they must not change the word given. Also point out that they can use between two and five words. Do item 1 with Ss. Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1          ... eat as well as/eat as good food as ...

2          ... twice as expensive as ...

3          ... not as easy as ...

4          ... get fit as quickly as ...

5          ... the same as he did ...

6          ... so noisy that he ...

7          ... such long advertisements that ...

9         Explain that the suffixes in the box can be added to nouns to form adjectives. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1          childish – selfish, Finnish

2          conventional – professional, educational

3          official – racial, partial

4          American – African, Cuban

5          emotional – personal, original

6          European – Chilean

10      Ask Ss to look at the title then read through the text quickly to get the gist. Read the example. Elicit why these is the correct answer (‘these days’ is an expression). Do item 1 with Ss. Advise Ss to focus on whole sentences at a time, and to look very carefully at the words before and after each gap to help them decide on the missing word. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers on the board.

Answer Key


1    do

9  way/manner

2  less (comparative with ‘and’)

10    is

3   a/per/every

11    as

4 than (comparative because of ‘more’)

12    taking

5    of

13    too

6  be (passive infinitive)

14    on

7                few 8                that

15 could/might

11      imageAsk Ss to look at the title, then skim the text to get the gist and say what it is about. Then tell Ss to read the first two sentences more carefully, and establish that the first line is correct. Next focus on the second line and ask Ss to explain why far is an error (we use’ far’ with ‘too’ or comparatives, not with ‘extremely’). Ask Ss to focus on  the next line (item 1). Elicit that not is an error, because in this sentence even though and in fact introduce a contrast with what anorexics believe (that they are fat), so we know that they are very thin, not the opposite. Remind Ss that they should always look at whole sentences to find errors, not just each line at a time, since some errors depend on the grammar and meaning of the whole sentence and Ss might mistakenly think they are correct in the smaller context of the line. Ss complete the task individually or in pairs. Encourage Ss to reread the whole text afterwards to check that it is all correct. Check Ss’ answers, asking for a justification for each error found.        

Answer Key

1          not (factually incorrect)

2          the (these nouns do not need the definite article)

3          !

4          been (incorrect tense)

5          the (we do not use ‘the’ with the comparative form)

6          even (only used with the comparative form for emphasis)

7          they (unnecessary pronoun)

8          !

9          hardly (unnecessary adverb)

10       be (unnecessary verb)

11       !

12       !

13       seem (incorrect without the preposition ‘to’)

14       !

15       whole (unnecessary adjective)

Writing: For-and-Against Writing (pp. 94-95)

1      Go through the theory box and explain any points Ss have difficulty with. Read out the rubric. Go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       my teacher

2       quite formal

3       Pros: save space/save time/can provide entertainment/are a source of information

Cons: make people dependent on them/can make mistakes Other pros: store lots of information/can be used to communicate across great distances

Other cons: can be misused/ can crash and lose information

2      a. Ask Ss to read the model and see what pros and cons are included. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       To begin with     6              Finally

2       On the one hand                7              On the other hand

3       such as               8              Another negative effect

4       In addition          9              All things considered

5       As a result

b. Read out the questions and elicit answers around the class.

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Unit 5

Suggested Answer Key

1       To begin with, the benefits of computers cannot be denied.

Firstly, no one can deny that computers are useful. On the other hand, there are also disadvantages with the computer age.

However, computers also have a number of disadvantages.

2       The remaining sentences in both paragraphs.

3       start – a rhetorical question end – state a personal opinion


c. Explain the task, then allow Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

B is the best beginning

B is the best ending

d. Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss.

Alternatively, Ss can do the task in pairs.


Suggested Answer Key

The writer feels that computers are valuable, but not essential. He believes that we should not become so involved in them that we socialise less with other people. His opinion is clearly stated in the final paragraph.

3      Go through the theory box and explain the task. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1       in favour of      3              feel          5              For example

2       Even though     4              Besides

4      Explain the task and elicit the first answer from Ss. Allow Ss time to complete the task, then check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       To begin with " Firstly

2       On the one hand " One advantage is that

3       such as " for example

4       In addition " Furthermore

5       As a result " Therefore

6       Finally " Last

7       On the other hand " However

8       Another negative effect " An additional disadvantage

9       All things considered " Taking everything into account

5 a. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the arguments and justifications, then complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking them to use the arguments and justifications to make sentences about advertising.

Answer Key

1       d  for           3              a              for

2       c  against    4              b              against

b. Explain the task and allow Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers. As an extension, ask Ss to replace the topic sentences given with other appropriate ones.

Suggested Answer Key



1       imageThere are certain arguments in favour of advertising. To begin with, advertising creates jobs. As a result, the unemployment problem is reduced, which is an important advantage for a country’s economy. Another point in favour is that it increases the wealth of a country, since tax paid on goods can be used for essential services in society.

2       However, some people feel that advertising also has its drawbacks. The main disadvantage is that advertising can make people dissatisfied with what they already have. In particular, children of poorer parents feel inferior when they cannot buy the same things as their classmates. Moreover, advertising causes people to place too much importance on material goods. For instance, many people are willing to work long hours so they can afford the goods on offer.

Explain the task and read out the supporting sentences. Allow Ss some time to do the task. Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out their topic sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

A      The most important advantage of electronic shopping is the convenience it offers.

B      However, there are a number of problems involved with the use of mobile phones.

Explain the task and elicit answers to the first item. Make sure Ss use appropriate linking words from the theory box on p.

95. Allow Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       Firstly, the tickets are a lot cheaper than other airline companies. As a result, more people are able to travel abroad.

2       The most important disadvantage is that it is frustrating and time-consuming. For example, you waste a lot of time sifting through the mail and you may overlook an important letter or bill as a result.

3       To begin with, it is one of the main reasons behind the problem of obesity in modern society. Many people are more likely to buy fast food than to eat a healthy lunch these days because it is so convenient.

4       In addition, graffiti can beautify an area. For example, a dull grey concrete wall can become an attractive country scene.

Read out the rubric. Help Ss to underline the key words, then go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: magazine for teenagers; credit cards; curse; blessing; article; pros and cons; shopping on credit

1              the editor and readers of the magazine 2              semi-formal style because it is for a magazine 3   Points in favour of credit cards:

Enable you to shop whenever you feel like it; Useful in case of an emergency;

They can be used internationally;

You can buy on the phone or on-line;

Usually offer discounts and special offers; No need to carry much cash; Points against credit cards:

You may overuse it and get into debt;

Mistakes can be made; You may fall behind with payments; You will pay a lot of interest.

a.     Explain to Ss that they are to read two model answers, one good and one bad, to the task in Ex. 8. Go through the points listed that Ss should have in mind while assessing the models. Then, allow Ss some time to read the models and assess them. Ss, in pairs, compare their answers. Check Ss’ answers in class. Ss justify their answers.

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Answer Key

Model B is the most appropriate one because it covers all the points in the list, whereas Model A does not.

b.     Explain the task. Go through the list and check that Ss understand all the points. Allow Ss time to read through Model A again and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers. Ss need to give examples to support their answers.

Answer Key

All the items should be ticked.

ñ opinion in the first paragraph (‘in my view’) ñ personal example(s) (2nd para: ‘I even used mine in Africa


ñ short forms (1st para: ‘we shouldn’t’) ñ one sentence paragraphs (last para) ñ blind use of statistics (first para, first sentence) ñ overgeneralisation (last para) ñ badly laid out composition (main body consists of one paragraph and advantages and disadvantages are mixed up)

c.      Allow Ss time to rewrite the beginning and ending of Model A in pairs. Check Ss’ answers by asking Ss to read out their beginnings and endings.

Suggested Answer Key


As anyone with a wallet full of plastic money knows, credit cards are very much part of our everyday life. However, are they our flexible friends or an enemy in disguise?


To sum up, I believe that the responsibility for the use or misuse of a credit card lies in our hands. We can turn a credit card into a useful tool to make shopping easier or into a dangerous weapon that can lead us into debt.

d.     Read out the quotations. Elicit from Ss which would be appropriate to end Model B. Allow Ss time to write a new ending. Check Ss’ answers by asking individual Ss to read out their endings.

Suggested Answer Key

All in all, if we are aware of the pitfalls and use them wisely, then credit cards can be very useful. After all, as Henry de Bracton once said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".

10      Ss work in pairs. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Answer Key

1       Ken, my penpal

2       informal

3       Dear Ken – Love, Joe

4       Name of hotel – first paragraph

Advantages – second paragraph Disadvantages – third paragraph my opinion – final paragraph

11      Go through the list of errors with Ss. Read out the first line and elicit from Ss what type of error has been made (punctuation) and what the error actually is (Ken should begin with a capital as it is a name). Allow Ss some time to complete the task in pairs, then check Ss' answers.

imageAnswer Key

Dear Ken,

Hi – how have you been? Here’s the information you asked for (language too formal/wrong verb) about the hotel for your uncle. I found (wrong tense) one, the Westin Hotel, but there are some good and bad points.

One of the main advantages of (wrong preposition) this hotel is that (unnecessary word) it is comfortable and luxurious. For example (wrong linking word), there’s a swimming pool and a sauna. Another point in favour of (wrong preposition) this hotel is that they have good prices (unnecessary word). There’s (wrong tense) even a special discount in April (punctuation problem) and May (punctuation problem).

However, this hotel also has some drawbacks. The main point against it (unnecessary word) is that the location is rather out of the way. As a result, your uncle will have (wrong tense) to walk about fifteen minutes to the nearest bus station. Another disadvantage is that it can be (missing word) difficult to find rooms, so your uncle will have to book early.

All in all, however (wrong linking word), I think (language too formal) the Westin Hotel is a good choice, and you can safely recommend it to your uncle. Inform him that he can book (unnecessary word) directly (see number at the bottom), or if you want me to do it just let me know. I can’t wait to hear (language too formal) from you again.

Love, (incorrect salutation) Joe missing point: excellent service

12 Explain the task. Help Ss to underline the key words, then go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A      Key words to be underlined: effects of mobile phones on our lives; views; good and bad sides; articles; magazine

1       an article

2       the editor and the magazine readers – semi-formal style

3       Begin:

It seems that everywhere we go nowadays we will hear the beeping sound of someone’s mobile phone. Along with the Internet, emails and credit cards, mobile phones have become a central part of modern life. But are they a benefit or a nuisance?


All in all, in the right hands mobile phones are a welcome practical means of communication. If we use them responsibly and respectfully, mobile phones are a useful tool for modern living.

4       useful in an emergency/fast means of communication/ can be dangerous /can be costly

5       We can contact people from wherever we are and be contacted ourselves. Text messaging is instant and quick.

Using a mobile phone while driving is extremely hazardous and can cause an accident. Call charges for calling another mobile or a long distance number are high.

6       To start with, In addition, For example, Also, To add to that, However, All in all

B      Key words to be underlined: pros & cons of keeping fit; teacher; composition; your opinion

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Unit 6

Suggested Answer Key

A      It seems that everywhere we go nowadays we will hear the beeping sound of someone’s mobile phone. Along with the Internet, emails and credit cards, mobile phones have become a central part of modern life. But are they a benefit or a nuisance?

There is no doubt that mobile phones have their advantages. To start with, they are very useful in an emergency. We can contact people from wherever we are and be contacted ourselves. In addition, they are a very fast means of communication. For example, text messaging is simple and quick.

However, there are also a number of disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that they can be dangerous. For example, using a mobile phone while driving is extremely hazardous and can cause an accident. To add to that, mobiles can be costly. Call charges for calling another mobile or a long distance number are high.

All in all, in the right hands mobile phones are a welcome practical means of communication. If we use them responsibly and respectfully, mobile phones are a useful tool for modern living.

B      Health and fitness go hand in hand and every town and city has gyms, health clubs and sports centres available for people to use. Nevertheless, does keeping fit have more benefits than pitfalls in today’s society?

One point of view in favour of keeping fit is that it helps maintain a balanced weight. This is important because being overweight can cause many health problems such as high blood pressure and stress on the joints. What is more, keeping fit means that you will be able to do more activities easily. For example, people who are unfit get tired and out of breath doing simple things. Finally, a good overall level of fitness helps to maintain a healthy body as exercise is good for the heart and lungs.

Nevertheless, there are also some disadvantages. One disadvantage is that keeping fit can be expensive. Memberships to gyms and health clubs often cost a lot of money. Another disadvantage is that it is often difficult to fit exercise into our hectic lifestyles. Our daily schedules are often so busy that we don’t have the time to exercise regularly.

All things considered, some moderate exercise every day has a great number of benefits. How and when we exercise is up to us, but keeping fit is essential for good health.

C       Dear Hilda,

Thanks for your letter. I was very happy to hear that you are thinking of studying here. I have all the information you asked for.

University students living in my city have a number of advantages. In the first place, there are lots of great facilities for students. For example, there is a fantastic sports centre with special discounts for students as well as an Internet cafe. Also, the social life for students here is great. There are a number of international students at the university, so you will have the opportunity to meet people from all over the world.

imageOn the other hand, there are a couple of drawbacks. The main one is that life can be quite expensive. Student accommodation is costly as the rents are quite high. Also, there is lots of traffic. The roads are very busy and it can be quite noisy, especially around the campus because it is on a main road.

Overall, I think you will have a great time here at university. It is a great place to live. If there is anything else you would like to know, just drop me a line. Take care.



Unit 6  –  Going Places


Vocabulary: types of holidays & trips; travel & travellers; holiday objects & souvenirs; signs; holiday experiences; types of roads

Reading: multiple matching (reading for specific information); gapped text (reading for text structure)

imageListening: multiple matching; true or false (listening for gist, main points, detail, specific information, opinion) Speaking: interrupting; encouraging; persuading; agreeing & disagreeing; complaining; criticising; apologising; asking for an opinion; complimenting; thanking Use of English: ‘key’ word transformations; word formation; multiple choice cloze

Grammar: modal verbs: obligation & necessity, possibility & impossibility, ability & permission

Phrasal verbs: check; set; take; break; pick; slow (related to

travel) Writing: narratives (1)

Lead-in (p. 99)

1      Ask Ss to look at the pictures and elicit what type of holiday each one shows. Then elicit reasons for Ss’ preferences for each type.

Answer Key

A      beach holiday              D              safari

B      skiing holiday              E              camping holiday

C       cycling holiday            F              walking holiday

Suggested Answer Key

I enjoy going on beach holidays because I like to sunbathe.

I enjoy going on skiing holidays because I love winter sports. I enjoy going on cycling holidays because I like to explore parts of the countryside where there is no traffic.

I enjoy going on safari because I like to see animals in their natural environment.

I like going on walking holidays because I like to explore the countryside and keep fit at the same time.

2      Explain the task. Play the recording. Ss listen and match the people to the types of holidays. Check Ss’ answers. Elicit which words helped Ss decide.

Answer Key

Speaker 1 – tropical island (quiet, relaxing, escape, turtles, beach)

Speaker 2 – mountain village (scenery from the top)

Speaker 3 – safari (helicopter, under the stars, open air, wildlife)

3      a. Read out the words in the columns and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Allow Ss a minute to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key


eco-tourism project

seaside resort

travel brochure

remote area

holiday romance/resort

tourist attraction

travelling companion departure lounge

traveller’s cheques

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b. Elicit a variety of sentences from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Charter flights are usually cheaper than scheduled flights.

Working on an eco-tourism project gave me a lot of satisfaction.

Holiday resorts always look inviting in the travel brochures. The girl I met on the boat became my travelling companion for the remainder of the trip.

If your flight is delayed, you may have to wait in the departure lounge for some time.

I prefer to spend my holidays in seaside resorts.The hotel we stayed in was excellent, but it was in a rather remote area.

Disneyland is a popular tourist attraction for families with young children.

Traveller’s cheques are a useful way of carrying money with you when you travel.

c. Explain the task and go through the useful language box. Ask two Ss to read out the example and point out that speaker B encourages the other speaker to say more. Ask Ss to use compound nouns from Ex. 3a in their discussions. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key



In my opinion, working on an eco-tourism project is a great way to spend a holiday. That way, you get something and give something back at the same time. Also, ...



I’m sorry to interrupt, but I don’t think you get anything back. After all, you are working the whole time, aren’t you?



Well, I’m sure you would have some time to relax and enjoy your surroundings.



If you ask me, I think a lot of travel brochures are guilty of false advertising.



Why do you think that?



Well, when you arrive in a resort, quite often the place looks nothing like it was in the glossy brochure.

4      Read out the statements. Ss complete the task. Ask some Ss to report their answers back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key ñ              Travelling deepens our self-knowledge.

A: I agree, as I think that when we travel, we have new experiences and the way we deal with them teaches us about ourselves and our tastes.

B: I don’t agree. I don’t think we need to travel to learn about ourselves. We learn new things about ourselves all the time and if we didn’t know how to deal with new situations it would probably be better not to travel anyway.

ñ We are more emotionally attached to our homes than any other place.

A: I think this is true, because it doesn’t matter where we are actually living in the present moment, we always have a special feeling for our home. No matter how far away from home we go, we always think of it and remember it as somewhere where we feel comfortable and happy.

imageB: In my opinion, this is not true for everyone. Many people agree that wherever they are they feel at home and that’s true for me, too.

Reading (pp. 100-101)

1      Read out the question and start a class discussion eliciting opinions and answers from around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: I think tourists should not buy souvenirs made from endangered species.

B:   I agree, then they will not be encouraging illegal trade or poaching.

A:   To me, tourists should respect the local customs and traditions so as not to offend the local people.

      B: Yes, they should be polite at all times.

2      a. Read out the title of the text and elicit what it might mean. Allow Ss some time to read the text quickly and check to see if their guesses were correct.

Suggested Answer Key

The writer describes holidays as "guilt-free" because travellers have the chance to get away to somewhere beautiful while helping a deprived area and giving something back to the environment at the same time.

b.     Help Ss to underline the key words in the questions. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined:

0            local people, travel companies, agree – both locals and tour operators think alike

1            new plan spoil view, well-known spot – proposed scheme will ruin the view from a popular place

2            something used, different purpose – alternative use

3            live as natives do – live like the locals

4            project set up, because financial crisis – scheme started due to economic problems

5            government agreed to plan – authorities accepted proposed scheme

6/7 different opinions on what should be done – conflicting views about a solution

8            authorities want wealthier tourists – government prefers high-class visitors

9            future plans, benefit group of tourists – some tourists will profit in the future

10         group, looking for assistance – people seeking help

11/12 tourists, see wild animals – holidaymakers see animals in the wild

13         easy-going atmosphere – relaxed surroundings

14         trying, make life easier for tourists – attempting to simplify things for tourists

c.     Explain the task. Ask Ss to look at section B of the text more carefully and find evidence for the example 0 (lines 3335 ‘Both the residents and the travel organisations feel that ...’). Then allow Ss a few minutes to see which other questions apply to section B of the text. Check Ss’ answers and evidence. Instruct Ss to continue the task on their own, always dealing with one section of the text at a time and checking all the questions with each section. Ss complete the task individually, checking their answers in pairs. Check Ss’ answers, eliciting evidence for each question.

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Unit 6

Answer Key

1       C (lines 44-5)

2       A (lines 17-19)

3       D (lines 67-75)

4       D (lines 63-65)

5       C (lines 51-52)

6       B (lines 25-30) } in any order

7       C (lines 49-52) 8     B (lines 25-27)

9         A (lines 8-9, 12-13)

10      A (lines 14-16)

11      A  (line 11)       } in any order

12      D (lines 61-62)

13      B (lines 21-22)

14      C (lines 40-43)

3      a. Explain/Elicit what geographical features means (things such as mountains, rivers etc). Ss read the text again and do the task. Elicit which features can be found in their country.

Answer Key coast, beach, jungle, mountains

(Ss’ own answers)

b. Explain the task. Point out that the part of the text where the words/phrases can be found has been given. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       artificial (line 3)               4              snub (line 34)

2       generate (line 6)              5              pristine (line 38) 3   discourage (line 26) 6              welfare (line 66)

c. Ss explain the words in bold by giving synonyms or examples. They may use their dictionaries to help them if necessary. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

marine life: living things in the sea e.g. fish, sharks, shellfish, etc local authorities: regional government shoestring budgets: limited amount of money to spend turn away: refuse entry

remote: far away from cities and inhabited areas

trek: hike visible: possible to see local inhabitants: people who live in the area launched: started, set up

a downturn in the national economy: a worsening of the country’s finances

4      Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise using their dictionaries to help them if necessary.

Answer Key

2       repel 4              up-market               6              foolish

3       threaten           5              destroy    7              working

5      imageExplain the task. Do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       the number of diving enthusiasts who have shown interest has been surprising

2       they would be happier if the tourists who visit Goa had more money to spend

3       it would be foolish to alienate the people who enjoy spending their holidays there

4       it will make sure the natural beauty of Machu Picchu is not spoilt

5       holidaymakers will have the opportunity to experience what life is really like in an African village

6       a. Ask Ss to read the text again and think of a onesentence summary for each part. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A      Plans to sink a warship and use it as a diving reef in Cornwall would encourage eco-tourism.

B      Local authorities in Goa want to discourage low budget tourists and attract more up-market travellers.

C       There is disagreement about plans to build a cable car to lift visitors up to Machu Picchu.

D      Local villagers have started their own eco-tourism project in Zambia to raise money for educational and welfare projects.

b. Read out the question. Ss work in pairs and discuss the question. Ask some pairs to present their opinions to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I think that the project mentioned in section A will be successful, because there are plenty of people who are interested in diving. These people will visit the wreck and will be keen to protect fish and marine life as these creatures enhance their diving experience.

The project in section B may not be successful, as it will be difficult to stop hippies from visiting an island where they have always spent their holidays. By trying to discourage them from coming to the island, local authorities may cause a lot of damage to the local economy.

The project in section C may not work because there are people who strongly oppose it. It is hard to decide which would be worse – to continue to damage the trail up to Machu Picchu, or to build a cable car which would destroy the view.

I think that the project in section D will be successful because there are a lot of people who will want to help the African people and spend time in beautiful surroundings at the same time. Many people would enjoy staying in an African village and learning about local traditions.

7 Read out the task and initiate a class discussion eliciting a variety of answers from around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

Language Focus (pp. 102-103)

1      a. Explain the task. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words in the sentences. Write the table on the board and elicit answers from Ss around the class to complete it. Ss copy the completed table into their notebooks.

Answer Key

beginning: see you off;  get going;  boarded;  set off during: held up;  go via;  en-route;  passed through;  headed for end: reach;  got off; 

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b.     Explain the task. Ss do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers. Elicit what type of transport is referred to (a ship). Explain that the text refers to a famous ship that set sail from Southampton and never completed its journey to New York. Ask Ss to guess what ship the text may refer to (The Titanic) and elicit the date (11th April, 1912).

Answer Key

      1    see (us) off               2    en-route                  3    reach

c.     Explain the task. Ask various Ss to talk about a memorable journey they have made in front of the class. (Ss’ own answers)

2      Check Ss’ knowledge of vocabulary for the items illustrated. Explain the situation and go through the useful language box. Read out the example and explain that Ss should try to negotiate with their partner when they disagree, to reach an agreement. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class and ask some pairs to report their decisions back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

      A: Do you think we should pack the umbrella?

      B: No way! It’s going to be really hot and sunny in Mexico.

A:  Hmm ... That’s true. In that case we’ll need the sunscreen, then. B:     That’s fine by me.

A:   Surely the most sensible thing would be to take the alarm clock.

B: The alarm clock! I can’t see any point in doing that. I’m not keen on getting up early, especially when I’m on holiday.

A: OK. Let’s take the radio instead. That way, we could listen to music whenever we like.

B:   Good idea. It’s vital that we take the camera to take lots of photos.

A: Let’s do that! I really think we should take a first-aid kit, too. You never know when we might need it.

B: You’re probably right. I really think it would be a pity if we didn’t take the insect repellent and we got bitten by mosquitoes.

      A: You’re right. Let’s do that!

3 a. Read out the signs and elicit their meaning and where they might be seen.

Suggested Answer Key

You could see the first sign in a hotel or a bed and breakfast. It means that there are no rooms free at the moment.

You could see the second sign in a bank or at a hotel reception desk. It means that you can exchange your travellers’ cheques for cash here.

You could see the third sign on a hotel room door. It means that the people in the room do not want anyone to knock on the door or come into the room.

You could see the fourth sign in an airport. It means that you do not have anything in your luggage which you should inform the customs officials about.

b. Ask two Ss to read out the exchange. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking some pairs to act out their exchanges in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key ñ              A:             I’d like to cash some travellers’ cheques, please. B:               Certainly sir. May I see your passport, please?

image     ñ     A: I’m really tired after our long flight.

            B: Me too. Let’s put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door.

ñ A: Have you got anything in your luggage that we have to declare to the customs officials?

            B: No, I don’t think so. We can go through the green channel.

4         Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, then Ss read the announcements and complete the task. Play the recording. Ss listen and check their answers. Elicit where each announcement could be heard.

Answer Key

1       passengers – at an airport.

2       platform – at a train station

3       luggage – at an airport, a train station or a bus station

4       docking – on a ferry or a cruise ship

5       route – on a traffic report on the radio

5         Allow Ss some time to go through the spidergrams. Elicit/ Explain the meaning of any unknown words. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers. Elicit a variety of sentences using the remaining words from Ss around the class.

Answer Key

1       globetrotter             3              Pilgrims   5              Explorers

2       flying visit 4              stopover

Suggested Answer Key

They are building a new ring road in my town.

The speed limit on a dual carriageway is 40mph.

We live on a quiet lane in a rural area.

The new bypass will reduce the amount of traffic through our town. The airport is only one hour’s drive up the motorway. At the end of my street there is a dirt track which leads to an abandoned farmhouse.

I often get stuck in traffic on the A1 flyover.

The local castle attracts a lot of sightseers.

I’ve never had the desire to be a backpacker; I prefer to travel in style.

My mum is a keen rambler and often goes for long walks through the countryside.

We are going on a weekend break to Paris this spring.

I enjoy making day trips to the seaside.

My grandma goes on lots of excursions with the over 60s’ club.

My flight was delayed, so I missed my connection.

I would love to take a cruise to the Bahamas one day. I would like to have an extended stay in France to really explore the country.

6         a. Explain that in each group, three words collocate with the noun and one does not. Ss work in pairs and do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers and explain any unknown words. As an extension, ask Ss to make sentences using the noun phrases.

Answer Key

1       dark          3              national   5              booked

2       accommodation      4              soaking    6              various

b. Ss work in pairs and talk about their last holiday using

words from Ex. 6a.

Suggested Answer Key

A:       We stayed in a family hotel. It was very comfortable. B:      Oh. Were you on a package holiday?

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                                 A: No. I wanted to go somewhere where there weren’t many tourists.

I prefer to have a relaxing holiday away from crowds of people.

                                 B: So, was the place you stayed in very peaceful?

A:            Oh yes. It was perfect. The scenery was spectacular, too. B: It sounds lovely.

7         Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the exercise. Ss can check their answers in Appendix 2 at the back of the book. Check Ss’ answers, then Ss explain the phrasal verbs. Ss should memorise these phrasal verbs.

Answer Key

1       in      3              off           5              up

2       off     4              down       6              down

Suggested Answer Key

1       check in: arrive at hotel and collect your key

2       set off: start a journey

3       take off: leave the ground

4       break down: stop working

5       pick up: collect

6       slow down: drive more slowly

8         Explain the task. Ss complete the task using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

                                 1    heart           2    broadens          3    hit               4    made

9         Explain the task. Point out that the words in bold have a similar meaning but only one is correct. Ss complete the task using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key



1    ruins

3    delay

5   companion

2    view

4    trip

6     brochures

10      Explain the task. Ss fill in the prepositions, and can check their answers in Appendix 1 at the back of the book. Check Ss’ answers, then Ss work in pairs to use the prepositional phrases to tell each other about their last holiday.

Answer Key

1       by     4              for           7              on            9              in

2       on 5 on/off/by/at 8 in/at 10 in 3 on/in 6 off

Suggested Answer Key

Last summer my family and I went to France by car. We had rented a small cottage on the west coast. When we eventually found the cottage, which was quite difficult as it was really off the beaten track, we were desperate for a swim so we headed for the beach. We soon realised it was actually some way – about 20 minutes on foot. On our way back, we found a small kitten in the road and took it back to the cottage. etc

Listening & Speaking (pp. 104-105)

1       a. Read out the sentences. Elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the class.

imageSuggested Answer Key

1 I agree with the first statement up to a certain point. The advantages of travelling when all the holiday crowds have gone home, is that you get to see a place when it is peaceful and you do not have to push through crowds of people, or join long queues in order to see important sights.

However, the crowds are probably there because there is a certain time when it is best to visit a place. Perhaps when the crowds have gone home, the weather will be bad, or the attractions will have closed for the season.

2       I agree, as I myself prefer to travel independently and make all my own arrangements rather than go on a package holiday. This gives me the freedom to go wherever I like, whenever I like and not rely on organised tours and visits to certain sights.

However, for some people, particularly those who are travelling with young families, it may be easier to have everything arranged for you, as this means that you have less to worry about and you can relax and enjoy your holiday, knowing that the children will have plenty to do.

3       I disagree as I think that it is important for young children to see as much of the world as possible, so that they grow up knowing that there is more to the world than the place where they live. They need to learn that all people are not the same and life is different in other parts of the world.

On the other hand, certain kinds of food in other countries may not suit them and they could get sick. Apart from this, the weather might be too hot and young children can easily get sunstroke. I don’t think they are good travellers either, because they get bored easily.

b. Explain to Ss that they are going to listen to five people talking about travelling. Ask Ss to read the opinions A-F. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the task. Play the recording again, pausing after each speaker, to check Ss’ answers and elicit evidence.

Answer Key

     Speaker 1    B                Speaker 3    C                Speaker 5    E

     Speaker 2    D               Speaker 4    A

2      a. Explain that Ss are going to listen to someone giving advice to travellers. Elicit various travel advice/tips (avoid high season, take spare clothes in your hand luggage, talk to people who have been to the place you plan to visit etc). Ask Ss to read the sentences 1-8 and underline the key words, then make guesses about what the speaker might talk about.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined:

1       lightweight travel products

2       inexpensive suitcases ,thieves

3       sweets, dangerous, children, take-off, landing

4       limit toys

5       addressed envelopes, contact, friends

6       shop, fit in suitcase

7       airport, asked, items in luggage

8       small details, important

b. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers and elicit evidence. As an extension, refer Ss to the tapescript and ask them to underline evidence for each answer.

Answer Key

1       F  3              F              5              F              7              T

2       F  4              T              6              F              8              T

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c.   Elicit a variety of answers to the question around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

3      Ask Ss to look at the pictures and identify what is shown in each one. Divide the class into pairs and Ss complete the task. Remind Ss that they should justify their choices. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class, then ask some pairs to discuss their choices in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: I think that I would buy the necklace. It is very pretty and it looks as though it might be hand made. I like to buy souvenirs that have been made by local people.

B: Yes, it’s quite nice, I suppose, but I prefer the bowl and chopsticks. It would be something to show my friends, and you could even learn how to eat with chopsticks, which would be fun.

A: That’s true. I like the bowl and chopsticks, too. What else would you buy?

B: Well, the sombrero hats are fun. I would hang them on my wall at home as decorations so that my friends could see them.

A: That’s a great idea. They would look really good. I still like the necklace, though, as I love original jewellery, so I think I’d get that and the bowl and chopsticks. What would you definitely not buy?

B: Well, I certainly wouldn’t buy the wooden chest. I wouldn’t be able to carry it home with me.

A: You’re right. It definitely wouldn’t fit in your suitcase! I wouldn’t buy the statue of the Eiffel Tower. I think it looks cheap and nasty and it is probably made of plastic. It is not a very original souvenir, either.

B: Oh, I don’t know. It’s not too bad. I definitely wouldn’t buy the lamp. You can find lamps like that in any antique shop so it’s not very unique and wouldn’t give me any special memories of my holiday.

A:   No, you’ve got a point there. I definitely wouldn’t buy the lamp or the Eiffel Tower.

                          B: Well, I wouldn’t buy the chest or the lamp.

4      Read out the questions and Ss discuss them in pairs. Ask some Ss to report their opinions back to the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

5      Explain the task. Check that Ss understand the assessment criteria, and elicit what would represent an unsuccessful performance in each of the areas listed. Play the recording, then elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ Both students use a good range of appropriate vocabulary and  accurate grammar throughout.

ñ The students put forward relevant arguments and give valid reasons for their choices. They organise their ideas clearly and extend their answers.

ñ The two students have good pronunciation and use stress and intonation to convey the intended meaning, as well as appropriate linking words.

imageñ Both students speak quite fluently, communicate their ideas well, invite responses from each other and maintain interaction well.

6 a. Explain the task. Ask two Ss to read out the dialogue. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Phrases to be underlined: complain: I’m sorry to say that I am very disappointed with apologise: I don’t know what to say;  I’m so sorry criticise: I’m really fed up with

The speakers are a guest and the manager/receptionist in the hotel. The problem is that noisy trains pass the hotel all night.

b. Read out the rubric. Elicit a variety of problems from around the class then go through the useful language box. Read out the situations, then Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

problems: travel sickness, food poisoning, lost luggage, flight delays etc ñ    A:             I’m afraid I’ve got a complaint.

            B: What exactly is the problem, madam?

A: I’ve just arrived on the plane from London, but my luggage has been sent to France.

B:   Oh dear. I’m terribly sorry about that. I’ll see to it as soon as possible.

ñ A: I’m sorry to say that I am very disappointed with the food in this hotel.

            B: Oh, I’m sorry. What seems to be the trouble with it?

A: It is badly cooked and tastes awful. B:   Oh dear. I don’t know what to say.

ñ A: There’s something I’d like to talk to you about. You promised to give me a wake-up call for the excursion today, but you didn’t do it.

            B: Gosh, you’re right. I forgot all about it. I’m sorry!

A: It’s all your fault that I missed the excursion and I was really looking forward to it.

            B: I’m so sorry! I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.

c. Explain the task and ask Ss to look carefully at the pictures. Elicit what might be the situation in each one. Ss work in pairs and act out dialogues. Check Ss’ answers by asking some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ A: Look, I’m sorry to trouble you, but I wonder if you could remember to fill the photocopier up with paper when it runs out.

            B: Oh yes! I forgot. Sorry.

A: It’s about time you tried a bit harder, isn’t it? Why couldn’t you check how much paper there is every time you use it? B: I’m really sorry. It won’t happen again.

ñ A: There’s something we’d like to talk to you about. It’s just that you promised to tidy your room before you went out, but you didn’t, did you?

            B: I know. I’m sorry. I’ll do it now.

A: It’s about time you pulled your weight around here instead of going out all the time.

            B: You’re right. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again. I’m sorry.

7      a. Ask two Ss to read the dialogue aloud and elicit where it takes place.

Suggested Answer Key

I think that the dialogue takes place in someone’s house.

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Unit 6

b. Go through the useful language box and read out the situations. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key



So, how do you like the house then?



I think it’s brilliant.



Thanks, you’re so kind.



Do you like the food?



It’s absolutely delicious.



Thanks for saying so.



So, what do you think?



It’s really beautiful.



Thanks, I’m glad you like it.

8      Read out the sentences a-g and the example. Allow Ss a few minutes to prepare dialogues in pairs. Ask different pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key a        ... – restaurant

b       No, I can manage, thanks. – at home / in an airport/bus/train stration

c       I’d like a ticket to London, please. – bus/train station d I’ve got a reservation under the name of Smith. – hotel e     I’d like a seat near the front of the plane, please. – airport f              I’d like two cheeseburgers, please. – fast food restaurant g     Could I try these on in a 37, please? – shoe shop

Literature Corner (pp. 106-107)

1      Ask Ss to read the short text about Somerset Maugham. Read out the task and elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I expect to read a story about a writer and an artist.

I think that Maugham chose Tahiti as the setting for this story because he spent a lot of time there and decided it was a beautiful place which would be wonderful to describe and write about.

2      a. Elicit what Ss know about Tahiti. Ss read the text and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

2             to             4              for           6              in             8              to 3          of             5              of             7               in

Suggested Answer Key

You could read this text in a travel brochure.

b. Allow Ss some time to read the text quickly and compare the text to the description in Ex. 2a.

Suggested Answer Key

Yes – the description of Tahiti matches Maugham’s description – he also describes it as being beautiful, smiling and friendly.

3      imageAllow Ss some time to read through the first paragraph carefully. Ask them to think about what information might be missing in gap 0. Read through the list of sentences A-I and elicit why F is the correct answer. (It contains the reference words ‘him’ and ‘he’ which refer to Charles Strickland from the previous sentence. It continues the topic and explains why his interest in Strickland wasn’t immediately revived.) Ss complete the task in pairs. Remind them to match the topic of the missing sentence and any reference words in it with the topic of the sentence before and after each gap and to check that the sentence they choose fits grammatically and makes sense. Check Ss’ answers. Then ask Ss to justify their answers.

Answer Key

1       A (reference words: kitchen, breakfast, awoke, sleeping)

2       C (reference words: Wellington)

3       H (reference words: stormy, wind, dropped, sea)

4       B (reference words: island, approach,came near)

5       E (reference words: sad, sadness)

6       G (reference words: harbour, boats, quay, bay)

7       D (reference words: crowd, sea of faces)

4 a. Explain the task and allow Ss some time to read the text again and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers and elicit/explain the meaning of any unknown vocabulary where necessary.

Answer Key ñ     the sky: pale, flaming, blue ñ  Wellington: trim, neat, English ñ            the sea: stormy, calm, blue ñ  the clouds: grey ñ          the mountains: lovely, distinct ñ             the boats: trim, neat ñ            the town: little, white, charming ñ         the crowd: gay, well-dressed, noisy, cheerful, animated

b.     Ss explain the highlighted words by giving synonyms or examples, using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key hazard:  chance remote:  isolated revive:  refresh engaged (in):  doing stirring:  waking, moving splendour:  magnificence

gaze:  stare murmur:  make a continuous low sound flamboyant:  striking and colourful flaming:  bright dazzles:  impresses

c.      Explain the task. Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’


Answer Key

pale sky (line 17) – sight silence on the lake (lines 17-18) – hearing grey clouds (line 21) – sight rocky splendour (lines 25-26) – sight blue loneliness of the Pacific (lines 29-30) – sight silent valleys (lines 31-32) – hearing cool streams (line 33) – touch shadowy places (line 34) – sight flamboyant trees (line 40) – sight scarlet flowers (lines 40-41) – sight flaming blue of the sky (line 42) – sight noisy, cheerful animated crowd (D) – hearing sea of brown faces (line 44) – sight

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5      Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       B             2              B

6      Do the first item with the class, then Ss work in pairs and explain the phrases taken from the text in their own words. Encourage Ss to work out the meaning from the context. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       a pleasant situation

2       to renew my interest

3       to keep my mind busy

4       the wind stopped blowing

5       to look back at you

6       a lively group of people

7       a crowd of dark-skinned people

7      Ss work in pairs and describe their dream island. Ask some Ss to report back to the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

8      Read out the questions. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class, then ask some Ss to present their answers to the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

9      Explain the situation. Assign the task as written HW. Check Ss’ answers in the next lesson.

Suggested Answer Key

Dear Sam,

I am having a great time in Tahiti.

It is extremely hot and the island is beautiful. It is really green with lots of mountains and lush valleys. The people are very friendly, too.

Yesterday, we went to Papeete harbour and walked along the tree-lined streets and around the quay. It was very busy and colourful. Tomorrow we are going on a trip to the neighbouring island of Murea.

That’s all for now. See you when I get back.



English in Use (pp. 108-109)

1      Revise modal verbs of obligation and necessity and refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       needn’t/don’t have to/don’t need to

2       have to

3       don’t have to/needn’t/don’t need to

4       should/ought to/must

2      Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

imageSuggested Answer Key

1       You ought to check that you have your passport before going to the airport.

You ought to check that you have your tickets before going to the airport.

2       You have to take your passport when travelling abroad.

You have to have a valid ticket when travelling abroad.

3       You mustn’t take plants through customs.

You mustn’t take illegal substances through customs.

4       An air steward has to check that the doors are locked before take off.

An air steward has to check that the passengers have their seat belts fastened before take off.

5       You shouldn’t drop litter on the beach.

You shouldn’t drive your car on the beach.

3      Revise modal verbs of possibility and impossibility and refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section  for more detail. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       probably not               5              possibly

2       theoretically possible  6              likely

3       certainly/surely           7              impossible

4       possibly       8              not true

4      a. Revise modal verbs of ability and permission and refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss. Then Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       Can – ability 5              could – ability

2       could – ability             6              Can/Could – permission

3       Can/Could – permission             7              can – permission

4       can – ability 8              can’t – ability

b. Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Elicit a variety of answers from around the class.

Suggested Answer Key ñ   Can I have a glass of water, please?

Could you help me with my seat belt, please?

ñ Can you tell me how old the castle is, please? Could you tell me what time we have to be back on the bus, please?

ñ Can you tell me what time I have to check out, please? Could you give me a wake-up call at seven o’clock tomorrow morning, please?

5      Read out item 1 and the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

2       A: Are you allowed to take pets on public transport?

            B:  Yes, you are.

3       A: Can you travel abroad with an ID card instead of a passport?

            B:  Yes, you can.

4       A: Are you allowed to camp on beaches and in public parks?

            B:  No, you aren’t.

5       A: Do you have to pay to visit national museums? B: Yes, you do.

6      Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss. Elicit the grammar structure tested. Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1         ... must arrive in Milan ... (modal – obligation/necessity)

2         ... don’t have to show ... (modal – absence of necessity)

3         ... didn’t have to worry ... (modal – chances of necessity)

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Unit 6

4         ... ought to say goodbye before ... (modal – obligation)

5         ... shouldn’t criticise ... (modal – absence of necessity/advice)

6         ... will have to pay for ... (modal – necessity)

7         ... has difficulty making ... (difficulty + -ing form)

8         ... you should stay in today ... (modal – advice)

9         ... it’s not worth buying ... (worth + -ing form)

10      ... failed to reach/didn’t manage to reach ... (failed/not manage + to-inf)

7      Explain the task and draw a table on the board with the headings; verb, abstract noun, concrete noun, adjective and adverb. Write admire in the verb column and elicit answers from the class to fill in each of the remaining columns. Do this for each item in the list. Ss then copy the completed table into their notebooks. Then, Ss work in pairs and write sentences. Elicit a variety of sentences from around the class.

Answer Key



































































Suggested Answer Key

Anne received a bouquet of flowers from a secret admirer.

I won first prize in the competition.

He answered all the questions correctly.

His enthusiasm for his work is plain to see.

The long walk home was exhausting.

This dress is far too expensive for me to buy.

Terry works for a charitable organisation.

I am going on a guided tour of London next week.

I received a wedding invitation in the post this morning.

John always uses his time productively.

A degree in English is a useful qualification to have.

I don’t like this music, it’s very repetitive.  etc



Read out the title and elicit what holiday complaints people might have. Ask Ss to skim the text, ignoring the gaps, to see what complaints are mentioned (having to pay for a golf cart, losing something, bingo prize not big enough, bouquet of flowers too big) and whether these seem reasonable complaints. Explain the task and focus on  the example, eliciting why ‘ready’ is the correct answer (‘used’ and ‘accustomed’ would need to be followed by to+gerund and ‘fit’ is the wrong meaning). Do item 1 with the class, and elicit why ‘spread’ is correct (‘spread the word’ is a fixed phrase). Remind Ss to look very carefully at the words before and after each gap, then look at the options and decide which fits best. Ss do the exercise.  Check answers by asking Ss to read sentences from the completed text aloud. Encourage Ss to justify their answers.

Answer Key

1         B (fixed phrase – ‘spread the word’)

2         A (phrasal verb – ‘get sth back’)

3         B (a bad review, have/get a bad reputation, media coverage)

4         D (loan = no payment, rental of, to let sth to sb)

5         B (together with = a prepositional phrase used for emphasis)

6         A (fixed phrase – ‘cause sb distress’)

7         B (listen to sb, remark = say, suspect sb of sth)

8         C (took off, landed = action performed by pilot/aircraft, caught a bus/train)

9         C (pay a deposit, guarantee = warranty/assurance, cut = share (idiom))

10      D (travel = verb, ride = of a horse/bike, excursion = short journey/visit, trip = holiday)

11      C (ferry boat, tour boat/bus, cargo ship = does not carry passengers)

12      B (fixed phrase – ‘honeymoon couple’)

13      B (fixed phrase – ‘to prevent sb from doing sth’)

14      A (refers to ‘departure lounges’)

15      B (fixed phrase – ‘the rest of us’)

9 Ask Ss to look at the title, then quickly read the text and say what it is about. Explain the task. Focus on the example (0) and elicit that ‘pleasure’ is noun, forming the compound noun ‘pleasure boats’. Ask Ss to decide what word class is needed for each gap before deciding on their answers

(1 noun, 2 noun, 3 adjective, 4 adjective, 5 adverb, 6 adverb, 7 adjective, 8 adjective, 9 adjective). Remind Ss that in some cases negatives may be needed. Ss complete the exercise in pairs. Check Ss’ answers on the board, eliciting spelling.

Answer Key



1    surroundings

4    bustling

7    stylish

2    countryside

5    illegally

8  unforgettable

3    situated

6    carefully

9   neighbouring

Writing: Narratives (1) (pp. 110-114)

1       a. Go through the theory box. Read out the rubric and help Ss to identify the key words. Read out the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: Local newspaper; story competition; start; "The day of my holiday arrived, but I wasn’t looking forward to it.";  write story

1       The editors of the local newspaper/judges of the competition

2       b             3              a

b. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the story and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers, then read out the questions before Ss answer them in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

      A    2           B    5           C    1           D    3           E    4

Suggested Answer Key

1    past simple to describe actions, events, states and feelings. past continuous to set the scene and describe feelings past perfect to describe previous actions, events and states

Past Simple

I made my way ... (action)

The day of my holiday arrived ... (event)

I had little money (state)

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the plane took off, I fell fast asleep and woke to ... (events)

I froze in my seat (feeling)

The airline had no choice (state) Past Continuous

As I was waiting to board the plane ... (setting the scene)

I wasn’t looking forward to it. (feeling)

Was I dreaming? (feeling) Past Perfect

After I had checked in, ... (action)

I had boarded the wrong plane! (action/event)

Immediately after the plane had landed (event) I ... had only been able to afford to stay ... (state) it had been the airline’s fault, ... (state)

2       Adjectives to be underlined:

positive: lucky, ideal, long, sandy, crystal clear, marvellous,

thrilled negative: little, noisy

3       Adverbs to be circled:  manner: slowly, apparently time: immediately, shortly degree: exactly, really, fast

4       After, As, As soon as, Immediately after

5       I wasn’t looking forward to it, I wasn’t really thrilled, I froze in my seat 6 I had boarded the wrong plane!

      c.    Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

a 2 c 9 e 3 g 5 i 6 b 7 d 8 f 1 h 4

2      a. Read out the theory box on time words and phrases, then allow Ss sometime to read the short text and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Answer Key

Time words/phrases to be underlined: As soon as; When;  While;

At that moment; first thing in the morning

b.     Ss read the rest of the story and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       Soon/Eventually     4              After/When

2       At first    5              Finally

3       Then

c.      Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Ask individual Ss

to retell the story to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

At first, I wasn’t looking forward to going on holiday. When I got to the airport, I checked in and waited to board the plane. As soon as the plane took off, I fell asleep. Suddenly, I heard the pilot announcing that we were landing in Kingston, Jamaica. At that moment, I realised I was on the wrong plane. After the plane landed, I explained the problem to the authorities. Eventually the airline agreed to pay for my stay and I spent a wonderful week in Jamaica!

3      Go through the theory box on past tenses and explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers, asking individual Ss to read sentences from the completed text aloud.

imageAnswer Key

1       began          7              shut         12            was

2       arrived         8              found       13            thought

3       were standing             9              bought     14            came

4       heard           10            gave        15            realised

5       decided       11            got           16            had changed

6       started

4      a. Go through the theory box on adjectives and adverbs and explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the two texts and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Paragraph A is more interesting to the reader because it contains a variety of adjectives, whereas Paragraph B contains the same simple adjectives throughout.

b.     Explain the task and read out the adjectives in the list. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Julie sat in the café in the pleasant fishing village. She was watching people getting off the enormous cruise ship. Her beautiful face lit up as she saw her wonderful 80-year-old grandmother walking towards her wearing a colourful dress. She hugged Julia, sat down opposite her and gave a tiny sigh of joy. After the horrible time she had had getting here, she felt very lucky to finally be on the island with her delightful granddaughter.

