План-конспект уроку на тему "On the Waves of Music"

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План-конспект уроку на тему "On the Waves of Music"

пропонує учням розширити знання про музичні напрямки популярні в Англії та Україні; розвинути 4 типи мовленнєвої діяльності; вдосконалити навики критичного мислення; розвинути естетичні смаки учнів.

Перегляд файлу


Music is submitted to Mathematics.                                It makes harmony in human’s body



An Open Lesson



On the waves of music





















Level: upper-intermediate

Time: 45 minutes



The teaching objectives:

  1. To enlarge pupils’ knowledge about British and Ukrainian music;
  2. to train 4 types of language skills-reading, writing, listening and speaking;
  3. to review vocabulary related to various aspects of the topic in forms of dialogues, monologues;
  4. to develop creative thinking, to bring-up aesthetic feelings with the help of music.


         Music makes our life brighter and happier.

                             Music is submitted to Mathematics. It makes harmony in human’s body


                            Music cures a lot of diseases, for example, sleeplessness and epilepsy



Procedure of the Lesson


Teacher: Morning, dear pupils, dear guests, and dear colleagues. I am glad to see you again. That is fine that all of you have gathered together at this lesson because today we‘ll speak about music.

What is music? If we are asked to explain the purpose of music, the immediate reply can be just to give pleasure. However, it is not just the arrangement of sound-it’s a living moving thing. Music is a weapon. Music reflects our life, our ideas, and emotions, feelings and mood, passions and dreams. In this age of technological progress and emotional stress we cannot live without music, we need something to calm or to shake us. That is why today we will speak about different types of music and modern styles in it, about your favoutire singers, bands and songs. You will listen to the biography of some very famous musicians whose names you know, I am sure. We are going to speak a lot, that is why the main goal of our lesson is to develop your communicative skills. I hope you will be rather active, communicative, productive and interested, because this topic is just yours.

So, welcome everybody. In a few minutes, we will get in touch with our friends from Ukraine. We are looking forward to see them. Ah, here they are. Hello, nice to see and to hear you. How are you feeling? Well, thanks, we all have already gathered and are eager to begin.

(While teachers are speaking there appear slides in English and in Ukrainian: the theme, the aim of the lesson,etc).


I. The teacher asks the opposite group: What associations do you have when you hear the expression British (Ukrainian) music? Write down your ideas.

The pupils: the pop and rock music is presented by a great variety of world-known names such as:  Ruslana, the Second River, Green Grey, Eliza’s Ocean, Verka Serduichka.


II The teacher: To enlarge your knowledge I’d like to offer you to watch the project prepared by members of our group. Listen and watch attentively, be ready to participate in the discussion later.

(The project about the music styles-in English, in Ukrainian).


III A discussion:

1) Безперечно, Beatles - найпопулярніша група в історії рок-музики. Було б цікаво дізнатися |запитувати|: що означає слово Beatles? Яке походження цієї назви? (someone of the Ukrainian Group)

The Ukrainian interpreter translates (for the English group):

Of course, The Beatles is the most popular group in rock music history. Many people ask: what are the Beatles? What is the origin of the word the Beatles?

About the Beatles:

In March of 1957, John Lennon formed a skiffle group called Quarrymen. The Quarrymen went through a progression of names-Johnny and The Moon dogs, Long John and The Beatles, The Silver Beatles and finally decided 17 August 1960 on “The Beatles.”

There are many theories as to the origin of the name and its unusual spelling: it was created by John Lennon who said that the name was a combination word-play on the insects “beetles” (as a compliment to the band The Crickets whose fan Lennon was) and the word “beat”. He also said that it was just a joke, meaning a pun on ‘Beat-less”. Lennon came up with the name Beatles at a «brainstorming session over a beer-soaked table on one of the bars”. He also joked that “It came in a vision-a man appeared on a flaming pie and said: “from this day on you are the Beatles with an A”


The English interpreter translates (for the Ukrainian group):

У березні|марші| 1957, Джон Леннон  створив так звану  скіфл (skiffle) групу «Кворімен» (Quarrymen) |обертатися|. Перш ніж назватися Бітлами група пройшла через ряд різноманітних назв, зокрема “Джоні та Місячні Собаки”, “Довготелесий Джон та Жуки”, “Срібні Жуки” і, нарешті, остаточну назву Бітлз група отримала 17-го серпня, 1960 року. 

