Посібник «English for students of vocational schools». Англійська мова для учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів

Про матеріал
Посібник призначено для учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів з дисципліни «Англійська мова». У даному навчальному посібнику пропонуються тематичні тексти, термінологічний словник, лексичні та граматичні вправи для закріплення навчального матеріалу, короткий граматичний довідник, глосарій міжнародних абревіатур та список рекомендованої літератури. Працюючи за таким посібником учні мають можливість розвивати навички усного мовлення, письма та ділового мислення, а також поповнити свій словниковий запас.
Перегляд файлу

Міністерство освіти і науки України

Хмельницька обласна державна адміністрація Департамент освіти і науки

Державний навчальний заклад

Вище професійне училище № 11 

м. Хмельницького





for students of vocational schools


Англійська мова 

для учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів 


Petrushenko Olha Oleksandrivna



Хмельницький – 2020

Міністерство освіти і науки України

Хмельницька обласна державна адміністрація Департамент освіти і науки

Державний навчальний заклад

Вище професійне училище № 11 

м. Хмельницького



Petrushenko Olha Oleksandrivna


Петрушенко Ольга Олександрівна





for students of vocational schools  

Англійська мова 

для учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів 



Навчальний посібник з курсу англійської мови для учнів професійнотехнічних навчальних закладів







Хмельницький – 2020

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Петрушенко О.О.

П 45  Англійська мова для учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів: 

Навчальний посібник. Хмельницький, 2020. 203 с.   


Розглянуто і рекомендовано до друку науково-методичною радою Науковометодичного центру професійно-технічної освіти та підвищення кваліфікації інженерно-педагогічних працівників у Хмельницькій області, протокол № 5, від 13.01.2020 р.




Луцюк Ірина Василівна – голова секції викладачів іноземної мови, викладач іноземної мови ВПУ № 4, м. Хмельницького 

Зоріна Тетяна Володимирівна – викладач іноземної мови ВПУ № 4, м. Хмельницького 



Посібник призначено для учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів з дисципліни «Англійська мова».

У даному навчальному посібнику пропонуються тематичні тексти, термінологічний словник, лексичні та граматичні вправи для закріплення навчального матеріалу, короткий граматичний довідник, глосарій міжнародних абревіатур та список рекомендованої літератури.

Працюючи за таким посібником учні мають можливість розвивати навички усного мовлення, письма та ділового мислення, а також поповнити свій словниковий запас. 

© Петрушенко О.О.




ISBN 978-617-692-105-9



Introduction…………………………………………………………………….     5

Unit 1. Applying for a job.…………………………………………..………      7

Lesson 1. «Curriculum vitae. Application form».…………………………………     7

Grammar: The Present Indefinite Tense.………………………………………….     14

Lesson 2. «Job interview».………………………………………………………..     18

Grammar: The Past Indefinite Tense.……………………………………………..     27

Lesson 3. «Covering letter».………………………………………………………    30

Grammar: The Future Indefinite Tense.…………………………………………..     35

Unit 2. Business contacts.……………………………………………………     39

Lesson 4. «At the negotiating table».……………………………………………..     39

Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense.………………………………………..     46

Lesson 5. «The structure of a typical company».………….......………………….     48

Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense.…………………………………………...     53

Lesson 6. «At the company».…………………………………………………..…     55

Grammar: The Future Continuous Tense.………………………………………...     61

Unit 3. Business travelling.…………………………………………………..    63

Lesson 7. «At the airport».………………………………………………………..     63

Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense.…………………………………………….     66

Lesson 8. «At the customs».………………………………………………………     69

Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense.………………………………………………..     72

Lesson 9. «At the hotel».………………………………………………………….     75

Grammar: The Future Perfect Tense.……………………………………………...    79

Unit 4. Wholesaling. Retailing  .……………………………………………    81

Lesson 10. «Wholesaling».………………………………………………………..    81

Grammar: The Present Perfect Continuous .……………………………………...     89

Lesson 11. «Retailing».…………………………………………………………..      91

Grammar: The Past Perfect Continuous.………………………………………….        100

Lesson 12. «Advertising».………………………………………………………... 102

Grammar: The Future Perfect Continuous .………………………………………. 106

Unit 5. Methods of payment.……………………………………………….. 109

Lesson 13. «Methods of payment».………………………………………………. 109

Grammar: Passive Voice .………………………………………………………… 113

Lesson 14. «Payment in advance. Open account».………………………………... 116

Grammar: Passive Voice .………………………………………………………… 121

Lesson 15. «Bill of exchange».…………………………………………………... 124

Grammar: Sequence of tenses.……………………………………………………. 131

Unit 6. Contracts. Сonsumer rights.……………………………………… 133

Lesson 16. «Clauses of Contracts»…………………..…………………………… 133

Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech.………………………………....................    142

Lesson 17. «Sales contract».………………………………...................................    144

Grammar: Modal Verbs.……………………………….......................................... 147

Lesson 18. «Сonsumer rights».………………………………............................... 150

Grammar: The Gerund.………………………………............................................ 159

Grammar guide.………………………………..................................................... 162

Glossary of international abbreviations.……………………………….............. 203

English-Ukrainian Dictionary of abbreviations.……………………………….    205

Reference list.……………………………….........................................................    207


Сучасні тенденції стрімкого розвитку системи освіти в Україні значно вплинули на модернізацію професійно-технічної мовної освіти в контексті Європейського простору. Значні зміни всієї системи народної освіти в Україні вимагають принципово іншого підходу до вивчення іноземних мов відповідно до вимог Загальноєвропейських Рекомендацій. Провідним напрямком в оволодінні іноземною мовою учнями професійно-технічних навчальних закладів є здобуття ними такого рівня комунікативної компетенції, яка б дозволяла користуватися іноземною мовою в певній галузі професійної діяльності.

Тому вивчення учнями такої дисципліни, як «Англійська мова» є актуальним та необхідним.

Запропонований навчально-методичний посібник розроблено у відповідності до навчальної програми дисципліни «Англійська мова» на основі сучасних принципів навчання іноземної мови. Посібник призначено для учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів ”.

Посібник має таку структуру: зміст, вступ, анотація, основна частина, короткий граматичний довідник, глосарій міжнародних абревіатур та список рекомендованої літератури.

Основною метою навчального посібника «Англійська мова» є формування необхідної комунікативної спроможності у сферах ситуативного професійного спілкування в усній та письмовій формах; забезпечення розвитку навичок аналітичного читання, розуміння та перекладу професійно-орієнтовних іншомовних джерел, написання рефератів, анотацій та інших документів іноземною мовою. 

За основу покладені принципи системності, комунікативної та професійної спрямованості навчання, інтерактивності, інтеграції та мовленнєво-розумової активності. 

Даний посібник дає можливість розвитку всіх аспектів володіння іноземною мовою: знання граматичного строю мови і вміння користуватися теоретичними знаннями на практиці; розширення лексичного запасу учня і вміння вести бесіду; вміння грамотно і точно висловити свою думку у письмовій формі; вміння розуміти усне і писемне мовлення; вміння перекласти усні повідомлення і писемні тексти фахового спрямування.

Велика увага приділяється діалогічному мовленню, що відповідає комунікативній спрямованості навчального процесу. Посібник розроблено так, що учень має можливість як удосконалювати своє вміння презентувати підготовлену розповідь, так і практикувати вміння вести спонтанну бесіду на будь-яку знайому йому тему.

Постійна увага приділяється не тільки усному, але й писемному мовленню, що передбачає виконання лексичних і граматичних вправ у письмовій формі.

Посібник містить багато оригінальних творчих завдань, які допомагають учню не тільки краще оволодіти англійською мовою, але й розкрити і розвинути свої здібності. 
















Curriculum vitae. Application form

Job interview

                                                       Covering letter

Grammar: The Indefinite Tenses



1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.       an application form – анкета претендента

2.       an applicant – претендент, кандидат

3.       to apply – звертатися

4.       CV= Curriculum Vitae – резюме

5.       to look for smth – шукати щось

6.       to be eager to do smth – дуже бажати щось зробити

7.       to fill in – заповнювати

8.       to assess – оцінювати

9.       to suit – задовольняти

10.   suitable – підходящий, зручний

11.   to obtain – отримувати 

12.   to complete = to fill in – заповнювати 

13.   a reference = testimonial – рекомендація

14.   objective – мета

15.   a referee – особа, яка дає рекомендацію

16.   an employee – службовець

17.   to supervise – керувати, здійснювати нагляд

18.   a supervisor – наглядач

2.   Read and translate the following text:


When a person is eager to get a job he is often to fill in a resume (USA) or a Curriculum vitae (UK) or a standard printed application form. The forms can be laid out in different ways but the information required will, in most cases, be the same. 

The information given by the candidate in these papers will be helpful in assessing the candidate’s suitability for the post. 

From the candidate’s point of view, this paper is the first impression the firm will obtain of him or her and therefore it is important that the candidate completes the paper clearly and carefully.

A curriculum vitae should usually contain the following information:



 Marital status



 Date of birth




 Place of birth

 Work experience






CV’s or resumes as well as application forms will require the name and address of at least two individuals who can act as referees, which means those who can provide references. The referees may be contacted and asked whether or not they consider the applicant to be suitable for the post. The candidate may name a vicar, a doctor, or an old family friend as one of referees.

Normally, the firm will ask for the names of present or former employees or supervisors for whom the candidate has worked.


3.   Answer the questions: 

1.        What documents has an applicant to present to apply for a proposed post?

2.        In what way is curriculum vitae written?

3.        What is a referee? What are his functions?

4.        What is a reference? Who writes it and when?

5.        Who usually sends a request to a referee to give his reference for an applicant?

6.        Who interviews applicants for a post of the company?

7.        How are applicants selected?

8.        If the company select one applicant, how do they notify him about it?

9.        What are the actions of the applicant, selected for the post, after he receives a notification of the company?

10.   What does the applicant write to the company in which he worked before? 

4.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:

[ ə: ]

[ w ]

[ ŋ ]




















5.   Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   Doing is better than saying.

2.   The hardest work is to do nothing.

3.   Business before pleasure.

4.   Idleness is the mother of all evil.  


6. Complete the sentences as in the text: 

1.     When a person is eager to get a job he is often to fill in……………..……………..

2.     The forms can be laid out in different ways but ……………………….…………..

3.     The information given by the candidate can be very helpful in assessing…………

4.     It is important that the candidate ……………………………………..…………….

5.     CVs should contain the following information…………………….……………….

6.     CVs and application forms will require the name and address of at least…………

7.     The referees may be contacted and asked ……………………………..…………..

8.     Normally the firm will ask for the names of present …………………..…………..


7. Underline the modal verbs and translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1.     The applicant is to fill in a resume or an application form.

2.     The forms can be laid out in various ways. 

3.     The CVs should contain the following information.

4.     It should give the names of two referees.

5.     The referees may be contacted and asked some questions.

6.     The applicant may name a doctor, a vicar, an old family friend.

7.     The firm may also contact the former or present employer of the applicant.


8.     Define the terms:

curriculum vitae


application form





work experience


9.     Read the dialogue in pairs.

   What institute have you graduated from?

   I’m a Kyiv University graduate. – How much do you earn?

   I’d rather not answer the question.

   Would you like to find the best job?

   No, I wouldn’t. I’m fond of my profession.

   Do you think you can manage a factory or a farm?

   Oh, no,  I’m not sure I could manage such a position.

–Why not? Where there’s a will there’s a way.


10.   Make up your own dialogue using the following expressions:

to look for smth 

to apply

to get a job

to suit

to fill in

a reference

an application form

to supervise                                       


11.   DOs and DON’Ts for the job Seekers:

1.     Do apply for a job in person.

2.     Do stress your qualification for the job opening.

3.     Do mention any experience you have which is relevant to the job.

4.     Do talk and think as far as possible about the future rather than the past.

5.     Do indicate, where possible, your stability, attendance record and good safety experience.

6.     Do answer questions honestly. 

7.     Do have a good resume.

8.     Don’t mumble or speak with a muffled voice. 9. Don’t be one of those who can do everything.

10.   Don’t express your ideas on compensation, hours, etc. Early in the interview.

11.   Don’t arrive late and breathless for an interview.


12.   Using the examples, write out your own CV.                                                                                                                             

Curriculum Vitae


        Name:                                       Susanna J. Pattrick

Home address:                          1 The Lane Liverpool M 16 2PT

Date of birth:                            22 March 1979

Place of birth:                           Liverpool

Nationality:                               British

Marital status:                           Single

Education:                                 Stonebroom Comprehensive School

                                                  West Park

                                                  Liverpool September 1990- July 1995

Qualifications:                          July 1995

                                                  GCSE Mathematics (B)

                                                  English (C)

                                                  Business Studies (A)

                                                  French (C)

                                                  Art and Design (D) 

Objective:                                  A traineeship in trading

Work experience:                      Work on a market stall on Saturday

Interest & activities:                  Swimming, reading, horse riding

Referees:                                   Mr. Mills                                    Rev. G. Brown

                                                  The Headmaster Stonebroom    St. Michael le Belfry

                                                  Comprehensive School              Church Street

                                                  West Park                                   Urmstow

                                                  Liverpool                                    Liverpool     


13.   Read the following CVs and answer the questions:

1.     What does a person have to fill in if he/ she is eager to get a job?

2.     What information should a CV contain?

3.     What standard points did Susanna miss in her CV?

4.     Whom can the candidate name as referees?

5.     Why do you think Susanna choose those two referees?


14. Read and translate the following sentences.

Here is some advice how to apply by letter:

1.     Remember that first impressions are important.

2.     Write clearly and neatly on good notepaper, underlined if possible.

3.     Check for spelling mistakes. Use a dictionary if you are not sure of a word.

4.     Describe yourself, your qualifications and your experience clearly.

5.     If the advertisement asks you to write for an application form you will not need to give detailed information in your letter.


15.     Find the main elements of the Curriculum Vitae:





























































































































































16.     Communicative situations:

Your friend is going to have a job interview. Reproduce the dialogue between an applicant and an employer.  


(Find out all you can about the company; the interviewer’s name and office phone number; how to get there and how long it will take you to get there; make shure you know what the job involves; dress to look clean and neat).    

17.     Do the following test and discover what kind of businessman you will be:

Test on personality and creativity.

1). Do the following test. 2). Give from 0 to 6 points to each statement. Try to make your assessment as fair as possible.


Answer as honestly as possible

From 0 to 6


I like to be a master of the situation



I always have new and fresh ideas



Sometimes I use ordinary things in new, original ways 



I like to take initiative



I prefer to face my problems alone



I am open to new ideas 



I always finish what I have started and never give up



I like to take responsibilities.



I like to be a master of the situation



I am curious 



I’ve got a rich imagination



I try even impossible things



I am open to suggestions 



I try to do things in different ways



I am able to adapt



I am able to find the way to settle my problems



I prefer to deal with people who keep high positions



Most of all I appreciate freedom



I’m ready to take responsibilities



I am reserved


Check your score:

                                    101 – 120                              You are independent and very dynamic. You are very motivated.

You’ve got everything to succeed in business. Use you talent in the best way.

                                    71 – 100                       You are an entrepreneur by nature. You are competent enough but you

shouldn’t neglect experts’advice, which could help you prosper more.

41 – 70  You’ve got good qualities, which need improvement. Examine your abilities, don’t refuse other people’s assistance. Spend more time for learning.

20 – 40     Sorry, but at the moment you are not ready to run a business. Your results show that it is too early for you to start. You must have some theoretical background, find out your weak points and try gradually to get rid of them.   


Grammar: The Present Indefinite Tense.

1. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the necessary tense-form. 

1.        The interview also (to give) the candidate the chance to find out more about the company, such as the working condition, hours of work, pay and training.

2.        We (to export) our equipment to 5 countries. We also (to have) two subsidiary companies in Holland and Germany with headquarters in those countries. 

3.        The employer (to want) to know if you are the person he wants.

4.        What foreign languages ___ he (to know)?

5.        Our firm ( to consist) of 6 departments: Production, Sales, Export, Financial, Personnel and Research & Development.

6.        How many people ___ you (to hire) each day, week, month or year?

7.        Mr. Klimov (to meet) Mr. Black in his office. He (to offer) our representative their clothes.

8.        After the business lunch he (to write) a follow-up letter to a person he (to meet).

9.        What kind of letters ___ you (to need) to write if you (to want) to get your money without offending your client?

10.   A contract (to form) the basis of a transaction between the Buyers and the Sellers.

11.   Small talk (to take place) between people who know each other, or at first- time meetings.

2. Open the brackets and usethe verbs in the correct forms. Translate the following sentences:

1.     In 1992 Ukraine and Great Britain established diplomatic relations and since then Ukraine (to have) got its Embassy which is situated in the center of London. 

2.     We are looking for a Commercial Director for this project so in the future you’ll (to have) to deal with him.

3.     The Commons (to have) 650 elected Members of Parliament (MPs). 

4.     Ukraine (to have) trade relations with different countries.

5.     Do you (to have) any experience in this kind of job?

6.     The British are happy to (to have) a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink during the meal.

7.     Do you (to have) any special skills?

8.     We (to have) pleasure in inviting you to our unusual conference.

9.     Do you (to have) any questions to ask me?

10.What kinds of jobs do you (to have) in your company?

11.At present, more than 33 million people (to have) the Internet and over three million computers. 

12.Do you (to have) any other ideas about solving this problem?


3.          Choose the right words:

1.   Do you have (some, any) corporate rates or special discounts?

2.   The applicant many be contacted and asked (some, any) questions.

3.   Do you have (some, any) special skills? 

4.   We would like to make (some, any) amendments into the draft contract.

5.   Do you have (some, any) other ideas about solving this problem?


4.          Complete the sentences with the following words: punctuality, rule, hesitate, name, courtesy, frequently.

1.   The most important  … for a businessman is to keep his word.

2.   …. is very important.

3.   When you are introduced, listen carefully to each … .

4.   If you forget the name do not …. to ask the person to repeat it.

5.   In many English speaking countries handshaking is a social … .

6.   Women shake hands less … .


5.          Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct forms:

1.   First – line managers (to have) direct and continuing contract with production personnel.

2.   Management (to be) the achievement of organizational objectives through people and other resources. 

3.   There (to be) usually several budgets established in a firm: an operating budget, a capital budget, a cash budget.

4.   Our financial bank (to give) some credits for our foreign   partners.

5.   There exporters (to wait) for him for 15 minutes by 5 o’clock.


6.   Inform the group about your activities and find out if he or she does the same:

Model: I decide to become an economist. And what about him? (too)              He decides to become an economist too.

1. І pay for the use of  land. And what about her? (regularly) 2. I negotiate a sale. And what about her? (too) 3. I want to know more about the subject. And what about him? (too) 4. I need to make choices from among the things I want. And what about her? (from time to time) 5. I expect you to use your property to produce things that will sell and earn you a profit. And what about him? (too)


7. Express doubt concerning the truth of the following statements:

Model: He understands your question.

I'm afraid he doesn't understand your question.

1. You know his decision. 2. Everyone goes through life having to make choices. 3. Economic forces affect decisions in the world of business. 4. Large corporations use economists to study the way they do business and to suggest methods for making more efficient use of their equipment, factories, and other resources. 5. Each factor of production has a place in our economic system. 6. The study of economics helped me to understand the economic forces better.


8. Ask about the following as in the model:

Model: Ask your friend if he knows what is the basic economic problem. 

           Do you know what is the basic economic problem?

1. Ask your friend if John knows the answers to the fundamental economic questions. 2. Ask your friend if rent becomes income to the owner of the land. 3. Ask your friend if he wants to study economics. 4. Ask your friend if economic forces affect decisions in the world of business. 5. Ask your friend if the resources go into the creation of goods and services.


9. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence (relationships, to hold a position, authority, complex, task, a line department, a staff department). 

1.     As a rule a ... usually does not give orders to other departments.

2.     Organization structure shows ... between each position and positions above and below.

3.     A sales manager has direct ... over a salesman.

4.     When the business gets more ... there is a need for staff departments.

5.     The ... of staff departments is to do different services. 

6.     My friend  … … of sales manager.


10. Translate the following sentences into English:

1.     Фірма шукає прцівника, який володіє англійською та німецькою мовами.

2.     Його посада в компанії дуже важлива.

3.     Керівник цієї групи – дуже талановитий спеціаліст.

4.     Кандидати на посаду менеджера повинні надіслати резюме.

5.     Ви знайдете всю інформацію у відділі кадрів.

6.     Резюме має містити конкретну інформацію.

7.     Зазвичай наш директор переглядає найкращі анкети претендентів на посаду головного менеджера фірми.   


1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.        lengthy –  довгий

2.        to match – підходити, відповідати

3.        attribute –  властивості, ознака

4.        to discount –  ігнорувати, відкидати

5.        tidy – акуратний, охайний

6.        adequate – адекватний, рівнозначний

7.        to draw up (drew, drawn) – складати

8.        a judgment – судження

9.        to make a judgement on smith – судити про що-небудь

10.   to fit – підходити

11.   ability – здатність

12.   to find out – з’ясовувати, визначати


2. Read and translate the following text:

About interviews

Once the company has obtained the resumes and completed form of the candidates, the next step is to compare them. This can be a lengthy process, trying to match the attributes of the applicants to the post. Some CVs and forms will be discounted straight away because, for example:

      they are badly written, perhaps they have poor spelling and are untidy

      the applicant’s qualifications may be inadequate for the post the applicant may be too old or too young.

These applicants will be sent letters informing them that they were unsuccessful in their application. Of the CVs and application forms remaining, a “short” list will be drawn up. This is a list of the applicants seen as best suited for the post. Letters will be sent to those listed, inviting them for interview on a certain date. At the same date the company will usually send for references.

The interview is the major way the companies assess whether a candidate is suitable for a particular post. It allows the company to make a judgement on:

      the candidate’s personality (will he fit into the company and be able to mix with the other staff?)

      the ability of the candidate to communicate

      whether the information on the CV or application form is correct.

It also gives the candidate the chance to find out more about the company, such as the working condition, hours of work, pay and training.


3. Answer the following questions:

1.   Which options should an employer first consider when he wants to hire a new employee?

2.   What services does a personnel department provide?

3.   In what way can the new employees be found outside one's company?

4.   What qualifications does the employer consider in choosing an employee?

5.   What is meant by "professional qualification" for a job?

6.   What personal characteristics does the director consider when choosing an employee?


4.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:

[ ai ]

[ au ]

[ i ]























5.   Define the terms:


professional qualification



personnel department




6.   Write down what steps the company takes after it obtains the resumes. 

The following may be of help:

1.     First the company considers and compares _______________________________

2.     Then it sends _______________________________________________________

3.     Then the company invites _____________________________________________

4.     At the same time it sends for ___________________________________________

5.     The interview is the major way the companies assess ________________________


7.   Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents:
























8.   Read and translate the dialogue. Pay attention to some structures and phrases used at the Interview:

At the Interview.

Interviewer: Are there any questions you want to ask us? 

Applicant: Yes, I’d like to know more about the people I’ll be working with.

I: Well. This is a new post. We’re not quite sure which department it will be in – Marketing or Technical.

A: The thig is, I see my career developing more towards marketing.

I: Marketing’s rather a big jump. After all, as an engineer, you won’t be directly involved in selling.

A: You never know! Anyway, I’m certainly going to be involved in product development.

I: Well, maybe you have a point there. It depends on how you look at it.

A: OK, let’s say I’m going to be on the marketing side. Perhaps you can tell me who I’ll be working with.


9.        Make up your own dialogue using the following expressions:

to put in some thoughts

special skills

to find out

a salary

a receptionist

to discount


foreign languages


10.   Answer the following questions:

1.     What does the process of choosing the candidates include? Name the steps.

2.     Why will some CVs and forms be discounted straight away?

3.     What does the interview allow the company?


11. Write down the questions for the following answers:


1. Yes, this can be a very lengthy process.


2. Then they will be discounted.


3. A short list will be made then.


4. No, they will be invited for interviews.


TEXT 2. How to get ready for the interview.

1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:   

1.        to put in some thoughts – зібратися з думками

2.        an employer – роботодавець

3.        spare-time – вільний час

4.        previous – попередній

5.        a prospect – перспектива

6.        conditions – умови

7.        to find out – дізнаватися

8.        to involve – включати

9.        to arrive – прибувати

10.   to hold up – затримувати

11.   to slouch – згинатися  

12.   to look bored – виглядати втомленим


2. Read and translate the following text.


You’ve got an interview for a job – good! So now for the hard work. To do well at an interview you need to put in some thoughts first. The employer wants to know if you are the person he wants, so you’ll be asked about yourself. Think about it now.

                           What do I do well?                                        School subjects?

                           What are my good points?                               Previous work?                                  

                           Why would I like this job?                            Saturday job?

                           Spare-time interests?                                     What do I like doing and why?

                           What is my family like?                                What do I not like doing and why?

You will want to ask questions too.                                         

                           The job itself?                                            Conditions? 

                           Training?                                                    Can I see where I would be working?

                           Prospects?                                                  Hours?

                           Further education?                                      Salary?

Before the interview

1.        Find out what you can about the firm.

2.        Find out the interview’s name and telephone number.

3.        Find out where the interview is.

4.        Find out how long it will take to get there.

5.        Make sure you know what the job involves.

6.        Dress to look clean and tidy.

At the interview

1.     Do arrive early. Phone if you’re held up.

2.     Do try to smile. Do be polite. 

3.     Do show interest in the job and ask questions.

4.     Don’t panic, even if faced by more than one person. 

5.     Don’t slouch around and look bored. 

6.     Don’t smoke or chew.

7.     Don’t give one-word answers or say you don’t care what you do.


3. Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   Practice makes perfect.

2.   Through hardship to start.

3.   He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.

4.   No pain, no gain.


4.   Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents:


















5.   Answer the questions:

1.          What do you do well?

2.          What are your good/ bad features of character?

3.          What are your spare-time interests?

4.          Will you agree to work on Saturdays / Sundays?

5.          What do you like doing and why?


6.          Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence (to advertise, resume, employee, applicant, personnel office, qualification, agency, personal):

1.   I want to find a new secretary, so I’ll call an employment … .

2.   We are going to interview three … on the position.

3.   All the information about the staff of the firm can be found in … .

4.   Personnel office will help you to find a new … .

5.   She has a good … for the position: a college degree, good work experience.

6.   If you need applications for this position, … in a section of the local newspaper.

7.   Don’t ask him … questions, it will be impolite.

7.   Find 10 words “The main features for the businessman”:







































































































































































8.   Look through the application for employment, read the dialogue and say what additional information you can get. Will Florence Brook get the job?

Application for Employment

Surname               Brook          

Education and examinations

London High school

English and Maths

First names           Florence Clare



Address                 140 Warwick Road

                                  Kensington,       London                                    W14       

Date of birth         16/ 04/ 79 



Married/ single    single 

Position for which you are applying

                               Shop assistant

Medical history

Give details of any permanent disability, major illnesses, operations, or other health problems which might affect your work. 


Applicant’s signature       Brook

Date                                  18. 03.



9.   Sample Job Interview:

1.        What is your name?

2.        Where are you from?

3.        How old are you?

4.        What is your educational background?

5.        What foreign languages do you know?

6.        Can you use a computer? Can you type fast?

7.        Are you married? Do you have children?

8.        Do you live far from our office?

9.        Do you agree to work on Sundays?

10.   Do you have any experience in this kind of job?

11.   Why do you think you’d be good for this job?

12.   Do you have any special skills?

13.   Do you like being around people?

14.   Do you have any questions to ask me?


10. Do “Job Market Research”, using the questions:

1.        How many hours do you work per day/ week?

2.        What days of the week do you work?

3.        How did you get interested in this field of work?

4.        Is your company hiring now… or will they be in the future?

5.        What skills/ abilities are needed for this job?

6.        What kinds of jobs do you have in your company?

7.        How much do you get paid? What is your salary?

8.        What kinds of responsibilities do you have in your job?

9.        Do you work with…people, computer, etc.?

10.   What is the turnover rate in your company?

11.   What do you like/ dislike about your job?

12.   What are the advantages/ disadvantages of your job?

13.   How many applicants do you get every day, per week, per month, or per year?

14.   How many people do you hire each day, week, month or year? What is the percentage of people do you hire from all applicants?

15.   Is your field expanding? Is the job market growing in your field?

11.     Communicative situations:

Your friend is going to have a job interview. Give him advice how to behave himself before and during the interview.

(Arrive early; call ahead if you’re delayed; try to smile and show confidence; be polite, listen carefully and speak clearly; don’t panic; don’t slouch or look bored; don’t smoke or chew gum; don’t give one-word answer or say you don’t care what you do).    

12.     Do the following test.

Test on self-discipline and motivation.

1.   Do the following test.

2.   This test will tell you if you are able to self-organize. Try to make your assessment as honestly as possible. 

“As a rule”: 6 points

“Sometimes”: 3 points

“Rare”: 0 points

Answer as honestly as possible

As a rule




I do what I must do if even I do not like it. 





I try to make all my plans come true.





If I have a project to realize I am ready to work even at the expense of my sleep. 





I am able to work as much as it is necessary.





I try to understand my mistakes.





I am able to concentrate very well if necessary. 





Once I decided to do something, nothing can stop me.





I am ready to make a sacrifice if I expect compensation.





I am very motivated and want to be a success.





I give preference to more complicated tasks when my head is fresh. 





If I start something, I am aware of all consequences.





I don’t try to carry out several projects at the same time. 





My working place is clean and settled. 





Every day I make a list of things I have to do.





I leave some free time for unexpected things.





Check your score:

71 – 90  You know well how to organize and carry out the plans. You are able to define long-term prospective and short-term targets. You can forecast the development of events in your business; and you are the master of the situation.   

                                    51 – 70                    Your organization is good almost always. Few weak points

will not impose a lot of problems. Go ahead but don’t forget that there are no limits for self-perfection.


36 – 50  No doubt, you can succeed but under certain conditions. But you should work first hand by hand with an expert which will help you to install a good organizing system. 


Under 36     You lack a good organization and discipline. The greatest thing you can do is to plan the nearest week-end. If you tell yourself: “I’ll do this one of these days”, you will never win.    


Grammar: The Past Indefinite Tense.

1. Refer the following statements to the past:

Model: Economic incentives influence our decision about what and where to buy.

Economic incentives influenced our decision about what and where to buy.

1.          What you see at the auction is the rationing effect of prices. 2. Prices encourage producers to increase their level of output. 3. The law of demand describes the relationship between prices and the quantity of goods and services. 4. They sell these goods because they want to have a profit from such transaction. 5. Adam Smith describes the principal elements of the economic system in his book «The Wealth of Nations».


2.          Ask questions to which the following statements are answers: Model: This work seemed easy.  

Did this work seem easy?

1. The development of modern economics began in the 17th century. 2. Large corporations used economists to study the way to do business. 3. Peter received his first paycheck of $135 yesterday. 4. I went into business last year. 5. First of all we decided to learn the demand of our consumers.


3. Translate into English:

1. Йому бупо нелегко розпочати власну справу. 2. Зміни попиту та пропозиції вплинули на ринкові ціни. 3. Ціни вплинули на зменшення рівня випуску товарів. 4. Для того щоб вивчити попит споживачів, ми провели низку спостережень. 5. Ми переглянули результати спостережень i зробили для себе певні висновки. 6. Вчора ми зустрілися з нашими іноземними партнерами. 


4. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1.   The manager examined organizational structure of the firm.

2.   Personnel office receives resumes from prospective candidates.

3.   They received orders from our sales manager.


5. Make up the following text and replace the infinitives in brackets by the necessary tense-form. Translate these sentences:

Mr. Brown (to get) instructions to buy chemical equipment abroad. President of this firm (to go) on business to Great Britain to place an order with a British firm. He (to phone) the booking-office to book a seat for a plane to London. He (to find) out that there (to be) flights daily and that it would take him three and a half hours to get to London.     

Mr. Bunin (to book) a seat for the Boeing 747 jet-liner. Them the clerk (to register) his ticket and passport Bunin (to fill) in a declaration and (to go) to the waiting-room. There (to be) a few passengers there. They (to be) all waiting for the announcement to get on the plane. In ten minutes they (to hear) the announcement

“Attention, please. Will passengers for London join Flight 31?”

When Mr. Bunin (to get) on the plane, the stewardess (to show) him his seat.

At eight o’clock the plane (to take) off. Although it (to fly) at a high speed, the Passengers (to fell) well. At 11.30 a.m. the plane (to land) at London airport.


6. Read the following text and replace the infinitives in brackets by the necessary tense-form. Make up 5 special questions and write down them: Accommodations

                                  At about 10 o’clock in the morning Mr. Brown (to arrive) at the hotel. (When)

A  hotel-porter (to take) his suit-case and (to show) him to the reception-desk. (What) Brown (to tell) the receptionist about that he had reserved a room a few days before. The receptionist (to check) that and said that they (can) let him have a nice room on the third floor. After that the receptionist (to give) Mr. Brown a form and (to ask) him to fill it in.

