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Підсумкові контрольні роботи з письма, аудіювання та читання проводяться для перевірки рівня сформованості основних мовленнєвих компетенцій учнів 5 класу загальноосвітніх шкіл наприкінці ІІ семестру

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ПІДСУМКОВІ  КОНТРОЛЬНІ РОБОТИ З АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ МОВИ Writing comprehensive 5 form (II semester)


I. Translate into Ukrainian

1. a foggy weather; 

  2. to eat traditional British food; 

3. the highest peak;

4. a favourite holiday;

 5. to learn English words; 

 6. to recite a poem.

II. Match the parts of sentences:

1. My favourite lesson                                            a) in a nice village.

2. We celebrate Christmas                                      b) an independent country.

3. Ukraine is                                                            c) on the seventh of January.

4. My granny lives                                                  d) is History.

5. The weather is                                                     e) went to the circus.

6. Last Sunday they                                                f) hot and sunny.

III. Choose the correct words:

  1. Kyiv ( has, is, are) a large city.
  2. She (has, have, had) already been to the theatre .
  3. Last year Tom (go, went, goes) to the Black Sea.
  4. She often (read, reads, reading) interesting books.
  5. We (have, had, will have) Geography next year.
  6. Olha (is, are, am) doing her homework now.

IV. Write a composition “My favourite season” or “My native village”



Listening  comprehensive 5 form (II semester)



I love Halloween. It’s on the 31st of October and this night witches fly through the air on their broomsticks. We always have a party.

My little brother, Michael, makes a funny face in a pumpkin. When it is dark, we put a candle inside the pumpkin. We always wear a fancy dress at our Halloween party. I love wearing my witch costume. I wear my mother’s long black dress and a tall pointed hat. I also have a broomstick. Michael usually wears a big white sheet and becomes a ghost. He runs around the house and shouts, “Ooooooooh!”

The party starts at seven o’clock. My friends all come in a fancy dresses. This year we’ve got five witches, three ghosts and one vampire! We play Halloween games. For example, we try to eat the apples which are in a big bowl of water, and we can’t touch them with our hands. It’s very difficult! And of course we have lots of sausages and crisps to eat.



Task 1. Listen to the text and decide, which of the sentences are true (+)  or false (_-)  

  1. We celebrate Halloween on the 31st of October.
  2. We put on costumes for a Halloween party.
  3. My brother Michael wears a witch costume.
  4. The party starts at half past seven in the evening.
  5. On Halloween witches use their broomsticks to fly in the air.
  6. All my friends come to the party without fancy dresses.
  7. We enjoy Halloween games at the party.
  8. It is hard to eat an apple which is in a bowl.
  9.  This year we have got 3 witches.
  10.  My father makes a funny face in a pumpkin.
  11.  We use a pumpkin to make a lantern.

Task 2. Listen to the text and choose the correct variant.

  1. A holiday that we celebrate on the 31st of October.
  1. Halloween; b) New Year; c) Christmas.
  1. Michael makes it in a pumpkin.
  1. a funny face; b) a funny dress; c) a funny nose.
  1. A woman who flies on a broomstick.
  1. a ghost; b) a witch; c) a snowman.
  1. A fruit which we use to play games on Halloween.
  1. a lemon; b) a banana; c) an apple.
  1. We put it inside the pumpkin on Halloween.
  1. a candle; b) a spoon; c) a fork.
  1. A witch wears it on the head.
  1. a pointed hat; b) a long cap; c) a scarf.
  1. We put apples there to play a game.
  1. a box; b) a bag; c) a bowl.
  1. The season when people celebrate Halloween.
  1. winter; b) summer; c) autumn.
  1. A big round yellow vegetable used as a lantern.
  1. a pumpkin; b) a water-melon; c) a banana.
  1. Time of the day when witches fly in the air.
  1. night; b) afternoon; c) morning.


Reading  comprehensive 5 form (II semester)



Text 1


The donkey and his tricks

One day a farmer and his donkey went to town. The donkey carried two bags of salt. Soon they came to a small river. There was a bridge across the river. The donkey stepped on the bridge but stumbled and fell into the river. He came out very happy: there was no salt in his bags. Do you know why?

Some days passed. The farmer loaded the donkey with two bags of salt and they again went to town. When the donkey was in the middle of the bridge, he didn’t stumble but he jumped into the river. He was very happy again: there was no salt in his bags.

Next day the farmer loaded the donkey with sponges. He wanted to see Mr. Donkey’s tricks. They went to town again. When they were in the middle of the bridge, the donkey jumped into the water. But this time he was not happy. The bags were very heavy.

Task 1. Complete the sentences.

  1. The donkey carried..
  1. a bag of sugar; b) two bags of salt; c) two bags of sponges.
  1. The donkey stumbled and..
  1. hurt his leg; b) crossed the bridge; c) fell into the river.
  1. The donkey came out very happy because…
  1. there was no salt in the bags; b) it was not hot now; c) it was very clean now.
  1. The donkey fell into the river because he wanted…
  1. his bags to become light; b) to wash ; c) to bathe it was very hot.
  1. The farmer loaded the donkey with sponges because…
  1. he wanted to sell sponges at the market; b) he wanted to see the donkey’s tricks; c) he was sorry for his poor donkey.
  1. The donkey was not happy at the end because…
  1. he hurt his leg; b) the bags were very heavy; c) the farmer cried at him.


     Task 2. Match

  1. across the river                       a) побачити вибрики віслюка;
  2. to step on the bridge               b) упасти в річку;
  3. to stumble                              c) навантажити віслюка;
  4. to fall into the river                d) спіткнутися;
  5. to load the donkey with          e) через річку;
  6. to see the donkey’s tricks        f) ступити на міст.


Text 2.   British meal

A traditional English breakfast is very big meal. People eat sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms… But today many people just have only cereal with milk and sugar, or toast with marmalade, jam or honey. Marmalade and jam are different things. Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. The traditional breakfast drink is tea. Many people have it with cold milk.

  For many people lunch is a quick meal. For lunch workers usually go to sandwich bars. Schoolchildren can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a snack from home. The evening meal is the main meal of the day for many people. They usually have it quite early, between 18:00 and 20:00, and often the whole family eats together.

  The British like food from other countries too, especially Italian, French, Chinese and Indian. People often get take-away meals – you buy the food at the restaurant and then bring it home to eat.

Mark + if the statement is true, - if it is false.

  1. Some people in Britain don’t eat traditional breakfast.
  2. Jam is made from oranges.
  3. Traditional breakfast drink is cold milk.
  4. Many schoolchildren have lunch at school.
  5. In the evening families go to sandwich bars.
  6. Take – away food is food you buy in a restaurant and eat at home.


Text 3.   Rex and the picture

Nick likes to draw. He draws well. He can draw trees, flowers, buses, cars, dogs and cats.

 Every day after school Nick sits down at his table and begins to draw.

 One day the door opens and a big dog comes into the room. The dog’s name is Rex. Rex and Nick are good friends.

  Rex comes up to Nick and sees the picture. He looks at the picture  and sees a big cat. Rex does not like cats. So he begins to bark. Nick looks at the picture, then he looks at the dog and begins to laugh. “It is not a cat, Rex, “ he says. “It is only the picture of a cat”


Answer the questions

  1. What does Nick like to do?
  2. What can he draw?
  3. Who is Nick’s friend?
  4. Why does Rex begin to bark when he comes into Nick’s room?



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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
18 квітня 2018
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