Існує декілька теорій щодо|відносно| походження назви групи та її  незвичайного|незвичний| написання: ідея належить Джону Леннону, який зазначив, що слово Beatles не що інше як гра  слів-поєднання слова “жуки-комахи-beetles” (як комплімент групі|стрічці,оркестру,смузі| Крикет|цвіркун| чиїм фанатом Леннон був) і слова “удар-beat”. “Це лише жарт»,- сказав Джон Леннон в одному зі своїх інтерв’ю, - «каламбур двох слів». Назва Бітлз спала Леннону на думку, за його ж словами,  в одному з пив барів, коли разом з іншими членами групи він роздумував над її назвою. Він також жартував, що “це було наче видіння - з’являється чоловік|людину,людства| на охопленому полум’ям пирозі |здався,появився,видався| і каже «з цього дня і надалі ви називатиметесь Бітлз через літеру “ей” (a) (Beatles)”


2) Someone from the English:

Nowadays rock is very popular genre among young people and there are a lot of famous rock musicians in Ukraine. What rock group is considered to be the most popular nowadays? (Eliza’s Ocean)

The English interpreter translates (for the Ukrainian group).

На сьогоднішній час рок- дуже популярний стиль музики серед молоді і в Україні є багато знаменитих|відомих| рок музикантів. Яка українська рок група вважається найпопулярнішою на сьогоднішній день?


Someone from the Ukrainian group answers:

На мою думку – це група "Океан Ельзи", яка  з'явилася в 1994 році у місті Львові. Гурт «Океан Ельзи» не лише користується широкою популярністю серед молоді України і Росії, у 1998 р. він отримав три національні премії – «Дебют року», «Кращий альбом» і «Краща пісня». За період творчої діяльності група створила 5 альбомів. За словами президента рекордингової кампанії «Lavina Music» альбом став платиновим за рекордних перших 6 годин, було продано 106 000 екземплярів. «Океан Ельзи» двічі відвідав Лондон з сольними концертами: у лютому 2000 р. та жовтні 2005 р.

The English interpreter translates (for the English group):

In my opinion it is a group "Elsa’s Ocean ", which|what|  appeared in 1994 in Lviv. The group is not just popular among the young people of Ukraine and Russia; in 1998 it won three national awards – «Debut of a year», the «Best album» and the «Best song». For a period of their creative activity a group released 5 albums. According to the president of the recording company «Lavina Music» an album became|become| platinum for|after| the first record 6 hours, 106 000 copies were sold. The "Elsa’s Ocean» visited London twice with the solo concerts: in February 2000 and in October 2005.


3) Життя Джона Леннона обірвалось трагічно. Розкажіть, будь-ласка, про причини та обставини трагічної|трагедійної| смерті|страти| цього відомого співака. (someone from Ukrainian group)

The life of John Lennon was tragic. It would be interesting to find out the details of the tragic death of this famous musician.

Someone from the English

Lennon was killed just before 11 p.m. on the 8th of December 1980 outside his home in New York City. He had just got out of his car when the voice called “Mr. Lennon.” Lennon turned and was shot 5 times. The killer threw his gun and stood smiling. “Do you know what you just did?” shouted the doorman. ‘I just shot John Lennon,” the killer replied. Lennon was rushed to the hospital in a police car but it was too late. The killer was 25 year-old Mark Chapman from Hawaii. Earlier the same evening he had asked Lennon for his autograph. Chapman was a fan of the Beatles and Lennon and had tried to imitate him in many ways. It is said that he even believed that he was John Lennon.

