План-конспект відкритого заняття з англійської мови "Світ кіно".

Про матеріал
Цей матеріал допоможе удосконалити навички усного діалогічного мовлення, удосконалити техніку читання. поглибити і розширити знання за темою і виховувати позитивне ставлення до кіно як виду мистецтва.
Перегляд файлу

The world of the cinema

          Мета. Вдосконалення навичок  усного діалогічного мовлення.

          Цілі заняття:

практична: повторити й активізувати лексику теми, формувати та розвивати комунікативні уміння студентів, уміння сприймати на слух та розуміти короткі повідомлення; удосконалювати техніку читання; навчати розповідати про улюблені фільми; поглибити і розширити знання за темою;

освітня: розширити уявлення студентів про Голівуд як центр кінематографу;  розвивальна: сприяти розвитку мовної здогадки, готовності до спілкування; розвивати логічне мислення та уяву; 

виховна: виховувати у студентів позитивне ставлення до кіно як виду мистецтва.

          Обладнання: презентація, аудіо запис діалогу, відео для самостійної роботи, роздавальний матеріал, комп’ютер.

          Тип заняття: комбіноване.

Хід заняття


Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T. Life is short, art is long. You know this English proverb but tell me, please, what kind of art do you know?

I like…                                 I am fond of…

I enjoy…                               I prefer…



T. Can you imagine our life without music?

Sts. No, I can’t…

T. What kind of music are you interested in?

Sts. I am interested in pop-music. T. Who is favourite singer?

St. My favourite singer is …

T. Do you enjoy reading books?

St. I like/ don’t like reading books. T. What is your favourite book?

St. My favourite book is …

T. What is your favouriteauther?

St. My favouriteauther is …

T. Do you prefer dancing or painting?

St. Yes, I prefer dancing.

St. I prefer painting.

T. What famous Ukrainian painters do you know?

St. I know MykolaMurashko and MykolaPymonenko, T. Yablonska, M. Pryimachenko.


2.The main part of the lesson.

Practising vocabulary.

T. You see, we can’t imagine our life without art. Cinema is an important part of it. Cinema influences on our lifestyle and tastes. It gives us great pleasure and develops our character and feelings immensely.

T. Today we’ll speak about TV and films. The topic of our today lesson is “The world of cinema”. We have already learned how they are made and now we shall revise the kinds of films, read the text about Hollywood, listen to some dialogues and try to make our own ones.

          Let’s remember the vocabulary on the topic “Kinds of films”. What kinds of films do you know?

Sts. An adventure film, a western, a musical film, a comedy, historical film, soap opera, fantastic film, drama, thriller, documentary, war film, cartoon, horror film, fantasy.

T. Now I shall describe the genres of films in one or two sentences and you will guess what genre is it.

1.       It’s a film about cowboys in the USA in the 19th century.

2.       It’s a film with acts when we are afraid or shocked.

3.       It is a film in which there are a lot of songs.

4.       It is a film about love.

5.       It’s a film that makes us laugh.

6.       It’s a film about people, often in history or in a famous story.

7.       It’s a film with a lot of fighting.

8.       It’s a film that uses drawings. Children like to watch these films.

9.       It’s a film with an exciting plot.

10.   It’s a film popular for a long time.

11.   It’s a film with an unusual things of future.

12.   It’s a long set of films.

T. Now we’ll learn some new proverbs. I’ll also try to explain their meanings with the help of our active vocabulary. You may help me if you have different ideas from mine.

          Proverb 1:


Про смаки не сперечаються.

T. This proverb means that some people like to see comedies, others prefer to watch horror films but I enjoy animated cartoons. What films are you interested in? are they worth seeing to your mind?


Proverb 2:


Звичка – друга натура.

T. Some people like to stay at home and watch video films, others prefer to spend their free time with relatives and friends. As for me, I am a great cinema-goer.

How do you like to spend your free time? What do you do when you stay at home?

          Proverb 3:


Скільки людей, стільки і думок.

T. There are many hobbies in the world. Some people like to collect different things, others prefer to go in for sports and so on. In my opinion, modern life is impossible without cinema. I enjoy watching an interesting film. It is a wonderful rest and a good hobby. What role does cinema play in your life? Can you imagine you everyday activity without it? Why is cinema-going still a favourite pastime for many people?

Пред’явлення лексичного матеріалу.

Т. Ifyouwantto watch a film you can switch on your TV-set, a DVD player or can go to the local cinema. In order to describe your favourite film or actor we must learn the new words and word-combinations. Today we’ll learn the words which are connected with the process of making films. Write them into your vocabularies:

1.       Cinema / picture / movie – кіно 

2.       cinema-goer – кіношанувальник 

3.       to be on – йти (про фільм) 

4.       screen version – екранізація 

5.       newsreel – кінохроніка 

6.       film studio – кіностудія 

7.       to be founded – бути заснованим 

8.       to dub a film – дублювати фільм 

9.       the main part / role – головна роль 

10.   producer, director – режисер 

11.   billboard – дошка для афіш 

12.   poster – афіша, плакат 

13.   cast – склад виконавців 

14.   commercial – реклама 

15.   art director – художник-постановник 

16.   set(s) – знімальний майданчик, декорації 

17.   editor – редактор, монтажер 

18.   director of photography – режисер- постановник 

19.   screenplay – сценарій 

20.   screenwriter – сценарист 

21.   credits – титри з переліком учасників постановки фільму 

22.   costume designer – костюмер 

23.   make up artist – візажист.

