План-конспект уроку з англійської мови "Покупки"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку містить матеріали,щоб зацікавити здобувачів освіти до вивчення англійської мови, представлені різні види та форми роботи для розвитку монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, навичок аудіювання, читання. За допомогою відомої пісні "Money" в учнів є гарна можливіть опанувати та запам'ятати утворення умовних речень ІІ типу. Таблиця самооцінки роботи під час уроку сприяє аналізу власних досягнень.
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Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 9 класі

Тема: Shopping. In the department store. Покупки. В універмазі.

Мета уроку:

  1. Систематизувати матеріал з теми « Покупки», активізувати діалогічне та монологічне мовлення, розвивати навички аудіювання, пошукового читання,писемного мовлення, розвивати навички вживання умовних речень 2 типу.
  2. Розвивати пам’ять, увагу, творчі здібності учнів.
  3. Виховувати культуру спілкування, толерантність у колективній роботі.


Тип уроку : Урок систематизації та узагальнення знань.

Обладнання уроку: підручник для 9 класу (для шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) О.Карпюк.,мультимедійна дошка, відео «Harrods”, аудіо запис пісні « Money» ABBA,тематичні малюнки, роздатковий матеріал, м’яч для граматичної гри.


Хід уроку.


І. Вступ.

1. Привітання.

T.: Good morning! I’m very glad to see you today. Hope you’re in a good mood and will be hard-working and active during the lesson.

Who is on duty in our group today? Who is absent today?

2. Мотиваційна частина.

T.:You know , yesterday I went shopping and bought this new dress. What do you think of it?

Pupil1: You look great. It suits you perfectly!

Pupil 2: It was designed specially for you!

T.: Thanks a lot! Now I see that it fits me like a glove( then pupils try to explain the idiom). I’m sure that all of you enjoy going shopping. It’s an important part of our life and today we go on speaking about shopping.

First we’ll revise the words. We also improve your grammar skills about Conditional sentences of the 2 type and play grammar game.

 I’m looking forward to listen to your dialogues which you’ve prepared at home. Then we go shopping to the department store, find out about the biggest department store of London, try to advertise this department store on TV.

ІІ. Основна частина.

  1. Мовленнєва зарядка.

T.: Now I give you cards, here are questions words and your task is to make up a question with it. Your deskmate will answer this question and ask the next pupil.

Topic: Shopping. Ask and answer.




How often…….?









How much……….?


2. Повторення лексичного матеріалу.

T.: Let’s revise the vocabulary which can be used while speaking about shops and shopping. Make up the words and explain their meanings in English.

Play “Anagramm”

  1. A customer, erusctom - a person who is shopping
  2. Expensive, ensivepxe - describes smth costs money
  3. to pay, ayp -  to give money when you buy something
  4. florist’s,sflosirt – shop where we can buy flowers
  5. leather,releath- stuff for shoes


  1. Розвиток граматичних навичок .

T.: Speaking about shopping we always remember about  importance of money.

Without money we can not buy anything. In our dreams we sometimes say: “If I had money, I would buy this expensive car for me.

Listen to the song “ Money”, find the sentences that are connected with the grammar we have learnt.




Money, money, money

I work all night, I work all day, 
to pay the bills 
I have to pay 
Ain't it sad 
And still there never seems to be 
a single penny left for me 
That's too bad 
In my dreams I have a plan 
If I got me a wealthy man 
I wouldn't have to work at all, 
I'd fool around and have a ball... 
Money, money, money 
Must be funny 
In the rich man's world 
Money, money, money 
Always sunny 
In the rich man's world 
All the things I could do 
If I had a little money 
It's a rich man's world 
It's a rich man's world 
A man like that is hard to find 
but I can't get him off my mind 
Ain't it sad 
And if he happens to be free 
I bet he wouldn't fancy me 
That's too bad 
So I must leave, 
I'll have to go 
To Las Vegas or Monaco 
And win a fortune in a game, 
my life will never be the same... 
Money, money, money 
Must be funny 
In the rich man's world 
Money, money, money 
Always sunny 
In the rich man's world 
All the things I could do 
If I had a little money 
It's a rich man's world 
It's a rich man's world 
Money, money, money 
Must be funny 
In the rich man's world 
Money, money, money 
Always sunny 
In the rich man's world 
All the things I could do 
If I had a little money 
It's a rich man's world 
It's a rich man's world.