After Lennon’s death appeared|turn|, that many of |richly| his|its| records were not given|published,promulgated| out. They continued to go out during 80-s.      

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The English interpreter translates (to the Ukrainian group)

Леннона було вбито об 11 вечора 8-го |із| грудня 1980 року біля його будинку|житла,дім,хата| в місті Нью Йорк. Вийшовши зі свого авто і прямуючи до будинку Леннон почув як хтось покликав його «Містере Леннон». Леннон обернувся, постріли пролунали 5 разів.  Вбивця|кілер| кинув свою вогнепальну зброю на землю і стояв посміхаючись. “Ви розумієте що ви щойно вчинили? закричав швейцар. ‘Я щойно застрелив Джона Леннона", відповів вбивця. Ленона доставили у лікарню у поліцейській патрульній машині,  але|та зате,та| було надто пізно. Вбивця|кілер| -25 річний Марк Чепмен з|із| Гаваїв- раніше того ж вечора просив у Леннона автограф. Він був фанатом Бітлз і Леннона і багато в чому навіть намагався наслідувати відомого  музиканта.  Говорили, що він навіть|ще| вважав|гадати| себе |з'являтися,являтися| Джоном Ленноном. 

Після|потім| смерті Леннона виявилось, що багато його записів не видано. Вони продовжували виходити|згасати,гаснути| протягом|впродовж,упродовж| 80-х років.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


4) Would you be so kind to tell us if any of Ukrainian musicians had a tragic fate such as John Lennon? (someone from the English)

The English interpreter translates (for the Ukrainian group)

Будь-ласка, розкажіть, чи у когось з українських виконавців була така ж трагічна доля |загибель|, як у Джона Леннона?

Someone from Ukrainian group:

Так, у травні 1979 р. за не з’ясованих до сьогодні обставин трагічно загинув тридцятирічний талановитий композитор, поет і виконавець перших українських шлягерів «Червона Рута», «Водограй» та ін. Володимир Івасюк. Його тіло було знайдене 18 травня 1979 року повішеним на дереві у Брюховецькому лісі поблизу Львова. Офіційна версія — самогубство.

 Його рідні та друзі не вірили в офіційну версію смерті. Вони були переконані, що представники КДБ, затримавши композитора, декілька днів допитували його в своїх підвалах, а потім вивезли в ліс і повісили.

Дійсно, між датою зникнення і датою смерті Івасюка є біла пляма. 24 квітня 1979 року Володимир пішов на заняття в консерваторію. Додому не повернувся. 26 квітня батьки, не дочекавшись сина, звернулися в міліцію. І лише 18 травня було знайдено тіло, яке не мало ознак розкладання. Слід від петлі був свіжим. Де ж все-таки знаходився композитор між 24 квітня і 18 травня? Можливо відповідь на це запитання знаходилася серед знищених у серпні 1991 р. документів архівів Львівського управління КДБ.

22 травня 1979 р. відбувся похорон Володимира Івасюка на Личаківському цвинтарі у Львові, що вилився у масову акцію протесту проти радянської влади. З цього часу на творчість композитора було накладено заборону.


The Ukrainian interpreter translates (for the English group)

Yes, in May, 1979 under circumstances not found out until now|up to now,thus far| at the age of thirty tragically died a talented composer, poet and performer|executor,runner| of the first Ukrainian hits «Red Rue», «Waterfall» and others Volodimir Ivasyuk. His|its| body was found on May 18, 1979 hung up on a tree in Bryukhovetskyi forest|wood| near Lvov. An official|formal| version of his death is suicide.

His|its| family and friends disbelieved in the official|formal| version of his death. They were convinced, that the representatives of KGB, having detained a composer, for a few|a little| days interrogated|question| him in the cellar, and then|and then| took out to the forest|wood| and hung up.

Indeed|really|, between the date of his disappearance and the date of his death there is a white spot. On April, 24, 1979 Volodimir went|leave,gone| to a conservatory and did not return home. On April, 26 his parents|father|, being unable to wait more, turned to the militia for help. A body without any little signs of decay was found on May, 18. The mark from a loop|noose| was fresh. Where was a composer all that time between April, 24 and May, 18? Possibly an answer to this question was among documents|paper| of archives of the Lviv department of KGB which were destroyed in August in 1991.