24.   What’s on at the cinema? – Що сьогодні в кіно? 

25.   What’s the film like? – Що за фільм? 

Активізація вживання лексики в діалогах.

Т. Make up a short conversation using the new lexique.

1. Who is your favourite producer?

My favourite producer is … 2. Whom is (was he) so popular with?

He is so popular with … (teenagers).

3. What is his film about?

His film is about problems of young people (historical events, adventures).  T. Transformthe dialogue.

A.   By the way, did you see “Chicago” on television the other night?

B.   the musical, you mean? My sister did. Personally I’m not very keen on musicals, but she is, so I didn’t like to suggest switching to another channel. A. What kind of programmes do you like best then?

B. Oh, I like actions and thrillers. And I never miss the sporting events.

A.  Oh, no. I hate watching sports programmes. I think they are not as exciting as different shows.

B.   Shows? Just not shows. They make you stupid.

A. Don’t be so nervous. Tastes differ.

Match the words from the box with their definitions.

1        … all the people who act in a film.                                

audience, cast, director, plot, scene, script, sequel, soundtrack, special effects, star, subtitles

2        … the most important actor or actress in a film.          

3        … person who makes a film.                                         

4        … music of the film.                                                      

5        … story of a film.                                                           

6        … a part of a film happening in one place.

7        … people who watch a film in a cinema.

8        … a film which continues the story of an earlier film.

9        … images, often created by a computer.

10   … words of the film.

11   … transcription (usually translation) of the dialogue of a film that appears at the bottom of the screen.

Match the sentences on the left (1-6) with the sentences on the right (a-f).

1.The film was set in 19th century                      a. He was the director.

Italy and England.                                           b. This was her role in the film.

2.It was based on a novel                              c. It was situated in that place by E. M. Forster.                                                at that time.

1.     It was filmed/shot on location                          d. The actors originally spoke in Florence.                                                        in English.

2.     It was directed by James Ivory.                       e. It was an adaptation of the 3. Helena Bonham-Carter played                            book.

the part of Lucy.                                            f. It was filmed in the real

4.It was dubbed into other languages.                    place, not in a studio.


Grammar Point

Past Perfect Tense(минулий перфектний час)

The Paste Perfect is used to show a past action that happened before another action in the past.We form the Past Perfect Tense with had and the Past Participle of the main verb.

Examples:Bill had just finished the test when the bell rang

After I had finished the text I left

The Past Perfect Tense is often used with the following words and phrases:

by,by the time,before,after,just,when: By the time I got to class,the lesson had started.Mike had already eate  his pizza before I got home.

1.Write sentences using the prompts.Change the form of the verbs so that one of them should be in Past Perfect Tense

1.She/be/hungry/because/she/not/eat/anything/all day

2.By the time/I leave/school/I/decide/to become/a painter

3.We/just/hear/the news/when/you/ring        

4.When/I / turn on/the TV/the programme/already/start

5. I/already/think of/that/ before/ you/suggest/it


Past Perfect Continuous Tense(минулий перфектно-тривалий час)

Past Perfect Continuons is used to show an action that was in progress in the past before another action(Past Simple) happened or interrupted it.

We form the Past Perfect Continuous Tense by placing the appropriate form of to be before the Present Participle (-ing form) of the main verb.

Examples: We had a break because we had been working so hard.

He had been training for three years when he painted this masterpiece.

The Past Perfect Continuous is often used with the following words and phrases: for,since,before,all day/night/etc.: Meg had been studying all day.

Mary had been studying for hours, so she had a headache. 

He had been reading the book since yesterday evening.


1.Complete the text by charging the form of the verb in brackets into the Past Perfect Continuous.

My family and I …(watch) a scary science-fiction film for an hour when I noticed that I was alone in the room.We …(look) forward to this film all day,but when I looked round,the room was empty!My little sister had left the room earlier.She

…(cry) because she was scared.My mum and dad …(sit) on the sofa,but then they went to make some coffee.Outside it was dark and it…(rain) all evening.Suddenly,I heard a strange moaning noise.’Mum!’ I yelled.Then Dad laughed.He …(hide) behind my chair.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect, the Past Perfect Continuous or the Past Simple Tense.

1.When our delegation…(to arrive) at the university, the conference…(already to begin)

2.The boys… (to fish) for three hours before Tom…(to catch) the first fish.