  Mister Brown (to write) his name, address, nationality and occupation on the form and (to give) it back. (Where) Then the porter (to take) the key to Brown’s room and they (to go) to the lift. (What) In a minute they (to be) on the third floor. The porter  (to unlock) the door, (to bring) in the suit-case. (Why)


7. Translate into English:

1.   Ви могли б розмістити оголошення в нашій газеті. 

2.   Наш адміністратор приймає на роботу та звільняє. 

3.   Нам необхідно найняти нового службовця. 

4.   Вчора ми розглянули чотири анкети кандидатів на посаду менеджера. 

5.   Минулого року він працював інспектором відділу кадрів у нашій фірмі.

6.   Інтерв'ю дозволяє роботодавцю вирішити чи підходить кандидат на відповідну посаду. 

7.   Менеджер нашої фірми проводив інтерв'ю з кандидатами на посаду секретаря.


1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations: 

1.        a covering letter – супровідний лист

2.        to determine – визначати

3.        flawless – бездоганний

4.        to hire – наймати  

5.        to discard – відкидати

6.        templates – шаблони

7.        motivation – мотивація

8.        commitment – зобов'язання

9.        relevant skills – відповідні навички

10.   to highlight – підкреслити  

11.   to increase – збільшувати                                                               


2. Read and translate the text.

If you can write a good job application covering letter, you will greatly increase your chance of obtaining an interview with a prospective employer.

Many people do not spend enough time on their covering letters, these simple, one-page documents, will determine if a potential employer will read your CV or resume, and therefore whether they will offer you a job interview.

Even a flawless CV or resume may end up in the rubbish bin if it is attached to a poorly written cover letter. Any hiring manager can tell you about bad covering lettter examples, discarded because of minor typos or grammatical errors in key places. Use our templates to create your own cover letter and increase your chances of getting a job interview and getting a job. Our templates can help you achieve success in your career!

Whenever possible, send a covering letter with your CV which demonstrates your motivation, commitment and relevant skills.


3. Read the following phrases:


Phrases, Clichés and Expressions used in Covering Letter


With reference to your advertisement in “Podilsky Visti” of Monday, September

15, I would like to apply for the position of manager in your company. –

Посилаючись на об’яву в «Подільські вісті» від 15 вересня, понеділок, я хотів би претендувати на посаду менеджера у вашій компанії.

I recently heard from… that there is a vacancy in your sales department. – Я нещодавно почув від... про вакансію у вашому торговому відділі.

I am used to working on my own.  – Я звик працювати самостійно.

I appreciate the opportunity to work on my own initiative and to take on a certain amount of responsibility. – Я високо ціную можливість працювати з певною мірою відповідальності, проявляючи власну ініціативу. 

During training for my present job I took courses in marketing. Під час навчання для отримання посади, яку я зараз займаю, я закінчив курси маркетингу. Since my present position offers little prospect for advancement I would prefer to be employed in an expanding organization such as yours. – Через те, що моя нинішня посада не дає мені можливостей для кар’єрного зростання, я хотів би працювати в такій перспективній організації, як ваша.

I am at present earning… per month. – Зараз я  заробляю...за місяць

Thank you for offering me the post/position of… . – Дякую вам, що запропонували мені посаду...

I have pleasure in accepting this position. – Із задоволенням приймаю цю посаду. I am looking forward to commencing work on September 1. – З нетерпінням чекаю початку роботи з 1-го вересня. 


4.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:


[ aiə ]



























5.   Read the following Covering letter:

Covering letter.

                                                                                                                   Dan Brown

 5109 Rose Street, #K-13

Philadelphia, PA 19236

                                                                                                                   Tel. 1-(216)-867-4047

                                                                                                                   February 14, 2013

Dear Mr. Klymenko: 

I am third-year student in the M.B.A. program at the Wharton Business School in Philadelphia.

I understand that you are heading the independent Ukrainian airline. I have heard from my friend Mr. Dick Norris, a student at Duke University’s Fugua School of Business that you might wish to have an American M.B.A. student work with your airline this summer as an intern. I am very interested in the possibility of such an internship during the summer of 2013. My professional experience has given me an in-depth knowledge of the air transportation industry. I have, in particular, worked for American Airlines, the Federal Aviation Administration, and Kurth & Company, Inc., an aviation consulting firm where I was Manager of Airline Analysis. My responsibilities included the study of schedules, fares, equipment selection, and financial results. Notadly, I prepared numerous feasibility studies for both jet and turboprop routes, including passenger and cargo flights, for proposed transatlantic and transpacific services. I with to place this experience at the disposal of your airline. I believe strongly that my knowledge of the deregulated air transportation industry in the United States could be quite beneficial to your carrier. I have enclosed a copy of my resume. If my background and qualifications are of interest to you, please telephone me on (412) 657-6845. I would be interested in meeting you in mid-March in New York to discuss further the possibility of such a summer position, and your requirements.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Dan Brown

             Dan Brown


6.   Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   When in doubt do nothing.

2.   If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again.

3.   What is worth doing is worth doing well.

4.   If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.


7.   Define the terms:





covering letters

transpacific services




8.   Read the dialogue:


      Good morning, Miss Brook. I’m Pat Ferrars, the manager of this shop. Hello, how do you do?

      Please, sit down. Now, you’re interested in your job of a shop assistant.  Have you ever worked as a shop assistant?

      Well, so. I’ve never actually worked as a shop assistant but I helped in a shop during my school holiday.

      Good, fine. Let’s have a look at these details you gave us. Your surname’s Brook. And your name… Florence Clare.

      Your address?

      140 Warwick Road, Kensington, London W14.

      Your date of birth is the 16th of April… 1979, yes.

      Are you married?

      No, I’m not. 

      Well, what school did you go to?

      London high school.

      I see. What exams have you passed?

      English and Maths.

      Can you speak any foreign languages?

      Yes, French and German. What is your present job?

      I work as a receptionist in a small hotel.

      How long have you been working there? 

      For six months. You see, I left school last year.

      Why do you want this job?

      Well, I like working with people and I think I can be useful to them. I see, And what about your health? Do you smoke?

      No, I don’t smoke. I’ve got no major illnesses and I have no operations.

      Good. Right well thank you very much, Miss Brook.  If we want to see you again, we’ll let you know. We’ll be in touch with you anyway. Thanks for coming to see us. Thank you.



9.        Make up your own dialogue using the following expressions:

to apply for the position

prospects for advancement

a vacancy 

expanding organization

foreign languages

the opportunity to work

present position

sales department


10.   Transform the sentences according to the model:

Model: I’m accustomed to setting objectives.

                                 I’m used to setting objectives.

1.     They are accustomed to hiring and firing people.

2.     You are accustomed to working under pressure.

3.     The executive is accostomed to making decisions.

4.     We are accustomed to having unlimited liability.

5.     He is accustomed to delegating authority.

6.     She is accustomed to working under pressure.


11. Translate into English.

1.          Правильний вибір професії – дуже важлива річ для кожної людини.

2.          В наш час хороші спеціалісти користуються великим попитом.

3.          Я хочу дізнатись про умови праці на вашому заводі.

4.          Він дуже хвилюється перед співбесідою.

5.          Мій друг збирається обійняти високу посаду.

6.          Я хочу зайняти посаду менеджера у вашій компанії.

7.          Відповідальні, ввічливі та чесні претендети мають гарні шанси отримати перспективну роботу.

8.          Я вирішив стати фінансистом, бо дійсно цікавлюсь цією справою.

9.          Нам сказали, що посада бухгалтера  вакатна в цьому офісі.

10.      Я хочу зайняти посаду менеджера у вашій компанії.

11.      Я вирішив стати фінансистом, бо дійсно цікавлюсь цією справою.

12.      Всі кандидати на посаду бажали отримувати високу заробітню плату.

13.      Керівник має бути пунктуальним, ввічливим і чесним.  


12. Communicative situations:

What Do You Think? 

a)    Many people do not spend enough time on their covering letters.

b)    Covering letter demonstrates your motivation, commitment and relevant skills.

What Does It Mean? 

a)    I am used to working on my own.  

b)    Once I decided to do something, nothing can stop me.

c)     I do what I must do if even I do not like it.

Grammar: The Future Indefinite Tense.

1. Inform the group about the future activities or states:


Model: I have the right to expect uniform product quality.

 I shall have the right to expect uniform product quality.

1.   Many colleges offer programs that teach students how to start and operate a business. 2. I know a lot about this business. 3. This program helps potential entrepreneurs decide whether their own ideas are good and how to follow through with them. 4. About 50 percent of entrepreneurs start their own business in industries in which they have some experience. 5. Evidence shows that people who come from families whose members were in business are more likely to start their companies. 6. Many business leaders begin their careers as entrepreneurs after four years of undergraduate college training (and even additional graduate school training).


2.   Change the following into the Future Indefinite tense.

1. As usual the application forms require the name and address of at least two individuals who can act as referees. 2. The referees may be contacted and asked whether or not they consider the applicant to be suitable for the post. 3. Our managing director left for Kyiv on Monday. 4. The receptionist of our firm agrees with our manager. 5. My brother is a vice-president of the company. 6. As usual our business meeting begins at nine. 7. Our foreign partners signed the sales contract last month. 


3. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Future Indefinite or the Present Indefinite.

1. The company (to buy) currency from the foreign exchange department next month.   2. Our firm (to produce) the new types of devices. 3. The bank (to accept) money from depositors next year. 4. These foreign partners (to provide) for payments in local currency. 5. Our bank (to make) loans to corporations. 6. Our corporations (to use) economists to study the way to do business.


4. Make the interrogative form. 

Model: Max will lose his temper. — Max won't lose his temper.

1.        When they find a suitable wholesaler they will open a market. 

2.        Our neighbours will listen to loud music.

3.        If they lower the price the sales will probably increase. 

4.        Granny's parrot will frighten your guests.

5.        Rita will be angry with us.

6.        They will make an interesting report if they study this problem.  

7.        It will be very hot here tomorrow.

8.        We'll have a very nice time at the party. 

9.        We'll study German next year. 

10.   Our firm will produce the new equipments next year.

5. Put four questions of different types to each sentence (general, special, alternative, disjunctive). 

Model: They will influence the consumer to buy their automobiles. a)Will they influence the consumer to buy their automobiles?

b)   Who will influence the consumer to buy their automobiles?

c)    They will influence the consumer to buy their automobiles, won't they?

d)   Will they influence the consumer to buy their automobiles or other goods?

1.     Their products will be available in every shop.

2.     The company will start their promotion campaign very soon.

3.     Our bank will make a loan to this corporation.

4.     They will need a lawyer to form their business.

5.     I will consult my partner.


6.     Ask for confirmations of the truth of the following statements:

M o d e l : The manager will not answer my questions on Saturday.

The manager won't answer my questions, will he?

1. A consumer will have the right to expect uniform product quality. 2. Voting won't take place at a corporation's annual meeting. 3. Small businesses will face many problems. 4. Large and small businesses will organize in different ways to meet their objectives. 5. Sole proprietors won't have to pay the special taxes placed on corporations. 6. I shan't know a lot about this business.


7. Make the sentences negative.  

Model: I will have the drawings prepared very soon.

I won't have the drawings prepared very soon. 

1.        It will take much time to catch on. 

2.        I am sure this thing will be the biggest selling point.

3.        They will run a good advertising company. 

4.        They will make a new modification of electronic watch, 

5.        This price will be inadequate.


8. Supply the articles where it is necessary.

1.   He will go on … business to England in February this year.

2.   You will increase your chance of obtaining … interview with a prospective employer.

3.   At the same date the company will usually send for … references.

4.   Our company will produce … new equipments next summer. 

5.   These applicants will be sent … letters informing them that they were unsuccessful in their application.

6.   Letters will be sent to those listed, inviting them for interview on … certain date. 


9. Answer the questions: 

M o d e l : What will you do if you get a bad mark? (to study harder) — If I get a bad mark, I'll study harder.

1.   What will you do if you are tired? (to have a rest)

2.   What will you do if you feel upset? (to meet my friends)

3.   What will you do if the film is boring? (to switch off the TV)

4.   What will you do if your room is a real mess? (to tidy the room)

5.   What will you do if you've got a toothache? (to go to the dentist)

6.   What will you do if you are thirsty? (to drink a glass of juice)

7.   What will you do if your little sister asks you to draw a horse? (to draw it)

8.   What will your mother do if you forget to wash the dishes? (to remind to do it)

9.   What will the teacher do if you ask him a question? (to answer it) 

10.      What will you do when summer comes? (to go to a sports camp) 11. What will you say if you are late for school? (to say "sorry")


9. Translate into English using the Future Indefinite tense where it is necessary.

1.   Вам необхідно бездоганно написати супровідний лист, щоб отримати перспективну роботу. 

2.   Завтра президент компанії запрошує нас на співбесіду.   

3.   Висока заробітня плата буде прекрасною мотивацією для наший працівників. 

4.   Завтра після наради ми будемо вирішувати найважливіші питання. 

5.   Ми будемо купувати нове обладнання для нашого офісу наступного тижня. 

6.   Керівництво буде розглядати супровідні листи кандидатів на посаду менеджера.


At the negotiating table

                          Presenting the company

Business traveling

     Grammar: The Continuous Tenses


LESSON 4. At the negotiating table

1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.          to resolve conflicts – владнати конфлікти

2.          to handle differences –  врегулювати розбіжності

3.          to come to an agreement – прийти до згоди

4.          a bargain – угода; to bargain – торгуватися

5.          achievable – той, що може бути досягнутий

6.          reasonable – прийнятний

7.          to express thoughts verbally – виражати думки за допомогою слів

8.          listening skills – уміння слухати

9.          integrity – чесність

10.      to persuade somebody –  переконувати когось 

11.      patience – терпіння

12.      decisiveness – рішучість


2. Read and translate the text:

At the negotiating table

Negotiation is an essential part of the every-day business life. It is the process for resolving conflict between two or more parties to achieve a compromise. Negotiations take place to handle differences or conflicts of: interests and rights.

The aim of a negotiation is to come to an agreement which is acceptable to both sides. There are four main stages of negotiations: preparing information, discussing (argue), propose and agree. A negotiator should be constructive in arguments and try to get information by asking open questions. 

Distance is not obstacle for business contacts. Normally businessman keeps in touch through correspondence and telephone calls but it is a fact that main problems can be decided more effectively through a personal meeting. It is obligatory for businessman to be punctual, honest, accurate and responsible. If you can’t keep the appointment you should notify your partner in advance and fix a new date. 

A businessman must know how to hold negotiation, to conclude a contract, to write a business paper, to make important decision. On a formal occasion a businessman must have a suit and tie on. The final thing to do is to write down the agreement and agree what is written down.

To be an effective negotiator one should have such characteristics as:

      preparation and planning skills

      knowledge of the subject matter being negotiated

      ability to think dearly under pressure

      ability to express thoughts verbally

      listening skills

      judgement and general intelligence


      ability to persuade others patience decisiveness.


3 . Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:

[ i: ]

[ θ ]

[ ŋ ]


























4. Answer the following questions. 

1. What is the aim of a negotiation?

1. How many stages of negotiations are there?

1. What is not obstacle for business contacts?

1. What is obligatory for all businessmen?

5. What must a businessman have on?                     


5.   Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:


an essential part resolving conflict an acceptable compromise to handle differences work conditions to be acceptable

preparing objectives arguing propose and bargain negotiating time debates emotional quarrels

to get information to ask open questions to state ideals the final step to make an agreement an effective negotiation


6.   Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   When one door shuts another opens.

2.   Many hands make light work.

3.   When the word is out it belongs to another.

4.   Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.  


7.   Read and learn the negotiating expressions:

to make a deal

– укласти угоду

to sign a contract

– підписати контракт

to meet a deadline 

– наблизитись до крайнього терміну

to reach an agreement

– досягти домовленості

to resolve one’s differences

– владнати непорозуміння

to propose a solution

– запропонувати рішення

to consider a proposal

– розглянути пропозицію

to reject an idea

– відхилити ідею


8.   Read the following sentences and find true and false.

1.     Negotiation is an essential part of the every-day business life.  

2.     There are three main stages of negotiations.

3.     Distance is obstacle for business contacts.  

4.     It is obligatory for businessman to be punctual, honest, accurate and responsible.

5.     On a formal occasion a businessman must have a short and sandals on.  


9. Read and learn the verbs of negotiation:

1.     to suggest – пропонувати

2.     to recommend – рекомендувати

3.     to propose – пропонувати

4.     to offer – робити пропозицію

5.     to bargain – торгуватися, домовлятися 

6.     to compromise – йти на компроміс

7.     to settle – вирішувати

8.     to resolve – вирішувати 


10. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1.     I would like to recommend a 10 percent pay cut.

2.     I propose a S104 per share tender offer on this stock.

3.     I suggest to redesign the equipment.

4.     I am offering a 6 percent commission on the sale.

5.     We need to bargain with our competitors and make a deal.

6.     Let’s settle our disagreements before progressing further.

7.     Can we compromise here? I’ll give a little, you give a little; maybe we can reach an agreement.

8.     We need to resolve our problems first, then we can talk about contracts.


11.   Define the terms:


emotional quarrels


effective negotiation


negotiating time


12.   Complete these sentences.

a.      Negotiations take place to handle ………..................................................................

b.     It is the process for resolving conflict between …………………………………….

c.      A negotiator should be …………………………………………………………... 

d.     Normally businessman keeps in touch through ……………………………………. 

e.      If you can’t keep the appointment you should notify ………………………………

f.       A businessman must know how to ………………………………………………….


13.   Give the equivalent verb for:












14.   Read and learn the sentences with conceding, downplaying, and exploring other possibilities:

I see your point.

I’ll go along with that.

I’ll buy that.

This is a minor point.

This is of little (no) importance. Only (or just).

What would happen if…?

Is it possible that…?

Do you have any other ideas?

Perhaps (maybe).

Я розумію вашу точку зору.

Добре, я погоджуюсь з цим.

Я беру це.

Це незначне зауваження.

Це не має великого значення. 


А що б було, якби…?

Чи можливо, щоб…?

Чи є у вас інші ідеї?



15.   Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1.        The cost is of little importance if we can’t sell the product.

2.        The design is a minor point here; what matters is how much it costs.

3.        It’s only a design; it’s a nice feature, but it’s not the most important thing.

4.        It’s just another software program among thousands; why is it so special?

5.        What would happen if our company bought machines at a higher price?

6.        Is it possible to redesign the software for us?

7.        Do you have any other ideas about solving this problem?

8.        Perhaps you need to give this some additional thought before deciding.

9.        A negotiator should be constructive in arguments and try to get information.

10.   Distance is not obstacle for business contacts.

16.     Write sentences using the following expressions:

1.      to make a deal

2.      to reach a compromise

3.      to reject an idea (or point of view)

4.      to propose a solution

5.      to make a concession


17.     Match the expressions on the left with those on the right that have a similar meaning:

1.     I’ll buy that

2.     A minor point

3.     Maybe

4.     To settle

5.     A good price

6.     To propose

7.     No cause for concern

8.     In any case

9.     Concern

a)     a bargain

b)    worry

c)     perhaps

d)    I agree

e)     Reassurance

f)      Nevertheless

g)    To suggest

h)    To resolve

i)       Of little importance


18.     Communicative situations:

Speak about the main stages of negotiations.

What Do You Think?

Do you have the personal characteristics that might help you to become a successful enterpreneur?

I am able to find the way to settle my problems.

What Does It Mean? 

We need to resolve our problems first, then we can talk about contracts.

I prefer to deal with people who keep high positions.

I am able to work as much as it is necessary.

19. Do the following test.

TEST on taking risks:

The business activity is not possible without risking. 

1. Do the following test and discover if you are ready to undertake risks in your work.  2. Give from 0 to 6 points to each statement. Try to make your assessment as fair as possible. 

Answer as honestly as possible

From 0 to 6


I like to discover new and original things. 



I adore adventures.



I give preference to a full and busy life. 



I take every opportunity to reach my aim.



I think that it is impossible to be a success without taking risks.



I am ready to break mountains for the idea in which I believe.



To reach my goal I am ready to fail.



I will bet if even Iknow that I am not right.



I am ambitious.



When I start a new deal, I try to study the matter deeply. 



Now add your results:

51-60  No doubt, you are ready to undertake risk in order to win. You rely on chance, you believe in lottery but you also understand that it is far enough to be successful in business. Your formula is: knowledge + work + a happy chance. 

31-50  You are courageous but sometimes you hesitate too much. Every risk should be carefully weighed, thought over. You must be ready to face problems, which can arise later but not be in panic.

Under 30 You live in the word of illusions. You often let a chance decide. Remember that you should be master of the circumstances and try to minimize the risks. Otherwise you will fail.

Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense.

1. Open the brackets and put the Infinitives in to the correct form. 

1.   He (to call) to make a reservation at your hotel at this moment. 

2.   Mr. Mitin (to reserve) accommodation for Mr. Goodwill now.

3.   The managers (to send) the letters to the applicants at this moment. 

4.   Their president (to propose) a solution to this problem now.

5.   They (to speak) about the main conditions of our work at this moment.

6.   This businessman (to sign) the sales contract now. 

7.   They (to pay) by a Letter of Credit at this moment. 


2. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Continuous Tense:

1. What (to do) he now? He (to bring) the price of this commodity down to the point where most families can afford it. 2. Look! The new device (to break) the operation into 30 steps performed by individual workers. 3. Everyone who (to look for) work can find a job. 4. Studying the time and resources that go into production, you (to analyze) productivity. 5. Employers (to employ) the optimum number of workers.


3. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. The cost of living is constantly increasing in our country. 2. I am thinking about extending my visa. 3. Our foreign partners are bargaining now. 4. The receptionist is waiting for the applicants. 5. My sister Chris and David are getting married today.

6. They are resolving conflicts between two parties.


4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Секретар нашої компанії перевіряє транспортні документи в даний момент. 2. В даний момент ми постачаємо великий асортимент товарів в цю роздрібну торгову точку. 

3.   В цей момент наші торгові агенти ретельно вивчають рахунки на товари. 

4.   Зараз ми розробляємо рекламне повідомлення для нового обладнання. 

5.   В цей час ми займаємося дослідженням кон’юктури нашого ринку. 

6.   Наші партнери зараз ведуть переговори з оптовими посередниками.  

5. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:


Pattern: The students are writing a test.

Arethe students writing a test?

The students aren’t /are not/ writing a test.

1.        The teacher is explaining a grammar rule.  

2.        He is always leaving his dirty dishes on the table.  

3.        The boys are skating.  

4.        I am waiting for them.  

5.        It is raining heavily.  

6.        The students are discussing a serious problem.  

7.        We are writing a dictation now.  

8.        She is doing her shopping.  

9.        My friend is smoking now.  

10.   Tom and Jane are hurrying along the street.  

11.   He is teaching his boy to ride.  

12.   The secretary is speaking over the telephone.


6. Put questions to the italicized words:

1.   Many appliances and other labor saving goods are becoming less expensive and more afford able for the average family. 

2.   The population is growing now at a faster rate than production in that country. 

3.   Steps to restore full employment are increasing. 

4.   They are producing more and better products with the same time and resources. 5. Union restrictions are preventing employers from laying off workers as quickly as they might prefer.


7. Supply the articles where necessary:

1. Our president is waiting for … applicants. 2. We need to bargain with our competitors and make … deal. 3. Our foreign partners are resolving … conflicts between two parties at this moment. 4. If you can’t keep … appointment you should notify your partner in advance and fix … new date. 5. Their president is proposing … solution to this problem.


LESSON 5. The structure of a typical company. 

Organization and presenting the company.


1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.        a managing Director – головний керівник

2.        a purchasing manager – менеджер по закупці

3.        a board – правління

4.        an executive Department – виконуючий відділ  

5.        a human Resources – відділ кадрів

6.        a finance Department – фінансовий відділ

7.        a management Services Department – адміністрація

8.        to be in charge of – відповідати за

9.        a research and Development Department – відділ досліджень та розвитку 

10.   a marketing Service – служба маркетингу

11.   to be assisted by – підтримуватися

12.   to be responsible for – відповідати за

13.   to be accountable to – відповідати перед

14.   to be supported by – підтримуватися

15.   a parent company – холдингова компанія

16.   a subsidiary – дочірнє підприємство 

17.   to report – підпорядковуватися

18.   to register a company – зареєструвати компанію

19.   to establish a business – відкрити справу

20.   to close down business – закрити справу   


2. Read and translate the following text. 

Presenting the company

    I’d like to say a few words about the organizational structure of Rossomon. Now if you look at the transparency you will see that the Managing Director, that is Mr. Bunce, is responsible for running the company and is accountable to the Board.     Now, he is assisted by four executive departments. These are Human Resources, which is responsible for personnel, training and management development; then there is the Finance Department which takes care of corporate finance and accounting; next we have the Management Services Department, led by Dan Norris who is in charge of rationalization throughout the company; and finally there is the R&D Department – research and development – which works closely with the five regions on new product development.

    So this then brings me on to the regions. Directly under the Managing Director, there are five Regional Managers. Each of them is responsible for the day-to-day management of a territory – these are geographically split to North, South, East, West and Central Regions. Now then, the five regions are supported by two sections – Marketing and Technical Services. They are organized on a matrix basis with section leaders accountable to the Regional Managers. They work closely with the regions on the marketing and technical side.

    Now, in addition to the parent company, Rossomon has three subsidiaries, namely Rossomon France, Germany and Japan. The subsidiaries report to the Export Sales Department, which in turn is accountable to the Board.

                            Right, well that’s brief overview. Are there any questions? 


3.     Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:

[ ə: ]

[ i ]

[ ŋ ]




















4.     Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   Не who gains time gains everything.

2.   Не that talks much errs much.

3.   Не that will not work shall not eat.

4.   Не that always complains is never pitied.  

5.   Define the terms:


purchasing manager

parent company

human Resources

management Services Department

staff department

6.   Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence (relationships, to hold a position, authority, complex, task, a line department, a staff department). 

1.     Organization structure shows ... between each position and positions above and below.

2.     A sales manager has direct ... over a salesman.

3.     As a rule a ... usually does not give orders to other departments.

4.     When the business gets more ... there is a need for staff departments.

5.     My friend  … … of sales manager.

6.     The ... of staff departments is to do different services.

7.     My friend works in a … …, he is responsible for the company product.


7. Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1.   The Managing Director ________________to the Board.

2.   The Managing Director ________________for running the company.

3.   The Managing Director ________________by four executive departments.

4.   _________________the Managing Director, there are five regional divisions.

5.   Each regional Manager ______________of a territory.

6.   The five regions __________________by two other sections–Marketing and Technical Services.

7.   In addition to the _____________company Rossomon has three_________________: Rossomon France, Germany and Japan.

8.   The subsidiaries ___________________to the Export Sales Department.

9.   The Export Sales Department is __________________to the Board.


8. Supply the prepositions in the following sentences where necessary. 

1.When companies and firms buy goods they send orders ... the suppliers. 2. After that she went ... secretarial college and then she worked ... a bank.

3.      Mr Perez received the goods ... air.

4.      Usually the suppliers send a statement ... the end ... the month.

5.      The cheque was endorsed ... Nick Blake.

6.      The shop assistant compares the signature ... the cheque and ... the card and writes the guarantee card number ... the back ... the cheque.

7.      Further ... our meeting ... yesterday, I would like to place an order... your company ... 10 chairs.

8.      He has much money ... his account ... the bank.


9.      Complete the sentences with proper preposition: on, by, with, for, in:

1.     This applicant is suitable ___ the particular post.

2.     The information given by the candidate ___ the CV will be correct.

3.     Letters will be sent to the applicants, inviting them for interview ___ a certain date.

4.     Our Managing Director is assisted ___ four executive department.  

5.     The research and Development Department works closely ___ the five regions on new product development.

6.     The company was raising prices ______  the merchandise the whole year.

7.     Our bank was making loans to corporations when they were in need.


10.   Find 10 words on the topic “Company”.







































































































































































11.   Supply definite or indefinite articles where necessary in the following sentences. Translate the sentences. 

1.    This advertisement appeared in ... national paper recently. Can you find ... ten typing errors they made?

2.    Why aren't you answering ... phone?

3.    ... large rise in ... price of oil means that ... most freight rates will go up in ... next few weeks.

4.    The new container ship which is being built in ... Sutton Docks has brought ...

employment to thousands of workers in ... area.

5.    What is different about ... roman numerals on ... clock face? 

6.    That's ... message from ... post office.Counts Bank have said that they will charge ... customers from other banks who cash ... cheques at their branches.

7.... West Trucks Ltd have bought two super trailers from ... mystery company.

8. Don't forget ... post code.


12. Communicative situations:

These functions are the main for each manager. Explain why. 

                              Planning                                      Organizing

                                   Staffing                                       Directing



What Do You Think?

a)    I try to keep to my own opinion and not to listen to anybody.

b)    I am patient with those who have difficulties in communication. 


What Does It Mean? 

a)                        Human Resources is responsible for personnel, training and management development.

b)                        the Finance Department which takes care of corporate finance and accounting.


Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense.

1. Put the infinitives in brackets in the Past Continuous Tense:

Model: The company (to raise) prices for the merchandise the whole year.

The company was raising prices for the merchandise the whole year. 

1.   The management (to consider) the outflow and inflow of capital, while they produced the new types of devices. 2. The company (to buy) currency from the foreign exchange department, when they dealt with the foreign firm. 3. Our partner (to provide) for payments in local currency, when currency conversion was allowed under the local legislation. 4. Our bank (to make) loans to corporations when they were in need. 5. The bank (to accept) money from depositors at that time.


2.   Open the brackets and put the Infinitives in to the correct form. 

1. Mr. Cartwright (to discuss) these problems during the whole evening. 2 He (to call) to make a reservation at your hotel the whole day.

3.        They (to order) some drinks and food the whole evening.

4.        Mr. Mitin (to reserve) accommodation for Mr. Goodwill now.

5.        The applicant (to fill) in a resume or an application form during the whole day.

6.        The managers (to send) the letters to the applicants at this moment. 

7.        Our partners (to resolve) conflict between two parties the whole day.

8.        Their president (to propose) a solution to this problem now.

9.        They (to speak) about the main conditions of our work the whole evening.

10.   This businessman (to sign) the sales contract now. 

11.   Mr. Zotov (to consider) the prices, the terms of payment and delivery and the technical information of the offer during the whole evening.

12.   They (to pay) by a Letter of Credit at this moment. 


3. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. They were talking about our new applicants. 2. Their clients were discussing about the terms of delivery. 3. I was listening to their conversation. 4. They were talking about our company. 5. George was preparing for his examination the whole day. 6. Our partners were resolving this conflict the whole day. 7. The sales manager of our firm was sending the letters to the applicants the whole day.  

4. Put the infinitives in brackets in the Past Continuous Tense:

M o d e l : The company (to raise) prices for the merchandise the whole year.

The company was raising prices for the merchandise the whole year.

1.   The management (to consider) the outflow and inflow of capital, while they produced the new types of devices. 

2.   The company (to buy) currency from the foreign exchange department, when they dealt with the foreign firm. 

3.   Our partner (to provide) for payments in local currency, when currency conversion was allowed under the local legislation. 

4.   Our bank (to make) loans to corporations when they were in need. 

5.   The bank (to accept) money from depositors at that time.


5. Paraphrase the following sentences as in the model:

M o d e l : 

He intended to convert American dollars to Swiss francs in foreign exchange departments. – He was going to convert American dollars to Swiss francs in foreign exchange departments.

1.   We intended to buy merchandise from another country using the currency of that country. 

2.   Our bank intended to accept money from depositors.

3.   This bank intended to make loans to corporations. 

4.   We intended to provide for a currency clause in our contract.

5.   I intended to invest money into this corporation.


6.   Translate the following sentences into English.

1.     Наш агент по рекламі розробляв рекламне повідомлення упродовж дня. 

2.     Наші партнери постачали великий асортимент товарів з січня минулого року.

3.     Фінансовий відділ здійснював перевірку ділових документів упродовж вівторка.  

4.     Менеджер по закупці перевіряв транспортні документи з 10 години. 

5.     Наш колишній менеджер з продажу очолив відділ досліджень та розвитку.



1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.   a turnover – обіг (товарів)                                                    

2.   a research – дослідження                                                    

3.   a subsidiary company – дочірня компанія                                     4. a branch – філія, відділення                                              

5.        a meeting of Shareholders (Stockholders) – зібрання акціонерів 

6.        a board of Directors – Рада директорів                              

7.        a business proposal – ділова пропозиція                           

8.        production – виробництво 

9.        development – розвиток, зростання 

10.   a draft (of) Contract – проект контракту                                     

11.   to join – приєднуватися                                                    

12.   to establish personal contacts –встановлювати особисті контакти

13.   to investigate thoroughly – досконало вивчати

14.   to go sightseeing – оглядати

15.   to suit– задовольняти

16.   to establish business – відкривати компанію, бізнес

17.   to run business – керувати бізнесом

18.   to register a company – зареєструвати компанію

19.   listed  (unlisted) company – компанія, акції якої котуються на біржі

20.   a deputy – заступник

21.   a permanent staff – постійний штат

22.   a temporary staff – тимчасовий штат

23.   staffing – вибір та розташування кадрів

24.   recruitment – набір штатів

25.   to hire – наймати

26.   to fire – звільняти

2. Read and translate the following dialogue. 

Dialogue. At the company office.