On May, 22 in 1979 the funeral of Vladimir Ivasyuk took|happen,finish| place on Lychakiv cemetery in Lviv which outpoured into the mass action of protest against soviet power. Since that time all the works of Volodymyr Ivasiuk were forbidden to perform.


  1. Someone from Ukrainian group

Who will present|represent| Ukraine on Eurovision Song Contest in 2007 year?-(someone from the English)

The English interpreter translates (for the Ukrainian group)

Хто в 2007 році буде представляти Україну на конкурсі «Євробачення»?

Someone from Ukrainian group:

У цьому році на конкурсі «Євробачення» Україну буде представляти Вєрка Сердючка, вона ж Андрій Михайлович Данилко.

Вперше в ролі Вєрки Сердючки Андрій Данилко з’явився першого квітня на гуморині в Полтаві, де отримав небачений успіх. У 1993 р. став лауреатом конкурсу «Всесміх-93». Це був його перший виступ в Києві, який пройшов із великим успіхом.

В 1997 році він записав свою першу пісню „Просто Вєра”. Пізніше з’явилися інші композиції. Альбом «Ха-ра-шо!» за підсумками 2003 року мав рекордний тираж і отримав титул «Діамантовий» - лише в Україні було продано понад 500 тисяч офіційних копій альбому. В листопаді вийшов альбом «Чита-дрита». Слід зауважити, що є люди, які вважають, що Вєрка Сердючка дискредитує образ українця, у зв’язку з цим були випадки страйків на її концертах.

Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо конкурсу і з цікавістю будемо спостерігати, як Європа сприйме нашу незвичайну представницю.


The Ukrainian interpreters translate (for the English group)

This year on Eurovision Song Contest Ukraine will be presented by Verka Serdyuchka, that is Andriy Mykhaylovych Danylko.

For the first time in the image of Verka Serdyuchka Andriy Danylko appeared on the first of April in Poltava, where he got|receive| extraordinary success. In 1993 he became|become| the laureate of a contest «All-laugh-93». This was his|its| first performance|ledge| in Kyiv, which|what| passed with great success.

In 1997 he wrote down the first song “Just Vera”. Other compositions appeared soon|afterwards|. An album «Kha-ra-sho!» in 2003 had the record circulation and got|receive| a title the «Diamond» - over|more than| 500 thousand official|formal| copies of the album were sold only in Ukraine. The album «Chita-drita» went out in November. It should be noticed that some people consider that Verka Serdyuchka discredits the Ukrainian nation, so there were cases|accident| of strikes|strike| on her concerts.

With great impatience and interest we look forward to a contest |contest| to see how Europe will perceive our unusual representative.


IV The report about Ruslana (Listen to the text, fill in the gaps in written form).

Ruslana was born on May, 24, 1973 in Lviv.

Her debut which|what| took|happen,finish| place at the age of 4 is considered to be the participation|ledge,departure| in the Lviv festival “The Gold Autumn” with a band and orchestra, where she got|receive| the first award Grand Pri

In 1993 Ruslana took part in the musical competition|contest| in honour of Volodimir Ivasyuk. In the same year she became|become| a laureate of the All-Ukrainian festival of modern song and popular music “Red Rue -93

In 1996 her participation in the International festival of arts “The Slavonic market”|what| brought her another award Grandpre.

During this year Ruslana became|become| a Laureate of the First All Ukrainian National Program “A Person of a year-96” in a nomination “The best Singer of year 96.”

Also Ruslana became|become| a Laureate of the festival “ Tavriisky Ihry” in a nomination “the Best singer of year 97”, was a winner in a nomination “ A star of the stage of year 97” in the Regional program “The Crystal Lion”, got the prize in the National show-concert “Song-97” in the field of Ukrainian popular music.