P.: Here are used conditional sentences of 2 type. He reads them.

T.: Look at the blackboard and remember how are made up this type of sentences, they

are used to express things which are unlikely or impossible:

If Past Simple + would\could V1

T.: Let’s dream a little and play the grammar game. Start so: If I had money, I would

go to England.


4. Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.

T.: Last lesson you got a situation for making up conversations.

Hope you are ready, who wants to be the first?

Situation1  Your sister has her birthday soon. You go to the florist’s to buy flowers.

Situation 2. You have a New Years party at school. You go to the department store   to buy a special dress for this party. Make up a conversation with a shop      assistant.

Situation 3. You have no walking shoes. You go to the footwear department.

Situation 4.  You need to buy an English dictionary for your lessons. You go to the book shop to buy it.

Situation 5. Two friends are fond of extreme kinds of sport. They want to buy  skateboards and go to the sport’s shop.


5. Читання з виходом на комунікацію.

T.: There are many types of the shops where can you buy what you want.

Can you tell me what kind of shop is the department store.

P.: A department store is a big shop where customers can buy different goods, there are many departments there.

T.: Read the text“ A big department store” Ex.13 p.79 and do tasks after it.




  1. Розвиток навичок аудіювання, пошукового читання, писемного мовлення, ситуативного мовлення.


Учні дивляться відео,читають текст про торгівельний центр (універмаг) « Harrods”  та готують у групах рекламу , обравши рекламного агента, який повинен по телебаченню зробити рекламу торгівельного центру.

Have you ever heard about the biggest department store of London.

I’d like to invite you go shopping to “Harrods”. Watch a short video, read the text about this department store, choose  a representative from your group who will be an advertising manager, he\she must advertise this department store on TV.

Harrods founder Charles Henry Harrod first established his business in 1824, aged 25. The business was located south of the River Thames in Southwark. 

The shop's 330 departments offer a wide range of products and services. Products on offer include clothing for women, men, children and infants, electronics, jewellery, sporting gear, bridal trousseau, pets and pet accessories, toys, food and drink, health and beauty items, packaged gifts, stationery, housewares, home appliances, furniture, and much more.

A representative sample of shop services includes 32 restaurants, serving everything from high tea to tapas to pub food to haute cuisine; a personal shopping-assistance programme known as "By Appointment"; a watch repair service; a tailor; a dispensing pharmacy; a beauty spa and salon; a barbers shop; Harrods Financial Services; Harrods Bank; Ella Jade Bathroom Planning and Design Service; private events planning and catering; food delivery; a wine steward; bespoke picnic hampers and gift boxes; bespoke cakes; bespoke fragrance formulations; and Bespoke Arcades16 machines.

Up to 300,000 customers visit the shop on peak days, comprising the highest proportion of customers from non-English speaking countries of any department store in London. More than five thousand staff from over fifty different countries work at Harrods.

As of 15 October 2009, Harrods Bank has started selling gold bars and coins that customers can buy "off the shelf". The gold products range from 1 g to 12.5 kg, and can be purchased within Harrods Bank. They also offer storage services, as well as the ability to sell back gold to Harrods in the future.


ІІІ. Заключна частина.


  1. Рефлексія.


T.:  You have done many different tasks successfully .  At the end of the lesson let’s evaluate  your work. What is your opinion, how was your work at the lesson?

P1.: My vocabulary was great and acting situation ok…


T.: My opinion coincides with yours.

Учні оцінюють свою роботу на уроці.



Great job!







Grammar game




Acting of situations




Reading and speaking




My advertisment




Atmosphere at the lesson




  1. Підсумки уроку.


Thank you for your work. Your marks are…..

Horpynych Tetiana
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
22 лютого 2021
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