План-конспект уроку для 6 класу "Традиційна українська кухня"

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План – конспект уроку англійської мови 6 клас


Тема: “The Traditional Ukrainian Cuisine” 

            (“Традиційна українська кухня”)


Мета уроку:


  • актуалізувати лексику за темою;
  • практикувати учнів у вживанні тематичної лексики;
  • розвивати навички аудіювання;


  • поглибити знання про традиції харчування в Україні.


  • розвивати комунікативну компетенцію, включаючи вміння взаємодіяти з оточуючими;
  • розвивати мовну здогадку, уяву, пам’ять, увагу, творчість;
  • розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення.


  • виховувати повагу до надбань національної української кухні,
  • виховувати естетичний смак;

Обладнання: екран, ноутбук, проектор, слайд шоу “Ukrainian Food”, роздатковий матеріал (Lexical cards), тематичні картинки, підручник для 6 класу А.М.Несвіт. – Київ: Генеза, 2014.


   Хід уроку

І. Початок уроку

  1. Організаційний момент.

Привітання. (Greeting)

T: Good morning, everybody! How are you today? Are you in a good mood? Hope, you are OK and you are not very hungry because our topic today is very tasty. Let’s start our lesson.

Бесіда з черговим.

T: Who is on duty today?  P: I am on duty today.

T: Who is absent today?  P: (names of the absent pupils) are absent today.

T: What day is it today?  P: Today is Monday.

T: What date is it?  P: Today is the (name the date and the month).

We have got an interesting and unusual lesson today. We have some guests in the classroom.

So, go ahead!

  1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. (Aim)

T: Today we are going to continue our work on the theme “Food”. The topic of today’s lesson is “The Traditional Ukrainian Cuisine”. You should remember that Ukrainian Cuisine is a part of Ukrainian culture and history. We’ll discuss meals and cooking in Ukraine, we’ll speak about the Ukrainian national dishes.

  1. Мовленнєва розминка (Warming up)

T: Now I want you to answer my questions about your preferences in food. We’ll also remember some poems and rhymes on the topic “Food”.


  1. What food do you like? (pizza, borshch, pasta, pies, varenyky, etc.)
  2. What do you like to drink? tea or coffee (I prefer to drink tea for breakfast)

 water or juice

  1. What do you prefer? meat or fish
  2. What is junk food? Examples. (Fat food, hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, sweets, fizzy drinks, etc.)
  3. What is healthy food? Examples. (Vegetables, fruit, juices, etc.)
  4. Do you worry about how healthy your food is?
  5. Do you remember any poems about food? What poems and rhymes do know about food? (Pupils recite short poems about food.)

T: Well done!

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

  1. Перевірка домашнього завдання (Check on Homework)

Your home task was to find out some interesting information about your favourite food and drinks. Are you ready? Let’s start.

Розповіді учнів про улюблену їжу та напої.

P1: My favourite dish is VARENYKY. Varenyky are like English dumplings or Italian ravioli. The ingredients to cook varenyky are as follows: flour, salt, oil or water (for dough). The ingredients for the fillings can be: cherries or strawberries with sugar; mashed potatoes; shredded cabbage; mushrooms, minced meat or cottage cheese. The main method

of cooking is to boil in hot water. I love varenyky with cottage cheese and sour cream. The Ukrainians can eat varenyky every day and on special occasions – on Christmas Eve. As for me, I can cook varenyky.

P2: My favourite meal is pizza. Today everyone loves pizza with lots of cheese and different toppings. But have you ever thought about the origin of Pizza and how it became so famous. Let me discover an interesting fact and history about pizza.

Pizza was originally founded by the early Greeks who first baked large, round and flat breads. Eventually the idea of flat bread became famous in Italy where, in the 18th century, the flat breads called Pizzas were sold on the streets and in the markets. At that time Pizza had no toppings and it was enjoyed naturally.

P3: My favourite food is Spaghetti. My mum likes this dish very much. We would eat Spaghetti every day but my father does not like it very much. But when he is gone my mum and I eat Spaghetti as much as we want. Sometimes we don’t eat it with any type of sauce, just put a little bit of butter and parmesan cheese.

