Урок "Means of transport"

Про матеріал
Зміст уроку передбачає узагальнення лексичного і граматичного матеріалу з теми. Матеріали для друку розташовані у конспекті уроку.
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Тема: Means of Transport (6)

Тема: Means of Transport.

- Навчальна – засвоїти в усіх видах мовленнєвої діяльності нові ЛО з теми; повторити ступені порівняння прикметників.

-  Розвивальна– розвивати навички усного продукування;

-  Виховна – формувати навички вибору видів транспорту  в залежності від потреби; виховувати культуру роботи в групі, в парі.

Обладнання: підручник, зошити, словник, ноутбук, друковані матеріали.

Хід уроку

  1. Організаційний момент


  1. Greeting/Aims

T: Good morning, children!
Ss: Good morning, teacher.
T: I’m glad to see you.
Ss: We are glad to see you too.
T: I hope you are all fine and are ready to work hard at your English lesson. Today we go on talking about travelling. And the theme of our lesson is… Wait! I want you to guess the theme of our lesson. Look at these pictures, please. What do you think is in common between them?
S1:People use different means of transport there.
T Yes, you’re absolutely right, and the theme of our lesson is «Means of transport». The aim of our lesson is to learn new words and word combinations on the theme. By the end of our lesson you’ll know some new things about travelling and you’ll be able to speak about different kinds of transport, tell other people about your favorite means of transport for travelling.

  1. Основна частина уроку


T: First let’s remember the words that we already know and learn some new words. Look at these pictures on the screen. 

T: Good for you. Now I want you to work in groups. You should find the odd words in each group. You have got 3 minutes. Complete the poster and name it. Start working, please.



T: And now tell us your opinion on different means of transport. What means of transport is your favourite for travelling and why? Use adjectives:




Travelling by … is ….       It is the most…       And it is more … than… .


T: Good job. But there are different situations in our life and people have different possibilities. So we should understand that the choice of mean of transport mostly depends on situation. So you have some situations on your desks. Please, read them and choose an appropriate mean of transport.  Explain your choice.


Start like this:  I think he (she, they) should go by … because…


  1. An old woman and her husband want to travel. They would like to see 2 or 3 countries. They haven`t got much money, but they have a lot of time. They are very sociable. 


  1. A young man is in Ukraine. He is going to America on business. He hasn`t got much time. He is very busy.


  1. I`m very sporty. I haven`t got much money but I`d like to see some beautiful places in my city.


  1. A young family with a small child is going to visit its parents. They have to stop a lot of times during the trip. They have got enough time and money.


  1. Заключна частина
  1. H/t Look at this idioms. Do you know their meanings? So, that`ll be your home task: to find out their meanings and to complete sentences with them.

«Ship someone off»

«Тo be in the same boat»

  1. Summarising.


T: Now we are coming to the end of the lesson. Let’s sum up!


Can you tell me the subject of our today’s lesson?

Have you learnt anything new?

What can you do after today’s lesson?


T: Thank you very much for your active and hard work at the lesson. It’s very pleasant to work with you. Good bye.

До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 жовтня 2021
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