5      Explain the task and read out the list of adverbs. Read out the first sentence and elicit where an adverb could go (before the adjective exhausted to show degree). Elicit which adverb would fit best (absolutely). Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

We had been sightseeing all day and we were absolutely exhausted. We were on our way back to our hotel when I suddenly realised that my purse was missing. I remembered that the last time I had used it was at the café where we had stopped for a drink. We quickly made our way back to the café and went over to the table we had been sitting at. We anxiously checked to see if it had fallen on the floor, but it wasn’t there. We asked to see the manager and we explained that my purse was missing. He asked us to describe what it looked like and what was inside it. He listened carefully, then went back into his office and came out carrying my purse. We thanked him gratefully and he offered us coffee and dessert on the house.

6      Go through the theory box on techniques to begin/end a story and draw particular attention to the examples. Explain the task and allow Ss some time to read all the extracts. Ss do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       C uses the senses to describe the weather (extremely hot), to set the scene (he could hear the strange sounds of the unfamiliar city), uses direct speech (“What am I doing here?”, “I’m so glad it’s all over!”), describes people’s feelings about the events in the main body (deep sigh of relief, “I’m so glad it’s all over!)

2       A asks a rhetorical question (Have you ever had one of those days ...?. But I suppose that’s life, isn’t it?), addresses the reader directly (Have you ever ...?), refers to feelings (I am


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Unit 6

3       B uses direct speech (“Don’t worry, darling ... ”), uses the senses to describe the weather (Dark clouds, the wind was howling), refers to feelings (their faces looking extremely worried), describes people’s reactions to the events described (They were all tired, hungry and still in shock, but they were happy to be alive!)

7      Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to consider their answers. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Help any Ss who may have difficulty. Check Ss’ answers and ask individual Ss to read their paragraphs aloud.

Suggested Answer Key

                                 A   Beginning:

As soon as I opened my suitcase I realised that something was wrong. I looked out at the snowy Austrian mountains and heaved a huge sigh of despair. What was I doing with someone else’s luggage?


I felt so relieved as I pulled on my warm winter clothes and walked down to the hotel lounge. Now that I had my suitcase back I could see the funny side of what had happened. At least now I had a good story to tell about my skiing holiday!

                                 B   Beginning:

The sun was shining brightly as Jane and Tony set off for the airport. "I hope the weather is just as good in Spain," said Jane. They both felt very excited as they sped through the local countryside on the way to the motorway.


Jane and Tony felt very embarrassed as they took their seats on the plane, knowing that all the other passengers had been waiting for them. As the plane took off, they both hoped that the rest of their holiday would be less stressful.

8      a. Explain the task and read out the rubric. Allow Ss some time to read the two models and elicit which one answers the question best and why.

Suggested Answer Key

Model A best answers the question because it uses the beginning given in the rubric whereas Model B does not. Model A is also interesting and well written.

b. Explain the task and read out the prompts. Ss work in

pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ The title of Model A is more interesting than the title of Model B.

ñ Model A has a more interesting beginning and ending than Model B because it uses more narrative techniques.

ñ Model A contains a greater variety of adjectives and adverbs than Model B.

ñ Model A uses a variety of time words/phrases, whereas Model B does not.

ñ Model A uses direct speech, whereas Model B does not. ñ There is a wider range of vocabulary in Model A than in Model B.

image                                 ñ  Both models use past tenses.

c. Ask Ss to read model B again then complete the task in pairs.Check Ss’ answers by asking some Ss to read out their improved beginnings/endings.

Suggested Answer Key


It was a beautiful sunny day and Tom had the day off work. He was glad because that meant that he had the chance to visit his cousins, Bob and Paul. He whistled happily as he got into his car and set off for their cottage by the sea.


They became extremely anxious as they sat there and watched the dark clouds roll in. “I’m scared” said Tom. “Me, too” said Bob who was shaking like a leaf. Just then, they saw a lifeboat which had appeared as if from nowhere. They both breathed a huge sigh of relief and were happy that their trip hadn’t turned into a nightmare.

9         Explain the task. Ss do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers on the board.

Answer Key

1       "It is a long way, isn’t it?" Paul said.

2       I don’t know how to do it, do you?

3       "Gosh, it’s fantastic!" she exclaimed.

4       I don’t believe this is happening.

5       "What are you doing in my room?" Bob said.

10      a. Read out the rubrics one at a time and help Ss to identify the key words. Ss work in pairs and answer the questions. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

A      Key words to be underlined: teacher; story; ending with “He was far, far away at last.”

1       a third-person narrative

2       my teacher

3       in the past, somewhere far away e.g. an island

4       a man, e.g. John

5       John goes on holiday to a lovely island but when he arrives, his hotel is awful and there is nowhere else to stay.

6       John leaves the island.

7       ‘The Hotel from Hell’/’The Worst Hotel in the World’

B      Key words to be underlined: teen magazine; stories about travelling; begin with “We felt surprised as the train pulled into the empty station.”

1       a first-person narrative

2       the editor/readers of a teen magazine

3       in the past, at a train station

4       myself, my sister Susie and our uncle Peter

5       We go to stay with our uncle but he is not there to meet us at the station. We find out that we are waiting at the wrong station and take another train to meet him.

6       We meet our uncle and feel very relieved. 7     ‘A Weird Welcome’.

C       Key words to be underlined: school magazine; short story competition; begin with “I will never forget my first camping holiday.”

1       a first-person narrative

2       the editor/readers of the school magazine

3       in the past, on a campsite

4       myself and my family

5       We go on a camping holiday. We try to cook a meal on the campfire but we set fire to our tent.

6       We go to stay in a hotel.

7       ‘The Camp Fire’/’Holidays in Flames’.

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Self-Assessment Module 3


b. When you are confident Ss can complete the task, assign it as written HW. Point out that Ss should use the information in the checklist to help them complete the task successfully. Before Ss hand in their stories, ask them to exchange stories with another student and check their partner’s story against the Checklist for Unit 6 at the back of the book.

Suggested Answer Key


John was very excited as the boat neared the harbour. The sun was just setting in the evening sky and the island looked beautiful in the twilight. He was really looking forward to his holiday.

The hotel didn’t look very attractive from the outside, but he was confident that although it was a bit basic, it would be comfortable and clean. He couldn’t have been farther from the truth. When he opened the door to his room, he couldn’t believe his eyes. There was no bed, just a mattress on the dirty floor. The window was stuck so he couldn’t open it and the bathroom was at the other end of the corridor and, when he turned the tap, the water was a muddy brown colour. He went to the front desk to complain, but it was deserted. As it was quite late, he decided to stay the night and look for somewhere else the next day.

The next morning, John left the hotel and walked into the town to find somewhere else to stay. To his disappointment, everywhere was fully booked. Without a second thought, he raced towards the harbour and jumped on the first boat out of there. John breathed a huge sigh of relief as the boat carried him away from the island. He was far, far away at last.


We felt surprised as the train pulled into the empty station. My sister Susie and I had travelled all day to come and stay with our uncle Peter for the weekend. It had been a long journey and we were tired. "Where is he?" asked Susie. "Don’t worry. He’ll be here soon," I said, but I was a little worried. It wasn’t like uncle Peter to be late.

We got off the train and looked around the station. There was definitely no sign of uncle Peter. An hour later there was still no sign of him and now we were both very anxious. "Maybe he’s forgotten we’re coming," said Susie. "Why don’t you call him?" I looked in my bag but my address book wasn’t there.

Just then, I had an idea. I asked the clerk at the ticket office to find the telephone number for Peter Cooper in Fowler Street. "You must be Peter’s nieces!" exclaimed the clerk. "He’s my neighbour! He’s told me about your visit. But what are you doing here?" he continued "We’re waiting for uncle Peter, of course," I replied. "Oh dear!" laughed the clerk. "You should be at Stanford West. This is Stanford East!"

We quickly took another train to Stanford East station. We laughed as we saw uncle Peter’s worried face and ran across the platform to greet him. It was such a relief to be together at last!


I’ll never forget my first camping holiday. The sun was shining brightly as we arrived at the campsite and chose the best spot to pitch our tent. My family and I were very excited to be spending a holiday in the great outdoors.

By the time we had put up our tent we were all very hungry, so we decided to cook the first meal on our campfire. We quickly gathered some dry wood and lit a fire.

imageSuddenly, there was a loud crack, and one of the sticks in the fire exploded. Sparks flew everywhere and a burning ember flew up and landed on our tent. The material immediately caught fire and within seconds there were huge flames leaping up from our tent.

Terrified, we ran to fetch buckets of water and threw them over the tent. We were screaming so loudly that other campers ran to help us. Gradually, the flames died down and the fire went out, but our tent was ruined.

After we had checked into a hotel and eaten a delicious lunch, we all began to see the funny side of our experience. "That was the shortest camping holiday ever!" said Dad, and we all laughed.

imageSelf-Assessment Module 3

1         Answer Key

1       centre       8              aback       15            matches

2       pick           9              on            16            to

3       with          10            up            17            have 4     made       11            get           18            heart

5       keep          12            manner   19            to

6       on              13            down       20            hit

7       the            14            names

2         Answer Key

1       C                3              C              5              B              7              B              9              A 2           B              4              B              6              C  8              A              10            B

3         Answer Key

1       ... so noisy that she ...               4              ... is not as easy as ...

2       ... no difficulty ...       5              ... you should take an

3       ... be asked to show ...              aspirin ...

4         Answer Key

1       childish     3              surroundings           5              organisation

2       cultural     4              carefully

5         Answer Key

1       been          3              the           5              very

2       ! 4              more

6         Suggested Answer Key

1       don’t we   3              not in the 5              sounds like

2       be honest  4              about going

7         Answer Key

1       b                2              b              3              b              4              a              5              b

8         Answer Key

1       D               3              G             5              F 2           A              4              C              6              B

9         Answer Key

       Speaker 1    D                      Speaker 4    A

       Speaker 2    B                      Speaker 5    E

       Speaker 3    F

10      Suggested Answer Key

1       I usually travel to school on the bus.

2       I like the fact that we live in the countryside and it is very green with lots of fields all around.

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Unit 7

3       My neighbourhood is a small village with a few houses and a farm nearby. It is in the middle of the countryside near a small river. In the village there is one grocer’s shop, a post office, a school and a church. It is a very rural community.

4       In my family there is myself, my mum and dad, and my brother, Philip. My mum is a nurse and she is tall and slim with blonde hair. My dad is a teacher and he is quite short and a little plump. My brother is fifteen and older than me. He is tall with brown hair. He is a bit of a pest sometimes, but we usually get on quite well together.

11      a.   Suggested Answer Key

Student A

Both pictures show hobbies which can be done by anyone, but the people in the pictures are both adults. Picture A shows a woman at home looking at her stamp collection while picture B shows a man playing golf outdoors on a golf course. I think it must take a long time to build up a stamp collection just as it must also take some time to learn to play golf and to become good at it. It must be rewarding to build up a large collection of stamps, especially if you have some valuable ones. However, I think golf must be more rewarding because you would have a greater feeling of satisfaction from developing your skill as a player, especially if you enter and win competitions.

b. Suggested Answer Key

Student B

I play football in my spare time. I play for the school team and also for a local team every Saturday. I enjoy it very much and we are top of our league.

c.      Suggested Answer Key

Student B

Picture A shows a young girl who looks like a punk. She has spiky hair and she is wearing a lot of make-up and jewellery. In contrast, picture B shows a middle-aged man in simple and plain clothes with a hat. He looks like a farmer. Both people have long hair and that is where the similarity ends. I think the girl has chosen this style as a form of rebellion which is probably also reflected in her music tastes and other aspects of her lifestyle. I think the man’s style, on the other hand, reflects his simple lifestyle and he has chosen these clothes for practical reasons. I think they are work clothes and he wears a hat to protect his head as he probably works outdoors.

d.     Suggested Answer Key

Student A

I don’t think it is right, but I think it is natural. We usually form our opinions about people within the first minute of meeting them. We should really take the time to get to know a person before we judge them and sometimes we do and change our initial impression of people, but more often our first impression is the lasting one. So, no, I don’t think it is right, but I think it is human nature.

12      Suggested Answer Key

imageHe stepped out of the shadows and walked towards me. It was a cold, dark night and the moon was hidden behind the clouds. I had just returned home from a long day at the office and I was about to put my key into the lock to open my door when I saw the dark figure lurking in the shadows.

I was frozen to the spot with fear. “What do you want?” I managed to say feebly. “You!” came the reply. I immediately flew into a panic and frantically tried to open the door and get inside quickly before he came any closer.

Just then, I dropped my keys on the floor. I crouched down to pick them up and suddenly the man was standing right next to me. “Don’t hurt me!” I screamed as he took hold of my arm to pull me up. “What’s the matter with you?” he asked in a voice that now sounded quite familiar.

Later that night, I was able to laugh about how silly I had been. I had forgotten that my cousin, Tom was coming for dinner and it was him who was waiting for me in the shadows. We had a lovely dinner and I was happy and relieved to see him, but I felt embarrassed about the event for a long time.

Unit 7  –  History


imageVocabulary: historical figures and their achievements; historical events; war and peace; control; time Reading: multiple choice (reading for detail); matching headings to paragraphs (reading for main points)

Listening: multiple choice; note-taking (listening for gist, main points, detail, specific information, attitude, intention and opinion)

Speaking: asking for confirmation and responding; narrating personal experiences; expressing surprise, disbelief, sympathy; expressions related to luck

Use of English: word formation (verbs); ‘key’ word transformations; open cloze; error correction

Grammar: past forms; past modals

Phrasal verbs: take over; carry out; blow up; go off; bring about; back out; beat up (related to history) Writing: narratives (2)

Lead-in (p. 121)

1    a./b.        It is advisable to deal with Exs 1a and 1b together.

First, ask Ss to look at the pictures of people from world history and think of what they know about them. Ask them to say in what centuries they lived and what they were (politician/leader, scientist, musician, explorer, astronomer, ruler, etc).

Then go through the list of verbs in 1a and elicit/ explain their meaning. Go through the useful language box in 1b, ask two Ss to read out the example, and elicit example exchanges about one or two of the historical figures. Ss work in pairs and use the verbs and useful language to complete the task. Monitor Ss’ performance around the task. Check Ss’ answers (see prompts below).

Alternatively, if Ss do not have the necessary historical knowledge or language skills to manage the task, write the following  prompts on the board and Ss use the useful language from the box in 1b to discuss in pairs which one applies to whom.

a                  campaigned and fought for civil rights, was

assassinated in 1968

b                  composed music from the age of six c invented the telescope and was the first to

claim that the earth moved round the sun

d            was the first elected president of the USA e         discovered the chemical element, radium

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f                 Emperor of France, conquered several European


g                first head of the People’s Republic of China h last Tsar to rule in Russia i Queen of England, reigned in the 16th century j discovered America


1        j               3              h              5              d              7              b              9              f 2            g              4              e         6              a              8              c              10            i

Suggested Answer Key

A: It was Mao Tse Tung who was the first head of the People’s Republic of China, wasn’t it?

      B: Yes, I think it was.

      A: Tsar Nickolas II was the last tsar to rule in Russia, wasn’t he?

      B: Oh, I can’t remember.

      A: Galileo discovered radium, didn’t he?

      B: No way! It was Marie Curie who discovered radium.

A: George Washington was the first elected president of the United States, wasn’t he?

      B:  I couldn’t tell you.

      A: Wasn’t it Martin Luther King who discovered America?

B: Not at all. That was Christopher Columbus. Martin Luther King campaigned for equal rights in America.

A: It was Amadeus Mozart who composed music when he was six, wasn’t it?

      B:  I haven’t a clue.

A: Napoleon Bonaparte conquered several European countries, didn’t he?

      B: Yes, that’s right.

A: Queen Elizabeth I was the queen of England who reigned in the 16th Century, wasn’t she? B: Yes, I think she was.

2      a. Explain the task. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss' answers and ask them to identify what helped them.

Answer Key

Speaker 1: Cleopatra (Clues: queen of Egypt; Julius Caesar; Mark Anthony; asp; Shakespeare)

Speaker 2: Hitler (Clues: leader of National Socialist Party in Germany; Der Führer; Mein Kampf; Aryan race; defeated in World War II)

Speaker 3: Ghandi (Clues: India; leader of Indian nationalist movement against British rule; nonviolence; pacifism; nonviolent protest; assassinated)

b.     Explain the task. Allow Ss time to prepare notes, then ask individual Ss to talk about the person they have chosen while the other Ss try to guess who the person is.

Suggested Answer Key

A: This person was an English playwright and poet who was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564. He wrote many famous plays, including Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. He married Anne Hathaway in 1582 and they had twins, Hamnet and Judith, in 1585. He moved to London in 1588, where he soon became very popular. He had his own theatrical company, called the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, and they performed his plays at the Globe Theatre. He died in 1616.

B: William Shakespeare. A: Correct.

c.      imageExplain the task. Ask Ss around the class to give their answers with reasons.

Suggested Answer Key

I think that Nelson Mandela will eventually become a part of history because he has done so much good work against racism. He even spent 28 years in prison for standing up for what he believed in. He was head of the African National Congress (ANC) and he was the first democratically elected president of South Africa.

3      Explain the task. Read the quotations aloud. Explain/Elicit what they mean. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key ñ Our history is what makes us the way we are. I only agree with the first statement up to a point, as it suggests that we are what our history has made us. I think that history plays a part in forming our characters, but in the end, we are all responsible for our own character and behaviour.

ñ    History shows that we make the same mistakes over and over again.

I think that there is some truth in the second statement, as it seems that we keep making the same mistakes again and again throughout history. For example, if we really learnt from history, there would be no more wars.

Reading (pp. 122-123)

1      a. Read out the quotation and elicit answers from various Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I think that the quotation means there are always several versions of how things happen, depending on who is telling the story. In order to have a definite version of events to write in the history books, people have had to find a compromise between the different versions.

b.     Read out the questions and elicit answers from various Ss. Ss read the first and last paragraphs of the article and say what they think the text is about. Allow Ss time to skim the text and check their answers.

Suggested Answer Key

The quotation is linked to the title of the text because both are about history.

I think that the text is going to be about how versions of events, which we read in history books, are not always accurate.

c.     Explain the task and read out the sentences. Ss complete the task in pairs, then scan the text to find the information. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

      1   F (lines 12-18)      2   T (lines 29-35)       3   T (lines 53-56)

2      Explain the task and allow Ss some time to read the questions and the text and complete the task. Check Ss' answers and elicit evidence from the text for each one.

Answer Key

1       D (lines 23-24)            4              C (lines 52-56)         6              B (lines 63-65)

2       A (lines 28-29)            5              D (lines 58-62)        7              B (whole text)

3       B (lines 41-43)

3      Explain the task and allow Ss some time to read the text again and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

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Unit 7

Answer Key

ñ 1776 – Congress approved the Declaration of Independence ñ 1782 – the first draft of a Treaty of Peace was signed ñ 1783 – the king officially announced that the war would be over soon, and the Treaty of Paris was later signed

ñ 1492 – Christopher Columbus arrived in America ñ 1000 AD – Leif Eriksson landed in America ñ 3rd September – the Treaty of Paris was signed ñ 15th Century – Columbus’ voyages opened up large-scale commerce between Europe and America

4 a. Ss work in pairs and complete the task using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

The chances are: very likely The thing is: In fact was not willing to: did not want to comes to mind: occurs to you

give him any credit at all: acknowledge his contribution

"cut and dried": straightforward a grain of truth: some truth take it with a pinch of salt: have a critical attitude

b. Ss work in pairs and complete the task using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key version: one form of sth

Independence: (of a country) having its own government – not

being ruled by another country approved: formally agreed to struggle: a long and difficult attempt to achieve sth brutal: cruel, violent grant: allow sth/sb to have leaders: the people in control draft: an early version of a document

Treaty: a written agreement between countries in which they

agree to do a particular thing accurate: precise, exact Presumably: very likely actual: real voyages: journeys conquered: defeated and ruled by other people objective: based purely on facts rather than opinion biased: one-sided, prejudiced conqueror: person who takes complete control of a country era: a period of history subjective: based on personal opinions and feelings rather than facts

5 Read out the quotation and explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the task, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

The writer means that history is always written from the writer’s personal point of view, so any version of events will be slightly biased. For example, he writes:

ñ Did you ever think about who wrote down these facts? How can you be sure that they are true?

imageñ many historical "truths" are historical myths ñ The writing of history depends not only on the "side" the writer is on, but also on the culture and attitudes of the era it is written in.

                                 ñ when you read history, take it with a pinch of salt.

I agree with the writer because I think it is impossible for people to write objectively about events, as everyone has their own point of view about things that happen.

6 Read out the questions. Ss complete the task in pairs. Ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key



I enjoy reading history because I like to know what happened in the past. What about you?



Well, I am not really interested in past events, as I don’t think they have any relevance to what is happening in the world today.



Oh, no, I have to disagree with you there. World events today are often directly connected to what has happened in the past, so it is important to read and learn about history.



Hmm. Maybe you’re right. I suppose knowing what happened in the past does give you a better insight into some things, like politics.



Exactly, and it can also help us as a society to learn from our mistakes.



I love reading about the Aztecs, as I think they had a fascinating history. Their lifestyles and culture were very interesting.



Yes, I see what you mean, but I much prefer to read about the history of my own country, particularly events in medieval times, as life was very dangerous and exciting then.

Language Focus (pp. 124-125)

1 a. Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the task and compare answers in pairs. Ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

bomb, missile, fight, battle, army, navy, air force, win, lose, defeat, attack, surrender, tank, guns, kill, death, plane, uniform, helmet, etc b. Explain the task and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Allow Ss time to complete the task, then check Ss' answers on the board.

Answer Key

War & Peace: ally

Military Actions: surrender, attack, conquer

Armed Forces: navy

Ranks: private, general, major, admiral

Anti-war: disarmament, treaty, pacifist

      c.          Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the task,

then check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1       disarmament              3              retreat     5              invaded

2       treaty          4              defended

d. Allow Ss time to complete the task, then ask individual Ss to read out their sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

1       It is possible to have a very good career in the armed forces.

2       America and Britain were allies in World War II.

3       The army was forced to surrender as they had lost too many men to continue fighting.

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4       My grandfather was a captain in the British army.

5       The students decided to campaign for nuclear disarmament. 6               I am a pacifist and I am strongly anti-war.

2 a. Explain the task and read out the words and expressions, explaining any unknown words. Ask Ss what they think the conversation will be about.

Suggested Answer Key

I think that the conversation will be about the British suffrage movement, in which women campaigned for the right to vote.

b.     Explain the task. Play the recording twice. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by playing the recording again, pausing after each piece of information is given. Ask Ss to say which words/phrases helped them to deduce their answers.

Answer Key

1       F (fight hard for it)

2       F (great grandmother)

3       T (prison, hunger strikes, dying for the cause)

4       F (woman over the age of 30)

5       F (America, ahead, No, 1920)

c.      Explain the task and read out the example. Allow Ss time to complete the task in  pairs, then ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

                           A: What was a suffragette?

B:   A woman who campaigned for women to have the right to vote.

                           A: Why did they go on hunger strike?

                          B:  To make a point.

                           A: What was the point they were trying to make?

                          B: That they were willing to die for the cause.

                           A: Why did some suffragettes die for the cause?

                          B: Because things got out of control.

                           A: Did they get enough attention?

                          B: Yes, in the end they got the vote and made history.

d. Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

In my country, both men and women can vote when they are 18 years old. Everybody over this age can vote.

3      Explain the task and elicit/explain the meaning of the expressions. Ss complete the task, using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss' answers around the class.

Answer Key


1    under control

5    took control

2   got out of control

6   out of control

3       in control (of them)

4       lost control of

7 have ... control over

4      imageExplain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Allow Ss time to complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers, then ask Ss to explain the difference between each set of words.

Answer Key

1       classical (relates to ancient civilizations; classic = typical/wellknown/traditional NB Classics = study of ancient civilizations)

2       defeated (= to be beaten in a battle or game; arrested = taken into custody by the police/stopped)

3       historic (= important in history; historical = part of history/ describe or represent history/related to the study of history)

4       attack (= hurt, damage sb or sth using physical force or violence; invade = enter a country by force with an army/enter a place in large numbers)

5       (be in) power (= in charge of a country’s affairs; strength = physical energy/confidence or courage/power or influence)

5      Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1       times           3              times       5 time ... time         7              times

2       time            4              time        6 times    8              times

6      Explain that each set of adjectives collocates with one of the nouns. Do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers. As an extension, Ss write sentences using some of the collocations.

Answer Key

1       luck              2              chance     3              accident

7      Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers, eliciting/explaining meanings where necessary.

Answer Key

1       trace her     3              made       5              Throughout

2       steeped in   4              course

8      Elicit/Explain the meaning of the phrasal verbs given, or ask Ss to look them up in Appendix 2 at the back of the book. Do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers. Ss should then memorise the phrasal verbs.

Answer Key

1       blown up     5              backed out

2       beaten up    6              bring about

3       went off      7              took over

4       carrying out

9      Ss fill in the prepositions, then check their answers in Appendix 1 at the back of the book. Then Ss work in pairs and write sentences. Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out their sentences.

Answer Key

1       in 2              for           3              in             4              of             5              by

Suggested Answer Key

1       Guy Fawkes and four other conspirators were involved in the plot to blow up King James I and parliament in 1605.

2       Emmeline Pankhurst dedicated her life to fighting for women’s right to vote.

3       Thomas Paine, the philosopher, strongly believed in independence for America.

4       Rupert Brooke, the famous poet, died of blood poisoning in 1915, and was buried on the island of Skyros.

5       It has been said that Britain acquired its empire by pure accident.

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Unit 7

Listening & Speaking (pp. 126-127)

1      a. Explain the task. Point out that Ss will shortly hear eight unrelated extracts and that there is one question related to each one. Allow Ss some time to read through the questions and underline the key words. Ask Ss to say what information they have to listen for to answer each question.

Answer Key

1       I am going to listen to find out when Germany and Andorra signed the peace treaty.

2       I am going to listen to find out what kind of person the boy thinks Caligula was.

3       I am going to listen to find out how many days Julius Caesar added to the year 46 BC.

4       I am going to listen to find out what King Ludwig thought of Wagner’s music.

5       I am going to listen to find out what the teacher wants her students to do.

6       I am going to listen to find out what kind of issue slavery was, according to the speaker.

7       I am going to listen to find out what the rats were accused of.

8       I am going to listen to find out what sort of historical figure the people are talking about.

b. Explain the task. Play the recording twice. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by playing the recording again, pausing after each piece of information is given.

Answer Key

1       B      3              C              5              C              7              C

2       A      4              A              6              B              8              A

                                 c.            Ask Ss to say which words/phrases helped them to

deduce their answers in 1b.

Answer Key

1       not until, fighting Germany in World War II

2       can’t have taken anything very seriously, enjoyed a good joke

3       add sixty-seven days to one year

4       thought very highly of Wagner, wanted somewhere to stage Wagner’s operas

5       look at your history textbook, go to the library, look in encyclopaedias, the Internet, details from the film on Columbus

6       all to do with money, big business

7       taking food that didn’t belong to them

8       battles, win, defeated, retreat, troops

2      a. Explain that this is a note-taking task and that Ss need to listen carefully for key points. Ask Ss to read through the gapped text and work out what they can about the story, and then guess what information is missing.

Suggested Answer Key

1       a noun used with ‘without’ to explain ‘mystery’

2       the year when the Marie Celeste was found

3       some people connected to the captain who were on the ship

4       something that there was a lot of on the ship

5       something possibly used to escape from the ship  – maybe a boat

6       imagesome things that were not taken from the ship 7           who Fosdyke was

8          something that saved Fosdyke from drowning

9          something or someone that Conan Doyle wrote stories about

10       some things that were not true in Conan Doyle’s account eg facts, elements

b. Explain that the gapped text paraphrases what Ss will hear but the information they need for the gaps is clearly given in the recording. Remind Ss that they should not write more than three words in each gap. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and fill in the gaps. Check Ss answers by playing the recording again with pauses.

Answer Key

1       explanation 6              belongings

2       1872            7              only survivor

3       wife ... daughter          8              piece of wood

4       food ... water              9              Sherlock Holmes

5       small boat   10            details

      c.               Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss

around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

3      a. Divide the class into pairs and each pair into Ss A and B. Ask all Ss to look at the pictures and elicit/provide key vocabulary items if necessary (e.g. snake, exercise book, whiteboard). Remind Ss that SAs must talk about similarities and differences between the pictures, not just describe them and also answer the second part of the question. Then SAs complete the speaking task. SBs listen to their partner and keep time, making sure SAs talk for about one minute uninterrupted. Go around the class and monitor Ss’ performance, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Student A: Well, the first picture shows a man outdoors, handling some sort of snake, while a boy is watching and listening and taking notes on an exercise book. He might be asking the man questions about the snake, and noting down the man’s replies. The second picture is quite different: there’s a group of students sitting at their desks in the classroom and a teacher standing in front of them. He seems to be explaining something to them and is about to write something on the whiteboard. I’d say learning through experience as in the first picture, is much more effective because it’s more memorable and enjoyable too. We remember far more about things we’ve actually experienced than when we’re are just told about it in a classroom.

b.     Read out the question and elicit answers from SBs

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Student B: I don’t think that difficult subjects such as Economics or Medicine should be taught at school, as these are subjects which should be learnt by adults, not children. Complicated and specialist subjects should only be taught at university so that people can decide whether to study them or not. 

c.      Ask Ss to look at the pictures and help them with vocabulary if necessary (e.g. protest, court house, banner, signs). Remind Ss that SBs must talk about similarities and differences between the pictures, not just describe them, and answer the second part of the question. Ss work in the same pairs; SBs are allowed about one minute to complete the speaking task, while SAs listen and keep time. Go around the class and monitor Ss’ performance, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

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Suggested Answer Key

Student B: In the first picture we can see a group of people sitting on the steps of what looks like a court house or a parliament building. They have got a large banner which says ‘peace now’. In the second picture, on the other hand, there are two people standing on a street corner holding signs which are protesting against circuses. I think that the first kind of protest is more likely to be heard and to have some results, than the second kind, as it is a protest on a much larger scale and is taking place somewhere where a lot of people will be noticed, whereas the second kind of protest only consists of two people trying to make their opinions heard.

d.     Read out the question and elicit answers from SAs

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Student A: I have taken part in a demonstration once before. It was a march to protest against the war in Iraq. People all over the world were taking part in similar marches to show that they disapproved of the war. The marches were peaceful and were shown on television in several different countries around the world. Unfortunately, the war still went ahead, but at least the world leaders knew that thousands of people did not support their decision to go to war.

4      Explain the task. Play the recording. Ss listen and make notes. Elicit answers from Ss around the class. Discuss Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Student A is a very good fluent speaker who manages to say a lot in the time allowance with almost no hesitation, and uses a wide range of language appropriately and accurately. Student B is also good, but hesitates more and so doesn’t manage to say quite so much, and uses a more limited range of vocabulary. Both students respond well to the questions, but Student A’s response to the pictures is more personal.

5      a. Explain the task and read out the dialogues. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

In the first dialogue, the second speaker makes it clear that he/she does not believe the first speaker, whereas in the second dialogue, the second speaker is interested in what the first speaker has to say and wants to know more about what happened.

b.     Go through the phrases in the useful language box and the situations. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key



Listen to this. My best friend is getting married.



That’s amazing!



I know, and that’s not all. She’s moving to Australia.



I don’t believe it!



You’ll never believe what happened to me last night.






I took Sophie out to dinner, but I forgot my wallet, and I didn’t have enough money to pay the bill.



Oh no! How awful!



I had a terrible weekend. Wait till you hear this. The bank machine ate my card.



You’re not serious, are you?



Oh yes, I am. I had no money for the weekend.

            B: How terrible for you.

6      Explain the task, read out the expressions and elicit/explain the meaning of any unknown vocabulary. Draw Ss’ attention to the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

2       imageA: I’ve just won a thousand pounds in a crossword competition.

            B: I can’t believe your luck!

3       A: I didn’t win the prize.

            B: Better luck next time!

4       A: I’m going on holiday on Saturday.

            B:  Oh, you lucky thing!

5       A: I’ve got to work this weekend.

            B:  Hard luck!

6       A: The boss wants to see you in her office. She looks very angry.

            B:  Just my luck!

Reading: Culture Clip (pp. 128-129)

1 a. Explain the task. Focus first on the picture, the title of the text and the quotation, and then on the list of words, explaining the meaning of any unknown vocabulary where necessary. Elicit answers from Ss as to what they think the text is about.

Suggested Answer Key

I think the text is about a famous female pilot called Amelia, who went missing during a flight and has never been seen again.

b. Explain the task. Allow Ss time to write three questions in pairs, then read the text quickly to find answers. Check Ss' questions and answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key


How did Amelia decide to become a pilot?

When did she go missing?

What have people done to try and find her?


Amelia decided to become a pilot when she took a ten-minute plane ride at an air show in the 1920s.

She went missing in 1937.

The United States Navy searched for days but there was no sign of the plane.

2 a. Explain the task. Help Ss with the first two paragraphs, then allow Ss time to complete the task in pairs. Check Ss' answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

0       This paragraph is about Amelia’s childhood. The heading is I.

1       This paragraph is about Amelia’s early career and her first experience of flying. I think the best heading to match the first sentence of this paragraph is H.

2       This paragraph is about the beginning of Amelia’s career as a pilot. I think the best heading to match the first sentence of this paragraph is A.

3       This paragraph is about accidents Amelia had during her early career as a pilot. I think the best heading to match the first sentence of this paragraph is F.

4       This paragraph is about Amelia’s trans-atlantic flight. I think the best heading to match the first sentence of this paragraph is B.

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Unit 7

5       This paragraph is about Amelia’s solo Atlantic crossing, which her husband encouraged her to make. I think the best heading to match the first sentence of this paragraph is D.

6       This paragraph is about Amelia’s disappearance. I think the best heading to match the first sentence of this paragraph is C. 7 This paragraph is about what could have happened to Amelia. I think the best heading to match the first sentence of this paragraph is E.

b. Allow Ss time to read the text more carefully and check their answers. Elicit from Ss around the class whether or not their guesses were correct.

Answer Key

1       H    3              F              5              D              7       E

2       A     4              B              6              C

3       a. Explain the task and allow Ss time to complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers around the class.

Answer Key ñ              changeable: unsettled ñ              clever: bright ñ              not to be trusted: unreliable ñ              famous person: celebrity ñ              arrested: captured ñ             on purpose: deliberately

imageb. Ss work in pairs and explain the words in bold by giving examples or synonyms. They may use their dictionaries if necessary.

Suggested Answer Key a great deal: a lot academically: in her studies

immigrants: people who have come to live in a country from another country

aerial stunts: tricks performed in the air promoting: helping or encouraging cross-country races: races over land engine failure: a loss of power to the engine death defying feats: very dangerous stunts/tricks transatlantic record: fastest crossing of the Atlantic

understandably: not surprisingly

port of call: one of several places sb stops at on a planned journey coastguard: an official who watches the sea near a coast in order to help sailors when they are in trouble due to: because of running out: nearly used up

secret mission: an important task sb is given to do which nobody else knows about lying: situated

off: near to bottom of the sea: under the water on the seabed

4    Explain the task. Allow Ss time to make notes in pairs, then ask Ss around the class to talk about Amelia's life.

Suggested Answer Key ñ             born in 1897 in Kansas, America

ñ family travelled a great deal – often missed school but very bright academically

ñ graduated from high school and became a nurse – worked as a military nurse during the First World War

ñ    became a social worker in America – taught English to immigrants

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     ñ went to air shows in her free time in the 1920s – had a 10-

minute plane ride and decided to learn to fly

ñ had flying lessons and bought her own plane ñ in 1922, took part in record-breaking stunts and organised

cross-country air races – promoted flying for women

ñ   in 1928, was first woman ever to fly across the Atlantic ñ    married George Putman

ñ in 1932, made solo flight across Atlantic ñ in 1937, final flight – flew from Miami to South America to Africa and to Australia – disappeared mysteriously – never seen again

Amelia Earhart was born in 1897 in Kansas, America. Her family travelled a great deal, so she often missed school, but she was very bright academically. When she graduated from high school, she became a nurse. She worked as a military nurse during the First World War. After the war, she became a social worker in America and taught English to immigrants. She went to air shows in her free time in the 1920s. She had a 10-minute plane ride at one of these shows and decided to learn to fly.

Amelia had flying lessons and bought her own plane. In 1922, she started taking part in record-breaking stunts and organised cross-country air races. She promoted flying for women. In 1928, she was first woman ever to fly across the Atlantic, although she was only a passenger. She married George Putman after this flight and they decided together that she should make a solo flight across the Atlantic, which she did in 1932.

In 1937, Amelia took her final flight. After flying from Miami to Australia, she and her plane disappeared mysteriously and were never seen again.

Alternative title: The Life and Death of Amelia Earhart

5 Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the task in pairs, then ask individual pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ    George: Hello, Amelia. I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m George Putman.

Amelia: Nice to meet you, George.

George: Are you looking forward to the flight? Amelia: Of course I am, but I’d rather be the pilot than the passenger.

George: Ha ha. Maybe you will be able to make your own flight across the Atlantic one day. Amelia: I certainly hope so.

ñ George: I’ve been thinking. Why don’t you make a solo flight across the Atlantic? You’ve always wanted to do that, and now would be the perfect time.

Amelia: Yes, I think you’re right. It’s something I’ve been thinking about, too.

George: You could fly from here to Britain and you would be the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo.

Amelia: I know. I’d be the first person to have flown across the Atlantic twice, too.

George: You never know, you might even set a record for speed.

Amelia: I’ll certainly give it a try!

ñ Amelia: Well, Fred, we’ve got a long way to go. I hope you feel ready for this trip!

Fred: Of course I’m ready! We’re going to make history on this journey!

imageAmelia: I know – I’m so excited. When we get to South America, we’ll fly on to Africa and then to Thailand. It’s going to be wonderful to see so many fantastic places.

Fred: You’re right. I can’t wait to see Australia. We’re so lucky to have the chance to see these countries.

Amelia: Some people never even have the chance to leave the country they were born in.

Fred: That’s true. Thank goodness we’re not like those people. Amelia: You can say that again!

6      Read out the list of adjectives, explaining the meaning of any unknown words. Elicit answers and justifications from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I think that Amelia was optimistic, as she carried out death defying feats and always believed that she would survive. I also think that she was stubborn, as very few women would have persevered in becoming a pilot in those days. She must have been determined to succeed in her chosen career, as she worked very hard to become a famous and successful pilot. She was very daring, too, because she did many dangerous tricks in her plane. I think that she was a bit rebellious, because she chose a career which she knew would shock some people in those days.

7      Explain the task and allow Ss time to make notes. Then, ask individual Ss around the class to talk about two women who featured in their country's history.

(Ss’ own answers)

Examples from English history:

Elizabeth I was born in 1533. At that time, women were considered to be inferior to men, and nobody thought that such a young woman would make a success of being the ruler of England. Queen Elizabeth’s advisors constantly tried to persuade her to marry so that there would be a king in power, but she refused. She never married or had children, but she was a strong and powerful monarch and improved the country in many ways during her reign. She became known as Good Queen Bess. She died in 1603 at seventy years of age after a very successful forty-four year reign.

Emmeline Pankhurst was born on 14 July 1858 in Manchester, England. She helped found the Women's Franchise League in 1889 and she founded the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) in Manchester in 1903. She campaigned strongly for women’s right to vote and led the Suffragette movement. At that time, women were not allowed to vote at all, as they were not considered to be knowledgeable about politics. Emmeline Pankhurst died on 14 June 1928 in London, a few weeks after women were granted the vote in Britain.

8 Explain the task and allow Ss time to prepare a dialogue in pairs. Then ask individual pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Reporter: Amelia Earhart, can you tell us a little about your childhood. Where were you born?

Amelia: I was born in Kansas, USA, in 1897.

Reporter: I see. Did you have a happy childhood?

Amelia: Well, it was rather difficult and unsettled. My family travelled a great deal so that my father could find work, you see. I often missed school, but I was considered to be quite bright academically.

Reporter: What did you enjoy doing when you were young? Amelia: Oh, all sorts of things. I loved reading and poetry, as well as sports. I particularly enjoyed basketball and tennis.

Reporter: Amelia, thank you for telling us about yourself. Amelia: Oh, it was my pleasure.

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Unit 7

English in Use (pp. 130-131)

1       Quickly revise past forms. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key



1    made

6      noticed

11   developed

2    changed

7      caught

12    published

3    died

8      concluded

13    was

4    tried

9     had suffered

14 had been eradicated

5    lived

10   had become


2       Explain the task and work through the example with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key 2        Paul left when/before Tina arrived.

3       Paul didn’t leave until after Tina had arrived.

4       Paul was just leaving when Tina arrived.

5       Paul had just left when Tina arrived.

6       Paul was leaving as Tina was arriving.

3      Quickly revise past modals. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

2       I expected them to have arrived by now.

3       It’s unlikely that they received my message.

4       It was wrong of them to mention the surprise.

5       I’m not sure that they knew how to get here.

6       There’s a chance that they were lucky and got in.

7       I am sure they didn’t know we were coming.

8       It’s a pity they didn’t come with us. It’s lovely here.

4      Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       may/might/could have written down the wrong number.

2       should have/ought to have brought some warm clothes.

3       may/might/could have left my glasses at work.

4       must have borrowed the car.

5       should have/ought to have remembered her birthday.

5      Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key


1   needn’t have done

3    needn’t have lied

2  didn’t need to make

4 didn’t need to take

6      Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

imageSuggested Answer Key



Did you hear that Tony was driving a BMW yesterday?



Oh, he can’t have been! He hates big cars.



Did you hear that Ann bought a really expensive designer outfit?



Oh, she may have got a pay rise, then.



Did you hear that Kathryn wasn’t accepted at Oxford?



Well, she should have been. She’s very bright.



Did you hear that Lydia had a hard time finding a flat?



Oh, she could have asked for help.

7      Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key


He must have slept badly last night.

He can’t have slept well last night.

He could have been working late last night.

He might have eaten something that disagreed with him.


He must have got stuck in traffic.

He might have overslept.

He could have forgotten to call a taxi.

He can’t have been at the airport on time.


She might have forgotten about it.

She must have had something more important to do.

She can’t have known it was this morning. She could have missed the bus.

8         Explain the task. Explain that the suffixes -ise and -en can be added to the end of some nouns or adjectives and the prefix en- can be added to the beginning of some nouns or adjectives to form verbs. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers and write the verbs on the board.

Answer Key

1          enrich      5              characterise

2          deafen    6              sympathise

3          terrorise  7              memorise 4             enclose    8              enrage

As an extension, Ss write sentences using the verbs.

9         Explain the task and point out that the second sentence should have the same meaning as the first sentence. Remind Ss that they must not change the word given. Do item 1 with Ss. Elicit the grammar structure tested. Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1          ... should not have put ... (past modal should)

2          ... by the time I got ... (adverbial phrase ‘by the line + past simple)

3          ... will have to be done ... (future obligation + passive)

4          ... might not have recognised ... (past modal might)

5          ... did not succeed in impressing ... (succeed in + -ing)

6          ... could she have known about ... (past modal could)

7          ... could have been delayed ... (past modal could)

8          ... ought to say goodbye before ... (future obligation ought to + inf)

9          ... hasn’t heard from Glen ... (present perfect + for)

10       ... should have/might have let us know ... (past obligation should/might + inf)

10      Ask Ss to look at the title, then read through the text quickly to get the gist. Read the example. Elicit why out is the correct answer (‘find out’ is a phrasal verb meaning discover). Do item 1 with Ss. Advise Ss to focus on whole sentences at a time, and to look very carefully at the words before and after each gap to help them decide on the missing word. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers on the board.

Answer Key



1    can

6      more

11    when

2    way

7      long

12    has

3    behind

8      to

13    Both

4    each

9      which

14  truth/fact

5    be

10    or

15    as

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11      Ask Ss to look at the title, then skim the text to get the gist and say what it is about. Then tell Ss to read the first sentence more carefully and ask Ss to explain why very in the first line is an error (‘very’ does not collocate with ‘amazing’). Next focus on the second line and establish that this line is correct. Ask Ss to read the second sentence and focus on each of the next three lines in turn (items 1, 2 and 3). Elicit that of (1) is an error, (we say ‘a hundred years’ with no preposition), that the next line (2) is correct, and that it (3) is an error, (we cannot put an object after a passive verb). Remind Ss that they should always look at whole sentences before focusing on each line, since some errors depend on the grammar and meaning of the whole sentence and Ss might mistakenly think they are correct in the smaller context of the line. Ss complete the task individually or in pairs. Encourage Ss to reread the whole text afterwards to check that it is correct.  Check Ss’ answers, asking for a justification for each error found.

Answer Key

1          of (unnecessary preposition)

2          !

3          it (no object used after a passive verb)

4          the (‘became president’ no article) 5     of (a few + noun – no preposition)

6          one (unnecessary extra determiner)

7          more (unnecessary extra comparative)

8          is (‘what about’ – phrase – no verb)

9          !

10       !

11       of (both + noun – no preposition) 12   were (unnecessary verb without subject)

13      !

14      far (passed away – phrasal verb) 15     by (called + noun – no preposition)

Writing: Narratives (2) (pp. 132-136)

1 a. Go through the theory box and explain any points Ss have difficulty with. Read out the rubric. Go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       magazine readers

2       third person

3       ñ             John/Paul/Mark/George, etc

              ñ he could be leaving his job/country/home town/family, etc

he could have been sent to prison/been fired from his job/ decided to leave the country, etc

ñ             he might feel excited/frightened/relieved, etc 4   Points to tick:

ñ             a variety of past tenses ñ       an explanation of why he "would never return" ñ an interesting and believable plot ñ    the given last sentence

b. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the article and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

      1     D          2    A                 3    E                 4     C          5     B

imageThe story fits the ending given in the rubric because the events of the plot explain why "He knew … that he would never return".

c.     Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the article again and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Size: small

Opinion: beautiful

Material: wooden Colour: white, pink

d.     Explain the task and point out that the writer has not written about the events in chronological order. Allow Ss some time to read the article again and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Answer Key

      1 John won first prize in a short story competition.

      3  John started writing a novel.

      5  John put his belongings in a cardboard box.

      2 John went on holiday in the French countryside.

      6   John left his office.

      4 John’s novel became a best seller.

The writer chooses to begin at point 5, as John is preparing to leave the office for the last time. The rest of the story is told as a flashback, explaining why he was leaving. In the last paragraph (point 6) the story reaches the point where it began, and John leaves.

2      Explain the task and point out that Ss are meant to tell the story using the flashback technique, as in the model. Allow Ss time to complete the task in pairs, then ask individual Ss to tell their stories to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       Margaret didn’t waste a moment. She rushed round the flat, gathering together her few belongings, and then sat drinking coffee and watching the clock. After all she had been through, she couldn’t wait to leave.

2       It had all started very differently. Margaret had been full of hopes and expectations when she left the sleepy village where she had been brought up. "Things will be great in the city" she had thought.

3       But things had started to go wrong right from the start. The only flat she could afford was a cheap, filthy place which was dark and unpleasant. She was also convinced there were rats; she hadn’t seen them, but at night she was sure she could hear them running around.

4       She had tried hard to find a job, but with no luck. Everything she had heard about the big city turned out to be wrong. She had no friends, she lived in terrible conditions and she felt miserable.

5       Things got really bad when she realised that she couldn’t afford the rent. At first, the landlady was very understanding. But soon, even she seemed to turn against Margaret. "If you don’t pay me by Friday, you’ll have to leave" she had said.

6       One night, Margaret was almost asleep when she heard a noise. "Who is it?" she shouted, but there was no reply. In the darkness, she saw a figure trying to open her bedroom window. She screamed, and the man ran away. That was the last straw. She decided there and then to return home.

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Unit 7

7       At first light, she picked up her bags and almost ran to the railway station. On the train, speeding away from the city, she promised never to leave her hometown again.

3      a. Explain the task and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Allow Ss time to fill in the table, then check Ss' answers on the board.

