План-конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему: "Тварини. Частини тіла"

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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови для 6 класу на тему: "Тварини. Частини тіла"
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План-конспект відкритого уроку на тему «Тварини. Частини тіла тварин»

у 6-Б класі










             Вчитель: Клименко А.Ю.













Animals. Body parts of animals




  • to learn words on topic animals’ parts of the body;


  • to develop critical thinking;


  • to develop love to animals and nature;


  • to expand students’ vocabulary about animals;


  • to develop listening, speaking and reading skills;




Zoom, notebook, apps, platforms, Internet


30 min.




I. Introduction




T: Hello, everybody. Today we are going to talk about animals. We will learn animals’ parts of the body. What parts of the human’s body do you know? (1 min)


II. Warm-up




What wild animals do you know? (2 mins)
What domestic animals do you know?

What insects do you know?

(Students write their answers in the chat)


III. Main part




  1. Checking Home task (5 mins)

Students read the facts about animals

  1. Vocabulary (3 mins)

Feathers   [ˈfeðə(r)]   пір’я

claws   [klɔː]  кігті

wings [klɔː]  крила

fur   [fɜː(r)]  хутро

beak  [biːk] дзьоб

fin - плавник

hooves  [huːvz] копита

trunk   [trʌŋk] хобот

tentacle   [ˈtentəkl̩] щупальце

antlers – роги

scales [skeils] луска

  1. Reading (8 mins)

Ex. 6 p. 35

Students read and translate the sentences about animals with a usage of new words and mark if the are true or false.

  1. Game (5 mins)

Students match the parts of the body of animals with the pictures using an app.


  1. Video (2 mins)

(Students watch the video about animals)





IV. Home assignment (1 min)

(Learn words, WB p. 31)

V. Summarizing (2 min)






































































































Klymenko Anastasiia
25 жовтня 2021
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