Mr. Klimenko is at the office of Continental Equipment. He is having an appointment with the managers of this company.

  Good morning, gentlemen! How are you?

  Fine, thanks. And how are you getting on?

  Very well, thank you.

  Let me tell you about our company. As you know, Mr. Klimenko, we produce processing equipment. Our firm consists of 6 departments: Production, Sales, Export, Financial, Personnel and Research & Development. The last one is the newest at the company. It was created five years ago… We are managed by the Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors. Earlier the Chairman of the Company was one of the senior partners, but now it is Mr. Rogers, as you know. Currently we employ about 1 600 people. Our turnover is more than 300$ million.

  You will work with our Export Department. We export our equipment to 5 countries. We also have two subsidiary companies in Holland and Germany with headquarters in those countries.

  Are they your subsidiaries or branches?

  They are our subsidiaries. Each company trades under its own name. We are looking for new partners in Eastern Europe as well, as we would like to expand our activities. That’s why Mr. Cartwright went to Kyiv to establish personal contacts with your company. Have you read all our correspondence with your Director?

  Yes, I think so. We investigated your business proposal thoroughly.

  Have you got our price-lists and catalogues with you now or shall I ask Miss Elliot to bring a copy?

  Thank you, but I have them with me as well as copies of your letters. 

I expect to make the Draft Contract here, maybe by the end of this week, and to conclude the Contract with you after discussing it with my Director by phone. – All right. Let us get down to business. Today and tomorrow we were going to talk about terms of payment and delivery.

  Right. And the day after tomorrow we’ll be talking about packing and transportation.

  Then I plan to go to London, for three days. As you know, there will be an exhibition. Will you join me?

  Yes, with pleasure. It would be very helpful for the purpose of my visit.

  I hope so. And after that you’ll have enough time for a visit to our factory and to go sight-seeing.

  That suits me fine. I expect to submit the Draft contract to my Director by fax not later than next Wednesday.


3. Answer the following questions:

1.   What does the company produce?

2.   What departments does the company consist of?

3.   Who is the Chairman of the Company?

4.   In what countries do they have subsidiary companies?

5.   When do they plan to make the Draft contract?


4.     Make up your own dialogue using the following expressions:

to establish business

to register a company

to hire

to run business

temporary staff

meeting of Shareholders

permanent staff

to fire


5.     Complete the sentences as in the text:

1.        As you know, we produce …………………………………………………………..

2.        Our firm consists of 6 departments: Production, Sales……………………..……….

3.        We are managed by………………………………………………………………….

4.        Our turnover is more than……………………………………………………………

5.        We have two subsidiary companies in………………………………………………

6.        We are looking for new partners in………………………………………………….

7.        I expect to make the Draft contract by………………………………………………

8.        Today and tomorrow we were going to talk about………………………………….

9.        And the day after tomorrow we’ll be talking about………………………………..

10.   You’ll have enough time for a visit to our factory and to go ...................................

11.   I expect to submit the … to my… by fax not later than……………………………


6.   Translate the following words and word-combinations:

To produce processing equipment –  To be managed by the meeting of shareholders –

The board of directors –

The senior partners –

To talk about packing and transportation – To submit the Draft contract to smb by fax –

To expand activities –

To establish personal contacts – 

To investigate smb’s business proposal – 

To make the Draft Contract –  To talk about terms of payment and delivery–

The purpose of smb’s visit –


7.   Make transformations according to the model. 


Consumers wish prices would go down. – Consumers hope that prices will go down. 

I wish I could work harder. – I hope I can work harder. 

1.   The head of the department wishes that competition would lessen. 

2.   The Market Research Department wishes the test results would be ready soon.

3.   The Manager wishes that sales would improve.

4.   We wish all the departments could fulfill their tasks.

5.   Sally wishes that the Packaging Department could hurry up.


8. Open the brackets and choose the correct form. 

1.   Our regions (are supported, supports) by Marketing and Technical Services.

2.   Agent middlemen (don’t, doesn’t) earn salaries.

3.   A direct channel (moves, is moved) goods from the manufacturer to consumer. 

4.   Negotiation (take place, takes place) to handle conflicts between two parties.

5.   As usual businessman (keeps, keep) in touch through correspondence. 


9.        Define the terms:



subsidiary company


temporary staff

permanent staff



10.   Choose and use many, much.

1.... foreign companies are interested in buying our machines. 

2.We sell ... equipment to different countries of the world. 

3.There is ... furniture in my sitting-room but there are not ... things in my bedroom.

4.We have received ... information on the model AB pump from the Sellers lately.

5.There are always... dishes on the menu at the Dnipro restaurant.


11. Communicative situations:

What Do You Think?

1. These are the most important for each manager. Explain why. 

 Communication skill


 General education

 Motivation to work



 Foreign languages

 Ability to make decisions


What Does It Mean? 

a)    Each company trades under its own name.

b)    As usual businessman keeps in touch through correspondence.

12. Do the following test:


TEST on management and communuication:

No manager can do without a good and reliable team. No business can prosper without a clever, competent, communicative and open manager. This test is to determine how you behave yourself in public and what the attitude of other people to you is.

“As a rule”: 6 pointsc

“Sometimes”: 3 points

“Rare”: 0 points 

Answer as honestly as possible

As a rule




I think I should trust the people I am working with.





I am open-mined.





I am patient with those who have difficulties in communication. 





I encourage others to increase their capacities.





I keep my promises.





I can clearly explain tasks to people.





I am flexible.





I get interest in what I am told.





I try to keep to my own opinion and not to listen to anybody.





I am optimist.





When working in group I tend to take the leadership.





I am logic





I follow the moral principles. 





I never judge people.





I am eloquent.





I have influence on people.





I am decisive.





I am able to listen to others.





I am enthusiastic.





I am fair and honest with others.





Now add your results:

101120 You are exellent in public relations. You are competent, communicative. You have no difficulties in realizing your plans and entering your ideas. 

71100 You have all necessary qualities, which are very helpful in the work with people. You must be surrounded with reliable friends and fellowworkers. They respect you and will be assistants in your business.

30 70 You are a raw material that needs treatment. You should think over carefully your failures and improve your positive qualities. Pay more attention to self-perfection.

Under 40 It may be better for you to change the profession. Dealing with people is not your job. You should choose the work, which requires less contact with people.

Grammar: The Future Continuous Tense.

1. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1.   The purchasing manager of our firm will be coming soon. 

2.   We shall be flying to Kherson at this time tomorrow.

3.   The managing Director of our firm will be meeting him every day. 

4.   We shall be packing your things when you come. 

5.   The receptionist will be looking for you all afternoon.

6.   We'll be walking among the New York skyscrapers this time tomorrow. 

7.   The representatives of our management Services Department will be waiting for you. 

8.   The marketing Service will be sending you invitations tomorrow.


2. Answer the following questions.

1.   What will you be doing at four o'clock tomorrow? 

2.   Will you be waiting for me in the office? 

3.   What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? 

4.   What will you be doing at this time on Sunday? 

5.   Suppose I come to your place at nine this evening. What will you be doing?

6.   Will you be learning German next year?  

7.   Will your managing Director be waiting for us in the office? 

8.   Will you be supporting this brilliant idea? 


3. Make up the sentences using the Future Continuous Tense.

1.   My cousin / to practise / in the gym / at 7 o'clock / tomorrow evening. 

2.   We / to sunbathe / from 9 to 12 о'clock / tomorrow morning. 

3.   Nick and Jack / to drive/to Berlin / at this time / next Monday. 

4.   You / to have / a conference / from 3 to 5 о'clock / to morrow. 

5.   Sue / to do / homework / at 5 о'clock / tomorrow.

6.   Nelly and Diana / to rest / in Hawaii / at this time / next week. 

7.   We / to dance / at the party / all the evening / tomorrow. 

8.   They / to prepare / to the wedding party / all next week. 

9.   I / to travel / around Canada / for two weeks / next month.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous Tense.

1.        Mike ... (to interview) a famous showman at 6 o'clock next Thursday.

2.        1 ... (to have) lunch with our business partners from 3 to 5 o'clock tomorrow.

3.        We ... (to discuss) this project at our morning meeting next Wednesday. 

4.        My lawyer ... (to wait) for us in his office at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. 

5.        The workers ... (to repair) the road in the city centre for two days next week. 

6.        The students ... (to write) a test from 9 a.m. till 1 p.m. next Tuesday. 

7.        My friends ... (to play) cricket from 5 till 7 o'clock next evening. 

8.        I ... (to fly) to Cairo on business at this time next Sunday. 

9.        Foreign partners of our company (to wait) for our president.

10.   Our manager (to look) for our receptionist all afternoon.


                     5. Put questions to the italicized words:               

M o d e l : Our nations will be trading with one another when governments of the two countries limit quotes. When will our nations be trading with one another?

1. They will be exchanging their products at the international fair at this time tomorrow. 2. Our company will be manufacturing new devices from September to November the following year. 3. The factory will be specializing in the production of automobiles when they change the management. 4. The government of the country will be promotingtransportation facilities for a number of reasons. 5. Using the expect subsidy, the government will be affecting the flow of trade among nations.


6. Read and translate the following sentences into English.

1. Менеджер з продажу буде займатися дрібною торгівлею упродовж наступного року. 2. Відділ кадрів буде набирати нових кандидатів на посаду контролера упродовж наступного тижня. 3. Адміністрація компанії буде відповідати за якість товарів. 4. Холдингова компанія буде проводити нараду партнерів упродовж наступного вівторка. 5. Менеджер по закупці буде проводити перевірку товарів упродовж наступного місяця. 



At the airport. At the customs.

                           At the hotel.

Grammar: The Perfect Tenses



1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.     to book a flight – забронювати квиток 

2.     a non-stop flight – переліт без посадок

3.     a direct flight – прямий рейс

4.     a non-smoking (smoking) seat – місце для пасажирів, які не палять (палять)

5.     an aisle seat – місце біля проходу

6.     a window seat – місце біля вікна

7.     a business class (coach, first class) ticket – квиток бізнес-класу (першого, другого)

8.     one-way fare – плата за квиток в один кінець

9.     a round-trip fare – плата за квиток в обидва кінці 

10.a refundable (non-refundable) ticket – квиток, який підлягає (не підлягає) поверненню


2. Read and translate the dialogue.

Dialogue 1: Buying Airline Tickets  Airline: Rapid Air, may I help you?

You: Yes, please. I’d like a non- stop flight from Kyiv to London leaving April 15th.

Can you tell me what’s available?

Airline: Would this be for one person?

You: Yes, myself- and I would prefer a morning flight.

Airline: On April 15th we have a flight that leaves from Borispil Airport at 8:00 in the morning. Will you be flying coach?

You: I’d prefer business class, an aisle seat and non-smoking. What type of aircraft is that?

Airline: Hmm… let me check. That flight is a Boeing 747.

You: How much is that round-trip?

Airline: That depends on how long you’re staying, and the day you fly back. Do you have your return date yet?

You: I’m afraid not. I’d better call back tomorrow when I have all the information. Airline: Okay. Thank you for calling and choosing Rapid Air. Good-bye. 


3.   Make up your own dialogue using the following expressions:

to book a flight

one-way fare

a business class ticket

a refundable (non-refundable) ticket

a non-smoking seat

a direct flight


4.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:

[ ai ]

[ i ]

[ k ]




















5.   Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   Не works best who knows his trade.

2.   Strike while the iron is hot.

3.   Не works best who knows his trade.

4.   Не who sleeps catches no fish.  


6. Supply the correct prepositions or adverbs where necessary.  

1.   Which platform does the train start ... ?

2.   Which platform is the train to arrive …?

3.   The train is due to arrive ... Manchester ... 4.20.

4.   The train is due to arrive … 20 minutes.

5.   This train stops … every small station.

6.   You can go … London … an overnight train.

7.   There is no sleeping accommodation ... this train.


7.        Read and learn the sentences, fill in the gaps if necessary.

1.        Is this American Airlines? (JAI, Air France)

2.        I would like to book a flight from London to Zurich on _____(give date).


3.        Can you tell me what flights are available? 

4.        I would like a non-stop (direct) flight. 

5.        I would prefer a morning (evening) flight.

6.        I would prefer an aisle (window) seat. 


7.        I would like a business class (coach, first class) ticket.

8.        How much is the round-trip fare (oneway fare)?

9.        Are there any restrictions on my ticket?

10.   Is this a refundable (or non-refundable) ticket?

11.   What type of aircraft do you fly? (DC 10, 707, and so on)

12.   Could I order a special meal? (vegetarian, seafood)?

13.   Are you showing a movie? Which one?

14.   Would you like my credit card number?

15.   Will you send me the tickets, or do I have to pick them up at a travel agency?

16.   Thank you for your help.

Це Американ Ейр-лайнз?


Я б хотів забронювати квиток на рейс із Лондону до Цюриха на ______(число). 

Не могли б Ви сказати, які є рейси?


Я б хотів переліт без посадок (прямий). Я б хотів ранковий (вечірній) рейс.


Я б хотів місце біля проходу (біля вікна).

Я б хотів квиток бізнес-класу (першого, другого класу).

Скільки коштує квиток в обидва кінці (в один кінець)?

Чи є якісь обмеження на мій квиток? Чи зможу я повернути гроші (чи ні)?


Які літаки у вас літають?


Чи можу я заказати спеціальне блюдо?

(вегетарианське, море–продукти)?


Ви показуєте фільми? Які?

Вам потрібен номер моєї кредитки? Ви мені вишлете квитки, чи по них потрібно заїхати в агентство?

Дякую за допомогу.


8.        Define the terms:

a window seat

a non-smoking (smoking) seat

a non-stop flight

one-way fare

a direct flight

a round-trip fare

a refundable (non-refundable) ticket 

an aisle seat


9.        Write down the translation of the following word-combinations:

Забронювати квиток на рейс – 

Переліт без посадок – 

Квиток першого класу –  

Місце біля проходу –  

Квиток, який підлягає поверненню – Квиток бізнес-класу –  

Місце для пасажирів, які не палять –  

Місце для пасажирів, які палять –  

Вечірній рейс –  

Місце біля вікна –   Квиток в обидва кінці –  

Квиток в один кінець –  

Ранковий рейс – Переліт без посадок –  


10.   Communicative situations:

What Do You Think?

a)   Why do the most travelers carry a camera with them?

b)   What disadvantages of travelling by air do you know?

What Does It Mean? 

a)         People may travel either for pleasure or on business.

b)         Travelling by air is the most convenient and comfortable means of travelling.

c)          Travelling on business helps you to get more information about achievements of other companies.

Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense.

1. Transform the negative form of the Present Continuous Tense into the affirmative form of the Present Perfect Tense (the Active Voice):

Model: They are not improving the quality of life in that country.

                                          They have improved the quality of life in that country.

1.   The firm is not increasing output and foreign trade. 

2.   They are not providing basic services like transportation, communication, sanitation and power. 

3.   I am not performing the work under physically dangerous conditions. 

4.   People are not producing modern goods and services in today's offices and factories. 

5.   The manager is not coming to the conclusion to create a small community.

2. Put the infinitives in brackets in the Present Perfect Tense (the Active Voice):

1. Enterprises of that socialist country (to carry out) production in strict accordance with a government-prepared plan. 2. They (to increase) farm productivity in some developing countries. 3. You (to share) profits gained at the community owned factories. 4. Agricultural firms (to try) to increase productivity by introducing more modern farming techniques, fertilizers and equipment. 5. He (to find) the way to expand farm output.


3. Open the brackets and put the Infinitives into the correct form. 

1. Our retailer (already to sign) all business documents and correspondence. 2. They (already to translate) the scientific article. 3. These agent middlemen (already to negotiate) purchases or sales. 4. Our managers (already to fill) in all application forms. 5. He (already to do) all grammar tasks and exercises. 6. This secretary (already to read) all business documents. 7. Wholesalers (already to simplify) the process of distribution. 8. Our director (already to refuse) the proposition. 9. Their merchant wholesalers (already to buy) all our assortment.


4 . Complete these sentences using Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1.   When he was a sales representative, he (to work) twelve hours a day.

2.   I (to be) very busy all this week. 

3.   How much ___________ you (to get) at you last job? 

4.   Where __________ all the managers (to go) ? 

5.   Last summer Jim and Jane (to travel ) to the conference in New-York together. 

6.   He (not to finish) his work yet and is not ready to go with us. 


5. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. The receptionist has already sent the fax to their foreign partners. 2. I have already finished my research by the end of the academic year. 3. She has already written the scientific report. 4. Our partners have already resolved all these problems. 5. The director of our firm has already signed the contract. 6. The clients of our firm have received new equipments. 7. Our representatives have already discussed all important ideas.  

6. Do as you are told and say what you have done.

Model: Register your private company.— I have registered my private company.

1. Propose a solution. 2. Establish your business. 3. Investigate the report. 4. Establish your personal contacts. 5. Reserve accomodations. 6. Run your business.

7. Receive new equipments. 8. Resolve all your problems.  


7. Put the verbs in brackets into the proper present tense (Present Indefinite, Present Continuous or Present Perfect). 

1.    The vice-president usually (to set) objectives for the staff. 

2.    Don't disturb me, please, I (to work) with the annual report. 

3.    This firm often (to advertise) in different newspapers and magazines.

4.    We advertised in a special section of the newspaper but we(not to receive) the resumes yet.

5.    We (to evaluate) already the candidates through the interview.

6.    We (to look for) a specialist suitable for the position at the present moment.

7.    He (to sent) just his resume and the letter of interest.

8.    They(to release) the manager. He was not suitable for the position.


8. Answer the following questions.

1. Have you ever been to London? 2. Have you read anything by Jack London? 3. Have you ever travelled by air? 4. Have you had any dictations this month? 5. Have you read Robinson Crusoe by D. Defoe? 6. How many problems have you resolved this year? 

9. Translate into English.

1. Секретар нашої компанії вже забронювала квиток на рейс. 2. Менеджер нашої компанії вже купив квиток першого класу. 3. Ми щойно купили квиток в обидва кінці. 4. Ми вже повернулись додому. 5. Я ще не заповнив декларацію. 6. Іноземні представники вже купили квитки бізнес-класу. 6. З того часу я не був у Варшаві. 7. Вони щойно заповнили декларацію. 8. Наш менеджер з продажу вже задекларував речі при в’їзді. 9. Ми щойно прибули у місце призначення. 10. Стюардеса вже дала необхідні вказівки. 11. Ми вже отримали підписані договори від наших агентів.  



1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.        to give instructions – давати вказівки

2.        to go abroad – їздити за кордон

3.        to go on business – їздити у відрядження

4.        to place an order for smth. with smb. –  розмістити замовлення на щось 

5.        to book a seat – замовляти місце

6.        to register – регіструвати

7.        to fill in a declaration – заповннювати декларацію

8.        to declare – декларувати речі при в’їзді / виїзді

9.        a waiting room – зал очікування

10.   an announcement – об’ява

11.   a stewardess – стюардеса

12.   to feel well (badly) – почувати себе добре (погано)

13.   for my own use – для особистого користування

14.   to be duty free – не підлягати обкладенню митом

15.   to be liable to duty – підлягати обкладенню митом


2. Read and translate the text:

Going abroad.

Avantis got instructions to buy chemical equipment abroad. With this in view Mr. Bunin, President of this firm went on business to Great Britain to place an order with a British firm. He phoned the booking-office to book a seat for a plane to London. He found out that there were flights daily and that it would take him three hours to get to London.     

Mr. Bunin booked a seat for the Boeing 747 jet-liner. The next morning he had arrived at Borispil airport by seven o’clock, an hour before the plane took off. After the clerk had registered his ticket and passport Bunin filled in a declaration and went to the waiting-room. There were a few passengers there. They were all waiting for the announcement to get on the plane. In ten minutes they heard the announcement,

”Attention, please. Will passengers for London join Flight 31?”

        When Mr. Bunin got on the plane, the stewardess showed him his seat. At eight o’clock the plane took off. Although it flew at a high speed, the Passengers felt well. At 11.30 a.m. the plane landed at London airport. a.m. = ante meridium- час з 24.00 до 12.00.

p.m. = post meridium- час з 12.00 до 24.00.


3. Read and translate the dialogue:

Dialogue:  At the customs office


Mr. Bunin is going through the Customs at London airport.

Customs official: Your passport, please. How long are you planning to stay in the country?

Bunin:  Three weeks. Could I prolong my entrance visa in case of necessity?

Customs official: Sure. Your customs form, please. Is that your suit-case, sir?

Bunin: Yes, that’s right.

Customs official: Will you, please, open it?

Bunin: Certainly.

Customs official: Have you any things to declare?

Bunin: What?

Customs official: Alcohol, cigarettes, fresh fruit, plants?

Bunin: I have some cigarettes for my own use.  

Customs official: How many packets of cigarettes have you got?

Bunin: Oh, I’ve got only three packets. I believe they’ll be duty free.

Customs official: Yes, of course. Have you got any presents or any things liable to duty?

Bunin: No, I haven’t.     

Customs official: Well, thank you, sir.

Bunin: Thank you.


4.   Make up your own dialogue using the following expressions:

to go on business 

to feel badly

to declare

to fill in a declaration 

to register

a suit-case

a waiting room

to be liable to duty

to have presents

a customs form

5.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:

[ ʌ ]

[ ʃ ]





















6.   Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   Не that knows nothing doubts nothing.

2.   Who eats with heart is a worker smart.

3.   Between two stools you fall to the ground.

4.   Не that never climbed, never fell.  


7.     Define the terms:

entrance visa 

to be duty free

to register

to declare

a stewardess


customs form 

to be liable to duty


8.     Find the equivalents to the following sentences.

1. Він зателефонував до каси, щоб замовити квиток на літак. 2. Він дізнався, що рейси є щоденно, і що йому буде потрібно три з половиною години, щоб долетіти до Лондону. 3. Він прибув до аеропорту Бориспіль о 7 годині. 4. Після того як службовець зареєстрував його квиток і паспорт, Бунін заповнив декларацію і пройшов до зали чекання. 5. Чи є у вас речі, що підлягають обкладанню митом? 6. Я думаю, вони не підлягають обкладанню митом.

7. В мене є цигарки для особистого користування. 


9.        Fill in the gaps with prepositions and adverbs.

A few days ago Mr. Bunin came … abroad. He had gone … business … Great Britain. He had instructions to place an order … chemical equipment. Mr. Bunin came … Moscow … TU-104. It took him three and a half hours to get home. He had got … the plane …Borispil airport … 8 o’clock … the morning. The plane landed … London Airport … half … eleven. His friends come to meet him and Mr. Bunin was glad to see them. It didn’t take him long to go … the Customs. He had no things liable … duty. He filled … the declaration and gave it … a Customs Official. The Customs Official came … Mr. Bunin and asked him to open his suit-case. … 15 minutes all the formalities were … . 


10.   Communicative situations:

What Do You Think?

a)   Do you like travelling? Why?  

b)   What do you usually do during the flight?

What Does It Mean? 

a)         Every customs point covers a particular geographical area. 

b)         The goods are under customs control from the moment of their cross-over through the Ukrainian customs border until the fulfilment of all customs formalities.


Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense.

1. Replace the infinitive inbrackets by the Present Perfect or the Past Perfect.

1.   Our retailer (already to sign) all business documents and correspondence. 2. These merchant wholesalers (to buy) all our goods by that time. 3. They (already to translate) the scientific article. 4. Our students (to write) the composition by 5 o’clock. 5. These agent middlemen (already to negotiate) purchases or sales. 6. Those managers (to fill) in all application forms by 6 o’clock. 7. Pamela ... (not to finish) her project by the end of October. 8. He (already to do) all grammar tasks and exercises. 9. We (to receive) all goods by that time. 10. Wholesalers (already to simplify) the process of distribution. 11. Clive ... (not to attend) computer courses before he entered university. 12. Our director (to refuse) the proposition by that time. 13. The plane ... (to land) by the time we got to the airport. 14. Their merchant wholesalers (already to buy) all our assortment by that time. 15. This secretary (already to read) all business documents. 

2.   Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. Their president had proposed a solution to this problem by that time. 2. Our partners had spoken about the main conditions of our work. 3. Those foreign businessmen had signed the sales contract by 4 o’clock. 4. Our manager had studied English before he entered the institute. 5. These foreigh partners had resolved conflicts by the time their manager came back.


3. Make up the sentences using the Past Perfect Tense.

1.   Fred / to phone / me before / 1 / left / office.

2.   We / to write / the resume / by 2 o'clock / yesterday. 

3.   Tom / apologized / because / he / to miss / the meeting. 

4.   Molly / to cook / breakfast / be fore / Harry / woke up. 

5.   By the time / we / reached / the seaport / our ferry / to leave. 

6.   Mike / to injure / his leg / so / he / couldn't skate / yesterday.

7.   After / they / to put / a tent / they / made a fire. 

8.   The Presleys / to move / into a new flat / before last Easter.

9.   Every body / enjoyed / the visit / to the museum / although / we / already / to be / there.


4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1.   ... Richard ... (to be) to Sheffield before? – No, he ... .

2.   ... your brother (to book) the tickets for the concert beforehand? – Yes, he ....

3.   ... the ferry ... (to reach) the island by 7 o'clock yesterday? — Yes, it....

4.   ... Nick ... (to make) all the calculations by the time the meeting began yesterday? – No, he .... He finished all the calculations only after the meeting ... (to begin). 


5.   Complete the sentences with proper words:

after                                       since                                                 many long                                       before                                               never of                                            by                                                     yet already                                   this morning                                     ever 


1.          Have you discussed the terms of delivery____________?

2.          They’ve __________ discussed the terms of payment.

3.          I’ve _________ been to Kiev.

4.          I haven’t seen the Director__________.

5.          Have you ___________ been to Moscow ?

6.          I’ll have finished my work ____________ 6 o’clock.

7.          Jane had completed the report _____________ you left.

8.          How ________ have you been here?

9.          We have received  you letter __________ 18th November.

10.      I have know Jane______________ 1961.

11.      How ________ orders have you received this month? 

12.      __________ they had finished their work, they went home.


6. Open the brackets and put the Infinitives into the correct form. 

1.   The interview also (to give) the candidate the chance to find out more about the company, such as the working condition, hours of work, pay and training. 

2.   We (to have) two subsidiary companies in Holland and Germany with headquarters in those countries. 

3.   The main parts of such a letter (to be) an introduction, a body of the letter, and a conclusion.

4.   The mild and damp climate in the British Isles (to be) very good for agriculture, especially for vegetable-farming, sheep and cattle-farming.

5.   The applicant (to fill) in a resume or an application form by 4 o’clock.

6.   He (already to call) to make a reservation at your hotel.

7.   This agent middlemen (already to negotiate) purchases or sales.

8.   Those managers (to fill) in all application forms by 6 o’clock.


7. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.     Наші агенти замовити квиток на літак до Лондону до 5 години.

2.     Менеджер нашої компанії прибув до аеропорту Бориспіль до реєстрації.

3.     Представник нашої фірми заповнив декларацію до того, як службовець зареєстрував його квиток і паспорт.

4.     Наші службовці їздили за кордон до того, як презентували компанію.

5.     Секретар зарезервувала номер у готелі до проїзду іноземної делегації. 


1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.        to make a reservation at the hotel – зарезервувати номер у готелі

2.        a reservation desk – відділ бронювання 

3.        a receptionist – адміністратор

4.        a reception-desk – бюро адміністратора

5.        a hotel-porter – портьє  

6.        the front desk – метрдотель 

7.        accommodation – номер, оселя

8.        a single room – номер на одну людину  

9.        a double room – номер на двох

10.   a deluxe room – номер-люкс

11.   a non-smoking room – номер для людей, які не палять 

12.   a tip – чайові 

13.   charge – платня 

14.   special discounts – спеціальні знижки

15.   corporate rates – корпоративні ціни

16.   foreign currency – іноземна валюта

17.   traveller’s checks – дорожні чеки

18.   to leave a message for someone – залишити для когось повідомлення

19.   to check out – звільнити номер у готелі 

20.   to take a tour of the city – здійснити тур по місту


2. Read and translate the text and the dialogue:  

Dialogue: At the hotel Desk Clerk:  Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

Bunin:  Yes, please. I made a reservation for a single room, non-smoking, under the name  of Bunin.

Desk Clerk:  Yes, here we are. Five days at the corporate rate. Non-smoking room.

Here is your key. Do you have any luggage?

Bunin: Just one small suitcase. I don't need a porter – I can handle it by myself.

Desk Clerk: Very good, sir. If there is anything else you need, just call the front desk.

Bunin:  Actually, I would like to order a snack in my room. Do you have room service?

Desk Clerk:  Yes, I'll send someone up right away.

Bunin:  Thank you. Has anyone left any messages for me?

Desk Clerk:  No, sir. 

Bunin:  I wonder if you could tell me where there's a nice restaurant nearby?

Desk Clerk:  Directly across the street, there are two that are popular.

Bunin:  Thanks a lot.

Desk Clerk:  My pleasure. Enjoy your stay!


3.   Make up your own dialogue using the following expressions:

to make a reservation

a deluxe room


corporate rates

a reservation desk

traveller’s checks

a receptionist

to check out


4.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:

[ a: ]

[ ə: ]

[æ ]





























5.   Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   Не who begins many things, finishes but few.

2.   Short debts make long friends.

3.   The end crowns the work.

4.   When one door shuts another opens.  

6.   Read and learn the useful phrases. Fill in the gaps.

I would like a room on a non-smoking

Я б хотів кімнату на поверсі для


I would like to change my room. (It’s too small, too hot, there’s no desk, and so on).


I need a firm bed; I have a back problem. 


It’s very noisy next door. I wonder if you could tell the people to turn down the music (the television).

I would like to order some drinks (food). I wonder if I could get room service, please.

Could you send up some towels please? I would like to check out. Would you prepare my bill please?

Do you accept traveller’s checks? (credit cards, personal checks, foreign currency) Could you change some money for me?


Is there a currency exchange nearby?

Do I have any messages?

Could I leave a message for someone who is going to call me? Please tell him (her) that…


I’d like to speak with the front desk.

I’d like to take a tour of the city. What do you suggest?

I’d like to store my luggage. Do you have a baggage room?

людей, які не палять.

Я б хотів змінити кімнату. (Вона дуже маленька, в ній дуже жарко, в ній немає столу і т. д.)

Мені потрібно тверде ліжко; У мене проблеми зі спиною. 

У сусідів дуже галасно. Не могли б ви попросити їх зробити тихіше музику (телевізор).

Я б хотів замовити напої (їжу). Чи можливе обслуговування номеру?

Чи можна попросити ще рушників?

Я б хотів розрахуватися за номер. Приготуйте, будь ласка, рахунок.

Ви      приймаєте      дорожні       чеки

(кредитні картки, іноземну валюту)? Чи не могли б ви поміняти мені гроші?

Чи є недалеко пункт обміну валют?

Для мене є повідомлення?

Чи можу я залишити повідомлення для    людини,      яка    повинна зателефонувати мені? Будь ласка, передайте йому (їй), що…

Я б хотів поговорити з метрдотелем. Я б хотів здійснити тур по місту. Що ви можете запропонувати?

Я б хотів залишити багаж. У вас є камера зберігання?


7.   Read and translate the text:   


  At about 10 o’clock in the morning Mr. Bunin arrived at Traveller’s Inn. A hotel-porter took his suit-case and showed him to the reception-desk. Bunin told the receptionist about that he had reserved a room a few days before. The receptionist checked that and said that they could let him have a nice room on the third floor.

After that the receptionist gave Mr. Bunin a form and asked him to fill it in.

  Mister Bunin wrote his name, address, nationality and occupation on the form and gave it back. Then the porter took the key to Bunin’s room and they went to the lift. In a minute they were on the third floor. The porter unlocked the door, brought in the suit-case and asked if that was all. Bunin gave him a tip and the porter went out. 


8.   Define the terms:

baggage room

a deluxe room

traveller’s checks

the front desk

corporate rates

a tip

a receptionist



9.   Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Так як кімната дуже маленька і в ній немає столу, я б хотів змінити її. 2. Не могли б ви попросити моїх сусідів зробити тихіше музику. 3. Я б хотів замовити обід. Чи є обслуговування у вашому готелі? 4. Чи можна попросити ще тарілок? 5. Чи можу я залишити повідомлення для людини, яка повинна зателефонувати мені? Будь ласка, передайте йому, що я приїду до його офісу о 10.00. 6. Ви не могли б сказати, чи є поблизу гарний ресторан? 7. Де я можу купити газети? 8. Я б хотів розрахуватися за номер. Приготуйте, будь ласка, рахунок.


10.   Write down the translation of the following word-combinations:

a non-smoking floor – to change a room – to check out – to get room service –

to order some drinks – to send up some towels – to have a back problem – to turn down the music –

to accept traveller’s checks – to change money for smb. – to leave a message for smb – to store some luggage –


11.   Fill in the gaps with articles, where it is necessary:

    … One day Mr. Goodwill, …representative of Brighton &Co., arrives in Kyiv on business. Mr. Mitin, director of our office, meets him in Borispol Airport and brings him to … Metropol Hotel. 

   Mr. Mitin reserved accommodation for Mr. Goodwill there two days ago. … hotelporter meets them at … door and shows them to  … reception desk. 