Answer Key big: massive, enormous, huge small: tiny, miniature, short, microscopic beautiful: handsome, lovely, attractive, charming ugly: disgusting, hideous very: rather, extremely, amazingly, absolutely good/nice: lovely, superb, wonderful, fabulous, pleasant, charming bad: nasty, evil, wicked, terrible for people: handsome, wicked, evil, short for places: massive, miniature, microscopic, superb for both: enormous, huge, tiny, attractive, disgusting, hideous, lovely, wonderful, fabulous, pleasant, charming, nasty, terrible

(to qualify adjectives – rather, extremely, amazingly, absolutely)

b.     Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out the amended paragraphs.

Answer Key


A    1    tiny

4    terrible

      2    handsome

5   enormous

      3   extremely

6   disgusting

B    1    lovely

5      fabulous

      2    amazingly

6    terrible

      3    tiny

7    short

      4    massive

8    rather

c.      Explain the task and allow Ss time to discuss in pairs. Then, ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A      Before: Michael might have been attacked in the street, lost his money, had an accident, etc

After: Michael probably went back to where he had lived before moving to the city.

B      Before: They probably prepared for their journey. After: Maybe the ship started to sink, or something terrible happened on the ship.

4      a. Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

A      3       C              2              E              6

B      4       D              1              F              5

b. Explain the task and read out the example. Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out their sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

B      She was annoyed about her noisy neighbours.

C       imageShe was amazed when she saw the ring.

D      He was worried about the future.

E       He was anxious about his job interview.

F       She was very excited about her new laptop.

5      Explain the task and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Allow Ss time to fill in the table, then check Ss' answers on the board. Allow Ss time to make sentences, then check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out their sentences.

Answer Key amused: entertained

happy: delighted,  thrilled, pleased, overjoyed, over the moon sad: miserable, downhearted, moody, desperate excited: thrilled, overjoyed, over the moon, elated scared: scared stiff, frightened, terrified

Suggested Answer Key

He was over the moon when he heard he had passed the exam.

She asked me to walk her home because she was terrified.

I bought him a magazine because I knew he was a bit downhearted. When Martha opened her gift from George, she was delighted. This time it really was just what she wanted. Having a bad attack of the flu and being forced to stay in bed made Tracy feel bored and miserable.

She was thrilled when she heard she had got the starring role in the film.

Harry seemed pleased when Jenny suggested going to the cinema. Her husband was overjoyed when he heard they were going to have twins.

The children were greatly entertained by the magician hired for the party.

These days many people are frightened to be out alone on the streets late at night.

It’s difficult to tell how she’ll react, she’s been rather moody recently. Police warned that the escaped prisoner was desperate and would stop at nothing to evade recapture.

He was elated at winning the world championship for the second year running.

6      a. Explain the task and explain/elicit the meanings of the verbs. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out the amended paragraph.

Answer Key

1       screamed    4              mumbled

2       staring         5              peered 3  whispered               6              groaned

b. Explain the task and allow Ss time to prepare a beginning/ending. Then, ask individual Ss to read out their beginnings/endings.

Suggested Answer Key


It was a warm summer evening last month and I was walking along the street, with my friend Jim. We were chatting happily on our way to the cinema.


A week later the florist delivered a huge bouquet of flowers. They were from the cyclist. I was happy he was alright now and glad I was able to help him.

7      Explain the task and work through the example and item 1 with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

2        Fascinated, he walked towards the bright light. 3 Terrified, she hid under the bed.

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4       Leaving the restaurant, he met an old friend.

5       Feeling cold, Sheila closed the window.

6       Disgusted, Dave paid the bill and left the restaurant.

7       Being very brave, Tom entered the haunted house alone.

8       Clinging to the side of the cliff, he waited for daylight to come. 9       Shivering with cold, we finally reached the shore.

                         10 Not wanting to wake their parents, they crept down the stairs.

8      a. Explain the task and read out the example. Allow Ss time to complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1       c             3              f               5              g              7              b

2       d             4              h              6              a              8              e

b. Allow Ss time to prepare their sentences, then check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out their sentences. Alternatively, write the sentences from the key below on the board, omitting the similes, and Ss complete them.

Suggested Answer Key

2       He woke up that morning feeling as fresh as a daisy.

3       When she saw her photograph in the magazine, she was as pleased as punch.

4       We had a good night’s sleep and by morning we were as right as rain.

5       Mike ran like the wind along the golden sands.

6       He went as white as a sheet when he opened the door.

7       There was no one there except a huge man, sitting in the corner, crying like a baby.

8       I’m usually not very good at history as I have a memory like a sieve.

9       a. Read out the rubric. Go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested  Answer Key

1   I am telling the story in the first person. 2             in a restaurant

3       she could be an old friend/someone I met once

4       They are probably quite young, as it’s for  a student magazine.

5       they could have met in college, Jane could be a former colleague, etc

b. Explain to Ss that one of the ‘model’ narratives is very good and the other is weak, for various reasons. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the two models and answer the questions, then check Ss' answers, eliciting examples for the points.

Answer Key

1          A (“I can’t believe this is happening” I thought, as I saw Jane walk into the restaurant.)

2          A, B

3          A (tall, beautiful, wavy, bright)

4          A (It had all started when I noticed her at a party.)

5          B (It was very bad. I was very good.)

6          A (Feeling as pleased as punch, ...)

7          A (“Well, I’m a great cook” I told her.)

8          B (... she didn’t look very different. She is still nice and tall.)

9          imageA

10       B (I have lots of wealthy customers and I have even won a few awards.)

11       A (... I felt awful. Angry with myself ...)

12       B (... when Jane Harris was coming into the restaurant.)

13       B (I can’t believe this is happening to me, I said to myself when Jane Harris was coming into the restaurant.)

14       B (... she only laughed at me, but I was shaking like a leaf.)

15       B

16       B

c.      Explain the task and allow Ss time to complete the task in pairs and compare their answers with another pair. Then, ask individual pairs to present their answers to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Model B could be improved with better punctuation, use of tenses and a wider range of vocabulary. It could also have a better beginning and ending, with more use of narrative techniques. The paragraphs could be better organised and the time sequence of events could be clearer. Irrelevant information could be omitted.

Ending: I was shocked to see Jane walk into my restaurant, but not as shocked as she was when she saw me approach her table with a dish of delicious food which I had prepared.

d.     Explain the task and allow Ss time to read model A

again and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key Order of events:

1       The writer noticed Jane at a party and invited her to dinner.

2       After dinner she found out that he hadn’t cooked at all and she laughed at him.

3       The writer learned to cook and opened his own restaurant.

4       Jane coincidentally visited the restaurant. 5            The writer surprised her.

The story begins with event 4. It follows the following sequence: 4,1,2,3,5.

10 Explain the task. Help Ss to underline the key words, then go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A      Key words to be underlined: short story; international magazine for young people; must end; He knew he could never tell anyone, because they would never believe him.

1         the readers of an international magazine

2         third person

3         A young man.

4         At least one person.

5         The story could take place on a country lane at night.

6         The story could be about a man who is abducted by aliens.

7         The man is driving home from work when he sees a UFO. Aliens get out of it and take him inside. They read his mind. He wakes up back in the lane.

8         I will use mostly past tenses.

9         I could use a flashback in the main body of my story, after the introductory paragraph.

10      The character could feel relieved but annoyed that no one will believe his story.

B      Key words to be underlined: local radio station; short story competition; must begin or end; Six months of hard work had finally paid off.

1         the people holding the competition

2         first or third person

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Unit 8

Suggested Answer Key

                                 A   The UFO

Sam woke up with a jump. He looked around him and saw that he was on the ground at the side of the road, just a few metres from his car. Suddenly, he remembered what had happened.

He had been driving home from work late that evening when he had seen several bright lights in the sky above the quiet country lane. He slowed down to get a better look and suddenly an enormous spaceship landed on the road in front of him. The door opened and three small, strange creatures came out.

The creatures led Sam into their spaceship and closed the door. He tried to leave, but he felt as though he could not move or speak. He felt the spaceship lift off the ground and the creatures gathered round him. They stared into his eyes. "They're trying to read my mind," he thought, and then everything went black.

Sam rubbed his eyes and stared at the lights of the spaceship as they rose up into the air. He knew he could never tell anyone, because they would never believe him.

B      The Marathon

Six months of hard work had finally paid off. I cried tears of happiness as my friends pushed a bottle of water into my hand and wrapped a blanket around my shoulders. "Well done!" they shouted.

Six months earlier, I had learnt that my youth group had to close down. Our clubhouse needed repairs but we couldn't afford them. I decided to find a way to raise money. The group meant so much to the young people of my town.

I had never been very fit and I hated sports, so my friends were shocked when I announced that I was entering the London Marathon. "You'll never do it!" they laughed. "I will," I promised.

I began an exhausting training schedule. I went running before school every morning. After school I went to the gym. I was very tired, but I was determined to get fit.

When the day arrived, I was nervous, but I paced myself. When I ran across the finish line, it was the best feeling in the world. I raised enough money to repair the clubhouse and I showed my friends what I was made of!

C       The Disaster

Tara sat down by the side of the road and put her head in her hands. She had no idea what to do. She was all alone with no car, no money and no phone.

She had been on her way to her grandparents' golden wedding anniversary party. It was going to be a wonderful party, with all of the family celebrating together.

As she drove down the motorway, she saw a car parked at the side of the road, and a woman waving at the passing cars. She looked as if she needed help. Tara pulled in and got out of her car to see what was wrong.

imageAs she walked towards the woman, she suddenly heard a car door slam and an engine roar. She turned around and saw a man driving off in her car! As Tara stared in shock, the woman jumped into the other car and sped off. As she sat by the roadside, she heard a car stop near her, and a voice call out, "Hey, do you need a lift?" It was her cousin, David. Tara was so happy to be rescued that she burst into tears.

      D   The Prize

I couldn't believe the moment had finally arrived. My heart was beating fast. As the door to the hotel suite opened, I pinched myself, hoping that this was not just an amazing dream.

I had been a huge fan of Carly Montague since I saw her in a soap opera in the 1990s. When she became a pop star I bought all her CDs and videos and I went to see her in concert whenever she came to my town. I had always dreamed of meeting her, but I never thought my dreams would come true.

When I saw a competition in a magazine with the star prize of a day with Carly Montague, I entered straight away. I didn't think I had a chance of winning, but a month later I received a letter telling me that I was going to meet my favourite star at a luxurious London hotel and spend a whole day with her.

I entered the hotel suite and saw Carly waiting to greet me. I knew that this was going to be the best day of my life.

Unit 8  –  Learning Lessons


Vocabulary: education; places in a school; types of schools; exams & qualifications

Reading: gapped text (understanding text structure); multiple choice (reading for detail)

Listening: multiple matching; multiple choice (listening for gist, main points, detail, intention, opinion and specific information)

imageSpeaking: congratulating; consoling; reacting Use of English: ‘key’ word transformations; word formation; multiple choice cloze Grammar: the passive; causative form

Phrasal verbs: catch; fall; go; keep; look; put; tell; work

(related to education)

Writing: opinion article and letter

Lead-in (p. 137)

1      a. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and elicit what each one shows  and how they are linked.

Suggested Answer Key

The pictures are all related to learning and teaching. In each picture there is someone in the role of teacher.

b. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, then

help Ss match them and label the pictures.

Answer Key

     personal trainer                         private tutor

driving instructor               primary school teacher basketball coach

A      driving instructor        D              university lecturer

B      personal trainer          E              primary school teacher

C       basketball coach

2      Explain the task and read out the list of points. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, then Ss complete the task in pairs. Compare Ss’ answers around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

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3      Explain the task. Ask Ss to study the chart for a minute and then Ss discuss the findings in small groups giving their opinions. Ask some Ss to present their opinions to the rest of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

      A: If you ask me, I think alertness should be ranked higher.

B: I agree. It’s important to be alert in order to take in information. I think that the findings are correct as far as natural talent is concerned, though.

C: Oh, I have to disagree with you there, I’m afraid. I think that natural talent is very important when it comes to learning subjects such as Music, Art or Drama. 

A:   Yes, I see your point. Personally, I would rank confidence higher as well.

B: Yes, so would I. I think that students who are confident do much better in school than those who are shy.  etc

4 a. Read out the statement and ask individual Ss to paraphrase it. Read out the opinions (a-d). Point out that the speakers’ opinions may be paraphrased on the recording. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Whether a person learns or not depends on them and what they do with the information they receive. Schools and colleges do  not educate people, they merely present information.

      1    b           2    a           3    c           4     d

b.     Elicit a variety of answers to the question around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I agree with the statement up to a point, as I think that if people want to learn, they will learn regardless of their experience in school or college. This is evident from the way students remember what has interested them and forget what they were not interested in. However, I think schools and colleges are necessary in order to guide children to the information they should be learning and to show them how to learn and acquire knowledge by teaching them to read, research and analyse information.

c.      Ss discuss the questions in pairs. Ask some pairs to

present their  opinions to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: I don’t think that learning will ever take place completely without teachers, but I think that students’ contact with teachers, classrooms and schools in general may become limited in the future, as more learning will take place at home.

B: I agree. As home computers become more widely used, I think that children will spend more time learning through the Internet and through CD-Roms and less time meeting with their teachers, or sitting in classrooms with their friends.

Reading (pp. 138-139)

1      imageAsk Ss to look at the objects in the pictures and elicit what they show (a video recorder, an overhead projector, a digital camera, a computer, a jar of pencils, and a telephone). Read out the title of the text and elicit a variety of suggestions from Ss as to what it means, the relationship between the objects and the possible content of the text. Allow Ss some time to read the text quickly and check if their guesses were correct.

Suggested Answer Key

I think the title refers to a school in the future where classrooms will have more computers and technological equipment than in the top and bottom pictures of classrooms. I think the objects relate to the text because in the future, students will use video recorders, computers and digital cameras in the classroom.

2      a. Explain the task and point out that the linking words can help them decide where the sentences go in the text. Ask Ss to read the sentences and underline the linking words. Check Ss’ answers and establish the meaning of the linking words.

Answer Key

A      As well as this (addition)

B      In comparison to the past (contrast)

C       For many years (time)

D      In the future (time), however (contrast)

E       Therefore (consequence)

F       Without a doubt (emphasis)

G      Even so (contrast)

H      As a result of (result)

I        Consequently (consequence)

b.     Ask Ss to reread paragraph 1 of the text and establish why sentence C fits in gap 0 (‘the word’ refers to the ‘classroom’ in the first sentence, and ‘has had much the same meaning’ is explained in the description of the classroom in the next sentence, and echoed in ‘have basically remained the same’. ‘For many years’ fits in with the present perfect tense.). Allow Ss some time to read the text and the missing sentences and complete the task. Remind Ss that there is one sentence which they do not need to use. Point out that Ss must try to find reference words which link the missing sentences and the sentences before and after each gap. Ss do the exercise individually and then check their answers in pairs. Check Ss’ answers round the class, asking Ss to justify their answers.

Answer Key

1       G (‘Even so’ contrasts with ‘changes have been made’ from the previous sentence, and ‘a visitor from Victorian times’ is echoed in ‘any visitors from the past’ in the following sentence)

2       F (‘has always been’ links to ‘that will still continue’ in the following sentence and the subject ‘teachers’ is repeated later in the paragraph)

3       I (the topic of ‘sharing of projects’ in the previous sentence is continued with ‘pupils will be able to work on the same project together’)

4       D (the topic of ‘the role of teachers’ is continued in the next sentence with ‘Teachers might not always give the lessons’ and ‘In the future’ fits with the future tense ‘will still be there’ and ‘will no doubt be replaced’)

5       A (the reference word ‘exchange’ is repeated from the previous sentence and ‘in much the same way’ refers to this exchange through ‘the latest mobile phones’ from the previous sentence)

6       B (the reference word ‘video’ and ‘project’ are repeated in the following sentence)

7       H (the reference word ‘training’ is repeated in the following sentence)

c.      Suggested Answer Key

The linking words help because of chronological and causative clues

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Unit 8

3      a. Ask Ss to read the text again. Write the headings; nouns, adjectives, verbs on the board in the form of a table and elicit answers from Ss around the class to complete it. Ss copy the completed table into their notebooks.

Suggested Answer Key

Nouns: classrooms, desks, teacher, blackboard, artwork, pupils, whiteboard, OHPs, computers, information, presentation, lessons, curriculum, access, materials, shortages, technology, skills, software, projects, schools, classes, children, parents, system, classmates, chairs, discussion, multimedia programs, pens, pencils, friends, playground, drama, progress, training, musicians, knowledge

Adjectives: cyber, practical, online, interactive, educational, threedimensional, latest, face-to-face, simple, talented, normal

Verbs: follow, take advantage of, encourage, explore, share, grow, enjoy, attend, supervise, try out, produce, use, study, learn, measure, help, enable, compete, work

b. Ss explain the highlighted words by giving synonyms or examples, using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key positioning: the way something is placed puzzle: confuse curriculum: a course of study taught in a school factors: elements which affect a situation/decision explore: think about sth in detail company: having other people with you supervise: oversee/control a task/a group of people access: reach/obtain sth measure: discover/judge the extent of sth remotely: from a distance recognisable: identifiable

4      Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

                                 1    b           2    a          3     b          4    a           5    b

5      a. Ask Ss to read the text again and make notes about the writer’s predictions. Ss discuss the question in pairs. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class, then ask some pairs to present their opinions to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ Computers are the classrooms of the future and most of the school curriculum will be followed online.

ñ Children will share classes and projects with other students around the country and around the world.

                                 ñ Teachers will interact with pupils through video windows.

ñ All the desks will be in a circle. ñ Videos, software and multimedia programs will be used more. ñ Children will be able to exchange information, music and videos through mobile phones.

imageñ    New equipment and technology will improve lessons in every subject.

A: I think that most of the school curriculum will be followed online in the future because it will be easier and more convenient for children to learn through computers.

B: I agree. Children need to learn computer skills from an early age, anyway, so it is better for them to use computers in their education. I think Ss will share projects because they can do this online.

A: I agree. I don’t think that teachers will interact with pupils through video windows. I can’t see that happening, to be honest.

B: Hmm. I think that it might happen at some point in the future because in that way, one teacher could interact with quite a lot of children, so it would save money.

A: I see. I think desks will be rearranged and I agree that videos, software and multimedia programs will be used more. In fact, school projects and presentations are already being given in video format or on computers in some schools.

B: Yes, and children will be able to exchange music, information and videos through mobile phones, as this is already happening.

A: That’s true. And I think it goes without saying that new equipment and technology will improve lessons in every subject, as we can see how technology is already improving education and whenever new equipment is introduced to a school it makes a huge difference to the learning experience.

b. Explain the task. Elicit alternative titles around the class, then assign the picture as HW and ask Ss to present them in the next lesson.

Suggested Answer Key Schools of the Future

(Ss’ own answers)

6 Explain the task and the situation. Ss discuss in pairs. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class, then ask some pairs to report their decisions back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: I would like to see more up-to-date computers bought so we can learn how to use the latest equipment. I also think we should have a swimming pool for swimming lessons and I would like the classrooms to be redecorated so they are more modern, comfortable and more pleasant to work in.

B: I agree with you about the computers and the redecoration of the classrooms, but I don’t think we really need a swimming pool. After all, there is a sports centre at the end of the road which is perfectly suitable for our school’s needs. I think what our school needs is a theatre, with up-to-date lighting and sound equipment. There should also be some TV or video cameras and editing equipment, so that we could learn how to make our own films.

A: That’s a great idea. I think you’re right. There’s not much point in building a swimming pool when we can use the one at the sports centre, and a theatre like the one you described would be much more useful.

B: Good. So, we agree that the most important changes that should be made to our school are buying modern computers, redecorating the classrooms and building a theatre.

Language Focus (pp. 140-141)

1 a. Explain the task. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the chart. Check Ss’ answers. Elicit the differences between the American and the British system.

Answer Key

      1    pre-school       2    junior         3    16-18          4    college

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b.     Ss work in pairs and discuss the similarities and differences.

(Ss’ own answers)

c.      Explain the task. Go through the list of words/phrases and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Ss complete the task and check their answers in pairs.

Suggested Answer Key ñ Revision is done by students at secondary school and university. ñ School reports are first given to students in primary school. ñ Projects are first done by children in primary school. ñ Lectures are attended by students at university.

ñ Careers counselling is first given to students in their final year of secondary school. ñ Exams are sat by students from secondary school onwards.

ñ   Seminars are attended by students at university. ñ               Climbing frames are used by children at nursery school. ñ     Tutorials are attended by students at university.

ñ Science experiments are carried out by students at primary and secondary school.

ñ   A sand pit is used by children at nursery school. ñ A thesis is written by a student at university. ñ      Colouring is done by students at nursery school.

ñ    The alphabet is learnt by children at nursery and primary school.

ñ Detention is given to students at secondary school. ñ Foreign languages are learnt by students at secondary school. ñ Modelling clay is used by children at nursery and primary school. ñ Toy bricks are used by children at nursery school.

2 a. Read out the list of places 1-8, then Ss match them to the pictures and answer the questions. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

B   1              D              8              F              3              H             6 C           5              E              4              G             2

Suggested Answer Key

My school had a library, a computer lab and several music rooms. It also had several science labs, a canteen and lots of corridors. There was a gymnasium and a staff room, too. You could also find a playing field and tennis courts in my school.

b. Explain the task, read through the prompts and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Ss do the task. Check Ss’ answers, then ask individual Ss to say how often they use(d) these places.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ A computer lab is used for doing research on the Internet and learning to use different software. I used the computer lab at my school once a week.

ñ A gymnasium is used for having PE lessons, doing gymnastics and playing indoor sports. I used the gymnasium at my school once a week.

imageñ Corridors are used for exhibiting artwork, keeping lockers and displaying notices. I used the corridors at my school every day. ñ A canteen is used for having lunch and socialising with friends. I used the canteen at my school every day.

ñ A music room is used for having music lessons and practising musical instruments. I used the music rooms at my school every day.

ñ A science lab is used for learning about Biology, Chemistry and Physics and for doing experiments. I used the science labs at my school three times a week.

ñ A staff room is used for having coffee breaks, spending free periods and attending meetings. I never used the staff room at my school, but the teachers used it every day.

3      a. Present the words for different types of schools. Ss do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       boarding      3              state        5              public

2       single sex    4              private

b. Elicit answers to the question around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

4      a./b. It is advisable to deal with Exs 4a and 4b together. Elicit/Explain what the abbreviations stand for, explain what kind of qualification each one is, as well as the usual/approximate age students obtain it, and elicit nearest equivalents in Ss’ own country.

Answer Key

ñ General Certificate of Secondary Education = qualification awarded in the UK after passing an exam in a certain subject at secondary school (age 16).

ñ National Vocational Qualification = work-related qualification awarded in the UK after a course of study which includes practical elements (age 16+).

ñ Advanced Level = qualification awarded in the UK after passing an exam in a certain subject at the end of secondary school or sixth form college (age 18).

ñ Higher National Diploma = qualification awarded in the UK after completion of a year-long course of study in a specialised subject at college (age 18+).

ñ Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science = qualification awarded after completion of a three/four-year course of study at university (age 21+).

ñ Master of Arts/Master of Science = a post-graduate qualification awarded after completion of a one/two-year course of study at university which often includes a thesis (age 22+).

ñ Doctor of Philosophy = a post-graduate qualification awarded after completion of approximately three years of study which results in the publication of an original research project (age 24+).

5      Revise the meanings of the verbs in connection with exams. Explain the task. Ss do the exercise. Point out to Ss that they may have to change the form of the verb. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       sit/take                3              passed     5              resit

2       taking  4              failed

6      Explain the task. Ss match the items. Check Ss’ answers, then elicit sentences from various Ss around the class.

Answer Key

1       class    2              course     3              grade

Suggested Answer Key Jane always gets good grades.

Simon has missed class twice this week.

The teacher dismissed the class at the end of the lesson.

The local college is offering a music course.   etc

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Unit 8

7      Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and do the exercise. Check Ss’ answers and explain any unknown vocabulary where necessary.

Answer Key



1    develop

3    accepted

5   career

2    holds

4    hold

6     grant

8      Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Ss can check their answers in Appendix 2 at the back of the book. Check Ss’ answers, then Ss explain the phrasal verbs. Ss should memorise these phrasal verbs.

Answer Key

1       catch up: reach the same level as others

2       falling behind: failing to keep up with others

3       go over: review/look through again

4       keep up: follow

5       look up: find/research

6       put off: postpone/delay

7       told off: scolded/reprimanded

8       work out: find/discover a solution through thought or discussion

9       Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers, then elicit what each idiom/ fixed phrase means and ask Ss to suggest any similar ones found in their native language.

Answer Key

1       learnt by heart: memorised

2       make the grade: pass

3       teach sb a lesson: punish sb so they don’t do sth again 4              in a class of (his) own: much better than everyone else

5       got (her) nose in a book: reading

6       the teacher’s pet: the teacher’s favourite student

(Ss’ own answers)

10 Explain the task. Ss fill in the prepositions, and can check their answers in Appendix 1 at the back of the book. Check Ss’ answers, then elicit sentences from various Ss around the class.

Answer Key

                                 1    for               2    of                3     in

Listening & Speaking (pp. 142-143)

1 a. Explain to Ss that they are going to listen to five people talking about exams. Elicit various problems/factors related to exams (the amount of revision involved, stress, amount of importance attached to results etc). Ask Ss to read the phrases A-F and make guesses about what each speaker might talk about.

Suggested Answer Key

A      I expect the speaker to talk about how people often worry that they will fail exams.

B      I expect the speaker to talk about how tiring revision for exams can be and the effect of trying to do too much.

C       I expect the speaker to talk about how parents can put pressure on students to do well in exams.

D      imageI expect the speaker to talk about a new kind of exam, which tests students differently.

E       I expect the speaker to talk about how computers can be used to mark exam papers.

F       I expect the speaker to talk about how people often get results they don’t expect in exams.

b.     Explain the task. Remind Ss that the information they hear on the recording may be worded differently from the phrases. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the task. Play the recording again, pausing after each speaker, to check Ss’ answers and elicit evidence.

Answer Key

Speaker 1 – D (assess their ability to learn, this type of exam, more useful to students)

Speaker 2 – C (my dad’s eyes, my sister’s tired face, I wish he wouldn’t do this, he’s concerned about her future) Speaker 3 – B (lost weight, black rings under eyes, didn’t sleep, last three days, so hard on himself) Speaker 4 – F (surprise, saw my grade, stunned)

Speaker 5 – E (technology, exams marked electronically, reducing paperwork)

c.      Elicit answers to the questions from various Ss around

the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

2      a. Explain the task and explain/elicit the meaning of truancy (staying away from school without good reason). Ss work in pairs and discuss questions 1 and 2. Ask some pairs to report back to the class. For question 3, help Ss to identify the key words and explain /elicit the meaning of any unknown words, then ask them to guess what the correct answers will be.

Suggested Answer Key

1       A: Personally, I think that students stay away from school because they are bored with their lessons. What do you think?

B: I think that boredom plays a role in making students want to play truant, but I also think that problems at school cause them to take time off. For example, they may be being bullied, or they may have problems with a certain teacher which make them afraid to go to school.

A: Yes, that’s a good point. I suppose that the influence of their friends could have something to do with it, too. If their friends are playing truant, they may copy them just to fit in.

B: They may also have family problems and not feel like going to school. For example, they may have a sick parent or have to go out to earn some money if the family is poor.

2       A: Truancy can cause students all kinds of problems. For instance, they will certainly fall behind in their studies and find it hard to catch up again if they miss too many classes.

B: That’s right. They may also get in trouble with their teachers and their parents if they are found out. It is illegal for a child under the age of sixteen to miss school without parental permission.

A: Yes, I know. Another problem truancy may cause students is that they could fall in with a bad crowd and get involved in crime.

B: Exactly. They could also decide to try other forms of rebellious behaviour, such as smoking or drinking and endanger their health.

3       Key words to be underlined:

1       some children play truant; earn money; behave badly; never punished

2       parents holiday term time; peak season; spend time as

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family; save money

3       difficult convince students attend regularly; parents bad example; no good reason; teachers behave irresponsibly

4       government’s contribution; trying for years; beginning; too late

5       government talks with travel agents; offer cheap holidays; children don’t play truant; get help combatting truancy

6       aims or behavioural improvement projects; teach parents; teach students missed lessons; teach students take school seriously

7       law; not strict enough; parents not prosecuted; parents face charges

(Ss’ own answers)

b.     Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the task. Play the recording again, pausing after the information for each question, to check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       B             3              A              5              C              7              B

2       C             4              B              6              C

c.      Read out the list. Ss complete the task then compare their answers in pairs.

Suggested Answer Key

1       more responsible parenting

2       teaching students to respect school

3       strict punishment

4       police involvement

5       more interesting lessons

3      Explain the task and elicit what each picture shows. Ss work in pairs. Then ask some pairs to discuss the task in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: My laptop computer is very important to me when I am away from home. It has all my important documents stored on it and I use it every day to send emails and look for information on the Internet. Do you have a laptop?

B: No, but I have a mobile phone, which I couldn’t live without when I am away from home. I use it every day to send messages and make calls. The other thing I couldn’t live without is my camera. I take a lot of pictures wherever I go.

A: Oh, I don’t like taking pictures, but I like to write about places I visit and things I do, so my diary is very important to me, especially when I am away from home. What else is important to you when you are away from home?

B: Well, you will think this sounds very silly, but I always take my teddy bear with me when I go away. It comforts me when I feel homesick, you see.

A: Right, well, what three things would you take with you if you were going to study abroad for a year?

B: If I was going to study abroad for a year, I would definitely take my mobile phone, my camera and my teddy bear. I wouldn’t leave home without them. What about you?

imageA: Well, I wouldn’t take a teddy bear. I’m sure they can be very comforting, but if I had to choose only three things to take, then I would have to take more important things. I would take my laptop, my diary and my guitar. I love playing my guitar, and if I felt homesick I could play some songs from my country to cheer myself up.

4    Read out the questions. Ss discuss them in pairs. When Ss have completed the task, ask some pairs to report back to

the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       A: I think that people go away to study in order to experience living in a different area or even a different country.

B: Yes, I agree. That way, they get to learn a new way of life, and maybe even a new language, as well as the subject they have chosen to study.

A: Another reason is that universities or colleges in other areas often offer courses which are not available where you live, so in order to study your chosen subject, you have to leave your home town or country.

B: That’s a good point, I hadn’t thought of that. Also, going abroad to travel gives you the chance to meet interesting people from other parts of the world.

2       A: Someone who is studying abroad can face several problems. They may feel homesick and miss their family, for example.

B: That’s right, or they may have trouble understanding the language and be unable to communicate properly.

A: Another problem they may face is prejudice from the native people of the country they are staying in. Some people have negative attitudes towards foreigners.

B: Yes, that can be difficult. They may also find that the culture is very different to their own and they might have a lot to learn in order to be able to fit in.

3       A: I would love to study in a foreign country because I would like to learn about how people live in other parts of the world.

B: Me too. I would love to learn a new language as well, and be able to communicate with the native people of a new country.

A: It would be great to gain insight into a different culture and to get to know new places.

            B: I agree, although I might feel a little homesick at times.

5      Explain the task and the meaning of the assessment terms. Play the recording and elicit answers round the class.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ Both students use accurate grammar, though the range of structures they use is very limited, with almost no complex sentences. Their vocabulary is also very limited.

ñ Student B has perfect (American) native speaker pronunciation. Student A makes some minor pronunciation errors, e.g. ‘d’ instead of ‘th’, but generally has very good pronunciation and can be easily understood throughout. Both students use stress and intonation successfully to convey the intended meaning. ñ Both students interact well, particularly Student B, moving the task forward and inviting responses from each other, though not with any degree of sophistication. They do not develop their ideas very well and some of their responses are rather too short and simple.

6      a. Explain the task and ask two Ss to read the dialogues aloud. Elicit the situation for each one and then Ss underline the relevant phrases. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       Situation: A boy got a lower mark than he had hoped for.

phrases: Consoling: Never mind. It’s not as bad as you think.

2       Situation: A girl has just passed her driving test.

phrases: Congratulating: Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!

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Unit 8

b. Go through the useful language box and read out the situations. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key



Lucy? Are you free after class?



Yes, I am. Why?



Well, I passed my exams yesterday, and I thought we could go out to celebrate.



Brilliant! Well done!



What’s the matter, David? You look upset.



Yeah! I am upset, actually. I’ve just crashed my car.



That’s a shame. Don’t let it get you down.



Sally? Are you free after class?



Yes, I am. Why?



Well, I got accepted to study medicine abroad yesterday, and I thought we could go out for a meal.



Excellent! I’m really happy for you!



What’s the matter, Simon? You look upset.



Yeah, I am upset, actually. I’ve just lost my job.



That’s too bad. I’m so sorry.



Read out sentences 1-8 and elicit in what situation each one might be said. Then go through the phrases in the box. Ask two Ss to read out the example, then Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking some pairs to act out their exchanges in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key



Shall we go?



Why not?/Let’s not.



Do you mind?



Not at all./Yes, actually.



How did it go?



Quite well./Terribly.



Are you coming then?



I’d rather not./I’d love to.



What are my chances?






Can I try?



Go ahead./You’d better not.



I tried really hard.



Never mind.

Reading: Literature Corner (pp. 144-145)

1 a. Allow Ss some time to read the background information and help them with any unknown vocabulary. Read out the questions and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1 There were probably very strict rules and the discipline was probably harsh. 2 (Ss’ own answers)

b. Explain the task and initiate a class discussion about bullying. Ss make notes of the examples raised. Then ask Ss to read the text quickly to see if any of their notes are mentioned in the text.

Suggested Answer Key

Student notes: pushing and hitting, taking money from other students, destroying students’ property, verbal abuse, ridiculing others, threatening behaviour

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Examples from text: pointing out students’ mistakes, laughing at them, getting kicked, making fun of one another, being shoved, books stolen or written on, jackets whitened, lives made difficult

2      a. Allow Ss some time to read through the questions and underline the main points. Ask Ss to read the text quickly again and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Main points from questions to be underlined: 1         main problem; fourth form

2       teacher; try to do on many occasions

3       writer’s opinion; East, Brown

4       clever boys seemed

5       what Tom like; end third form

6       second monthly examination; Tom 7    what happened; clever boy

Parts of text which include answers:

1       all ages from nine to fifteen (line 5) the most unhappily constituted class (lines 9-10)

2       three unhappy fellows whom the doctor and the master were always endeavouring to promote into the upper school (lines 17-20)

3       the most mischievous and reckless age of British youth, of which East and Tom Brown were fair specimens (lines 23-24)

4       these boys ... in general, their lives made difficult for them (lines 35-38)

5       Tom had come up from the third with a good character...he succeeded in maintaining the appearance of steadiness (lines 39-44)

6       Tom never lifted his eyes from his book but could feel the Doctor’s mood (lines 53-55)

7       his head was gone and he made some terrible mistakes (lines 62-63)

b.     Allow Ss some time to reread the text and complete the task using the parts of the text they found in Ex. 2a. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       C             3              D              5              A              7              B

2       A             4              C              6              C

3      a. Ss first match the highlighted words, then explain the words in bold by giving synonyms or examples, using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

Highlighted words:


unfortunate: unlucky

rapidly: quickly

promote: advance

preceding: previous

mischievous: naughty reckless: irresponsible

ceased: stopped

Words in bold: handed out: given out youngsters: children master: teacher endeavouring: trying specimens: examples

temptations: things you want to do which you shouldn’t

imageshudder: a feeling of great fear wrath: anger

provocation: the reason for sb to react angrily

b.     Explain the task and allow Ss some time to go through the text again and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

form, lower school, Latin and Greek texts, teach, master, class, school, grammar, lesson, play hours, Doctor, upper school, progress, books, examinations, examine, work, translate, passage, bench

(Ss’ own answers)

c.      Explain the task and do the first item with Ss, then Ss

complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key ñ   a sad mixture of students ñ    they were laughed at and feared by the younger boys ñ      always fooling/playing around ñ  no good at all ñ       it would take up all a person’s time

ñ could not resist the temptations ñ was liked

ñ        the pupils shook with fear ñ   no noise at all

4      a. Explain the task and elicit a variety of answers from around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

confused, nervous, stressed, worried, frightened, fearful, scared, embarrassed

b.     Ss work in pairs and discuss the question. Ask some

pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: Well, I imagine that after being hit by the Doctor, the poor boy probably felt extremely embarrassed and upset. He may have started crying or he may have had to go to see the school nurse.

B: I agree and I also think his attitude towards the teacher probably changed after that. He might even have become too shy to speak in front of other students in case he made more mistakes!

c.      Read out the question and elicit answers from around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I think a student would be likely to go straight to the Headteacher and his parents to complain. His parents might go to the police to press charges because it is against the law for a teacher to hit a child.

d.     Elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Well, pupils usually turn up early to make sure we have time to check the timetable. We find out where the exam room is, check that we have enough pens and pencils and so on. We all feel very nervous. During the exam we are not allowed to talk at all. When the exam is finished, we all feel very excited and make a lot of noise.

5      a. Read out the task and ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the questions. When Ss have completed the task, ask some pairs to report back to the class.

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Unit 8

Suggested Answer Key

A: I think bullying can certainly create problems with attitude and behaviour. Young pupils can be particularly vulnerable because if they are being bullied, they might feel too afraid to discuss the problem and then the situation could worsen.

B: I agree. Also, the child’s performance at school can also be affected resulting in low grades. Bullying affects children both academically and psychologically.

A: I think turning to a professional is definitely the answer. For example, most schools these days have professional psychologists to help pupils.

B: I agree, but I think children should tell their parents first. Parents can help out by being there for a chat and by going to the school with the child to resolve the matter.

A: Yes, you’re right. I think schools should punish bullies and make sure that they don’t do it again by giving them detention and extra work or even expelling them from the school.

B: I disagree. I think bullies should be made to see a therapist to find out why they are bullying other kids. That’s the only way to make sure they don’t do it again.

b. Ss work in the same pairs and discuss the question. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class, then ask some pairs to present their answers to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: Corporal punishment is not allowed because it is seen as cruel and unnecessary.

B: That’s right. Nowadays, behaviour is discussed to help to solve problems. I can’t really think of any occasion when corporal punishment might be acceptable these days. We have generally moved away from the forms of physical punishment that were accepted in days gone by to trying to encourage young people to treat others in the same way that they themselves would like to be treated.

A: I agree. I feel it’s much more acceptable to be punished by, for example, fixing something you have damaged or by cleaning up the school yard.

English in Use (pp. 146-147)

1 a. Read out the two sentences and elicit how they differ. Revise the passive and refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail.

Answer Key

The first sentence is active and the second sentence is passive.

b. Explain the task and elicit in what cases the passive agent should be omitted (when it is not a specific person, or not important for the meaning). Do the first item with Ss then Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       The school will be visited by the Minister of Education next week.

2       David Copperfield was written by Charles Dickens.

3       School uniform must be worn at all times.

4       Have the results been announced yet?

5       imageThe newsletter is published every month.

6       I don’t like being teased.

7       This window has been broken. 8     An arrest will be made soon.

      c.       Explain the task and read out the example. Ss work in

pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key ñ   John was given some medicine.

ñ        John was sentenced to three years in prison. ñ      John was given a lot of homework. ñ     John’s car was repaired. ñ          John’s lawn was mowed. ñ     John’s order was taken.

2      Explain the task and elicit the difference between by and with when used with the passive (‘by’ is used with the agent;

‘with’ is used with the instrument or other descriptive detail). Do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking individual Ss to read out the completed sentences.

Answer Key

1       with             3              by            5              with

2       by 4              by

3      Present impersonal passive structures, by writing example sentences on the board and showing how they can be converted to impersonal sentences. Point out that this structure is useful for rumours, and what people think, say, believe etc about others.

e.g. ñ They say Jane is clever. ! It is said that Jane is clever. / Jane is said to be clever. 

ñ People think that John cheated. ! It is thought that John cheated. / John is thought to have cheated.

ñ They believed that Sue was honest. ! It was believed that Sue was honest. / Sue was believed to be honest.

ñ Everyone knew Sam had tried hard. ! It was known that Sam had tried hard. / Sam was known to  have tried hard.

ñ They expect Jean will pass. ! It is expected that Jean will pass. / Jean is expected to pass.

Explain the task, draw Ss’ attention to the example, then Ss complete the exercise in pairs. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Answer Key

2       The Earth was once believed to be flat.

It was once believed that the Earth was flat.

3       All passengers are feared to have been killed.

It is feared that all passengers were killed.

4       The plan was understood to have failed.

It was understood that the plan had failed.

5       She is known to have been telling the truth.

It is known that she was telling the truth. 6               He is expected to go to university.

It is expected that he will go to university.

4      Explain the task. Go through the prompts and read out the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking some pairs to ask and answer the questions.

Answer Key ñ     A:             What is this ceremony called?

            B: A graduation ceremony.

     ñ     A:  Who is invited?

B:   Students who have passed their degree course and their families.



Are the caps and gowns bought or rented?



They are usually rented for the day.



What is the certificate called?



It’s called a degree.



How often is the ceremony held?



Once a year.



What are the students presented with?



A degree certificate.



Are speeches made?




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5      a. Read out the two sentences and elicit how they differ in meaning and structure. Revise the causative form and refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Point out that the causative form can be used when we arrange for someone else to do something for us.

Answer Key

The first sentence uses the causative form with the simple past and the second sentence uses the past passive. The meaning is more or less the same, except that the first sentence suggests that I arranged for the teacher to mark my essay.

b.     Read out the example then Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Answer Key

2       I have my eyes tested by the optician.

3       I have my hair cut by the hairdresser.

4       I have my car repaired by the mechanic.

5       I have my trousers shortened by the tailor.

6      Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Point out that we only need to include the agent if it is important. Then Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking individual Ss to read their sentences aloud.

Answer Key

1       We will have the lawn mowed on Saturday.

2       I prefer having my house cleaned by someone else.

3       I will have my homework checked.

4       We have had the food for the party arranged.

5       I am having my essay marked.

6       Jane had the appointment made by her secretary.

7      Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Remind Ss that they must use two to five words including the word given. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       ... was cancelled owing to ...

2       ... is estimated to cost ... 3     ... is no point in trying ...

4       ... tell the difference between ...

5       ... avoid being recognised ...

6       ... have the network fixed ...

7       ... would like to find out ...

8       ... efficient at doing ...

9       ... was prevented from going ...

8      a. Read out the two sentences and elicit how the sentences differ from Ss around the class.

Answer Key

The sentences mean the same, but in the first sentence ‘exciting’ describes the performance, whereas in the second sentence ‘excited’ describes how we felt about the performance.

b.     Explain the task and do the first item with Ss then Ss

complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

imageSuggested Answer Key ñ I found the film very amusing. I was very amused by the film.

        ñ We were fascinated by his stories.

We found his stories fascinating.

        ñ  The lesson was rather boring.

We were rather bored by the lesson.

        ñ I was thrilled by the roller coaster ride.

The roller coaster ride was thrilling. ñ     My job can be very tiring.

I am often tired by my job.

        ñ The situation was very embarrassing.

I was very embarrassed by the situation.

9         Ask Ss to look at the title, then quickly read the text and say what it is about. Explain the task. Focus on the example (0) and elicit that responsibility is a noun, following a lot of. Then focus on gap 1; elicit what part of speech is needed (a plural noun) and elicit the answer (people) and write it on the board. Remind Ss that spelling is important in this exercise. Ss complete the exercise in pairs. Check answers on the board, eliciting spelling.

Answer Key

1          people     6              acknowledgement

2          operations              7              variety

3          medical   8              financially

4          extended 9              subscriptions

5          recognition             10            decisions

10      Ask Ss to look at the title and then skim the text, ignoring the gaps, to see what it is about.  Help Ss with difficult vocabulary items in the text (e.g. praise, criticism, essay, rare, tolerates, unmerited, capabilities, (piano)recitals, embarrassing, tuning). Explain the task and focus on  the example, eliciting why ‘for’ is the correct answer (it goes with the verb ‘praise’ – praise sb for sth).  Remind Ss to look very carefully at the words before and after each gap, then look at the options and decide which fits best. Ss do the exercise.  Check answers by asking Ss to read sentences from the completed text aloud. Encourage Ss to justify their answers.

Answer Key

1          D (try, attempt: verbs, trial and error: phrase)

2          B (take over: phrasal verb – to assume control of sth)

3          C (generous marker: collocation)

4          A (to complain about/of sth: prepositional phrase)

5          B (be used to: past habit)

6          D (badly organised: collocation)

7          A (marks = points awarded for correct answers)

8          C (award + object, merit sth/ing, grant sb/sth to sb)

9          B (to do one’s best: phrase)

10       A (succeed in doing sth, gain an ability, meet = satisfy)

11       D (naturally gifted: collocation)

12       C (no wonder: expression)

13       D (explain sth to sb, be offered sth/offer sth to sb, be given sth/ give sth to sb)

14       A (to lose interest: collocation)

15       D (to drop out: phrasal verb)

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Unit 8

Writing: Opinion (pp. 148-152)

1      Go through the theory box. Read out the rubric and help Ss to identify the key words and then elicit answers to the questions.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: Your town; given grant; improve the recreational facilities for young people; either new sports centre or new entertainment complex; letter to the editor of local newspaper; giving your opinion; how money should be spent and why

1       a letter

2       the editor and readers of my local newspaper

3       formal, because it is to someone I do not know

4       I think that the money should be spent on a new sports centre.

5       a, b, e

6       a – The schools in the area do not have tennis courts or a swimming pool, so a new sports centre would give young people access to these facilities.

b – The cinema has a small screen and has neither a Dolby sound system, nor facilities for showing the latest 3D movies. An entertainment complex could provide a modern cinema and many other facilities too.

e – A new sports centre would provide positive and productive activities for young people to do in their spare time such as taking part in team sports and friendly competitions.

7       My reason for writing and my opinion on how the money should be spent.

8       In conclusion, I strongly believe that a new sports centre is the most logical choice for what to spend the money on. It would be of the greatest benefit to the young people in our town. I hope the town council comes to the same conclusion and starts work as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Watkins

2      a. Read out the sentences, then allow Ss some time to read the model and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers and ask them to justify their choices.

Answer Key

1       D – it begins with “Firstly”, which is suitable for the first point of the letter. Also, the paragraph goes on to explain the benefits of having sports facilities in the town.

2       B – It refers to the way playing sports can build character, and the rest of the paragraph lists ways in which playing sports can do this.

3       E – It begins with “However”, which is a way of introducing a contrasting viewpoint, and the paragraph is about how a cinema would also be a good addition to the town, although not as good as a sports centre.

b.     Elicit answers to the question from Ss around the class.

Answer Key

imageYes, the writer states his opinion clearly and supports it with reasons.

c.      Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking individual Ss to read out their conclusions.

Suggested Answer Key

In conclusion, I firmly believe that the best way of spending the grant would be to build a sports centre, because this would greatly improve life for the young people in our town. I hope that the council shares my opinion and decides to begin the project immediately.

3      a. Read out the questions a-e and go through the plan. Elicit answers from around the class, then Ss complete the plan.

Answer Key

d, a, e, c, b

Dear Sir/Madam,


     (Para 1) ñ What is your reason for writing?

                  ñ    What is your opinion?

Main Body

     (Para 2) ñ  What can you say in support of your opinion?

                  ñ What would the consequences/results be?

     (Para 3) ñ What else can you say in support of your opinion?

                  ñ  What is the reason/justification for this?

     (Para 4) ñ  What is the opposing viewpoint?

                  ñ  Why does this not change your opinion?


     (Para 5) ñ  What is your opinion again?

                  ñ  What do you hope the reader(s) will do?

Yours faithfully,

(your full name)

b. Read out the completed plan and ask Ss to compare it

to the model and answer the question.

Answer Key


4 a. Go through the list of linking words and phrases and write the table on the board. Elicit answers from Ss around the class to complete the table. Ss copy the completed table into their notebooks.

Answer Key

To list points: to begin with; to start with; lastly; firstly; finally To add more points: furthermore; in addition; what is more; moreover; also

To give examples/reasons: therefore; for instance; because; then; in this way; this would mean that; such as; consequently; as a result; for example; since

To introduce the opposing viewpoint: whilst; nevertheless; on the other hand; however

To conclude: all in all; to sum up; all things considered

b. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to go through the model and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Answer Key

Firstly – to begin with/to start with

Moreover – In addition/Furthermore/What is more

In addition – Moreover/Furthermore/What is more What is more – Moreover/In addition/Furthermore such as – for instance/for example However – Nevertheless/On the other hand

Nevertheless – On the other hand/However To sum up – All in all/All things considered as – because/since

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5      a. Read out the words in the list. Ss read the extracts and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking individual Ss to read the completed extracts aloud.

