Розгорнутий план-конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему «Шкільні предмети» за підручником Prepare.
Розробила вчитель І категорії Демків Галина Юріївна
Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нових знань
Вікова категорія: 5 клас
Мета: вивчити нові ЛО, вдосконалювати навички сприймати на слух, практикувати вимову.
Формувати в учнів навички діалогічного мовлення, практикувати учнів у письмі та навчити працювати у групах.
Обладнання: флеш-карти “School subjects”, інтерактивна дошка, диск для аудіювання, відеокліпи, міні-літери англійського алфавіту.
1. Grеeting аnd aіm:
Tеacher: Goоd mоrning, pupіls! І аm glаd tо sеe yоu! How are you today?
Tеacher: Our tаsks fоr tоday аre:
plаy thе gаme tо prаctice thе wоrds,
fіnd thе wоrds
spelling and pronunciation
practice to write them correctly
work in groups
Sо lеt’s stаrt оur lеsson. Answer my questions please:
- How many lessons a day do you have?
- Do you have lessons on Saturdays?
- Do you like to go to school?
Teacher: Our topic for today is “School subjects”.
III. Main part
1.Presenting Vocabulary (знайомство з новою лексикою) https://youtube.com/watch?v=7K_wn_58gh4&feature=shared
(учні дивляться презентацію, слухають та повторюють)
2.Teacher: lets play a memory game! (game with flashcards “What is missing?”)
How many school subjects can you see on the board? Repeat after me!
OK. Now close your eyes! Open your eyes! What is missing?
Teacher: please, open your books at p.50,ex.1, you have to match the school subjects to the objects.
4. Teacher: now you have to watch the video. I will stop and you have to repeat!
So, can you tell me:
- What subjects are easy for you?
- What subjects are fun for you?
- What subjects are interesting for you?
- What subjects are difficult for you?
Teacher: you have to make up as many subjects as you can.
Teacher: Well! Now we practice our vocabulary and listen to the dialogue of two pupils. Your task is to say what school subjects were mentioned in it.
Play and act the dialogue:
- What is your favourite subject?
- Do you do Maths on Monday?
- When do you have English?
- How many times a week do you have English?
- Do you like the lesson?
- What was our lesson about?
- What new words have you learnt today?
Now, I would like to say a few words in conclusion. I’m glad that you know a lot about school subjects today. You have worked hard today, and of course, you will get good marks. The lesson is over! Enjoy the rest of your day! Goodbye!