План-конспект уроку"My house. My room."

Про матеріал
Конспект складається з різних вправ, цікавих завдань, покликаних пробудити в учнів інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.На даному уроці учні повторюють та активізують лексику до теми, ознайомлюються з новими ЛО та фразами, повторюють структуру there is , there are, розвивають навички читання та аудіювання.
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Тема:My house.My room.


    закріпити вивчені лексичні одиниці з теми;

    формувати вміння будувати короткий діалог та монолог;

    активізувати вживання граматичних структур: Is there…?, Аre there…?,There is…,There are…,Where is…?,It is…;

    удосконалювати техніку читання вголос;

    повторити назви кімнат та меблів;

    повторити прийменники місця;

    удосконалювати знання та вміння набуті на уроці;

    удосконалювати вміння утворювати питальні та стверджувальні речення.

    розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення учнів;

    розвивати творчу уяву учнів, формувати ціннісне ставлення учнів до праці,виховувати старанність та наполегливість в учнів, сприяти вихованню взаємодопомоги та дружби.

Хід уроку:

1.I.Початок уроку.Організація класу.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


Teacher:Good morning, children! How are you?Nice to see you!

Pupils:Good morning, dear teacher! We are fine.Nice to see you!


Teacher: Today we are going to speak about our house and will try to describe the room.We'll review prepositions of places; we'll do different interesting exercises.

3.Phonetic drills.

Teacher: Let's repeat some sounds, please!

    [w]- wall, wardrobe, window,

    [e]- bed, set, shelf

    [r]- run, running, there is, there are


Where do you live, dear Pat?

My home is a big flat.

Where do you live, Mrs.Shortage?

I live in a green cottage.

Where do you live, pretty mouse? I live under the house.

1)Repeat the words.Повторення лексики(меблі в кімнаті).

T.Look at the pictures and name them(діти називають назви кімнат, а тоді вчитель відкриває слова і вивішує їх на дошці поруч зі словами). T.What this?

Ps.This is a table (chair, sofa, arm- chair, shelf, bookcase, wardrobe, door, window, carpet, clock)

T.What colour is the book(pen, pencil, copybook…?) 2)Repeat the prepositions.Повторення прийменників.

Пригадаємо письменники:on, in, under, near, in front of, next to, on the left, on the right (з перекладом).

T.Do you see our room? It is empty.Name the pieces of furniture and design the room.

(The pupils name the furniture and the teacher designs it).

3)Pair work. Робота в парах.

T.Ask your partner:Where is the… You have two minutes for this work. T.Now, ask each other.

P.1 Where is the table?

P.2 It is near the sofa.

P.3 Where is the arm-chair?

P.4 It is next to the wall.

T.The next task is to quess the riddles what the room is.

    It is the room, where you can wash your hands, your face, clean your teeth, take a bath or a shower there.What room is this? (bathroom)

    It is the room, where you can have a rest, read books or watch TV there.What room is this?(living room)

    It is the room, where you can have your breakfast, dinner, supper there.What room is this?(dining room)

    It is the room where you can sleep there.What is this?(bedroom)

It is the room, where you can cook meals, bake tarts or cakes.What is this?(kitchen) T.Make up do dialogues.


    Do you live in a flat?

    Yes, I do.It is big.

    What rooms are there in your flat?

    There is a hall, a living room, a bedroom, a children's room, a bathroom . ● Oh,it's great!


    Have you got your own room?

    Yes, I have.But it's small.

    Is there a computer in your room?

    Yes, there is.

    Do you like your room?

    Yes, l like my room very much.It is cosy.

II.Основна частина уроку.

T.Let's check your homework.(учні намалювали малюнки про свою кімнату і розповідають про неї).

T.What room is it? Tell us about your room.(3-4 pupils describe their rooms)


T.Are you tired? Let's do some exercises to relax our eyes and bodies.

Look at the ceiling

Turn left

Look at the floor friend

Give a high five to your

Look at the window

Turn right

Look at the door


Give a high five to your

Hug your friend And take your sit!

2.2 Listening.


This is my room.It's big and comfortable.It's green.There is a desk and two chairs.There is a sofa near the wall.There is a TV in front of the sofa.There is a blue lamp on the desk.There is a bookcase between the sofa and the desk.My toy-box is under the sofa.A blue carpet is on the floor.I like my room.



1.Post-listening activity.

Read the sentences and put T(+) or F(-)

1.His room is small.(F)

2.The room is green.(T)

3.There are four chairs in the room.(F)

4.There is a TV in front of the sofa.(T)

5.There is a green lamp on the desk.(F)

6.The bookcase is between the sofa and the TV-set.(F)

7.There is a cat under the sofa.(F)

8.A blue carpet is on the floor.(T)


T.Now open your books and read the text "A living room".

Read after me!Read it again,please!Now you read it in turn!

Ps.This is a living room.It is light and clean.The sofa is near the wall on the left.The TV is near…(ex.1,p41)

3.Post- reading activities T.Answer my questions,please!

1.What room is this?

2.Where is the sofa?

3.Where is the armchair?

4.Is the lamp on the table?

5.What is in front of the window?

6.How many chairs are there near the table?

7.What do children like to do in the living room?

2.3 Writing

T.Let's play the guessing game"Guess the letter"(діти відгадують літери у словах і записують слова у зошит).

S(o)fa, bo(o)kcase, de(s)k, wa(r)drobe , b(e)d, ch(a)ir, ki(t)chen, bath(r)room, st(u)dy.

T.Pupils,your task is to make up sentences with these words and write them into your exercise-books.(Учні складають речення з поданих слів і записують їх у зошит)

    a wardrobe, There is, the wall, near.

    on the table, a green lamp, There is.

    above the sofa, a clock, There is.

    a mirror, There is, between the bed and the bookcase.

    an armchair, next to the wardrobe,There is. ● in front of the bookcase, There is, a TV.


            There is a desk in the room.

            There is a bag next to the desk.

            There is a schoolbag in the room.

            There are three books above the desk.

            There are two balls between the desk and the bag. ● There is a box under the pencil case. T.It's enough.Stop, please.

III.Заключна частина уроку.


T.Was our today's lesson interesting for you?Were the tasks difficult or easy?


T.Your task is to describe your living - room and retell the description of your room.

That's all for today.Be happy all the time.Our lesson is over.See you next time!Goodbye, children!


До підручника
Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
28 січня
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