План-конспект уроку "Подорож"

Про матеріал
Урок розрахований для учителя, який викладає англійску мову в 6 класі за підручником О.Карпюк. В уроці відображені авторські методичні підходи до розвитку навичок аудіювання, читання, говоріння.
Перегляд файлу

The plan of the lesson.

Target age 11 .

Focus: gaining knowledge about celebrity .

Objectives  ; 1 to train students’ lexical skills

                      2 to involve grammar and lexical units while reading

Equipment : Alen Bombar’ photo , a computer , tables .

The procedure of the lesson .

  1. Greeting the pupils and announcing the topic of the lesson .

Hello , everyone ! How are you feeling today ? I hope that you are fine and you will be energetic and active at the lesson , for today we are going to discuss a very interesting topic : “ Travelling “ .

  1. Warming-up .

T : The task for you will be : to match the verbs  with the expressions they can go with :

  1. To put up           1.water
  2. To pick              2.sandcastles
  3. To cook             3.on the beach
  4. To blow up       4.a fish
  5. To collect          5.mushrooms
  6. To fetch            6.in the sun
  7. To make           7.on the open fire
  8. To see               8.an air-bed
  9. To click            9.sightseeing
  10. To sit              10.a camera
  11. To lie              11.the sights
  12. To catch         12.a tent
  13. To go              13.brushwood

3.Vocabulary work .

Vocabulary :

1.a change of air

2.to travel for pleasure

3.to travel on business

4.to sail a boat across the ocean

5.to cross the desert

6.to explore the North Pole

7.to conquer the mountain top

8.to travel by train , ship , plane

9.to travel on foot

1.Let’s read the words and their Ukrainian equivalents .

2.Say  the words after the dictor .

  3.Read the transcriptions .

4. Look at the Ukrainian words and try to translate them into English .

5. Write the words down into your vocabularies .

4. Listening .

          Alen Bombar .

Alen Bombar is from France . He is a doctor . He crossed the Atlantic Ocean on a small boat . It took him 65 days to cross it . He did not take any food with him . He did not take any water . He did not take any medicines . He ate what he could get from the sea . By the end of his voyage  his health had been ruined . Still he survived . He proved that after the shipwreck anybody could stay alive for many days without food and water . The main thing was not to lose the hope .

Post-listening task .

T : Now answer my questions , please :

1.Where is Bombar from ?

2.What is he ?

3.What ocean did he cross ?

4.How much food and water did he take in his voyage ?

5.How long did it take him to cross the ocean ?

6.What did he eat and drink ?

7.What had his health been like by the end of his voyage ?

8.Was the role of his voyage great ? Why ?

5. Reading .

People on our planet like to travel . Children and adults , young and old cannot live without  travelling . Why do people travel ? Some people travel  because they need a change of air , others because  they are tired  of making money . Many people start travelling because they want  for a few weeks to be really happy . Such people travel for pleasure .  Sometimes people travel on business . Our planet  is a wonderful place for travelling . People sail small bouts across seas and oceans , they cross the deserts , explore the North Pole, they conquer the highest mountain tops . Some people cross the countries they live in , others cross the whole continents . They travel by trains , planes , ships , cars , bicycles , on foot . Many people make travelling the part of their life . We admire such people , because they  usually have strong will , good reaction , they are not afraid of hardships .

Post-reading tasks :

1.Name the main aims of trips .

2.Enumerate the places on our planet people can travel .

6.Summing-up .

T : Thank you for your work . You have worked hard today . Your marks  for today’ lesson are…

7. Home-assignment : 1. Prove the words by J.Clarke: ‘He that travels  far knows  much’using the example of Bombar .


До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 березня 2020
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