   …receptionist gives Mr. Goodwill … form and asks him to write his name, …address, … nationality and … occupation. As Mr. Goodwill knows Russian well it doesn’t take him long to fill in … form. After he did all … formalities, … receptionist gives Mr.Goodwill … key to his room and  … porter shows him into it. It is … nice single room on … second floor. … room is not very large but very light. There is … bed, … sofa and … little table for … magazines and … newspapers. Near … sofa, there is  … standard lamp. To … left of  … door there is  … wardrobe. All

… furniture in … room is quite modern. Mr. Goodwill likes … room very much and he thanks Mr. Martin.

    They make … appointment for the next morning and Mr. Martin leave … hotel.


12. Communicative situations:

What Do You Think?

a)  What services can you get at our Ukrainian hotels?

b)  What are the different kinds of hotel? 

What Does It Mean? 

a)   In my opinion our town provides good hotels for foreigners and native people. 

b)   It's better to reserve a room beforehand.


Grammar: The Future Perfect Tense.

1. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Future Perfect.

1.   I (to finish) to type the letter of Credit by the end of the break. 2. He (to receive) the business corresponding by tomorrow. 3. I (to do) this task by seven o'clock. 4. He (not to write) the scientific report by 5 o’clock.5. By this time you (to take your examination). 6. The teacher (to correct) our dictations by the next lesson. 7. The plant (to fulfill) its plan of production by the 15th of January.


2.   Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. They will have told about our new applicants. 2. Nick will have prepared for his examination by tomorrow. 3. I shall have listened to their conversation by 5 o’clock. 

4. They will have told about our company. 5. Their clients will have discussed about the terms of delivery by the end of the month. 6. Our partners will have resolved this conflict by the next meeting. 7. The manager of our firm will have sent the letters to the applicants by the next week.


3. Turn the following into the Future Perfect.  

Model: I had written my report by 9 o'clock. – I shall have written my report by 9 o'clock.

1. They had ordered some drinks by that time. 2. The foreign partners had changed money for our manager by 5 o'clock in the evening. 3. We had discussed the report by four o'clock in the afternoon. 4. I had written the composition by 9 o'clock. 5. I had finished my translation by the end of the next day. 6. He had graduated from the University by the end of June. 7. Her friends had furnished her room by the day of her wedding. 8. Mr. Stanton had sent the letter of Credit by the 10th of May. 


4. Change the following sentences using the Future Perfect Tense:

M o d e l : Inflation will increase by 3% next month. – Inflation will have increased by 3% by the end of the month.

1. Average price level will fall next month. 2. His nominal income won't change next year. 3. She will finish her report on inflation tomorrow. 4. Inflation rate will change next month. 5. Prices on specific goods and services will increase next week.


5. Complete the following sentences using the Future Perfect Tense:

M o d e l : By that time tomorrow ....    By that time tomorrow he will have finished his report devoted to the problems of inflation and deflation.

1. At this time tomorrow .... 2. By the end of the month ... . 3. By the time you call on me ... . 4. By this summer ... . 5. By the end of the year ... .


6. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я розрахуюся за номер у готелі до кінця жовтня. 2. Наші клієнти поміняють іноземну валюту до 5 години. 3. Наш менеджер залишить багаж у камері зберігання до кінця тижня. 4. Секретар нашої фірми забронює одномісний номер на поверсі для людей, які не палять до кінця робочого дня. 5.

Адміністратор готелю дасть ключі від номеру до кінця дня.



                                         Wholesaling. Retailing.


Grammar: The Perfect Continuous Tenses    

 LESSON 10. Wholesaling


1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.        wholesaling – оптова торгівля

2.        to provide channels – забезпечувати системою збуту

3.        indirect channels – непряма система збуту

4.        a retailer – роздрібний торговець

5.        complicated channels – складна система збуту

6.        a wholesaling middleman – оптовий посередник

7.        merchant wholesalers – оптові перекупники

8.        to take title to the goods – придбати товар як власність

9.        agent middleman – посередник між виробником та покупцем

10.   to negotiate purchases or sales – вести переговори з приводу купівлі та продажу

11.   to earn salaries – заробляти платню

12.   to receive commissions – отримувати комісійні

13.   to handle – керувати, торгувати

14.   an assortment – асортимент 


2.   Read and translate the following text:


Wholesaling is a part of marketing system. It provides channels of distribution, which help to bring goods to the market. Generally, indirect channels are used to market manufactured consumer goods. It could be from the manufacturer to the wholesaler, from the retailer to the consumer or through more complicated channels.

A direct channel moves goods from the manufacturer or producer to the consumer. Two-third of the wholesaling middlemen are merchant wholesalers who take title to the goods they deal in. There are also agent middlemen who negotiate purchases or sales or both. They don't take title to the goods they deal in. Sometimes they take possession though. These agents don't earn salaries. They receive commissions.

Wholesalers simplify the process of distribution. As a wholesaler handles a large assortment of items from numerous manufacturers he reduces the problem of both manufacturer and retailer. The storekeeper does not have to deal directly with thousands of different people. He usually has a well-stocked store and deals with only a few wholesalers.


3.   Answer the questions.  

1.   What is the aim of the wholesaling?

2.   How can you describe a direct channel of distribution?

3.   What is an indirect channel of distribution?

4.   What channel of distribution is preferable?

5.   Is there any difference between a merchant wholesaler and an agent middleman? 

6.   How does a wholesaler simplify the process of distribution?

7.   What would a retailer have to do without wholesalers?


4.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:

[ ŋ ]

[ tʃ ]

[ æ ]


























5.   Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   When things are at the worst they are sure to mend.

2.   A rolling stone gathers no moss.

3.   As is the workman, so is the work.

4.   Everything comes to him who waits.  

6. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence (wholesalers, take title, retailer, channels, assortment, receive commissions, middlemen).

1.     They use both direct and indirect … of distribution.

2.     Agent middlemen don't … to the goods they deal in.

3.     Usually wholesaling … stands between the producer and the retailer.

4.     As usual wholesaler handles a large … of items from numerous manufacturers.

5.     Agent middlemen don't earn salaries, they … .

6.     A wholesaler doesn’t deal with the customers, he does with … .

7.     … simplify the process of distribution.


7.   Define the terms:



wholesaling middleman


merchant wholesaler


agent middleman



8.   Read and translate the following dialogue:


Sally and Don work in the Marketing Department of a company, that makes different meal products.

Don: Hey, Sally, look at these figures. The price of sugar is going up 10% during the next year.

Sally:  Oh. that's bad. That means trouble for our jam line. 

Don:  I think so too. Sugar is the main ingredient, you know. What's your opinion? Sally: Well, we are not the price leaders in the field and jam is a very price sensitive item. According to our marketing research informations consumers aren't particularly brand loyal about jam. 

Don:  I have a brilliant idea. You know, this could be a great marketing opportunity for us. Sally: What do you mean? 

Don:  Well, because of the price rise in sugar we know that the price of jam will go up too. The increase will pass on the consumer, won't it? 

Sally:  Right. 

Don:  Imagine, we find the possibility of changing the ingredients in the jam so that we wouldn't have to raise the price. 

Sally:  Then we wouldn't trouble about the price rise on sugar because we'll be able to sell the jam at the same price. The idea is that we could market less expensive jam.

What a promotional campaign we could have!

Don:  Sure. If we do it right we'll sell more and become the leader in the market. 

Sally:   Now the first thing is to talk to Research and Development. 

Don:  Right and we'll see when they'll have some samples of new formulars ready. Sally: What about marketing research? I think we should schedule some tests for responses to the R & D samples. 

Don:  Well, there is a lot to do. I think we should also change packaging. Now, Sally, that would be great. 

Sally: Oh, Don, let's hope for the best. If we don't lose the chance, the competitors products will stay on the supermarket shelves. 

Don:  Oh, it's time for lunch. Let's discuss our business in cafeteria. 

Sally: Oh, sure, we've got a lot to discuss- distribution, advertising.


9. Answer the following questions.

1.   Who is the price leader in your business?

2.   How can you become a price leader? What should you do for this?

3.   How should one start a promotional campaign?

4.   Why is it dangerous to produce price sensitive goods?

5.   What should you do to leave your competitors behind?


10.   Make up your own dialogue using the following expressions:

to negotiate purchases or sales

agent middlemen 

to take title to the goods

to receive commissions

wholesaling middlemen

merchant wholesalers

to earn salaries

marketing research


11.   Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.

analyze            block        depend     look        pay              prefer         want           sound speak           specialize            take 

1.        The switchboard _____________________ outside calls from this extension.

2.        We________________ to boost our sales in the Western  market.

3.        She_______________ strange on the phone, but in reality she is very nice.

4.        Our company___________ in acquiring computers from Japan.

5.        I cannot give you a definite date: it______________ on my boss.

6.        We____________ our agents 10% commission on net sales figures.

7.        We know it_______________ like our previous model , but we have update it.

8.        I_____________ the statistics, so I can’t give you a decision yet.

9.        He____________ rudely to me whenever I cal him.

10.   We____________ a 10% deposit for orders like these.

11.   He ____________ to be self – employed.


12.   Transform the sentences of real condition into the sentences of unreal condition. 

Model: If we promote this right, we will (we'll) get more sales.

If we promoted this right, we would get more sales.

If we had promoted this right, we would have got more sales.

1. If we are careful we will leave behind our competitors. 2. If we phone R.D., we will get the necessary information. 3. If we change the ingredients, we will be ready for the price rise. 4. If the price of jam goes up, the increase will be passed on the consumer. 5. If they work hard, they won't lose any customers. 6. If we schedule the product development in time we will be ready for the change of the demand. 7. If we don't lose the chance, the competitors products will stay on the market shelves. 


13. Complete the sentences with proper prepositions:  on, by, with, for, in.

1.     Our Director is responsible ___ running the company.

2.     The storekeeper does not have to deal directly ___ thousand of different people.

3.     The retailer stores the goods in her outlet ___ having goods available.

4.     On a formal occasion a businessman must have a suit and a tie ___.

5.     Careers ___ advertising may involve working for advertisers, media and special services.  


14. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: When did they want to reimburse for our expenses? (I don't remember.) I don't remember when they wanted to reimburse for our expenses.

1.        How will you get a raise? (They don't care.)

2.        When did they send you the purchase order? (I don't know.)

3.        Who are the purchasing agents? (I can't recall.)

4.        Why didn't they get verbal agreement? (I'll try to find out.)

5.        How large is the sales region? (They don't care.)

6.        When will she get commission? (She doesn't know.)


15. Supply the correct forms of the verbs.

1.       The goods can (to deliver) only six months after we (to sign) the contract.

2.       From the quotation which (to enclose) with the letter you (can, to get) all particulars concerning the model.

3.       New features (to develop) in our machines not long ago, and now they quite(to satisfy) market demands.

4.       Export packing (to be, to include) into the price.

5.       You(to be, to open) a Letter of Credit after (to receive) our Notification of Readiness. 6.  Shipment of goods (can, to make) from Kyiv within three week, after your order(to receive).

7.  The customers (must, to supply) with the first lot of goods not later than June this year.


16. Change the sentences according to the model. 

Model: The suppliers sell goods to customers.Goods are sold to customers by the suppliers.

1.        When you travel by train you need a ticket as proof that you paid.

2.        When companies buy goods, they send an order to the suppliers.

3.        The suppliers send an invoice to the buyers.

4.        The buyers do not pay the goods immediately.

5.        The buyers then pay the amount outstanding.

6.        Sometimes when the suppliers receive an enquiry, they send a pro-forma invoice.

7.        Anne sent an order to "Household Designs".

8.        Jane made out an air waybill which is the ticket and receipt for the goods sent by air.

9.        Anne received the goods and paid the pro-forma invoice.

10.   If the suppliers do not know the buyers, the buyers may pay in advance.


17. Choose and use to expect, to wait for. 

1.   – What discount do you ... to get? – We ... at least a 5% discount. Please ... me here. Come in, please. The President ... you.  I didn't ... you today, I thought you were coming tomorrow.  I didn't ... that the company would increase their order to 25 rim chines.  We ... the bus for half an hour. Why are you so late? I ... you for an hour and a half.


18. Translate into English.

1.Оптова торгівля – важливий елемент ринкової системи. 2. Товари йдуть від оптового посередника до споживача через роздрібного торговця. 3. Непряма система збуту має більше переваг. 4. Посередник отримує відсотки від продажу. 5. Посередник зазвичай веде переговори з приводу купівлі або продажу. 6. В цьому магазині хороший асортимент товарів. 7. Ми повинні дорого платити за поставку.


19. Communicative situations:

What Do You Think?

a)   Why is it important to have competitors in business?

b)   What knowledge must you have to be good at marketing?

What Does It Mean? 

Wholesalers simplify the process of distribution.

TEST on creativity and self-confidence:

1.   Do the following test and discover what kind of businessman you will be.

2.   Give from 0 to 6 points to each statement. Try to make your assessment as fair as possible. 

3.   Learn the results:

Answer as honestly as possible

From 0 to 6


I believe in what I’m doing.



I always have new and fresh ideas.



I believe in myself.



I am a fighter by nature.



Whatever happens, I can keep the situation under control.



Sometimes I use ordinary things in new, original ways. 



I enjoy compliments. 



I admit defeats with dignity.



I believe that abilities are unlimited.



I am able to face any problem.



I am open to new ideas.



I am curious. 



I’ve got a rich imagination.



I try even impossible things.



I try to do things in different ways.



I am able to adapt.



I am able to find the way to settle my problems.



I am sure in success.



I have self-esteem.



I am emotional.



Check your score:

91-120  Congratulations! You are almost genius. You are optimistic; you are strong. You believe in your capacity and in the talent of your fellow-workers. You’ve got imagination but you do not let feelings take over the thoughts. You must be prosperous in the future.    


61 – 90  Your results are promising. Add a bit of imagination to your zeal. Be more open before others, listen to their ideas; share your with them. Your sense of humour will help you in difficult situation.   


Under 60  You are a romantic person and this can sometimes prevent you from being realistic in business. Come on earth from the clouds. Your best qualities have not been developed enough.

Work, improve yourself, cultivate self-confidence. Good luck!


Grammar: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. Complete the following sentences as in the model:

M o d e l : They have been making the transaction .... – They have been making the transaction for an hour (since the manager come, since 8 o'clock).


1.   They have been transporting commodities ... . 

2.   This company has been realizing its goods through middlemen ... . 

3.   Ukrainian economy has been developing property rights .... 

4.   This firm has been lowering the costs of transaction ... . 

5.   Both partners have been making important arrangements ....


2. Open the brackets and put the Infinitives in to the correct form. 

1.   Mr. Cartwright (to discuss) these problems for an hour. 

2.   The applicant (to fill) in a resume or an application form since the manager come. 

3.   The managers (to send) the letters to the applicants since 8 o'clock. 

4.   Our partners (to resolve) conflict between two parties for two hours. 

5.   They (to speak) about the main conditions of our work for 20 minutes. 


3. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1.   He has been talking about our new applicants since 8 o'clock.

2.   Their clients have been discussing about the terms of delivery for two hours. 

3.   I have been listening to their conversation since morning. 

4.   They have been talking about our company for an hour. 

5.   George has been preparing for his examination since morning. 

6.   Our partners have been resolving this conflict for two hours. 

7.   The sales manager of our firm has been sending the letters to the applicants since morning.  


4. Combine the given two sentences into one using the Present Perfect Continuous: Partners began to make the transaction on buying this equipment 20 minutes ago. They are still making it. – Partners have been making the transaction for 20 minutes.

1. They began to obtain gains from the realization of these goods a month ago. They are still obtaining them. 2. They began to raise taxes on some commodities two weeks ago. They are still raising them. 3. Intermediaries began to lower transaction costs a few hours ago. They are still lowering them. 4. This company began to make restrictions on buying some goods a year ago. It is still making them. 5. They began to develop indirect trade some years ago. They are still developing it.


5. Translate into English.

1.   Західні держави постачають в Україну різноманітні споживчі товари, починаючи з 2005 року. 

2.   Наша компанія отримує вигоду від купівлі обладнання впродовж двох місяців. 

3.   Він працює посередником у цій компанії вже впродовж трьох років. 

4.   З самого ранку вони обговорюють витрати на купівлю необхідних технологій. 

5.   Наші представники ведуть переговори з приводу купівлі та продажу вже впродовж двох років. 

6.   Непряма система збуту розвивається в Україні вже протягом кількох років.

7.   Працівники нашої компанії отримують комісійні вже впродовж трьох років.

8.   Наш сусід працює менеджером у відомій зарубіжній фірмі упродовж кількох місяців. 

9.   Наші зарубіжні партнери обговорюють умови договору вже дві години.


1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations::

1.       retailing – роздрібна торгівля

2.       an ultimate consumer – кінцевий споживач

3.       a link – зв'язок

4.       a mail-order house – посилторг

5.       a vending machine operator – оператор торгівельних автоматичних машин

(тих, що продають дрібні товари: газети, сигарети і т.д.)

6.       a discount house – магазин із скидкою

7.       a cooperative – кооператив

8.       a single line retailer – роздрібний торговець

9.       to perform functions – виконувати функції

10.   an extending credit – довгостроковий кредит

11.   an outlet – ринок збуту, торгівельна точка

12.   a discount – скидка


2. Read and translate the following text:


Retailing is selling goods and services to the ultimate consumer. Thus, the retailer is the most expensive link in the chain of distribution. Being middlemen, they make their profit by charging the customer 25 to 100 per cent more than the price they paid for the item.

The retailers operate through stores, mail-order houses, vending machine operators. There are different types of retail stores: department stores, discount houses, cooperatives, single line retailers. The major part (over 95 per cent) of retail establishments concentrate on a single line of merchandise for example, food, hardware, etc. But nowadays there is a trend for many single line stores to take on a greater variety of supplies.

The retailer performs many necessary functions. First, he may provide a convenient location. Second, he often guarantees and services the merchandise he sells. Third, the retailer helps to promote the product through displays, advertising or sales people. Fourth, the retailer can finance the customer by extending credit. Also the retailer stores the goods in his outlet by having goods available.


3. Answer the following questions:

1.     What is retailing?

2.     What are four different types of retail stores?

3.     What are at least two types of retailing that do not include the use of a store?

4.     In what way does a retailer serve a customer?

5.     In what way does a retailer serve a manufacturer?

6.     Which per cent of the price of the goods sold goes to the retailer?

7.     What is the trend with a single line retailer now?


4.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:                                                    

[ ŋ ]

[ ə: ]

[ ʌ ]


























5.   Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence (mail order, discount, vending machine, guarantees, retailer, extending credit, link).  

1.        … is one function a retailer may perform.

2.        You can buy newspapers, cigarettes, cookies from a …

3.        … is the most expensive link in the chain between a producer and a consumer.

4.        The firm … good quality of the product.

5.        She doesn’t like to go shopping, she prefers to do it by …

6.        The department store is having a sale and there is a 20 per cent …on all light dresses.

7.        Wholesaler is an important … between a producer and a customer. 

6. Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   There are two sides to every question.

2.   Sometimes the best gain is to lose.

3.   Nothing comes from nothing.

4.   Knowledge is power.  


7.   Define the terms:

an ultimate consumer

a customer

a mail-order house

a shopping guide

a cooperative

a supermarket

a producer

a shopping centre


8.   Read and translate the following dialogue:


Jean has just moved into a new house. Her neighbour, Liz, has come over to welcome her.

Jean: I am very glad to see you here. How do you like the new place?

Liz: It's marvelous. I am sure we are going to love living here. 

Jean: Well, have a look, here it's a shopping guide for the neighbourhood and a booklet of discount coupons. New neighbours always receive them. There is one coupon for everystore in this shopping guide. 

Jean: Oh, thank you. It's come in time. I have a lot of shopping to do.

Liz: I can imagine, having just moved in. Not far from her there is a very good shopping center. You can also find huge supermarket, a drugstore, some department store in the neighbourhood.

Jean: Great. Are there any small stores nearby? 

Liz: Oh, yes. The map is right here in the shopping guide. There is a little drugstore a few blocks away, a little grocery store next to it, a little boutique, an ice-cream parlor, a pizza place. You can find a plant store not far from here too.

Jean: Are there any good discount houses nearby? We terribly need a new toaster. 

Everybody in my family likes toasts for breakfasts very much. I'd like to buy it. Liz: Oh, sure. There is a good discount store in the shopping centre. If you like, I'll come with you. 

Jean: Oh, you needn't. I don't want to trouble you.

Liz: No trouble at all. I'd like to do some shopping too. If you go to the discount center I can go to that little cheese shop. I don't want to bother you. 

Jean: It's no bother at all. Make out your shopping list and I'll be your guide. By the way, you can use your discount coupon for the toaster.

Liz: I am sure you'll buy a good one.

Jean: Well, it'll take some time to make a shopping list. I'll have to buy a lot at the grocer's.

Liz: This is a good idea. I should have gone shopping yesterday, so I'll make up my list too.

Jean: By the way, I like your dress very much. It's a perfect fit. Where did you buy it, if you don't mind my asking? 

Liz: Thank you for the compliment. I got it at a very nice little boutique. It's a bit expensive, but there are many original things. If you are interested we can stop there.

Jean: I'm afraid I can't. I have to cook dinner. 

Liz: Oh, don't trouble yourself with the dinner. Look over the coupons I've given you.

You can go out to dinner at a discount store.


9.         Make up your own dialogue using the following expressions:

a shopping guide

a grocery store

discount coupons

a discount store

a supermarket

an ultimate consumer

a single line retailer

a shopping centre

10.    Answer the following questions.  

1.     What kind of shops in this country do you know?

2.     What shops are situated not far from your house?

3.     What goods can be bought there?

4.     What specific features do channels of distribution have in this country?

5.     What reforms does this country need to recognize the channels of distribution?

11. Change the sentences according to the model.  

Model: My wife usually asks the children to do shopping. 

My wife usually makes children do shopping.

1.     He'll ask single line retailers to take part in the promotion campaign.

2.     The chief usually asks his immediate subordinates to perform different functions.

3.     It's necessary to ask him to recognize his wholesaling units.

4.     It's important to influence ultimate consumer to buy this product.

5.     Ask him to buy all these things in the discount house.


12. Make responses to the sentences according to the model.  

Model: I want to ask your brother to do shopping today. 

Let me do shopping today myself.

1.   I want my secretary to prepare the financial statement.

2.   The board of directors wants the officers to plan product development.

3.   He wants to speak with my friend about their possible partnership.

4.   I want a lawyer to clarify this matter.

5.   The executive manager wants to start market research.


13.  Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: I should go shopping today. – I should have gone shopping yesterday. 

1.     The firm should apply for credit very soon.

2.     I should take my wife shopping a bit later.

3.     They should get groceries at the supermarket this afternoon.

4.     They should order a new car.

5.     He should buy a computer today.

6.     He should speak with the manager today.


14. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: If there is a shopping center nearby, we will go there together.

If there had been a shopping center nearby, we would have gone there.

1.      If she buys too much, she won't be able to carry it herself.  

2.      If there is ice-cream in this store, we will bring the children some.

3.      If she tries the new boutique today, she will come very late.

4.      If the shop offers home delivery, he will ask them to deliver.

5.      If you shop downtown, you will find the shopping center.


15. Supply the articles where necessary.

1.   ...time plays an important part in the daily life of business people. They usually say that ... time is ... money.

2.   ... money is on the table. Go and buy some food with it.

3.   Ukrainian television programmes show a lot of documentaries about ... industry, ... science and ... culture.

4.   A lot of books have been written about ... Greek culture.

5.   My friend studies ... culture of Ukraine.

6.   ... channels of Ukrainian television offer a lot of programmes which are both informative and entertaining.

7.   New films and performances are usually broadcast on ... Channel 1.


16. Supply the correct tense-forms of the verbs.

1.          The training at the university (to be provided) on the basis of an interdependent approach to actual problems of personnel management.

2.          A major requirement for working out scientific, practical and training appliences at the Academy of Personnel Management (to consist) in the fact that a concrete problem of personnel management (to be elucidated) integrally and systematically.

3.          For the period of existence of our Academy more than 100 methodical recommendations and training appliences (to be) published.

4.          In 1993 the Academy (to complete) the preparation and publishment of the tenvolume "Personnel Management Encyclopedia".

5.          About 50 leading scientists and specialists in different fields of personnel management (to work) at and (to collaborate) with the Academy.


17.  Supply the preposition where necessary.

1.   The guarantee period which the company offered ... their computers was 12 months ... the date ... putting them ... operation and 15 months ... date ... delivery. The Buyer found it rather short and wanted it to be extended ... two months respectively.

But the company agreed to extend it only ... 13 and 17 months.

2.   As the Seller was responsible ... the defects which were found … the equipment, they had to correct them ... their expense.

3.   The machines were put ... operation ... a delay ... the Seller's fault.

4.   The new model ... pump was introduced ... the world market six months ago. It is ... the latest design and has excellent technical characteristics. The customers are very pleased ... its performance.

5.   I'd like to describe ... you my last visit ... the manufacturing plant ... Glasgow.


18. Communicative situations:

a)         Speak about the differences between the channels of distribution of this country and western countries.


direct method of distribution:








indirect method of distribution:















b)         Look at this chart and say in what industries different methods of distribution are possible.


19. Translate into English.

1.        Роздрібний продаж – це продаж товару кінцевому споживачу.

2.        На цей товар можна отримати 10% знижку.

3.        В західних країнах є різні типи торгових закладів: універмаги, супермаркети, магазини з низькими цінами, посилторги і т.п.

4.        Роздрібна торгівля може надати покупцеві довготерміновий кредит.

5.        Ця фірма має багато торгових точок по всій країні.

6.        Роздрібний торговець виконує багато важливих функцій. 


20. Do the following test:


Test on Marketing

Being successful in marketing means to offer a good product or to a good customer at a suitable moment, at a right place and at a convenient price. This seems to be simple. But in fact it is far from being so uncomplicated. Good marketing strategy requires some talent, a little of good luck and of course hard work, much zeal.

                            What do you know about goods promoting, placement, pricing and advertising? 

This test will help you to understand if you have the spirit of marketing.

“As a rule”: 6 pointsc

“Sometimes”: 3 points

“Rare”: 0 points



Answer as honestly as possible

As a rule




When I see the product I start thinking how one can profit of it to gain money.





The business figures of an enterprise are based on the sale of some of its products.





I am often told that I should commercialize my ideas and my inventions. 





When I was a teenager I sold things – newspapers, journals or babysat.





I am able to invent something new and original using ordinary things.





The best place in the shop, which can stimulate buying goods, is near the cashier.





I am aware of the last achievements in the industry I am interested in.





The price of the product is right when it corresponds to the amount the buyer is ready to pay.





Colours, packing and presentation make a big influence on customers.





Sales will increase when customers are shown the best way of using the product.





To baptize a product or a business is the most improtant decision in marketing.





I am able to see the product with the eyes of the client.





To create the demand and respond to it is the main postulate that works in marketing.





I understand what pushes people to buy products.





«The client is always right» this is a good rule nowadays. 





People remember the quality of a product longer than its price.





The human factor is very important in every business.





There is always a market fot the product which has been well promoted and which is of the best quality and less expensive than the competitors’ one





Fixing the deadline after which the price will increase can stimulate the buyer.





People tend to buy things they want more than things they need.




Now add your results:



You are an ace in marketing. You are very gifted in this sphere of business. You deeply understand today’s marketing problems and know the ways of their solution. 



You have got feeling and instincts for marketing. You know what task is the first to be fulfilled.But nevertheless you should learn deeper the market you deal with; think carefully how to overcome concurrence and, no doubt, you will succeed.



Sometimes your instinct in the matter of marketing can let you down. You should not rely only on your presentiments but learn more, listen to expert’s advice. Think over your every step.

Under 30

Sure, you’ve got some knowledge about marketing but it is far from

being enough.You need a qualified assistance to cope with difficulties. Read a lot, follow all news connected to marketing. Before starting your own business, work for somebody first.


Grammar: The Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct forms:

1) Our commercial banks (to offer) interest rates for 5 years by January. 2) Our creditors (to sign) this contract for 20 minutes by 8 o’clock. 3) They (to talk) about different measures of economic activity for 10 minutes before he came back. 4) Our students (to study) English for 3 years before they passed the exam. 5) They (to discuss) current events for 20 minutes before the president came.


2. Complete the following sentences as in the model using the Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

M o d e l : He had been studying microeconomics for 2 years ... . He had been studying microeconomics for 2 years before he passed the exam (by that time).

1. They had been quoting prices on these goods for an hour ... . 2. This company had been lowering stocks in value for 2 hours ... . 3. They had been discussing current prices for 20 minutes ... . 4. We had been talking about the aggregate output for half on hour ... . 5. They had been establishing price index for an hour ... .

3. Ask questions to which the following statements are answers:

M o d e l : They had been discussing market prices for half an hour before he came.

How long had they been discussing market prices?

1.    He had been calculating expenditures for 20 minutes before the manager came.

2.    We had been discussing current prices on this equipment for an hour by that time.

3.    They had been talking about the contract on different commodities for 15 minutes before the chief came. 4. I had been making purchases for half an hour before he came. 5. They had been talking about different measures of economic activity for 15 minutes before I came back.


4.    Translate into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. All during the ride from Long Beach into the city he had been trying to forget what he had said to Hagen. (Puzo) 2. This bearded man had been following Dr. Levine ever since he started to teach class at Woodside. (Crichton) 3. Harriet Vane, who had been smiling at him, frowned, and an indefinable expression of distaste came into her eyes. (Sayers) 4. He had been walking all day and he was very tired. (Greene) 5. Barney, who had been feeling scared before, was now terrified. (Murdoch) 6. For several years now Barney had been secretly working on his Memoirs. (Murdoch)


5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Президент нашої фірми переглянув анкети всіх претендентів на посаду менеджера упродовж двох годин до кінця робочого дня. 2. Вони знижували ціни на товари упродовж місяця до грудня. 3. Ми обговорювали ціни на товари протягом години до перерви. 4. Він ретельно вивчав ринкові ціни на обладнання протягом години до того, як повернувся його шеф. 5. Кандидати на посаду менеджера заповнювали резюме упродовж 20 хвилин до початку робочого дня. 6. Менеджер підрахував витрати компанії упродовж двох годин до того, як повернувся контролер. 7. Наші іноземні партнери обговорювали умови контракту упродовж години до початку засідання. 8. Зарубіжні представники знижували ціни на пальне упродовж місяця до березня.



1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.        advertising – рекламування

2.        to pervasive – розповсюджувати

3.        to encounter – мати справу з

4.        advertisement – рекламне оголошення

5.        to expose – виставляти, показувати

6.        a scoreboard – табло

7.        estimates – оцінки

8.        ubiquitous – розповсюджений 

9.        authoritatively – авторитетно 

10.   to exaggerate – перебільшувати

11.   to misuse – зловживати

12.   a campaign – кампанія

13.   undue – надмірний


2.   Read and translate the following text: Advertising

1.                Few elements in our daily lives are pervasive as advertising. Whatever we do, whatever we go, we are almost certain to encounter advertising in at least one of its many forms. As we drive our cars, we hear radio commercials and see billboards. Commercials reach us between and within programming while we watch our favourite TV programmes. When we pick up a magazine or newspaper at home or in a physician’s office, we are exposed not only to stories and features but also to advertisements. Every day the mail brings brochures and flyers as well as bills and letters. Even at the beach planes fly overhead pulling advertising banners, and scoreboard panels at stadiums rotate to display multiple advertising messages. According to industry estimates, the average American is exposed to between 300 and 1,500 advertisements and commercials a day; of these only 80 are consciously noted and only 12 result in some form of response.

2.                Because advertising is such a ubiquitous part of everyday life, we are tempted to think we understand it – how it works, how it affects people, how it is created. Most people have definite ideas about advertising because, unlike other business activities, it calls attention to itself. People who would not try to speak authoritatively about statistics or even about marketing, the field of which advertising is a part, are quick to voice opinions about advertising. These opinions are typically based on feelings about a particular advertisement, slogan, product, or sponsor rather than on the understanding of advertising’s larger, institutional role. People tend to attribute the success of a particular product to advertising alone. They overlook the importance of less obvious influences – such as the quality of the product or the services behind it. This kind of thinking leads the critics of advertising to exaggerate its effectiveness and the defenders of advertising to oversimplify how it works.

3.                In practice, advertising is a complicated field consisting of much more than the advertisements and commercials that are seen, read, or heard. The process of advertising decision-making is like an iceberg. Only the finished ads and commercials are visible to consumers.

4.                Even business executives, many of whom invest large sums of money in advertising, may misunderstand and misuse it. Despite a lack of training or advertising skills, they often plan advertising campaigns themselves or exert undue influence on hired advertising professionals. The effective use of advertising requires a thorough understanding of how and when it should be used.


3.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:


[ ai ]

[ i ]

[ ʃ ]






















4.   Answer the following questions.

1.     In what life situations do we face advertising?

2.     What is advertising in practice?

3.     What does the effective use of advertising require?


5. Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   Law makers should not be law breakers.

