План-конспект уроку "Round the Clock!"

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План-конспект уроку з теми "Round the Clock! Present Simple Tense" (4 клас) за пiдручником "Welcome 3" (Elizabeth Gray - Virginia Evans. Видавництво "Express Publishing").

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уроку англійської мови у 4 класі

з теми “Round the Clock!“





                                                    учитель англійської мови

                                                        Дубяга Валерія Михайлівна







The Theme of the Lesson:  Round the Clock!


Тема уроку:  Щоденні справи.


The Objectives:



  1. to drill the lexical units on the topic;
  2. to cultivate pupils` grammar skills in usage of the Present Simple Tense.




  1. to motivate learners to free speaking and exchanging opinions;
  2. to train pupils to communicate accurately in English.




  1. to develop pupils` listening, reading and speaking skills;
  2. to develop logical thinking, memory and attention.



  1. to bring up cognitive necessity and interest for English language learning;
  2. to make pupils understand that they should save their time and health.





  1. автоматизувати лексичні одиниці за темою;
  2. удосконалювати навички  вживання граматичного часу Present Simple Tense.




  1. спонукати учнів до спонтанного мовлення та обміну думками;
  2. тренувати учнів у спілкуванні виключно англійською мовою.



  1. розвивати аудіативні навички, навички читання та усного мовлення;
  2. розвивати логічне мислення, пам'ять та увагу учнів.


  1. виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови;
  2. вчити учнів бережливому ставленню до власного часу та здоров'я.

Pupils will be able:

  1. to understand, read and use the lexical units on the topic;
  2. to use the Present Simple Tense in oral speech;
  3. to talk and ask the questions about daily routines and free-time activities;
  4. to listen to and understand the unknown text.

Учні зможуть:

  1. розуміти , читати та вживати лексичні одиниці за темою;
  2. вживати граматичний час Present Simple Tense в усному мовленні;
  3. розповідати та ставати запитання по темі;
  4. слухати та розуміти незнайомий текст.

The Type of the Lesson:

Combined. Lesson of fixation of knowledge and developing skills and abilities.

Тип уроку:

Комбінований. Урок закріплення знань та розвитку вмінь і навичок.

Level: Elementary. A 1. Form 4.

Рівень: Elementary. A 1. 4 клас.

The Supplement of the Lesson:

a SMART Board, a projector, a laptop, a software package SMART Notebook, cards with the tasks.


SMART дошка, проектор, ноутбук, програмне забезпечення SMART Notebook 11, картки із завданнями.



















I.   The beginning of the lesson.

1.   Greeting.

T:   Good morning, everyone! I`m glad to see you! I`d like you to greet our guests! Take your seats, please! Let`s begin our lesson!

       How are you today? Well, I see that you`re in a magic mood! Today we`ll have an unusual lesson! It will be full of magic!

2.   Announcement of the topic and aims. Pupils` motivation.

T:   Look at the screen, please. The topic of our lesson is “Round the Clock!“

We are going to talk about your daily routines and free-time activities.

      We`ll summarize your knowledge of the lexical material on the topic and the Present Simple Tense. We`ll improve your communicative skills, also skills in reading and listening.

     Will you look at the board, please? Here you can see the saying. Listen to me very carefully and repeat after me altogether.

                                        Never waste your time in vain!

                                        Train your body, train your brain!

T:   It means that we should save our time, spend it rationally. This saying will be a motto of our lesson. Mind it! Be active and do your best today!    

3.   Phonetic drills.

T:   We`re going to do some phonetic drills. Listen to me carefully and repeat after me, please.

/ z / - / ð /

The sun shines on the shop signs.

/ s / - / ʃ /

She sells sea shells by the sea shore.


4.   Warming-up.

T:  How do you spend your free time? What do you usually do at your weekends? Look at the SMART Board and answer my questions, please.

SMART Board activity “Tiles”


T:   What do you usually do during the ordinary day? Let`s revise your everyday activities. Look at the screen, please. Your task is to drag the sentences into the correct order.

SMART Board activity “Sentence arrange”


II.   The main part of the lesson.

1.    Reading comprehension.

1.1  Pre-reading activity.

T:   As I mentioned today`s lesson is unusual. That`s why we have a special guest. Let`s meet him!

Harry Potter:   Hello, my friends! I`m 11. I live in London. I go to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I can fly and do a lot of tricks. I`ve got two best friends, Ronald and Hermione. We spend all our free-time together. Do you know who am I?

P:   Are you Harry Potter?