3.After we…(to buy) the tickets, we… (to go) to the cinema.

4.We …(to discuss) that problem for more than an hour before we… (to find) the right solution. 

5.We…(to wait) outdoors for twenty minutes before he…(to open) the door.

6.The lawyer…(to prepare) all the documents by 4 o’clock yesterday.


Pre-reading activity

T. The film making is a money business. There is a centre of it. This place is situated in California. There are mountains, deserts and oceans. It is considered to be the American film making centre. Do you guess what is it?

St. I guess it is Hollywood.

T. Yes you are right. The word Hollywood is associated with movie stars and famous companies as Warner Brothers, 20th century Fox. Do you know what does Hollywood mean?

Let’s read the text and broaden our knowledge. Pay attention to the pronunciation of these words.


Cinematography – кінематограф toblossom – розцвітати industry – промисловість profit – прибуток toconvince – переконувати anescape – втеча, порятунок figurine – фігура, статуетка longing – палке бажання

tofulfill –виконувати, здійснювати Award – нагорода magnificent – чудовий to further – сприяти, просувати


          Hollywood is the name of a Los Angeles district which appeared in 1910 and it also stands for American cinematography. In the 20th American film industry blossomed. Producers needed more money and American banks readily gave money as movies brought big profits. Producers grew more and more dependent on businessmen. Unknown actors could become famous in a day, poor p1eople became rich all of the sudden and Hollywood became the town where all dreams come true.

          Hollywood helps to create the American dream and to convin1ce people that the American way of life is the ideal one. At the beginning movies were like a dream giving an escape from reality and showing that longing for happiness and success could be fulfilled.

          One of the greatest events in Hollywood is the presentation of Oscar, the legendary figurine which is the highest Award of the American cinema academy. This organization was founded in 1927. Its aim was to further the development of cinematography. Every year in February the American press publishes the titles of films which have been chosen for the competition. On the presentation day there is a magnificent show in the Los Angeles music centre. Another tradition is the ceremony of leaving one’s footprints or handprints on the pavement in front of the Chinese Theatre.

Post-reading activities

T. Answer the questions:

1.   What does the word Hollywood mean?

2.   All dreams come true in Hollywood, what are they?

3.   What is the aim of the American Cinema Academy in giving Oscars?


Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences.

One of two men saw a film that was…

The film was on at…

There was a special attraction that night: …

Judy Davis is …

The review of the film is …

The producer makes …

The director is …

The cast was …

His wife and he sat in …

Except the film there was a …


Read short reviews and answer the questions after them.


    This film was nominated for 11 Oscars and it won seven. It’s about a Danish writer (Meryl Streep) who goes to Africa to help her husband run a coffee plantation. To her surprise, she finds herself falling in love with the country, the people and a mysterious white hunter (Robert Redford). The film is based on an autobiographical novel by the Danish writer, Isak Dinesen, and was directed by the American director Sydney Pollack.

   The story is set in Africa in 1914 and was shot on location in the Masai Mara National Park. Apart from the actors, the ‘stars’ of the film are the breathtaking scenery and the exotic wildlife, which look so wonderful on the big screen. The film also has an unforgettable soundtrack guaranteed to move even the most unromantic.



    This trilogy of films won a total of 17 Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director. 

   They are based on the books written by JRR Tolkien. They tell the story of a hobbit, Frodo Baggins, who has to try and destroy a magic ring in order  to defeat the evil forces of the dark  Lord Sauron. He is helped on his journey by a group of friends.

    The story is set in an imaginary land called Middle Earth. All three films were filmed in New Zealand, which was chosen because of its magnificent and dramatic scenery. The director of the film, Peter Jackson, was born there. The success of the films has attracted thousands of tourists to the country, and last year it was voted the most popular holiday destination by UK travelers.


Which film (A or B) …?

1   had three parts

2   was based on a book

3   was filmed in a wildlife park

4   was set at the beginning of the 20th century

5   was a romantic film

6   was directed by a man born in New Zealand

7   won more Oscars


3. The final part

Home task

T. Your home task will be creative: write an essay about your favourite film. You may use all the information you know about the film and all words we’ve learned on this topic. You may use the plan.

My favourite film

1.     Introduction: the title of the film, film genre (a psychological thriller, a horror film, romantic film, etc.), the actors staring in this film.

2.     The main body: this film is about… (family life, adventures, a love story, a person, etc.); where and when the story takes place (past, present, future,

America, England…), give some characteristic of the story (exciting/ sad/ unrealistic).

3.     Conclusion: give your recommendations and explain your choice (It’s worth watching. Don’t miss it! It’s worth seeing. It’s not worth seeing).


Summing up

T. Now we are going to check your knowledge of the film genres. Look through the episodes and number film genres according to the video. You’ll have 3-4 seconds after each episode.


Catastrophe film


Family film


Historical film


Documentary film


Adventure film


Fantasy film






War film




You were very active today. The lesson is over. Good-bye!