2.   Experience is the mother of wisdom.

3.   What is worth doing is worth doing well.

4.   If you try to please all you will please none.   


6.   Match the following words with their definitions.








in the US, the most important person on the board of directors of a company



a picture, piece of writing, or film that tells people about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it



involving the use of the Internet to obtain and exchange information and buy goods 



the system by which a country’s goods and services are produced and used, and the people and organizations involved in it





an amount paid by a borrower to a lender, for example to a bank by someone borrowing money for a loan, or by a bank to someone keeping money in an account there


7.   Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1.     Prices of most services have risen rapidly reflecting a combination of increasing demand and rising labour costs.

2.     The development of telephone services line had made the telephone interview a desirable method for many companies.

3.     Every plant manager is looking for ways in which he can cut his costs of input. 

4.     All of these scientists and technological developments were pioneered by men who had never dreamt of the significance of their effects. 

5.     The conference was attended by distributors from 13 countries who had previously attended the annual meetings in the United States but felt these meetings were not oriented to their particular need.


8. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Underline the Modal Verbs.

1.          A country’s laws regulate business practice, define the manner in which business transaction are to be executed, and set down the rights and obligations of those involved in business transactions.

2.          Regional differences and trends are able to influence the location of new stores or manufacturing plants.

3.          The challenge is to make an effort toward conducting a complete evaluation, knowing that at some point you will have to make a decision with incomplete information.

4.          When industrial goods are being sold order-getters must be especially skillful since they must be able to show the customer how they can save her/his money.

5.          The economies of the former communist states are in very poor condition, and their continued commitment to democracy and free market economies cannot be taken for granted. 


9. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence (predict, influence, promote, marketing, trends, distribution, market research, product planning, consumer).

1.       Advertising must ... the consumer and make him buy the goods produced. 

2.       One of the aims of market research is to indicate new ... among people.

3.       Often marketing is called ... .

4.       In order to sell a new product, a producer has to consider how to ... it.

5.       The goods of this company are not sold very well, they must think about ... .

6.       Sometimes it is difficult to ... through advertising.

7.       If you want to produce something new, you should start with ... .

8.       A producer wants to ... the new trends and then tries to influence them.

9.       ... includes product development and pricing among other things.


10.   Define the terms:





market research



11.   Translate the following sentences into English.  

1.   Вона розробляла рекламне повідомлення в той час, коли зайшов рекламодавець.

2.   Працівники магазину перевіряли товари на складі в той час, коли завітав агент по рекламі.

3.   Наш менеджер по рекламі виглядає дуже втомленим, тому що він розробляв нову рекламу для офісної техніки впродовж дня.

4.   Наша компанія використовує цю мережу збуту вже 10 років.

5.   Компанія займається впровадженням нової косметики від початку року.

6.   Цей магазин зі знижками продає комп’ютери протягом двох днів.


12. Communicative situations:

a)   Advertise any product or service you want.

b)   Explain what strategy did you choose and why.


Grammar: The Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. Open the brackets and put the Infinitives into the correct form. 

1.        The managers (to send) the letters to the applicants for two days by Friday. 

2.        Our partners (to resolve) conflict between two parties the whole day by the evening.

3.        They (to order) some drinks and food the whole day by the evening.

4.        Mr. Mitin (to reserve) accommodation for Mr. Goodwill during the next week.

5.        The applicant (to fill) in a resume or an application form for an hour by 5 o’clock.

6.        Our secretary (to call) to make a reservation at your hotel for an hour by 7 o’clock.

7.        Mr. Dyomin (to discuss) these problems for two hours by 6 o’clock.

8.        They (to speak) about the main conditions of our work for an hour by the break.

9.        This businessman (to sign) the sales contract for two hours by 5 o’clock. 

10.   They (to pay) by a Letter of Credit for 10 minutes by 8 o’clock.

11.   He (to learn) new rules for a lesson by the next break. 

12.   These agent middlemen (to negotiate) purchases or sales for two hours by 6 o’clock.


2. Make up different kinds of questions.

1. Our manager will have been resolving conflict between two parties for two hours by 5 o’clock. 2. These partners will have been signing this business document for an hour by the evening. 3. This secretary will had been sending the business correspondence for two hours by the break. 4. Their president will have been proposing a solution to this problem for two days by Tuesday.


3. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. Our vice-president will have been signing these business documents for an hour by the evening. 2. He will have been talking about our new applicants for two hours by 6

o’clock. 3. Their clients will have been discussing about the terms of delivery for an hour by that time. 4. I shall have been listening to their conversation for two hours by 5 o’clock. 5. Our students will have been learning English for two months by January. 6. They will have been talking about our company for an hour by the evening. 7. George will have been preparing for his examination for two days by Tuesday. 


4. Make up the sentences using the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

1.        By the beginning of April / my father / to work as the General Manager of this corporation / for fifteen years. 

2.        By 8 o'clock / we / to surf the Net / for five hours. 

3.        By the end of next month / we / to live / in this city / for ten years. 

4.        By the end of this day / Dolly / not to design / this fancy dress / for seven hours. 

5.        Ted / to work / as an attorney / for twenty years / by the end of March? 

6.        Jack and Alison / to build / their house / for a year by Easter? 

7.        My parents / to run / this cafe / for six years / by next September. 

8.        By 4 o'clock / they / to play volleyball / for three hours. 

9.        By 3 о'clock / the students / to write / the test for two hours and a half. 

10.   By next Friday / Henry / to train / for the competition / for ten months.


5. Ask questions to which the following statements are answers:


M o d e l : They will have been discussing market prices for half an hour before he came. – How long will have they been discussing market prices?


1. He will have been calculating expenditures for 20 minutes before the manager came. 2. We shall have been discussing current prices on this equipment for an hour by that time. 3. They will have been talking about the contract on different commodities for 15 minutes before the chief came. 4. These applicants will have been learning English for three months by March. 5. I shall have been making purchases for half an hour before he came. 6. This businessman will have been discussing the sales contract for two hours by 5 o’clock. 7. They will have been talking about different measures of economic activity for 15 minutes before I came back.


6. Translate into English.

1. Наші агенти будуть рекламувати нове обладнання протягом місяця до грудня. 2. Ми будемо розповсюджувати різноманітні види товарів упродовж тижня до вересня. 3. Наш менеджер буде виставляти експозиції нашої фірми впродовж лютого до березня. 4. Ми будемо мати справу з рекламуванням миючих засобів упродовж року до серпня.  


Methods of payment.

                       Payment in advance. Open account.

Bill of exchange.

Grammar: The Passive Voice. Sequence of tenses.    



1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.        methods of payment – методи платежу

2.        payment in advance – попередня оплата

3.        to assure – завіряти

4.        banker’s transfer – банківський переказ

5.        to take risks – ризикувати  

6.        a bill of Exchange – Вексель

7.        cash on delivery – оплата готівкою при доставці

8.        consignment – партія товарів

9.        to open account – відкрити рахунок

10.   cash with order – готівка при отриманні замовлення

11.   to remit – переказувати гроші 

12.   Documentary Letter of Credit – Документарний акредитив


2. Read and translate the following text:

Compared to selling in the domestic market, selling abroad can create extra problems. Delivery generally takes longer and payment for goods correspondingly can take more time. So exporters need to take extra care in ensuring that prospective customers are reliable payers and payment is received as quickly as possible. Payment for export depends on the conditions outlined in the commercial contact with a foreign buyer. There are internationally accepted terms designed to avoid confusion about costs and price. The way exporters choose to be paid depends on a number of factors; the usual contract terms adopted in an overseas buyer's country, what competitors may be offering, how quickly funds are needed, the life of product, market and exchange regulations, the availability of foreign currency to the buyer and, of course, whether the cost of any credit can be afforded by the buyer or the exporter. There are several basic methods of payment providing varying degrees of security for the exporter: 

   payment in advance                                 – open account                 

   Bill of Exchange                                     – Documentary Letter of Credit


3. Answer the questions:

1.   Why does selling abroad create extra problems as compared to selling in the domestic market?

2.   What helps to avoid misunderstanding in payment for export? 

3.   What factors does the choice of a method of payment depend on? 

4.   Which method of payment provides the best security for the exporter?


4.     Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:

[ tʃ ]

[ ɔː ] 

[ e ]


























5.     Read the dialogue in pairs.


     I have a question about financial side, if you don’t mind. –  The financial side?

     Yes, I wonder how I’ll be paid, and when.

     Well, you’ll be paid twice a month, on the second and the forth Friday. –  Will it be in cash?

     No, it’s our usual practice to pay by check.

     I must admit I don’t know much about checks, or banks for that matter. You see our banking system is quite different from yours. We seldom use checks at all, actually.

     Oh, you’ll find it very easy to use our banking system. It saves you lots of trouble.

I mean, you don’t have to carry too much cash around.


6.   Make up your own dialogue using the following expressions:

to open account 

cash on delivery

to pay by check

to find out

banking system

banker’s transfer


7.   Match currencies with the countries:

1.        India                                                               a) Shekel

2.        France                                                                      b) Mark

3.        Ukraine                                                          c) Ruble

4.        United Kingdom                                            d) Dollar

5.        Greece                                                                      e) Crown

6.        Poland                                                                      f) Hrivna

7.        Italy                                                                g) Pound

8.        West Germany                                               h) Yen

9.        Sweden                                                          i) Drachma

10.   Japan                                                             j) Zloti

11.   Israel                                                             k) Lira

12.   USA                                                               l) Franc

13.   Russia                                                            m) Rupee

14.   Austria                                                           n) Escudo

15.   Portugal                                                         o) Peseta

16.   Spain                                                             p) Shilling


8. Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   If we can't as we would, we must do as we can.

2.   If things were to be done twice all would be wise.

3.   If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again.

4.   Early start makes easy stages.  


9.  Open the bracket and choose the verbs in the correct form.

1.   There (is, are) several basic methods of payment providing varying degrees of security for the exporter. 

2.   Payment for export (depends, depend) on the conditions outlined in the commercial contact with a foreign buyer. 

3.   There (is, are) internationally accepted terms designed to avoid confusion about price.

4.   The way exporters (choose, chosen) to be paid depends on a number of factors.


10. Translate intoUkrainian.

Pay attention to the verb to come which is in different contexts:


1.   His earnings come to $ 50,000  a year.

2.   This magazine first came out ten years ago.

3.   I’m afraid you’ll have to come in again.

4.   Come on! The bank is about to close.


11.   Define the terms:

payment in advance

cash with order

bill of Exchange

documentary Letter of Credit

cash on delivery



12.   Translate into English:

1. Метод платежу залежить від багатьох факторів. 2. В міжнародній торгівлі виникає ряд додаткових проблем. 3. Постачання за кордон та оплата товару займають більше часу, ніж на внутрішньому ринку. 4. Форма оплати залежить від умов, які були підписані в контракті. 5. Існує кілька основних методів платежу. 6. Складність проблеми пояснюється відсутністю фінансів. 7. Проект коштував дуже дорого, і тому адміністрація не поспішала з прийняттям рішення.


13.  Communicative situations:

Ask your friend: 

§ if he is interested in the work of the bank he deal with; § about its business hours, the services it offers.

What Do You Think?

What helps to avoid misunderstanding in payment for export? 

Which method of payment provides the best security for the exporter?


Grammar: The Passive Voice.

1. Express the following in the Passive Voice:

Model: The health maintenance organization or HMO provided its members with complete medical coverage.

The members of the health maintenance organization were provided with complete medical coverage.

1.          Partners brought additional funds to a proprietorship. 2. You received a wage in return for working. 3. The Greens planned their expenditure and savings very carefully. 4. We compared products and prices before making a decision. 5. Consumer credit provided cash, goods and services. 6. In 1990, consumers purchased over 60 percent of the GNP – more than $3 trillion in goods and services.


2.          Open the brackets using the Present Indefinite Tense in the Passive Voice: Model: Every society (to face) with the identical problem of scarcity.

Every society is faced with the identical problem of scarcity.

1. The total value of the goods and services produced by the economy in a single year (to call) the gross national product (GNP). 2. Human wants (to unlimit), but the resources necessary to satisfy those wants (to limit). 3. Mr. Redd (to offer) an excellent price for selling his land. 4. The term «capital» (to use) often by business people. 5. Monopolies can set the price at which their goods (to sell). 


3. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Continuous Tense (the Passive Voice):

1.   Higher returns (to earn) by business. 

2.   The principal kinds of market structures (to describe) now. 

3.   The customers (to treat) in the best way. 

4.   The wealth (to use) to dominate the oil market at this time. 

5.   The patent holder (to pay) now for permission to use the process or find a new method of production not covered by existing patent.


4. Ask questions to the following sentences:

Model: Almost everyone was covered by some form of insurance. – Who was covered by some form of insurance?

1. A direct relationship between the kinds of goods and services bought and the income of the purchaser was shown by a Prussian statistician by the name of Ernst Engel, back in the 19th century. 2. As consumers, all of us were limited by what we can spend. 3. Most of the nations' personal savings were held by the commercial banks, different types of savings institutions, and credit unions. 4. Consumers were tempted to spend money for products they did not really need. 5. Group policies were offered by employers, professional associations, unions, and other organizations to their employees or members. 6. At the end of the specific number of years the full amount was paid to the policyholders.


5. Make the following sentences passive:


Model: A firm will use this amount of money to meet its expenses next week.

Thisamount of money will be used to meet expenses of a firm next week. 

1. This business will use internal funds to cover the cost of depreciation. 2. A firm will sell its products and services soon. 3. He will use short-loan terms to finance the everyday costs of doing his own business tomorrow morning. 4. The firms will produce these goods and services which are in demand in two days. 5. The couple will buy the things they want and need in this supermarket tomorrow.


6. Change the following sentences using the Passive Voice.

1. The applicant was filling in a resume or an application form during the whole day. 2. The managers are sending the letters to the applicants at this moment. 3. Their president is proposing a solution to this problem now. 4. Our partners were resolving conflicts between two parties the whole day. 5. This businessman had signed the sales contract by 5 o’clock. 6. The applicant had been filling in an application form for an hour by 7 o’clock. 7. These agents will have been negotiating purchases or sales for two hours by 6 o’clock.


7. Change the following sentences using the Passive Voice according to the model:


Model: The vertically integrated firms are now buying raw materials from the companies they own. – Raw materials are being bought now by the vertically integrated firms. 

1. Patent protections are creating another barrier to trade. 2. Privately owned firms are providing an essential public service. 3. Consumers and producers are exchanging the goods in many competitive markets at this time. 4. Businesses are developing a service now. 5. The ice-cream company is driving down the prices.


8. Complete the following sentences.

1.   Money is changed at…….                      hairdresser’s

2.   Films are shows at……                  studio

3.   Teeth are filled at…               grocery

4.   Hair is cut at……….                        cinema

5.   Fruit and vegetable are sold at…….        launderette

6.   Photographs are taken at…..                    garage

7.   Newspapers are sold at…            bank

8.   Cars are repaired at……                dentist

9.   Clothes washed at…….                           newsagent’s


9. Translate into English.

1. Гроші були покладені на банківський рахунок вчора ввечорі. 2. Оплата готівкою при доставці була здійснена нашими іноземними партнерами. 3. Рахунок в банку був відкритий до 5 години вечора. 4. Готівка при отриманні замовлення була надана нашому менеджеру з продажу. 5. Всі члени нашої родини були застраховані. 6. Певна сума грошей була витрачена на нове обладнання. 7. Минулого тижня фірмою було вироблено багато товарів.  8. Всі товари були експортовані за кордон нашими іноземними представниками. 



1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.        cash with order – заявка на замовлення готівки

2.        cash on delivery – оплата готівкою при доставці

3.        a draft – тратта

4.        to avoid – уникати

5.        extremely rare – вкрай рідко

6.        an invoice – рахунок-фактура

7.        to increase – збільшувати

8.        outstanding amount – заборгована сума

9.        a remainder – залишок

10.   released – виданий

11.   to undertake – зобов’язуватися 


2.   Read and translate the following text:

Payment in Advance

Clearly the best possible method of payment for the exporter is payment in advance. Cash with order (CWO) avoids any risks on small orders with new buyers and may even be asked for before production begins. However, this form of payment is extremely rare since it means that an overseas buyer is extending credit to an exporter – when the opposite procedure is the normal method of trade.

Variations in this form of payment is cash on delivery (COD), where small value goods are sent by Post office parcel post and are released only after payment of the invoice plus COD chargers.


3.   Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   Money begets money.

2.   Money is a good servant dut a bad master.

3.   Money has no smell.

4.   A fool and his money are soon parted.  

4.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:

[ ʌ ]

[ i ]

[ w ]


























5.   Read and translate the text.

Open Account

An exporter receives the greatest security of payment from cash with order or from cash on delivery. On the other hand payment on open account offers the least security to an exporter. The goods and accompanying documents are sent directly to an overseas buyer who has agreed to pay within a certain period after the invoice date – usually not more than 180 days. The buyer undertakes to remit money to the exporter by an agreed method.

The open account method of payment is increasingly popular within the EEC because it is simple and straight forward.


6.   Translate the following word-combinations:

                    Increased production                                           Growing supply

                    Higher profits                                                     Lower prices

                     Lower rates                                                         Increasingly popular


7.   Translate the following sentences into English:

1.Ми ще не отримали рахунок-фактуру від наших іноземних партнерів. 2. Акредитив  кредитив буде відкрито у нашому банку до кінця тижня. 3. Наші партнери завжди отримували гроші банківським переказом. 4. Перевірте будь ласка Ваш страховий поліс. 5. Менеджер нашої фірми відкрив рахунок у банку до того, як банківська ставка зросла до 10%. 6. Наші інвестори заплатять за усі товари готівкою упродовж 10 днів з моменту доставки. 7. Іноземна фірма щойно  передала по телефаксу сертифікат походження та сертифікат якості.

8.   Гроші наших клієнтів були перераховані на рахунок оптових посередників.

9.   Вся заборгована сума була представлена нам працівниками банку.


8.   Define the terms:


a draft

a remainder

an invoice

an exporter

a method of trade

accompanying documents

9.   Open the brackets and put the Infinitives into the correct form:

1. Clearly the best possible method of payment for the exporter (to be) payment in advance. 2. Cash with order (to avoid) any risks on small orders with new buyers. 3. An exporter (to receive) the greatest security of payment from cash with order. 4.

The buyer (to undertake) to remit money to the exporter by an agreed method.


10.   Read and translate the text.

Accounts and cheques

If you have an account at a bank and you want to pay money to someone, you write a cheque. This is an order to the bank to pay money to someone from your account. You can write a cheque on anything (a man once wrote a cheque on a cow and the bank paid the money), but banks give standard cheque forms to customers who have accounts (account holders).

For example today is 23 March. You want to pay "Household Designs Ltd" Ј100, but you only have Ј50 in your account. You will have enough money in your account next week, so you write a later date on the cheque (e.g. 31 March). This is called post-dating a cheque. It is now a post-dated cheque. The bank will not accept it before the date written. Some shops do not like taking cheques because the customer might be dishonest. Banks give most account-holders a guarantee card (also called a cheque card or a banker's card), which they sign. The shop assistant compares the signature on me cheque and on the card and writes the guarantee card number on the back of the cheque. The bank guarantees payment (up to Ј50) even if the account holder does not have enough money in his/her account at the time.


11.   Translate into English:


Метод платежу


товари та документи, що супроводжують їх


залежати від багатьох факторів


уникнути непорозуміння


правила, що регулюють ринок


надійний платник


внутрішній ринок


закордонний споживач


уникнути ризику


оплатити протягом місяця




заплатити готівкою


банківська ставка



12.   Read the dialogue in pairs.

   Let’s discuss the commercial side of our transaction. We’d like to consider prices today. 

   You find them suitable, don’t you?

   Unfortunately no. Your prices are 5-10% higher comparing with those of your  competitors.

   I’m afraid we can’t agree with you here. Don’t you know that we’ve made some modification, and reduce the power consumption of our equipment?

   Sure, I know that. But as we are close with the market now we are informed that other companies can quote lower prices. We expect your understanding of our good will and the fact that our company is rather new, and we intend to have long-term relations with you.

   OK, I think that we’ll be able to lower the prices if you increase the order.

13.   Make up your own dialogue using the following expressions:

to reduce

lower prices

a transaction

long-term relations


to increase

to consider prices

a power consumption


14.   Find 10 words on the theme: “Methods of payment”.









































































































































15.   Read and translate the text.

Credit cards.

       Many banks now offer credit cards to their customers. Any customer can apply for a credit card. If the bank thinks the customer is a good risk, it will issue him with a card and inform him of his personal credit limit. For example, the bank might allow customers a limit of ₤250 per month. This means that every month the customer can use his card to pay for ₤250 worth worth of goods and service or to borrow ₤250 in cash, traveler’s cheques or foreign currency. It does not matter if the customer’s bank account is empty when he spends or borrows the ₤250. The bank will cover him up (pay) to his credit limit.

         At the end of the month the bank will send a statement to the customer. Provided the customer clears his account every month the facility will cost him nothing. He will have a month’s credit free (pay all debts). However, if the customer falls to clear his account every month he will be charged 2% interest per month on the outstanding balance (the amount due). This alternative form of money (credit) can become very expensive, therefore.


16.   Communicative situations:

What Do You Think?

An exporter receives the greatest security of payment from cash with order or from cash on delivery.  Why do you think so?


What Does It Mean? 

Some shops do not like taking cheques because the customer might be dishonest.

Money is said to have a time value. 

What exectly does it mean? 

Grammar: Passive Voice.

1. Change the following sentences using Passive Voice:

Model: At that time the government was controlling taxing.

Taxing was being controlled by the government at that time.

1.  They were stabilizing the economy during the last two years. 

2.  Congress was reducing inflation the whole year. 

3.  The President was applying fiscal policy, while they controlled taxing and spending. 

4.  They were providing effective tools to fight recession and inflation. 

5.  When the government borrowed money, it was reducing taxes.


2. Transfer the sentences from Active into Passive. 

Model: The manager examines organizational structure of the firm.  Organizational structure of the firm is examined by the manager.

1.   Vice-president gives orders to his employees. 

2.   I receive orders from the sales manager. 

3.   My friend holds a position of general manager. 

4.   Personnel office receives resumes from prospective candidates. 

5.   Staff departments do different service to line departments. 

6.   Usually he takes the orders and fulfils the tasks very quickly.

3. Ask when and what questions using Passive Voice:

Model: The Company was being managed extremely well, when he was president.

When was the company being managed extremely well?


1.     Fiscal policy was being applied by the government successfully at that time.

2.     Taxing was being controlled by the Congress. 3. Money was being spent by individuals and business firms for the things they wanted, when taxes were reduced. 4. Effective tools were being provided, when government fought recession and inflation.

5. Debts were being financed by the federal government, while they printed money.


                     4. Put questions to the italicized words:               

Model: Our nations will be trading with one another when governments of the two countries limit quotes. When will our nations be trading with one another?


1. They will be exchanging their products at the international fair at this time tomorrow. 2. Our company will be manufacturing new devices from September to November the following year. 3. The factory will be specializing in the production of automobiles when they change the management. 4. The government of the country will be promoting trans-portation facilities for a number of reasons. 


5. Make up one complex sentence according to the model:

Model: A job was found. He lost an incentive to work.

A job had been found before he lost an incentive to work.


1.   They were hired by managers. They made up their mind to leave the city. 

2.   More workers were used by employers. They produced the goods and services. 

3.   Hired workers were laid off. Employers cut back production. 

4.   The «army of unemployed» was created. Enough jobs were found. 

5.   Many dollars were spent. They could produce their services. 


6.   Make the following sentences passive:

1.   You had lain off more workers by that time. 

2.   He had developed this theory by the end of the fiscal year. 

3.   They had spent a half of their saving before they returned to the hotel. 

4.   People had produced much output at various price levels by the end of the month. 

5.   He said that a variety of forces had influenced consumption decisions by that time.


7. Paraphrase the following sentences as in the model:


Model: He intended to convert American dollars to Swiss francs in foreign exchange departments.He was going to convert American dollars to Swiss francs in foreign exchange departments. 

1. We intended to buy merchandise from another country using the currency of that country. 2. Our bank intended to accept money from depositors. 3. This bank intended to make loans to corporations. 4. We intended to provide for a currency clause in our contract. 5. He intended to convert Ukrainian hryvnias to American dollars in foreign exchange departments. 6. I intended to invest money into this corporation.


8. Transfer the sentences from Active into Passive. 

Model: I have invested my money in real estate.  

My money has been invested in real estate.


1.   We have considered advantages and disadvantages of partnership.

2.   I have bought the shares of IBM Company.

3.   This business has involved big financial resources.

4.   They have already signed the contract. 

5.   The board of directors has chosen the company officers.

6.   We have elected the board of directors.


9. Transfer the sentences from Active into Passive.  

Model: My friend is examining the organizational chart.

The organizational chart is being examined by my friend. 


1.   I am sending my annual report to my immediate superior.

2.   Controller is giving the orders to his employees.

3.   We are changing the organizational structure of our company.

4.   The board of directors is enlarging the staff of the company.


1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.        to pay on demand – платити за першою вимогою 

2.        to pay to order – платити за наказом

3.        to pay at sight order – платити по пред’явленню документів

4.        a payment – платіж

5.        acceptance – ухвалення 

6.        days of grace – пільгові дні 

7.        a drawer – трасант

8.        a drawee – трасат 

9.        due date – термін 

10.   cash against documents – видача готівки за документами

11.   to dishonour – соромити 

12.   a draft – тратта 

13.   a remainder – залишок

14.   a holder of a bill – власник векселя


2. Read and translate the following text:

Bill of Exchange.

Bill of Exchange is an order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to which it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determined date a certain sum of money.  A Bill of Exchange is a kind of credit. Bills are either inland or foreign.

An inland bill is one which is drawn by a person, resident in one country upon another person, resident in the same country. A foreign bill is one which is drawn by a person from one country upon a person from some other country. The person who draws or makes out the bill is called the drawer. The person upon whom it is drawn is called the drawee. The drawee is a person who will have to pay. The draft is called a sight draft if it is made out payable on demand. If it is payable at a fixed date, it is called a term draft because the buyer is receiving a period of credit. The buyer signs an agreement to pay on the due date by writing across the face of the bill the word "accepted" together with his name and name of his bank, where the amount will be paid.

The terms of payment of the bill may be 30, 60, 90 days after sight (D/ S). In some countries three extra days are allowed for the payment. They are called days of grace. By using the Bill of Exchange with other documents through the banking system, an exporter can ensure greater control of the goods, because until the bill is paid or accepted by the overseas buyer, the goods cannot be released. Conversely, the buyer does not have to pay or agree to pay by some agreed date until delivery of the goods from the exporter.

Here is an example of the Bill of Exchange:

$650.87 Due 15th April, 2012  London 16th January, 2012


Three months after date, pay to our order the sum of

six hundred and fifty dollars and eighty seven cents for value received.

To Messrs. A. White                                                                     For and behalf of     & Co. Sheffield                                                                            Smith & Co., Ltd. 

(Signatures) _____


If the drawee is willing to pay, he signs across the face of the bill:

Accepted Payable at the Sheffield City Bank, Ltd. 

White & Co.


3. Answer the questions:

1.   What is the bill of exchange? 

2.   What kinds of the B/E are there? 

3.   Who is the drawer? 

4.   Who is to pay?

5.   What should the drawee do when he agrees to pay?

6.   At what time should he pay?

7.   Which days are called the days of grace?

4.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:

[ i ]

[ æ ]                            

 [ i ]                               























5.   Translate into English:

Термінова плата, термін погашення кредитного зобов’язання, акцепт, певна сума, виставити трату, пільгові дні, вексель на пред’явника, трасант, трасат, банк покупця, повідомлення про невиплату.


6.   Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   Time is money.

2.   See the colour of smd’s money.

3.   Money has no smell.

4.   Have money to burn.  


7. Translate the following sentences:

1. We propose to settle by bill of exchange at 60 days documents against acceptance. 2. You may draw on us at 90 days from the date of dispatch. 3. On receipt of your documents we will forward your order. 4. As your order is urgent may we suggest that you arrange payment by banker's transfer and confirm this by telegram? 5. Please inform us what arrangements you made for payment.

8.   Translate:

Dear Sirs,

We enclose your statement for the second quarter of the current year. We should be obliged if you arrange for this amount to be paid over as soon as possible. Cordially.

9.   Read and translate the text.  

Letter of Credit

The Letter of Credit (its abbreviation is L/C) is essential in the finance of international trade. It is reliable and safe method of payment and it protects the seller as well as the buyer. The seller (or exporter) needs the L/C because the buyer may be a new customer and the exporter may know nothing about his credit status. 

Even if the buyer is a regular customer the seller's bank may not have enough information from the buyer's bank to arrange the banker's transfer, which is the other major method of financing in international trade.

Imagine an automobile manufacture in Ukraine who wants to pay a German supplier for some spare parts. The manufacturer will fill in the form asking the bank to open a credit in his favour (that is to enter a sum of money into his account). After doing it the bank will contact a bank in the seller's country. This bank then issues a L/C and sends it to the seller. The letter will list the papers which he must give the bank before it will pay him. In such a way it guarantees payment by a buyer in one country to a seller in another.

Documentary L/C may be revocable or irrevocable. A revocable L/C is rather rare nowadays, because it means that the terms of the credit can be amended by an overseas buyer at any time without prior notice to the exporter. 

Most Letters of Credit are irrevocable, which means that once a buyer's conditions in the letter have been agreed by an exporter, they constitute a definite term undertaken by the buyer's bank and cannot be revoke without the exporters agreement. 

The L/C protects both the seller and the buyer in international trading practice. The buyer can be sure that payment will not be made until all necessary papers, for example: shipping documents, insurance policy, etc., are in order. In other words he can make sure that the goods are ensured and are on board of ship defore the seller can receive payment. And the seller can be sure; he will be paid immediately after the goods have been delivered according to the terms agreed.

There is a great variety of international trading relationship, so there are also different kinds of L/C. But all have the same function to provide a safe and trusted method of payment between importer and exporter.

10. Answer the questions:

1.   Which method of payments provides the greatest security for the export?

2.   Who provides the buyer with the assurance that the goods will be shipped in accordance with the terms of the contract?

3.   On what condition can irrevocable L/C be cancelled?

4.   Does an irrevocable L/C provide the exporter with assurance that he will be paid on shipment of goods under all circumstances?


11.   Translate into English: 

Гарантована оплата, акредитив, фінансові документи, погасити заборгованість, відкрити акредитив, міжнародна торгівля, експортер, покупець та продавець, надійний та безпечний метод платежу, метод фінансування.


12.   Translate into Ukrainian:

l. The necessary documents correctly completed are presented to a bank by the expire date of the credit. 

2.   Better security is achieved if the irrevocable letter is confirmed by an advising bank. 

3.   It is essential that the exporter checks the credit terms immediately to make sure they are compatible with the commercial contract made with the buyer. 

4.   The documentary L/C when transmitted through a bank usually in the exporter's country becomes the means by which the exporter obtains payment. 

5.   The Letter of Credit is essential in the finance of international trade. 

6.   The irrevocable Letter of Credit means that neither the payer nor the bank can change their minds later and not to pay, because the irrevocable letter of credit cannot be cancelled, the seller can be sure of getting his money.


13.   Define the terms:


days of grace

payment on demand





14.   Read and translate the dialogue.  


     Who really owns the bank? 

     The stockholders own it. At the beginning, they put up the necessary capital.

     Are the members of the board of director’s stockholders?

     Oh, yes. They’re chosen by the other stockholders to operate the bank. – Does the board hire the president and vice-presidents to manage it?

     Yes, along with the cashier, the tellers and clerical workers.

     I guess most of the banker’s work has to do with savings account and making loans.

     Yes, but it is also to invest money. Planning the bank’s investments is also very important.

     Are all the profits divided among the stockholders?

     Not all of them. The stockholders receive regular dividends. But some of the earnings are held in reserve accounts.      


15.     Make up your own dialogue using the following expressions:

to operate the bank

clerical workers

to own the bank

savings account



to invest money



16.     Choose the necessary modal verb and put it in the sentence.

1.   We … choose price emphasis policy for this item.

2.   The situation has changed, so we ... start with specially low prices.

3.   They are very talanted specialists. I think they ... design the new line very quickly.

4.   I spoke with the chief. Now you … change the credit terms.


17.   Communicative situations:

What Do You Think?

Why are revocable Letters of Credit seldom used in foreign trade? 

Why is the Letter of Credit essential in the finance of international trade?

What Does It Mean? 

Better security is achieved if the irrevocable letter is confirmed by an advising bank.

18.   Do the following test. This test will prove your readiness to operate money.

Test on money

Answer as honestly as possible

From 0 to 6


I am not afraid of operating a large sum of money



I am eager to speak about my financial situation with my friends



To lend is a good means of increasing money



It is risky to put all eggs in the same basket when investing money



I can easily find ways of earning money



I always organize my budget



I regularly check my accounts



I am able to save money for expensive things I wish to have 



I read special journals to know what’s new in the world of finance



I deserve to be rich



Add your results:

51 – 60  You have everything to be successful in business. You’ve got knowledge, character and ability to deal with finance. You will become a remarkable financier.  


36 – 50  You are competent enough and this is important for business. If you listen to professional advice you will succeed without fail.