P4: I like many dishes but my favourite drink is tea. Tea is the most popular drink in Britain. Tea is an evergreen plant and never loses its leaves. It was discovered 5,000 years ago by a Chinese Emperor. While he was resting under a Camellia tree a leaf fell into his pot of boiling water. Towards the middle of the 17th century, English sailors brought tea to Britain. The British drink about 39 cups of tea a week. Tea is a natural drink.

  1. Аудіювання (Listening Comprehension)

Учні слухають текст і дивляться слайд шоу, потім відповідають на запитання вчителя й виконують завдання на картках.

  1. Let’s watch a slide show “UKRAINIAN CUISINE” and listen to the text at the same time.

The Traditional Ukrainian Cuisine

Ukraine has long been known for its national cuisine. Fruit and vegetables, grown under the hot sun in rich Ukrainian soil, have natural taste of real nature products. Ukrainians like to cook and treat their guests. The foreigners who arrive in Ukraine find the national dishes very delicious. Borshch, various flour products (pampushky, loaves, dumplings, varenyky, cakes, etc.), dishes from meat (sausage, roast pork, game, poultry), from vegetables and dairy products (ryazhenka, syrnyky), drinks from fruit and honey are well known around the world.

We absolutely have to start with borshch! This traditional soup, made with beetroot and up to 20 other ingredients, is a favourite dish in every Ukrainian family. Beetroot, cabbage, potatoes, tomato paste, onions, carrots are a must. Borshch can be cooked with beans, mushrooms, beef, chicken or pork. Borshch is served as the main course with pampushky.

Just like borshch, traditional dumplings or varenyky are popular not only in Ukraine. Varenyky can be made with the cheapest ingredients available. Dough is a simple mix of flour, water and salt. And stuffing can be anything: cherries, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, fried mushrooms and pickled cabbage.

Uzvar is a traditional Ukrainian drink. This drink is actually a compote, made with dried fruit. Most popular ingredients are dried apples, pears and apricots, and honey to sweeten the drink.

A major role in the Ukrainian cuisine belongs to the vegetables. They are used fresh and as a garnish to fatty meat. The most common vegetables are beets, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and pepper.

Salo is one of the most favourite and most used products in Ukraine. It is eaten not only fried, but fresh, salted, boiled or smoked.

Ukrainian menu includes many different natural spices: garlic, onion, parsley, red pepper, black pepper, vinegar, mustard.

  1. Answer the questions:
  • What traditional Ukrainian dishes are mentioned in the text?
  • How do the foreigners who arrive in Ukraine find our national dishes? (very delicious)
  • What Ukrainian words weren’t translated into English?

(Borshch, varenyky, salo, deruny, uzvar, pampushky, ryazhenka, syrnyky)

  • How many ingredients are there in borsch? (20 ingredients)
    1. Now listen again and do the task on your cards.

Match these Ukrainian words with their definitions.


  1. uzvar


A. A mix of flour, water and salt.


  1. borshch


B. Can be mashed potatoes with mushrooms and fried onions, pickled cabbage, minced meat and even cherries.

  1. stuffing


C. A traditional Ukrainian drink.


  1. dough


D. Ukrainian traditional soup


Keys: 1 C; 2 D; 3 B; 4 A.

  1. Подання тексту для читання: “Meals and Cooking in Ukraine”

(Exercise 3, page 70).

  1. Pre-Reading Activity (Етап підготовки до читання)

Бесіда з учнями.

T: Look at the picture on page 70. What dishes can we see? Which of them do you like? Which of them can you cook? Which of them do you eat every day / only at weekends?

  1. Reading (Етап читання)
  2. Post-Reading Activity (Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту)

Exercise 4, page 70 – Agree or disagree.

Exercise 5, page 71 – Make up questions to the following answers.

  1. Фізкультхвилинка (Physical Exercises)

T: Let’s have a little rest and do some exercises and say a verse.

I’m hungry as a bear,

I wish I had a bite somewhere,

We all would have a bite

We have a good appetite.

  1. Розвиток умінь мовлення (Speaking)

Рольова гра. Учні працюють у парах: один з них уявляє себе англійцем, який запитує українця про традиційну українську їжу. Дві-три пари демонструють свої діалоги.

T: A guest from an English-speaking country is visiting you. He/She is interviewing you about the traditional Ukrainian dishes.

Dialogue 1.

Guest: As you know, I’ve come from England and want to know more about Ukrainian food. What is the most popular Ukrainian dish here?