Answer Key


1    I think

4   In my opinion

2    That way

5    Firstly

3   There’s no point

6   As a result

b.     Read out the options and elicit answers to the question. Establish that extract B is written in a more formal style than A.

Answer Key

A – a friend of mine or a close relative

B – the editor of a magazine or newspaper readers or my teacher

6      a. Emphasise the importance of using the right style for the target reader. Read out the items 1-5 and for each one elicit which of the items a-e it matches.

Answer Key

                           1    b           2    a           3    c           4    e           5    d

b.     Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking some Ss to read the completed extracts aloud.

Answer Key

I am writing with regard to a letter in your magazine about the town council’s plans to build a new motorway in our area. I wish to express my disapproval of this proposal.

Obviously, it is a disastrous plan. First of all, we would lose all greenery in the area.

I am writing in connection with the government’s plan to ban cars from the city centre. I am totally in favour of this idea.

7      a. Go through the expressions in the box and read out the example. Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

2       I am of the opinion that the town council’s plan to introduce a recycling scheme is a good idea.

3       I am totally opposed to the plan to close down the zoo.

4       It seems to me that abolishing school uniforms is not a good idea.

5       I am in favour of providing free public transport.

b.     Read out the phrases in the box and the example. Ss

complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

2       e If a recycling scheme were introduced, the result would be that we could conserve valuable resources.

3       c This would mean that children would not be able to learn about wildlife.

4       a             The reason is that students would feel pressure to be fashionable.

5       d             Then, there would be fewer cars on the street.

8      imageRead out the rubric and help Ss to identify the key words, then elicit answers to the questions.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: composition; giving your opinion; Earning money is more important than getting a good education. 1     a composition

2       my teacher

3       formal/semi-formal because it is for a person in authority who I know

4       I disagree.

5       To start with, an education is more valuable than money. What is more, a good education often leads to financial success.

6       Knowledge of different subjects helps us in all aspects of life. Well-educated people have better employment prospects and earn higher wages than poorly educated people.

9 a. Allow Ss some time to read the two models and then elicit which one is appropriate.

Answer Key

Model A is an appropriate answer.

b.     This exercise helps Ss to analyse what is good about model A and bad about model B. Go through the questions. Ask Ss to read the two models again and then elicit answers around the class.

Answer Key

Model A has well-developed paragraphs, introduces the topic clearly, uses a variety of linking words/phrases, uses topic sentences to introduce paragraphs, has appropriate supporting sentences, gives examples to support arguments and restates the writer’s opinion.

Model B uses simple language patterns, restates the writer’s opinion and uses everyday English.

c.      Ss underline the topic sentences. Elicit suitable

alternatives from around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Sentences to be underlined:

First of all, education is the key to development. What is more, a good education can help to achieve economic success. Of course, there are people who argue that an education is not necessary in order to make lots of money.


To begin with, having a good education enables us to develop, as people and as a society. In addition, a good education leads to financial rewards later in life. On the other hand, it is not uncommon for people with no real education to make a fortune.

d. Allow Ss some time to read the paragraphs 1-4 and

complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Beginning: 4

Ending: 1

10 a. Ask Ss to identify which paragraph in model A from Ex. 9a introduces the opposing view (the fourth paragraph). Go through the useful language box and read out the example. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by asking Ss around the class to read out their sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

2       Nonetheless, there are some drawbacks to being your own boss.

3       On the other hand, many people think that boys and girls should be educated separately.

4       In contrast, there are some benefits to having zoos.

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Self-Assessment Module 4

B Key words to be underlined: newspaper article; what the public can do to reduce the crime rate; write a letter to the editor of the newspaper; giving opinion and making suggestions

1       the editor and readers of the newspaper

2       a letter

3       how the general public can reduce the crime rate in my town

4       formal/ semi-formal

5       I believe that ordinary people can do a lot to reduce the amount of crime in our neighbourhood.

6       Neighbourhood Watch schemes are a good way for members of the public to help reduce crime, and people should have burglar alarms.

7       Some people believe that crime prevention should be left to the police.

C Key words to be underlined: college magazine; Continuing your education beyond high school is essential in order to get a good job; What do you think?; article giving your opinion and explaining why you agree or disagree

1        the editor/readers of the college magazine

2        an article

3        whether or not continuing your education beyond high school is essential in order to get a good job

4        semi-formal

5        I strongly agree that further education is necessary in order to secure a good career for a number of reasons.

6        In today’s competitive job market many employers will not consider hiring staff who do not possess a degree.

7        Some people believe that experience is more valuable than qualifications.

13 When you are confident Ss can complete the task, assign it as written HW. Before Ss hand in their pieces of writing, ask them to go through the Checklist for Unit 8 at the back of the book and check their answers against it.

Suggested Answer Key

A Today, many people believe that English is the most valuable foreign language to learn. I agree with this view for a number of reasons.

First of all, English is the language of business, computers and the Internet. Therefore, it is an important part of daily and working life. People need to be able to understand English in order to conduct business meetings, use the Internet and use a variety of computer software programs.

What is more, it is the second language in many countries around the globe. Consequently, you can be sure that wherever you go, you will find someone who speaks English.

imageOn the other hand, many people believe that other foreign languages such as Spanish or French are more important to learn. However, there are very few countries where most people do not speak any English at all.

In conclusion, I believe that although there are valid reasons for learning other foreign languages, English is by far the most important language to learn in the modern world. After all, it is the language of the future.

      B  Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in response to your recently published article. I believe that ordinary people can do a lot to reduce the amount of crime in our neighbourhood.

Firstly, Neighbourhood Watch schemes are a good way for members of the public to help reduce crime. People can report suspicious characters to the police and keep an eye on neighbours’ property while they are away. In this way, criminals would be greatly discouraged from committing crimes in residential areas.

In addition, I think that people should be encouraged to install burglar alarms in their homes. As a result, criminals would be deterred from breaking into houses.

However, some people believe that crime prevention should be left to the police. Whilst I feel strongly that crime prevention should not be the sole responsibility of the public, I feel that since we are the victims we should make an effort to do what we can.

All in all, it is my opinion that there are things the public can do to fight crime, but they need to feel that the authorities are working to protect them as well.

Yours faithfully,

Timothy Hardcastle

      C   More education, better jobs

Every year, millions of students decide to go to university after school to improve their job prospects. I strongly agree that higher education is necessary, in order to secure a good career for a number of reasons.

Firstly, in today’s competitive job market many employers will not consider hiring staff who do not possess a degree. People without qualifications may find it extremely difficult to get anything more than an unskilled job.

Furthermore, many higher education courses include work experience so that graduates have the qualifications and experience required for a position. As a result, they can often start higher up in a company.

On the other hand, some people believe that experience is more valuable than qualifications. However, this is often acquired from starting at the bottom and working your way up. With the right qualifications, prospective employees can start from a higher position on the career ladder.

All things considered, it seems that for many jobs, having a college or university education is a huge advantage. After all, it is better to be over-qualified than undereducated.

imageSelf-Assessment Module 4

1   Answer Key

1       on                8              having     15            have

2       must            9              under       16            by

3       by 10            make       17            out

4       school          11            off           18            with 5      over         12            attend     19            back

6       resit             13            sense       20            in

7       on                14            sit

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Answer Key

1       A       3              A              5          A              7

2       A       4              A              6          B              8

Answer Key

1       ... is no point in calling ...

2       ... has not heard from Susan ...

3       ... are expected to be ...

4       ... must have won ...

5       ... to have their house decorated ...

Answer Key










A: B:

What about another librarian? Do you think our library needs more staff?

Well, it depends. Another librarian would be useful to help people and keep the library books organised and so on, but a computerised library system would do the work of two or three people and make things easier for the patrons and the staff. Yes, I think you’re right. So, we could spend the money on a computerised library system and what else? A photocopier.


Suggested Answer Key

Students A & B





1       amusing

2       fascinated

Answer Key

1       the

2       one

Suggested Answer Key

1       Don’t worry!

2       I am so sorry!

3       Congratulations!

Answer Key

1       You’ll never believe

2       pulling my leg

3       wait till you hear

Answer Key

1       A       3              H

2       D       4              B





characterise            5                enrich enclose











             5    most

I am sure you will be fine. Good for you!


nice of him




4 5

4 5




Self-Assessment Module 4

9   Answer Key

I think all books will be electronic books in the future. They will save paper and take up less space.


1              C              3              B              5              A                7              C 2           A              4              C                6              B

Suggested Answer Key

Students A & B


Suggested Answer Key

There is a common belief that much of what is taught in Maths is pointless. However, I believe that learning about other types of maths at school is valuable and worthwhile for a number of reasons.

First of all, basic geometry can be useful in a number of everyday situations. For example, when calculating areas and volumes a working knowledge of geometry is essential. When decorating a room, for instance, it can be used to calculate the amount of paint needed.

What is more, simple algebra can also be helpful on many occasions. The ability to calculate equations with an unknown factor is very useful. For example, it can be used for calculating journeys and the length of time they will take when travelling at a certain speed or the performance of your savings at a certain interest rate over time.

On the other hand, it is true that we use basic arithmetic in our everyday lives more than any other type of maths. Also, most people will never use anything beyond the basics. Nevertheless, this does not make other types of maths any less worthy of being learnt, as different situations call for different types of calculations.

All in all, I believe that although arithmetic is the most widely used type of maths, other types should not be excluded from the classroom as they will come in very useful in different situations later on.








I think the Internet would be a useful addition to the library. You could search for a booklist from an author or use it to see when a book is due to be published.

That’s a good point, but I think a computerised library system would do this much better and quicker because all the relevant information would be in one place. People wouldn’t have to search lots of sites for the information they want.

Yes, you’re right. What do you think about employing a security guard? I think that is rather unnecessary, don’t you?

Well, I can see how it may be useful when people study at the library late at night. A security guard would make them feel safe and deter criminals from the car park and so on, but I agree I think it is unnecessary in our town.

I think separate reading rooms are a good idea, don’t you? That way, people would not get distracted by others.

To be honest, I don’t see the point. The library is quiet  anyway. I think a photocopier is a very good idea. They are especially useful for research and school work when people need to collect lots of different pieces of information and study them. Yes, then they could copy the relevant parts to read at home and not have to take lots of books out of the library with them.

imageI disagree. I think conventional books and electronic books will exist side by side. Staring at a computer screen strains the eyes and you can’t take an electronic book to bed with you. I think people will still want to read paper books in the future.

I enjoy reading a lot. I like to read mysteries and thrillers because I like a book that is hard to put down. I like to try and solve the mystery before the hero does. What about you?

I enjoy reading, but I don’t read as much as I could because I am tired in the evenings after I have finished my homework. I do like to read romance novels, though. I just love happy endings.

The last book I read was The Summons by John Grisham. I enjoyed it immensely. It was a very gripping novel. What about you?

I recently read Quentins by Maeve Binchy. It was a lovely, romantic story with of course, a happy ending.

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Unit 9

Unit 9  –  Planet Issues


Vocabulary: environmental issues

imageReading: gapped text (understanding text structure); multiple choice (reading for specific information) Listening: multiple choice; blank-filling (listening for gist, main points, detail, function, location, roles, relationships, intention, feeling, opinion and specific information) Speaking: asking indirect questions; expressing ignorance/ uncertainty; expressing concern; expressing frustration Use of English: word formation (prefixes); ‘key’ word transformations; open cloze; error correction Grammar: future forms; conditionals; mixed conditionals; wishes

Phrasal verbs: use up; give up; cut down on; end up with; throw away; wrap up; look out for; end up (related to food

and packaging) Writing: reviews

Lead-in (p. 159)

1      a. Ask Ss to describe the pictures, and elicit the meaning of the title of the unit (environmental problems). Then go through the items in the columns, explaining the meaning of any unknown vocabulary, and help students to match them and relate them to the pictures.

Answer Key


overuse of pesticides

genetically modified (GM) foods

climate change

toxic waste

urban development

solar/wind power

global warming

recycling scheme

b.     Explain the task and go through the useful language box. Ss work in pairs and use the useful language box to complete the task. Monitor Ss’ performance around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A:            Do you have any idea what genetically modified foods are? B:            I haven’t got a clue!

                                 A: Do you know anything about global warming?

B: I might be wrong, but I think it is the rise in the temperature of the planet.

                                 A: Can you tell me what a recycling scheme is?

B:   I’m not sure, but I think it has to do with using paper and glass again.

c.      Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss

around the class.

Answer Key recycling scheme, solar/wind power

2      imageExplain the task. Allow Ss time to rank the issues and compare their answers in pairs, then ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: I believe that the overuse of pesticides is the issue we need to deal with first because they can be very dangerous to our health.

B:        Do you think so? What worries me most is toxic waste because it could be dangerous for thousands of years to come.  etc

3      a. Explain the task. Explain that Speaker 1 is a woman, Speaker 2 a man, and Speaker 3 a teenage girl. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

                                                                                 1    2    3

A      We recycle most of our household waste. " " !

B      Recycling is too expensive and time

            consuming.                                                       ! " "

C       Governments should impose laws about recycling.   " " !

D      Recycling is the most important way of

          saving the environment.                                     " " !

b. Read out the question. Ask Ss around the class to give

their answers with reasons.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ I strongly agree with Speaker 3. Recycling is quick and cheap and most importantly, it saves energy. To add to that, it reduces a lot of waste safely. The government should impose laws about recycling because it plays the most important role in helping the environment.

ñ I agree with Speaker 2. I believe that recycling should be part of our lives, but I do not think that we should go as far as to impose laws.

4 Explain the task. Read the quotations aloud. Explain/Elicit what they mean. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ    Human beings are responsible for the destruction of the environment.

I agree, because it is well known that we  cause pollution of the air, land and sea. We cut down forests to build houses and factories and are using up the world’s natural resources.

ñ We will suffer from the pollution that we cause. I agree, because we may become ill if we eat food full of chemicals, or if we live in a city with bad air pollution.

Reading (pp. 160-161)

1 a. Read out the title and ask Ss to look at the pictures. Elicit an explanation of the title and descriptions of Antarctica from various Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

The title probably refers to the fact that Antarctica has preserved evidence of the natural history of our planet.

Antarctica is a very cold continent. It is covered with ice and enormous icebergs. There are penguins and seals living there. The people in the picture might be explorers, scientists doing some kind of research or they could be tourists.

b. Read out the list of words and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Allow Ss time to complete the task in pairs, then check Ss’ answers.

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Suggested Answer Key ñ scientists: Scientists work in the Antarctic doing research. ñ expeditions: There are expeditions to the Antarctic to explore its secrets.

ñ   global change: The Antarctic may give us an understanding of global change. ñ fossils: Fossils may be well preserved in Antarctica.

ñ climate change: Climate change may affect Antarctica, causing ice to melt.

ñ sea level: Ice melting in Antarctica may contribute to changes in sea level.

ñ environmental awareness: We may get to know more about our environment from research in Antarctica. ñ fishing: Fishing in the Antarctic should be controlled.

2      a. Read out the questions and allow Ss time to discuss the questions in pairs. Ask individual pairs to report back to the class. Ss read the second paragraph of the article and check their answers.

Suggested Answer Key

The people who live in Antarctica are probably scientists doing research.

b. Explain the task and ask Ss to read the sentences. Help Ss with any unknown vocabulary if necessary. Do the first item with Ss, then Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

A      something illegal in relation to waste

B      reason why the Antarctic is one of the most controlled regions in the world, in terms of conservation and pollution

C       mention of hobbies in Antarctica

D      what future studies have revealed so far

E       mention of pollution in the Antarctic

F       what other function it (Antarctica) has

G      a group of people of another nationality

H      name of the approach

c. Explain the task and allow Ss some time to read the text and complete the task using their answers from Ex. 2b to help them. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1   D              3              H             5              A 2           B              4              E              6              F

3      a.  Explain the task and allow Ss some time to read the text again and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

500,000 = the age of the ice

1911 = the year the first people reached the South Pole

1960s = the year when people started to realise how important the Antarctic is

27 = the number of countries that have sent scientists to the Antarctic

10,000 = the number of years for which we have information on climate change

4      = the thickness of the ice sheet in kilometres

3.7 = how thick the layer of ice covering a lake is in kilometres

imageb. Explain the task and allow Ss some time to quickly read the text again. Elicit answers from various Ss.

Suggested Answer Key ñ   Antarctic secrets unveiled ñ    Environmental Journey to the White Continent

4      a. Ss work in pairs and complete the task using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

expedition: scientific journey preserved: conserved evolved: developed sediment: residue, remains currently: now regulation: rule breed: reproduce

commercial fishing: catching fish to sell for profit warning: caution

b.     Explain that the words from columns A and B match to form collocations used in the text. Allow Ss a few minutes to match the words and find them in the text. Check Ss’ answers and understanding of the collocations. Then Ss make sentences. Check Ss’ answers by asking some Ss to read out their sentences.

Answer Key

all year round (line 8)        marine pollution (lines 42-43) come to realise (line 10)        major issues (lines 46-47) global warming (line 25)          sea level (line 47) crucial role (line 15)   drive to extinction (line 30) ozone layer (line 24)   severe measures (line 38)

ultimate challenge (line 5)                environmental impact (line 40) strictly limited (lines 38-39)

Suggested Answer Key

1       I like swimming in the summer, but some people go swimming in the sea all year round.

2       Severe measures should be taken to protect the environment.

3       Sunbathing is more dangerous now because the ozone layer is much thinner.

4       Some rare species of animals may be driven to extinction if hunting is not stopped.

5       One cause of marine pollution is factory waste being pumped into the sea. etc

c.      Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss’


Answer Key

be one of the causes of: contribute to considers: takes account of has all the answers regarding: holds the key to kind: sort were ahead of: beat damage: cause harm to

5      a. Explain the task and allow Ss time to read the article once more and make notes. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

     ñ it has preserved valuable evidence of the natural history of our


ñ fossils show how life evolved ñ analysing sediment from different lakes makes it possible to collect information on climate  change.

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Unit 9

                                 ñ    the ice sheet is a climate and pollution record for the last

500,000 years ñ it provides information about what is happening to the ozone layer

ñ             species are protected ñ           marine pollution is controlled

The Antarctic is a region of great importance due to the fact that it provides us with valuable information on the natural history of our planet. Fossils are a sign of how life on Earth has evolved and sediment from different lakes enables us to learn about climate change. Furthermore, the ice sheet is a climate and pollution record for the last 500,000 years and the Antarctic gives us information about the ozone layer and global warming. The fact that a number of species are protected and marine pollution is controlled adds to the importance of the Antarctic for the protection of our planet.

b.     Explain the task and allow Ss time to prepare their answers. Ask individual Ss to describe their day in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Today I was assigned the task of researching Antarctic animals. First we set off to an island just two-thirds of a mile away. After reaching the island my fellow scientists started making observations and writing down important information. While they recorded the data I randomly chose a penguin for my crew to test. The penguin was tagged and some measurements were taken. Tracking devices were placed on the penguin’s back. The penguin will be tracked for weeks and perhaps months. After we were finished we boarded the ship and headed out to sea to measure marine pollution.

c.      Tell Ss they will need to do some research using the Internet or encyclopaedias etc to find more information about Roald Amundsen. Remind Ss of the date of the Norwegian expedition (1911). Then, set the task as written HW. Ask individual Ss to read out their diary entries to the class in the next lesson.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ We finally reached our goal, the South Pole, today. We are exhausted and cold but in good spirits. We have achieved what explorers have been trying to do for over a hundred years. We put up the Norwegian flag to mark the spot and felt very proud. Obviously the British team have been delayed so it’s a big day for Norway!

ñ The icy wind is testing our endurance to the limits, but despite the difficult conditions, we cannot fail to be amazed by the whole area. The ice sheet must be extremely thick and there are several huge lakes.  The main inhabitants of the region are penguins – thousands of them. We also saw more seals today there are obviously many species breeding here.

Language Focus (pp. 162-163)

image1 a. Explain the task and read out the words in the list. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown vocabulary. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Answer Key


A   nuclear power

C  deforestation

B  endangered species

D    air pollution

b. Explain the task and check Ss understand the problems listed. Play the recording twice. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by playing the recording again, pausing after each speaker. Ask Ss to say which words/ phrases helped them to deduce their answers.

Answer Key

Speaker 1: F (plant, toxic, waste, explosion)

Speaker 2: C (weather patterns, temperatures rise) Speaker 3: A (poisonous chemicals, mix with water, clouds, polluted rain) Speaker 4: E (coal, oil, energy)

Speaker 5: B (eating, insecticides, pesticides, spray on fruit and vegetables)

2      a. Explain the task and read out the words in the list, explaining any that are unknown. Allow Ss time to complete the task, then check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1       aware          6              bank

2       packaging    7              protection

3       farming       8              reserve, habitat

4       energy forms              9              laws

5       ecosystem   10            warnings

b. Read out the question. Ss complete the task in pairs. Ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

      A: I think we should all grow our own fruit and vegetables.

B:   I think that’s a very good idea. We should all use environmentally friendly products, too.

      A: Yes, and I think we should all use bicycles as often as possible.

B:       Well, I don’t think that’s very practical. But I do think we should all water our plants and gardens with bath water. A:   That’s a great idea!

3      Explain the task and read out the example. Allow Ss time to complete the task in pairs, then ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: The second report is about how the ozone layer over Antarctica has become 10% smaller.

B: Yes ... perhaps the hole has shrunk because people are using fewer harmful products these days.

A:   The third report is about the increase in numbers of humpback whales in the South Pacific.

B: Yes ... perhaps the whales are able to breed because hunters are not allowed to kill them anymore.

A: The fourth report is probably about how the Australian government are taking measures to preserve the Great Barrier Reef.

B: Yes ... perhaps the government have introduced laws to protect the reef, or started conservation programmes to protect it.

4          Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Allow Ss time to complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers, then ask Ss to explain the difference between each set of words.

Answer Key

1         destruction (= the act of destroying sth; devastation = severe destruction)

2         damage (= unpleasant effects caused by sb/sth; (a) disaster = a bad accident, catastrophe)

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3         consequences (= results; effects = changes)

4         resources (= valuable materials such as oil, coal, etc; sources = where sth comes from)

5         famine (= large numbers of people suffering from starvation; starvation = extreme suffering caused by lack of food)

6         rubbish (= waste, litter; residue = a small amount of sth remaining after the rest of it has gone)

7         (toxic) waste (= (poisonous) used materials that are not wanted any more; sewage = dirty water)

8         pollute (= to make water/air/land dirty/dangerous; contaminate = to make sth dirty/harmful)

9         deposit (= to place sth somewhere; discard = to throw sth away)

10      decline (= reduction, downturn; lowering = to make sth lower)

11      natural (= related to nature; physical = related to the body, shape/size of sth)

12      scheme (= plan; schedule = timetable)

5          a. Use the pictures to elicit ideas from Ss as to how we can be more ‘green’ (environmentally friendly) in relation to food (e.g. recycling packaging, eating less red meat, reusing shopping bags, etc). Do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the task. Ss can check their answers in Appendix 2 at the back of the book. Check Ss' answers. Ss should then memorise the phrasal verbs.

Answer Key

1         uses up: consumes 2             give up: stop using

3       cutting down on: reducing

4       end up with: have as a result

5       thrown away: got rid of

6       wrapped up: covered

7       look out for: be alert in order to find

8       end up: finish

b. Read out the questions and elicit answers from Ss

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key 1              I could give up eating GM food.

2         I could cut down on the use of my car.

3         I shouldn’t throw away paper bags.

6          a. Explain that words from columns A and B go together to form fixed phrases. Allow Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss' answers around the class, and elicit/ explain the meaning of the phrases.

Answer Key

take effect (= to produce intended results) toxic waste (= poisonous waste products from factories, etc) energy crisis (= the shortage of fossil fuels and alternarive sources of energy) short supply (= limited amount) environmentally friendly (= not harmful to the environment) genetically engineered (= sth that has been altered by changing the genes) make a difference (= have a big effect on sth) face extinction (= almost die  out)

‘genetically engineered’ can be used to complete the caption.

b. Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

imageAnswer Key

1         toxic waste           4              short supply

2         take effect            5              environmentally friendly

3         face extinction

7          Ss fill in the prepositions, then check their answers in Appendix 1 at the back of the book. Then Ss work in pairs and write sentences. Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out their sentences.

Answer Key

1         of           4              by            7              under       10            in

2         in           5              of             8              from 3     under       6              to             9              in

Suggested Answer Key

1       We should not dispose of batteries with ordinary rubbish.

2       Animals that live in the wild enjoy a free and natural life.

3       The levels of pollution in the area are under control.

4       The world’s climate is affected by global warming.

5       There is a lack of information about the long-term effects of GM foods.

6       Eating genetically modified food may be harmful to your health. 7 The ecosystem is under threat.

8          Many people suffer from asthma due to the high levels of smog in big cities and towns.

9          Some rare species are in danger of extinction.

10       Many animals are not happy living in captivity.

Listening & Speaking (pp. 164-165)

1 a. Explain the task. Point out that Ss will hear eight unrelated extracts and that there is one question related to each one. Allow Ss some time to read through the questions and in pairs discuss what key words and phrases they expect to hear. Ask Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       A  major tourist attraction, a nice holiday resort B    profit, whale watching benefits C          importance of whale preservation, protection

2       A  our demands, we are fed up with ...

B      our earnings, it is difficult to work ...

C       the streets are ..., we are unable to drive ...

3       A  I am fuming, this is disgraceful

B      I totally understand, we have to realise ...

C       I really don’t know what to ... / it is complicated ...

4       A  leaflet/newspaper

B      mayor, information about ...

C       timetable, facilities, sales

5       A  pollution, local residents’ complaints B  overcrowded, lack of green

            C  educational needs, build schools

6       A  on ... and on ..., both days B   only on ..., one day

            C  on a daily basis, every single day

7       A  my class, the students

B      the committee, they take part

C       my children, family

8       A  I really can’t believe that, not sure B      amazing result, enthusiastic

            C  I feel let down, it’s a pity

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Unit 9

b. Explain the task. Play the recording twice. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by playing the recording again, pausing after each extract.

Answer Key

1      C             3              A              5              A              7              A 2           A              4              B              6              B              8               B

2      a. Read out the rubric and invite Ss around the class to look at the picture and say what they think the project is.

Suggested Answer Key

I think the Eden project is greenhouses or indoor botanical gardens where rare plants may grow.

b.     Explain what a biome is (a huge conservatory used to house and grow rare plants), then ask Ss around the class to suggest reasons why the biomes have these names.

Suggested Answer Key

I think they take their names from the climatic conditions and the kinds of plants that grow there.

c.      Explain the task. Ask Ss to read through the gapped text and guess what kind of information is missing. Elicit suggestions round the class. Remind Ss that the text paraphrases what Ss will hear, but the information they need for the gaps is clearly given in the recording. Remind Ss that they should not write more than three words in each gap. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and fill in the gaps. Check Ss’ answers by playing the recording again with pauses.

Answer Key



1    daily basis

5   waterfalls

9      charity

2   universal garden

6    rainfall

10  5 percent

3    in one day

7   West Africa


4   huge greenhouse

8   dry and dusty


d.     Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss

around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

Suggested Answer Key

The importance of these projects lies in the fact that they are a guarantee for the future protection of our environment.

3      a. Divide the class into pairs and each pair into Ss A and B. Ask all Ss to look at the pictures. Remind Ss that SAs must talk about similarities and differences between the pictures, not just describe them, and also answer the second part of the question. Then SAs complete the speaking task.  SBs listen to their partner and keep time, making sure SAs talk for about one minute uninterrupted. Go around the class and monitor Ss’ performance, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

imageStudent A: In the first picture I can see a woman who is recycling some paper, whereas in the second picture, there are a number of people who are demonstrating against something to do with the environment. I suppose that both of the pictures involve people who wish to help the environment in their own way. I’d say that recycling is a better way of helping the environment since it is directly related to its protection and it has direct results on our lives. Protesting can also bring about change as far as environmental protection is concerned, but I think that if we work individually to recycle and protect the environment, we will have better results. 

b.     Read out the question and elicit answers from SBs

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Student B: I think the most important thing people could do is save energy by always turning off electrical equipment after use, for example. Also, we should be very careful where we throw our rubbish. We should never throw litter on the ground or in the sea.

c.      Ask Ss to look at the pictures and remind them that SBs must talk about similarities and differences between the pictures, not just describe them, and answer the second part of the question. Ss work in the same pairs; SBs are allowed about one minute to complete the speaking task, while SAs listen and keep time. Go around the class and monitor Ss’ performance, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Student B: In the first picture there is a man who is cutting down a huge tree, whereas in the second picture I can see a farmer using pesticides to spray his field. Both of them contribute to damaging the ecosystem. To begin with, cutting down trees, depending on the number, of course, may result in floods and in the extinction of rare species. The use of pesticides, on the other hand, is very dangerous for our health, and contaminates the land and the water as well. I think that pesticides cause more damage, because chemicals poison the environment.

d.     Read out the question and elicit answers from SAs

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Student A: People harm the environment in many ways. Our cars and machines contribute to the smog found in most big cities and towns. Our seas are polluted not only by oil from big ships, but also by the fact that we dump our rubbish at sea.

4      Explain the task. Play the recording. Ss listen and make notes. Elicit answers from Ss around the class. Discuss Ss' answers.

Answer Key ñ     repeats ideas and language: B ñ            covers all points in the question: A, B ñ  talks about one picture more than the other: B ñ            uses natural hesitation: A, B ñ                uses rich vocabulary: A

5      a. Explain the task and ask two Ss to read out the dialogue. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Answer Key ñ     Oh, it’s just horrible! ñ            The very thought of it makes me sick.

b. Go through the phrases in the useful language box and the situations. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the

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Suggested Answer Key



Did you know that most people in big cities use private cars to commute?



But that’s so irresponsible! And what’s the point? Public transport is good these days.



Mmmm. Does it get you down?



Yes, it does.



Well, maybe people will see sense, before it’s too late.



Did you know that most businesses use paper that is not recycled.



Oh, it’s just ridiculous! And what’s the point? It’s very easy to get recycled paper nowadays.



Mmmm. Does it worry you?



Yes, it does.



Well, maybe we can do something, before it’s too late.



I read somewhere recently that almost all cosmetics companies use animal testing.



Oh, it’s so cruel! And what’s the point? Many non-animal tests could be used instead.



Mmmm. Does it depress you?



Yes, it does. I can’t bear to think about it.

6      Explain the task and read out the expressions and the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key



I believe we should all join an environmental group.



Why bother?



You don’t eat organic food, do you?



So what?



I am going to organise a protest about the closure of the zoo.



That’ll make it worse.



The government is not funding the recycling project anymore. 



What a shame!

Reading: Culture Clip (pp. 166-167)

1      a. Explain the task. Read out the title of the text. Ask Ss to describe the pictures. Elicit answers from Ss as to how the pictures are related to the text.

Suggested Answer Key

A: I think that the text must be about a method of preserving seeds from plants. The first picture shows a hand holding a selection of seeds, and the second and third pictures show buildings. These must be places where seeds are preserved.

B: Yes, I think you’re right. The buildings must be science institutes where people do research and the seeds must be kept there in special containers.

b.     Allow Ss time to read the first and last paragraphs of the text and help them with any unknown vocabulary. Elicit answers from Ss as to what they think the text is about.

Suggested Answer Key

imageI think that the text is about a process of collecting and storing seeds in order to stop plant species from dying out. They will be used for medical research, to produce more food in developing countries, and for replanting in the natural habitats of endangered animals.

2      Read out the list of words and explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown items. Elicit from Ss which words may be found in the text, and how they might be connected with the subject. Then allow Ss time to scan the text to check.

Suggested Answer Key

I expect to find the words: extinction, preserve, conserve, technology, plants, botanist, storage, future and dried, frozen and stored. I don’t expect to find the words sea or museum in the text.

3      a. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the text silently and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1       C (lines 7-9) 4              D (lines 30-37)        7              A (lines 72-79)

2       B (lines 18-19)             5              B (lines 45-49) 3      A (lines 21-25)        6              A (lines 55-60)

b.     Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key a science magazine, newspaper

4      a. Explain that the highlighted words refer back to information mentioned previously in the text. Do the first item with Ss. Then, allow Ss time to complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers around the class.

Answer Key

such precious resources refers to the world’s remaining (270,000) plant species

this aim refers to saving the seeds of over 24,000 species of plant life

these seeds (l. 37) refers to seeds from remote places these seeds (l. 48) refers to the ones that cannot be dried and stored in seed banks in the usual way we refers to scientists  at the bank this way refers to storing them and preserving them for the future

b.     Ss explain the words in bold by giving examples or synonyms. They may use their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers, then allow them time to write sentences. Ask various Ss to read out their sentences.

Answer Key

extinct: died out, vanished advancing: growing estimate: calculate approximately under threat: in danger, at risk housed: kept, stored preserving: saving, protecting set up: establish negotiating: reaching an agreement after discussions sorted: organised, arranged regenerate: grow again conserve: protect per year: every year

developing world: poor countries with few industries

restore: re-establish released: set free extracted: removed diversity: variety

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Unit 9

Suggested Answer Key

If measures are not taken, this species is going to be extinct soon.

Technology is advancing at an incredible rate.

She estimates that it will take her a couple of hours to complete the test.

Many animals species are under threat.

The zoo houses a great number of endangered animals.

The scientists are doing their best to preserve the rare plant species. The shelter was set up to look after stray animals. Local businesses are negotiating with the council about the plans for the recycling factory.

The lists are sorted in alphabetical order.

Botanists are hoping to be able to regenerate the seeds soon. If you use energy efficient light bulbs, this will help to conserve energy.

Two thousand requests per year are made for seeds to be used in research.

Famine and unemployment are major problems in the developing world.

The project is hoping to restore the natural habitat for local wildlife.

The owl was released to the wild after its wing had healed. The chemicals, which are extracted from the flowers, are used in medicine.

There is a great diversity of plant life on our planet.

5      Read out the questions and allow Ss time to discuss them in pairs. Ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key



Do you think the Millennium Seed Bank Project is important?



Yes, I do. It preserves seeds that are under threat of extinction and so protects the ecosystem. Also, it contributes a great deal in medical research and in the advancement of the developing world.



Do you know of any endangered species in your country? What is being done to protect them?



Karetta karetta is a kind of sea turtle, which is a protected species on the island of Zante, Greece. There is a protection centre which helps to facilitate the breeding of the seaturtle and to publicise the threat of extinction facing the sea-turtle and to make people conscious of the fact that we all are responsible for the destruction of the environment.

6      Explain the task. Allow Ss time to make notes in pairs, then ask Ss around the class to talk about the Millenium Seed Bank.

Suggested Answer Key ñ it prevents the loss of precious resources ñ scientists collect rare seeds from all over the world and store them

ñ seeds are sorted, separated, cleaned, dried, stored ñ scientists hope to be able to regenerate seeds in their natural environments

ñ deals with requests from organisations to use the seeds for medical research

7      Explain the task. Write these points on the board as suggestions for Ss to include on their posters.

imageñ             environmental protection ñ   research in medicine ñ           social aspect / help the developing world ñ             promote visit to the Bank ñ    ask for volunteers

Set the task as HW. Then ask individual pairs to present their posters to the class in the next lesson.

English in Use (pp. 168-169)

1      Revise future forms. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1       d  3              f               5              c 2           b              4              a              6              e

2      Explain the task and check Ss’ understanding of the phrases given. Work through the example with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

2       The Prime Minister is to deliver a speech on Monday.

3       The city is bound to / is certain to / is sure to introduce a new recycling project.

4       The corporation is about to face bankruptcy / is on the verge of bankruptcy due to the toxic waste scandal.

5       The volunteers are to / are bound to clean up the river within the next six months.

3      Explain the task and read out the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

I hope more people will be environmentally aware in the future.

I’m afraid that many endangered animals will be extinct in the future. I hope that more people will use solar power. Environmentally speaking, I’m afraid that things will get worse before they get better.

I hope that everyone will stop wearing fur coats.

4      Revise conditionals. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1       or else         3              supposing

2       on condition that        4              But for

5      Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       There might be cleaner air if we start using solar energy.

2       If there wasn’t any pollution at all, the world would be a beautiful place.

3       But for her help, I would never have passed the exam.

4       If the factory hadn’t dumped waste into the sea, the fish would not have died.

5       There wouldn’t be so many endangered species if we tried harder to protect them.

6       If we try to protect the environment, we will be able to make a difference.

6      Explain the task and read out the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

2       If I had known about it, I would have joined you.

3       If everyone did the same, they’d be able to save more animals. 4            If I am not too busy, I will definitely come.

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7      Explain mixed conditionals. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers and make sure Ss understand the time reference of each clause.

Answer Key

1       c  2              d              3              a              4              b

Suggested Answer Key

1       If the company was more careful, it wouldn’t have contaminated the water.

2       If she had known about the protest, she would join the protestants.

3       If you were more environmentally aware, you would have recycled paper and glass.

4       If the forest fire hadn’t been put out, many rare plants would disappear.

8      Explain the use of wishes. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Work through the example with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

2       I wish / if only people were more concerned about the forests.

3       I wish / if only people would stop using chemical sprays.

4       I wish / if only people would start using bicycles more. 5     I wish / if only people would put their rubbish in a bin.

6       I wish / if only governments would make it illegal.

7       I wish / if only animal protection organisations would make regular visits to the zoos.

9      Explain the task. Explain that prefixes go at the beginnings of words to change the meaning. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the exercise using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss' answers. As an extension, ask Ss to make sentences using the words.

Answer Key

sleep – oversleep: wake up later than intended weigh – outweigh: be more important than sth else populated – overpopulated/underpopulated: more/less populated than desirable put – output (noun): the amount produced input (noun): information received

protective – overprotective: more protective than is desirable react – overreact: react more strongly than is appropriate time – overtime: extra hours at work use – overuse/underuse: use more/less than desirable developed – overdeveloped/underdeveloped: more/less developed than desirable estimate – overestimate/underestimate: estimate sth to be larger/

smaller than it is

come – overcome: succeed in dealing with (a problem) income (noun): money you earn outcome (noun): result

10      Explain the task and point out that the second sentence should have the same meaning as the first sentence. Remind Ss that they must not change the word given. Do item 1 with Ss. Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1          ... are bound to appear ...

2          ... unless she does ...

3          ... spokesman is about to start ...

4          image... unless you do something ...

5          ... are bound to oppose ...

6          ... could not remember anything ...

7          ... is likely to be ...

8          ... is supposed to be ...

9          ... at the age of ...

10       ... as long as you are ...

11      Ask Ss to read through the text quickly to get the gist. Focus on the example. Elicit why in is the correct answer (in is used with the year when sth happened). Do item 1 with Ss. Advise Ss to focus on whole sentences at a time, and to look very carefully at the words before and after each gap to help them decide on the missing word. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers on the board.

Answer Key

1          has          5              up            9              this          13            such

2          than        6              been        10            well         14            there 3    the           7              in             11            also         15            them

        4    variety        8     its               12    to              16    it

12      Ask Ss to look at the title, then skim the text to get the gist and say what it is about. Then tell Ss to read the first two sentences more carefully and establish that the first line is correct. Ask Ss to explain why them in the second line is an error (them is the wrong object of ‘start’  – ‘start’ refers to creating a habitat). Next focus on the third line (item 1) and elicit that such is an error (because we use ‘like’ on its own to give an example, or ‘such as’, but not ‘such’ and ‘like’ together). Remind Ss that they should always look at whole sentences before focusing on each line, since some errors depend on the grammar and meaning of the whole sentence and Ss might mistakenly think they are correct in the smaller context of the line. Ss complete the task individually or in pairs. Encourage Ss to reread the whole text afterwards to check that it is correct. Check Ss’ answers, asking for justification for each error found.

Answer Key

1          such (we use ‘such as’ or ‘like’ not ‘such like’)

2          !

3          they (we do not need the noun and the pronoun in the same sentence)

4          of (we use ‘a lot of’ or many’ not ‘many of’ without a pronoun)

5          !

6          !

7          each (unnecessary determiner)

8          be (we do not need the verb ‘be’ – ‘need’ is the verb in this sentence)

9          !

10       the (‘most’ is used as  a determiner so the definite article is not needed)

11       you (the passive ‘can be bought’ does not need a pronoun)

12       !

13       so (we use ‘so as’ + to-inf but not so + to-inf

14       if (‘even’ is used as an adverb in this sentence so we do not use


15       well (we use ‘so long as’ or ‘as well as’ not ‘so long as well’)

Writing: Reviews (pp. 170-174)

1      a. Go through the theory box and explain any points Ss have difficulty with. Read out the rubric and help Ss underline the key words. Go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

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Unit 9

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: school newspaper; review; film; recently seen; related to the environment; brief summary of the plot; why you think it might interest other people

1       fellow students/readers of the school newspaper

2       Items to be included: recommendation; the main points of the plot; type of film / name of director; main characters / names of actors; awards the film has won (if any)

3       mainly present tenses

b. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the article

and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

                                 1    d                 2    c                 3    b                 4    a

                                 c.   Allow Ss some time to read the article again and answer

the questions. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Answer Key

1       The writer gives a brief summary of the plot.

2       Background information: what the story is about (a true story about one woman’s courageous fight to beat the system); names of director, actors, and characters 3     It is a positive review.

Phrases used to recommend the film: moving and believable performances; the directing is excellent; well worth seeing; It will touch your heart; Don’t miss it!

4       No, the end of the story is not revealed.

5       The writer has used: a variety of adjectives (e.g. courageous, sympathetic, emotional, moving, etc); complex sentences (time clauses, participle clauses and a relative clause); one abbreviation is used at the end (Don’t miss it!)

2      Explain the task and go through the useful language box with Ss. Allow Ss time to make sentences, then ask individual Ss to read out their sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

The film tells the story of a woman’s fight to beat the system.

The film is directed by Steven Soderbergh.

The film is  a true story.

The story begins when Erin Brockovich is left with no money and no job after a car accident.

The cast is excellent and give believable performances.

3      Explain the task and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Do item 1 with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out the correct sentences.

Answer Key


1    cast

6     box office hit

2    characters

7      well-written

3    based on

8    plays the part

4   premiere

9      role

5    twist

10    tragic

4      imagea. Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Answer Key screenplay

The other nouns also refer to plays or books.

b. Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key ñ dull/excellent/moving/terrible/superb/awful/fantastic/ fascinating/dreadful/hilarious/amusing script/screenplay

     ñ dull/excellent/terrible/moving/superb/awful/fantastic/

dreadful acting

ñ        superb/fantastic/dramatic/spectacular scenery ñ dull/fantastic/fascinating/entertaining/dramatic/ plot ñ          excellent/terrible/superb/awful/fantastic/dreadful/dramatic

sound effects

     ñ dull/excellent/terrible/moving/superb/awful/fantastic/

fascinating/touching/dreadful/thrilling/hilarious/ entertaining/amusing/tragic/dramatic story

ñ excellent/terrible/superb/awful/fantastic/dreadful cast ñ moving/fascinating/touching/thrilling/tragic/hilarious/ dramatic end

     ñ dull/moving/fascinating/touching/thrilling/hilarious/

amusing/starring/tragic/dramatic role

ñ        dull/moving/fascinating/hilarious/amusing/tragic character ñ            dull/excellent/terrible/superb/awful/fantastic/dreadful/

thrilling/dramatic special effects

c. Explain the task and read out the example. Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss' answers by asking individual pairs to read out their sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

It is worth watching for the dramatic scenery alone.

The superb sound effects will have you looking over your shoulder. Thanks to the fantastic special effects, the action is totally believable.

5      Explain the task and read out the example. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown vocabulary. Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out their sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

2       a  Tom Cruise stars in this fabulous box-office hit.

3       e The film has an unexpected twist which will shock and amaze the audience.

4       b  I am reading a fast-paced novel at the moment.

5       f   I prefer this cover version to the original.

6       c  She is supposed to be releasing her debut album next month.

6      a. Explain the task and go through the useful language box with Ss. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Answer Key

Positive: Don’t miss it. – It is well worth seeing. – It will change the way you see ... – It’s bound to be a box office hit. – I highly recommend it. – It is a highly entertaining read. – It’s certainly at the top of my list. – Fans will no doubt be thrilled with this. – It’s a must. – I definitely recommend that you add this CD to your collection!

Negative: I wouldn’t recommend it because ... – Wait until it comes out on video. – It’s a bore to read. – Don’t bother with this one.

b. Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

For a film: It is well worth seeing. – It’s bound to be a box office hit. – Wait until it comes out on video.

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For a book: It is a highly entertaining read. – It’s a bore to read. For a CD: I definitely recommend that you add this to your CD collection!

For all three: Don’t miss it. – It will change the way you see ... – I highly recommend it. – It’s at the top of my list. – Fans will no doubt be thrilled with this. – It’s a must. – I wouldn’t recommend it because ... – Don’t bother with this one.

                           c.         Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Don’t miss Minority Report starring Tom Cruise. It’s well worth seeing.

You should get a copy of Chocolat. It’s a highly entertaining read. Fans will no doubt be thrilled with the new Eminem album. It’s a must!

7      Explain the task and allow Ss time to read the review and complete the task. Read out the questions and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Answer Key

Order of paragraphs: D, A, C, B

                           D  gives background information

                           A is a summary of what the book is about

                           C  makes general comments

                           B  contains the recommendation

The writer recommends the book by saying: ‘I highly recommend Woman in the Mists.’ ‘It is beautifully written and will leave the reader with a better understanding of this truly remarkable woman.’

Alternative recommendation

I thoroughly recommend Woman in the Mists. It is a very moving story and a highly interesting read.

8      a. Read out the rubric and help Ss underline the key words. Read out the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: newspaper you work for; review; CD you like; description of some of the tracks; why you recommend it

I should include information about the CD, some of the tracks and why I recommend it.

The style should be semi-formal because it is for a newspaper.

b.     Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the two models and answer the questions, then check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Model A is clearly the better model. It is divided in paragraphs, it uses a variety of adjectives (simple, effective, energetic, calming, etc), has varied sentence structure (use of relative clauses, direct address, complex linking devices, etc) and gives reasons for its recommendation.

imageModel B, on the other hand, is not devided into paragraphs. It is too informal (uses colloquialisms, short forms, etc) and relies too heavily on simple adjectives (good, great). It has simple sentences and simple linking devices (and, but). It also fails to give reasons for its recommendation and is written in a very subjective way, without offering much information.

c.     Explain the task and allow Ss time to complete the task in pairs and compare their answers with another pair. Then, ask some pairs to present their answers to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Sting’s latest CD, Brand New Day, is really great. There are ten tracks on it, and even though the main theme is about love, the songs tell a different story.

The title track, Brand New Day, is also the name of the first single. This song is really good and the way it’s put together is really interesting. Desert Rose is the second single for the CD and it’s also great. The beginning of the song is sung in Arabic and then you hear Sting’s voice. I really liked this song! The song After the Rain Has Fallen, is another song that I loved. The End of the Game has a lot of different instruments like drums, keyboards and violins.

Sting is a man who has played almost everywhere in the world. If I were you, I’d go out and buy this CD today!

Alternative conclusion:

Sting is an amazingly talented artist with a worldwide reputation. I thoroughly recommend this CD to all music lovers. You could read such a review in a magazine or newspaper.

9         Explain the task and do the first item with Ss. Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out the amended paragraphs.

Answer Key

The CD’s title track, A Beautiful Day, is a beautiful song about life and hope. The arrangements are simple and effective. The catchy tune of Elevation, as well as the strong lyrics of Wild Honey, make these songs very hard to forget.

Suggested Answer Key

Fans will no doubt be thrilled with this album. I definitely recommend that you add this CD to your collection!

10      Explain the task. Help Ss to underline the key words, then go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A      Key words to be underlined: magazine; reviews; favourite films; main points of the plot; general comments about acting/directing; recommendation

1       a film review

2       the editor and readers of the magazine; semi-formal style 3 Introduction:

name of film, type of film, names of characters/actors/

director Main body: plot summary, general comments about acting and directing

4       Beginning:

Simone is a marvellous new film by the well-known director, Andrew Niccol.

5       Recommendation:

This film will make you laugh out loud. Don’t miss it!

B      Key words to be underlined: teacher; review; book you have recently read; school newspaper; brief details of the plot; recommend it or not

1        a book review

2        readers of the school newspaper (fellow students); semiformal style

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Unit 10

3        Introduction:

name of book, type of book, names of characters/writer Main body:

plot summary, general comments 4 Beginning:

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a stunning new book by the best-selling writer, J K Rowling.