In 2003 an album Wild Dances was created on the world-wide musical studio of Peter Gabriele “Real World” in London. On a ceremony “The Ukrainian Musical Award” |premium|, initiated by the Association of Ukrainian companies of the audio records, for|after| the album|receive| Wild Dances Ruslana got the first official|formal| reward|award| in Ukraine “The Platinum disk” which corresponds to 100 000 officially sold licensed copies of album.

President Leonid Kuchma awarded Ruslana a rank the People’s Artist of Ukraine.

In the 49th Eurovision Song Contest which took place in Turkey, in 2004, Ruslana with her amazing Wild Dances won the first place and was considered the best. She earned Ukraine 280 points out of maximum 420 and the right to host the 50th Eurovision Song Contest.

All Ukrainians were so proud when Ruslana won in Istanbul because she and her song really deserved it.


V Speak about your favorite singer-group (2-3 sentences + the photo of a singer-Sting, Depeche Mode, Spice Girls, etc).


VI The results of the survey (3 diagrams from both sides -1 pupil represents the diagrams):

1) the most popular singer.

2) the most popular group

3) the most popular music style


VII The discussion:

For and against pop music

Since early 50s pop music has been the center of young people culture and at the same time it has attracted serious study and has been criticized a lot. Some people consider it to be a poison for our young generation. It would be interesting to listen to your points of view on either positive or negative influence of pop music on young generation. Please, share you thoughts with us.


  1. pop music is like the universal language; it is the center of the youth culture, the young people are united by it, communicate through it.
  2. New pop groups and singers sing about the things which are important in life. About 99 % of pop songs are about love. That’s why some of old songs by the Beatles rare still popular nowadays.
  3. young people search for new rhythms and new styles and create their own music;
  4. the new rhythms are full of life and force: just what is interesting to young people. The tunes are happy and easily caught.
  5. The words of the songs tell us about the young people’s world: theory hopes, interests, dreams, sorrows and joys. They sing about the things which are important in life.
  6. It’s an experimental kind of music: different groups are looking for new forms and sometimes achieve really.
  7. The popularity of this style speaks in its favour. It attracts great masses of young people, it helps them to relax and get a bit of entertainment. Why should we deprive them of the joy they obviously get from this music.
  8. Sometimes when I am at a loss, sad or disappointed I need something to “shock me” then I listen to any kind of modern music, especially to rock. It is physical, powerful music that helps me to shake myself up.



  1. before rejecting the old styles and rhymes one should know something about them. Most pop music fans don’t know.
  2. the rhythms can be new and full of power, but they lack variety. It’s the same monotonous beat again and again. The tunes are very primitive and as easily forgotten as caught.
  3. The words of some of the songs are absolutely senseless. The songs often contain rude and offensive words.
  4. Medical research has proved beyond doubt that volume of sound produces by powerful music at some pop concerts does great damage both to the sense of hearing and to the nervous system. Indeed cases of mass hysteria are very usual at pop concerts. Are we bringing-up generation of the half-deaf neurotics?
  5. In Australia taped pop music is used to frighten the sharks off the public beaches. Obviously the sharks’ nerves cannot endure this kind of noise.
  6. The technique and the voices of most musicians are very poor. Much attention is paid to the “body cult” not to the real art.
  7. Nowadays there are many second-rate products which are nothing but a review of the old songs.


What is the conclusion?

We can’t reject any kind of music-a person has a right to choose what to listen to. There must be a message in the words and in the melody which can be passed through ages from generation to generation.


VIII A game. “Who sings these songs?”

Listen to the songs and guess who is singing them


IX Summary

X Home task - fill in the Comparison Culture profile. Please, draw a parallel between Ukrainian, American and British cultures in music basing on what you have read and learned.

Fill in the Comparison Culture profile

Comparison Items


Great Britain

Attitude to music



Most popular musical genres



World-famous musical groups, singers, musicians



Music on TV



Folk music



Musical traditions



Musical education



Prestigious musical festivals




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