20 – 35 You have good qualities, which you should develop. If you want to make progress, you should work and learn from others.


Under 20  Attention! For this moment you are not ready to luanch large investments. You are advised to learn from somebody who is quite experienced in the matter of money.   


Grammar: Sequence of tenses.

1. Change the verbs in the principle clause into the Past Indefinite Tense and make all the necessary changes in thee subordinate clause:

Model: He says that he is interested in developing economic relations with Ukraine. –  He said that he was interested in developing economic relations with Ukraine.


1.   I am informed that the meeting of directors will not take place today. 

2.   He says that he is specializing in producing summer clothes. 

3.   The manager says that the contract will be signed tomorrow. 

4.   I know that exchange induces individuals to specialize. 

5.   He is sure that economy exists because there are gains from exchange and from specialization.


2. Change the following sentences into subordinate clauses by making them depend upon one of the principal clauses given below: they knew; he found out; she was sure; we decided; if was clear; etc.


M o d e l : These figures will speak for themselves.

I was sure that those figures would speak for themselves.


1.   Ukraine is developing trade with many European countries. 

2.   This company will get great gains from selling these goods. 

3.   The new manager of the plant provided incentives for its workers. 

4.   They all get equal share in the profits. 

5.   This contract will benefit both partners.


3. Open the brackets:


1.   I knew them (to wait) for me at the metro station and I decided to hurry.

2.   He says that he (to know) the laws of the country.

3.   He could not understand why people (not to want) to take water from that well.

4.   The delegates were told that the guide just (to go) out and (to be) back in ten minutes.

4. Change the following sentences according to the models:


M o d e l A : I insist that he should examine the documents.

I insisted on his examining the documents. 


1.   We insist that government should favor foreign investment. 

2.   We insist that the LDCs should rely on the market mechanism to allocate resources.

3.   We insist that the lending agencies should give loans to the LDCs. 

4.   We insist that government should increase current investment without reducing current consumption. 

M o d e l B: You should think it over before you give an answer.

You should think it over before giving an answer.


1.   You should visit the country before you analyze its economic situation. 

2.   You should make an appointment before you see him. 

3.   You should think the offer over before you accept it. 

4.   You should inform the manager of the hotel before you leave.


5.   Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Він був упевнений, що компанія отримає великі прибутки від продажу цього обладнання. 2. Я була впевнена, що добробут населення з кожним роком зростав. 3. Він був упевнений, що спеціалізація вестиме до збільшення виробництва товарів та послуг. 4. Я не знала, що обидві компанії взаємодіяли на вигідних умовах. 5. Вони знали, що термін погашення кредитного зобов’язання закінчується. 6. Секретар була впевнена, що незабаром прийде повідомлення про невиплату. 7. Наші партнери знали, що необхідно буде підготувати фінансові документи. 8. Президент фірми був впевнений, що це надійний та безпечний метод платежу. 9. Іноземні інвестори знали, що необхідно розвивати міжнародну торгівлю. 10. Банківські працівники знали, що гарантована оплата надійде вчасно. 11. Вони знали, що вексель на пред’явника необхідно отримати в банку. 12. Ми знали, що торгівля сприяє розвитку економічних відносин між нашими країнами.



                        Contracts. Sales contract.

Consumer rights.

Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech. 

Modal Verbs. The Gerund.


LESSON 16. Contracts. Clauses of contracts.

1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.          a contract for the preparation of a detailed project report контракт на виконання технічного проекту об’єкту

2.          a contract for the sending of specialists контракт на відрядження спеціалістів 3. a contract for rendering technical assistance in the construction of a project контракт на технічну співпрацю у будуванні об’єкту

4.        a contract for the supply of complete equipment контракт на постачання комплектного обладнання

5.        a contract for the sale of know-how and license контракт на продаж ліцензій та ноу-хау

6.        a research and development contract контракт на проведення технічних дослідів та розробок

7.        a developmental contract контракт на розробку

8.        a risk contract контракт на умовах ризику

9.        a reference number номер для посилання

10.   insurance payments страхові виплати

11.   responsibility of the parties and procedure for setting disputes відповідальність сторін та процедура проведення диспутів


2. Read and translate the following text: Contracts 

After the prospective buyer receives the offer he carefully studies it. Then, very often, he has a few talks or exchanges letters with the prospective seller. After the two parties come to an agreement about terms and conditions of the transactions they sign a contract.

Contract is an agreement between the parties involved that creates a binding obligation. In general, contracts may be either oral or written. Certain classes may be written and signed. These are contracts involving the sale and transfer of real estate, and contracts to guarantee or answer for the miscarriage, debt, or default of another person. A contract forms the basis of a transaction between the Buyers and the


There are such types of contracts as:

1.     contract for the preparation of a detailed project report

2.     contract for the sending of specialists

3.     contract for rendering technical assistance in the construction of a project

4.     contract for the supply of complete equipment

5.     contract for the sale of know-how and license

6.     research and development contract

7.     developmental contract

8.     risk contract


Some of the items are necessary in any contract: legal title of the contracting parties, subject of the contract, quality, price, delivery and payment terms. As a rule a contract contains a number of clauses, such as:

1.        date of the contract

2.        place or city

3.        reference number

4.        names of the buyer and the seller

5.        description of the goods

6.        price and the total value

7.        terms of delivery

8.        terms of payment

9.        rights and duties of the parties

10.   responsibility of the parties and procedure for setting disputes

11.   addresses and essential details of the parties, etc.

In order for a contract to be a legally binding agreement, it must contain the following elements:

1.   there must be an offer and an acceptance;

2.   there must be consideration (i.e. something must be offered in exchange for something else);

3.   there must be an intention to create legal relation.


3. Answer the following questions:

1.   What do the two parties sign after coming to an agreement about terms and conditions of the transactions?

2.   What is a contract?

3.   What types of contracts do you know?

4.   What items are necessary in any contract?

5.   What elements should a contract contain to be a legally binding agreement?


4.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:


[ ai ]

[ i: ]

[ ɔ ]























5.   Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   Не that promises too much means nothing.

2.   Не that will not be counselled cannot be helped.

3.   Не is lifeless that is faultless.

4.   Long absent, soon forgotten.  

6.   Consult a dictionary, read and translate the following words:


   a binding obligations

   a transfer of real estate

   the basis of a transaction

   a prospective buyer

   to come to an agreement

   to create legal relation

   to resolve conflicts

   terms and conditions

   to sign a contract

   a binding obligations

   a transfer of real estate

   the basis of a transaction

   to handle differences



7.   Read and translate the example of an agreement:


м. Херсон                              “__”_______2013 р.

Генеральна агенція з туризму в Херсонській області. ВАТ “Туркомплекс “Фрегат”, Україна, 73000, м. Херсон, пр. Ушакова, 2 в особі генерального директора Петрова Олега

Івановича та ______________в особі_________


City of Kherson                 Date:_______2013

State Committee of Ukraine for Tourism

“Fregat”, Ukraine, 73020 Kherson, 2 Ushakova Av., represented by Oleh I. Petrov of the Board, further on named as “Fregat” and ____________ and further on named as


в подальшому “Фірма” уклали цю Угоду про наступне:

1.  Предмет угоди

1.1.            Упродовж  2012-2013 років “Фірма” направляє “Фрегату” на обслуговування туристів, у відповідності з умовами, викладеними в цій Угоді.

1.2.            “Фрегат” здійснює обслуговування туристів у відповідності з програмами та замовленнями, в яких вказуються обсяг, перелік послуг, їх категорійність та вартість, маршрут, які є невід’ємною частиною даной Угоди, та на підставі ваучерів на обслуговування, виданих “Фірмою”.

1.3.            “Фірма” направляє “Фрегат” попередню інформацію про відправляємих туристів за п’ятнадцять днів до дати заїзду туристів в перший пункт обслуговування.

2.  Умови обслуговування

2.1.            “Фірма” не менше, ніж за 3 дні до заїзду туристів в перший пункт обслуговування, надсилає “Фрегату” інформацію у вигляді факсу або телеграми з повідомленням дати заїзду туристів, кількості туристів та іншої необхідної інформації.

2.2.            Кожна туристична група (більше ніж 20 осіб) супроводжується керівником “Фірми”, який обслуговується за рахунок “Фпегату”.

2.3.            “Фірма” зобов’язана забезпечити кожного туриста медичним страхуванням та страхуванням від нещасного випадку.

2.4.            “Фрегат” зобов’язаний забезпечити особисту безпеку туристів та збереження їх майна.

2.5.            “Фрегат” зобов’язаний надати “Фірмі” замовлені послуги в повному обсязі. У випадку

“Firm” made the two parties to agree on the following:

1. Subject of agreement

1.1.Within 2012-2013 “Firm” sends “Fregat” groups of tourists following the terms stipulated in this agreement.


1.2.“Fregat” provides the services in accordance with the field program and against

Vouchers issued by “Firm” programs are considered to be the inseparable part of this agreement, as well as provides visa support.


1.                  3.“Firm” sends information fifteen days prior to the date of the group arrival to the first point of destination.



2.                  Conditions of providing services

2.                  1.”Firm” informs by telex or by fax “Fregat” about date of arrival, number of tourists and other useful information not later three days before the arrival of the group to the first point.


2.2.            Every group of tourists (more than 20 people) is escorted by the tour leader of

“Firm”, whose accommodation is at the “Fregat”’s expense.

2.3.            “Firm” must provide every tourist with medical insurance and general insurance.

2.4.            “Fregat” must secure personal security of tourists and their property.


2.5.            “Fregat” must provide “Firm” with indicated services in full amount. In case the


ненадання послуги або надання послуги нижчьої категорії “Фрегат” зобов’язаний компенсувати “Фірмі” вартість ненаданих послуг.

2.6. Всі скарги “Фірми” на якість обслуговування повинні бути оформлені в письмовій формі з обов’язковою участю представника “Фрегату”.

2.7. Всі скарги по обслуговуванню, яке не було надане або мало невідповідну якість, повинні бути подані “Фірмою” на протязі не більше ніж 5 днів з дати закінчення обслуговування та повинні бути розглянуті “Фрегатом” в термін не більше ніж 10 днів з дня їх отримання.

3.  Ануляція

3.1.            Ануляція груп здійснюється сторонами в термін, вказаний в програмах для кожного маршруту окремо. Ануляція, здійснена у вказаний термін, звільнює сторони від відшкодування збитків.

4.  Порядок розрахунків

4.1.            Розрахунки за надані “Фрегатом” послуги здійснюються у відповідності з цінами, вказаними у додатках до даної Угоди, які є невід’ємною її частиною. Ціни вказуються в доларах США та розрахунки  здійснюються шляхом перерахувань необхідних сум на банківський рахунок “Фрегату” у відповідності з правилами державного валютного регулювання, діючими на Україні.

4.2.            По груповим та індивідуальним турам “Фірма” перераховує 100% вартості

обслуговування на рахунок “Фрегату” за ____ календарних днів до заїзду туристів.

4.3.            В окремих випадках оплата за проживання та послуги автостоянки може проводитися

above services are not provided or were substituted by the lower category ones

“Fregat” is obliged to make refund of the cost of non- provided services.

2.6. All claims of “Firm” for the quality of services must be done in a written form with compulsory participation of the representative of “Fregat”.

2.7. All claims for non- provided service or the service of worse quality must be presented by “Firm” within five days since the end of the last service and must be regarded by “Fregat” within the term of not more than 10 days since the indicated service has been provided.

3.  Cancellation

3.1.            Cancellation is done within the terms mentioned in the program. Cancellation being done within the right terms does not involve compensation charge.


4.  Procedure of payment

4.1.            Payment for the services provided by “Fregat” is done in accordance with the prices mentioned in the appendixes. The appendixes are considered to be the inseparable part of this agreement. All prices are indicated in US dollars and the payment is done by transfer of necessary amounts to the account of the

“Fregat” in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

4.2.            For the services provided for groups and individuals 100% of the amount is to be remitted by the “Firm” to the account of

“Fregat” ___ days prior to the arrival of tourists. 

4.3.            In some cases each tourist separately in

      USD or DM can          make payment     for


готівкою кожним туристом окремо в доларах США (німецьких марках), якщо це дозволяється законодавством приймаючої сторони.

4.4. Оплата послуг банків за перерахування коштів здійснюється за рахунок сторони, яка направляє туристів.

4.5. У випадку зміни цін на обслуговування “Фрегат” повідомляє про це “Фірму” в термін не менш, ніж за 10 днів до впровадження нових цін. У випадку зміни державної цінової політики, ціни та умови розрахунків змінюються по взаємній згоді сторін у відповідності з вимогами діючого законодавства.

4.6. По закінченні обслуговування представники обох сторін роблять на 3 примірнии ваучера відмітки про надання та невикористання обслуговування, а також про фактичну кількість туристів в групі. Один примірник ваучера повертається “Фрегату”.

5.  Відшкодування шкоди

5.1.            Шкода заподіяна “Фрегату” туристами “Фірми” відшкодовується безпосередньо туристами, про що складається акт, який підписується представниками обох сторін. В разі відмови туриста відшкодувати збитки вони відшкодовуються “Фірмою”.

5.2.            Шкода, заподіяна туристам з вини “Фрегату”, відшкодовується  “Фрегатом”.

5.3.            У випадку смерті туриста “Фрегат” здійснює всі необхідні дії та витрати по місцю перебування туристів, подальшому маршруту з наступним відшкодуванням їх “Фірмою”.

5.4.            Сторони не несуть відповідальністі за випадки, які сталися внаслідок неправомірної

поведінки туристів, а також з вини транспортних організацій, згублення або

accommodation and parking in cash in case it is allowed by the legislation of the receiving part.

4.4. The part sending the tourists pays bank charges.


4.5. In case the prices for the services are changed “Fregat” is to inform “Firm“ about it within the terms not less then ten days before new prices are being fixed. In case state price regulations are changed as agreed by parties in accordance with the law in force.


4.6. After terminations of the service representatives of the parties indicate the service provided and not provided on 3 copies of the voucher, they also indicate the number of tourists in the group. One copy of the voucher is being returned to “Firm”.

5.  Compensation of damages

5.1.            The tourists of “Firm” compensate themselves damage caused by them to

“Fregat”. Both partied sign the corresponding statement. In case of tourists’ refusal the damage done is compensated by “Firm”.

5.2.            Damage caused to the tourists on the fault of “Fregat” is compensated by “Fregat”.

5.3.            In case of tourist’s death “Fregat” takes all the necessary measures and covers all the expenses. The expenses are compensated by


5.4.            The parts do not carry any responsibility for the cases, which happened as a result of illegal behavior of tourists as well as for such cases which were caused by the transport organizations, luggage, money or any tourist’s


пропажі багажу, грошей чи іншого майна туристів. Але сторони зобов’язуються прийняти всі необхідні заходи для вирішення конфліктів, що виникли.

6.  Форс – мажор

6.1.            Виникнення форс – мажорних обставин, а також прийняття органами влади загальнообов’язкових актів, які роблять виконання даної Угоди неможливим або вкрай невигідним, в результаті яких не були виконані обов’язки по ці Угоді, звільнює сторони від сплати відшкодування одна одній. Про настання та завершення форс – мажорних обставин сторони повинні інформувати одна одну в можливо короткий час.

6.2.            В разі надання “Фрегатом” через форс – мажорні обставини додаткового обслуговування або подорожчання обслуговування через ці обставини таке подорожчання або додаткове обслуговування оплачується туристами.

6.3.            Вартість обслуговування, не використаного через форс – мажорні обставини, повертається “Фірмі”, якщо воно було попередньо оплачене.

7.  Загальні умови

7.1.            Всі суперечки по даній Угоді вирішуються в Міжнародному Комерційному Арбітражі при Торговельно-промисловій палаті України (м. Київ) у відповідності з діючим на Україні законодавством.

7.2.            Зміни та доповнення до Угоди дійсні, якщо вони складені в письмовій формі за підписами обох сторін.

7.3.            Угода вступає в силу з дня її підписання обома сторонами і діє до 31 грудня 2013 року.

7.4.            Пролонгація Угоди на кожний наступний рік здійснюється шляхом обміну листами.

7.5.            Сторони не мають права передавати свої

property loss. But the parties are obliged to undertake all necessary measures to resolve the conflicts.


6.  Force major

6.1.            Force major circumstances as well as the adoption of legal laws due to which mutual obligations were not fulfilled release the parts from paying of the reimbursement charge. The parts have to inform each other about force major circumstances within the shortest terms.


6.2.            In case of providing by “Fregat” due to the force major circumstances additional service or the increase of the cost of services provided such additional service or the higher price of them is covered by the tourists themselves.

6.3.            The refund is given to “Firm” if the service paid in advance were not provided because of force major circumstances.

7.  General conditions

7.1.            All the disputes and discrepancies concerning the agreement are regarded by the International Commerce Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Trade and Commerce of Ukraine (Kyiv city) in Accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. 

7.2.            Changes and supplements to the agreement are valid if written and signed.

7.3.            This agreement acquires legal force since the date of its signing and it is valid till December 31, 2013.

7.4.            Prolongation of agreement is done by exchanging of official letters. 

7.5.            The two parties are not supposed to

права та обов’язки по даній Угоді третім особам без згоди другої сторони.

7.6. Угода може бути розірвана однією з сторін шляхом письмового повідомлення другої сторони за тридцять днів до дати розірвання Угоди.

7.7. Умови та текст даної Угоди є комерційною таємницею і розголошенню не підлягають.

entitle with their rights to the third part without other than by mutual decision. 

7.6. Agreement can be cancelled by one of the parts by means of written application in 30 days prior to the date of cancellation.

7.7. The terms and subject matter in two copies in Ukrainian and English both having equal legal force.


8.   Consult a dictionary, read and translate the following words:

        subject of agreement

        to provide the services

        in accordance with

        point of destination

        medical insurance

        in full amount

        conditions of providing services

        to be substituted

        to make refund

        a claim

                    compulsory participation

                    non-provided service – compensation charge

                    procedure of payment


                    to be remitted


                    receiving part

                    the law in force

                    сompensation of dаmages


9.   Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1.   The part sending tourists pays bank charges.

2.   Both partied sign the corresponding statement.

3.   The appendixes are considered the inseparable part of this agreement.

4.   Prolongation of agreement is done by exchanging of official letters.

5.   The parts do not carry any responsibility for the cases, which happened as a result of illegal behavior of tourists as well as for such cases which were caused by the transport organizations, luggage, money or any tourist’s property loss. 

6.   Changes and supplements to the agreement are valid if written and signed.

7.   The parties are obliged to undertake all necessary measures to resolve the conflicts.

8.   The two parties are not supposed to entitle with their rights to the third part without other than by mutual decision. 


10.   Find English equivalents to the following:

     Міжнародний Комерційний арбітраж

     Торговельно-промислова палата України

     форс-мажорні обставини



     відшкодування шкоди

     збереження майна

   заходи для вирішення конфліктів

   угода може бути розірвана

   зміни та доповнення до угоди

   сторони не несуть відповідальності

   письмове повідомлення

   неправомірна поведінка

   правила валютного регулювання

11.   Define the terms:

a binding obligation 

a license

a transaction

a transfer of real estate

insurance payments

a know-how 

to create legal relation

a prospective buyer


12.   Communicative situations:

Learn the contract given above and define all the clauses of the contract. How many clauses does it contain?

What Do You Think?

What elements should a contract contain to be a legally binding agreement?

What Does It Mean? 

Prolongation of agreement is done by exchanging of official letters.


Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech. 

1. Change the following sentences from direct into indirect speech:

Model: He said: «They will be producing machines during the next two years».

He said that they would be producing machines during the next two years. 

1.   He said: «They will be growing vegetables the whole season». 

2.   The manager said: «From now on we shall be promoting the development of certain industries in particular regions». 

3.   She remarked: «We shall be specializing in the production of new products from October this year to October next year». 

4.   The President said: «We shall be restricting trade in a number of ways from now on». 

5.   He said: «We shall be limiting the amount of foreign competition during the following years».

2.  Paraphrase the sentences as in the model: 

M o d e l : The manager demanded: «The wholesalers must simplify the process of distribution». The manager demanded that the wholesalers simplify the process of distribution.  

1.   The wholesaler demanded: «We must determine a market price of a particular commodity». 

2.   The manager ordered: «The interaction of demanders and suppliers must determine a market allocation of a particular commodity». 

3.   The manager demanded: «The wholesalers must provide new channels of distribution which help to bring goods to the market». 

4.   The middleman suggested: «Suppliers and demanders must respond to different relative prices to determine market allocations and prices». 

5.   The producer suggested: «Markets must adjust in predictable ways». 

6.   The producer suggests: «Changes in relative price must tend to eliminate the excess supply or excess demand».


3. Change from direct into indirect speech:

Model:  He said: «We used buildings and machinery rather effectively to produce final goods and services». – He said that they had used buildings and machinery rather effectively to produce final goods and services.


1.  Our manager said: «We produced everything in the quantities we desired».

2.  He said: «This fact forced us to make difficult choices». 

3.  The vice-president of marketing said: «We did much to advertise our product». 

4.  The president of the company said: «We gave up the production of automobiles to produce agricultural machinery». 

5.  The vice-president of production said: «We made the best use of our resources».


4. Change the verbs in the principle clause into the Past Indefinite Tense and make all the necessary changes in the subordinate clause:

Model: He says that he is interested in developing economic relations with Ukraine. – He said that he was interested in developing economic relations with Ukraine.


1.   He says that he is specializing in producing summer clothes. 

2.   The manager says that the contract will be signed tomorrow. 

3.   I know that exchange induces individuals to specialize. 

4.   Ann says that she is interested in producing winter gloves. 

5.   The president says that the decision will be refused tomorrow.

6.   I am informed that the meeting of directors will not take place today.



1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.        a sales contract – договір купівлі-продажу

2.        to conclude a contract – укладати угоду 

3.        to cancel a contract – розірвати контракт

4.        unconditional – безумовний

5.        to fulfil – виконувати

6.        liability – обов’язок

7.        a title – право власності

8.        a document of title – документ, що надає право власності

9.        to breach of contract – порушення угоди

10.   injured party – потерпіла сторона

11.   a compencation – компенсація


2. Read and translate the text:

Sales contract

The sales contract is the legally binding agreement reached by the seller and the buyer (the parties to the contract). It can be made orally or in writing, although it is usual for the contract to be drawn up in writing to prevent disputes. There are three ways to conclude a sales contract:

1.This is the most normal way of concluding a sales contract, because most offers are non-binding. As non-binding offers can be changed or withdrawn at any time, a sales contract does not exist until the seller confirms the order, making any changes impossible.

2.Sellers tend to make firm offers trading in goods where the prices fluctuate a lot. They set a fixed price and if the buyer doesn’t place an order within the period of time where this price is valid? The offer expires. The seller can then make another offer with new prices to keep up with the prices on the market.

3.In this case, if the buyer is not interested in the goods, he is expected to return them within a certain period of time, otherwise he will have to pay for them.

After a sales contract has been concluded, the seller and buyer have to fulfil certain liabilities (that means there are certain things they have to do.)

The seller’s liabilities are:

 To deliver the goods on time and in perfect condition.

 To ensure that the title to the goods is transferred to the buyer – in other words, the seller has to make sure that the buyer becomes the owner of the goods. This is normally done by passing a special document, the document of title, to the buyer.

The buyer’s liabilities are:

 To accept delivery of the goods that prevents him changing his mind after the goods have been sent).

 To pay for the goods within the time agreed.

If one party doesn’t fulfil its liabilities, the contract is broken (this is called breach of contract). In this case the other party (the injured party) can claim compensation. 


3.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:

[i: ]

[ ʃ ]

[ ə: ]























4.   Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   Many hands make light work.

2.   Work done, have your fun.

3.   When all men speak, no man hears.

4.   There are two sides to every question.  


5.   Supply the prepositions where necessary. 

1.   The Buyers made presentation ... the following documents.

2.   The Sellers advised us that the goods were ready ... shipment.

3.   The Seller has the right to extend the period ... validity ... Letter of Credit.

4.   The payment ... the goods is to be made ... US dollars ... full value ... the goods ... presentation ... the Bank ... Foreign Trade ... Ukraine, Kyiv, ... the shipping documents.

5.   According ... the contract payment is to be made ... a Letter ... Credit opened ... full value ... the goods. 

6.   ... the event ... devaluation ... US dollar both parties have the right to renegotiate the price ... the goods.


6.   Consult a dictionary, read and translate the following words:

   the title to the goods;

   to fulfil liabilities;

   breach of contract;

   to claim compensation;

   the document of title 

   conclude a contract

   to confirm the order; 

   to prevent disputes;

   the price is valid; 

   the time agreed;

   injured party 



7.   Choose and use interesting, interested.

1. They were... in the latest motors designed by our engineers. 2. We are pleased indeed that you are ... in our suggestion of representation in this country. 3. They were ... in our offer and the most ... point for them is a possible reduction in the price. 4. The current assortment of equipment exported throughout the world was ... to the

Buyers. 5. All the pictures on display were very … and we were … in buying some of them. 6. The information received by yesterday’s mail is extremely … and may be important for our future contracts. 7. They were not … in extending the guarantee period as it will increase their expenses.


8. Did a breach contract take place? If so, how? If not, why not.

1.     A mail order company sent some goods to Mr. Williams. However, he refused to accept delivery of them as they had not been ordered.

2.     Mr. Brown ordered 20 televisions from a company selling electrical goods.

However, he had to return one of the televisions because it didn’t work.

3.     Mr. Watson refused to pay the full price for a customized machine he had ordered, because it didn’t exactly meet the specifications he had given.

4.     Mr. Adams sent a free sample of wineglasses to a potential new customer. Unfortunately, the package burst open in the post and the glasses were broken.

5.     Mr. Wright sent some spare parts to an airline. However, a series of staff strikes brought the airline into financial difficulties and his invoice was paid only six months later. 

9.        Define the terms:


seller’s liabilities

legally binding agreement

breach of contract

to prevent disputes

to claim compensation


10.   Translate into English:

1.   Контракт повинен бути укладений і підписаний наступного тижня.

2.   Наш клієнт оплатить страховку, а також витрати на транспорт.

3.   Контракт вважається дійсним з моменту його підписання.

4.   Наш менеджер зацікавлений в найкоротших строках постачання.

5.   За умовами договору потерпіла сторона отримала компенсацію.


11. Communicative situations:

Sum up what the text says about:

1.          the preparatory work before the contract is signed

2.          the usual information the contract specifies

3.          the types of contracts  What Do You Think?

The seller has to make sure that the buyer becomes the owner of the goods.

What Does It Mean? 

After a sales contract has been concluded, the seller and buyer have to fulfil certain liabilities.

Grammar: Modal Verbs.

1. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb can.

1. You have the right to use dictionaries. 2. He has the right to receive a passport. 3. They have the right to study in this University. 4. She has the right to stay away from these lessons. 5. He has the right to take a month's holiday in summer. 6. We have the right to travel abroad. 7. Ann has the right to eat ice-cream. 8. You have the right to take this boat. 9. Brendon has the right to play in the yard. 10. My sister has the right to take part in the elections. 11. He has the right to sign this document.

12. We have the right to resolve these problems.


2. Read and translate the following sentences. Underline the Modal Verbs. 

1.          The strategic commitment could be determined as a decision that has a long impact and is difficult to reserve, such as entering a foreign market on a large scale.

2.          In choosing the type of media needed to promote an advertising campaign a number of factors must be considered. 

3.          Companies have found that they can charge more goods sold overseas because of the demand.

4.          A firm does not have to become a multinational enterprise, investing directly in operations in other countries, to engage in international business, although multinational enterprises are international ones.

5.          Any of the remaining five combinations might be used for setting budgets and evaluating performance.


3. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb may.

Model: Perhaps she is working at her report.She may be working at her report.

1. Perhaps he has bought the dictionary. 2. It is possible that they are in the office. 3. Perhaps this business letter will come to you today. 4. Perhaps she reads this report. 5. Maybe, our foreign partners know Spanish. 6. It is possible that they know each other. 7. It is possible that she has gone to the doctor. 8. Maybe, they left for Moscow yesterday. 


4.  Paraphrase the sentences using could + Perfect Infinitive as in the model.

Model: I could prepare the report but I didn't do it.I could have prepared the report. 1. They could help him but they didn't do it. 2. She could buy this car but she didn't buy it. 3. She could write a good composition but she didn't do it. 4. You could send me a telegram but you didn't do it. 5. She could pass her examination in physics but she failed. 6. Our football players could win the match but they lost it. 7. I could listen to the explanations more attentively but I didn't. 8. You could come back at 9 p. m. but you came later. 9. Our manager could wait for me a little more but he went away.

5.  Complete the sentences with can, could.

1. She turned though she ... not hear the question asked by her cousin. 2. You ... find information on the subject everywhere. 3. Now ... you understand why I was so keen to meet you? 4. When I was younger I ... speak French much better than I ... now.

5.   I ... not trust you any more. 6. If I had managed to repair my car earlier, I ... have driven you to London.


6.   Paraphrase the following using the modal verb to have.

M о d e 1 s: It is necessary for me to go there. — I have to go there.

I am obliged to tell you the truth. — I have to tell you the truth.

1. It is necessary for them to buy a car. 2. It was necessary for them to build a bridge across the river. 3. It was necessary for her to read articles in order to prepare a good report. 4. It will be necessary for me to stay at home on Friday. 5. It will be necessary for me to take the medicine in time. 6. It was necessary for us to carry out that work. 


7. Complete the sentences with may, must, should, might, using the words in brackets.

1.   You ... (treat) him better. He deserved it.

2.   He made an excellent report. He ... (study exactly).

3.   The situation is very difficult but it's important that everyone ... (stay calm).

4.   I rather got the idea he ... (run across) somewhere a bit like her before.

5.   There ... (be something) in him for she is desperately in love.

6.   He really ... (help me). He wasn't busy.

7.   He is the only person who ... (be able to help).


8.   Paraphrase the following using the verb must.

Models: I am sure she is at home now. — She must be at home now. I am sure they arrived in Kyiv yesterday. — They must have arrived in Kyiv yesterday.


1. I'm sure you are very tired. 2. I'm sure your friend is a very modest girl. 3. I'm sure he is ill. 4. I'm sure they know you. 5. I'm sure he has plenty of time. 6. I'm sure he is a very good manager. 7. I'm sure she is an experienced teacher. 8. I'm sure you like such films. 9. I'm sure he has this stamp. 10. I'm sure they will come in time.


1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

1.        a complaint – скарга (претензія)

2.        a letter of complaint – лист-рекламація

3.        a consignment – партія товару

4.        discrepancy – розбіжність

5.        to infringe – порушувати

6.        a fault – недолік, дефект

7.        a guarantee period – гарантійний період

8.        a manufacturing defect – виробничий дефект

9.        purchase receipt – квитанція про покупку

10.   to get a refund – повернути свої гроші

11.   to be damaged – бути пошкодженим

12.   to suffer losses – нести втрати

13.   to apologize – вибачатися

14.   to cause – спричиняти

15.   to be blame – бути винним 

16.   to lack – бракувати


Phrases, Clichés and Expressions used in the Letter of Complaint:

We would like (have) to remind you that… – Ми хотіли би (вимушені) нагадати Вам, що... 

We find it necessary to note… – Вважаємо необхідним зазначити...

We wish to draw your attention to the fact that… – Ми хочемо звернути Вашу увагу на той факт, що...

We are disappointed to find that the quality of the equipment (goods) you supplied does not meet (comply with, satisfy, match) the requirements of… – На жаль ми виявили, що якість поставлених вами товарів, не відповідає вимогам...

To prove our statement we enclose (are enclosing)… – На підвердження нашої заяви ми додаємо...

The delay in delivery is causing us great inconvenience, as… – Затримка поставки створила для нас великі незручності, оскільки... 

So far we have received no reply… – Досі ми не отримали відповіді...

We are returning… and would ask you to replace… – Повертаємо Вам ... і просимо замінити...

Four containers in the consignment were found to be damaged. – Чотири контейнера у партії виявилися пошкодженими.

We duly informed you about the breakdown of the equipment. – Ми належним чином повідомили вам про те, що обладнання вийшло з ладу.

At present your failure to deliver the goods greatly worries us. –У даний час ми вкрай збентежені тим, що ви не можете поставити товар.

When we installed the equipment, we found that is was faulty. – Коли ми встановили обладнання, то виявили, що воно не працює.

When we examined the goods, it turned out that… – Після огляду товару виявилося, що...

Phrases, Clichés and Expressions used in the Claims: 

We have carefully studied your claims… – Ми уважно вивчили ваші претензії...

You were right to let us know about…– Правильно зробили, що повідомили нам про... After investigating your complaint, we have to admit that…– Після вивчення вашої претензії ми вимушені визнати, що ….

Please accept our apologies for … – Будь ласка, прийміть наші вибачення за …

We apologize for …– Просимо вибачення за …

A replacement for the substandard goods will be delivered next week… –  Заміна неякісному товару буде поставлена на наступному тижні.

We regret to inform you that we cannot accept your claim because of … – На жаль, ми вимушені повідомити Вам, що не можемо задовольнити вашу претензію, оскільки…   

It is not our fault that … – Це не наша провина, що … 

We have ordered …, but unfortunately made a mistake. – Ми замовили..., але, на жаль, припустилися помилки.