                                       5   Recommendation:

Fans will no doubt be thrilled with this book. For anyone who has never read J K Rowling’s work, I highly recommend it.

C Key words to be underlined: Music Vibes Magazine; editor; review; CD that has just come out; brief details about the CD; recommend it or not

1       a CD review

2       readers of the magazine; semi-formal style 3 Introduction: name of CD, type of music, names of performers/ musicians

Main body: details about music/lyrics/individual tracks

4       Beginning:

Last month, The Wrecking Crew finally released their longawaited new CD, Bricks and Mortar.

5       Recommendation:

Bricks and Mortar was well worth the two-year wait. I definitely recommend that you add this to your CD collection!

11      Explain the task. Inform Ss that they can use the models on p. 170 and p. 172 as well as Model A on p. 173 to help them. Assign the task as written HW. Before Ss hand in their pieces of writing, ask them to go through the Checklist for Unit 9 at the back of the book and check their answers against it.

Suggested Answer Key

A      Simone is a marvellous new film by the well-known director, Andrew Niccol. Al Pacino plays Viktor Taransky, a movie producer who is tired of the demanding actresses he has to work with. Catherine Keener plays his ex-wife, who is also the head of the film studio.

Set in Hollywood, the story begins when the lead actress drops out of Taransky’s latest film. He decides to make a point by replacing her with a computer-generated starlet called Simone. However, Simone is an instant success, and she is offered so much, including a major recording career, that he cannot bear to admit his fraud to the world or to himself.

The film is full of tense moments as reporters try to find out who Simone really is, and there are plenty of hilarious scenes as Taransky tries to convince the world that Simone is a real person. The actors are fantastic and the directing is excellent. This film will make you laugh out loud. Don’t miss it!

B      Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a stunning new book by the best-selling writer, J K Rowling. It is the fifth book in the highly popular Harry Potter series, and the most exciting and scary story so far.

imageThis fascinating story begins as Harry Potter, student wizard, enters his fifth year at Hogwarts School. Some of the characters from earlier books return, including Professor Lupin and Mad-Eye Moody. We learn several amazing things in this book, including important facts about Harry’s mother and the horrible Dursley family. We also learn why the evil Lord Voldemort killed Harry’s parents.

Like all the other Harry Potter books, this is a gripping read from beginning to end. There are times when you will be holding your breath, not daring to breathe, as Harry faces many dangerous situations. Rowling’s use of language is wonderful and the characters she creates are very realistic.

Fans will no doubt be thrilled with this book. For anyone who has never read J K Rowling’s work, I highly recommend it.

C       Last month, The Wrecking Crew finally released their longawaited new CD, Bricks and Mortar. There are ten tracks on the CD, each one with its own unique sound.

The CD's title track and first single, Four Walls, is an upbeat song about improving your life. The arrangements are simple and effective. The rich sound of On the Roof promises to be the second single from the CD and is full of surprises. The gentle introduction is played on acoustic guitar and is unlike anything you have ever heard before. Build It Up is an energetic song that tells listeners to be optimistic about life. You'll be humming this catchy tune long after you first hear it! Open the Door is another great song and features a variety of musical instruments, including drums and electric guitars.

Bricks and Mortar was well worth the two-year wait. I definitely recommend that you add this to your CD collection!

Unit 10  –  ∆he Cycle of Life


Vocabulary: stages of life; healthy living; healthy eating

Reading: multiple choice (reading for detail); gapped text (understanding text structure)

Listening: multiple matching; multiple choice (listening for gist, main points, detail, specific information) Speaking: giving, accepting and rejecting advice Use of English: ‘key’ word transformations; word formation; open cloze

imageGrammar: defining/non-defining relative clauses; clauses of purpose; clauses of concession; question tags Phrasal verbs: do without; take up; put on; get over; put up with; giving off; cut out; keep off; do with; live on (related to healthy living) Writing: revision and extension

Lead-in (p. 175)

1      a. Read out the title. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and explain/elicit how these activities are related to the title.

Suggested Answer Key

The title refers to our life cycle and the pictures relate to different stages in our lives such as infancy, marriage, graduation, careers and old age.

b.     Ask Ss to look at the pictures and describe what each person is doing. Elicit how the pictures make them feel.

Suggested Answer Key

I can see a baby being helped by an adult to take his/her first steps. This picture gives me a warm feeling inside, as it shows a moment which all parents wait for.

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There is a young woman dressed in a graduation robe and holding her degree certificate up in the air. This picture makes me feel happy because the young woman must have worked hard and is undoubtedly feeling very proud.

There is a young man dressed in a business suit smiling and giving the ‘thumbs up’ sign. I feel pleased for the man in this picture, as he has probably just got a promotion or made an important deal. I can also see a couple who have just got married. The groom is helping the bride to get down from a carriage. They are both smiling and look very happy. I feel quite romantic when I look at this picture, as it shows a couple who are obviously very much in love. There is also an elderly couple on the phone. They are both listening to the person on the other end of the phone and smiling. I feel a little sad when I see this picture, because this couple may be missing their children, who have clearly grown up and left home.

2      a. Explain the task and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown vocabulary. Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

      0-5:    newborn, baby, infant, toddler

      5-12: child, school-age child, youngster

     13-19: adolescent, teenager, juvenile

      20+:    adult, grown-up, parent

      40+:    middle-aged person

      60+: elderly, senior citizen, pensioner

b.     Explain the task and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown vocabulary. Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key



I think savings are relevant to a person who is over forty, don’t you?



Yes, because this is when people need to start saving for their retirement.



I think retiring is relevant to a person who is over sixty, don’t you?



Yes, because this is when people stop working.



I think temper tantrums are relevant to a person who is under five, don’t you?



Yes, because this is when children find it difficult to control their emotions.



I think promotion is relevant to a person who is over twenty, don’t you?



Yes, because this is when people start developing their career.



I think stress is relevant to a person who is over twenty, don’t you?



Yes, because this is when people start having a lot of responsibility.



I think learning to talk is relevant to a person who is under five, don’t you?



Yes, because this is when children learn to communicate.



I think learning to drive is relevant to a person who is 16 or over?



Yes, because this is when people can apply for a driving licence.



I think a pension is relevant to a person who is over sixty, don’t you?



Yes, because this is when people retire from work.

ñ A: I think homework is relevant to people who are between 5 and 12 and between 13 and 19, don’t you?

            B: Yes, because this is when children are in full-time education.

ñ A: I think learning to read is relevant to a person who is under five, don’t you?

            B: Yes, because this is when children prepare to go to school.

ñ A: I think starting a family is relevant to a person who is over twenty, don’t you?

            B: Yes, because this is when people usually settle down.

ñ           A:          I think university is relevant to a person who is between 13 and 19, don’t you?

imageB: Yes, because this is when people think about going into further education. ñ A: I think looking for a job is relevant to a person who is 18 or over.

            B: Yes, because this is when people usually look for a job.

3      a. Explain the task. Ask Ss to read the seven statements and elicit which are about lifestyle problems and which are about solutions. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1       Y  3              Y              5              N             7              Y

2       N 4              N             6              Y

b. Read out the question and allow Ss time to discuss in pairs. Then ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key healthy eating regular exercise financial security

good relationships with friends, partners and family pleasant daily environment relaxation

4      Explain the task. Read the quotations aloud. Explain/Elicit what they mean. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: I agree with the first quotation because I feel that many people nowadays are so concerned with making money and paying the bills that often they do not pay attention to the more important parts of our lives such as family, friendships and living for the moment.

B: Yes, but I think that the second quotation is also true, as we spend so much time planning ahead and looking to the future that life passes us by without us even noticing.

Reading (pp. 176-177)

1      Read out the title and ask Ss to look at the pictures. Explain/ Elicit how the pictures are related to the title.

Suggested Answer Key

The pictures show things which can lengthen or shorten your life.

2      a. Explain the task and allow Ss time to discuss in pairs. Then ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

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Suggested Answer Key

A: I think yoga, exercising, taking vitamins and healthy eating help us to live longer.

B: I agree, but smoking, eating junk food and taking a lot of pills do not.

b. Allow Ss time to skim the text and underline the health

issues mentioned.

Suggested Answer Key

sports, diet, smoking, yoga, walking, fruit and vegetables 

3      Explain the task and allow Ss some time to read the questions and the text and complete the task. Check Ss' answers. Ask Ss to give evidence for their answers from the text.

Suggested Answer Key

1       A      with record numbers of fit, healthy people reaching the

age of 90 and over (lines 7-8)

2       A      this seems to be a continuing trend (line 5)

3       C       travelling ..., learning new skills, taking up different sports, starting businesses (lines 16-18)

4       B      intake of fewer calories allowed mice to live up to 40%

longer (lines 26-27)

5       B      we can ... do a lot to slow down biological ageing

(lines 42-43)

6       D      Improve your diet by eating smaller portions, especially at

night. (item 13 in the list)

7       A How well we age ... is up to us. (introductory paragraph) Our opinion of what is old ... tends to change with ... higher levels of longevity. (lines 19-22)

4      a. Explain that the words match to form collocations used in the text. Allow Ss a few minutes to match the words and find them in the text. Check Ss’ answers and understanding of the collocations. Then Ss make sentences. Check Ss’ answers by asking Ss to read out their sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

2       g I am changing to a healthier lifestyle in order to improve my energy levels. (line 7)

3       a       The greying population is becoming more and more

energetic. (line 10)

4       b       Life expectancy in my country is very high due to healthy

eating. (lines 2-3)

5       e       Eating junk food speeds up the ageing process. (line 37)

6       c       In Japan, there are record numbers of people over 100

years old. (line 7)

7       f Social circumstances can affect how long we live. (line 25) b. Ss work in pairs and complete the task, working out the meaning of the five words given from the context. Ss may use their dictionaries to help them explain the highlighted words. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       b       2              a              3              b              4              a              5              b

imageSuggested Answer Key generation: a period of time – usually 30 years doubled: multiplied by two trend: general development, change dramatically: very greatly longevity: long life calories: units used to measure the energy value of food cancer: a disease which affects the cells in the body consume: use/eat

centenarians: people who are 100 years old or older

challenge: difficult task physical: of the body chronological: of age biological: organic posture: standing/sitting position

5      Explain the task and allow Ss some time to read the text again and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

activity: 5/6/11;  attitude: 1/3/4/9;  intellect: 7;  nutrition: 12/13; sociability: 10

6      a. Read out the question and explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the task, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: I don’t eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables, so I probably don’t get all of the vitamins I need to be healthy.

B: I’d be prepared to eat more healthily in order to improve my health. I don’t get much exercise, as I spend most of the day sitting at a desk. I’d like to find the time to exercise regularly, but this thing is easier said than done.

b. Read out the question and explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the task, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

The most important advantage is that they can enjoy family life and spend time with their children and grandchildren. Moreover, they can be looked after by the young members of the family and they can socialise with younger people which will enable them to be more active and alert.

7 Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the task, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key Take up some form of exercise.

Keep socially active, especially with younger people.

Always use sunscreen in hot weather.

Try to keep as mentally active as you can. Don’t be pessimistic.

Language Focus (pp. 178-179)

1       a. Explain the task. Allow Ss time to rank the items in the list and compare their answers in pairs, then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1, 8, 5, 2, 4, 3, 7, 6

b.     Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the task and compare their answers in pairs. Ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: For me, keeping to a healthy weight is most important for a healthy lifestyle.

B: You’re absolutely right. Maintaining a healthy weight is very important for your well-being.

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c.      Read out the question and elicit answers from around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I eat plenty of healthy food and I go jogging every morning in order to keep fit.

2       Explain the task and check Ss’ understanding of the words in the spidergram. Allow Ss time to complete the task, then check Ss' answers around the class.

Answer Key well-balanced

Suggested Answer Key

She was quite well-off, with a good pension and a number of bank accounts.

Lewis is tall, well-built and very attractive.

We were amazed at how well-preserved the artefacts in the museum were.

I was impressed by how well-mannered the children were.

Dave gave up a well-paid job to study at university.

Jane is always well-dressed and never looks scruffy.

He is very well-informed about nutrition and exercise.

She is from a well-to-do family who have a great deal of property.

3       a. Explain the task, go through the table and read out the example. Allow Ss time to complete the task in  pairs, then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key



I think orange juice should be part of a student’s diet because it’s a high energy food and it’s rich in vitamin C.



You’re right. I think students should also eat oily fish as it’s high in calcium.



I think milk should be part of an old person’s diet because it’s a high energy food and it’s rich in calcium.



You’re right. I think an old person should also eat chicken as it’s rich in protein.



I think fish should be part of the diet of somebody who’s on a diet because it’s a high energy, low fat food.



You’re right. I think that a person on a diet should also eat cornflakes as they are high in carbohydrates and low in fat.

b.     Explain the task, go through the table and read out the

example. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I can’t stand spicy food.

I often eat savoury snacks at work.

I always eat fruit and salads when I’m on diet.

I don’t really like fizzy drinks.

I only eat junk food on holiday.

I love creamy sauces.

I never eat greasy foods. I rarely eat sweets.

c.      Read out the questions and elicit answers from Ss

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I like eating vegetables. I eat them every day. I like to eat them fried or roasted.

imageI like eating steak. I eat it once or twice a month. I like to eat it grilled. etc

4       Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Allow Ss time to complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers, then ask Ss to explain the differences between each set of words.

Answer Key

1       helping (= a serving; plate = item of crockery we eat a meal off; dish = particular type of food/meal, e.g. chicken casserole, beef stew, etc; course = one part of a meal)

2       recipe (= written list of ingredients/instructions on how to make a dish; instructions = a list of points on how to do sth; prescription = paper from doctor with medicine and dosage given to a patient to give to the chemist; receipt = a piece of paper that shows proof of purchase of sth)

3       frozen (= hard due to very low temperature; freezing = in the process of becoming frozen; cold = low temperature; icy = covered with ice)

4       course (= one part of a meal; starter = the first course of a meal; appetiser = small light serving of food to increase the appetite; dessert = sweet course served after the main course of a meal)

5       sparkling (= carbonated; gassy = full of gas; flat = still/ uncarbonated; bubbly = full of bubbles)

6       wound (= cut in the skin; injury = damage to the body; pain = feeling when you are hurt; ache = dull pain)

7       recover (= to recuperate; heal = get better; cure = remedy; mend = repair)

5       a. Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Allow Ss time to complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers, then ask Ss to explain the meanings of the idioms.

Answer Key

1 – f   comes to life: becomes energetic

2 – a   goes bad: goes off

3 – e   killing time: doing sth to keep busy while waiting

4 – b   the time of your life: a great time

5 – d couch potato: sb who constantly watches TV and does not take any exercise.

6 – c   have a sweet tooth:  like eating sweets

b.     Explain the task. Ss complete the task, then compare

their answers in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key couch potato

Suggested Answer Key

"A couch potato - who me?"

6       a. Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ss can check their answers in Appendix 2 at the back of the book. Check Ss' answers. Ss should then memorise the phrasal verbs.

Answer Key

1       without       4              over         7              out           10            on

2       up                5              with         8              off

3       on                6              off           9              with

1       do without: manage without

2       take up: start

3       put on: gained (weight)

4       get over: recover from

5       put up with: tolerate

6       giving off: releasing, emitting

7       cut out: remove

8       keep off: stay away from



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9         (could) do with: would like

10      live on: survive by eating one food /thing


2 3


ñ A: I don’t think satellite and cable TV has changed our lives so much. It has just meant that there are more channels available to watch and lots of shopping channels.

B: I disagree. I think they have brought better quality programmes and more information and given us an insight into many different cultures through informative documentaries and news programmes. Before we had satellite TV, we only saw the world through the eyes of our own media - now we can get a broader perspective.

ATMs, surveillance cameras, medical breakthroughs, e.g. laser surgery

A      Communications – We will all have wrist phones.

B      The Economy – There will be a single world currency. There will be no paper money or coins, only plastic money.

C       Travel – There will be passenger flights to the moon.

D      Health – Cures for all diseases will be found.

E       Entertainment – We will have digital cinema at home.

F       Shopping – All goods will be delivered to our door instantly.

Explain the task. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers. Then play the recording again, pausing after each speaker, and eliciting details of the predictions described.


b. Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the exercise. Invite individual Ss to show their pictures to the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

a. Explain the task. Ss fill in the prepositions, and check their answers in Appendix 1 at the back of the book. Check Ss’ answers, then Ss work in pairs to make sentences. Ask individual Ss to read out their sentences.

Answer Key

1       in       5              on            9              with

2       out    6              to             10            from, to

3       under 7              from

4       to      8              to

Suggested Answer Key

1       Mary was in good shape after going to the gym for six months.

2       These yogurts are out of date!

3       She was very good at keeping calm under pressure.

4       I am addicted to chocolate.

5       Diane is going on a diet as she has put on a lot of weight lately.

6       I can’t eat nuts because I am allergic to them.

7       It will take six weeks for Jane to recover from her accident.

8       He must keep to a healthy weight to avoid getting ill again.

9       Sometimes it’s difficult to cope with the amount of work I have.

Answer Key

1       D (genetic code in medical records, specialised treatments based on each patient’s genetic code, breakthroughs in the treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, selfdiagnosis using smart computers)

2       F        (no poor quality products, more affordable prices, home delivery)

3       E        (computer generated TV personalities, virtual pop stars)

4       C        (faster trains and planes)

5       A       (constant                 Internet   access      through           wireless   and

broadband connections, tiny voice-activated mobile phones fitting inside our ears)

c. Explain the task and read out the questions. Allow Ss time to discuss in pairs, then ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I think that, in the future, our genetic code will certainly be included in our medical records. I also think that it is possible that all groceries and other products will be delivered to the home. I am not sure if computer generated personalities will replace celebrities, as we would miss reading celebrity gossip and interviews. I think that rail travel and air travel will become faster, and I think it is also very likely that one day, we will be online all the time, through mobile phones and other small gadgets.

a. Explain the task and elicit answers to the questions from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1           ñ Some people think a gym is the place to show off your muscles.

      ñ Aerobics is a popular form of exercise.

      ñ You should check out the facilities before you join.

      ñ Many gyms also offer yoga classes.

ñ        Do not leave your valuables in the lockers. ñ          Many people join a gym in order to lose weight.

10 Sue lets her children eat sweets from time to time, but not every day.

b. Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1        for           3              with         5          by 2         under       4              of          6              for

Listening & Speaking (pp. 180-181)

1 a. Explain the task and read out the questions. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1 ñ A: The Internet has changed our lives by making a huge amount of information available to many people.

B: I agree. Before the Internet, people had to waste a lot of time and energy looking through encyclopaedias and other reference books to find things out.

C: Also, the Internet has brought us email which is much faster and more efficient than sending letters. ñ A: Cheap air travel has allowed more people to travel abroad more often.

B: Yes, air travel used to be a luxury for the rich. Now it is available to anyone.

ñ A: I think mobile phones have changed our lives because they have made it easier to get in contact with people wherever they are.

B: Not only that, now mobiles can connect to the Internet, play games and take photographs, too.

C: Yes, we don’t have to worry about finding a public phone that works anymore and with voicemail and missed call lists, people are reachable 24 hours a day.

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ñ             Take a friend for moral support and encouragement. ñ        When you calculate the monthly cost, it can be expensive. ñ           There are often personal trainers available.

ñ Before you sign a contract, make sure there are no hidden extras. ñ Life membership is not always economical.

      2    2 What happens if you choose the wrong one?

4       What other costs are involved?

5       Should we sign a contract?

7       Why is it worth doing some research before joining a gym?

b. Explain the task. Play the recording twice. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers and elicit evidence by playing the recording again, pausing after each piece of information is given.

Answer Key

1      B             3              C              5              B              7              C

2      A             4              B              6              A

      c.             Read out the questions and elicit answers from Ss

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I am a member of a gym which I visit once or twice a week. I like going to the aerobics classes there the most, because they are good fun and they help me to keep fit. I least like having to change in the changing rooms, as they are very hot and stuffy.

3      Explain the task and elicit what each picture shows. Ss work in pairs and complete the speaking task. Go around the class and monitor Ss’ performance, then ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

See tapescript for Exercise 5 p. 181 in the S’s Book.

4      Read out the questions and elicit answers from different Ss around the class. Alternatively, Ss discuss the questions in pairs.

Suggested Answer Key

See tapescript for Exercise 5 p. 181 in the S’s Book.

5      Explain that Ss will hear a model interview based on the tasks in Exercises 3 and 4. Ask Ss to listen and think about what is good about the students’ performance in the areas listed. (The model candidates use a good variety of grammar and vocabulary accurately and appropriately, they deal with all aspects of the task thoroughly and complete it efficiently, their pronunciation is very good, they communicate their ideas successfully and fluently and interact well with each other during the discussion.) Then ask Ss to assess their classmates’ performance in these areas. Encourage Ss to be constructive in any criticism they make, and look for ways to improve their performance. For more formal peer assessment, photocopy the Peer Assessment Checklist at the back of the Teacher’s Book.

(Ss’ own answers)

6      Explain the task and ask two Ss to read out the dialogue. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

imageAnswer Key What you really need to do is … Speaker A rejects the advice.

7      Go through the phrases in the useful language box and read out the situations. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A: Mary, I was wondering if you could help me out? I’ve been feeling really stiff after work lately.

B:   Have you thought of joining a gym? That way you can unwind through exercise.

      A: I think I’ll take your advice. Thanks.

A: Leo, I was wondering if you could help me out? I don’t know what to do about my noisy neighbours.

      B: Have you tried talking to them about it?

      A: That’s all very well for you to say, but they are very rude.

A: Lisa, I was wondering if you could help me out? I don’t know what to do about these terrible headaches I’ve been getting lately. I’ve tried everything.

B:       Have you tried alternative medicine? A: That might work. Thanks.

A: Mark, I was wondering if you could help me out? I don’t know what to do about this awful backache.

      B: Why don’t you have a massage?

      A: I think I’ll take your advice. Thanks.

8 Explain the task and elicit/explain the meaning of the expressions. Ask two Ss to read out the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

2       A: I’ve booked us on a cruise.

            B:  This is the life!

3       A: I was sorry to hear the bad news.

            B:  Life goes on.

4       A: I can’t manage on my income.

            B:   Life is hard.

5       A: Can I borrow your new car?

            B: Not on your life!

Reading: Literature Corner (pp. 182-183)

1      Explain the task and allow Ss time to read the text about Louisa May Alcott and help them with any unknown vocabulary if necessary. Read out the questions and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1       When one parent is away from home, children miss their love and protection. If the father is away, the mother has to perform all the duties that he would have done such as disciplining the children and bringing in a wage. If the father is a soldier in the war, the family is also worried about his safety.

2       Life for young girls in the 19th century was probably harder than today. They would have been expected to help their mothers with the housework and to look after the younger children. They probably spent their free time in ladylike activities such as reading and needlework. In the past many young girls were educated at home and were not allowed to socialise very much, especially not with boys or with people from a different class.

2      a. Allow Ss time to read lines 1-12, then elicit answers from Ss around the class.

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Suggested Answer Key

A: The experiment could be that the mother punished them by giving them different household tasks to do.

B: Yes, or she may have left them alone for a week to see how they managed by themselves. A: I think you may be right.

b. Explain the task and focus on the example. Ask Ss to explain why sentence I fits in gap 0. Allow Ss some time to read the text and the missing sentences silently and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1      G         3              A              5              D              7              E

2      B         4              H             6              C

3      Elicit from Ss around the class what helped them to match the missing sentences.

Suggested Answer Key



The suggestion ‘suppose you learn cooking’ is followed by the explanation ‘That’s a useful skill’, and ‘cooking’ links with ‘dinner party’.



‘She had had suspicions’ refers back to Meg’s question to her mother in the previous sentence.



The past tense ‘thought’ and use of first person ‘I’ fits in with the rest of that paragraph where the mother explains why she went away, and a contrast is made between ‘everyone thinks only of herself’ and ‘more pleasant to help one another’ in the next sentence.



‘It’ in the next sentence refers to ‘work’, and sentence H mentions the advantages of work.



‘sewing’ refers back to ‘make a set of shirts’, and ‘I can and I will’ refers back to Meg’s resolution.



The idea of ‘do my lessons’ and ‘not ... music and dolls’  is continued in ‘studying not playing’ after the gap.



The mother’s advice  ‘Don’t  ... work like slaves’ is continued in ‘Have regular hours for work and play’ in the next sentence.

4      a. Explain the task and allow Ss time to complete the exercise, working out meaning from context. Check Ss' answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key duties: responsibilities inaudibly: silently recollection: memory amiable: good-natured burdens: tasks fussing: complaining employing: using

b. Explain the task and allow Ss time to quickly read the

text again and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

... as flowers turn toward the sun ... (lines 4-5)

We’ll work like bees ... (line 37)

image... work like slaves. (sentence E)

5      Explain the task and allow Ss time to complete the exercise. Encourage Ss to work out the meaning from the context. Check Ss' answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key ñ   I don’t either ñ        make free time more enjoyable ñ           become easier – cope with them ñ              just wait and see

6      a. Read out the rubric and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

It is partly based on the author’s own life. We can assume that she shared some of the experiences of her characters and that the circumstances of the March girls were similar to her own.

b. Explain the task and allow Ss time to complete the task. Ask individual Ss to give their answers with justifications.

Suggested Answer Key

Meg – kind – she offers to make shirts for her father

Jo – dynamic, passionate, charming – she is brave and tries new things, she speaks passionately and she has a personality which pleases others

Mother – clever, kind – she knows how to teach the girls important lessons without being bad-tempered with them Beth – gentle, kind – she wants to please her mother

Amy – gentle, kind – she wants to please her mother

7 a. Explain the task and allow Ss time to complete the task and compare their answers in pairs. Then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

The style of writing is semi-formal and uses language that is appropriate for the times. People talk differently today.

Extract: "I intend to do it right now"

Modern version: "I’m going to do it straight away"

Extract: "Suppose you learn plain cooking?"

Modern version: "Why don’t you learn to cook simple meals?"

Extract: "the comfort of all depends on each doing her share faithfully"

Modern version: "We will all be more comfortable if we each do our jobs properly."

Extract: "Then let me advise you to take up your little burdens again, for though they seem heavy sometimes, they are good for us, and lighten as we learn to carry them."

Modern version: "Let’s all get on with our duties. They may seem hard work sometimes, but they are good for us and the more we do them, the easier they get."

Extract: "We’ll work like bees, and love it too, see if we don’t." Modern version: "We’ll work really hard and it’ll be fun - just wait and see!"

Extract: "prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well"

Modern version: "show that you know time is valuable by not wasting it"

b. Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I would recommend this novel as a fascinating story with interesting characters that shows the reader what life was like growing up in a small town in America in the 19th century.

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      c.               Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss

around the class.

Suggested Answer Key A lesson learnt.

8      a.  Explain the task and elicit points to support the prompts

(e.g. setting: a room inside the house; people: Mrs March and her daughters all sitting together; clothes: period clothes of the 1800s – long dresses). Allow Ss time to prepare a cover in pairs. Then ask some pairs to present their covers to the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

b. Explain the task and allow Ss time to prepare answers in pairs. Then ask some pairs to present their ideas to the class. Alternatively, ask Ss to do some research at home to find out which actresses have actually played the roles in a film version of the book.

Suggested Answer Key


Mother – Susan Sarandon

Meg – Trini Alvarado

Jo – Winona Ryder

Beth – Claire Danes

Amy – Kirsten Dunst


A large house decorated in the style of the 1800s.

I would keep close to the novel, as I wouldn’t want people who loved the novel to be annoyed by the film – I would want to make the film as similar to the novel as possible.

9      Explain the task and allow Ss time to prepare answers in pairs. Then ask individual pairs to present their ideas to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

The life of the average girl today is very different to the lives of the girls described in the text. For example, girls these days go to school and so are not in the house all day. Girls and boys have to help around the house as, in most families, both parents go out to work and do not have much time to do household chores. Girls also leave home earlier these days, as they often go to university or get jobs when they finish school, whereas the girls in the story will probably stay at home with their parents until they get married.

English in Use (pp. 184-185)

1       Quickly revise relative clauses. Make sure Ss understand the difference between defining (or identifying) and nondefining (or non-identifying) relative clauses. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key



The restaurant where we had dinner served excellent food.



Lynne, who lives next door, is an actress.



That’s the man whose car was stolen last week.



Amanda, who I knew at university, was on television the other day.

5       N The History Museum, which opened in 1973, recently closed.

6       imageN Paris, where you can see the Eiffel Tower, is the capital of France.

7       N This book, which I borrowed from the library last week, is very interesting.

8       N I usually go on holiday in August, when the weather is nice and hot.

2       a. Quickly revise clauses of purpose. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1        Lucy went to the bank in order to take out some money. 2   He was very quiet to avoid waking up the baby.

3       Let’s take a packed lunch with us in case we get hungry.

4       We took a taxi so as not to be late.

5       Rachel has hired more staff so that she can expand her business.

6       You should wear sunscreen in summer to prevent getting sunburnt.

b. Explain the task and work through the example with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       He’s taking sunscreen to avoid getting sunburnt.

2       He is taking a camera in order to take some photos.

3       He is taking a straw hat so that he will not get heat stroke.

4       He is taking a money belt so that he will be able to carry his money with him.

5       He is taking a cooler in order to have cold drinks at the beach.

6       He is taking a lantern in case there is a power cut.

7       He is taking flippers so that he can go snorkelling.

3      Quickly revise clauses of concession. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Work through the example with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       Despite being almost ninety, he was still extremely fit.

Even though he was almost ninety, he was still extremely fit.

He was almost ninety. However, he was still extremely fit.

2       The elderly tourists were not at all tired even though the coach journey was long.

Although the coach journey was long, the elderly tourists were not at all tired.

The coach journey was long. However, the elderly tourists were not at all tired.

3       Despite her long stay in hospital, she eventually recovered. Although she spent a long time in hospital, she eventually recovered.

Even though she spent a long time in hospital, she eventually recovered.

4       Even though they were homeless, they refused to accept financial aid.

Despite being homeless, they refused to accept financial aid. They were homeless. However, they refused to accept financial aid.

Although they were homeless, they refused to accept financial aid.

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Unit 10

4      Explain the task and point out that Ss should use both clauses of purpose and clauses of concession in their exchanges. Work through the example with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key



You should eat fresh vegetables in order to increase your vitamin intake.



I know ... but, although I love salads, they are difficult to find when I am not at home.



You should be more active in order to stay fit and healthy.



I know ... but, although I want to take exercise, it is not easy because I work till late.



You should reduce your stress levels so that you become more relaxed.



I know ... but, even though I try to keep calm, I face a lot of pressure every day.

5      Quickly revise question tags. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key


1   aren’t you?

5    am I?

2   doesn’t she?

6   isn’t it?

3    will you?

7  aren’t they?

4   shall we?

8    does he?

6      Explain the task and point out that the second sentence should have the same meaning as the first sentence. Remind Ss that they must not change the word given. Do item 1 with Ss. Elicit the grammar structure tested. Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1       ... have not seen Steve for ... (present perfect + for)

2       ... is the same age as ... (the same + noun + as) 3          ... I were you, I would ... (type 2 conditional)

4          ... is unusual for Ann to ... (adj + for sb + to-inf)

5          ... wish I had remembered ... (wish + past perfect)

6          ... the exception of Mary ... (with the exception of)

7          ... would rather visit Poland than ... (would rather ... than)

8          ... does this car belong to ... (sth belongs to sb)

9          ... no point in asking for ... (no point in + -ing)

10       ... it is difficult for me ... (be + adj + for sb + to)

7      Explain the task. Explain that suffixes can be added to the end of verbs and prefixes to the beginnings of verbs to form nouns, adjectives and adverbs. Remind Ss that sometimes spelling changes are needed. Do the first item with Ss, then Ss complete the exercise. Elicit Ss' answers and write them in a table on the board. Ss copy the completed table into their notebooks. Answer Key










application, applicant




collection, collector




creator, creation




employment, employer, employee




promotion, promoter







8      imageAsk Ss to look at the title of the text and elicit/explain what it means. (It asks whether we are old and incapable after we reach the age of forty.) Then ask Ss to read through the text quickly to get the gist. Focus on the example. Elicit why so is the correct answer (so is used with an auxiliary verb to show that a statement made about one thing is also true of something else). Do item 1 with Ss. Advise Ss to focus on whole sentences at a time, and to look very carefully at the words before and after each gap to help them decide on the missing word. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers on the board.

Answer Key

1      down         6              from        11            as

2      such          7              take         12            all

3      of              8              their        13            which/that

4      like            9              on            14            Is

5      their          10            for           15            or

9 Ask Ss to look at the title and skim the text to get the gist and say what the article is about (Food that can affect our mood). Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unfamiliar words in capitals. Ss read the text and predict the forms of the missing words. Ss complete the task, using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers on the board, eliciting spelling.

Answer Key

1      Hurried

2      noticeable

3      depression

4      relationship

5      intake

6                dramatically

7                transferring

8                miraculous

9                unfortunately 10          rapidly

Writing: Revision & Extension (pp. 186-190)

This writing section revises what Ss have learnt about different types of writing in previous writing sections and gives them the opportunity for further practice.

1      Go through the theory box and explain any points Ss have difficulty with. Read out the rubric and help Ss underline the key words. Go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: letter received from a pen friend; family and I visit your country for a holiday; tell me a good place to visit; when is the best time to go; advice about sights; write letter; giving information and advice

1       a letter

2       I am a young person who has a pen friend from another country. I am writing to my pen friend.

3       informal – because it’s to a friend

4       information about a good place to visit, about the best time to go and advice about sights to see.

5       Each subject will be in a separate paragraph.

6       Thanks for your last letter and all your news. How nice that you’re planning a trip to Mexico this summer!

7       I’m sure you’re going to love Mexico! Let me know if there’s anything else you want to know.

2      Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the model and answer the questions. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

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Suggested Answer Key

1       yes

2       informal

3       decided to visit your country – going to visit Turkey tell me a good place to visit – recommend my favourite place/ lovely/popular/beautiful etc the best time to go – the best time to visit sights we should see – places of interest that you can visit 4      Topic sentences:

Thanks for your letter.

If you want an enjoyable holiday on the beach, I would recommend my favourite place, Bodrum.

The best time to visit is in spring or autumn.

There are many places of interest that you can visit.


It was great to hear from you.

In my opinion, Bodrum is the best place for a beach holiday.

If I were you, I’d visit in the spring or the autumn.

There are lots of interesting places to go.

5       Hi – how are you? It was great to hear from you and I am thrilled that you are coming to my country for a holiday this summer.

6       I hope I have given you all the information you need. Have a great time!

3      Explain the task. Help Ss to underline the key words, then go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: advertisement; local newspaper; summer jobs for students; speak any foreign languages; know the local area well; like meeting people; information officers; letter of application; why you are interested; when you will be available

1        formal style – because I am writing to a person in authority

2        c

3        a, b, c, f, g, h

4        Para 1 – reason for writing, where I saw the advertisement

Para 2 – age, present occupation, languages, reason for applying for the job

Para 3 – previous experience,

Para 4 – availability, contact information, closing remarks

4      Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the two models and answer the questions, then check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1        Model A does not include reason for applying for the job or when the writer will be available.

Model B covers all the points.

2        Model A – informal Model B – formal

3        Model B because it has a polite tone and an appropriate style.

It covers all the points mentioned in the advertisement.

4        absence of contracted forms – I am writing to apply for use of passive voice – which was advertised use of abstract nouns – would like the opportunity use of advanced vocabulary – I would appreciate the valuable experience

imageuse of formal linking words and phrases – since, which was avoidance of phrasal verbs and colloquialisms – This experience helped me to gain

5        short forms – I’ve, I’m colloquialisms/idioms – this will come in handy, to get by, anyway, By the way, the same sort of thing, paid peanuts, let me know, OK

irrelevant information – I’ve been to Spain a couple of times, the tourist job paid peanuts

5      a. Explain the task. Help Ss to underline the key words, then elicit answers from Ss around the class about what information they should include in their letter.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: you organise social events at your college; Read the note from a student; college rules; write a letter to the Head of the college asking permission to have a party; giving information; how it will be organised

b. Read out  the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1        a letter requesting permission

2        not very well

3        Dear Mr Cox

4        formal style

5        to ask permission and to give information

6        date, time, place and reason for party, who is organising the food and drink and decorations, assurance that the hall will be cleaned after the party and that there will be no noise after midnight

7        4

8        Yours sincerely, and my full name

6      Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the two models and answer the questions, then check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1        Model A formal style – yes, it is appropriate Model B informal style – not appropriate for a letter to a person in authority

2        Model A – We would be grateful if you would allow us to hold the party ...

Model B – Please can we have a party?

3        Model A – in accordance with the college rules Model B – like it says in the college rules

4        Model A – yes

Model B – no, because it is written in the wrong style and register and so Mr Cox may be annoyed or insulted

7      Read out the rubric and help Ss underline the key words. Read out the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: class project on technology; teacher; composition; Computers have changed our lives for the better; agree or disagree; explaining your reasons

1        a for-and-against composition

2        semi-formal – because it is an essay for my teacher

3        I agree

4        a             false        b              true         c              true         d              true

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Unit 10

8      a. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the model and make notes, then check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

The model has some faults.

The style is mostly appropriate, but in places is too informal  – e.g. ‘I think this is a good thing’, ‘move with the times’ , ‘So, we might as well accept it!

The paragraphing is good, with points clearly divided into paragraphs.

The punctuation is mostly good, but there are some errors – e.g.

’because, our lives’

Spelling is good but there is an error – ‘simplier’.

Content is mostly relevant but there is some irrelevant information – e.g. ‘We have a number of computers in our school .......’. The opposing viewpoint is  not fully presented. Also phrasing from the rubric has not been paraphrased – ‘our lives have changed for the better.

b. Explain the task. Allow Ss time to read the model again and underline the linking words, then elicit alternatives from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key though – however because – as

first of all – to start with to – in order to what is more – furthermore however – on the other hand all in all – to sum up so – therefore

9         a. Read out the rubric and help Ss underline the key words. Read out the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: you work for a local tourist office; your manager; brochure about eating out in your town; write a report; suggesting restaurants; describe three places; explain why; suitable for foreign visitors

1        a report making suggestions – to help my manager decide which restaurants to put in the brochure

2        the manager of the tourist office

3        formal

4        introduction – to introduce the topic the names of three restaurants – as stated in the rubric conclusion – to justify my recommendations

b. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the model

and make notes, then check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1       To: Mr James Scott (Manager) – A letter begins with a greeting, such as Dear Mr Scott.

2       The Leaping Fish – ideal for families, homecooked food, traditional local dishes

Yoko’s Sushi Bar – lively atmosphere, good food, offers something unusual

imageChaplin’s Restaurant – high class, wide range of international dishes

3       The report ends with a conclusion which justifies the choices made.

4       Traditional Food, A Modern Restaurant, International Dishes

5       Introduction – The purpose of this report is to make suggestions for restaurants in Newtown which would be suitable for inclusion in the forthcoming brochure about eating out in the town.

Conclusion – I am confident that the places mentioned will appeal to any foreign visitor to Newtown and are therefore suitable for inclusion in the brochure.

10      a. Read out the rubric and help Ss underline the key words. Read out the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: short story competition; story must begin; Even though we had a map, we were completely lost.

1       the competition judges

2       semi-formal – because it is appropriate for a story

3       mainly past tenses (past simple, past continuous, past perfect)

4       being lost in a forest or in the mountains

5       b, d, e, f, g,

6       first person – it could involve myself and one or more friends or family members

b. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the two

models and make notes, then check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Model B is not suitable.

It does not follow the instructions in the rubric. It ends with the given sentence instead of beginning with it.

It doesn’t use tenses correctly e.g. ‘We soon get tired’, ‘we had sat down’, ‘we hear’, ‘we didn’t know which way is home’ It has incorrect punctuation e.g. no speech marks used with the direct speech.

It uses inappropriate vocabulary e.g. ‘requested’, should be

‘replied’, ‘all’ should be ‘everything’.

It does not have an interesting plot.

It does not use a variety of adjectives, only simple ones e.g. nice, hot, big.

The sentences are very short and simple, and there is a lack of linking words.

c. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read Model A again and answer the questions, then check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1       Information to be underlined: My friend Jane and I ... The thick undergrowth of the forest ... It would be dark soon

2       simple past; participles; future in the past; past perfect; past continuous

3       desperately; worried; full of happiness and excitement; feet were sore; backs were aching; terribly hungry; beginning to panic

4       Words to be circled: stumbled; thick; desperately; wonderful; sore; aching; wailed; faint; hurried; clearer – These descriptive adjectives/adverbs/verbs make the story more interesting and help to create suspense.

11 Explain the task. Help Ss to underline the key words, then go through the questions and elicit answers around the class. Then assign one or two of the tasks as written HW. Before Ss hand in their pieces of writing ask them to exchange compositions with a partner and check their partner’s work against the Checklist for Unit 10 at the back of the book.

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Suggested Answer Key

A      Key words to be underlined: advertisement; what is your favourite type of music; why do you like it; short articles; magazine

1        a short article

2        to write about my favourite type of music

3        the editor and readers of the magazine

4        semi-formal style

5        1 My favourite type of music. 2. Why I like it.

6        Para 1 – introduction – My favourite type of music

Paras 2-3 the reasons why I like it

Para 4 conclusion – restate my opinion

7        Your favourite type of music – The music I find the most enjoyable is ...

8        Beginning:

There are and always have been as many different types of music as there are shades of colours in the rainbow. However, the music I find most enjoyable is classical music. Ending:

Overall, I believe that there is a piece of classical music to appeal to everyone. It is timeless and can truly calm the savage beast.

B      Key words to be underlined: college magazine; suggest helpful tips for revising for exams; article; giving your suggestions

1        an article

2        to suggest helpful tips for revising for exams

3        the readers of the college magazine

4        semi-formal

5        3 or 4 suggestions

6        Para 1 – introduction

Paras 2-4 – your suggestions and the reasons/examples

Para 5 conclusion 7         helpful tips – useful hints

      8    Beginning:

We all know that revision is very stressful and timeconsuming. However, there are a number of useful hints that you can bear in mind to make the task a lot easier.


All in all, if you bear these points in mind, you should be able to learn and retain all the information you need to help you pass your exams. Good luck!

C       Key words to be underlined: teacher; composition; Everybody can do something to help reduce pollution; agree or disagree; explaining your reasons

1        a composition

2        to give my opinion on the given statement

3        my teacher

4        semi-formal

5        2 or 3 points agreeing/disagreeing as well as the opposing view

6        Para 1 – introduction

Paras 2-3 – points agreeing/ disagreeing

Para 4 – the opposing viewpoint

Para 5 – conclusion

7        Everybody can do something to help reduce pollution. – We can all do our part to help in the battle against pollution.

8        imageBeginning:

Our planet is facing a crisis. The land, water and air is so polluted that if something is not done soon, the earth will no longer be a nice place to live. We can all do our bit to help in the battle against pollution.


In conclusion, if we all do something now, we can make a difference. After all, as the saying goes, ‘many hands make light work’.

D      Key words to be underlined: your friend; party; another friend; ill; a letter to your friend; describing the party; include details about the food; the guests and the music

1        a letter

2        to tell my friend about the party

3        a friend of mine

4        informal style

5        1      the food  2              the guests               3              the music

6        paragraph 1– opening remarks paragraphs 2–3 the food, the guests, the music paragraph 4 closing remarks

7        birthday party – party to celebrate his/her birthday, ill – not well, last weekend – last Saturday,

8        Beginning:

Dear Sam,

I                     hope you’re feeling better. It was such a shame that youweren’t well and missed Paul’s party. I thought I’d write and tell you all about it.


Well, that’s all for now. Let’s get together soon.



E       Key words to be underlined: friend’s parents; planning to visit your town/city; your friend, Paula; suggest a good hotel; her parents can stay; using your notes; why you recommend the Ambassador Hotel; warn her about the bad points;

1        a letter

2        to recommend a hotel to your friend’s parents

3        my friend

4        informal

5        good points (hotel, location, rooms, facilities), possible bad points (hotel, location, rooms, facilities), my recommendation

6        Para 1 – opening remarks, reason for writing

Para 2 – good points about hotel, location, rooms, facilities Para 3 – possible bad points about hotel, location, rooms, facilities

Para 4 – closing remarks

7        planning to visit – thinking about coming, suggest a good hotel – one great hotel comes to mind, possible bad points – potential drawbacks 8 Beginning:

Dear Paula,

Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear all your news. I’m so glad your parents are planning to visit Clacton this summer.


I                     hope your parents have a great holiday. If you want toknow anything else, just drop me a line.

Best wishes, Sarah

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Self-Assessment Module 5

A There are and always have been as many different types of music as there are shades of colours in the rainbow. However, the music I find most enjoyable is classical music.

Classical music never goes out of fashion. It is always popular, and it makes people from every generation experience a wonderful range of feelings and emotions.

Furthermore, classical music has a history and it is fascinating to learn about the composers who created these pieces of music. By listening to and reading about classical music we can learn about the lives and times of the great composers.

Finally, classical music is great in every situation. For a romantic evening, Chopin is ideal. When I want to relax, I listen to Mozart, and for a strong, heavy atmosphere, I choose Wagner.

Overall, I believe that there is a piece of classical music to appeal to everyone. It is timeless and can truly calm the savage beast.

                                 B                            How to Revise Effectively!

We all know that revision is very stressful and time-consuming. However, there are a number of useful hints that you can bear in mind to make the task a lot easier.

First of all, make a revision timetable. List all the subjects that you have to revise and plan when you will study each topic. In this way, you will not forget to revise anything and you will not panic.

Secondly, take regular breaks. You may feel that you should study for as long as possible, but in actual fact, this is not the way to get the best results. You will take in far more information if you take a break every twenty minutes.

Finally, eat healthily, get plenty of sleep, but have fun, too! Your body and mind cannot function if you are stressed, so remember to get all the nutrients and all the sleep you need, as well as enjoying a few laughs. It’s good for you!

All in all, if you bear these points in mind, you should be able to learn and retain all the information you need to help you pass your exams. Good luck!

C Our planet is facing a crisis. The land, water and air is so polluted that if something is not done soon, the earth will no longer be a nice place to live. We can all do our bit to help in the battle against pollution.

First of all, we should all leave our cars at home and use public transport or bicycles to get around. Cars emit poisonous gases and cause air pollution. This results in acid rain which destroys buildings and poisons rivers and lakes.

Another way we can all help is to recycle our waste. This will save on natural resources and will mean that there will be less rubbish to be disposed of and our planet will be a cleaner place to live.

Finally, we should save energy by using less water, gas and electricity. In this way, we use less fossil fuels, and so cause less pollution and save our planet’s resources.

imageIn conclusion, if we all do something now we can make a difference. After all, as the saying goes, ‘many hands make light work’.

      D   Dear Sam,

I hope you’re feeling better. It was such a shame that you weren’t well and missed Paul’s party. I thought I’d write and tell you all about it.

We all met at Paul’s house at about seven o’clock. The place looked great – Paul had decorated it with balloons and streamers and there were coloured lights everywhere. He’d also hired a DJ, so there was fantastic music playing. The atmosphere was brilliant.

Everyone was there (except you, of course) – all Paul’s friends from college and a few of his neighbours, plus his brothers and his cousins. The house was full of people. We danced for hours, only stopping to try some of the delicious food that Paul’s mum had made. There were sandwiches, pies, biscuits and a huge cake with coloured icing.

It’s such a pity that you couldn’t make it, but don’t worry – Paul says he’s going to have another party soon! Well, that’s all for now. Let’s get together soon.



      E    Dear Paula,

Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear all your news. I’m so glad that your parents are planning to visit Clacton this summer.

If they want a good hotel to stay at, I’d recommend the Ambassador Hotel. It’s a lovely modern hotel in the centre of town and it’s near the train station. It’s comfortable and clean and the rates are very reasonable. There’s a resturant and a bar and lounge where they can relax in the evenings.

I should warn you, though, that they’ll have to check out early on the day they leave, as the hotel expects guests to vacate their rooms by 8am. Also, being so near the station may mean that it’s quite noisy. While the rooms are lovely, they don’t have much of a view and there’s no pool at the hotel.

I hope your parents have a great holiday. If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line.

