Подорож. Переваги подорожі тим чи іншим видом транспорту.

Про матеріал
Архів містить: план-конспект уроку, презентацію Power Point, текст для читання, текст для аудіювання, текст пісні.
Перегляд файлу




In the land of submarines



And he told us of his life



In our yellow submarine



In the town where I was born



And we lived beneath the waves



Lived a man who sailed to sea



Till we found the sea of green



So we sailed up to the sun

  1. Put the lines in the correct order.














  1. Fill in the gaps.


And our  ______________  are all aboard

Many more of them live next _________

And the _____________ begins to play …


As we ______________    a life of ease

Everyone of us has all _________ need

Sky of blue and ____________ of green

In our __________________ submarine.

Перегляд файлу


Read the text and fill in the gaps with the following words

Discover, education, practice, way, home, life, travel

People travel the globe to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they (1)… to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. Today people have lots of reasons to travel. Travelling has always been a part of people’s (2)… . The best way to study geography is to travel and the best (3)… to know and understand the traditions and customs of different people is to speak to them. Besides, travelling is a good way to (4)… foreign language.

It goes without saying that it’s always interesting to (5)… new places and new ways of  (6)…, to try foreign food and to listen to unusual musical rhythms. It’s much better than sitting at (7)… and doing nothing.









Read the text and fill in the gaps with the following words

Discover, education, practice, way, home, life, travel

People travel the globe to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they (1)… to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. Today people have lots of reasons to travel. Travelling has always been a part of people’s (2)… . The best way to study geography is to travel and the best (3)… to know and understand the traditions and customs of different people is to speak to them. Besides, travelling is a good way to (4)… foreign language.

It goes without saying that it’s always interesting to (5)… new places and new ways of  (6)…, to try foreign food and to listen to unusual musical rhythms. It’s much better than sitting at (7)… and doing nothing.


Перегляд файлу

Yellow Submarine

(The Beatles)



In the town where I was born

Lived a man who sailed to sea

And he told us of his life

In the land of submarines


So we sailed up to the sun

Till we found the sea of green

And we lived beneath the waves

In our yellow submarine


We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine


And our friends are all aboard

Many more of them live next door

And the band begins to play


We all live in a yellow submarine


As we live a life of ease

Everyone of us has all we need

Sky of blue and sea of green

In our yellow submarine


We all live in a yellow submarine …

Перегляд файлу


відкритого уроку з англійської мови по темі: «Подорож»,

проведеного у 6 класі  учителем англійської мови вищої категорії

Хмельницького ліцею №15 імені Олександра Співачука

Калинюк Н.В.






Підтема: Переваги подорожі тим чи іншим видом транспорту.





˗ формувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення;

˗ активізувати вживання лексики з теми;

˗ формувати навички вживання граматичних структур типу Present Perfect;

˗ розвивати навички аудіювання тексту, ігноруючи незнайомі слова.



Формувати предметні компетентності:

˗ комунікативно-мовленнєву: збагачення та активізація мовленнєвого запасу; удосконалення навичок діалогічного мовлення;

˗ лінгвістичну: уміння опрацьовувати письмове повідомлення; уміння читати текст з вилученням основної інформації;

˗ граматичну:  здатність користуватися граматичними ресурсами мови;

˗ соціолінгвістичну: уміння використовувати вирази ввічливості, розуміння прислів’їв мови, яка вивчається.



˗ розвивати загально навчальні вміння: культуру мовлення, чіткість і точність думки, критичність мислення, здатність відчувати красу мови;

˗ розвивати мовну здогадку, вміння логічно викладати свої думки;

˗ розвивати вміння вести групову бесіду, уміння працювати в групах, парах;

˗ розвивати інтелектуальні здібності( увагу, пам'ять, мислення, уяву).



˗ виховувати активність в рішенні комунікативних завдань, самостійність у виконанні вправ та здібність до взаємодопомоги під час роботи в парах;

˗ формувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, повагу до культури та традицій країни, мова якої вивчається.



Тип уроку: урок  перевірки  й  корекції  знань,  навичок,  умінь.


Форми роботи: фронтальна, індивідуальна, робота в парах.


Обладнання: підручник, зошит, мультимедійна презентація PowerPoint, роздатковий матеріал із завданнями на аудіювання та читання.


Очікувані результати

Учні повинні:

˗ вживати вивчені лексичні одиниці в діалогічному та монологічному мовленні;

˗ правильно вживати граматичні структури з дієсловами у Present Perfect;

˗ знати прислів’я  рідної країни та країни, мову якої вивчають;

˗ вміти розповідати про подорожі та переваги видів транспорту.