Unfortunately we have to withdraw our order of … – На жаль, ми змушені відкликати наше замовлення від...

We are so sorry, but we have to withdraw our order. – Нам дуже шкода, але ми повинні анулювати замовлення.

Unfortunately we cannot sell the goods to another party. – На жаль, ми не можемо продати товар на стороні.

2.   Read the following words paying attention to the sounds:

[ ei ]

[ i ]

[ ʌ ]























3.   Read and translate the following text:


In deal business conditions everything should be done carefully – details of offers and orders checked, manufacture of the goods carried out properly, packing and marking verified. However it happens that one of the parties considers that the other party has infringed the terms of the contract. In such cases the dissatisfied party may think it necessary to send the other party a letter of complaint which often contains a claim.

There are various reasons for complaints. They may arise in connection with inferior quality of goods, late-delivery or non delivery, with goods missing from delivery, errors in caring out an order. These may be caused by mistyping of figures, misreading of numbers, misdirection of goods, wrong packing and so on. Sellers most frequently make claims on Buyers because of default of payment.

 As a rule, customers will not complaint unless he has a good reason. If the customer’s complaint is well-grounded, the settlement is comparatively easy. The parties then agree upon an amicable settlement of the claim in question. The error will be admitted and the responsible party will meet the claim fully or partly. If, however an amicable settlement is not arrived at, the dispute is decided either by court of law or, which is more often, by arbitration.


4. Answer  the following questions:

1.   When may claims arise?

2.   What is a letter of complaint?

3.   What are the reasons for complaints?

4.   What are ways of the settlement of complaint?


5.   Find English equivalents to the following:

           задовольнити скаргу

           порушити умови контракту

           виставити претензію

           зазнати збитки

           дружнє владнання стосунків – помилка в ордері

     заходи для вирішення конфліктів

     лист зі скаргою

     заміна товару

     виробничий дефект

     гарантійний період

     неякісний товар


6.   Prove that proverbs have sense: 

1.   No sooner said than done.

2.   The exception proves the rule.

3.   There is no royal road to learning.

4.   What is worth doing is worth doing well.  


7. Read and dramatize the dialogues.

At the store.

   What can I do for you, sir?

   I have chosen this toaster. Could you check it?

   Certainly. Look, everything is correct. Will you take it? How will you pay?

   Cash. It costs … pounds, doesn’t it? And what is the guarantee period? – Two years. Here is your guarantee and purchase receipt. Keep them safe in case you wish to exchange this toaster or get a refund later on.


Some more shopping

   I would like to buy this blouse for my wife, but I am not sure if the size is right. – What size does your wife wear?

   I don’t know exactly, but I think she is about the same size as you.

   Then it’s an 18. You may check that according to the conversion table on your right.

   Mary, do you think this green one will suit a brunette?

   Ah, no. If I were you I would take this yellow one.

   You are right as usual. Ah, if only she could try it on here!

8.   Make up your own dialogue using the following expressions:

a guarantee period

a manufacturing defect

a purchase receipt

substandard goods

to get a refund

a breakdown of the equipment


9.   Put the principal clause of the following sentences in the Past Simple Tense form and the subordinate clause in the Future in the Past according to the model.

Model: She says that she will send this letter tomorrow.

She said that she would send this letter next day.

1.        The company says that they will receive the goods as soon as possible.

2.        The buyer says that he will be our regular customer.

3.        The Manager Director says that he will send the statement at the end of this month.

4.        She says that she will pay the amount tomorrow.

5.        They say that they will pay all their debts in several days' time.

6.        Our customer says he will pay in advance because we do not know him well.

7.        This man always says that he will open his account in our bank soon.

8.        Nick tells Anne he will give her a cheque for £10.

9.        The company say they will guarantee their account holders. 


10.   Define the terms:

letter of complaint



guarantee period


manufacturing defect

breakdown of the equipment

substandard goods

11.   Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.  

1.        I'm sorry to say we are not satisfied ... the quality of your goods.

2.        Model A is ... great demand ... the world market.

3.        We look forward ... establishing business relations with your company.

4.        Your prices are not acceptable ... us. We find them too high.

5.        ... what price do you sell your machines? We quote $ 1,000 ... unit.

6.        You are to open a Letter ... Credit ... Ukrainian Bank ... Foreign Trade after you receive our Notification ... Readiness.

12. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence (go up, schedule, packaging, competitor, price leader, price sensitive item).  

1.   If the price on this product ... nobody will buy it.

2.   They should ... some tests and pass results to R.D.

3.   This company is the ... in this field, they can sell this product at the lowest price.

4.   Customers do care about the price on this product, it is very ... .

5.   ... influences the desire of a customer to buy.

6.   Our ... has become the price leader in selling computer programmes.


13. Put the necessary word in the sentence (supply and demand, volume of sales, trade-in allowance, complete, price policies, credit terms, to set prices).

1.   It is very difficult ... without sound price policy.

2.   Of course we are interested in producing the ... with the lowest unit costs.

3.   I decided to buy a new car at this company because they offered the best … on my old model.

4.   The … of this store are very beneficial for a customer.

5.   Their business will fail if they pursue unsound ... .

6.   The government usually … for public utility services.

7.   It pure competition the forces of ... operate.


14. Answer the questions. 

1.   In what way were the prices charged in this country?

2.   What is your idea of the term market price?

3.   What is more preferable for you in pricing: low prices with no extra services or high prices with home delivery, repair and other services?

4.   Why is it so important to have loss-leader item in a shop?

5.   How can your pricing policy help to complete with well known products?


15. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: The tape recorder is inexpensive. Your store sells the tape recorder. – The tape recorder that your store sells is inexpensive. 

1.   The dresses are fashionable. The store introduced the new dresses last week. 

2.   The store has many refrigerators. Dick owns the store. 

3.   The stereo is high-priced. My daughter wants the stereo. 

4.   The price determines the number of sales. A retailer sets the price.

5.   Very often the people don't want extra services. Many supermarkets offer extra services.

6.   Your shop should have loss-leader item. Loss-leader item will attract the customers.


16. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: We won’t introduce a new line of merchandise unless you suggest it. We will introduce a new line of merchandise if you don't suggest it. 

1.   Tape recorders are popular unless the price is too high.

2.   The consumers will continue to buy unless they don't like the item.

3.   The buyer can get installation services unless he wants to pay for it.

4.   The salesman will help you unless he is too busy.

5.   People won't try a new product unless there is advertising.

6.   Customers won't buy the new brand unless the price is low.

7.   They won't raise the price unless it is necessary.


17. Make sentences interrogative and negative.

Model:They can change your credit terms at once.

Can they change your credit terms at once? 

They can't change your credit terms. 

1.   They must research supply and demand before they start to produce the new item.

2.   The company has to cover the costs by all means. 

3.   The middlemen may set the new price.

4.   They can pursue unsound price policies.

5.   They must choose another location for their shop.


18. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Гарантійний термін цього обладнання – 12 місяців. 2. Нове обладнання було дуже пошкоджено. 3. Ми маємо право наполягати на компенсації. 4. Це не наша провина, що в тій партії товару бракує двох ящиків. 5. Ми готові замінити замінити пошкоджене обладнання на нове. 6. Просимо замінити дефектні комп’ютери на нові. 7. Просимо вибачення за затримку у поставці. 8. Наші партнери хочуть, щоб ми заплатили компенсацію за збитки. 9.  Ми заплатимо за обладнання готівкою або шляхом відкриття безвідкличного акредитиву.

10. Нова партія товару була дуже пошкоджена. 11. Ми належним чином повідомили вам про те, що обладнання вийшло з ладу. 12. У даний час ми вкрай збентежені тим, що ви не можете поставити товар.


19.   Communicative situations:

What Do You Think?

What are the main reasons for complaints?

What are the main ways of the settlement of complaint?

What Does It Mean? 

As a rule, customers will not complaint unless he has a good reason.

Sellers most frequently make claims on Buyers because of default of payment.


20.   Do the following test:

TEST on publicity

        If your products or services are excellent but no one knows about them, you will fail. That means that you should learn how to inform your future customers and how to do it effectively and not expencive.

        If you do not take into account the role of advertising, you will get lost in the number of products, which appear every year on the market.

        This test will let you understand if you are able to avoid mistakes in this area and to determine the best advertising methods.

“As a rule”: 6 points

“Sometimes”: 3 points

“Rare”: 0 points

Answer as honestly as possible

As a rule




I like selling





I am convincing





When I am watching TV advertising I like to conceive the tricks to make them work more





To create slogans for ad is an easy  matter for me





I talk of my success and achievements with pleasure





I like to make careful analysis of marketing strategies during advertising campaign





I often think how little shops could  improve their tactic in promotin goods they are selling





A short and direct advertising message is more affective than a long and compicated one





When I buy a product I always want to know its merits





I pay attention and analyse the tricks which ad makers do to promote their produst





People are more sensitive to what they see than to what they hear





When I enter a shop I try to understand the reason for which the products are exposed in this or that way





I make analysis of the attractive power of inscriptions and advertising boards





The placement of a shop is very important.





It is very important to present an advertising message at regular messages so that people can remember it 





Now add your results:

71-90 You perfectly know what is selling. You understand how to promote products or services and you are able to make a beeline to success in the complicated advertising industry. 

41-70 You have good instincts in promoting and you must be able to find a segment on the market for your goods. Gradually you will win your place in the business world.

26 - 40 You don’t take into account many things, which are very impornant in relations with customers.  You should be more attentive to the wants and wishes of buyers and learn a lot from your successful colleagues. 

Under 26 You seem to be lost in advertising industry. You are bombed with millions of ad messages. It is not easy for you get through. Perhaps you should try in another field.  

Grammar: The Gerund.

1. Transform the sentences using the gerund instead of the infinitive.

Model: My friend began to work at this company 20 years ago.— My friend began working at this company 20 years ago.

1.          Our vice-president intends to spend his holiday in the Crimea. 2. We continue to study English. 3. They preferred to go there by plane. 4. I have just begun to translate this business document. 5. The youngsters began to ask questions about this pop group. 6. She proposed to send this contract to the office.


2.          Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the gerund.

(a)  Model:  I am sorry that I trouble you. — Excuse me for troubling you.

1.        I am sorry that I ring you up so late. 

2.        I am sorry that I turned on the radio when you are working.

3.        I am sorry that I came so late. 

4.        I am sorry that I lost your magazine. 

5.        I am sorry that I went home without waiting for you. 

6.        I am very sorry that I opened your letter. 

7.        I am very sorry that I came without invitation. 

8.        I am very sorry that I broke the vase. 

9.        I am very sorry that I frightened you. 

10.   I am very sorry that I told them your address.

(b)  Model: I am sorry that I did not tell you about it.Excuse me for not telling you about it.

1.        I am sorry that I did not help you yesterday. 

2.        I am sorry that I didn't wait for you. 

3.        I am sorry that I did not do my homework. 

4.        I am sorry that I did not ring you up. 

5.        I am sorry that I did not answer your letter. 

6.        I am sorry that I did not send you a postcard from Venice. 

7.        I am sorry that I did not feed your dog in time. 

8.        I am sorry that I did not air the room. 

9.        I am sorry that I did not come to your lecture. 

10.   I am sorry that I did not warn you about this wet painted door.


3. Complete these sentenses using Gerunds:

1.   He is busy (to look through documents). 

2.   I am fond of (to travel by air). 

3.   She is afraid of (to be alone). 

4.   We are sorry for (to be late). 

5.   They couldn't help (to smile). 

6.   It is a pleasure (to see you again).  

7.   She avoided (to speak) to strangers. 

8.   We had to send the goods by plane (to transport) them by train. 

9.   They insisted (to help) with their work. 


4. Open the brackets and use the proper gerund either in the active or passive voice.

1. The speaker was annoyed at (interrupt) every other moment. 2. They showed no sign of (recognize) us. 3. He insists on (pay) for his work done. 4. We did not want to speak to the correspondent and tried to avoid (interview) by him. 5. Excuse me for (give) so much trouble to you. 6. After (examining) by the doctor I was given a sick leave. 7. Why does he avoid (meet) journalists? 8. She insisted on (show) the files to her. 9. He had never thought of security because he had no idea of (kidnap). 10. He is looking forward to (give) the main part in the play. 11. After (look through) the papers were registered. 12. He can't do anything without (disturb) anybody or (disturb). 13. Have you ever dreamed of (earn) a million dollars?


5. Make infinitives (add “to”) or gerunds (add “-ing”) of the verbs in brackets to make the following sentences grammatically correct. 

1.        She said the letter was personal and wouldn’t let me ...it. (read) 

2.        They don’t have much money. They can’t afford ... out very often. (go) 

3.        I’m still looking for a job but I hope ... something soon. (find) 

4.        I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind ... (wait) 

5.        It was a nice day, so we decided ... for a walk. (go) 

6.        We were hungry, so I suggested ... dinner early. (have) 

7.        Hurry up! I don’t want to risk ... the train. (miss) 

8.        It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy ... for a walk? (go)

9.        She doesn’t allow ... in the house. (smoke) 

10.   I’ve never been to Iceland but I’d like ... there. (go) 

11.   When I’m tired, I enjoy ... television. It’s relaxing. (watch)

12.   I’m in a difficult position. What do you advise me ...? (do)

13.   We were kept at the police station for two hours and then we were allowed ... (go) 

14.   I wouldn’t recommend ... in that restaurant. The food is awful. (eat) 


6. Translate into English.

1.   Він захоплювався читанням ділової кореспонденції.

2.   Ми наполягали на повторенні наукового досліду. 

3.   Пробачте, що ми турбуємо вас знову. 

4.   Ми зайняті: обговорюємо шляхи економічного розвитку країни. 

5.   Іноземні інвестори наполягали на повторному обговоренні питання. 

6.   Секретар нашої фірми захоплювалася перевіркою анкет. 

7.   Наші партнери наполягали на порушенні умов контракту. 

8.   Вона наполягала на заміні недоброякісного товару. 

9.   Ми зайняті: переглядаємо ділову кореспонденцію наших партнерів.

Grammar guide

Граматичний довідник

1. Артикль (The Article)

                                    В англійській мові є два артиклі  неозначений (a /an) та означений (the).

Артикль ніколи не вживається самостійно, він завжди стоїть перед іменником (a /the manager) або перед його означенням (a / finance manager) але після слів all /both (all /the references).

    Неозначений артикль      a        (an)   вживається лише перед        зчисленними іменниками, що стоять в однині.

Означений артикль the вживається перед зчисленними іменниками як в однині, так і в множині.

Якщо ми згадуємо предмет вперше, перед ним вживається неозначений артикль a (an).

This is a manager. The manager is in the office.


Неозначений артикль a (an) вживається:

§  Перед назвами професій:

               He is a receptionist.

§  Перед деякими числівниками:

               a million, a hundred, a thousand, a half, a third

§  В окличних реченнях після слова What:

               What a fine day!

§  Після таких слів: such, quite

                     It was such a cold weather yesterday.                  He is quite a child.

§  Після there + to be перед обчислювальними іменниками:

There is a bank near our office.

§  У словосполученнях a great deal (of), a number (of), a great many, a little, a few:

I had waited a few hours.

Означений артикль the вживається:

§  Якщо іменник означає єдиний в своєму роді об’єкт:

thesun              the earth

§  Якщо іменник означає предмет, про який іде мова в даній ситуації:

Put the register on the table.

§  Перед порядковими числівниками:

My office is on the third floor.

§  Перед назвами річок, морів, океанів, гір:

the Thames, the Black Sea, the Pacific Ocean, the Rockies.

§  З національними групами:

The French drink a lot of wine.

§  З назвами газет, театрів, кінотеатрів, музеїв, кораблів, організацій:

The Daily Express, the Ambassador Theatre Group

§  З країнами, якщо вони включають в себе слова States, Kingdom, Republic: the USA, the United Kingdom

§  зі сторонами світу:

the North, the East, the South, the West

§  Для утворення найвищого ступеню порівняння:

It’s the biggest company in Kyiv.


Артикль перед іменником не вживається, якщо:

§  Перед ним стоїть присвійний або вказівний займенник:

This is my __ licence.

§  Перед ним стоїть інший іменник у присвійному відмінку:

My mother’s __ office is new.

§  Перед ним стоїть заперечення no:

There is no __  place like home.

§  Після нього стоїть кількісний числівник:

Open your books at __ page ten.

Артикль не вживається:

§  Перед назвами наук, навчальних дисциплін:

                I study __ English. She studies __ History.

§  Перед назвами пір року, місяців, днів тижня:

                Usually students have no classes in ___summer. In  __ September. On __ Friday.

§  Перед більшістю назв країн, міст, вулиць, площ:

Italy, Japan; Kyiv, Paris, Washington, London; Broadway, Times Square;

§  Перед назвою конкретної гори:

Elbrus is the highest mountain in the Caucasus.

§  Перед незліченними іменниками, які означають речовину/масу:

I prefer strong coffee to tea.

§  Якщо перед іменником стоять уже такі слова last, next:

I’ll come to your place next week.

§  Перед іменниками dinner, breakfast, supper, tea, day, night, evening, morning, school, college, hospital, у випадку, якщо вони мають абстрактне значення:

Breakfast is always ready at seven.


2. Утворення множини іменників (The plural of nouns)

Іменники в англійській мові, як і в українській, мають два числа: однину й множину. Множина іменників утворюється додаванням до форми однини закінчення -(e)s, яке після дзвінких приголосних і голосних вимовляється як звук [z], а після глухих приголосних — як [s].            a firm — firms                  a day — days    a book — books

Іменники, що закінчуються на -s, -ss, -x, -sh, -ch у множині мають закінчення -es, яке вимовляється [iz]:

                                    a class — classes     a box — boxes          a bush — bushes  an inch — inches

До іменників, що закінчуються на з попередньою приголосною, додається закінчення -es; при цьому у змінюється на і.

a company — companies                        a country — countries

У деяких іменниках, що в однині закінчуються на -f, -fe, у множині f змінюється на v з додаванням закінчення -(e)s.

                                   a life — lives                        a loaf — loaves                                     a thief — thieves

 Винятки: a chief – chiefs,  a safe – safes,  a roof – roofs,  a handkerchief – handkerchiefs;  

Іменники, що закінчуються на -o, у множині мають закінчення -es: а hero — heroes    а potato— potatoes

Винятки: a photo – photos, a piano – pianos, a radio – radios;

Кінцеве [Ѳ], яке на письмі зображується буквами th, іноді змінюється у множині на [ð] з додаванням закінчення [z], на письмі -ths : а mouth — mouths  a path — paths  a bath — baths

Деякі іменники утворюють множину не за правилами, а зміною голосної кореня без додавання закінчення:

a man – men

a foot – feet

a woman – women

a tooth – teeth

a goose – geese

a mouse – mice

Множина іменників child і ох утворюється додаванням закінчення –en, причому в слові child змінюється також голосний основи: a child— children  an ox— oxen

Деякі іменники зберегли стародавню форму множини, яка збігається з формою однини:

                      a deer – deer            a sheep – sheep        a swine – swine        a fish – fish       a fruit – fruit

Деякі іменники уживаються тільки в множині:

trousers (штани) scissors (ножиці) goods (речі, товар) shorts (шорти) spectacles (окуляри) clothes (одяг) Деякі іменники уживаються тільки в однині:

news (новина, новини)             knowledge (знання) luggage (багаж) advice (порада) money (гроші)          mathematics (математика)

information (інформація)       furniture (меблі)     athletics (атлетика) business — справа, справи; hair — волосся;      progress — успіх, успіхи (прогрес).


3.     Ступені порівняння прикметників

(Adjectives. Degrees of Comparison)





1. Односкладові:


short hot fine

shorter hotter finer

(the) shortest

(the) hottest

(the) finest

2. Двоскладові на – у з попередньою приголосною:



(the) happiest

3. Двоскладові та  багатоскладові: 



more famous more interesting

(the) most famous

(the) most interesting

4. Винятки:

bad good

far old


many /much

worse better farther (further) older (elder) less


(the) worst

(the) best

(the) farthest (furthest)

 (the) oldest (the) eldest 

(the) least

 (the) most  


4.     Числівники (The Numerals)

Числівник – частина мови, що означає число, певну кількість чогонебудь, порядок переліку при лічбі. В англійській мові числівники поділяються на кількісні (Cardinal Numerals) і порядкові (Ordinal Numerals). 

Cardinal Numerals:


I am fifteen (years old). – Мені 15 (років). She is four (years old). – Їй 4 (роки).


5.00 – five (o’clock) (a.m. /in the morning; p.m. / in the afternoon)

5.10 – ten (minutes) past five /five ten

5.15 – a quarter past five / five fifteen

5.30 – half past five /five thirty

5.45 – a quarter to six /five forty-five

5.50 – ten (minutes) to six /five fifty


1889 – eighteen eighty-nine

1900 – the year nineteen hundred

2000 – the year two thousand


June, 15 – the fifteenth of June /June the fifteenth


+10 – ten degrees above zero

-10 – ten degrees below zero


1/5 – one fifth

2/3 – two thirds

1 /4 – a/one quarter

3 /4 – three quarters

1 /2 – a/one half

0.5 – (nought) point five

0.25 – (nought) point two five

0.345 – (nought) point three four five

2.5 – two point five

а) Якщо перед числівниками hundred, thousand, million стоїть інший числівник, то вони у множині не мають закінчення -s: five hundred; four thousand; six million. 

б) Якщо ж ці числівники вживаються як іменники, тобто коли перед ними немає інших числівників, вони приймають у множині закінчення -s. У цьому разі після них стоїть іменник з прийменником of: 


Thousands of people come here every day. – Тисячі людей приходять сюди кожного дня. 

hundreds of years – сотні років                      millions of people – мільйони людей  


Ordinal Numerals:

1.   Порядкові числівники вказують на порядок предметів і відповідають на запитання котрий? (which?). 

2.   Порядкові числівники, за винятком перших трьох, утворюються з відповідних кількісних додаванням суфікса -th, при цьому в числівниках five і twelve буквосполучення ve змінюється на букву f; до числівника eight додається буква h; у числівника nine випадає буква e; у назвах десятків y змінюється на ie

1st – first

10th – tenth 

2nd – second

11th – eleventh 

3rd – third

12th – twelfth 

4th – fourth

13th – thirteenth 

5th – fifth

20th – twentieth 

6th – sixth

21st – twenty-first 

7th – seventh

30th – thirtieth 

8th – eighth

100th – one hundredth 

9th – ninth

101st – one hundred and first


3.   У складених порядкових числівниках лише останній набуває форми порядкового числівника

45th – the forty-fifth 

2614th – the two thousand six hundred and fourteenth   

4.   Число місяця позначається порядковим числівником з означеним артиклем.

 Числівник ставиться або перед назвою місяця з прийменником of, або після неї без прийменника: 

9th of May, 2001 – the ninth of May, two thousand and one  May 9, 2001 – May the ninth, two thousand and one 

5.   Іменники, перед якими стоїть порядковий числівник, вживаються з означеним артиклем

The second paragraph is more interesting than the first one. – Другий параграф більш цікавий, ніж перший. 

6.   При позначенні номерів глав, сторінок, частин книги тощо, порядкові числівники часто замінюються на похідні: 

the fifth page = page five – п'ята сторінка    the seventh text = text seven – сьомий текст  7. Якщо перед порядковим числівником стоїть неозначений артикль, числівник має значення — ще один

Give me a second сuр. – Дай мені ще одну чашку. 


5. Займенник (The Pronoun) 

Займенник частина мови, яка заміняє іменник (ім’я, назву сутності) у реченні. Вказує на предмети, ознаки, кількість, але не називає їх. Займенники подібно до іменників, прикметників і числівників, відповідають на питання хто? що? який? чий? скільки?

Наприклад: ти, вони, ніщо, жодний, мій, той, всякий, стільки.

Займенники діляться на декілька груп, кожна з яких має свої власні граматичні характеристики.

Особові та присвійні займенники (Personal and Possessive pronouns)





Називний відмінок

Об’єктивний відмінок

Перша форма

Друга форма





































Does he know what I want? 

Tell him to call me right away.

Вказівні займенники (The Demonstrative Pronouns)



this –цей /це /ця

these –ці

that –той /те /та

those –ті

We have been to the theatre twice this month.

The climate of the Antarctic is more severe than that of the Arctic.

The Caucasian mountains are higher that those of the Crimea.


Неозначені та заперечні займенники (The Indefinite and Negative Pronouns)

Неозначені займенники

Заперечні займенники

some – якийсь /кілька somebody – хтось someone – хтось something – щось

any – якийсь anybody – хто-небудь anyone – хто-небудь anything – що-небудь

no – ніякий /жоден nobody – ніхто no one – ніхто nothing – ніщо


I've got a new British stamp. Have you got any?

Somebody called you up while you were out.

The singer drew everybody's attention by his beautiful voice.

Have you got anything special to do tomorrow?

I'm going to tell you something interesting.


Зворотні й підсилювальні займенники  (The Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns)




Неозначено-особова форма









himself herself itself


Don't be lazy, do it yourself, Ann (однина).  

Be careful, children, don't hurt yourselves (множина). We enjoyed ourselves very much at the concert.

Зворотний займенник oneself вживається для утворення неозначеної форми дієслова із зворотним значенням to cut oneself, to hurt oneself, to amuse oneself One must be careful not to cut oneself with a razor.

6.   Дієслово “to be”


Теперішній час



Стверджувальна форма

Заперечна форма

Питальна форма




am not

Am I …?




is not/isn’t

Is he /she/it …?



you they


are not/


Are we /you/they

Learn the examples: 


I am an exporter. It is a tax declaration. They are our partners.

I am not an exporter .

It isn’t a tax declaration.

They aren’t our partners.

Am I an exporter?

Is it a a tax declaration? Are they our partners?


Минулий час



Стверджувальна форма

Заперечна форма

Питальна форма





was not /


Was I /he/ she/ it …?



you they




were not / weren’t


Were we /you / they …?

Learn the examples:

I was sad. They were polite.

I wasn’t sad

They weren’t polite.

Was I sad? Were they polite?



7.   Дієслово “to have”

Теперішній час   

В сучасній англійській мові дієслово “мати” в теперішньому часі передається такими способами:







you  they




have (got)

do not/

don’t have



have not / haven’t (got)

Do you /they/ etc have…?

Yes, I /they /etc do.

No, I /they /etc don’t.

Have you /they /etc (got)…?

Yes, I /they /etc have.

No, I / they /etc haven’t.


She  it




has (got)

does not/

doesn’t have


has not / hasn’t (got)

Does he /she /it have...?

Yes, he /she /it does.

No, he /she /it doesn’t.

Has he /she /it (got)…?

Yes, he /she /it has.

No, he /she /it hasn’t.


Минулий час

 У всіх часах, крім теперішнього, дієслово “мати” передається тільки за допомогою дієслова have у відповідній формі. Зокрема в Past Indefinite воно має такі форми:








did not /didn’t have



Did you /he /they /etc have…?

Yes, I /he/ they /etc did.

No, I /he /they /etc didn’t.

I had a lot of trouble.

I didn’t have any trouble.


Did you have any trouble?

8.   Indefinite Tenses

The Present Indefinite Tense

          The Present Indefinite Tense називає регулярну, повторювальну дію або постійний стан в теперішньому часі. 

 1. Стверджувальна форма дієслова в Present Indefinite в усіх особах однини і множини, крім третьої особи однини збігається з інфінітивом без частки to. У третій особі однини до інфінітива додається закінчення -(e)s.

I /we /you /they

V (основа дієслова)

He /she /it             

V - (e) s


Learn the examples: 

                     I sign a contract. – He signs a contract.

They go to the office. – She goes to the office.

We resolve conflicts. – He resolves conflicts.


           The Present Indefinite часто вживається з такими обставинами часу:

1.     every day /month /year; daily; weekly; on Sundays /Mondays /etc.; in the evening; in the morning; in the afternoon; in spring; etc.;

2.     always; never; seldom; rarely; frequently; often; usually; sometimes

    (прислівники, що з дієсловом в Present Indefinite звичайно стоять перед присудком але після дієслова be):

Learn the examples: 

We go to to the office every day. 

They often resolve conflicts. 

He is never late.


2. Питальна форма Present Indefinite утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to do та інфінітива основного дієслова без частки to.

Допоміжне дієслово to do (does) ставиться перед підметом.

Learn the examples: 

Do you sign this contract? Yes, I do. No, I don't.

Does she sign this contract? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.

Питальна форма дієслів to be, must, can і may утворюється без допоміжного дієслова.

Learn the examples: 

Is the register on the desk?       

May I come in?      

Can you speak German?                    


  Дієслово to have як повнозначне утворює питальну форму як з допоміжним дієсловом to do, так і без нього.

Learn the examples: 

Do you have this registration?          

Have you this registration?


3. Заперечна форма Present Indefinite утворюється з допоміжного

дієслова do (does), заперечної частки not та інфінітива основного дієслова без частки to.

Заперечна форма дієслова в Present Indefinite утворюється так:


I /we/you/they do not/don’t +V: They don’t like to refuse. I don’t swim.

He/she/it does not /doesn’t + V : It doesn’t matter. She doesn’t hear us.


The Past Indefinite Tense

1.           Стверджувальна форма Past Indefinite правильних дієслів утворюється за допомогою додавання закінчення -ed до інфінітива без частки to:

remit – remited                  travel – travelled  prefer – preferred               try – tried

Дієслова, що закінчуються в інфінітиві буквою -е, втрачають її перед закінченням -ed.

to live – lived                   to like – liked

Форми Past Indefinite неправильних дієслів необхідно запам'ятати. Як правильні, так і неправильні дієслова в Past Indefinite мають однакову форму для всіх осіб однини і множини.

Learn the examples:    They bought very expencive car last Friday.

                         He worked as a sales manager.

2.           Заперечна форма Past Indefinite. У заперечних реченнях використовується допоміжне дієслово did + заперечна частка not, а основне дієслово - в I формі без частки to. Порядок слів при цьому такий як в  Present

Indefinite: did not /didn’t +V

Learn the examples:       I didn’t like to conclude a contract!

                             He didn’t try to understand his mistakes.

3.           Питальна форма Past Indefinite. Питальна форма Past Indefinite утворюються за допомагою допоміжного дієслова did та основного дієслова в I формі без частки to.                 Did you /they /she /etc V …?

Learn the examples:  Did you do it? –Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t.                         Did Harry write this business letter? –                         Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.


The Future Indefinite Tense

Future Indefinite означає дію, яка відбуватиметься у майбутньому та утворюється при допомозі  допоміжних дієслів shall (I, we) і will (you, he, she, it, they) та інфінітива основного дієслова без частки to. Допоміжне дієслово will

може вживатись і для утворення першої особи однини і множини.





I /we

shall /will+V

shall /will not+V

Shall /will I / we +V?

you /he /she / It /they


will not+V

Will you /he / etc +V?

Питальна й заперечна форми Future Indefinite утворюються при

допомозі допоміжних дієслів shall, will та заперечної частки not, а в питальній  формі shall, will ставляться перед підметом.

Learn the examples: I shall /will come. 

                                     I shall not /shan’t /will not /won’t come.

                      Will you come? –Yes, I will /shall. No, I won’t /shan’t.

9. Continuous Tenses

The Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous вживається для вираження дії, яка відбувається у момент мовлення. Ключові слова: now (зараз), at this moment (у цей момент).

1.          Стверджувальна форма Present Continuous утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be (am, is, are) та до основного дієслова додається закінчення – ing:




+ V -ing


He /she /it


we /you /they    



Learn the examples: I am thinking about extending my visa.

                                   The receptionist is waiting for the applicants.

                                   They are resolving conflicts between two parties.


2.          Для утворення заперечної форми після допоміжного дієслова (am, is, are) ставиться заперечна частка not:


Am /is /are


+V -ing


Learn the examples: 

               I am not calling to make a reservation at your hotel at this moment.

Their president is not proposing a solution to this problem now.

               Our managers are not sending the letters to the applicants. 


3.          Для утворення питальної форми допоміжне дієслово (am, is, are) ставиться перед підметом:




+V-ing …?


he /she /it            


we /you /they


Learn the examples:  

                               Are you resolving conflicts between two parties? 

Yes, I am. /No, I am not.

Is Jane proposing a solution to this problem now? 

Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t.



The Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous (Минулий тривалий час) означає дію, яка відбувалася в якийсь момент або відрізок часу в минулому. 

1.          Стверджувальна форма Past Continuous утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be в Past Indefinite (was, were) та до основного дієслова додається закінчення –ing:

I /he /she /it



+ V–ing

we /you /they



Learn the examples:

He was going to convert American dollars to Swiss francs in foreign exchange departments.

Their clients were discussing about the terms of delivery.


2.          Для утворення заперечної форми Past Continuous після допоміжного  дієслова (was, were) ставиться заперечна частка not:

I /he /she /it



+ V-ing

we /you /they



Learn the examples: 

The company was not/wasn’t raising prices for the merchandise the whole year. 

The applicants were not /weren’t filling in a resume or an application form. 