Best wishes,


imageSelf-Assessment Module 5

1      Answer Key

1       warming     8              put           15            schemes

2       in 9              else         16            Despite

3       make           10            unless      17            put

4       second        11            cut           18            where

5       laws            12            couch       19            order 6    whose     13            waste      20            avoid

      7    time                      14    shall

2      Answer Key

1       B 3              C              5              D              7              C              9              A 2           D              4              A              6              D              8    D              10            C

3      Answer Key

1       ... unless we leave ...

2       ... would rather go on holiday ...

3       ... are bound to agree to ...

4       ... difficult for Sarah to come ...

5       ... as long as you promise ...

4   Answer Key



      1    oversleep           3

overpopulated     5


      2    application        4

5   Answer Key



      1    such

3    many

5 !

2 !

6   Answer Key

4    if


      1    a           2    b

7   Suggested Answer Key

3    a          4     a

5       b

      1    you know          3

bear to think about it

5      we can

      2    just horrible       4

8   Answer Key



      1     D          4    A

7     D          10    C

     13    B

      2     C          5    A

8    B          11    A

     14    D

      3    B          6    B

9   Answer Key

9    C          12    C

     15    A

      1    F                 3    F

             5    T

7       F

      2    T                 4    T

             6    T


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Self-Assessment Module 5


10      Suggested Answer Key

1       My favourite sport is swimming. I go swimming every week at the local swimming pool.

2       Yes, I enjoy travelling very much. I have visited many European countries and next year I would like to go to the USA.

3       I would like to live in Britain because I am very interested in British culture. I would like to live and work there because I think there would be a lot of opportunities.

4       I study English for two hours a day at school and I spend another hour at home in the evening doing my homework.

11      a.  Suggested Answer Key

Student A

Picture A shows a man getting out of his car on the street. He has been stopped by the police. Perhaps he drove through a red light or he may have been speeding. Picture B, on the other hand, shows a woman in a witness box in a courtroom being questioned by a lawyer. She may be a witness or she may be a defendant. Both situations would be very stressful because the consequences of each person’s actions could be severe. The man could be arrested, he may lose his licence or he may receive a fine and a ticket. The woman could go to jail or could be responsible for sending someone else to jail. I think the courtroom situation in picture B is probably the most stressful because it is a very serious situation with far-reaching consequences.

b.     Suggested Answer Key

Student B

I                   think that the laws should be very strict so that thepunishment fits the crime. In this way, criminals will think twice before committing a crime and hopefully the world would be a safer place.

c.      Suggested Answer Key

Student B

imagePicture A shows a group of young people who are walking in the countryside. Picture B also shows people in the countryside, but they are two older women. Both pictures show friends. The teenagers in picture A look like they are on holiday. Perhaps they are staying at a summer camp and are taking a walk in the surrounding area on a Sunday afternoon. They don’t have any backpacks with them so it must be a short walk. In contrast, the two women in picture B do have backpacks so they are probably on a longer walk. They could be on a walking holiday.

d.     Suggested Answer Key

Student A

I                   think a good friend is someone who is always there for you.They will listen to your problems and try to help. They will share the good times and the bad times with you. A good friend is someone you share a special bond with who respects, trusts and loves you and who you respect, trust and love in return.

12      Suggested Answer Key

Richard Peck’s A Long Way from Chicago, is the story of an elderly Joey Dowdel recounting the summer holidays he and his sister,

Mary Alice, had with their grandmother every year starting in 1929.

It is set during the years of the Great Depression in rural Illinois. Young Joey Dowdel takes us on a journey with his sister from Chicago to visit his larger-than-life Grandma. Each chapter of the book is a story and each short story describes the events of the visits with this grand woman. At first, Joey and his sister believe that spending time at Grandma Dowdel’s is a waste of time. However, through the years, she teaches them the value of honesty, friendship and living a simple life.

The main characters are very interesting and funny. The minor characters are often strange, but completely believable and typical of those that are found in a small country town. Richard Peck is a fantastic storyteller and weaves these characters into a series of stories set against a realistic Depression era landscape.

This book will appeal to both young and old alike with its funny, stories and wonderfully memorable characters. I highly recommend it.

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Further Practice Section

imageFurther Practice Section









9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34



37 38

39 40

take actually considerable



opportunities allow increasingly cruel suffer


experience better natural point scenery unique succeeded task winding glimpse


In addition to

high let



sightseers on

fee particularly one blame turn needs other satisfy to

even own



41 42 43 44 45 46

47 48 49 50

51 52

53 54 55 56

57 58 59

60 61


63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

75 76 77

78 79 80

on set causes forgiven Although do time from compete neglected even if considerable modern slow take up relatively all the time




allows doing gaining world sure ancient for

changed whereas associated above keen sight agreed just acceptable easily advised major audience


2 Answer Key

       A 1      C






            2     C





            3    B





            4     A





            5     A





        B 1      C





            2     A





            3     A





            4     D





            5     C





        C 1      C





            2     A





            3    B





            4     D





            5     C





1 Answer Key

3      Answer Key

A      1  there       6              in             11            do/can

2      of          7              take         12            you

3      will        8              before     13            for

4      do          9              how         14            words

5      at          10            which/that              15            give/bring

B      1  from        6              the           11            numbers

2      except   7              who         12            were

3      even      8              ago          13            had

4      being     9              as            14            what

5      of          10            to             15            in

C       1  so            6              where/when           11            are

2      there/here            7              off/out    12            for

3      which/that            8              along       13            in

4      to          9              type/sort 14            enough

5      read      10            or/and     15            feel/have

D      1  only         6              from        11            the/a

2      by          7              is             12            in

3      there     8              to/for      13            of

4      in           9              What       14            any

5      been      10            example/instance   15            as/like

E       1  what        6              which      11            though/however

2      well       7              even        12            should

3      has        8              more       13            fact

4      with      9              the           14            in

5      imagefor         10            will/may 15            ourselves

F       1  after        6              this          11            be

2      to          7              from        12            but

3      than      8              course     13            away

4      there     9              being       14            all

5      be          10            from        15            wear

4      Answer Key

1          is not tall enough

2          enjoyed the performance apart from

3          was not as difficult as

4          must have been hungry

5          is nothing left in the

6          is included in the

7          not like Bill to be

8          was cancelled owing to the

9          gave me permission to

10       unusual for Peter to cancel

11       in case it gets

12       does not feel like going

13       the exception of Mike, everyone

14       is not being repainted

15       had difficulty in persuading

16       unlikely that there will be

17       is responsible for delivering

18       made a note of

19       have not heard from

20       cannot tell the difference

21       not leave until I have

22       object to me turning on

23       still waiting for

24       second time I have been

25       don’t you let me

26       good at 27  did nothing but study



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Further Practice Section









35 36

37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44

45 46 47 48

49 50

51 52


54 55



58 59

60 61

62 63 64 65 66

67 68



71 72 73 74 75 76 77

78 79 80

insisted on paying she had not cheated in prevented the plane from taking

does not feel like going not like Kim to be too icy (for him) to much my watch cost should have arrived do not let her stay be demolished as a result is too heavy for me to do better than cannot have written

if I had seen made us learn going to be pulled down carry out her did not deserve to be mind not playing told Sue not to open is time we went in case you feel did not turn round until in time to catch takes pride in the first time she has seems that they are having

unless I finish work hair is so long that was hardly anyone in have always looked up to is the only one/person she wishes he had told us a description of no doubt that Brian will cannot avoid being recognised had several visitors when/while she everything apart from always have my groceries delivered such an expensive stereo that is not easy for him a discussion about what to finished the lesson by playing took place even though the is supposed to be no chance of being is not far from where is not big enough had trouble concentrating on wishes she had gone taking care of my baby is a better swimmer than blame me for your being


22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29


of of in the





us up



31 32 33 34 35


37 38 39 40

41 42

43 44

45 46 47

48 49 50


52 53 54



of to about



of before it

day so to



for getting hardly from it

will that to of

55 56 57 58 59

60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78

have at to


they they for the was them up be


about of

will the which enough to

too like am


79 80 81

82 83 84 85

86 87 88 89 90 91 92

93 94


96 97 98



on back from

for as

by of

on much

so as to of for

much that too that eat such at








! it

! to


! to

! it

6 7

8 9






and have for

! so




! to

20 21 22 23 24







31 32 33

34 35 36 37 38

Answer Key

A      1      sale

2       !

3       the

4       to

5       many

B      1      more

2       !

3       they

4       every

5       !

C       1 !

2       their

3       When

4       !

5       the

Answer Key

1        effective

2        carefully

3        organisations

4        majority

5        cultural

6        knowledge

7        competition

8        correspondence

9        obligation

10     entertainment

11     broaden

12     closure

13     unemployment

14     construction

15     shortly

16     announcement

17     advertising

18     qualified

19     intention

11 12 13 14 15

11 12 13 14 15

11 12 13



recently enthusiastic

wealthy latest solution growth


6 7 8



6 7




encouragement normally appearance comfortable hopefully importance extremely lonely ambitious journalist decision highly incredibly

5 Answer Key

1         as               11            will

2         it 12            to

3         so               13            the

4         up               14            it

5         on               15            with

6         why            16            to

7         much          17            visited

8         who            18            for

9         by               19            the

10      of               20            being



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Further Practice Section

39 40

41 42

43 44

45 46

47 48

49 50 51

52 53




57 58 59 60 61


63 64 65 66


lucky happily ability

concerned improvement disapproval European unsuitable performance misjudgement healthy confusion action unclear relation countless harmful agreement choice designer qualifications valuable delivery freedom decorations

especially customer

67 68

69 70 71 72

73 74 75

76 77 78 79

80 81 82 83

84 85 86 87 88


90 91 92

93 94

arrangements unexpected meeting variety Director inhabitants impressive loss unable advisable preparation

nervous easily useful generally additional tendency unhelpful

existence development amazingly relatively distance observation truth friendship unbelievably reference

95       enormously

96       information

97       uncertain

98       discovery

99       unexplored

100    investigation

101    differences

102 103 104

105 106 107



7 8



6                7





7                8




industrial residents beautiful

unreasonable responsibility possibility


ability possessions organisation freedom

Visitors largely

famous coastal combination

restless peaceful security warmth advice


Answer Key



















unnecessary financial national designer alternatives

tourism success traditional attractions legendary

imaginary feelings carefully decision consideration


Unit 1 – LETTERS



Have you included all points mentioned in the rubric?  image


Are all your points relevant?  image

Target Reader


Is the style appropriate for the reader?  image

Layout & Organisation


Is the layout appropriate for the task type?  image


Have you used an appropriate greeting and ending?  image


Have you organised your piece of writing into paragraphs?  image


Does each paragraph begin with a topic sentence?  image


Have you included your opening remarks and your reason for writing in the first paragraph? image


Does the main body contain the information requested by the rubric?  image


Have you summarised your points and/or mentioned future action and included your closing remarks in the last paragraph? image



Have you checked for spelling mistakes?  image


Have you checked for grammatical errors (e.g. articles/pronouns/determiners, tenses & verb forms, prepositions, subject-verb agreement)? image


Have you checked for punctuation errors (e.g. capital letters, commas, full stops, apostrophes)? image

Language Features


  Have you used a range of vocabulary?      image


  Have you used a variety of sentence patterns?      image


Have you used appropriate linking words and phrases?  image






Have you included all points mentioned in the rubric?  image


Are all your points relevant?  image

Target Reader


Is the style and tone appropriate for the reader?  image

Layout & Organisation


Is the layout appropriate for the task type?  image


Have you used an appropriate greeting and ending?  image


Have you organised your piece of writing into paragraphs?  image


Does each paragraph begin with a topic sentence?  image


Have you included your opening remarks and your reason for writing in the first paragraph? image


Does each main body paragraph deal with a separate topic?  image


Have you summarised your points and/or mentioned future action and included your closing remarks in the last paragraph? image



Have you checked for spelling mistakes?  image


Have you checked for grammatical errors (e.g. articles/pronouns/determiners, tenses & verb forms, prepositions, subject-verb agreement)? image


Have you checked for punctuation errors (e.g. capital letters, commas, full stops, apostrophes)? image

Language Features


Have you rephrased the information given in the rubric?  image


  Have you used a range of vocabulary?      image


  Have you used a variety of sentence patterns?      image


Have you used appropriate linking words and phrases?  image



Unit 3 – REPORTS



Have you included all points mentioned in the rubric?  image


Are all your points relevant?  image

Target Reader


Is the style appropriate for the reader?  image

Layout & Organisation


Is the layout appropriate for the task type?  image


Have you organised your piece of writing into paragraphs?  image


Does each paragraph have a clear topic?  image


Are there sub-headings?     image


Is the reason for writing the report mentioned in the first paragraph?  image


Does your conclusion summarise the main points? image



Have you checked for spelling mistakes?  image


Have you checked for grammatical errors (e.g. articles/pronouns/determiners, tenses & verb forms, prepositions, subject-verb agreement)? image


Have you checked for punctuation errors (e.g. capital letters, commas, full stops, apostrophes)? image

Language Features


  Have you used a range of vocabulary?      image


  Have you used a variety of sentence patterns?      image


   Have you used appropriate linking words and phrases?       image


Have you used appropriate language for making suggestions/recommendations?  image






  Have you included all points mentioned in the rubric?          image


Are all your points relevant?  image

Target Reader


Is the style appropriate for the reader?  image

Layout & Organisation


Is the layout appropriate for the task type?  image


Have you organised your piece of writing into paragraphs?  image


Does each paragraph have a clear topic?  image


Does each paragraph begin with a topic sentence?  image


Have you stated your reason for writing in the first paragraph?  image


Have you mentioned the possibility of future communication in the last paragraph?  image



Have you checked for spelling mistakes?  image


Have you checked for grammatical errors (e.g. articles/pronouns/determiners, tenses & verb forms, prepositions, subject-verb agreement)? image


Have you checked for punctuation errors (e.g. capital letters, commas, full stops, apostrophes)? image

Language Features


  Have you used a range of vocabulary?      image


  Have you used a variety of sentence patterns?      image


Have you used appropriate linking words and phrases?  image






Have you included all points mentioned in the rubric?  image


Are all your points relevant?  image


Are your suggestions/recommendations practical?  image

Target Reader


Is the style appropriate for the reader and task type?  image

Layout & Organisation


Is the layout appropriate for the task type?  image


Have you organised your piece of writing into paragraphs?  image


Is the problem/situation mentioned in the first paragraph?  image


Does the main body contain the information requested in the rubric?  image


Are each of your suggestions/recommendations given in a separate paragraph along with their reasons/expected results?  image


Does your conclusion summarise the main points?  image



Have you checked for spelling mistakes?  image


Have you checked for grammatical errors (e.g. articles/pronouns/determiners, tenses & verb forms, prepositions, subject-verb agreement)? image


Have you checked for punctuation errors (e.g. capital letters, commas, full stops, apostrophes)? image

Language Features


Have you used appropriate language for making suggestions/recommendations?  image


Have you used a range of vocabulary?  image


Have you used appropriate linking words and phrases?  image


Have you used a variety of sentence patterns?  image


Have you used conditional and hypothetical sentences?  image






Have you included all points mentioned in the rubric?  image


Are all your points relevant?  image

Target Reader


Is the style appropriate for the reader?  image


Have you used any writing techniques to make the beginning/ending more interesting to the reader?  image

Layout & Organisation


Is the layout appropriate for the task type?  image


Have you organised your piece of writing into paragraphs?  image


Does each paragraph begin with a topic sentence?  image


Does the first paragraph introduce the topic?  image


Is there at least one paragraph with the points for the issue and one with the points against, each with supporting sentences?  image


Have you summarised your points and/or given your opinion in the last paragraph?  image



Have you checked for spelling mistakes?  image


Have you checked for grammatical errors (e.g. articles/pronouns/determiners, tenses & verb forms, prepositions, subject-verb agreement)? image


Have you checked for punctuation errors (e.g. capital letters, commas, full stops, apostrophes)? image

Language Features


  Have you used a range of vocabulary?      image


  Have you used a variety of sentence patterns?      image


Have you used appropriate linking words and phrases?  image



Unit 6 – NARRATIVES (1)



Have you followed the instructions in the rubric?  image

Target Reader


Is the style appropriate for the reader?  image


Have you used appropriate writing techniques to interest the reader?  image

Layout & Organisation


Have you given your story a catchy title?  image


Do you set the scene in the introduction?  image


Are the events in chronological order?  image


Do you develop the story by describing events which lead up to a climax event?  image


Have you included reactions/feelings/final comments in the conclusion?  image



Have you checked for spelling mistakes?  image


Have you checked for grammatical errors (e.g. articles/pronouns/determiners, tenses & verb forms, prepositions, subject-verb agreement)? image


Have you checked for punctuation errors (e.g. capital letters, commas, full stops, apostrophes, quotation marks)? image

Language Features


  Have you used appropriate past tenses?        image


Have you used appropriate time words and phrases?  image


Have you included a variety of adjectives and adverbs?  image


  Have you used a variety of sentence patterns?      image



Unit 7 – NARRATIVES (2)



Have you followed the instructions in the rubric? image

Target Reader


Is the style appropriate for the reader?           image

Layout & Organisation


Have you organised your piece of writing into paragraphs?  image


Have you used flashback narration?  image


Have you included reactions/feelings/final comments in the conclusion?  image



Have you checked for spelling mistakes?  image


Have you checked for grammatical errors (e.g. articles/pronouns/determiners, tenses & verb forms, prepositions, subject-verb agreement)? image


Have you checked for punctuation errors (e.g. capital letters, commas, full stops, apostrophes, quotation marks)? image

Language Features


Have you used appropriate past tenses?  image


Have you used appropriate time words and phrases?  image


Have you included a variety of descriptive vocabulary (adjectives, adverbs and verbs)?  image


  Have you used a variety of sentence patterns?      image


Have you included some direct speech?  image



Unit 8 – OPINION



Have you included all points mentioned in the rubric?  image


Are all your points relevant?  image

Target Reader


Is the style appropriate for the reader?  image

Layout & Organisation


Is the layout appropriate for the task type?  image


Have you organised your piece of writing into paragraphs?  image


Is the topic introduced and your opinion stated clearly in the first paragraph?  image


Does the main body contain the information requested in the rubric?  image


Are each of your viewpoints given in a separate paragraph along with reasons/examples?  image


Do you give the opposing viewpoint in a separate paragraph?  image


Does the conclusion summarise/restate your opinion in different words?  image



Have you checked for spelling mistakes?  image


Have you checked for grammatical errors (e.g. articles/pronouns/determiners, tenses & verb forms, prepositions, subject-verb agreement)? image


Have you checked for punctuation errors (e.g. capital letters, commas, full stops, apostrophes)? image

Language Features


Have you used appropriate language for giving your opinion?  image


  Have you used a range of vocabulary?      image


Have you used appropriate linking words and phrases?  image


  Have you used a variety of sentence patterns?      image



Unit 9 – REVIEWS



Have you included all points mentioned in the rubric?  image


Are all your points relevant?  image

Target Reader


Is the style appropriate for the reader?  image



Is the layout appropriate for the task type?  image


Have you organised your piece of writing into paragraphs?  image


Have you given the background information in the first paragraph?  image


Have you given details and general comments in the main body?  image


Have you given your recommendation in the last paragraph?  image



Have you checked for spelling mistakes?  image


Have you checked for grammatical errors (e.g. articles/pronouns/determiners, tenses & verb forms, prepositions, subject-verb agreement)? image


Have you checked for punctuation errors (e.g. capital letters, commas, full stops, apostrophes)? image

Language Features


Have you used a variety of adjectives?  image


  Have you used a variety of sentence patterns?      image


Have you used mainly present tenses?  image


Have you used appropriate linking words and phrases?  image






Have you included all points mentioned in the rubric?  image


Are all your points relevant?  image

Target Reader


Is the style appropriate for the reader?  image

Layout & Organisation


Is the layout appropriate for the task type?  image


Have you organised your piece of writing into paragraphs?  image


Does each paragraph have a clear topic?  image


Does each paragraph begin with a topic sentence?  image



Have you checked for spelling mistakes?  image


Have you checked for grammatical errors (e.g. articles/pronouns/determiners, tenses & verb forms, prepositions, subject-verb agreement)? image


Have you checked for punctuation errors (e.g. capital letters, commas, full stops, apostrophes)? image

Language Features


  Have you used a range of vocabulary?      image


  Have you used a variety of sentence patterns?      image


Have you used appropriate linking words and phrases?  image




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Oral performance at FCE level is assessed according to four different criteria.

1      Grammar and Vocabulary

ñ The ability to use a variety of different grammatical structures and to produce them correctly.

ñ The ability to use a variety of vocabulary appropriately.

2      Discourse Management

ñ The ability to connect ideas using linking words.

ñ The ability to organise ideas and produce a contribution of suitable length.

3      Pronunciation

The ability to pronounce individual sounds clearly and to use stress and intonation patterns to highlight meaning.

4      Interactive Communication ñ The ability to speak fluently without frequent pauses to search for words.

ñ The ability to communicate ideas and take part in a discussion with a partner.

Peer Assessment Checklist – Upper Intermediate





Grammar and Vocabulary ñ use of grammar




ñ use of vocabulary




Discourse Management ñ linking




ñ length of contribution




Pronunciation ñ sounds




ñ stress and intonation




Interactive Communication ñ fluency




ñ communication of ideas




imageUnit 1  –  Crossing Barriers

1         Suggested Answer Key

The person in picture B seems to be in an office and is sending a fax message.

The girl in picture C is talking to someone on her mobile phone. It might be a close friend as she looks pleased to hear from them. The girl in picture D is reading a letter and, judging from her expression, the letter could possibly be from someone close. The girl in picture E seems to be communicating through e-mail or chatting with someone on-line.

2         Suggested Answer Key

1          I could tell he was a native speaker by his pronunciation .

2          She still has a regional accent even though she has lived abroad for twenty years!

3          German is her mother tongue, but she’s also fluent in English.

4          I’m tired of all this small talk! Can’t we talk about something a little more interesting?

5          I’m not really sure which is his first language, but I know he was born in  Germany and brought up in France.

3         Suggested Answer Key

2       This article is obviously about how easy and convenient sending text messages can be, no matter where you happen to be at the time.

3       Here the writer possibly discusses how more economical email systems are in comparison to fax machines./expensive fax machines are compared to email.

4       In this article about letter-writing and the use of postal services, the focus seems to be on how much more personal it is to send letters in your own handwriting and perhaps shows a greater level of respect.

5       This article no doubt concerns the fact that although we have such modern forms of communication, they can still be inefficient and unreliable as they can break down, leaving  us high and dry!

4         Answer Key 1  Why do you keep yawning?

2       Why is he whistling?

3       Why do you keep whispering?

4       Why is he yelling?

5       Why are they giggling? 6           Why is she crying?

5         a.     Answer Key

1  tell           3              say           5              speak 2    talk          4              talk          6              tell

b. Suggested Answer Key 2               Oh, they talked non-stop, as usual!

3      Yes, she always speaks her mind, doesn’t she?

4      I know. He never stops talking business!

5      I’m not sure I can tell the difference!

6      You get used to it! He’s been telling me what to do since I started working there!

6         Answer Key

1          b             3              a              5              b              7              b 2           a              4              b              6              a              8              a


7         Answer Key

1          hold the line           4              come in contact with

2          lost contact with    5              get hold of

3          out of touch with

8         Answer Key

1          A             3              B              5              D              7              A 2           C              4              B              6              C              8              B

9         Answer Key

1          several    3              enough    5              too           7              up

2          so            4              not           6              me           8              the

10      Answer Key

        A: Why don’t we go to Oslo?

        B: I don’t like that idea. It’s too cold.

        A: We could go to Athens then. It’ll certainly be warm enough there.

11      Answer Key

1          had forgotten everything about

2          of the students / student was happy

3          information was given out on

4          as many people went to

5          want students to be allowed/want them to allow students

6          all rooms have

7          he replies to every letter

8          sum of money was given

9          he was professional enough

10       not a drop of rain

12      Answer Key

1          answer   5              the           8              with

2          make      6              too           9              few

3          through   7              get           10            mother

4          none/neither

13      Answer Key

1          D             3              A              5              A              7              C 2           B              4              D              6              A              8              B

14      Answer Key

1          consumers              5              unemployment       8              currencies

2          comparisons           6              easily       9              Third

3          finally     7              economic 10            expensive

4          reductions

15      Answer Key

1          D             4              B              7              C              10            B              13            A 2           A              5              B              8              A               11            B              14            C

        3    C          6     D          9    B          12    A         15    C

16      a.     Suggested Answers Key

It means that gestures are an important part of communication, especially in helping people express their feelings and emotions. I agree that they are an essential part of communication, as they add ‘colour’ and ‘life’ to communication.

b.     (Ss’ own answers)


Workbook - Unit 1

c.      Answer Key

Example situations where gestures might be used: calling over a waiter / parents teaching children / street mime / children playing in park / policeman directing traffic

17      a.     Answer Key

this everyday situation: being in a lift with other people (l. 23) two drivers arguing: drivers of all ages and types (l. 35) that figure: 60% of all communication (l. 43)

they: gestures (l. 54)

For example: be aware of signs and customs in order not to

offend others (l. 14)

It: one particular gesture (line 65), the smile (l. 74)

With such a high figure: 60% of all communication (l. 43) This: to respect, learn and understand more about the power of this silent language (l. 8)

b. Answer Key

1      E            3              B              5              D

2      A            4              G             6              F/C  - distractor

18      (Ss’ own answers)

19      a.     (Ss’ own answers)

b. Suggested Answer Key

Words related to body language: body sign, rude, yawn, to blow one’s nose, to lean against something, face, look, shoulders,  eye contact, arms flying, to show, fingers pointing, to indicate, heads shaking, nonverbal communication, to get a message across, system of communication, movement.

20      a.     Answer Key

A      pen-pals / in contact with

B      junk mail / get rid of

C      no point / useless  *

D      panicked / deep end

E      more convenient / faster

F      in two minds / filtering system

                            *     C    distractor

b. Answer Key

                            1    B          2     D          3    A          4    F           5    E

                      c.  (Ss’ own answers)

21      a./b. See Tapescript Section – Unit 1, Ex. 21.

Means of communication shown in the pictures: mobile phone, telephone, fax machine, mail (letters), computer (e-mail).

(Ss’ own answers)

c.      Answer Key

ñ uses interesting language to ask for the other candidate’s opinion   B

ñ does not ask for the other’s opinion   A ñ disagrees politely   B ñ does not always justify his/her opinion   B

d.     Suggested Answer Key

imageThe weaker candidate (A) could have improved his/her performance by expanding and justifying her responses, e.g. by giving examples of how a particular means of communication


is/ isn’t useful, economical etc. She could also have asked for the other candidate’s ideas rather than simply giving her own opinion. Generally speaking, in the two-way collaborative task, candidates need to work together and contribute equally to the conversation by agreeing, disagreeing, adding ideas and reacting in some way to each other’s statements and opinions, as well as showing interest in each other’s opinions.

22      a.     Answer Key

The phrases ‘Thanks a million! I owe you one.’ and ‘Don’t mention it.’ can be replaced with any other phrases from the ‘Thanking’ box, while the phrases ‘Thanks a lot.’ and ‘No problem.’ can be replaced by any other phrases from the ‘Responding to thanks’ box.

b.     Suggested Answer Key

1         A: I lent my dictionary to a friend of mine who’s gone away for the weekend and I desperately need it!

                    B: I can lend you mine if you like.

A:        Oh, I really appreciate that. B:               Don’t mention it.

2         A: What am I going to do now? Our fax isn’t working and the boss has asked me to send off this important document!

                    B: Well, why don’t you come and use the one in my office?

A: Thanks a million. That’s very good of you. B: You’re welcome.

23      Answer Key

A      Dear Sir/Madam, / Yours faithfully, (full name)

B      Dear Sarah, / Lots of love, (first name)

24      a.     Answer Key

              1    C          2    E           3    A           4 D             5    B

b.     Answer Key

             Rubric A:     4 /D                              Rubric B:     1/ C

25      a.     Answer Key

1 GA 3 N 5 I 7 I 9 N 2 A 4 AA 6 A 8 GA 10 A

b.     Answer Key

Opening remarks: 2, 3, 5, 8, 9

Closing remarks: 1, 4, 6, 7, 10

Suggested Answer Key

1         It was great to hear from you again after so long and of course I’d be thrilled to help you out when you move to this area. (beginning)

2         Once again, please accept my apologies for the problems that arose at the weekend. (ending)

3         So, now you know the full story! I’ll let you pass the info on to the others. (ending)

4         You’ll never guess what’s happened and how desperate I am for your advice! (beginning)

5         So, hope to see you there on Saturday evening. (ending)

6         I am writing to express my most sincere apologies for not contacting you sooner. (beginning)

7         This is to remind you that it’s our tenth wedding anniversary next Friday and we’re organising a small gettogether. (beginning)

8         I hope these suggestions help a little and, remember, call me if you need any more advice. (ending)

9         It’s amazing, isn’t it? Anyway, will get in touch the minute anything else happens! (ending)

10      I am writing to offer my apologies for the delay in sending copies of the documents you requested last month.




Apologise to your boss …

Please accept my apologies for being absent from the office yesterday. (opening)

Once again, may I apologise for any inconvenience my absence may have caused. (ending)




Invite a friend to a weekend barbeque …

How do you feel about meeting up with the old crowd at the weekend for a barbeque? (beginning) Hope you can make it. (ending)




Telling a friend that you’ve won a competition …










You’ll never guess what’s happened! (beginning)

So, with so much money in my pocket now, how can I not

invite you to come on holiday with me! (ending) Congratulate your colleague …

This is to congratulate you on your well-deserved promotion. (beginning)

Once again, all the best in your new position. (ending) Ask a friend for advice …

I’m writing to you for help as I know you’re always systematic and organised! (beginning)

Let me know your suggestions as soon as possible as the exam is next week! (ending)

Suggested Answer Key

Topic sentences: 2, 4

Each of these sentences is a general statement which introduces the topic of the corresponding paragraph.

Sentences 1 and 3 are supporting sentences to 4 and 2 respectively.

Suggested Answer Key

1       Let’s face it, life in the city without a car can be very inconvenient.

2       I’ve always wanted to go off and see the world and this could be the perfect opportunity.

Answer Key

1       accepting invitation          5              thanking

2       asking for advice              6              apologising

3       refusing an invitation       7              giving information

4       requesting information

Answer Key

1       d        3              g              5              e              7              c

2       f        4              a              6              b

29 30

26      Suggested Answer Key

Other ways of rephrasing the sentences:


1       Thank you so much for the invitation to your celebration on 16th June. We would be most pleased to join you.

2       I would very much appreciate your advice on the issue. 3 Much to our regret, we will not be able to be present.

Workbook - Unit 1

4       imageI would be grateful for any further information regarding the seminar. Thanking you in advance.

5       On behalf of the school committee, we wish to thank you for assisting us on sports day.

6       Please let me offer you my sincere apologies.

7       It is hoped that this information will be of use to you.


      a Tell me the minute you hear anything about the seminar.

Hope to see you there. b            I hope you’ll forgive me! c      Does this cover everything?

d       It was great to get your invitation to your retirement party. We wouldn’t miss it for the world!

e       Many thanks for your help in making our school sports day a huge success. f I’ve got no idea what to do. Any advice? g Won’t be able to manage it, I’m afraid.

a.     Answer Key

1       Hi there! Just a quick note …

2       say what I think you should do …

3       Have you thought about …

4       That way …

5       Maybe you don’t like this idea. 6               If I were you, I’d … 7                they could let you know.

8          always comes in handy.

9          Sometimes it’s really hard to find the right thing!

10       Hope this helps.

b.     Suggested Answer Key Dear Aunt Mary,

1       I am writing to 2) make some suggestions about John and Vicky’s wedding present. 3) Have you considered buying them a gift voucher for a big department store? 4) This would mean they would be able to buy something they really need for their new house. 5) You might think this idea is too impersonal. In that case, 6) I think the best thing would be to ask them what they want and 7) they could inform you. Otherwise, something like a nice oven dish 8) is always useful. 9) Buying a wedding present can be rather difficult. 10) I hope I have been of some help.



Answer Key

A      say sorry: apologise ages: quite some time really: extremely sort out: organize chat about: discuss briefly

B      felt obliged to contact: just had to get in touch with situation: problem

advise contacting: think I should get in touch with

C       so much fun: wonderful

looking so perky: fit and healthy

It was brilliant: I was so glad There’s no way I’d leave: I could not have left well: all the best


Workbook - Unit 2

              31    a.  Suggested Answer Key

Both letters could have two or three main body paragraphs.

A      1st main body paragraph: explain what you want to do: theatrical studies.

reasons why – a great love of the theatre/you have a talent/six years member of drama society at school/ an artistic temperament/a great love of the theatre/ have read widely on the subject

2nd main body paragraph: explain why parents disapprove of this choice: insecure career choice/not many prospects/tough competition for few top places/could take years to get anywhere/parents prefer steady well-paid employment e.g. doctor

3rd main body paragraph: Ask previous drama teacher for her assistance in contacting your parents to discuss your choice/your talents in drama/to inform them of the pros and cons of following theatrical studies from her experience

B      1st main body paragraph: describe the positive/ negative experiences of the country/area where you worked. (e.g. England) (positive) lots of greenery and parks/variety of entertainment – theatres, shows, museums, galleries/large selection of foreign restaurants/cheap travel opportunities

(negative) cold weather difficult to get used to/city life very different – perhaps entertainment places close much earlier than in your country/perhaps homesick for traditional home cooking.

2nd main body paragraph: describe the positive/ negative experiences of the telecommunications company you worked for.

(positive) team spirit/helpful colleagues/ better salary/better opportunities for promotion/respect from employer/free use of company gym

(negative) more stressful than working in your country/stricter/longer working hours/short breaks/ feel like an outsider

b. (Ss’ own answers)

imageUnit 2  –  Moods and Feelings

1      a.           Suggested Answer Key

2      How do you feel when you think someone is following you?

3      How does skydiving make you feel?

4      What do you do when you feel impatient?

5      How do you react when you’re embarrassed?

b. Suggested Answer Key

B      She is stroking her chin, so she must be thoughtful.

C      He is scratching his head, so he must be confused. D          She is biting her nails, so she must be worried.

                2    a.   Answer Key

1      angry     3              irritable

2      imagegenerous               4              optimistic


b. Answer Key

If the head teacher asked to see me I’d feel nervous.

ñ If my favourite television programme was cancelled I’d feel frustrated. ñ If an aeroplane landed on the road outside my house I’d be astonished.

            ñ If I won a large sum of money I’d be joyful.

3      a.       Answer Key

interested bored funny serious cheerful depressed friendly aggressive

b. Suggested Answer Key

No, in fact she looked quite cheerful when I saw her.

Really? He looks like a friendly dog to me.

Did you? I thought it was quite serious myself. No, not at all. I was very interested actually.

4      Suggested Answer Key

1       exhausted   5              huge        8              appalling

2       delicious     6              filthy        9              heart-broken

3       delighted    7              furious     10            overjoyed

4       terrified

5      Answer Key

1       dull              3              lose         5              express

2       touch           4              danger

6      Answer Key

1       open up       5              cheer him up

2       wind down  6              calm down

3       ease up       7              getting her down

4       loosen up    8              let you down

7      a.       Answer Key

            2    quick           3    quiet           4    white          5    red

b.     Suggested Answer Key

            A: Did he manage to finish the work on time?

            B: Yes. He finished it as quick as a flash.

            A: Can I come into the library with you?

            B: Only if you promise to be as quiet as a mouse.

            A: What happened when you told her the news?

            B: She went as white as a sheet.

A: Did she look embarrassed when you asked her to dance? B: Yes. Her face was as red as a beetroot.

c.      Answer Key

as cunning as a fox

8      Answer Key

1       C 3 D 5 A 7 C 9 A 2 B 4 B 6 D 8 C 10 D

9      Answer Key

1       is 3              are           5              being       7              off

2       up                4              not           6              from        8              being

10   Answer Key


        1   to get used to living

6   funny, so it must have

        2  never arrives late for

7    has a tendency to get

        3   we would go swimming

8      used to walking

        4   was nobody we knew at

9   weren’t as amused by

        5   not like Helen to be

10   used to write letters

11      Suggested Answer Key

2       Yes, I feel fine now.

No, I think I’m going to faint, actually.

3       No, most junk food tastes like plastic. Who me? I hate it!

4       Not really. I don’t understand it very well. Yes I’m enjoying physics this year.

5       It looks really great on you.

I like it. The colour suits you.

12      Answer Key

1       B 3 B 5 B 7 A 9 D 2 D 4 A 6 C 8 C 10 C

13      Answer Key

1       bad            5              at             8              grateful

2       angry         6              misses     9              used to

3       offended   7              authentic 10            to

4       dread

14      Answer Key

1       from          6              not           11            have

2       such          7              can          12            there

3       to              8              by            13            the

4       is               9              these       14            because

5       much         10            against    15            at

15      Answer Key

1       ! 6              such         11 ! 2 !     7              to             12            how

3       out            8              like          13 !

4       the            9              more       14            have

5       ! 10            of             15            the

16      Answer Key 1 loneliness 5 agreeable

2       impatient  6              fortunately

3       tension      7              unreasonable

4       friendship 8              personal

17      a./b. Answer Key: B

        c.  (Ss’ own answers)

18      a.     Suggested Answer Key

The correct option is D (lines 1-2: "the hardest thing about feelings is actually sharing them with others"). The words in A are included in the text but the overall meaning is different (it is actually sharing one’s feelings and not making an effort that youngsters find hard). B and C are not mentioned in the text.

b. Answer Key

1       D         3              D              5              A              7              D

2       C          4              B              6              D

Workbook - Unit 2

19      a.     Suggested Answer Key

Positive: happy

imageOther possible adjectives: cheerful, excited, joyful, relaxed, calm

Negative: sad, fear, anxiety, uncomfortable, discomfort, unhappiness, sadness

Other possible adjectives: stressed, depressed, frustrated, lonely, upset

Neutral: shy, shyness

Other possible adjectives: astonished, surprised, sensitive, sympathetic, patient

b. Suggested Answer Key

A: I suppose it means that when you have a problem it’s better to discuss it with someone else. I think that by sharing your problem with others you feel less anxious.

B: I agree. By sharing your problems it helps you get rid of your worries and makes you feel better.

20      (Ss’ own answers)

21      a.     (Ss’ own answers)

b. Answer Key

1                B              3              C              5              B              7              B 2           A              4              A              6              C  8              A

22      a./b./c./d. See Tapescript Section – Unit 2, Ex. 22

        e.  Suggested Answer Key

ñ                gives a detailed description of a picture B ñ          gives an oversimplified answer B

23      a.     Answer Key

             Good for you! – C                     I’m really happy for you. – C

            I’m delighted, too. – R               Well done!– C

           It’s/That’s great news! – C        I’m really proud of you. – C

Congratulations! – C I’m over the moon. – R I can’t believe my luck. – R

b. Suggested Answer Key

              A: I heard you got engaged. Congratulations!

              B:  Thanks a lot.

A:               I’m really happy for you! B:    I’m over the moon, too.

              A: I heard your novel has been published. That’s great news!

              B:   Thanks.

              A: I’m really proud of you!

              B: I can’t believe my luck!

A: I heard you’ve been selected for the national football team. Well done!

              B:  Thanks very much.

A:               It’s really great news! B:         I’m delighted, too.

              A:   I   heard   you   won first   prize   in   a competition.


              B:   Thank you.

              A:  Good for you!

              B: I can’t believe my luck!

        c.  (Ss’ own answers)


Workbook - Unit 3

24      Suggested Answer Key

The advertisement is about staff for a summer camp for children so questions 6 and 8 are irrelevant.

25      Suggested Answer Key

A: I would appreciate it if you could tell me how much tickets for the fair cost.

I would also like to know which charity organisation the profits would go to.

B: What I would like to know is how old someone needs to be to join the camp.

Further information that I need to know is, what types of water sports are included.

Could you also tell me how long the camp is open for.

26      Suggested Answer Key

I saw your advertisement in our local paper for temporary summer staff to work in your supermarket. I would appreciate it if you could give me some more information about it. To begin with, could you please let me know how many weeks I would be expected to work. Further information that I need to know is, if I need to know a foreign language or have any special skills. In addition to this, could you also tell me how old the people are that I will be working with.

27      a.       Answer Key

It is a letter of complaint. The tone could be mild or strong depending on the individual.

b. Answer Key

                            mild tone                                  strong tone

1      was not worth the 1              was an absolute waste money I paid for it.           of money.

2      in bad condition     2              falling apart

3      had a low level of  3              didn’t have a clue

4      Added to this         4              If this wasn’t bad enough

5      it was really very cold            5              I almost froze to death

6      As a result, I believe I             6              I demand am entitled to

28      b. Suggested Answer Key

2      I can speak both English and French. However, my

Spanish is not so good.

3      There were twelve students in each group although you promised that there groups would be small.

4      We had to pay for the books even though the advertisement said that they would be free of charge.

5      Despite the fact that the course came highly recommended, I would not recommend it to anyone.

29   Suggested Answer Key


        A    1    Firstly

3      and

              2    Also

4      but

        B    5    Firstly

8     Furthermore

6       For example

7       In addition to this

9      also

        C  10    Even though

12          To make matters worse

            11    but

13    and

              30   Answer Key

The ending is not suitable, as it is too formal for a friendly letter.

Suggested ending:

imageWell, I hope this extra information has helped you to make up your mind. If so, I look forward to seeing you this year in England.


31    Answer Key

This is a letter of complaint. The tone will be mild.

Suggested Answer Key

ñ complain/disappointing service/received from catering company ñ guests kept waiting/food failed to arrive on time/many dishes/


        ñ advertisement stated/huge variety of traditional and

continental dishes/unfortunately untrue/only three available

ñ      guests complained/waiters/unhelpful/ rude ñ      prices/not reasonable/dishes/more expensive than advertised / overcharged/final bill

        ñ upset/expect/compensation for/inconvenience/otherwise/take

further action

imageUnit 3  –  Making a Living

1      a.     Answer Key

A      cleaner                E              teacher

B      florist  F              barber

C       cameraman G vet D decorator                                

b.     Suggested Answer Key ñ The cameraman would probably be paid well if the film he was working on was predicted to be a box office success. ñ I would find the teacher’s job more challenging than the others because you need a lot of patience to teach. I can also imagine the satisfaction you might have when you realise that your pupils finally understand difficult aspects of the lesson.

ñ The vet’s job would be extremely interesting for me as I’ve always loved animals and am especially interested in all aspects of wildlife. ñ The decorator’s job would be too repetitive for me. Imagine doing the same thing day in, day out! It must be very tiring too, looking up and down at ceilings and walls for hours on end!

ñ The most boring job would probably be the barber’s job. The only thing that might reduce the boredom would be chatting with customers.

c.      Answer Key

A: I would certainly consider being a florist, as  I love the idea of working with beautiful colours and shapes to create unusual designs.

B:   I’m not so sure. I’m not really an arty sort of person, you see.

A: I would certainly not consider being a cleaner, simply because I have enough to do cleaning my own house never mind cleaning other houses! B: I agree. It’s very hard work.

2      Answer Key ñ  follow your dreams ñ              change your plans ñ               step into sb’s shoes

Suggested Answer Key

ñ I’ve always believed that it is important to follow your dreams and not be influenced by others who might want to lead you along a different path.

ñ At first I wanted to become a journalist, but then I changed my plans and finally became an  English teacher.

     ñ When my mother retired, I stepped into her shoes and took

over the business.


Suggested Answer Key



















































4      Suggested Answer Key

1       ... gave up her career to be with her children.

2       She volunteers every weekend to help the homeless people of the area ...

3       ... never seems to lose his temper.

4       ... was finally fired.

5       ... person who eventually set up his own business.

6       ... kept us all going through that difficult time. 7      He became successful simply ...

      8   ... be a lifeguard

5      a.       Suggested Answer Key

A: Well, personally, I think that Claire Martin would be most suitable for the post advertised, wouldn’t you agree?

B: Mmmm, yes, I mean the job certainly needs someone who will be patient with more demanding residents and who can also manage the numerous enquiries that people will have. What do you think about the other applicant?

A: As it’s an office job, I doubt whether Douglas Green would be able to stand the long hours of sitting in one place because he’s more of an energetic type and obviously enjoys an active life, don’t you think? B: Definitely!

b. Answer Key

responsible  ≠  irresponsible comfortable  ≠  uncomfortable sociable  ≠  unsociable patient  ≠  impatient adventurous  ≠  unadventurous energetic  ≠  inactive, lazy courageous/brave  ≠  cowardly, timid

6   Answer Key




      1    regular


3    provide

      5   form

      2    permanent

7   Answer Key


4    travelling


      1    e              3


             5     c


      2    f               4

8    a.   Answer Key


             6    a


            1    afford


3     worth

5    waste

            2    spend


4     cost

6    make

b. (Ss’ own answers)

Workbook - Unit 3

9         imageAnswer Key

1        C               3              D              5              B              7              D              9              C 2           B              4              A              6              A 8              C              10            C

10      Suggested Answer Key ñ I mustn’t forget to return the books I borrowed from the library.

ñ I will always remember spending Easters with my grandparents when I was a child. ñ I’m sorry for causing so much trouble at school the other day. ñ I regret telling Jenny about the party because she obviously hadn’t been invited! ñ I would like to take up piano lessons. ñ I’m afraid to walk home late at night by myself. ñ I expect I’ll pass the exam, as it was very easy! ñ I can’t stand people shouting at me.

11      Answer Key

1        payment   5              Powerful

2        increasingly              6              activities

3        improvements         7              impatient

4        noisier      8              irrelevant

12      Answer Key 1  didn’t manage to get

2          stand people using mobile phones

3          offered to help Helen with

4          no point in driving

5          her if she could drive

6          will involve a lot of

7          were totally dissatisfied with the

8          borrow Jim’s clothes without asking

9          if he knew what time

10       insisted that I should work

13      Answer Key

1        for            5              had          9 cash

2        as             6              help         10            of

3        to              7              that

4        ever          8              good

14      Answer Key

1        B               3              B              5              A              7              D 2           A              4              B              6              C              8              B

15      Answer Key

1        applicants 6              qualifications

2        Preparation              7              proof

3        weaknesses             8              location

4        explaining 9              suitably

5        description               10            uncomfortable

16      Answer Key

1        of              4              the           7              having

2        that          5              studying  8              to

3        to              6              us

17      Answer Key

1        C               4              B              7              C              10            B              13            A 2           A              5              D              8              A 11            C              14            C

        3    A          6    B          9     D          12     B            15     D


Workbook - Unit 3

18      a.     (Ss’ own answers)

b. Answer Key

ñ Language skills might be necessary depending on the country you want to work in. If, however, you wish to find a job within the EU, then a knowledge of English could well be enough.

ñ Communication in the country you plan to go to might be quite different from what you are used to, so it might be a good idea to find out about it before arriving. For example, some nations perhaps communicate in a much quieter way while others use more body language to communicate ideas and opinions.

ñ Social skills will also be important so as not to cause offence in the country you choose to work. For example, in Japan it is insulting to have your legs crossed on your desk showing the soles of your shoes, while in other countries it is quite acceptable. So, obviously, social behaviour is different in different countries and, in order to fit in with any system, we need to change our ways to a certain extent if we want to be accepted.

ñ Managerial skills are certainly a necessary part of the modern workplace, whichever country you choose to work in. How we manage ourselves, deal with others and organise our daily workload will show our general attitude and ability to  work with others and to work under pressure.

19      a.       Suggested Answer Key

Present perfect simple is used in the main text (all the young people have gone/have left) showing a change in the situation, which then fits with the information from the paragraph showing a contrast (In the past, most of them headed for / Now, more and more of them are working). The object pronoun them in the main text and the extract (as many as one million of them/most of them/more and more of them) refers to the young people in the main text.

b.     Answer Key

1   B              3              C              5              A 2           D              4              F              6              E

20      Suggested Answer Key

areas of employment: lighting design, advertising, marketing professions: lighting technician, graphic designer, translator further examples: law – solicitor, judge teaching – headteacher, lecturer medicine – doctor, surgeon

21      (Ss’ own answers)

22      a.       Suggested Answer Key

The students will probably be in their late teens or early twenties, while the lecturer may be a middle-aged person. The lecturer will address the students by their first names, while they will possibly address the lecturer by his/her title and last name.

b.     Answer Key

1   A              3              L              5              A              7              M 2          M             4              A              6    L

c.      image(Ss’ own answers)


23      a./b. See Tapescript Section – Unit 3, Ex. 23.

        c.   Answer Key

ñ                uses a greater variety of adjectives. B ñ justifies his/her opinions. B ñ  includes personal responses. B ñ  disagrees in an impolite way. A ñ           paraphrases a word he/she can’t remember. B

24      a.     Suggested Answer Key

              A: I was wondering if you could…

              B: I’m really sorry but… / I’m afraid I can’t.

b.     Suggested Answer Key ñ A: I’m terribly sorry to bother you, but I wonder if you could check this report I’ve just finished.