Harry Potter:   Yes, my name`s Harry Potter. I`m the best student of our magic school. I`ve got some presents for you! Do your best!

T:   Did you read the book about Harry Potter last summer?

P:   Yes, I did.

T:   Did you watch the film about him during your holidays?

P:   Yes, I did.

T:   Do you like Harry Potter?

P:   Yes, I do. / No, I don`t.

T:   What traits of character has he got? What`s he like?

P:   He`s kind, friendly, helpful and smart.

T:   You`re pretty right! Harry Potter, you are welcome to our lesson.

Children, at first you have to do the tasks. And then Harry Potter will give the presents to you.

        Well, what about doing the first task? It will be reading.

1.2  Reading the unknown text.

T:   Each of you has got a blue sheet of paper. Here you can see Harry Potter`s school day. And now we`re going to read about it. Be attentive. We`ll do the task after reading.

Harry Potter`s School Day

     Harry Potter is usually very busy every day.

     He always gets up early in the morning. Then he has breakfast and goes to school. He has the classes of Magic every day. Harry Potter likes Science very much. He has Science three times a week.

     In the afternoon, he has free time. He spends his free time with his best friends.

After dinner the students always meet in the biggest room of the school. They read magic books and do a lot of tricks.

     In the evening, Harry Potter does his homework. Then, he goes to bed. He likes flying on his magic broom at night. That is why he sometimes goes to bed late.

1.3  Post-reading task.

T:   There is a task under the text. Your task is read and say if the sentences true or false. Let`s do it right now.

   3. Speaking practice (dialogue speech).

T:   Harry Potter spends all his free-time with his friends. And you also have got friends and spend a lot of time together. Imagine the situation. You`ve got the “tickets” to the theatre, the cinema, zoo, for the concert, for the match, etc. Your classmate sitting next to you is your best friend. Invite your friend to go with you. Take the “tickets”, make up and act the dialogues.

(2-3 dialogues)

3. Physical warming-up.

T:   I think that you are tired a little. That`s why let`s have a rest. Let`s sing Move and freeze” song and do some actions.

4. Listening comprehension.

4.1   Pre-listening activity.

T:   Look at the SMART Board. What time do these clocks tell? Your task is to drag the sentences to the appropriate pictures.

SMART Board activity “Name the image

4.2 Listening comprehension.

T:   Listen to the text very carefully and do the task.

4.3 Post-listening activity.

T:   Each of you has got a yellow sheet of paper. Your task is to finish the sentences.

  1. Sharon`s favourite day is ……………………………………………………
  2. She gets up at quarter to eight, has her breakfast and at half past eight              she  ……………………………………………………………………..
  3. She sometimes goes to school on ………………………………………
  4. Sharon likes Mondays, because at nine o`clock she  …………………..
  5. At half past twelve it`s …………………………………………………
  6. She always has lunch at ……………………………………………….
  7. In the afternoon, she always  ………………………………………….
  8. At half past nine  ………………………………………………………
  9. She never ………………………………………………………………


5. Speaking practice (monologue speech).

T:   And now it`s time to listen about your days. You`ve prepared the projects about your working days and weekends. I know you`ve prepared a lot of projects. Let`s listen to the best.

(2-3 monologues)

III.   Summarizing.

1. Setting home assignment.

T:   It`s time to write down your hometask for the next lesson. At home you have to write about your best friend`s ordinary day (12-14 sentences).

2. Reflection.

T:   Our lesson is going to the end. Let`s sum up the results of our lesson.

We have spoken about your daily routines and free-time activities. We have started our lesson with the motto. These are the words of a beautiful poem. Listen to it, please!


                                       Never waste your time in vain


                                       Train your body, train your brain,


                                       Sport will keep you always fit


                                       Try to make the best of it.


                                       Find a hobby and enjoy


                                       Make your life be full of joy.


                                       Dancing makes your figure slim,


                                       Films will show lands of dream,


                                       Traveling presents the world,


                                       Music will enrich your soul.


                                       TV broadens outlook,


                                       Just the same does clever book,


                                       Let collection  be a surprise,


                                       For your classmates` eyes,


                                       Choose a hobby and enjoy!


                                       Don`t be lazy, girls and boys!


3. Evaluation.

T:   You`ve done a good job today! You have been active. Your marks are…

       Did you enjoy our lesson? You`ve got stars on your desks. If you enjoyed the lesson, put your star into the Harry Potter`s hat. They will be a present for him.

       It`s time for presents. These are the bookmarks. They will help you to find necessary page and save your time.

       Thank you for your attention! Goodbye!



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