План уроку:


І. Орієнтація, мотивація діяльності.

ІІ. Цілепокладання.

      1. Повідомлення теми, мети, завдань уроку.

      2. Мотивація навчальної діяльності.  

      3. Визначення очікуваних результатів.

ІІІ. Цілереалізація.

1.Перевірка знань фактичного матеріалу (усна фронтальна бесіда, усна індивідуальна бесіда).

     2.Перевірка глибини усвідомлення  знань  (усне опитування).

     3.Перевірка знань основних понять

     4. Застосування знань у стандартних умовах

     5. Фізкультпауза.

     6. Застосування знань у нестандартних умовах.

     7.Домашнє завдання

ІV. Рефлексивно-оцінюючий.

       1. Підведення підсумків уроку.

       2. Рефлексія.

       3. Оцінювання.               



Перебіг уроку


І.Орієнтація, мотивація діяльності.


Good morning, dear children! I am glad to see you at our lesson. I hope you are in a good mood today and we’ll have a very interesting and usefull lesson. (слайд 1)
But at first tell me, please:

  • Who is on duty today?
  • Who is absent today?
  • What season is it now?
  • What can you say about today’s weather? Why do you think so?

So, today is the 4th of March and it means you’ll have your spring holidays soon.

  • What do you usually do at your holidays?
  • Do you like travelling?


ІІ. Цілепокладання.


  1. Повідомлення теми, мети, завдань уроку.


 And as you have guessed the topic of our lesson is TRAVELLING. (слайд 2)

Our aims for our lesson are: (слайд 3)

- to review the material: the topic "Travelling”, grammar structures  with Present Perfect ;

- to continue to listen to your presentations about trips and journeys and act the dialogues out;

-  to improve your speaking, reading, listening and writing skills.


  1. Мотивація навчальної діяльності

         I suggest the mottoes of our lesson:

The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page.

Augustine, St.

(слайд 4)

Read and translate it!  Have you got more motivation for travelling?


3. Визначення очікуваних результатів

I hope that during our lesson you’ll be able to speak about advantages and disadvantages of some kinds of transport, share your trip impressions, listen and read texts, make word and mind-maps, show your knowledge Grammar.



ІІІ. Цілереалізація.


1. Перевірка знань фактичного матеріалу (усна фронтальна бесіда, усна індивідуальна розмова).



The 1st step of our lesson is improving our phonetic skills. Let’s read a short rhyme and practise some sounds. (слайд 5)

We go by car   We go by land,

And we go by train.   And sea and air.

We go by boat    We go, go, go

And we go by plane.   From here to there.


  • What sounds can we practise by this poem? ([w], [d], [t], [əu]).             


2.Перевірка глибини усвідомлення  знань  (усне опитування).


  • Are you ready for our travelling?
  • Let’s travel! (слайд 6)

Tell me, please, How can we travel? What means of transport do you know? (слайд 7)

 Now, let’s answer the question’’ Why do we travel?’’  (слайд 8)            

Come to the blackboard and write down the reason what your family, you and other people travel for.



3.Перевірка знань основних понять


Travelling by car, by bus, by train and even by plane and by ship are usual kinds of travelling today. And what unusual kinds of travelling do you know?

(ballooning, dog sledging, travelling by helicopter, by space ship, on horse, by submarine). (слайд 9)



4.Застосування знань у стандартних умовах.


  1. Аудіювання.


You are right. And I wish to offer you travelling by submarine in a very good company. It will be a world popular group The Beatles.

So, the next step of our lesson is improving our listening skills. (слайд 10)

Your tasks are:

  • to listen to the 1st part of the song and put the lines in the correct order;
  • to listen to the 2nd part of the song and fill in the gaps;
  • after the second listening of these two parts of the song and when your tasks will be done you can sing a refrain all together.

Now I’ll give you a minute to look through the tasks.

Are you ready? Be attentive! (слайд 11- 13)


  1. Перевірка домашнього завдання.


At the previous lesson we listened to some stories about your last travelling and now we can continue. Let’s start! (слайд 14- 19)


- Are you attentive pupils? Then tell me What mean of transport did Slavko travel? (by car). Yes, you’re right. Slavko, as many other people prefer travelling by car. But this kind of travelling has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages /disadvantages of travelling by car (слайд 20)
+You can stop where you want./ - But gasoline  is very expensive.
+ You don’t have to buy any tickets./ - But sometimes it is difficult to find a service station
+ You shouldn’t follow any time table./ - Roads are not in good condition.

+ You can go as fast as you want./ - It is difficult to find good parking.