B: Well, actually, I’m a bit busy at the moment. Can you leave it here and I’ll have a look at it a bit later ...

ñ A: I’m really having problems with this project. I was wondering if you could help me with it ...

B: I’m really sorry but I have to finish this report by tonight. I can help you later if you want ...

              ñ    A: Could you possibly type this report out for me?

B: I’m afraid I can’t right now, but I’ll do it after I finish this letter, if you like.

25      a.     Answer Key

1       C – local tourist attractions

2       B – a mobile library service

3       A – student reaction to a new registration system

b.     Suggested Answer Key


The aim of this report is to assess the various activities on offer at the Victorian Theme Park, with a view to giving recommendations to schools nationwide.


On the whole, the activities on offer seem to be of interest to visiting youngsters, though our survey did show that they would only be interested in returning next year if certain additions were made. Therefore, I strongly recommend that the number and types of activities on offer should be further improved in order to attract even greater numbers of young people next year.

26      a.     Answer Key

A      high standard  low level satisfied  discontented praise  express disapproval of politeness  rudeness speed  delay helpful  unwilling to assist

B      rather disappointing  pleasantly surprising filthy  clean and well-presented freezing cold  well-heated dull  interesting and unusual poor  excellent not enough  plenty of a waste of time  well worth it

b.     Suggested Answer Key

poor  high dirty  clean disgusting  wonderful dreaded  (always) looked forward to terribly slow  amazingly quick impolite  polite never  always neglected  taken great care of/well-maintained dull  bright colourless  colourful

27      Suggested Answer Key

1       Even though / Despite the fact that the service at the market is sometimes slow, the products are undoubtedly fresh and well worth the wait.

2       Even though / Despite the fact that the whole process is much easier now, there are some who would still complain about how slow it is.

3       As well as having a wide choice of reading materials, members also have an excellent selection of videos.

4       It is an excellent method of attracting tourists to the area and I therefore strongly recommend it.

5       As well as being efficient, the service also encourages members to complete request forms for specific reading material they would like added to the collection.

28      a.     Suggested Answer Key

Purpose: assessment of quality of premises and food for guidebook of local tourist area to be published soon Various choices: range/quality of dishes on offer and quality of presentation

A two-sided coin: good food but premises rather neglected examples

Conclusion: recommendation of improvements to be made by the management in order to have the restaurant included in the guidebook.

b.     Suggested Answer Key

1       Regarding the service at Dino’s, certain complaints have been made. (A ‘two-sided’ coin)

2       The aim of this report is to assess the suitability of eating places in the university area. (Purpose)

3       I would highly recommend this restaurant to people who would like to try something different. (Conclusion)

4       Dino’s offers high quality food and has a wide variety of international dishes to suit all tastes. (Various choices)

29   Answer Key


        1    a lack of

5  registration

        2    I feel

6    knowledge

        3    gained

7    skills

        4    of value

8   procedures


The other choices would be incorrect as they are too informal for this particular style of letter.

30      a.     Answer Key

              1    C        2    B          3    E           4     D          5    A

Workbook - Unit 4

b. Answer Key

imageParagraphs A and D are written in the wrong style.

Suggested Answer Key

A: I am enclosing copies of my degree, language certificates and a reference from the Director of Bradbury College. I am available for an interview at any time convenient to you. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

B: I am a sociable, easy-going type who works well under pressure both alone and in a team. I consider myself to be hardworking, highly motivated and also enjoy working with teenagers a lot.

31      Suggested Answer Key

A      Reason for writing: having seen advertisement/job title/ college magazine/applying for position

Main body paragraph: knowledge of local area – local resident/ knowledge of area, sites and history/studied at the university Main body paragraph: languages spoken – school French/ certificate, worked two summers in Spain and acquired knowledge of language

Main body paragraph: social skills – working in Spain insight into culture and ways of Spanish people

Conclusion: further communication – hope to hear from you soon regarding application/thanking person in advance

B      Purpose: assessment of restaurant generally/numerous complaints sent to local government offices/concerns about quality – food/service/prices/atmosphere

Food: improvements needed in cleanliness/quality of food preparation

Service: attitude of staff towards customers

Prices: prices on menu too expensive for local area

Atmosphere: premises dark and dingy

Conclusion: recommendations for future action – improvements needed in cleanliness/quality of food preparation/attitude of staff towards customers, control of prices on menu, decorating of premises etc.

imageUnit 4  –  Make Yourself at Home

1      a.     Answer Key

roof garden/bathroom/swimming pool/bedroom/kitchen/ dining room

b. Suggested Answer Key

We don’t have a roof garden or a swimming pool in our house, but we do have the other rooms. My favourite room at home is my bedroom. I like this room best because it’s decorated just the way I want it. I painted the walls blue and they’re covered in posters of my favourite singers and sports personalities. Apart from this, my bedroom is where I entertain my friends. My computer and stereo are in there and all of my personal belongings. There’s a large balcony leading from my bedroom that I sit on in the evenings when the weather’s warm. As far as I’m concerned, my bedroom is the best room in the whole house!

2      Answer Key

1       cellar         3              council flat              5              marble

2       maisonette               4              bed-sit     6              antique


Workbook - Unit 4

3       a.               Suggested Answer Key

                            A: Can you tell me how big the house is?

B: Well, it’s an average sized house with a lounge, a small dining room and 2 bedrooms.

                            A: And how much is the rent?

                            B: It’s quite cheap really. It’s only í250 a month.

                            A: What type of house is it?

                            B: It’s a semi-detached house with a large garden.

                            A: Can you give me a brief description of it?

B: Yes, of course. It’s fully furnished with a well-equipped kitchen. Because it’s quite small, it’s easy to maintain and the open fire in the lounge gives it a cosy feeling. 

b. (Ss’ own answers)


Answer Key









1    reach









2    clear









Answer Key









1    B          3



5    B






2    C          4



6    A






Answer Key









1    just









2    have








7      a.       Suggested Answer Key

1      change wallpaper

2      change furniture

3      fit a new shower

4      change washbasin

5      replace old electrical appliances

6      fit new sink

7      buy new bed

8      change curtains

b. Suggested Answer Key

A:   You’ve put tiles on the bathroom floor! It looks much better now!

                            B: Yes! And I’ve changed the colour of the walls, too.

A: You’ve fitted new cupboards in the kitchen! They’re fantastic! B: Yes! And I’ve changed the floor to match the cupboards, too.

A: You’ve put wallpaper in the bedroom! It looks really cosy! B:               Yes! And I’ve changed the lighting, too.

8      Answer Key

1          ... have never been in such ...

2          ... was not big enough to ...

3          ... a very prestigious ...

4          ... has changed her style ...

5          ... have had this house for ...

6          ... haven’t redecorated the flat ...

7          ... have never been to ...

8          ... contacted me ...

9          ... did you get ...

10       image... this car six years ago ...

9   Answer Key



      1    assistance

4    heat

7   disadvantages

      2    equipment

5    poisonous


      3    crowded

6   considerable



10      Answer Key

1       past           4              living       7              since        10            out

2       put            5              always     8              ever

3       yet             6              up            9              be/feel

11      Answer Key

1       D [1] D 5 A 7 D 9 C 2 B 4 D 6 C 8 D 10 A

12      Answer Key

1       been          6              or             11            did

2       The            7              much/far 12            than

3       were         8              of             13            number

4       which 9 no 14 they 5 can 10 it 15 and

13      Answer Key

1       is               6              it              11            are 2        been        7              had          12            this

3       ! 8              an            13 !

4       one 9 ! 14 much 5 lot 10 to 15 !

14      Suggested Answer Key

Well, all three of the houses seem very spacious, although they’re built in different styles. The first house looks more like a large cottage in the country, whereas this one here is more like a house in the mountains. The stone covered walls and sloping roof remind me of houses in Austria. The third house is very unusual, with the tall pointed towers on either side of it. It could be a Victorian town house, built especially for a large family.

My ideal house would be the town house, because it looks as if the rooms are really spacious. I particularly like the porch on the front of the house and the large balcony on the first floor. I think the house will be very airy because of the large windows. I prefer this house because it’s probably in the town, yet at the same time it’s surrounded by gardens, by the looks of things. I’d love to have one of the top rooms of the building as a bedroom because there’d be great views of the surrounding area.

15      a.     (Ss’ own answers)

b.     Suggested Answer Key Keywords: ñ         room, reminds, sea ñ              extreme tastes ñ     gardening ñ            bathroom, part, bedroom

ñ private lifestyle ñ hurry, change homes ñ natural sunlight ñ needs, natural environment, urban lifestyle ñ two, houses, attached ñ unusual design ñ natural fire ñ skilled carpenters ñ house, business, tourists

c.      Answer Key

1                D              5              E 2           B              6              A

Workbook - Unit 4

9                   D         13            D } in any order    20            a.             ñ              A:             Would you like to ...?

10             A         14            E              B:             I’d love to! / That’s a great idea! ...

11             D         15            B              ..........

12             E ñ      A:             Do you fancy / What/How about ...?

16      Suggested Answer Key    B:             I’m afraid I can’t. I .../ I’d like/love to, but .../Thanks, but

I ...

Well, I think the house that looks like a farm cottage could be the

                                                                                                                                      A: Oh, that’s a pity. What/How about Saturday?

house being described in E. It mentions that the house is covered in


York stone, which might be what this is. Apart from this, it talks about three small bedrooms on the first floor, which this house has. b. Suggested Answer Key Mind you I can’t see the porthole windows, but they may be somewhere at the back of the house.  The house doesn’t seem to be ñ A: Would you like to come with me to Penny’s houseoverlooked by anyone so you would have a high level of privacy, too. warming party?

                                                                                                                                      B: I’d love to! I haven’t been to a party for ages!

17      a.     Answer Key             A:             Great! Can you come round to my house at about

eight thirty?

             storage space                     en-suite bathroom

                                                                                                                                      B:  Yes, sure.

             double bedroom                 electronic gates

twin staircase           open fire ñ              A:             What about coming to my house for dinner on main entrance             wall lights  Saturday?

              ground floor                       single wardrobe                                                   B: That’s a great idea! I haven’t been out for dinner for


        b. Suggested Answer Key                                                                                     A: Great! Can you come round at about seven thirty?

My ideal home would have three double bedrooms with en- B: Yes, sure. suite bathrooms and single wardrobes. ñ A: Why don’t we spend this evening on George’s There would be a spacious open-plan kitchen leading to a houseboat? dining room.  B: I’m afraid I can’t. I have lots of things to do at home.

I’d love to have a large open fire in the lounge on the ground A: Oh, that’s a pity. What about Wednesday? floor.            B: Yes, Wednesday would be great!

I’d have lots of storage space in every room.

There would be an impressive main entrance with stone steps. ñ A: Do you fancy helping me choose a new dishwasher I would have electronic gates, which would open when I on Friday? pressed a button.     B: I’d like to, but I’m going to the cinema.

imageIn the hall, there would be a large number of wall lights to A: Oh, that’s a pity. What about Saturday? make everything look nice and bright. B: Yes, Saturday would be great.

18      a.     (Ss’ own answers)   21            a.             (Ss’ own answers)

         b. Answer Key                                                                                           b. Answer Key

1 location 6 months or years Paragraph B is not appropriate in terms of style, as it mainly 2 sunlight 7 more expensive makes use of imperative and does not include any language 3 the garden centre 8 in a pot / in pots for making suggestions.

4       very trustworthy 9              plastic bags

5       green leaves and stems     10            insects or diseases  Suggested Answer Key

Also, why don’t you tell your Mum and Dad that you can even c. (Ss’ own answers) get a part time job? This would mean you could pay them

back. If I were you, I’d ask for their opinion and trust them. That

19      a./b./c./d. See Tapescript Section – Unit 4, Ex. 19.        way, the problem will be solved.

e.     Answer Key               22            Answer Key

              ñ makes a comment related to a personal feeling/ experience         1     c                 2    a                 3    b

A (e.g. "In fact, I remember helping my parents ...") Suggested Answer Key ñ does not cover the first part of the question B (The

First of all, you could hold the party in the school canteen. That candidate does not compare and contrast the pictures; way people wouldn’t have to travel far to the party. You could also he/she only says which of the two activities he/she prefers) ask everyone to bring a favourite CD to play. In this way you would ñ uses a variety of linking words A ("In the first picture, ... have a variety of music, which I think would be best. Then, why not whereas in the second one ...", "As well as that, ...", "In fact, ask each person to bring food? This would mean that you wouldn’t

...", "I also find ..." etc) have to pay for outside caterers. ñ uses mostly simplistic adjectives B

f.      Answer Key               23            a.             Answer Key

                                                                                                                                1     c                 2    b                 3    a

Candidate A would get a higher mark, as his/her  answer is complete, uses a variety of adjectives and linking words and is interesting as it makes reference to a personal experience. For examples see Ex. 19e.


Workbook - Unit 4

Suggested Answer Key

There are several ideas for preparing successfully for your exams. Firstly, I think it would be a good idea to make a revision plan. That way, you can be confident that you will revise everything in time. Then, you could do some revision every day. This would mean that you will not have to do everything at the last minute. Also, if I were you, I’d eat properly. This would lead to your body being in good condition as well as your mind.

b. Answer Key

                           ñ This would help you feel more calm and relaxed.

ñ This would result in being able to share your ideas and discuss your problems.

ñ    That way you wouldn’t feel that you were studying nonstop.

24   Answer Key


        1   All things considered

6      In fact

        2   definitely

7     therefore

        3   However

8      Generally

        4   first of all

9 As a result/For this reason

        5    as

25    a.   Suggested Answer Key

10   consequently

... I’ve got a few ideas that might help. To start with, I would suggest joining the local club you mentioned. That way, you would have the chance to try out all the different classes and find the one that is best for you.

All in all, saving the environment is no easy task. One solution would certainly be to have stricter laws preventing factories from polluting the environment. Despite the fact that pollution levels are so high, there is almost total indifference on the part of the governments who have no interest in improving the situation.

This small, family hotel is situated on a hillside quite far from local beaches. Actually, it might be considered to be rather remote for most tourists, and as a result, customers might not be willing to book rooms there. Therefore, the suggestion of having a mini bus to and from local beach areas needs to be discussed. Moreover, I would suggest focusing on the positive aspects of this particular pension as the advantages certainly outweigh the drawbacks.

                      b.   Answer Key

The first extract is part of a letter, the second of an article and the third of a report.

26      a.       Answer Key

1      b            3              c

2      a            4              Drawbacks/Problems

b.   Suggested Answer Key Suggested headings:

a Purpose d Directions for visitors b The place e Conclusion c Reasons for visiting

27      a.       Answer Key

1      C            3              I               5              C              7              C

2      imageC            4              I               6              I               8              I


        b.   Suggested Answer Key

In this report, I will outline improvements that could be made to make language learning at the summer school more interesting. Overall, I think that the facilities are very good. However, with a few small changes, they would be even better.

I hope that you find these suggestions helpful. I think you will find that they are neither difficult nor expensive to implement, and I think that they would make language learning more pleasant and enjoyable for the students.

28      a.     Suggested Answer Key

ñ It might be a good idea to use part of the area to create a small amusement park, as this would definitely attract more teenage visitors.

ñ Although education is important, some more emphasis on entertainment is needed. You will find that teenagers appreciate it, as they need a break from learning. ñ You could possibly include some more general areas of interest. This would result in making the museum more appealing to young people.

ñ Another idea would be to use a faster means of transport than trams, as this would make the trip more exciting. ñ Finally, it might be better if you had a less formal restaurant. That way, teenagers would feel more comfortable.

        b.   Suggested Answer Key

Dear Madam,

I am writing on behalf of my class to say how much we enjoyed our recent visit to the NEOAM. However, I would like to make one or two suggestions about how to make the museum more interesting for teenagers.

We all feel that if you could carry out even some of these changes, you would have a lot more teenage visitors, and many would come back a second time. I hope that you find the above suggestions helpful, and I look forward to my next visit.

Yours faithfully,

Stephen Halliday

29      Suggested Answer Key

A ñ Most teenagers/a lot of stress/everyday life/a lot of this avoidable/best idea/ learn how to deal with it

ñ First/important identify what stressed about/sit down/ think/maybe write list

ñ Next/ask yourself why/stressed about these things/where pressure coming from?/who/what you afraid of?/what happen if e.g. fail exam, etc.?/end of the world?/probably not

ñ Keep telling yourself/stress and worry make things worse/ relax/study better, etc.

ñ Important to relax/exercise good for many people/takes your mind off things/feel better/healthier

              ñ Most important of all/talk about your stresses and worries/

parents/teachers/friends/very helpful

B ñ Some ideas/facilities and activities/summer camp ñ Most people/enjoy/outdoor activities/hillwalking/hiking/ canoeing/swimming/students want/change from school work/hard study

ñ Sports/tennis/swimming/cricket/horse riding/healthy activities/good for everyone

ñ Some classes in the morning?/2-3 hours maximum/ important subjects/Maths/English/Languages

ñ Learn new things?/field trips/History of our local area/ most students/find this interesting ñ Cultural trips/theatre/cinema/concerts/summer festival

imageUnit 5  –  Modern Living

1   Suggested Answer Key

It’s quite unusual these days for young people to wear hats like this one, so, to me, this young man in picture 2 looks as if he’s trendy in a casual, carefree way.

The man in picture 3 seems to be casually dressed, perhaps for a family weekend.

The gentleman in picture 4 is obviously considered to be smart and trendy in the business world.

This older lady looks extremely smart for her age in her designer suit.

The man in the sixth picture looks very smart and trendy in the office world, despite the fact that he’s not wearing a shirt and tie.

2         Answer Key

1       go              2              is             3              look         4              suits

3         Answer Key

1       conscious  6              statement

2       latest        7              fit

3       victim        8              suit

4       image       9              type

5       casually     10            trend

4         Suggested Answer Key

I watch the news daily on TV, but actually buy a weekly newspaper every Friday. I usually start with the arts section and then move to the business part to check how international companies are doing in comparison to ours. I always make sure I’m up to date with international situations as any small changes can affect business. However, I find I never look at the obituaries.

5         Suggested Answer Key

2       They were taken aback. They certainly didn’t expect me to fail!

3       Yes, people seem to be into shorter styles now./No, this style is completely out.

4       They’re in again now, you know.

5       He used to, but he’s gone off it lately. / No, he’s not really into ethnic cuisine.

6       Yes, he’s gone off that style. / He’s more into casual clothes now.

7       Yes, she’s taken to vegetarianism after reading about mad cow disease.

6         Answer Key

1       the centre of attention             4              first impression

2       hit the headlines       5              short-lived

3       brand names            6              public eye

7         Answer Key

1       viewers     3              opportunity             5              keen

2       process     4              takes

8         Answer Key

1       D               3              C              5              B              7              B

2       C                4              A              6              C              8              B

9         Suggested Answer Key

1       The girl in the fourth picture seems to follow the fashion more than I do. I’m rather more conservative.

Workbook - Unit 5

2       imageThe man in the third picture has a much more unconventional hairstyle than I have. I would never dare do that with mine!

3       I think I’m better dressed than the boy in the second picture.

4       The woman in the first picture is definitely smarter than I am. I tend to dress more casually.

10      Answer Key

1       extraordinary            4              unemployed            7              enjoyable

2       fluency      5              replace    8              harmful

3       useful        6              violence

11      Answer Key

1       are not as expensive as

2       was such a long video

3       seem to be very emotional

4       often as/often as we did 5       is so polluted that many

6          the same as the one

7          Armageddon such an amazing

8          are certainly more comfortable than

9          was as original as

10       as easy as I thought

12      Answer Key

1       the            3              out           5              far

2       best           4              with         6              more

13      Answer Key

1       the            5              most        8              such

2       pay            6              more       9              times

3       that           7              with         10            off

4       way

14      Answer Key

1       D               3              D              5              C              7              D 2           B              4              C              6              A              8              A

15      Answer Key

1       D               4              B              7              A              10            A              13            C 2           D              5              C              8              C  11            C              14            A 3           C              6              C              9              C              12            A              15            C

16      Answer Key

1       unexpected               6              development

2       harmful     7              inappropriate

3       seriously   8              aggressive

4       repetitive  9              emotionally

5       isolation    10            reality

17      a.     (Ss’ own answers)

b.     Suggested Answer Key

As a writer he would probably need to look at both sides of the issue and its effectiveness.

According to the last paragraph, he obviously feels very strongly about the lack of choice in the matter. He implies that unless we begin to complain about noise levels now, it will be too late.

c.      Answer Key

1       A               3              C              5              B              7              C

2       D               4              A              6              A


Workbook - Unit 5

18      Suggested Answer Key

All three comments are related to the text in that they show people’s opinions, both positive and negative, about muzak. The first person can’t quite understand why certain people always complain about it, while the other two clearly dislike muzak and find it irritating.

19      a.     Suggested Answer Key

The first lady (A) may have taken a different route to work because of road works on the usual route / she simply wanted a change of scenery / large traffic jams.

The second lady perhaps didn’t go home in the evening because it was too far to travel after a long day’s work / she may not have felt well enough to travel all the way home.

The third lady might have got up earlier because she had a lot of work to get through that day / in order to avoid the rush hour / perhaps to make up time for being late.

The fourth lady found that she needn't have gone to the office because it was a public holiday and nobody was there anyway / she had forgotten that the boss had given her a day off. 23

The fifth  lady may have missed the bus due to getting up late / being delayed after meeting a friend in the street.

The sixth lady perhaps didn’t eat anything because she had too much work to cover / she didn’t feel like eating.

b. Answer Key

                           Speaker 1    A                            Speaker 4    D

                           Speaker 2    C                             Speaker 5    F

                           Speaker 3    B

E is the extra one.

20      (Ss’ own answers)

21      a./b.  See Tapescript Section – Unit 5, Ex. 21

                      c.   Answer Key

ñ  expresses his/her opinion more successfully  A ñ   interrupts the other candidate in an impolite way  A

22      a.       Suggested Answer Key


ñ  Hello, could I speak to ..., please? ñ       Could you tell him/her ... called.

ñ  Oh, sorry to disturb/have disturbed you. ñ            Would you like to leave a message? ñ   Could you speak up, please? It’s a bad line. ñ          May I ask who’s calling? ñ      I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number. There’s no ... here.


                           ñ   Hi, is ... there?

ñ  Hello. Can I speak to ..., please? ñ          Oh, sorry to bother/have bothered you.

ñ  Can I take a message? ñ         Hold on. I’ll get him for you now. ñ        Can you tell him/her ...

b. Suggested Answer Key

1      B:           I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.

                                  A: Oh, sorry to have disturbed you.

2      B:           ... Can I take a  message?

image                                  A: Yes, please. Can you tell him that ...


c.    Suggested Answer Key A: Hello. Can I speak to Helen, please.

      B: Can you speak up? It’s rather a bad line.

      A: Sorry. Can I speak to Helen, please?

B:      Hold on. I’ll get her for you now. A:        Thanks a lot ...

      A: Good morning. Could I speak to Mr Thompson, please.

B: I’m afraid he’s out of the office at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?

A:   Could you ask him to call Mrs Greene in the accounts department?

B: I’ll give him your message as soon as he gets back. A: Thank you.

A: Hello. Could I speak to Mr Welsh, please. B: I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number. There’s no Mr Welsh here.

      A: Sorry to have disturbed you.

      B: That’s all right. Goodbye.

      A:   Goodbye.

a.     Answer Key

1       A               2              B              3              A              4              B

Suggested Answer Key

Both paragraphs 1 and 3 refer to home-cooked meals and the fact that the change in lifestyles has lead to members of families eating separately. However, paragraph 3 is inappropriate as it is more general, as it neither focuses on young people nor on fast food restaurants.

Paragraphs 2 and 4 refer to methods of shopping. However, paragraph 2 is inappropriate as it only focuses on how people used to shop in the past, which is irrelevant to the topic, and it doesn’t mention indoor shopping centres. On the other hand, paragraph 4 introduces the topic of indoor shopping centres and also informs the reader that what follows is a discussion of pros and cons, which is the focus of the topic.

b.     Suggested Answer Key

      A    1  That is, these eating places ...

2 The reason for this ... 3           In conclusion, ...

B    1 All things considered ... 2        This is due to ...

c.      Suggested Answer Key

Can you believe that the video has only been around for about twenty years? Videos are such an important part of most people’s lives now, that it is difficult, if not impossible, to imagine life without them. We can treat ourselves to a video of our favourite film and watch it again and again, as often as we like! If we’re at a loose end, it’s easy to pop down to the video shop and rent a film for the evening. We can invite friends round to watch a video and discuss it together afterwards. This is all very positive, but it is important to remember that there may be some disadvantages as well.

All in all, watching videos at home, like most things, is good when it’s done in moderation. It’s wonderful when you want a nice, lazy evening at home, once in a while. However, the danger is that it could become a habit, something you do without thinking, precisely because it is so easy. Everyone needs a variety of pastimes: we need to get out of the house and meet people and get some exercise, as well as being a couch potato. So, be a couch potato in moderation and you won’t go to seed! 24  Answer Key

1       Such as     5              In addition

2       against      6              yet

3       are against               7              Even though

4       Despite     8              Although

25     a.  Suggested Answer Key

              muzak in shops:            1    a           2    c           3     b

Many people feel that any kind of background music is better than silence. They believe that shopping without music can be rather dull.

The main drawback of muzak is that it can sometimes be loud and repetitive. In particular, customers may get irritated when they hear the same song thirty-five times, and may just leave the shop.

             wearing designer labels: 1   b           2    c           3    a

One advantage is that wearing designer labels means having good quality products. As a result, clothing lasts longer.

Furthermore, wearing designer labels can create uniformity. This is because many people wear similar styles.

Another disadvantage is that wearing designer clothes can give the impression of being better than others. As a consequence, this can create competition, for example among teenagers.

             using budget airlines:          1    c           2    a          3     b

The main advantage of using budget airlines is that you can find cheaper tickets. For this reason, travelling this way is nearly always more economical.

However, budget airlines usually allow for less space between seats. For this reason, travelling is less comfortable.

Moreover, flying with budget airlines often means using less popular airports. Therefore, it is not particularly convenient, for example as regards time or destination.

b. Suggested Answer Key

Suggested arguments for the three topics:

A      Quiet and calming background music can actually have a positive effect on customers psychology. It can actually make them feel more relaxed, and consequently shopping can become a kind of therapy, away from everyday stress and noise.

B      Moreover, designer labels cost a lot of money, and so many people spend more than they can really afford on brand names. They could, of course, satisfy their needs more economically and yet still be in fashion.

C       Another advantage is that using budget airlines can often save you time. This is because they sometimes have direct flights to destinations for which there are no scheduled flights.

26      a.     Answer Key

              1    D                2    B                 3    A                4     C

b.     Suggested Answer Key

"Otherwise we risk becoming ...": a life of work

"Many people living ...": city living

"The main advantage of sending ...": text messages

“Take, for example, famous stars ...": being wealthy

Workbook - Unit 5

27      imageAnswer Key

        1    a                 2     c                 3    b

Sentence d would be appropriate as a sentence in the conclusion of the article, as it is a concluding comment on both the advantages and disadvantages of tourism.

Sentence e is not appropriate in this paragraph as it gives an example of a disadvantage rather than an advantage.

28      a.     Answer Key

              1    C                 2    B                 3     D                4     A

Suggested Answer Key

To start with, one obvious advantage of being wealthy is the ability to enjoy a high standard of living. For example, it enables you to live in an expensive house in the right part of town, as well as have the best quality cars and the latest fashions. Another advantage to being rich is that when you are wealthy you can afford not to work and enjoy your leisure time. This means that it allows you freedom to do what you want when you want without worrying about the cost of, let’s say, a meal in a top restaurant.

On the other hand, one clear disadvantage of being wealthy is that you may become spoilt or greedy. We have all heard, at one time or another, of the bad behaviour of some children from wealthy families who, for example, borrow the family car and break the law by speeding and are finally caught and charged, much to the embarrassment of their parents. In addition, you may have difficulty in deciding who your real friends are. No matter who seemed pleasant and helpful, you would never really know whether it was genuine or out of self-interest on their part.

b.     Suggested Answer Key

These paragraphs relate to the topic of being wealthy.

Do you dream of having more money than you could ever spend? Would you like to have enough money to be able to do exactly what you like, when you like? You probably think that being wealthy has nothing but advantages: big house, fast cars, expensive designer clothes and holidays in the sun. Think again. Being rich is not everything it’s cut out to be. Though you might find it hard to believe, there are both advantages and disadvantages.

Do you still want to be rich? You probably think that it’s worth the risk, and maybe you are right. If you have plenty of common sense, having a lot of money will not change you too much and you will be able to distinguish true friends from false ones. All things considered, it is probably better to have too much money than too little, and think of all the good you could do with it!

29      Suggested Answer Key ñ many countries depend on tourism/ my country too/many people two jobs/winter and summer

ñ economic benefits/people individually and country as a whole ñ meeting people from other countries/learning about different cultures/making friends whose country you can visit later

ñ changing the country just for tourists/ugly buildings in scenic places/giving false impression/cheapening your culture just for money

ñ    beautiful places spoilt by crowds and tatty tourist shops/in summer/crowds/buses

        ñ   must protect our country/natural beauty/not just think of

money/wise/plan carefully/tourism will benefit everyone


Workbook - Unit 6




Answer Key




travel brochure

remote area



travel agency

seaside resort



package holiday

tropical island



traveller’s cheques

mountain village

charter flight first-class carriage departure lounge car ferry

b. Suggested Answer Key

                            A: Or maybe we could just get a cheap charter flight.

                            B: Would you like to go to a remote area/a mountain village?

A: Oh, I don’t know. I rather fancy a seaside resort or a tropical island.

B: Would you like to take the car? You can get to lots of places now by car ferry.

                            A: It’s a nice idea, but it’s very slow, isn’t it?

B:   Yes, but it’s relaxing. Still, going by plane is probably the best.

A: Yes, just imagine sitting in the departure lounge, admiring our traveller’s cheques! B:       I can’t wait!

2      Suggested Answer Key A   Dead-end straight ahead.

B      Level crossing ahead.

C       You are about to join a motorway.

D      End of motorway.

E       Road narrows from three lanes to two. F  You are coming to a diversion.

3      Suggested Answer Key 1   en-route to the airport.

2       we had just got going.

3       go via the old town.

4       was time to board the plane.

5       we reached the port one hour late.

4      a.       Answer Key

1      claim: declare       4              road: route

2      station: platform  5              docked: landed

3      rooms: vacancies  6              handbags: luggage

b. Suggested Answer Key

1, 5 and 6 could be seen at an airport; 2 could be seen at a railway station; 3 could be seen outside a hotel; 4 could be seen on a motorway.

5      Answer Key

1       C  2              A              3              B              4              A              5              D

6      Answer Key

1       We were held up at the airport so we missed our flight connection. 2 I saw her off at the bus station first and then I did my shopping.

3       We decided to set off bright and early to avoid the rush hour traffic.

4       The hikers headed for the nearest village, as it was getting dark.

5       As the plane took off, I suddenly felt afraid.

6       imageThe van driver slowed down as he reached the town centre.


7         Answer Key

1       B 3 B 5 C 7 A 9 B 2 D 4 A 6 A 8 B 10 C

8         Suggested Answer Key 1 The campsite must be cheap.

2       The campsite must be far from civilization.

3       The villa can’t be in the middle of the forest.

4       The villa could be very peaceful.

5       The hotel must be full of tourists in August.

6       The campsite may be very noisy at night.

7       The campsite could be rather uncomfortable.

8       The hotel must be nice and cool inside.

9         Answer Key

1       must be home

2       ought to visit your grandparents

3       should not forget to take

4       could not give us

5       don’t have to give

6       can’t be

7       should get my letter in

8       asked if they could

9       may be very close to

10    should not have a problem/ should have no problem

10      Answer Key

1       to              3              every       5              for           7              as

2       much         4              out           6              over         8              right

11      Answer Key

1       mind         5              be            8              pick

2       get            6              off           9              cannot

3       set             7              should     10            on

4       must

12      Answer Key

1       B               3              D              5              C              7              D

2       A               4              C              6              A              8              D

13      Answer Key

1       vacancies  4              arrival      7              departure

2       inexpensive               5              extensive 8              choice

3       comfortable              6              specialty

14      Answer Key

1       as              6              much       11 ! 2 !     7              down       12            in 3          too           8              the           13 !

4       many         9              from        14            why

5       ! 10            that         15            of

15      Answer Key

1       on              6              Before     11            all

2       their          7              must        12            as

3       for             8              everything               13            also

4       during       9              While      14            time

5       make         10            them       15            up

16      a.     Answer Key

Magical waters which work wonders

b.     (Ss’ own answers)

c.      Answer Key

1       H         3              C              5              A              7              F

2       D         4              B              6              G

17      a.     (Ss’ own answers)

b.     Answer Key

establish: found        facilities: services focus: concentrate     mixture: blend consist of: involve           effective: efficient treatment: therapy     surroundings: environment

c.      (Ss’ own answers)

18      a.     (Ss’ own answers)

b. Answer Key

1 B              3              B              5              A              7              B 2           C              4              C              6              C              8              A

19      a./b./c./d. See Tapescript Section – Unit 6, Ex. 19

        e.  Suggested Answer Key

ñ uses modal verbs to express probability/possibility  A ñ covers the first part of the task only  B ñ uses linking devices  A

20      a.     Suggested Answer Key

In both dialogues someone is making a reservation over the phone. In the first dialogue someone is booking a table at a restaurant while in the second one someone is making a hotel reservation.

b. Suggested Answer Key A:           Hello. The Jasmine.

              B: Hello. I’d like to book a table for four for Thursday evening.

              A: Thursday? What time?

              B:  Well, around 7:30.

              A:  Smoking or non-smoking?

              B:  Non-smoking.

A: Hmmm, I can give you a table for 8:15. That’s the nearest we have.

              B: 8:15? Mmmm ... right, I’ll take it.

              A: And your name, Madam?

              B: Swanson. S-W-A-N-S-O-N.

              A: Good morning. Grand Hotel.

B: Good morning. I’d like to make a reservation for next weekend. A twin room.

              A:  Which dates, Sir?

              B: The twelfth to the thirteenth. That’s two nights.

              A: Just let me check ... yes, we have a room for these nights.

              B: Good. Has it got a bath and a television?

              A:   Yes.

              B: That’s fine, then. How much will it be?

A: One hundred and forty pounds, including breakfast. Could you give me your name and credit card details, please?

21     a.  Answer Key

1                gentle      3              eager       5              loaded 2  clear        4              fantastic  6              strangest Workbook - Unit 6

imageb. Suggested Answer Key

All of the techniques have been used apart from the last one.

ñ using your senses (e.g. "I could hear the gentle sound of the waves and smell the salt in the beautiful clear air.")

ñ    using direct speech (e.g. "Come on, Harry!", "We should get going.")

ñ asking a rhetorical question (e.g. "How could anything possibly go wrong?")

ñ addressing the reader directly (e.g. "Well, what you are about to read ...")

ñ referring to your feelings/moods (e.g. "I was feeling on top of the world!")

        c.   Suggested Answer Key

It is interesting because the writer rouses the reader’s curiosity of what could possibly go wrong in an ideal situation like the one described. (Ss’ own answers)

22      a.     Suggested Answer Key

The story will be a 3rd person narrative about someone who is on holiday in an idyllic place and possibly something exciting or unexpected happens.

b.     Suggested Answer Key

Stephen looked at the palm trees and let out a deep sigh of happiness. He gripped his surfboard more tightly and ran to join his friends on the smooth yellow sand. He blinked in the bright sunshine. There was nobody swimming in the blue sea, probably because of the incredible waves, which were just right for surfing! Here he was, finally, in Hawaii! Was it any wonder that he felt so excited? Suddenly, without any warning, they all heard a loud, roaring noise in the distance. They all looked at each other. "What was that?" said Harold, laughing nervously.

23      Answer Key

1       At first      5              eventually               8              Meanwhile

2       At that moment       6              First         9              Suddenly

3       After a while             7              Before

4       after

24      a.     Answer Key

1       were sitting        6              be having

2       were really enjoying           7              smiled

3       didn’t like            8              knew

4       said     9              had been

5       I hadn’t encouraged           10            was

b.     Answer Key

1       arrived 5              was         8              said

2       seemed               6              was paying              9              looks

3       had told              7              took         10            is floating

4       was

25      a.     Answer Key

              1    B          2     C          3    A

b.     Answer Key

The following techniques have been used:

              ñ    using your senses (e.g. "When that huge black shape

loomed out of the darkness…")


Workbook - Unit 7

ñ referring to feelings/moods (e.g. "We were too exhausted to say anything.")

ñ describing people’s reactions to the events developed in the story (e.g. "We were both very lucky ...")

                           ñ using direct speech (e.g. "Well, all I can say is this ...")

Ending C makes no use of any of the writing techniques mentioned.

Suggested ending:

He was on the same road, sitting on the ground. He could see his bicycle a little distance away. Where on earth had he been? When he checked his rucksack, he was relieved to see that his money and his passport were still there and that nothing had been taken. "How did I get back here?" he thought. "Did all that really happen, or was it just a dream?"

26      Suggested Answer Key

A      I was finally in Africa, on my dream holiday! The rest of our group were on a day-trip to Nairobi, but I had decided to do some exploring on my own. I had been warned not to wander too far away from our accommodation, but the scenery was so beautiful, I lost all sense of time. I found myself in a large sandy area surrounded by trees. I stopped. I could smell smoke and could hear the rhythmic beating of drums. Suddenly, a man carrying a spear appeared from behind a tree.

What can I say? It was an amazing experience! Nabu and the rest of his tribe made me feel so welcome and had given me a present of a wooden spear. I felt very privileged to have seen their way of life and I think they enjoyed meeting me, too. "The others will never believe me!" I thought. Perhaps the wooden spear would convince them.

B      It was early evening on the first day of our holiday in Bermuda. Stan and I were taking a walk along the deserted beach beside our small hotel. We could smell the perfume of the strange and beautiful flowers and hear the cries of the sea birds which were dark shadows now in the evening sky. It was very peaceful. "Hey! What’s that?" Stan said suddenly, "Surely it can’t be a message in a bottle?"

We smiled at each other. What would our holiday have been like if we hadn’t seen that bottle half-buried in the sand on our first day? It wasn’t from a prisoner in a castle or somebody shipwrecked on a desert island, but it had led us to the very strange story of Mona, who had lived on the island over a hundred years ago. She was long dead, but at least now her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren knew what had happened to her and why she had disappeared like that, without a trace.

27      a.       Suggested Answer Key

“A trip I’ll never forget”

ñ  Group at airport/very elderly/health freaks/vegetarians ñ   Felt terrible/package deal/last minute/travel agent hadn’t

told me

ñ Decided to make the best of terrible situation ñ Ecological health farm/Italy/wonderful scenery/amazing


imageñ  Great people/felt better and better/had a great time ñ        Became a vegetarian/holiday changed my life


b. Suggested Answer Key

“A Lucky Escape” ñ   Holiday/Australia/camping out in the bush ñ        Greatstart/happygroup/hillwalking/sightseeing/


              ñ One night/came back late to campsite/it had been burned

to the ground

ñ                Felt sick/miserable/depressed/ frightened ñ         Next day/police/examined everything/couldn’t do much ñ   Cheered up/had money and passport/lost belongings/still


(Ss’ own answers)


1         Suggested Answer Key

1       invaded     4              attack      6              defend

2       surrendered              5              fight        7              defeat

3       conquer

2         Suggested Answer Key

1       classic       3              historic    5              power

2       classical    4              historical 6              strength

3         Answer Key

1       a                2              b              3              a              4              b

4         Answer Key

1       credit        3              mind        5              forces

2       peace        4              disarmament          6              attitude

5         Answer Key

1       c 3              f               5              g              7              b

2       e                4              a              6              d

6         Answer Key

1       works        3              steeped   5              grain

2       particular  4              force

7         Answer Key

1       B               2              A              3              B              4              D

8         Answer Key

1       C 3 D 5 D 7 A 9 C 2 D 4 A 6 B 8 D 10 C

9         Answer Key

1       been          3              was         5              out           7              the

2       very           4              all            6              to

10      Suggested Answer Key

        ñ    A: I needn’t have taken the car to the airport.

              B:   Why?

              A: Because we could have gone in Tom’s car.

              A: I didn’t need to take the car to the airport.

              B:   Why?

              A: Well, Tom came and picked us up.



I needn’t have booked tickets for the concert.






Well, I could have bought them on the spot; there were plenty of seats.



I didn’t need to book tickets for the concert.






Sally gave me hers because they couldn’t make it.



I needn’t have left early for the appointment.






Because the client was an hour late himself.



I didn’t need to leave early for the appointment.






Because the client called and told me he would be late.

11      Answer Key 1 should have told me

2     sure they didn’t know

3     can’t have recognised me

4     a pity he didn’t

5     couldn’t / can’t have chosen

6     might have been delayed

7     needn’t have lied about

8     must have found the cure

12   Answer Key





        1    historical


3    courageous


5     reliable

        2    contribution

13   Answer Key


4    publicity



        1    off


5    power


8      have

        2    to


6    in


9      must

3       must

4       could

14   Answer Key


7    out


10      ought

        1    B                3


             5    B


7      B

        2    A                4

15   Answer Key


             6    B


8      D

        1    significant


5    depth



        2    central


6    entirely



3       establishment

4       luxurious

16   Answer Key


7     natural



        1     D          4     C


7    B            10


13     B

        2    B          5     D


8     D            11


14      D

        3    A          6     C


9    A            12


15     C

17    a. (Ss’ own answers)




b.     Sentences 2 and 4 are true.

c.      Answer Key

              1    E                 3    C                 5


        7       H

              2    A                4    B                 6



9     chance they have not understood 10     didn’t need to take

Workbook - Unit 7

d. Answer Key

1       handlebar           5              tyre          9              frame

2       crossbar              6              chain       10            spokes

3       saddle 7 stand 11 brake block 4 wheel 8 pedal

e.   Suggested Answer Key A:         Who invented the Penny Farthing? B:    James Starley invented it.

              A: Where did the name "Penny Farthing"come from?

              B: It came from coins in an old British currency. etc

18      a.              Suggested Answer Key

Key words:

1       interviewer, few historical figures, nicknames

2       nicknames, different reasons, now

3       everybody hated

4       interviewer, never heard of

5       Danish surname

6       nicknames, French Kings, appearance 7            Caligula, got, nickname, child

b.     Answer Key

1       F          3              F              5              F              7              T

2       imageF          4              F              6              T

19      a./b.          See Tapescript Section -  Unit 7, Ex. 19

        c.   Suggested Answer Key

ñ fails to develop answers B ñ tries to reach a conclusion too soon B ñ repeats the other candidate’s ideas using the same words B ñ ends the conversation in a suitable way A

20      a.              Suggested Answer Key

              1    b, a             2    b, a

b.     Answers Key

The first group of phrases can be used to spread rumours and the second to respond to them.

c.      Suggested Answer Key

A: I heard the other day that Mrs. Green’s daughter is going to marry a Hollywood film star.

              B: Who’d have thought it?

              A: I heard it from a reliable source.

              B: Well, there’s no smoke without fire.

A: Rumour has it that the government is going to give every citizen a gift of five hundred pounds.

              B:  Are you serious?

A:               Well, I have it on good authority. B:       It hardly seems possible!

21      Answer Key usual " favourite   lonely " isolated large " huge everyday " ordinary small " tiny             heavy " sleepy little " young   awful " dreadful


Workbook - Unit 7

22      Answer Key

1       She sighed wearily as she…

2       The fans roared loudly when…

3       There was nothing they could do but wait patiently until…

4       From the balcony you could hear the evening breeze blowing gently through…

5       Jim crept silently into…

6       The fire raged through the building until the firemen finally brought it…

23      Answer Key

amazed, happy, exhausted, miserable, confident, depressed

Suggested Answer Key

1       I was amazed to learn that the man she introduced us to was the owner of the company.

2       You can’t imagine how happy I was when I heard that she had a baby.

3       After walking all morning in this sweltering weather, I came back home completely exhausted.

4       My little brother has been really miserable since our dog ran away.

5       She was confident that she would pass the exam, as she was well-prepared.

6       This dull weather makes me feel depressed.

24      Suggested Answer Key

It was early in the evening. My flatmate and I had just sat down to dinner, very tired after work, when we suddenly heard sirens. Curious to see what had happened, we rushed out to the balcony. Suddenly, we saw flames from the apartment block across the street. We were terrified!

Staring at the flames brought back to me the memory of a huge fire in our office block three years ago. On hearing the fire alarm, everyone had rushed outside through the fire exits. While we were all waiting for the fire brigade, we suddenly saw a colleague banging frantically on the third floor window. He had obviously been trapped in the flames and was terribly frightened. When the firemen finally came, we were worried that it was too late. We could hear loud screams as the firemen were fighting the blaze. When we had started to think that all was lost, we were amazed to see that two fireman had rescued him from the blazing building.

Fortunately this time the fire brigade came quickly. The firemen soon managed to put the fire out. We were very concerned and were relieved to hear that nobody was injured. Then we felt more relaxed and were able to sit down and have our dinner.

25      Answer Key

3       Shocked, she cried for hours.

4       Screaming loudly, they ran out of the room.

5       Injured, she went to hospital.

6       Pretending to be qualified, he got the job.

7       Relieved, he caught the last train.

8       imageSeeing a large black rat, they were terrified.

26    a./b.

Answer Key



a Have you ever had, had, went



b  took, had just finished



c   noticed, had left



d got, left, ran, told, had already left



e    failed



f   arrived, had postponed



g  had been calling, had slept



h had been waiting, was striking / struck



27      Suggested Answer Key

1       complained

2       suggested that they go

3       had invited them to their 20th…

4       explained

5       insisted that they go

6       reminded

7       accused him of exaggerating

8       threatened to

9       admitted to

28      a.     Suggested Answers

I can see the sunset/ the sun shining on the sea/ the shadows on the sand.

I can hear the noise of the sea/ the sound of our feet on the sand.

I can feel the sand between my toes/ the sea breeze.

I can smell the salt in the air/ the warm sand. I can taste the salt on my lips.

b.     Sentences 1, 2, 5 and 7.

c.      Suggested Answer Key

Sandra, Charles and little David heard the repeated cry of one lonely seagull. They could see the yellow rays of the setting sun reflected in the still sea. As they ran along the beach, they could feel the warm sun on their backs, and they could smell the hot sand and the glistening seaweed. Sarah suggested that they have a delicious picnic on the beach instead of going home for dinner and Charles agreed that this was a marvellous idea. When David complained that there would be big mosquitoes, Sarah explained patiently that mosquitoes don’t like the sea.

29      Suggested Answer Key ñ The beginning and ending of Model B is written in a more appropriate style than Model A, as it makes use of narrative techniques such as rhetorical questions (e.g. "What could I do?") and direct speech (e.g. "You haven’t seen my reading glasses anywhere, have you?") which make it more direct and interesting for the reader. Also, the description in Model B is more detailed (e.g. "I picked up my glasses from the hall table") and vivid, with the use of adjectives and adverbs (e.g. "ideal time", "quickly left", "Suddenly very relieved…").

ñ Model B uses a wider variety of tenses than Model A (e.g. past continuous, past simple, past perfect, present perfect, present simple) which mainly uses past simple in short sentences. ñ Model A uses simplistic adjectives and adverbs (e.g. "very surprised", "nice colours", "really liked", "happy", "afraid"), while Model B makes more interesting use of adverbs and adjectives (e.g. "quickly left", "suddenly, the horse’s legs…", "odd", "previously", "cheerful", "shaken").

ñ Apart from the use of direct speech and rhetorical questions already mentioned, Model B makes use of linking words (It was odd, though, because previously…") and a variety of structures including subordinate sentences and participles (e.g. I was admiring the colours when, suddenly, the horse’s legs…", ‘Putting on my glasses, I went over…" "Shaken, I went home" etc)

30      Suggested Answer Key

A ñ Julie and Frank/reached destination/couldn’t believe what had happened

              ñ Land completely flat/no mountains/no lakes/nobody in


ñ    Sure you followed map?/yes, completely sure/very careful/ can’t be right place/what has happened?

