Перевірочна контрольна робота з іноземної мови

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Перевірочна контрольна робота з іноземної мови

1) Translate the word “reliable”

a) балакучий   b) терплячий    c) надійний   d) відповідальний


2) What tense is the sentence “Jane has already done her homework.” writen in?

a) Present Perfect    b) Past Simple   c) Present Perfect Continuous   d) Present Simple 


3) Translate the word “to stew”

a) куштувати   b) смажити     c) тушкувати   d) варити


4) What tense is the sentence “I will visit her next week.” written in?

a) Present Perfect    b) Past Simple   c) Present Continuous   d) Future Simple


5) What does the word “a data” mean?

a) доступ   b) дані, інформація   c) оновлення, модернізація  d) пристрій, прилад


6) Choose the correct variant.

Every Friday, our teacher ______ us a test to see how much we have learnt.

a) give  b) gave          c) is giving        d) gives


7) What is a natural disaster?

a) It is a natural hazard.          b) It is a weather event.

c) It is the effect of a natural hazard.       d) It is a natural catastrophe.


8)    .. you ... swimming?

a) Does you like     b) Are you like      c) Do you like    d) Does you likeing

9) What tense is the sentence “My daughter Mary doesn’t like apples, but she likes oranges. ” written in?

a) Present Perfect     b) Present Simple    c) Present Continuous    d) Past Simple


10) What natural disasters are becoming more frequent in Ukraine?

a) floods and storms       b) floods and earthquakes

 c) tsunamis and floods         d)  heavy showers


11) Linda and I … for a company, which … cars.

a) works, produces     b) working, producing     c) work, produce     d) work, produces


2) What does the word “a disaster” mean?

a) повторюваність    b) лихо     c) небезпека    d) загроза


13) What tense is the sentence “Their parents are working in the garden at the moment. ” written in?

a) Past Simple      b) Present Simple     c) Present Continuous    d) Present Perfect


14) The exams at school … in June.

a) start             b) starts      c) have       d) has


15) What does the word “to update” mean?

a) мати доступ    b) забезпечувати    c) об’єднувати    d) оновлювати


16) What adverbial expressions do we often use with Present Simple?

a) usually    b) tomorrow      c) always    d) yesterday    e) sometimes


17) What adverbial expressions do we often use with Present Perfect?

a) yesterday      b) at the moment       c) just        d) yet         e) already


18) What adverbial expressions do we often use with Past Simple?

a) yesterday     b) …ago      c) last week/month/year    d) now   e) every day


19) Match the words (1-5) with their definitions (a-e).

1) the Internet         a) moving from one document or website to another, to find


2) the Web              b) copying information from a website to your own computer    

3) a website            c) a network of computers all over the world, joined by phone    

                                    lines, satellite or cable  

4) surfing the net    d) a system linking millions of documents stored on the Internet

                                    computers around the world

5) downloading      e) the place on the Internet where a company/ organisation/etc.

                                    stores its documents


20) Match the words (1-5) with their definitions (a-e).

1) a disaster            a) лихо

2) to respond          b) відбуватися, траплятися

3) to damage           c)  відповідати, реагувати

4)  a frequency       d) повторюваність, частота

5)  to occur             e) пошкодити, завдавати збитків





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