  • Well done! Can we travel to Africa by car?
  • Who has ever been there?
  • Where have you been?
  • What weather was there?
  • But sometimes it rains even in Africa. Look and the screen and try to make an African rain. (слайд 21)

6.Застосування знань у нестандартних умовах.


The rain has stopped and we can travel again.  And our next step will be Reading.

  • Your tasks for reading are on the screen. (слайд 22)
  • You have just 5 min for doing this task. (слайд 23)
  • Now swop your papers and check them looking on the keys. Here are they. (слайд 24)
  • Who has no mistakes? Who has one/two/more then two mistake(s)?


Our next step is Grammar Revision. Look at the screen and revise how to use Present Perfect Tense. (слайд 25) Now open your books on page 153, Ex. 7.Your task is to open the brackets and put the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple. Let’s start. (слайд 26-27)


Our next step of the lesson will be to make a Short Dialogues. On the screen you can see some places, some means of transport and some questions. Use them to make up a short dialogues. You have just a minute to think. (слайд 28)


Before our lesson I asked you about the greatest traveller in your class and I know this is N. N. come here and sit on the chair. And now imagine you are reporters of the big and well-known newspaper. Ask N. as many question as you can to get more information about N’s last trip. Time of the interview is limited. You have only 7 minutes. (слайд 29)



7. Домашнє завдання

Now I announce a contest for the best article about N’s last trip! It will be your home task.

Have you got any questions?


ІV. Рефлексивно-оцінюючий.


1.Підведення підсумків уроку.


So, our lesson is going to the end. You have proved that you know the material rather well. Thanks for your work


2. Рефлексія.


Do you remember the aims for our lesson? (слайд 30)

Can we say the same but in Present Perfect?


  1. Оцінювання


 It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your marks for the lesson are the following…


The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2


Номер слайду 3

to review the material: the topic "Travelling”, grammar structures with Present Perfect ;to continue to listen to your presentations about trips and journeys and act the dialogues out; to improve your speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. OUR AIMS:style.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.type

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

We go by car. And we go by train. We go by boat. And we go by plane. We go by land, And sea and air. We go, go, go From here to there. Let’s read this short rhyme and practise some sounds.

Номер слайду 6

Номер слайду 7


Номер слайду 8

Let’s make a short Mind-map answering the question: WHY DO WE TRAVEL?

Номер слайду 9


Номер слайду 10

TASKS:1. Listen to the first verse of the song and put the lines in the right order.2. Listen to the second and third verses and fill in the gaps.3. Sing the refrain all together. LISTENING

Номер слайду 11


Номер слайду 12


Номер слайду 13

We all live in a yellow submarine. Yellow submarine, yellow submarine. We all live in a yellow submarine. Yellow submarine, yellow submarine. Let’s listen again and sing all together!

Номер слайду 14


Номер слайду 15

Номер слайду 16

Номер слайду 17

Номер слайду 18

Номер слайду 19

Номер слайду 20

Travelling by car. Pros and cons.

Номер слайду 21


Номер слайду 22

TASKS:1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the giving words.2. Look through it again and name it. READING

Номер слайду 23

People travel the globe to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they (1)… to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. Today people have lots of reasons to travel. Travelling has always been a part of people’s (2)… The best way to study geography is to travel and the best (3)… to know and understand the traditions and customs of different people is to speak to them. Besides, travelling is a good way to (4)… foreign language. It goes without saying that it’s always interesting to (5)… new places and new ways of (6)…, to try foreign food and to listen to unusual musical rhythms. It’s much better than sitting at (7)… and doing nothing. Discover, education, practise, way, home, life, travel

Номер слайду 24

1. travel2. life3. way4. practise5. discover6. education7. home. KEYS:

Номер слайду 25

I, you, we, they - HAVE + Ved(V3)He, she, it - HAS + Ved(V3)Examples: + : I have done it. - : I have not (haven’t) done it. ? : Have you done it? Just, yet, never, ever, already, so far, up to now, since, recently, today, this week (month…)Present Perfect Tense

Номер слайду 26

Open the brackets and put the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple.1 I ... (come) to America in 1980.2 Do you know Australia? — No, I … never ... (be) there.3 When I was a child I ... (travel) a lot.4 You ... (read) any English books?5 I never ... (travel) by train.6 You ... (see) the film about animals last night?Grammar Exercisestyle.colorfillcolorfill.type

Номер слайду 27

Have you ever been to …?LONDONLVIVVINNYTSIAHow did (can) you get there?ODESAWhat sights did (can) you see there?

Номер слайду 28


Номер слайду 29


Номер слайду 30

At home you should write an article about Vika’s last trip.

Номер слайду 31

Номер слайду 32


Номер слайду 33


Номер слайду 34

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