Підсумкова контрольна робота до підручника Focus 1

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Підсумкова контрольна робота до підручника Focus 1 містить 4 види контролю на кінець року аудіо до Аудіювання - за запитом
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1 [Track 18] You will hear a conversation between two people, Josh and Carole. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?




T / F


Josh doesn’t work at the restaurant anymore.



There are only two waiters working at the restaurant.



The customers don’t often leave money for the waiters.



The restaurant manager helps everyone in the restaurant.









2 [Track 19] Listen to these six recordings. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.


1  What are the two boys doing?

A   playing a cricket match

B   watching a cricket match

C   practising cricket to try to get into the school  team

2  The protest will start in about

A  a week.

B   two weeks.

C   a month.

3  The girl is feeling

A   bored.

B   ill.

C   excited.

4  Because of illness, Tom has got a different

A   finishing time than usual.

B   teacher than usual.

C  lesson than usual.

5  The speaker has just

A   left hospital after an illness.

B   found out what is wrong with him.

C   heard that he is going to go to hospital.

6  Lee’s girlfriend, Anna,

A   has to stay at home.

B   is waiting for someone.

C  is probably shopping.








Use of English

3 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

Let me tell you about my friend, Jane. She's (1)     person I know. She always does her homework on time and she's never late (2)     lessons. Her teachers are happy with her, because she always (3)     good marks.

She's my friend because she's positive and (4)     – she cares a lot about other people and their feelings. And I think it's important to be nice to (5)     people!

Jane's worried about the environment too. She often does (6)     work for Green Fields, a local charity organisation. At the moment, they (7)     a campaign to stop illegal hunting in Africa.

Next summer, (8)     to go on holiday together. We want to go to a small farm in France and learn something about animals. We're going to go (9)     train. It's going to be a long journey but planes are bad for the environment and (10)     a lot of CO2.


1  A responsible 

 B more responsible

    C the most responsible

2  A for B with C in 

3  A earns   B gets   C passes

4  A kind   B confident   C sociable

5  A every B other C much

6  A voluntary  B helping C holiday

7  A organise 

 B have organised   

    C are organising

8  A we will B we have C we are going

9  A on B by  C to

10  A produce B protect   C turn off



4 Read the dialogues and decide which answer (A, B or C best fits each gap.

1  A: Why don't you     this sweater?

    B:  But it's my favourite!

    A: I know, but it's very old too.

 A pay for B get off C throw away

2  A:     that new Italian restaurant yet?

    B:  Yes, we had lunch there on Friday.

 A Have you been to  

 B Did you go to 

 C Do you like

3  A: I'll do the washing-up in the evening, OK?

    B:  That's fine. You     do the dishes now.

 A won't B mustn't C don't have to

4  A: I really     rap music.

    B: I don’t like it much either.

 A  can’t like B can’t stand         C can’t listen

5  A: Their new guitarist isn't any better than their  old one.

    B:     ! They're both really bad.

 A Exactly B Here you are C I disagree




5 Write the correct word for each definition. The first letters are given.


1  An item of clothing people often wear around their necks in winter. 
s _ _ _ _

2  A place to eat in a workplace or school. 
c _ _ _ _ _ _

3  The money that people make from their job.
s _ _ _ _ _

4  Bags that people take with them on holiday.
l _ _ _ _ _ _

5  A piece of land surrounded by water.
i _ _ _ _ _










6 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

There are many famous long distance train journeys. The Orient Express from Paris to Istanbul was the most elegant and perhaps the saddest as it slowly got shorter Paris to Vienna from 1977, Strasbourg to Vienna from 2007 and, from 2009, nothing at all. However, my personal favourite is the Coast Starlight.

I took this train in 2013 when I was on holiday in the USA for two months, my first ever visit to the country. It travels a total of over 2,200 km in almost 35 hours from Los Angeles in southern California to Seattle in the far north-west of the USA, almost on the Canadian border. There are several reasons why I loved it.

Firstly, there is the usual high standard of American service. I’m sure all their night trains are as good, although I haven’t travelled on any others. The ticket includes meals and they are excellent too. Between meals, you can leave the dining car and go to the viewing car. This is higher than the rest of the train with bigger windows, so you get a great view of the beautiful landscapes of the western USA.

The train left Los Angeles at 10 a.m. and, for the first twelve hours, it followed the coast. I looked at the Pacific Ocean until night fell. I missed the fruit farms of northern California but, when I woke up, we were coming to Tacoma with the 4,392 metre high volcano, Mount Rainier towering over the city. I jumped out onto the platform to take some photos but jumped back on quickly. I didn’t want to be left behind by mistake.

Now, we were next to the Puget Sound, a 161 km long, 16 km wide area of water where several rivers meet the Pacific Ocean. There were forests, islands, boats, birds and, for a few minutes, a group of whales swimming in the icy water.

The train arrived exactly on time at 8.37 p.m. and, as I got off, I turned round to look at the train. I wanted to jump back on for the return journey to Los Angeles. One day I will.






7. Write an answer to ONE of the questions.

1 You are on a family holiday in a beautiful place. Write an email to a friend from the UK.

In your email:

  1.       describe the place where you are spending your holiday and give your opinion about it
  2.       explain how you travelled there and how long the journey lasted
  3.       describe how the weather has been
  4.       tell your friend about your plans for the next few days.


















































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