ñ Checked map/had taken correct route/ where mountains?/where lakes?/where beautiful scenery? ñ Night was falling/ suddenly saw man riding pony/asked where they were

ñ Discovered they had mistaken the place name/"Volino"/ not "Volina"

            ñ Eventually right road/very late/tired but happy and relieved

B          ñ            Early morning/Helen and George/ arrived remote Indian village/hiking

ñ Found simple accommodation/wash/put on strong mosquito repellant

ñ Food and water/set out/day’s hillwalking/deep forest/ butterflies/beautiful flowers

ñ Large numbers butterflies following them/different colours/different sizes/couldn’t understand what was happening/ wouldn’t go away/stayed with them all day/ no problem/ but very strange

ñ Later in the day/ other strange flying insects/couldn’t get rid of them/worst of all, in the evening, mosquitoes/ swarms of them/big problem

ñ Back to the village/realised they had sprayed Helen’s hair spray/ not mosquito repellant/laughed a lot/won’t forget this day in a hurry


1      a.     Suggested Answer Key A:       What about careers counselling?

            B: Well, no, we’ve never had that in our school.

            A: What about foreign languages?

            B: Oh yes, we’ve always had them in our school. etc

b. Answer Key

1      detention              5              sandpit

2      school reports       6              science experiments

3      foreign languages 7              climbing frame

4      Careers counselling

2      Answer Key

A:       The microscope shouldn’t be in the computer lab! B:            No! It should be in the science lab!

A:       The cutlery shouldn’t be in the science lab! B:       No! It should be in the canteen!

A:       The piano shouldn’t be in the canteen! B:             No! It should be in the music room!

3      a.     Suggested Answer Key

B: Right. Then we have primary education. That’s for younger children, I suppose.

A: Yes. And secondary education for older children. B:              Mmm, then there’s boarding and non-boarding.

            A: I think a boarding school is a school you live in.

            B: Yes, and you go home for the holidays, or the weekends.

b. Answer Key

1  b              3              d              5              f               7              a 2           e              4              c              6              g

(Ss’ own answers)

imageWorkbook - Unit 8

4      Answer Key

1       gave          4              won         7              promote

2       studied      5              keep        8              admitted 3              run           6              fee           9              vocation

5      Answer Key

1       A               2              B              3              D              4              A              5              B

6      a.     Answer Key

              1    b                 2    a                 3    a                 4    b

b. Suggested Answer Key A:           What’s Andrew’s phone number?

              B: I don’t know. Look it up in the telephone directory.

              A: You didn’t do very well in the bicycle race!

              B: No, I couldn’t keep up with the others at all!

A:               We’ve a lot to revise for the History exam, haven’t we? B:   Mmm, I’m going to go over it all again tonight.

              A: You’ve missed a lot of that TV serial, haven’t you?

              B: Yes, but I’m sure I’ll catch up with everything soon.

7      Answer Key

1       C                3              C              5              D 2           B              4              A              6              C

8      Answer Key

1       C 3 B 5 C 7 A 9 C 2 D 4 D 6 D 8 B 10 A

9      Suggested Answer Key

        A: I need to get this film developed by 6 o’clock.

        B: You could go to Dixon’s. I always get mine developed there.

        A: I should have the tyres of my bike changed.

        B: You can go to Jimmy’s. I had my bike repaired there last week.

        A: We need to get a cake made for Anna’s birthday.

B: Why don’t you go to A Piece of Cake? I had a cake made there for my graduation party and it was really delicious.

A:   We could have the living room painted by Wilson’s Home Decorating.

B: Yes, they do a great job! I had my bedroom redecorated by them last month.

10      Answer Key

1          is considered to be the

2          amused by the student’s

3          uniforms must be worn by

4          was opened by the

5          were frightened by the monster

6          will be taken by

7          was written by

8          will have my house painted

9          not worth calling her

10       prevented us from going

11      Answer Key

1          musical             5              irresponsible

2          performance     6              boredom

3          revision             7              punishment

4          criminal            8              appearance


Workbook - Unit 8

12      Answer Key

1       off 5              resit         9              lesson

2       behind          6              for           10            look 3      single-sex 7              by            11            with

                     4    had                         8    have/get                 12     out

13      Answer Key

1       B  3              A              5              A              7              C

2       D  4              C              6              A

14      Answer Key

1       either          6 !            11            own

2       too               7 !            12 !

3       only             8              being       13 ! 4       have        9              on            14            be

                     5    the                        10     so                            15     that

15      Answer Key

1       that             6              only         11            their

2       who             7              even        12            one

3       with             8              both         13            will

4       most            9              a              14            sometimes/might/could

5       to 10            say           15            the

16      a.       (Ss’ own answers)

b.     Suggested Answers Key

                           ñ  encourage parents to take part in school life (parents,


ñ  is surrounded by greenery (beautiful green area) ñ               is particularly suitable for talented children (gifted) ñ    has a system where each student … (personal tutors)

c.      Answer Key

1             B } in any order        8              D

2             E  9              E

3             D  10            B } in any order

4             C  11            F 5           B              12            A

6             A  13            D } in any order

7             E  14            E

d. Answer Key

I would recommend either Breakspear or Deansfield.

17      a.       Suggested Answer Key

Ss need to listen for the following kind of information:

1      name of a place    6              type of activity

2      number (age)        7              an event, e.g. concert

3      date       8              type of place

4      language               9              surname

5      activities               10            phone number

b. Answer Key

1      summer school     6              dancing

2      13-15     7              Festival

3      4 August                8              Theme Park

4      French   9              Green

5      activities               10            396 5427

18      imagea./b./c./d. See Tapescript Section Unit 8, Ex. 18


        e.  Suggested Answer Key

Student B uses natural hesitation: I’m not sure, I suppose, It depends.

19      a.     Answer Key

              1    b                 2    a

In dialogue 1 Speaker B is expressing certainty while in dialogue 2 he/she is expressing doubt.

b.     Suggested Answer Key

1       A: Do you think our country will get a medal in the next Olympic Games?

B: Definitely. I’d put all my money on it! Our weight lifting team is one of the best in the world. We also have some great athletes in track and field and gymnastics.

A:        I hope you’re right. B:             Trust me!

2       A: They said the local sports club will extend its opening hours for the summer.

B: Well, I’m not sure. It doesn’t look like it. There’s not enough staff to do that.

                    A: I hope you’re wrong.

                    B: So do I! But I wouldn’t put all my money on it!

3       A: I heard that Vanessa Williams may take part in the next national song contest. Do you think she will?

B: No doubt about it. I saw an interview on TV last night and she said she’s already decided on a song.

A:        I hope you’re right. B:             Trust me!

4       A:        Do you think Mr Adams will give us a test tomorrow?

B: I doubt it. It’s still too early for a test and we haven’t had any time for revision.

A:        I hope you’re right. B:             Trust me!

20      a.     Answer Key

1       believe/feel        4              mind        7              concerned

2       view    5              favour      8              see

3       appears               6              agree/disagree

b.     Answer Key

1       I am in favour of the plan to build a new grammar school in our area.

2       To my mind, the government’s decision to introduce new exams in secondary school was completely wrong.

3       I believe that the council will reconsider its decision to demolish the old town hall.

4       The way I see it, everyone should get a secondary education nowadays.

5       In my opinion, encouraging sports at school is good for everyone.

6       As far as I’m concerned, all children should learn about computers.

7       I strongly agree with the suggestion to build a swimming pool in our area.

8       It seems to me that there are some drawbacks to starting school at 8.00 am.

21      Answer Key

1      B              3              D              5              C              7              A 2           C              4              A              6              D              8        C 22         a.             Answer Key

1       lastly   4              since        7              to sum up

2       what is more      5              as a result

3       for instance        6              nevertheless

b.     Suggested Answer Key

2       The woodwork teacher always spoke very quietly. As a result, many students did the wrong thing and ended up with strange-looking coffee tables.

3       Some students found the theory part of Music Appreciation a little dull. However, they enjoyed listening to the recordings and going to concerts.

4       Everyone found that World Politics was absolutely fascinating. Therefore, it was by far the most popular optional subject.

5       We all felt that the Japanese teacher should go much more slowly, because students could not understand what she was saying.

6       A lot of people thought that Nature Studies was badly organized. For example, we never knew what time the field trips were supposed to start.

23      Answer Key

1       c 3              a              4              b

Suggested Answer Key

2       However, having an 24-hour grocery market would also have a number of benefits for local residents.

24      Answer Key

1       e                2              d              3              b              4              a              5              c

25      Suggested Answer Key

1       I am of the opinion that small animals should be allowed on local buses and taxis. If they are in a proper animal carrier, I really do not see what harm they can do to anyone. People who want to travel with their animal will always be very careful with them. After all, which causes more noise and disruption: three young children or a small dog in a carrier?

2       Extending café opening hours will cause a lot of extra problems for residents. There will be more noise much later in the evening. The young people, especially, are extremely noisy when they leave the cafés: they laugh and sing and play loud music. Sometimes they also throw sweet papers and cigarette butts into people’s gardens. We would rather not have to clean up after these people every morning.

3       Stopping Sunday buses will have a number of advantages. One advantage is that the bus drivers will be able to relax with their families on a Sunday, just like everyone else. This is also true for the people who work in the bus station. Another advantage is that there will be a lot less traffic on our roads and Sunday will be a quiet, peaceful day of rest for everyone.

26      Answer Key

1       the source of much disagreement (formal)

2       It looks like the first thing I need to do (informal)

3       numerous instances (formal)

4       strongly disagree with (formal)

5       feel very strongly (formal)

Workbook - Unit 9

27      Suggested Answer Key

A      imageI am writing with regard to the decision to stop the school bus service. I strongly disagree with this decision , as a large number of children use this service. Without this service, how will all these children get to school? I would strongly advise you to reconsider your decision.

B      The plan to plant 1,000 trees in our area is very welcome. I am totally in favour of this idea. It will greatly improve the appearance of our town. As well as providing much-needed greenery, the trees will give protection in the winter and shade in the summer. I sincerely hope that this plan will be carried out soon.

C       I am writing in connection with your decision to close the school canteen. I wish to express my disapproval. Obviously, this decision will cause many problems as the children will have to bring packed lunches. Their mothers will have to prepare these lunches for them, which takes up a lot of time.

28      Suggested Answer Key

A      ñ Second-hand clothes shop/ best idea ñ Many retired people in this area/ enjoy browsing in shops ñ Area quite wealthy/ ensure high quality clothing ñ Retired people willing to work in shop without payment/ an interest/ something different to do/ meet their friends there

ñ Advantages to bakery/ no bakery in town/ people would go there

              ñ  Clothes shop best/ less trouble/ no waste/ charge more


B      ñ Feel very strongly/ arts subjects certainly of use ñ Arguments of people who think the opposite: not practical/ can’t earn money from poetry and literature/ what is important is business, computers, etc.

ñ Some truth in this, but/ many careers, e.g. teaching, work in museums, etc.

ñ Arts subjects help develop the whole person/ the imagination ñ Free time/ people don’t want to think about business, computers, "practical" things/ not relaxing

              ñ  Everyone should realise/ place for both arts and science



1      a.  Answer Key

A                spray chemical pesticides B    hunt endangered species

C       dump rubbish

D      fell trees

E       produce nuclear power F   throw litter

b. Suggested Answer Key ñ A: I was reading an article the other day about how many chemical pesticides are being sprayed on crops. B: Yes, I know. It’s really terrible. They contaminate food.

ñ A: I was reading an article the other day about how many endangered species are being hunted.

B: Yes, I know. It’s really terrible. It causes animal extinction. ñ A: I was reading an article the other day about how much rubbish is being dumped.

                    B: Yes, I know.It’s really terrible. It pollutes the environment.



Workbook - Unit 9






ñ A: I was reading an article the other day about how many trees are being felled.

            B: Yes, I know. It’s really terrible. It causes deforestation.

ñ A: I was reading an article the other day about how much litter is being thrown on the streets.

            B: Yes, I know. It’s really terrible. It encourages disease.








4    A: I wish people would cut down fewer trees!

B:   Yes, if they did that, a lot of the earth’s forests would be saved.

Answer Key

1       is supposed to make you  5              unless she starts to

2       is likely to be     6              are about to leave

3       did not like anything         7              in case it

4       is bound to print               8              on condition that you

Answer Key

1 a devastation b destruction

5       a rubbish b residue

6       a pollutes b contaminates

Answer Key

1       species

2       on

3       on

Answer Key

1       C

2       B

Answer Key

1       knowledge

2       education

3       unaware

4       hopefully

Answer Key

1       not

2       that

Answers Key

1       C        4

2       A       5

3       B       6










long            7     from

only            8      bank


C                 5     D

A                6    B

5       promotion

6       addition

7       information

as               5    had

been           6    if

7                 C             10             C

8                 B             11             C 9             C             12             A

9 of 10 in

2       a          disaster b          damage

3       a resources b sources

4       a starvation b famine

Answer Key

1       reserve

2       pesticides

3       scheme

Answer Key

1                     cut down on

2                     throw away 3    wrap up

Answer Key

1       difference

2       extinction

3       engineered


5 6

7       a     decline b       lowering

8       a     natural

             b    Physical

development           7 farming   8


4       look out for

5       end up with

6       end up

4 effect   6 5 waste 7

ecosystem warnings

7       give up

8       use up

friendly supply




7                C 8                B

pollution decisions personally

7     even

13            B 14            C

15    D

Suggested Answer Key

1       Yes, it does! It saves a lot of the Earth’s resources.

2       Really? I didn’t know that. That’s awful.

3       You’re probably right. They’re far too big.

4       That’s what I thought, too.

5       Oh, that’s so irresponsible!

6       Good for you! They’re more expensive, though.

7       That’s probably because there is not much demand for them yet.

Answer Key

Across                                 Down

3    solar                              1    waste

5    acid                               2    fossil

7    genetically                     4    aware

9    bottle                            6    natural

a.  Suggested Answer Key

Ss may not know what the word bog means. However, they can infer from the title that the text will be about the environment with reference to Ireland. They might also guess that bogs are connected with the ecosystem, which is important for the environment (‘contribution’).

Both words are frequently mentioned in the text. They are most frequently used in the second paragraph, where the writer explains what the terms “bog” and “peat” mean.

b.     Suggested Answer Key

We can see a flat place with small hills and pools of water. We can also see different kinds of plants growing. It probably smells quite damp. Maybe it smells like rotting leaves, but it probably doesn’t smell bad. It feels like walking on a giant sponge: our feet go down, then come up again. Our footsteps make watery sounds. Maybe also the sounds are like walking on an old wooden floor.

c.      Answer Key

1        F              3              G             5          C 2           A              4              B          6              E

d.     Suggested Answer Key Information to be used: ñ          Sphagnum moss (different colours) ñ    Carnivorous plant(s)

ñ        Gorse ñ          Heather

   10     global                            8    energy

7      Answer Key

1       C 3 A 5 D 7 C 9 A 2 D 4 B 6 A 8 B 10 A

8      Answer Key

2       A: I wish people would use alternative sources of energy more.

B:   Yes, if they did that, it would save a lot of the earth’s resources.

3       A: I wish people would use ozone - friendly products.

B: Yes, if they did that, there wouldn’t be this hole in the ozone layer.


              ñ    Bog cotton

              ñ  cranberry flowers and cranberries

ñ                red deer (having a bath?) ñ    otters ñ    badgers

ñ                "jewel" beetles ñ    dragonflies ñ           ground-nesting birds

e. (Ss’ own work)

16     a.  Suggested Answer Key

planting trees: garden, branch(es), shade, grow, seeds, forest

using the car less: walk, on foot, drive, habit, public transport, bus

organic farming:       pesticides, natural, produce, products, environment

saving energy: turn on/off, lights, heating, electricity, use (less) adopting a wild animal: save, help, take care of, money, pet changing to solar power: cheap, sun, save, heat / hot

b.     Answer Key

             Speaker 1    D                      Speaker 4    B

Speaker 2  F              Speaker 5 C Speaker 3             A

c.      Suggested Answer Key

              A: Why don’t you use the car less? It’s really worthwhile.

B:               Oh, I never gave it much thought … A:   I think you should. It will help reduce pollution.

A:               Why don’t you change to organic farming? B:      Oh, I never gave it much thought … A:   I think you should. It’s much kinder to the environment.

              A: Why don’t you make an effort to save energy?

              B: Oh, I never gave it much thought …

A:   I think you should. It will eventually make a difference, you know.

              A: Why don’t you adopt a wild animal?

              B: Oh, I never gave it much thought …

A:   I think you should. You will be helping an endangered species.

              A: Why don’t you change to solar power?

              B: Oh, I never gave it much thought.

              A: I think you should. It’s a completely natural form of energy.

17      a./b. See Tapescript Section – Unit 9, Ex. 17

        c.   Answer key

        ñ asks the examiner to repeat the instructions in an appropriate

way A

        ñ  makes excessive use of linkers B

18      a.     Answer Key

ñ                makes a suggestion A ("How would you feel about …?") ñ   expresses reservations B ("Oh, I don’t know…", "Oh, it’s not my kind of thing really")

              ñ tries to persuade the other to do something  A ("Why don’t

you give it a try?", "Try it! You might be surprised!")

b.     Suggested answer

A: Would you be interested in coming on a "Save the Whales!" demonstration?

              B:  Well, I’m not sure …

imageWorkbook - Unit 9

A:               Wouldn’t you like to give it a go? B:       I’m not sure if I’d enjoy it …

              A: Come along and see what it’s like!

c.      Suggested answers

A: Have you ever thought of sponsoring a wild animal on an African game reserve?

B:               Well, I never gave it much thought, really … A:     Why don’t you give it a try?

              B:  Oh, I don’t know …

              A: You’ll never know until you try it!

A: Did you ever consider becoming a Young Member of the Green Party?

B:               Well, I never really thought about it … A:               Wouldn’t you like to give it a go? B:       It’s not really the kind of thing I’m good at … A:  Oh go on! You might enjoy it!

A: How would you feel about helping clean up the beaches around the coast?

B:               Oh, I don’t know if it’s my kind of thing … A:         Try it once and see what you think!

              B: I’m not sure if I’d enjoy it …

              A: Oh come on! It might be different to what you think!

19      a.              Answer Key who: which          which: who             whose: who

b.     Suggested answers

1       Edgar Allan Poe’s Tales of Mystery and Imagination is only for those who love the supernatural.

2       It is a book full of terrifying stories (which are) about murder, death and the power of the imagination.

3       This is a frightening book, which will have you looking under the bed before you get into it!

c.      Suggested answers

1       This is part of a film review.

A Fish called Wanda is full of eccentric and obsessive people whose lives are ruled by great passions. The film features both British and American stars, whose marvellous performance guarantees your enjoyment. The director, Charles Crichton, is a veteran of Ealing Studios in London, (which is) the world’s oldest film studio.

2       This is part of a CD review.

The Best of Leonard Cohen features songs from his early career, which are still as fresh and meaningful today as they were forty years ago. The earlier songs, like Suzanne and Bird on a Wire, are in the style of traditional folk ballads, whose literary quality was highly unusual at the time, and still is today. Famous Blue Raincoat and Last Year’s Man are songs from the 70s whose emotional lyrics and black humour signal the eternal originality of this artist.

20      a.              Answer Key

1                box-office                3              fascinating 2           dramatic 4              gripping

b.     Answer Key

1       timeless              3              rich

2       best-selling         4              catchy


Workbook - Unit 9

                      c.   Suggested Answer Key

Educating Rita is the moving story of a tough, working-class woman who wants to change her life. Rita is a lively hairdresser who wants to do a university degree. This heartwarming film is directed by Lewis Gilbert, who also directed Shirley Valentine. The cast includes Julie Walters as Rita, and Michael Caine as Frank, a disillusioned college lecturer who eventually agrees to help her. Walters gives an unforgettable performance, and Caine, who had to put on a lot of weight and grow a beard to play the role, is superb, as always.

Far from the Madding Crowd, by Thomas Hardy, tells the timeless story of the beautiful Bathsheba Everdene. The only daughter of a well-to-do farmer, this spoilt and difficult young woman is loved by three men. One is a steady and reliable farmer, one is a wealthy landowner and one is a weak and greedy soldier. This is a dramatic story with many unexpected twists.

The Beatles 1 is a collection of the group’s number one hits from the 1960s. It includes such popular songs as She Loves You, I Want to Hold your Hand, and A Hard Day’s Night. Most of the 27 songs on this CD are unforgettable and timeless, from the catchy tunes of Eleanor Rigby and Paperback Writer to the rich melodies of Yesterday and Hey Jude. If there is anyone out there who has never heard of the Beatles, this is an excellent introduction.

21      Answer Key

1       Released in 1997, Riverdance – Music from the Show features the music of the show that took place during the interval of the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin.

2       Written by Bill Whelan, each of the 16 tracks on this CD is very beautiful and very appealing.

3       Accused of murdering a man on his boat, the Japanese

American is eventually convicted of the crime.

4       Focusing on this story, the film also includes a number of subplots through which we learn about the historical background.

5       Having a number of unexpected twists, the film as a whole takes you completely by surprise.

22      a.              Answer Key

ñ  who the characters are ñ        who directed the film/ wrote the book ñ                the main points of the plot

b. Suggested answer

Farewell my Concubine (1993) is the story of two Chinese actors during a difficult period in China’s history (1924 – 1977). Dieyi, played by Leslie Cheung, and Xiaolou, played by Zhang Fengyi, have been friends since early childhood and eventually become stars in the Chinese opera. The film is beautifully and sensitively directed by Chen Kaige.

imageGirl with a Pearl Earring, by Tracy Chevalier, is set in 17thcentury Delft, a prosperous city in the Netherlands. It tells the imaginary story behind the painting of the same name by Johannes Vermeer. The "girl", Griet, is a maid in the family of the great painter. Griet, quite unintentionally, causes a lot of trouble in the household, and ends up being painted by her master.


23      a.     Answer Key

No, they are not consistent. The recommendations do not match the comments.

b. Answer Key

1       highly recommend " wouldn’t recommend

It’s a must! " Wait until it comes out on video.

2       It’s a bore to read. " It is a highly entertaining read.

Don’t bother with this one." I strongly recommend it.

3       It is a highly entertaining read. " It is a bore to read. It’s certainly at the top of my list. " Don’t bother with this one.

24      Suggested Answer Key

This is an amazing film. The acting is spectacular and the special effects have to be seen to be believed. Best of all, though, this is a film that makes you think. If you let it, it will shake you out of your ordinary, everyday life, and lead you into another dimension. This film is a must. Don’t miss it!

25      Suggested Answer Key

A      ñ                Massive Classics – Music You Can’t Relax To/Label: Virgin Classics/66 mins.

ñ 19 tracks/ 17 classical composers/17th – 20th century ñ all tracks noisy and exciting/e.g. Wagner: Ride of the Valkyries, Holst: Mars, the Bringer of War, Orff: Carmina

Burana ñ you will recognise many of these/e.g. Vivaldi: Summer (The Four Seasons), Grieg: In the Hall of the Mountain

King (Peer Gynt) ñ for people of all ages/easy to listen to ñ CD will be a sell-out/good as a present/ good for everyone/ highly recommend

B      ñ                Sleepless in Seattle/romantic comedy/Tom Hanks and

Med Ryan ñ Story of Sam Baldwin (Hanks), lonely widower/and Annie Reed (Ryan), engaged to another man/Baldwin’s son

Jonah thinks they should marry each other ñ Set in Seattle/ Jonah calls radio phone-in programme/his father depressed and needs a wife/Annie hears Sam on the radio/falls in love with him

              ñ   Directed by Nora Ephron/ acting excellent/Hanks and

Ryan a wonderful screen couple ñ Ross Malinger (Jonah), 9 years old/beautiful and convincing performance

ñ Very enjoyable film/for Hanks and Ryan fans/for anyone who believes that love conquers all/well worth seeing/ don’t miss it

C ñ The Little Prince (1943)/Antoine de Saint-Exupery/ translated from French/Katherine Woods (1943)/ small book/ timeless message

ñ Story narrated by pilot/crashed Sahara Desert/ meets little prince there

ñ Little prince travels from planet to planet/each planet has one person living on it/ narrator and reader learn prince’s story/learn about friendship, love and truth

              ñ Children’s story/ actually a story for everyone

ñ One of the best-known and popular books in French literature/ a classic

              ñ Beautifully written/beautifully illustrated by Saint-Exupery

himself/certainly top of my list

imageUnit 10  –  The Cycle of Life



Answer Key

































































How’s your brother?



Oh, his allergy is completely cured.



Is your grandmother still ill?



No, she has recovered from the flu.



How is your broken toe?



It’s completely mended, thank goodness.



How should I defrost this fridge?



You’d better check the instructions.



I wish I knew how to make pizza!



I’ve a really easy recipe I can give you!



Can I get this mouthwash in the supermarket?



No, you need a prescription.



I think I’d like to change these new sunglasses.



Mmm, I hope you kept the receipt.



I think I’ll turn on the central heating.



Yes, it’s actually freezing outside.



Do you think those flowers will be all right?



I think so. It’s quite cold in this room.



I’m not sure whether to take the car or nor.



Don’t. I think the roads might be icy.



Oh, what a treat! Fresh peas!



Sorry, I’m afraid they’re frozen.



What should we give them as a starter?



Mmm, what about avocado salad?



That was an amazing dinner we had at Anne’s, wasn’t it?



After the first course, I felt that I couldn’t eat another thing!



Mmmmmmm, these all look delicious!



Yes, I never could resist nibbles!



Would you like anything else?



Mmm, I’d love some ice cream for dessert.



What can we put this chicken on?



I think it will fit on one of the big dinner plates.



What are you going to cook for your parents tomorrow?



I thought I’d make a fish dish.



What are you thinking about, Joe?



I’m thinking I’d love another helping of stew!



You shouldn’t eat anything! It’s almost dinner time!



Oh, I’ll just have one slice of fruit cake.

b. Suggested Answer Key

Workbook - Unit 10

2      Answer Key

2       A: And what about Joseph and Sandra?

            B: Oh, they were almost able to sit up.

            A: I suppose they were around six or seven months. Is this them?

3       A: And what about Patrick?

            B: Oh, all he did was eat and sleep.

            A: I suppose he was around two months. Is this him?

4       A: And what about Grandfather?

            B: Oh, he had retired about fifteen years previously.

            A: I suppose he was around seventy-five. Is this him?

5       A: How about my other grandparents?

            B: Oh, they had been married for forty-five years.

            A: I suppose they were around sixty-five. Is this them?

6       A: How about Uncle Larry?

            B: Oh, he was just about to go to secondary school.

            A: I suppose he was around eleven or twelve. Is this him?

3      Answer Key

1       dictionary    3              company 5              house

2       cake            4              salad

4      imageAnswer Key

1       bills             3              circumstances         5              process

2       lifestyle       4              expectancy              6              number

5      Suggested Answer Key

      A: I don’t think it’s a good idea to eat pizza every day.

      B: No. Though it’s high in protein, it’s also high in calories.

      A: I think we should eat pasta quite often.

B:   Yes, I agree. Though it’s high in calories, it’s also high in carbohydrate.

      A: I think we should eat fish at least once a week.

      B: Yes, I agree. It’s high in calcium and low in calories.

      A: I don’t think it’s a good idea to eat white rice too often.

      B: No. Though it’s high in carbohydrate, it’s low in protein.

A: I don’t think it’s a good idea to eat chocolate chip cookies every day. B: No. They’re low in protein and high in calories.

      A: I think we should eat an apple every day.

      B: Yes, I agree. Though they’re low in protein, they’re also low in fat.

A:       I don’t think it’s a good idea to eat cornflakes every day. B: No. They’re high in carbohydrate and low in calcium.

6         Answer Key

1       The island comes to life during the festive season.

2       Meat goes bad if you don’t put it in the fridge.

3       Jane had the time of her life on holiday in Spain.

4       My brother is a couch potato.

5       I’m afraid I’ve got a sweet tooth so I find it hard to lose weight.

7         Answer Key

1       c          3              h              5              g              7              i               9              d 2           f               4              a              6            e              8              b

Suggested Answer Key

1       He really should try to give it up.

2       What would you suggest?

3       I was thinking that myself.

4       I understand completely.

5       I think they were quite right.

6       That’s always a good idea.


Workbook - Unit 10

7       Oh, I don’t think I could do that.

8       You’re right, but where will we find the time?

9       Why don’t you change your job?

8         Answer Key

                     1     C          2    C           3     D          4    A          5    B

9         Answer Key

1 C 3 A 5 A 7 D 9 A 2 B 4 D 6 C 8 C 10 D

10      Answer Key 1     is the man whom I

2       eating sweets in order to

3       a map in case you

4       is giving off a funny

5       eaten in that restaurant for

6       because she had missed the

7       to cut out chocolate from

8       concert which we saw was

11      Answer Key

1       employment               5              encouragement

2       preference  6              economical

3       unhealthy    7              responsibility

4       promotion   8              forgetful

12      Answer Key

1       tooth           6              time        11            for

2       order           7              over         12            with

3       who             8              couch       13            fit/healthy

4       have            9              case         14            for

5       to 10            even        15            where

13      Answer Key

1       B  3              B              5              D              7              D              9              D

2       A  4              D              6              B              8              D

14      Answer Key

1       !   6              of             11 !

2       right            7              the           12            one

3       to 8 !            13            with

4       by 9 !            14            want

5       a  10            have        15            all

15      Answer Key

1       can/will       6              because/that          11            from

2       at 7              even        12            that

3       what            8              since        13            is/was

4       they             9              been        14            who

5       for               10            not           15            a

16      a.       Suggested Answer Key

Old(er) people doing physical exercise/keeping fit/going back to study/comparing old people today with old people in the past.     17

b. Suggested Answer Key

A: I think an older person might be interested in travelling to foreign countries. What do you think?

                            B: Yes, I think so. Once they have plenty of money, of course!

                            A:  I think an older person might be interested in jogging.

What do you think?

image                            B: Yes, I think so. Once they’re in good health, of course!


A: I think an older person might be interested in going to the gym. What do you think?

B:   Yes, I think so. Once their heart is in good condition, of course!

A: I think an older person might be interested in doing a course/ going back to study. What do you think?

      B: Yes, I think so. Once they have good eyesight, of course!

A: I think an older person might be interested in learning about computers. What do you think?

      B: Yes, I think so. Once they have an open mind, of course!

      A:  I think an older person might be interested in cycling.

What do you think?

      B: Yes, I think so. Once they are fairly fit, of course!

      A: I think an older person might be interested in gardening.

What do you think?

      B: Yes, I think so. Once they have good knees, of course!

      A: I think an older person might be interested in swimming.

What do you think?

      B: Yes, I think so. Once they like the water, of course!

A: I think an older person might be interested in weight training. What do you think?

B:   Yes, I think so. Once they’re in good shape to begin with, of course!

A: I think an older person might be interested in golf. What do you think?

      B: Yes, I think so. Once they can walk long distances, of course!

c.      Answer Key

A      sporting activities, physical activity, sports, keep-fit equipment, active, healthy

B      sport, physical activity, physical fitness, physical exercise, walking, gardening, swimming

C       educational, travel, examinations, marks, enquiring mind, adventurous spirit, learning, instructors, programmes, study, biking

D      sports, swimming, Cyberspace, physical health

d.     Answer Key

1       D       6              C              11            D

2       C    } in any order           7              A    } in any order  12            B

3       D       8              D              13            A

4       C        9              B

5       A       10            C

e.   Suggested Answer Key

I’ve chosen my grandfather. I think that the Elderhostel programme would suit him very well because he loves learning about new things and is a very adventurous person. He would find it hard to choose a programme because he enjoys everything they do!

a.     Suggested Answer Key 1  odd (C), trendy (B), handsome (A)

2       own house/ flat (C), specific (A), people (B)

3       pool (B), food (C), hiking (A)

4       quite young (A), fairly old (C), quite old (B)

5       not overweight (B), no problem (A), enjoy (C)

6       home (C), school (A), old (B)

7       family (B), society (A), outdoors (C)

8       athletics (C), aerobics (A), diving (B)

b.     Answer Key

1        C              3              B              5              C              7              A 2           A              4              C              6              B              8              B

c.      Suggested Answer Key



That’s your Dad when he was eighteen.



Wow! He was really handsome! He looks different now.



Wait till you’re in your fifties!



That’s your Dad when he was eighteen.



Wow! He looks quite trendy!



Yes, he always liked dressing well.



Oh, I hate it when people smoke in restaurants!



Well, you have bad habits, too.



Yes, but they don’t affect other people’s health!



Do you have to smoke?



Look, I can smoke in my own house, can’t I?



I suppose so.



So, what are you going to do about getting more exercise?



Well, I’ve decided to join a walking club.



Great idea!



You’re looking a bit thin, you know.



Mmmm, I’m going to eat larger meals from now on.



You wouldn’t want to lose any more weight.



I’ve been offered a special package if I retire now.



At fifty-five? That’s fantastic! I hope you’re going to take it!



Mmmm, I’m not sure.



I was thinking about taking early retirement.



Oh, I think you should go on until you’re sixty-five.



It might be nice to have some free time.



You’ll have to change all your eating habits, you know.



Oh, that won’t be difficult for me.



Just wait!



You really shouldn’t have a third slice of chocolate cake!



Oh, I’m not overweight!



So why are all your clothes so tight?



Tom, why have you not done your homework?



Emmmmm ... I had to visit my grandmother last night.



Hmmm. Well, make sure it’s done by tomorrow.



Brian, will you help me wash the car this evening?



I was hoping to go out, Dad. Would tomorrow morning be okay?



Yes, sure.



Why do you want to be a farmer?



Well, my father’s a farmer, and I’ve never wanted to do anything else.



Mmmm, I can understand that.



Do you want to be a farmer because you like working with animals?



No, it’s because I love working outdoors.



Ah, I see.



Are you going to the six-thirty aerobics class?



No, I’ll go to the seven-fifteen. I want to do some stretching exercises first.



Okay, see you!



Do you think the ground’s a bit slippy this evening?



Mmm, maybe it’s last night’s rain.



It’s particularly bad on the inside track.

Workbook - Unit 10

18      a./b./c./d. See Tapescript Section – Unit 10, Ex. 18.

        e.  Answer Key

ñ Uses a variety of adjectives  A ñ Covers the first part of the task only  B ñ Hesitates excessively  B ñ Justifies his/ her answers  A ñ Makes correct use of modal verbs  A

19      a.     Answer Key

Expresses annoyance  A Expresses resignation  B

Disagrees and makes a suggestion  A

b.     Suggested Answer Key

A: Don’t you hate it when people throw litter on the street and dump their rubbish anywhere?

              B: Oh, is it really worth making a fuss about it?

A: I don’t know, but we can always write to the newspapers. We can speak to people when we see them doing it.

c.      Suggested Answer Key

A:               I hate the way people park their cars where they shouldn’t! B:            Well, there’s nothing we can do about it really.

A: Of course there is! We can take down their registration numbers and report them to the police.

              A: I can’t stand it when people jump the queue in the bank!

              B: Well, what can we do?

imageA: There’s always something we can do! We can go up to them and say something.

              A: It really bugs me when shop assistants are rude!

B:               Well, there’s nothing we can do about it really. A:                Of course there is! We can walk out of the shop.

ñ People hum loudly when playing their walkman on the bus/ ask them to stop

ñ People eat crisps during a film or play/ tell them they’re annoying us

              ñ Young people don’t give their seat to older people on the

bus/ suggest that they do

20      Suggested Answer Key

I           would be grateful if you could send me some details about thejob.

I would like to know how old I have to be.

I would appreciate it if you could let me know what kind of job it is.

I am interested in finding out which island I will be working on.

Could you tell me which months I will have to work?

Could you let me know how many hours I will have to work? I would like to know how much the job pays.

21      Suggested Answer Key

Dear Tim,

I           just had to write and say thanks for inviting me down for theweekend to your place in the country.

I’m really sorry, but I’ve arranged to go on a fishing trip that weekend and it’s too late to back out now. You know how mad I am about fishing and this is a chance I just can’t miss!

22      Suggested Answer Key

The task is to write a report making suggestions on how the coffee bar could attract more young people.


Workbook - Unit 10

Answer Key

A      Purpose       D              Menu

B      Décor           E              Conclusion

C       Facilities

Suggested Answer Key

We need to change our opening hours and extend them. There is no point in being open from 5.00 PM, as young people do not want to come in so early. If we opened two hours later and closed two hours later, at 12.00, we would attract a lot more young people, who like to stay out late.

23      a.     Suggested Answer Key

1      He drove his father’s car, although/even though/in spite of the fact that/but he hasn’t/hadn’t passed his driving test.

2      They wanted to buy a new car, even though/although/ in spite of the fact that/but it was too expensive.

3      Julie didn’t go on the cruise,/because/since she couldn’t afford it.

4      He became a chef because/ since he loves cooking.

5      We had to pay for the meal even though/although/in spite of the fact that/but we didn’t enjoy it.

6      He didn’t graduate from school, although/but he’s a wealthy man today.

In spite of the fact that/Even though/Although he didn’t graduate from school, he’s a wealthy man today.

b. Suggested Answer Key

1      The main advantage is that you can go wherever you like, whenever you like.

2      People of all ages are finding that it is much easier and much more convenient to "shop" from the comfort of their own homes.

3      The main disadvantage is the noise.

4      This is because more and more people are discovering the many advantages of staying in their own country.

5      One of the most important of these is using alternative sources of energy.

6      First impressions are almost totally based on what people see and this means your clothes, hair and shoes.

24      a.     Suggested Answer Key

In the first picture, I can see a river or a canal which is very crowded. I can see people in small boats wearing big hats. One boat is full of large green vegetables like cabbages. I can see reflections in the water.

I can hear people calling to each other, and the sound of oars in the water.

I can smell fish frying in the houses beside the river, and I can smell the wood, which is warm in the sun.

I feel like a stranger, because everything is very new to me. I also feel excited, because I want to learn about this new culture and I know it will be a challenge. ñ The weather: humid ñ The people: busy ñ Their clothes: brightly-coloured ñ The merchants: noisy ñ The atmosphere: exciting

imageIn the second picture, I can see clear, blue sea, and an island in the distance. The sky is blue with a lot of white clouds. In the foreground, there is a kind of jetty, or pier, made of wood, and I think there is a boat tied up. There is a fishing net on the ground and a large green bush. Also on the pier I can see some kind of fishing equipment, but I don’t know what it is.


I can hear the sound of small waves against the pier and the side of the boat. I can hear the fishermen’s voices in the distance. I can hear the occasional splash of a fish jumping. There is the smell of fish from the net and the boat. I can smell the perfume from the flowers on the bush.

I feel very peaceful and lazy. I just want to sit and admire the view.

ñ                The weather: hot ñ The view: stunning ñ               The sand: golden ñ The sea: turquoise ñ  The clouds: fluffy ñ  The island: mysterious

b. Suggested Answer Key

I awoke that first, hot morning in Thailand to the noisy hustle and bustle of the merchants outside my small hotel room. I couldn’t wait to see what was going on, so I jumped out of bed and threw open the window which looked onto the narrow stretch of river below. The sight was unbelievable. Women in colourful traditional clothes and straw hats were paddling their wooden boats down the river in order to buy fresh fruit, vegetables and fish from the various merchants. The exotic smells and sounds of the floating market filled the humid air, and I rushed out because I wanted to be part of them.

25      a.     Suggested Answer Key

Characters: Jane, her family, her mother.

1       confused             6              terrified

2       happy  7              nothing

3       frightened           8              optimistic

4       carefree              9              delighted/relieved 5               anxious    10            determined

b. Suggested Answer Key

1      flooded 9              approached

2      opened 10            moved

3      smiled 11            saw

4      thought                12            swerved

5      had spent            13            felt

6      had started          14            was travelling

7      waved  15            had almost collided

8      set       16            had managed/managed

Jane couldn’t remember anything about what had happened next. She learnt from her mother afterwards that she had been taken to hospital in an ambulance, and that she was unconscious there for ten days. When she regained consciousness, she felt miserable. She didn’t think she would ever get her life back together again. It was her mother who encouraged her not to give up.

Jane spent many months in hospital. Her cuts gradually healed and her broken bones mended slowly. Finally, one day she realised that she felt positive and optimistic. Soon after this, the day came that she had been waiting for: she could go home. She knew now that there was still a life there waiting for her and she was going to recover fully and live it!

26      a.     Answer Key

              P = positive                          N = negative

Books: dull read (N), gripping novel (P), dramatic twist (P), [thrilling plot (P)]

Films: fast-paced film (P), thrilling plot (P), poor acting (N),

[dramatic twist (P)]

CDs: catchy tune (P), rich sound (P), weak lyrics (N)


Part 1

Suggested Answer Key

Films:  ñ Green Card  ñ Meet the Parents

Books:  ñ Lord Jim  ñ The Pearl

CDs:  ñ Chicago  ñ Giants of Jazz

Green Card is about a Frenchman who marries an American woman he doesn’t know, in order to be a legal resident in the USA. The woman marries him because she needs a husband, in order to be able to rent an apartment with a roof garden. Meet the Parents is a comedy about a young man meeting the parents of the girl he loves and wants to marry.

Lord Jim, by Joseph Conrad, is the story of an English boy who becomes a sailor when he is very young.

The Pearl, by John Steinbeck, tells the story of a Mexican pearl fisherman and his family. They are very poor, but one day he finds a large pearl. This changes their lives for ever.

Chicago is the CD of the music from the film of the same name. Giants of Jazz has old jazz favourites by Louis Armstrong and Billie Holiday.

For those of you who like romantic comedy, Green Card is a must! Meet the Parents is a silly film and not very believable. Wait until it comes out on video.

I wouldn’t recommend Lord Jim because it is slow-moving and a bore to read.

The Pearl seems to be a simple story, but in fact there is a lot more to it than first meets the eye. Give it a chance.

The music from Chicago is fantastic. I definitely recommend

that you add this CD to your collection! Giants of Jazz is a must for all jazz lovers!







imagePractice Test Paper 1 – Reading

   1    H



D                5     A





   2    F

Part 2



I                  6    E





   8    B



A              12     C





   9    C

Part 3



C               13     A





15     A

Part 4



    17    H        18     D





21     A



28             A   } in any order

29             C





22     B

23          C   } in any order          30            C   } in any order

24          D     31            D

25          A     32            B   } in any order

26          B     33            D

27          C




Paper 2 – Writing Part 1

1      Formal letter

Language: Polite, formal style throughout. Information given in task should be rephrased. Formal greeting and ending (Dear Mr Murphy, ... Yours sincerely,).

Workbook – Practice Test


ñ Introduction: Reference to advertisement, expression of interest, reason for writing (to ask information).

ñ Main body: (1 or 2 paragraphs) – (Indirect) questions as directed in rubric about:

                   requirements - hours, dates, languages, experience

                   what is offered - salary, foreign travel ñ Conclusion: Reference to future contact, closing remarks

Part 2

2      Article

Language: Semi-formal, lively, personal style, range of descriptive vocabulary.


        ñ    Eye-catching title

ñ Introduction: Interesting opening remarks, identify favourite holiday resort.

        ñ Main body: (1 or 2 paragraphs)  Attractions of holiday resort

(e.g. location, natural beauty, facilities, nightlife, etc.)

ñ    Conclusion:               Closing    remarks   e.g.          summarise              points, recommend visiting the resort.

3      Story

Language: Narrative style, past tenses, range of descriptive vocabulary, time words/phrases, could include some direct speech.

Content: ñ       Catchy title

imageñ    Introduction: Must begin with sentence given in rubric, set scene.

ñ Main body: (1 or 2 paragraphs) Chronological account of events and reactions leading up to climax event.

        ñ Conclusion: Reactions/feelings/final comments.

4      Informal Letter

Language: Informal style (e.g. short  forms, colloquial language, phrasal verbs etc). Informal greeting and ending (Dear Penny, ........

Best wishes/Love/Yours, Bill).


ñ Introduction: Opening remarks, reference to penfriend’s letter, reason for writing.

ñ Main body: (1 or 2 paragraphs) Descriptive details about new house and new school including feelings about them.

ñ    Conclusion: Closing remarks (e.g. reference to future events/ letter/contact)

Part 1


Paper 3 – Use of English



   1    A



    7     D              10




   2    C



    8    A              11




   3    B

Part 2



    9     D              12




16     which







17     even







18    with







19     that







20    time

Part 3







31     ... hadn’t/had not seen Janet for ...

32     ... sold me his old ...

33     ... to have my costume made ...


Workbook – Practice Test

34     ... aren’t/are not allowed to talk ...

35     ... Jonathan nor Lynne speak(s) ...

36     ... whose father is a ...

37     ... the housework be done ...

38     ... has difficulty in understanding ...

39     ... advised me to take ...

40     ... him if he knew ...

Part 4

41     of           44

!               47    even       50


    53     such

42     a             45

so             48    the         51


    54    must

43 !                 46

Part 5

being          49 !              52


    55    have

56    postal

            60    monthly



57    selection

            61    preference



58    directly

            62    delivery



59    unlimited

Part 1

63           packaging Paper 4 – Listening



   1    B

3    C






   2    B

Part 2

4    B






   9  engineering factory




test run

10    steam train




tragic accident

11    a driver




two/2 (round) trips

12    fifteen / 15





13  (Monday) September 15(th)

Part 3





19     A          20    C            21

Part 4




D             23    F

24     H          26    H            28





25     K           27    S             29





Paper 5 – Speaking

Part 1

ñ details of local facilities (sports/entertainment/educational) for young people

ñ reference to size and brief description of family (members, their ages, occupations)

                ñ  brief description of activities enjoyed with family (e.g. eating,

imagediscussing, excursions etc)

Part 2

               a.  (Student A - 1 minute)

       name activities (rafting/mountain climbing)

       mention similarities between pictures (both outdoor activities, extreme sports, element of danger/risk/excitement, physically strenuous, need for care, protective clothing, etc)

       mention differences between pictures (water/mountain, fast/slow, group/alone, equipment: boat+oars/rope+special boots etc)

       describe probable feelings (e.g excited, frightened, exhausted, determined etc)


b.      (Student B - approx. 20 seconds)

Answer yes or no with brief reasons

c.       (Student B - 1 minute) – name forms of transport (train/bus)

       mention similarities between pictures ( both getting off, businesspeople, smart clothes)

       mention differences between pictures (man/women, grey hair/brown hair, carrying briefcase and raincoat/looking at watch, on station platform/on pavement outside)

       express preference for train or bus and give reasons (e.g. faster, more comfortable, can walk around, no traffic jams)

d.      (Student A - approx. 20 seconds)

Describe usual way of travelling to work/school (e.g. by bus, by metro, by car, on foot, by bicycle and expand with relevant details)

Part 3

(Students A and B - 3 minutes)

      Discuss usefulness of all items pictured

e.g. alarm clock – to wake up to catch buses/boats, join morning tours

travel diary – to note down experiences and impressions, to remember later plugs and adaptors – to use electrical equipment e.g. mobile phone charger, hairdryer, electric shaver; adaptors needed if sockets different from at home tickets – essential for travelling by plane/train/boat sunglasses – to protect eyes if sunny, especially in summer suitcase – to carry clothes and other personal items passport – essential for travelling to another country

      Suggest two more useful items and explain usefulness

e.g. sunhat – to avoid sunstroke in summer

camera – to take pictures of people and sights

Part 4

(Answers should be extended with reasons, details etc)


say which country and give reasons (e.g. because you know the language, have read about it, seen pictures, a friend went there, a friend lives there etc)


describe plans needed before holiday ( e.g. decide where to go, how to travel, exact route,  where to stay, how long to spend there, what sights to see etc)


express agreement or disagreement with reasons and explain what can be learnt (e.g. learn about other cultures, how other people live and think, learn about geography and history of country, learn the language, learn about yourself) or why we don’t learn (e.g. just relaxing, on holiday)


Answer yes or no with reasons (e.g. to understand signs, communicate, shop, order food, make a good impression etc; may not be necessary – an international language like English may be enough for basics)


Describe places tourists go and their attractions


Express agreement or disagreement with reasons (e.g. problems created by tourism such as overcrowding in small places, corruption of local culture by foreign culture, environmental problems of over-development, litter and noise, rise in prices etc)


[1]                                                                                                                              B   } in any order  7                 C   } in any order

                                                                                                                                             4    C                                          8     D

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