Перевірка навичок читання з теми “ Traditions and Customs”

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Перевірка навичок читання з теми “ Traditions and Customs”

  Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs.

  It’s very important to know traditions and customs of different people. It’ll help you to know more about the history and life of different nations and countries.

  One cannot speak about England without speaking about its traditions and customs. They are very important in the life of English people. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep of them up.

   Now we are going to tell you more about English Holidays.

   As you remember all English people celebrate Christmas or  X-mas on the 25th of  December. It’s the greatest holidays of all in England. They give each other presents and send Christmas cards. Children  find X-mas presents in the stockings. The traditional English dinner on Christmas is turkey and pudding.   On that day in Trafalgar Square there is a Christmas tree, which is over fifty feet high. It is a present from the people of Oslo. They send  it to Londoners every year. There are big bright stars, shining balls of different colours all over the tree. Children and grown-ups like to stand and look at the Christmas tree because the is so big and beautiful!

  Not all English people celebrate the New Year. Some have a New Year party.

The party usually begins at about eight o’clock in the evening. At twelve o’clock they have a toast to the New Year. Then the party goes on till early morning.

   A lot of people go to Trafalgar Square to see the Christmas tree. Another way of celebrating the New Year is to go to a New Year’s dance.

  Some people stay at home and watch the celebration of the New Year on television.

  1. True or false statements.

   1.It is important to know traditions and customs of different people.

   2.Englishmen don’t keep their traditions.

   3.All English people celebrate Christmas on the 24th of  December.

   4.Children find X-mas presents in their boots.

   5.The traditional English dinner on Christmas is pumcin pie

   6.Christmas tree is over fifty feet high.

   7.It is a present from the people of Paris.

   8.All English people celebrate the New Year.

   9.All English people have a New Year party.

   10.A lot of people go to Trafalgar Square.

2.Choose the correct answer.

 1.Englishmen are proud of their

 a/ writers

 b /cities

c/ traditions

 2.English people celebrate Christmas on

a/ the 24th of  December

b/ the 25th of December

c/ the 26th of December

3.They send

a / Christmas decorations

b / Christmas cards

c / Christmas stockings

4.The traditional English dinner on Christmas is

a / turkey and pudding

b / apple pie

c / meat or fish

5.There is a Christmas tree ,which is over

a / forty feet high

b / fifty feet high

c / sixty feet high

6.It is a present from the people of

a / New York

b / Oslo

c / Paris

7.There are

a / bright stars, shining ball

b / Christmas stockings

c / balloons all over the tree.

   There is an interesting New Year tradition in the North of England and Scotland. It’s an old custom of First-Footing. In Great Britain the first visitor who comes into a house on New Year’s morning is called the First Foot.This visitor is very, very  important. The English people believe that the First Foot brings luck to the family for the following twelve months.

   The First Foot comes very early, and the sooner he comes, the better. He brings some symbolic presents of food (usually a piece of bread),a piece of coal, a coin. That means that the family will have good luck, will be happy and rich in the coming year. The First Foot also brings an evergreen branch as a promise of continuing life.

   No one should go outside, nothing must be taken out of the house before the First Foot has come and brought his presents.

   As the First Foot is a luck-bringer, he must be received with hospitality and treated to tasty things.

   To be a true luck-bringer ,the First Foot must be healthy , young and good looking. He must have black hair or fair hair, but not red hair.

   In England the First Foot must be a man ( or a boy ), not a woman.

1.True or false statements :

1.The first visitor is called Santa

2.The first  visitor comes in the evening.

3.This visitor is very important .

4.He brings money.

6.He also brings  an evergreen branch

7.The First Foot must be an old man

8.He must be received with hospitality .  

2.Answer the questions :

1.      What interesting New Year traditions is there in The North of England and  Scotland ?

2.How do they call  the first visitor ?

3.When does he come ?

4.Is the First Foot an old man ?

5.What does he bring ? Why ? 

6.How do people meet him ?


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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
13 грудня 2019
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