План уроку з англійської мови для 10 класу за темою: "Let's Celebrate! International Day of Education"

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План уроку з англійської мови для 10 класу за темою: "Let's Celebrate! International Day of Education"
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Title: International Day of Education

Grade Level: Teenagers (15-17 years old)

Duration: 60 minutes


To understand the significance of the International Day of Education.

To explore the importance of education in personal and global development.

To foster empathy and global citizenship through discussions and activities.

To encourage students to take action in promoting access to quality education for all.


Whiteboard or flipchart

Markers and colored pens

Handouts with relevant information on education and its impact

Access to the internet for research purposes

Multimedia resources (videos, images, etc.) related to education

Notebooks and writing utensils


I. Introduction (5 minutes)

A. Greet the students and introduce the topic of the International Day of Education.

B. Discuss the importance of education in personal growth and its impact on societies globally.

C. Ask students if they have any prior knowledge or experiences related to the topic.


II. Activity: Reflection (10 minutes)

A. Provide each student with a handout containing questions such as:

1. What does education mean to you?

2. How has education impacted your life?

3. What challenges do you think children around the world face in accessing education?

B. Ask students to spend a few minutes reflecting on these questions individually.

C. Facilitate a brief discussion to share some of their responses and thoughts.


III. Understanding the International Day of Education (15 minutes)

A. Explain the history and significance of the International Day of Education, which is celebrated annually on January 24.

B. Discuss the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education, emphasizing its objectives.

C. Share relevant examples of initiatives and organizations working towards promoting education worldwide.


IV. Activity: Group Discussion (15 minutes)

A. Divide the class into small groups of 4-5 students.

B. Assign each group a specific aspect of education to discuss, such as:

1. Gender equality in education.

2. The role of technology in education.

3. Access to education for marginalized communities.

C. Instruct the groups to research their assigned topic and discuss its importance, challenges, and possible solutions.

D. After the discussion, have each group present a summary of their findings to the whole class.


V. Activity: Action Plan (15 minutes)

A. Explain the importance of taking action to promote education for all.

B. Ask students to brainstorm ideas on how they can contribute to improving access to education.

C. Encourage creativity and diverse perspectives in their suggestions.

D. Have each student individually create an action plan outlining one specific step they can take to support education.

E. Allow students to share their action plans voluntarily, fostering a sense of commitment and responsibility.


VI. Conclusion (5 minutes)

A. Summarize the key points discussed throughout the lesson.

B. Reiterate the significance of education and the role each student can play in advocating for equal educational opportunities.

C. Encourage students to celebrate the International Day of Education in their own ways, both individually and collectively.


Note: Adjust the timing and activities as needed to fit the allotted class time and the specific needs of the students.


Task 2 – A-Z of Education

What does a word Education mean to you?

 Can you find more words for each letter?

























Y -



Task 2 – A-Z of Education

What does a word Education mean to you?

 Can you find more words for each letter?


A – academic year, alphabet, Art


N - netbook

B – books, backpack

O - oral presentation, oral tests


C – class, classmate, classroom

P – pupils, projects, PT, Physics

D – desk, diploma

Q – questions, quiz


E – educators, exams

R – rules, ruler, reading

F – flashcards, friends


S – students, schoolbag, scholarship, study, subjects

G – Geography, Geometry, Gym


T – teachers, tests, tutor, tablet

H – hometask, holidays, homework, high school

U – uniform, university


I - instruction

V – vocabulary, vocational school

J - junior

W – whiteboard, workbooks


K – kids, kindergarten, knowledge

X -

L – lessons, library, literature, lunch

Y - yard

M – mark, middle school



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