Pupil: I think it is borshch. It includes over 20 different products.

Guest: Which flour products are popular in Ukraine?

Pupil: Pampushky, loaves, dumplings, varenyky, cakes are popular in Ukraine.

Guest: Which dishes from meat do Ukrainians like to eat?

Pupil: They like to eat sausage, roast pork, game, and poultry.

Guest: Do Ukrainian people eat vegetables?

Pupil: Of course, they do. People use them fresh and as a garnish to fatty meat.

Guest: Are there spices in Ukrainian cuisine?

Pupil: Oh, yes! Ukrainian menu includes many different natural spices: garlic, onion, parsley, red pepper, black pepper, vinegar, mustard.

Guest: Thank you very much for your information.

Pupil: My pleasure. I am glad to help you.

Dialogue 2.

Eugene: I say, Michael, do you like Ukrainian food?

Michael: I do. It’s very unusual to me but tasty.

Eugene: Unusual? What surprised you so much, I wonder?

Michael: I believe, you like flour food, like varenyks, pancakes, pies and cakes. I prefer different fruits to such food.

Eugene:  We also like fruit salads and fruit pies. Ukraine is rich in fruit, you know.

Michael: So it is. Ukrainian borsch is to my taste.

Eugene:  I’m glad you like it. It tastes better with sour cream. Do you want to try?

Michael: I’d love to.

Eugene:  Come to my place on Sunday. My grandma is going to cook her famous Ukrainian borsch.

Michael: That sounds good. I’d love to.


  1. Розвиток навичок аудіювання (Listening Comprehension)

T: Listen to the dialogues. After listening you must: Match the dialogues to the places. One dialogue occurs at an expensive restaurant, the other occurs at a fast food restaurant. What words help you to determine the place?

A  Tony: I want a burger and chips. How about you, Mark?
Mark: I don’t fancy a burger.
Tony: Why don’t you have a chicken sandwich, then?
Mark: Yes, there’s a good idea.
Waitress: Hallo. Can I take your order?
Tony: Yes- I’d like a chicken sandwich, a burger and some chips, please.
Waitress: Would you like anything to drink?
Tony: Yes, please. I’d like a Coke. Do you want a Coke, too, Mark?
Mark: Yes, I’d love one.
Waitress: What size Coke would you like?
Tony: Medium, please.
Waitress: Here you are. That’s 5, 75$, please.

B  David: This is a lovely place, Tim.
Tim: I know. What would you like to eat?
David: Well, I’m in the mood for something spicy. What’s on the menu?
Tim: The fish is very good here.
David: Really? I’m not keen on fish.
Tim: What about the spicy chicken, then?
David: That sounds great!
Tim: Yes, I think I’d like that, too.
David: How much does it cost?
Tim: Don’t worry about it. This meal is on me.
David: Can I have a dessert, too?
Tim: Oh! Sure!

  1. Повторення й активізація лексичного матеріалу (Vocabulary Revision and Practice)

T: You have cards on your desks. Here are some common ideas about food. Your next task is to match words with the correct definitions, read them and discuss.


  1. Eating carrots is
  1. getting colds
  1. Fish is good for
  1. live long
  1. Eating cheese at night makes you
  1. good for eyes
  1. Garlic keeps you from
  1. sleeping
  1. Drinking coffee keeps you from
  1. your stomach
  1. Yogurt makes you
  1. dream
  1. An apple a day keeps
  1. the brain
  1. Warm milk helps you
  1. the doctor away
  1. A cup of tea settles
  1. go to sleep


Keys: 1 C; 2 G; 3 F; 4 A; 5 D; 6 B; 7 H; 8 I; 9 E.

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

  1. Домашнє завдання (Homework)

Children, the lesson is coming to the end and now open your daybooks and write down your homework – Exercise 7, page 71 - Tell your classmates what you know about the traditional Ukrainian cuisine.

  1. Підсумки уроку. Оцінювання учнів. (Summarizing)

T: Dear children!

Now let’s sum up our work. Did you enjoy it? What new things have you learned today?

You have worked hard today. Good job!

Some of you worked very well today, but some have to be more attentive and more active.

Your marks are ….

The lesson is over. I wish you good luck. Good-bye!


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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 березня 2018
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