План-конспект уроку англійської мови "Zoo"

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План-конспект уроку англійської мови "At the Zoo" для учнів 2 класу (Нова українська школа)
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 Topic: Zoo

 Age: 6-7


  • To learn about some of the animals
  • To practise talking about animals (big, small, long, colours, it's got/it hasn't got, it can/can't, etc.)
  • To give learners an opportunity to create their own creature and present it to their classmates
  • To provide listening practice with a song


  In this lesson learners learn about life of the animals. They are introduced to different animals through flashcard games, then they complete a worksheet to invent their own creatures, which they present to their classmates. At the end of the lesson they listen to a fun song.


 Outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able to tell about animals and what they can do using the structure “I can…”

1. Warmer (3–5 mins)

• Start by asking learners to guess these three animals as you describe them:

1. It’s small. It’s grey. It has got legs and wings. It can fly. (a bird)

2. It’s big. It’s brown. It’s got four legs. It can climb the tree. (a bear)

3. It’s not big. It likes fish and milk. It’s got four legs. It can live in the house. (a cat)

 • Ask, Where do these animals live? Write forest on the board and ask learners to tell you the names of any animals they know that live in the forest.


2. Vocabulary and grammar (It can…) (10 mins)

• Stick the flashcards around the room. Give learners the word flashcards and sticky tack. In pairs, they stick the word flashcards next to the pictures.

 • Describe the animals in the flashcards for learners to guess, using gestures to help them understand:

 1. This animal is very, very big. It’s grey. It’s got a big head and a trunk. (an elephant)

 2. This animal is very clever. It lives in the yard or in the house. It can bark. Children like to play with it. (a dog)

 3. This animal lives in the forest. It’s got four legs and very nice tail. People hunt them for their tails. It likes meat. (a fox)

  • Practise the structure It can… (Ask what  these animals can do)

3. Generating interest in main activity (5–8 mins)

• Present the worksheet activity by writing these words on the board (or choose your own combinations): white cat without tail, red fox with two legs, green crocodile with big ears.

 • Ask learners to imagine what these creatures might look like and, following their instructions, draw the pictures on the board.

4. Inventing a sea creature (30 mins)

• Give a worksheet to each learner, going through the instructions as a class.

• Give learners time to invent their sea creature by combining parts of words on the flashcards. If you wish, they could use other combinations– or some learners may prefer to draw and write about a real  animal).

 • Learners complete the text below their pictures and then colour them. Older learners could label the parts of their creatures.

5. Presentations and song (10–15 mins)

• Once completed, learners present their creatures to their group or, if you have time, they could present them to the class.

• Finish the lesson by listening to the song

Extra activities

• Learners make a larger version of their invented creatures on card. They cut them out and add a description underneath. Stick the creatures on a wall or window to make a ‘Zoo’ display.

• Play the online word games.




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Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
28 лютого 2024
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