Перевірочна контрольна робота

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  1. Put the words in order:


  1.     English, fluently, I, to, speak, wont
  2.     football, don’t, much, I, like, very
  3.     English, that, did, book, you, buy?
  4.     work, usually, at, finish, I, 5 o’clock
  5.     am, for late, never, university, I
  6.     Ann, very well, doesn’t, French, speak
  7.     Evening, in the, they, at home, usually, are
  8.     often, at 7 o’clock, dinner, have, we 


  1. Write a, the or no article to complete these sentences.


  1.     She’s ______ journalist.
  2.     ________ moon moves slowly round ______ earth.
  3.     ________ sun is shining.
  4.     I’d like _______ cup of coffee, please.
  5.     Have you got _______ double room?
  6.     I bought _______ pen and some paper, but I left ______ pen in the shop.
  7.     He gave me a lighter and some cigarettes but ______ lighter didn’t work.
  8.     Yes, I work at this school. I’m ______ teacher.
  9.     Did you see ________ Pope when he came to England?
  10.   Did you send me ________ postcard when you were in Greece?


  1. Fill in is or are

1. Maths _______ my poorest subject.

2. Geese ________ noisy creatures.

3. My luggage ________ already in the taxi.

4. I’m afraid the news _______ bad.

5. The news I’ve received ______ good.

6. This pair of scissors ________ not sharp.

7. Many people ________ interested in computers.

8. Snooker ________ my favourite game.

9. Riches _______ sought after by all.

10. Money _______not as important as love.

11. His trainers________ worn out.

12. The police_________ coming now.

13. Eating fish________ very healthy.

14. The number of mobile phones _________increasing.

15. Our furniture __________ getting old.




  1. Write the nationalities.

1. the USA

                      2. the UK

3. Mexico

4. Ukraine

5. China

V. Put Verbs in right form

1. Egyptians speak / spoke Arabic.

2. Egyptian camels have / had one hump.

3. Lord Carnarvon opens / opened Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922.

4. There are / were two deserts in Egypt.

5. My family and I go / went on a trip to the UK last month.

6. The children see / saw a lot of animals at the zoo yesterday.



VI.Read the questions and answer about yourself.

Sure! Great idea! Sorry, I can’t.

  1. Would you like to go to the clothes shop? We can buy clothes.



  1. Would you like to go to the amusement park? We can go on a ride.



  1. Would you like to go to the stadium? We can watch a game.




VII.Read and circle a or b.



1. Football is the sport in the school.

a. more popular b. most popular


2. This test is than last month’s test.

 a. easier b. the easiest


3. Tom is football player at school.

a. better b. the best


 4. Summer is than spring.

a. hotter b. the hottest


 5. Helga is singer in the class.

 a. worse b. the worst


 6. The gorilla is than the monkey.

 a. bigger b. the biggest


7. The mosquito is than the rhino.

a. smaller b. the smallest


 8. Simon is Jim.

a. older than b. the oldes


До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 жовтня 2023
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