Підсумкова діагностична робота 6 клас англійська мова ( Джоанна Коста...)

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Підсумкова діагностична робота для 6 класу з англійської мови за підручником Джоанна Коста.
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Підсумкова  контрольна робота  6 клас

Англійська мова

I. Complete the sentences with the past simple and the past continuous 1. The boy ___________( eat) an ice cream when the monkey__________(steal) it.

2.   The cats ______________(sleep) outside when the rain _____________(start).

3.   While the girl _____________(read) a book, her phone ______________(ring).

II.Complete the questions with the going to future form of the verbs in brackets

1.     What____________you and your friends______________(watch) on TV after school today?

2.     What ____________you____________________(wear) tomorrow?

3.     _____________your mum_______________(work) next Saturday?

III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

 Get on, get off, look after, pick up, turn on, turn off

1.   I was late for school this morning because I __________ the wrong bus.

2.   The football match starts in a few minutes. Please can you _________ the TV?

3.   It was starting to rain when I _________ the bus, so I opened my umbrella.

4.   I ________ my mum when she was ill. I made her meals and drinks.

5.   I can only do my homework when it is quite. Please can you ______ the radio?

6.   At the weekends, I ________ rubbish at our local park.

ІV.Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1.My sister`s got______________________(long) hair in my school

2.Cristiano Ronaldo is one of _____________________(famous) football players in the world.

3.You can eat _____________________(good) burgers in my town in Ray`s Burger Bar.

V. Write the adverb form of the adjectives.