3.          При утворенні питальної форми допоміжне дієслово ставиться перед підметом:


I /he /she /it

+ V-ing?


we /you / they


Learn the examples: 

Were you discussing about the terms of delivery? –Yes, I was. /No, I wasn’t.


The Future Continuous Tense

Future Continuous (Майбутній тривалий час) означає дію, яка відбудеться в якийсь момент або відрізок часу в майбутньому. Утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be в Future Indefinite та основного дієслова з закінченням -ing:


I /we shall /will be +Ving

You /etc. will be +Ving

We’ll shall be writing He’ll /will be writing.


I /we shall /will not be +Ving

You /etc. will not be +Ving

I shall not /shan’t be writing.

He /we will not /won’t be writing.


Shall /will I / we be +Ving?

Will you /etc. be +Ving?

Shall /will I be writing?

Yes, I shall. No, I shan’t.

Will he be writing?

Yes, he will. No, he won’t.


Learn the examples: 

The purchasing manager of our firm will be coming soon.

I will be translating an article at seven o'clock.

Shе will be showing me her presentation at noon. 

Will the representatives of our management Services Department be waiting for you?

Will you be preparing for the competition in April? 

Will she be translating an article at five o'clock? 

Our marketing Service will not /won’t be sending you invitations tomorrow.


10. Perfect Tenses

The Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect (Теперішній доконаний час) означає дію, яка відбулась у минулому і пов΄язана з теперішнім часом, обов΄язково є результат цієї дії.

Стверджувальна форма Present Perfect утворюється з допоміжних дієслів have, has та третьої форми основного дієслова. Для утворення заперечної форми Present Perfect після допоміжного дієслова have (has) ставиться частка not. Для утворення питальної форми Present Perfect допоміжне дієслово have (has) ставиться перед підметом. У коротких відповідях після займенника вживається лише допоміжне дієслово.



I /we you /they have +V3

We have met before.


he /she /it has +V3

He has written the letter.


I /we/you /they have not +V3 he /she /it has not + V3

We have not /haven’t met before.

He has not /hasn’t written the letter.


Have I /we /you /they  +V3…?


Has he / she /it  +V3?

Have we met before?

Yes, we have. /No, we haven’t. Has  he written the letter?

Yes, he has. /No, he hasn’t.


Present Perfect вживається без зазначення часу виконання дії, тому що в центрі уваги результат дії, а не час її перебігу, або з прислівниками неозначеного часу і частотності, такими, як ever коли-небудь, never ніколи, often часто, seldom рідко, already вже, just щойно, always завжди, yet усе ще (у заперечних реченнях).


Learn the examples: 

They have improved the quality of life in that country.

He has already found the way to expand farm output.  He has just come. I have not seen him yet.

I have not /haven’t yet registered my private company.

Have they already increased farm productivity in some developing countries?


The Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect виражає дію, яка здійснилася у минулому до якогось певного моменту і утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова had і третьої форми основного дієслова.  

Заперечна форма Past Perfect утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова had, заперечної частки not та третьої форми основного дієслова.  Ключові слова: by five o'clock до п'ятої години, by Sunday до неділі, by that time до того часу, by the first of October до першого жовтня

Для утворення питальної форми Past Perfect допоміжне дієслово had ставиться перед підметом. При утворенні заперечної форми Past Perfect заперечна частка not ставиться після допоміжного дієслова had:


had +V3

He had known the truth. /He’d known the truth.


had not +V3

He had not /hadn’t known the truth.


Had I /we /you/ etc. +V3?

 Had he known the truth?

Yes, he had. No, he hadn’t.


Learn the examples: 

These foreigh partners had resolved conflicts by the time their manager came back.

Our manager had not /hadn’t studied English before he entered the institute.

Had their president proposed a solution to this problem?


The Future Perfect Tense

The Future Perfect Tense виражає дію, яка здійсниться до певного моменту або до іншої дії в майбутньому. Цей час вживається рідко. Future Perfect вживається в простих реченнях з обставинами, які вказують на час, до якого дія буде закінчена. Future Perfect утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to have у Future Indefinite і дієприкметника минулого часу (Past Participle) відмінюваного дієслова. Заперечна форма утворюється за допомогою заперечної частки not, яка ставиться після першого допоміжного дієслова. У питальній формі Future Perfect перше допоміжне, дієслово shall або will ставиться перед підметом, а інша частина часової форми — після підмета. 


I /we shall /will have +V3

You /etc. will have +V3

We shall have returned.

She will have returned.


I /we shall /will not have +V3

You /etc will not have +V3

We shall not /shan’t have returned.

She will not /won’t have returned.


Shall /will I / we have +V3?

Will you /he /she /it /they have +V3?

Will she have returned?

Yes, she will. No, she won’t.

Shall we have returned?

Yes, we shall. No, we shan’t.


Learn the examples: 

Inflation will have increased by 3% by the end of the month.

Prices on specific goods and services will not have increased next week.

Will his nominal income have changed next year?


11. Perfect Continuous Tenses

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense означає дію, яка почалася в минулому і продовжується або закінчилася в момент мовлення. The Present

Perfect Continuous утворюється за допомогою доміжного дієслова to be у Present Perfect і дієприкметника теперішнього часу (Present Participle) відмінюваного дієслова:


have /has been +Ving

I /we /you /they have been reading.

He /she /it has been reading.


have /has not been


I  / etc have not been readng.

He /she/ it has not been reading.


Have /has …been +Ving?

Have you been reading?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Has he been reading? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

У реченнях з Present Perfect Continuous звичайно вживаються обставини часу, які вказують на тривалість або на момент початку дії або стану, виражених дієсловом. На тривалість дії вказують обставини типу for two hours (a week, three months, ten years), for a long time, all day, all day long, how long, а на початок дії — звороти з прийменником since (since 1950, since eight o'clock, since I came here)

Learn the examples: 

Our foreign partners have been making the transaction for 20 minutes.

She has been teaching German since she graduated from the University. 

The sales manager of our firm has not been sending the letters to the applicants. 

Have their clients been discussing about the terms of delivery for two hours?


The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

   The Past Perfect Continuous Tense вживається для вираження дії, що сталася у минулому і тривала певний період часу, і закінчилася (або могла ще тривати) до настання другої, більш пізньої дії, що трапилася у минулому. Past Perfect Continuous утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be у формі Past Perfect (had been) і дієприкметника головного дієслова:



had been +Ving

They had been discussing market prices for half an hour before he came


had not been +Ving

He had not been calculating expenditures for 20 minutes before the manager came.


Had …been +Ving?

Had they been talking about different measures of economic activity for 15 minutes before I came back?

Yes, they had. No, they hadn’t.


Learn the examples: 

He had been studying microeconomics for 2 years before he passed the exam.

We had not been discussing current prices on this equipment for an hour by that time.

Had they been quoting prices on these goods for an hour by that time?

Yes, they had. No, they hadn’t.


The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

 The Future Perfect Continuous Tense означає тривалу дію в майбутньому, яка почнеться до якогось моменту або періоду в майбутньому і триватиме аж до цього моменту (періоду). Ця форма дієслова вживається дуже рідко.

Future Perfect Continuous утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to be у Future Perfect Tense і дієприкметника теперішнього часу (Present Participle) відмінюваного дієслова:



I /we shall /will have been +Ving

You/etc will have been +Ving

I shall /will have been reading.

He will have been reading.


I /we shall /will not have been +Ving

You /etc will not have been +Ving

I shall /will not have been reading.

He will not have been reading.


Shall /will I /we have been +Ving?

Will you /etc have been +Ving?

Will you have been reading?

Yes, I will /shall. No, I won’t /shan’t.


Learn the examples: 

They will have been discussing market prices for half an hour before he came. They will not have been talking about different measures of economic activity for 15 minutes before I came back.

Will you have been making purchases for half an hour before he came?

Yes, I will /shall. No, I won’t /shan’t.


11. Пасивний стан (Passive Voice)

В англійській мові дієслова вживаються в активному та пасивному стані. Якщо підметом речення є суб’єкт дії (особа або предмет, що виконує дію), то дієслово-присудок вживається в активному стані

Our foreign partners sign financial documents every year.

Якщо підметом речення є об’єкт дії (особа або предмет, на які спрямовано дію), то дієслово-присудок вживається у пасивному стані Financial documents are signed by our foreign partners.

Усі часові форми пасивного стану в англійській мові утворюються з відповідних часів допоміжного дієслова to be та дієприкметника минулого часу основного дієслова:  My money has been invested in real estate.

   Пасивний стан дієслова утворюється за такою формулою: 

to be +V3 (III форма дієслова)

Щоб утворити пасивний стан від якогось часу, необхідне допоміжне дієслово to be в наведеній вище формулі поставити в цьому часі, як це зроблено в таблиці, що подано нижче (зважте, що не всі часи утворюють пасивний стан):



Present    am /is/ are     



The conflict is resolved by our manager.    

Past          was /were   

The contract was signed by our partners.

Future      shall /will be          

The factory will be specialized in the production of automobiles.



Present     have /has been


My money has been invested in real estate.

Past          had been

A job had been found before he lost an incentive to work.

Future  shall /will have been

This task will have been done.



Present am /is /are being       


The structure of the firm is being examined by him.

Past   was /were being           


Taxing was being controlled by the government.

Learn the examples: 

The goods were examined at the customs house yesterday.

Business letters are usually written on special forms.

The company was being managed extremely well, when he was president.



12. Узгодження часів

(The Sequence of Tenses)

В англійській мові існує певна залежність вживання часу дієсловаприсудка підрядного речення від часу, в якому стоїть дієслово-присудок головного речення. Це правило називають правилом узгодження (або послідовності) часів. Правило узгодження часів характерне переважно для додаткових підрядних речень. Воно полягає ось у чому:

Якщо дієслово-присудок головного речення стоїть у теперішньому або майбутньому часі, дієслово-присудок підрядного додаткового речення може стояти у будь-якій часовій формі, якої вимагає зміст.

I think you are right.

Do you know why he was absent yesterday?  

I'll tell you what you will have to do.

Правила узгодження часів для випадків, коли точка відліку розташована в минулому, можна умовно поділити на 3 типи:


1) Для вираження одночасної дії з точкою відліку ми вживаємо дієслово додаткового підрядного речення в одному з минулих часів: Past Simple або Past Continuous:


Learn the examples: 

 I didn’t know he could speak French.Я не знав, що він говорить французькою мовою.

 He told me that you were writing your essay.Він сказав мені, що ти пишеш есе. 

 I thought you were ready.Я думав, що ти готовий.

Me told me that he was preparing for his exams.Він сказав мені, що готується до екзаменів.


2) Для позначення дії, яка трапилась раніше точки відліку, зазвичай вживають Past Perfect:

 Learn the examples: 

I didn’t know she had been to Paris.Я не знав, що вона побувала в Парижі.

 An inquiry concluded that the accident had happened while she was driving home. – Розслідування показало, що аварія трапилась по дорозі додому.

Якщо точно вказано час дії (in 2005, yesterday), то попередню дію виражають за допомогою Past Indefinite. 

Learn the examples: 

I thought you were born in 1954.

I thought you came back from your trip yesterday.

3) Для вираження майбутньої дії з точки зору минулого часу вживають форму Future in the Past (в українській мові – майбутній час). При цьому точка відліку розташована в минулому, а майбутня дія сприймається як та, що відбудеться в минулому, але ця дія буде майбутньою по відношенню до точки відліку:

Learn the examples: 

I didn’t promised I would be on time. – Я не обіцяв, що буду вчасно.

Не told me that he would meet us at the stadium. – Він сказав, що зустріне нас на стадіоні.

Також цілком виправданим є вживання структури to be going to для позначення запланованої дії в майбутньому:

Learn the examples: 

I knew that he was going to learn the English language. – Я знав, що він збирався вивчати англійську мову.


13. Пряма та непряма мова

(Direct and Indirect speech)

Прямою мовою (Direct Speech) називається передача висловлювання автора.

"What time is it?" he asked.

"It's almost ten," she answered.

Непрямою мовою (Indirect Speech) називається передача змісту прямої мови у вигляді переказу. Перехід від прямої мови до непрямої зв'язаний з деякою зміною форми висловлювання, наприклад:

                                                                      Пряма мова                              Непряма мова

                                                        "I am ready," he said.             He said that he was ready.

"Will you come?" she asked   She asked him if he would him. come.

За формою непряма мова – це підрядне речення в складі складнопідрядного речення, де головне речення – це слова автора: He says that this contract is interesting.

При перетворенні прямої мови в непряму в англійській мові додержують певних правил, які подаються нижче. Непряма мова має форму додаткового підрядного речення, яке вводиться сполучником that або безсполучниково, до дієслів повідомлення to say, to tell, to write, to answer, to reply та ін. При цьому дієслово to tell завжди вживається з непрямим додатком, а дієслово to say – або з прийменниковим додатком (з прийменником to), або без нього. Дієслова to write, to answer, to reply звичайно вживають без непрямого або прийменникового додатків.

Learn the examples: 

Tom says he's going to study French.  

Jack told me that his hobby was collecting postage stamps. She answered that she knew nothing about it.

In her last letter she wrote that she had successfully passed all her exams.


1.          При перетворенні прямої мови у непряму треба дотримуватися правил узгодження часів. Відповідно до цих правил час дієслова прямої мови не змінюється, якщо дієслово, яке вводить непряму мову, стоїть у теперішньому часі.

Learn the examples:

                                            Пряма мова                                   Непряма мова

                   "I am very sorry."                     Не says (that) he is very sorry.

Jane: “I'll be ready in a moment.”Jane says  that  she'll be ready in a moment.



2.          Якщо дієслово повідомлення стоїть в одному з минулих часів (звичайно в Past Indefinite), то дієслово непрямої мови теж повинно вживатися в минулому часі, причому час дієслова при перетворенні прямої мови у непряму змінюється за такою схемою.

Пряма мова

Непряма мова

Present Indefinite

Past Indefinite

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Past Indefinite

Past Perfect

Future Indefinite

Future Indefinite in the Past

3.          Інші часи змінюються аналогічно (зсуваються в напрямі минулого). В українській мові такої зміни щодо вживання часів при перетворенні прямої мови в непряму немає. При цьому деякі займенники і прислівники часу і місця змінюються за такою схемою.

                                                                                    Пряма мова        Непряма мова



















(on) that day


this week

that week


the day before

last week

the week before

two days ago

two days before


the next day

next week

the next week


Learn the examples:

She said, „I am reading this application form now”. –  She said she was reading that application form then.

She said, "I wasn't here yesterday." –

She said (told us) that she had not been there the day before.


Розповідні речення в непрямій мові

Розповідне речення в непрямій мові – це підрядне додаткове речення, яке вводиться сполучником that або без нього. В головному реченні присудком найчастіше є дієслова say, tell, explain, answer: He answered that he didn’t have a watch.

Learn the examples:

say something (to someone)

He said, „I’ll come”.

He said to me / told me, „I’ll come”.

tell someone something He said (that) he would come.

He told me (that) he would come.

Пряма мова

Непряма сова

She  said,  "My  name is Helen."

She said that her name was Helen.


She told me that her name was Helen.

Не said, "I'll come tomorrow."

Не said (told me) (that) he would come the next day.

She said, "I wasn't here yesterday."

She said (told us) (that) she had not been there the day before.

Пряма мова

Непряма мова

Jane said, "I don't like this report."

Jane said (that) she didn't like that report.

My father said, "I visited this exhibition two years ago."

My father told me that he had visited that exhibition two years before.

Дієслова say/ tell мають такі особливості:


При зазначенні точної дати минулої події в прямій мові час Past Indefinite не змінюється при перетворенні в непряму: 


Learn the examples:

"I was born in 2000."She said that she was born in 2000.

Peter said, "I was at the conference of inventors in 2012." – Peter said that he was at the conference of inventors in 2012.


Загальні питання в непрямій мові

При перетворенні запитань з прямої мови в непряму дотримуються загальних правил, викладених вище.

Крім того, змінюється порядок слів: непрямі запитання на відміну від прямих характеризуються прямим порядком слів. У головному реченні звичайно вживається дієслово to ask. Загальні запитання вводяться у непрямій мові сполучниками if або whether.

                                 Пряма мова                           Непряма сова

                                 "Are you free tomorrow?"       I asked her if she was free the following day.

                                 "Do you speak English?"         She asked me whether I spoke English.

                                 "Can you play golf?"              I  asked him whether he could play golf.


Спеціальні питання в непрямій мові

Спеціальні запитання вводяться в непрямій мові відповідними питальними словами, які використовують як сполучні слова.

                             Пряма мова                                 Непряма мова

                             "Where are you going?"               He asked me where I was going.

"Why didn't you  get up earlier?"     The teacher asked Jack why he hadn't got up earlier.

                             "What do you think about it?"       I asked Mary what she thought about it.


14. Модальні дієслова (Modal Verbs)

В англійській мові існує група так званих модальних дієслів. Модальні дієслова – це така група допоміжних дієслів, які змінюють значення основного дієслова, надаючи відтінок обов’язковості, необхідності, можливості виконання дії. Модальні дієслова виражають не дію або стан, а відношення особи, позначеної займенником або іменником, що має в реченні функцію підмета, до дії або стану, виражених інфінітивом. Модальні дієслова не вживаються самостійно, а тільки в поєднанні з інфінітивом смислового дієслова та утворюють в реченні складений дієслівний присудок і називаються також дієсловами недостатніми, тому що не мають всіх часових форм, які мають інші дієслова. Модальні дієслова виражають значення можливості, необхідності, ймовірності, бажаності і т. п.

До модальних дієслів відносяться дієслова can, may, must, ought, need.

Інфінітив, з яким поєднуються модальні дієслова, вживається без частки to, крім інфінітива, який слідує за дієсловом ought.

Модальні дієслова відрізняються від інших дієслів тим, що вони не мають ряду форм.

1.          Дієслова can та may мають форми теперішнього і минулого часу (could і might), а дієслова must, ought і need мають тільки одну форму – теперішнього часу

2.          Модальні дієслова не мають неособистої форми – інфінітиву, герундія і дієприкметника.

3.          Модальні    дієслова      не      мають         закінчення-s         в        3-й           особі однини:

                                                He can do it.                              He ought to do it.

4.          Питальна і заперечна форми модальних дієслів в Present і Past Indefinite утворюються без допоміжного дієслова to do. У питальній формі модальне дієслово ставиться перед підметом: May you do it?

5.          У заперечній формі частка not ставиться відразу ж після модального дієслова. Дієслово can і заперечна частка not у теперішньому часі пишуться разом: cannot.

He cannot do it. Він не може цього зробити.

You may not smoke here. Тут курити не дозволяється.

Модальні дієслова мають такі скорочені заперечні форми: can’t, mayn’t, couldn’t, mightn’t, needn’t, mustn’t.

Learn the examples:

I couldn’t come yesterday because I was busy.

I can’t hear what you say. Speak louder, please.

We mightn’t pick up a couple of tickets at the entrance.


Модальні дієслова













can not / can’t

could not / couldn’t


Can he …?

Could he …?

Теоретична можливість










Can he …?

Could he …?

Дозвіл Прохання










may not cannot/  can’t

might not  / mightn’t

could not / couldn’t


May I …? Can I …?

Might I …? Could I …?














 спланованість наказ


must not / (заборона) need not /needn’t

(відсутність необхідності)





Must I …?

Need I …?

Yes, you must

No, you needn’t






should ought to






should not/ shouldn’t ought not / oughtn’t to



should I …? ought I …?



15. Способи дієслова (Moods)

 В англійській мові, як і в українській, виділяють три способи дієслова:

дійсний (the Indicative Mood), умовний (the Subjunctive Mood) і наказовий (the

Imperative Mood). Усі форми дієслова, які ми розглядали раніше, виражають дію як реальний факт у теперішньому, минулому і майбутньому часах, і є формами дійсного способу.


Вживання та утворення умовного способу

Умовний спосіб виражає дію не як реальну, а таку, що могла б відбутися за певних умов, або є бажаною (небажаною) реальною чи нереальною.

В українській мові умовний спосіб виражається за допомогою дієслова у минулому часі з часткою б, би, в англійській мові — багатьма формами.

За однією з класифікацій пропонується ділити форми умовного способу на три групи. До п е р ш о ї г р у п и належать Present Subjunctive, Past Subjunctive і Past Perfect Subjunctive.

Present Subjunctive збігається з інфінітивом без частки to і вживається для вираження необхідної, бажаної дії:

Learn the examples:

It is important that she be there. – Важливо, щоб вона була там.

It is desirable that Dan take part in the meeting. – Бажано, щоб Ден взяв участь у зборах.

Present Subjunctive не має часових форм: та сама форма може вживатись стосовно теперішнього, минулого і майбутнього часів.

Learn the examples:

Our manager suggested that the resumes be read on Friday.

Наш           менеджер    пропонує    (запропонував,     пропонуватиме), щоб прочитали у п’ятницю. 



 Past Subjunctive збігається за формою з Past Indefinite дійсного способу і виражає малореальну або нереальну дію, що відноситься до теперішнього або майбутнього часу, при цьому дієслово to be має форму were для всіх осіб однини і множини. Форми присудків:

Підрядне речення

Головне речення

V-ed (II форма дієслова)

should /would +V

If you asked me

I should help you tomorrow.

(Якби ви мене попросили

я б допоміг вам завтра)

If he wanted

he would do it right now.  

(Якби /якщо б він хотів

він би це зробив зараз же)


Learn the examples:

If I were you I shouldn’t do it. – Якби я був на вашому місці, я не зробив би це.

If she were here, she would help us. – Якби вона була тут, вона допомогла б нам. If I saw her tomorrow, І should ask her about it. – Якби я побачив її завтра, я запитав би її про це.


      Past Perfect Subjunctive збігається з Past Perfect дійсного способу і виражає нереальну дію в минулому. 

Learn the examples: 

If I had seen him yesterday, I should have asked him to help me.

Якби я побачив його вчора, я попросив би його допомогти мені.


Форми присудків:

Підрядне речення

Головне речення

had+ V3

should /would + have + V3

If you have asked me

I should have helped you then.

(Якби ви мене попросили

я б вам тоді допоміг)

If he had wanted

he would have done it long ago.

(Якби /якщо б він хотів

він би давно це зробив)


I /he/she /etc wish         + підмет + V-ed (II форма  дієслова) I wish I had time. – Шкода, що в мене немає часу.

I wish you didn’t do this. – Я б не хотів, щоб ти це робив.

If only

Learn the examples: If only he knew the answer (now).

Якби він тільки знав відповідь (зараз).


До д р у г о ї г р у п и умовного способу належить поєднання should (для всіх осіб однини і множини) з Indefinite Infinitive і з Perfect Infinitive.


Learn the examples: 

It is desirable that the work should be ready by 6 o'clock.

Бажано, щоб робота була закінчена до 6-ї години. 

I am sorry that he should think so. – Шкода, що він так думав,  Why should they think so? – Чому вони так думають? 


До т р е т ь о ї г р у п и належить поєднання should (для 1-ї особи однини і множини) і would (для решти осіб однини і множини) з Indefinite Infinitive та Perfect Infinitive.


Learn the examples: 

If he had read this book yesterday, he would have answered the question. 

Якби він прочитав цю книжку вчора, він би відповів на запитання.




Вживання та утворення наказового способу

Дієслова у наказовому способі виражають с п о н у к а н н я до дії, тобто наказ, прохання, пораду тощо.  

Стверджувальна форма другої особи наказового способу збігається з формою інфінітива, але без частки to:

to write — Write! Пиши! Пишіть!

to go — Go! Йди! Йдіть!


Заперечна форма другої особи наказового способу утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to do, заперечної частки not та інфінітива основного дієслова без to. В усному мовленні замість do not звичайно вживається скорочена форма don't.

Don't (do not) write! He пиши!/Не пишіть!

Don't (do not) be late! He спізнюйся!/Не спізнюйтесь!

Для утворення форм наказового способу першої і третьої особи однини й множини вживається дієслово let у сполученні з відповідним особовим займенником в об'єктному відмінку або іменником у загальному відмінку та інфінітивом основного дієслова без частки to.

Learn the examples: 

Let us (let's) read. – Давай(те) почитаємо. /Почитаймо.

Let him read. – (Не)хай він почитає.

Let this student answer. – (Не)хай цей студент відповідає.


Заперечна форма першої і третьої особи утворюється за допомогою don't let

(do not let):

Learn the examples: 

Don't let him go. – (Не)хай він не йде./Не дозволяйте) йому йти. 

Don't let me go. – He дозволяй(те) мені йти.

Don't let them speak Ukrainian at an English lesson. – 

He дозволяй(те) їм говорити по-українському на уроці англійської мови.

16. Інфінітив

В англійській мові інфінітив має форми стану, а також часу (на відміну від неозначеної форми дієслова в українській мові). Але часова форма інфінітива, як і інших неособових форм, лише вказує на співвіднесеність з моментом дії, вираженої дієсловом в особовій формі. При цьому форми стану звичайно мають лише перехідні дієслова (див. таблицю).

Форми інфінітива


Активний стан

Пасивний стан



to + V to take

to be + V3 to be taken

Дія одночасна з дією присудка або майбутня


to have + V3 to have taken

to have been + V3 to have been taken

Дія, що передує дії присудка


to be + V-ing to be taking


Дія, що триває або є тимчасовою

Perfect Continuous

to have been + V-ing to have been taking


Тривала дія, що передує дії присудка


Вживання інфінітива Інфінітив у реченні може бути: а) підметом:

Learn the examples:

То know English means first of all to be able to speak English. To say such a thing would be unfair.


Інфінітив-підмет звичайно стоїть після присудка, а речення в цих випадках починається з вставного it.

It would be unfair to say such a thing.

Найбільш типовими конструкціями такого типу є:

It is (was, will be, has been, would be, must be) better (good, bad, easy, difficult, necessary, nice, hard, impossible, interesting, important, strange) + інфінітив.

Learn the examples:

It's impossible to understand what you say.

Do you think it would be better to go there tomorrow?

It's so good to see you again.

It must be interesting to work there.

Will it be hard to pass the examination?


It is (was, etc.) kind (wrong, wise, unwise, clever, rude, unkind, bold, nice, careless, good) of smb. + інфінітив.


Learn the examples:

It was wrong of you to say such a thing.

It's so kind of you to help me.

It's so nice of you to come.


б) додатка до дієслова; як прямий (безприйменниковий) додаток інфінітив найчастіше вживається після дієслів to agree, to advise, to allow, to begin, to continue, to decide, to desire, to expect, to fear, to forget, to hope, to hate, to intend, to learn, to like, to love, to manage, to mean (мати намір), to need, to offer, to prefer, to pretend, to promise, to propose, to refuse, to regret, to remember, to try, to trouble

(турбувати себе), to want, to wish.


Learn the examples:

We promised to be at home by seven.

How did you manage to get here before us?

I hate to argue.  

Please don't trouble to see me out.

Don't forget to buy some ink.


в) додатка до прикметника; інфінітив як додаток приймають прикметники afraid, able, anxious, delighted, eager, glad, pleased, ready, sorry, unable:

Learn the examples:

I'm always ready to help you.

I'm sorry to be late.

Everybody was anxious to know what had happened.

We were sorry not to see you at the meeting.

You are not afraid to go alone, are you?

We were delighted to hear of your success.

I'm very pleased to meet you.


г) Інфінітив може вживатись майже після будь-якого прикметника, який означається прислівником ступеня too або enough. У цьому разі інфінітив

виконує функцію обставини результату.

I'm too tired to go any further.

I was near enough to see everything.

д) означення (постпозитивного) до іменника (займенника) :

Learn the examples:

Come on, we've no time to waste.  

Please give me some water to drink

Не was the first to arrive and the last to leave.

I haven't anything more to say.

Now it's your turn to recite.

That's a difficult sound to pronounce.


У цій функції за інфінітивом нерідко йде прийменник.


Will you give me a knife to cut the bread with?

What a fine garden to play in!

What's the matter?Nothing to worry about.

е) предикатива:

Our plan is to start at once.

ж) обставини мети:

Learn the examples:

I've come here to work, not to play.

We stopped to have a rest.

We sent Mike to buy some stamps.


з) обставини результату:


I'm too busy to go to the match today.

You are clever enough to do the job yourself.

It's never too late to learn.

My sister is too young to go to the University.


У сполученні з відносними займенниками і прислівниками what, which, whom, how, when, where, а також із сполучниками if і whether інфінітив утворює групи, які можуть вживатися у функції різних членів речення.


I don't know what to do (додаток).

The question is where to go and what to see (предикатив).

What to do next was our main problem (підмет).

I didn't know whether to go on or turn back (додаток).

Do you know how to translate this contract? (додаток).


Інфінітивні конструкції

Складний підмет Ця інфінітивна конструкція має таку структуру:

іменник/ займенник


(в пасивному стані)      

+ інфінітив

The key

is known

to have been lost.


is unlikely

to change his mind.


Українською мовою складний підмет найчастіше перекладаємо безособовим реченням.

Складний підмет вживається, коли присудком є такі дієслова: allow, permit, order, make, force, ask, request, know, believe, expect, consider, suppose, say, report, see, etc:

Learn the examples:

They were ordered to stand up. – Їм наказали встати.

She was made to eat porridge. – ЇЇ примусили їсти вівсяну кашу.


Складний додаток

Складний додаток складається з іменника або займенника в об’єктивному відмінку та інфінітива і перекладається українською мовою здебільшого підрядним додатковим реченням:

Learn the example:

We wanted Paul /him to help us. –

Ми хотіли, щоб Пол /він допоміг нам.


Складний додаток вживається після таких дієслів: allow, permit, recommend, advise, request, ask, persuade, warn, (dis) like, hate, want, wish, know, suppose, believe, declare, expect, think, consider, wait (for), etc:

Learn the example:

She ordered the car to be washed. –

Вона наказала, щоб машину помили.


Після дієслів see, watch, observe, notice, hear, listen, feel, make

(примушувати), let інфінітив вживається без частки to:

Learn the example:

He watched the children play. – Він спостерігав, як діти гралися. 

17. Герундій

Герундій – неособова форма дієслова, яка поєднує властивості дієслова та іменника. Такої неособової форми в українській мові немає.

Герундій має неозначену і перфектну форми активного і пасивного стану.

За формою герундій збігається з відповідними формами дієприкметника. Форми герундія


Активний стан

Пасивний стан



V-ing making

being + V3 being made

Дія одночасна з дією присудка або майбутня


having +V3 having made

having been + V3 having been made

Дія, що передує дії присудка


Learn the example:

She avoided speaking to strangers. – Вона уникала розмов з незнайомцями.

    I don’t admit having done it. – Я не визнаю, що зробив це (раніше).


Н е о з н а ч е н а ф о р м а г е р у н д і я (Indefinite Gerund) означає дію, одночасну з дією, вираженою дієсловом-присудком; дію, яка відноситься до майбутнього часу; дію, безвідносну до часу її виконання.


Learn the examples:

I am fond of reading. – Я люблю читати (завжди).

We think of going there іп an hour. – Ми думаємо піти

туди через годину (у майбутньому).


П е р ф е к т н а ф о р м а г е р у н д і я (Perfect Gerund) виражає дію, що

передує дії, вираженій дієсловом – присудком речення.

Learn the example:

I don't remember having read it. – Я не пам'ятаю, щоб я раніше читав це.

Герундій, як інфінітив і дієприкметник, може утворювати синтаксичний комплекс, який виконує роль складного члена речення і рівноцінний підрядному реченню. Герундій і присвійний займенник або іменник у присвійній формі, які стоять перед ним, утворюють г е р у н д і а л ь н и й к о м п л е к с .

Комплекс з герундієм складається з двох частин: перша частина комплексу – присвійний займенник або іменник у присвійному відмінку, який є означенням до герундія, друга – герундій.


Learn the example:

I remember his taking part in the competition. –

Я пам'ятаю, що він брав участь у змаганні.

Excuse my interrupting you.Пробачте, що я перебив вас.


Герундіальний комплекс виконує в реченні такі функції:

          складного прямого додатка; після дієслів to mind, to excuse, to forgive, to pardon, to understand герундій вживається, як правило, в комплексі:

You must forgive our coming late.

Please excuse my disturbing you.

          складного прийменникового додатка:

Did your mother agree to your going on this trip?

Do you object to my taking part in the competition?

          складного означення:

Is there any objection to my sitting here?

I had no idea of your leaving tomorrow.

          складного підмета:

Your coming here always gives us much pleasure.

Our going there now won't help much.

          складної обставини (завжди з прийменником):

I can never do anything without your (you) interfering


Glossary of international abbreviations


Bank for International           БМР 


Банк міжнародних розрахунків


Central American Common ЦАСР


Центральноамериканський спільний ринок


Common Customs Tariff       СМТ

Єдиний митний тариф


Council of Europe                 РЕ

Рада Європи


Council for Mutual                РЕВ

Economic Assistance

Рада Економічної



Conference on Security and НБСЄ

Нарада з безпеки і співробітництва в Європі

cooperation in Europe 



Commonwealth of

Independent States


Співдружність Незалежних держав


European Atomic Energy



Європейське співтовариство з атомної енергії 


European Bank for

Reconstruction and




Європейський банк реконструкції і розвитку


European Economic




Європейське економічне співтовариство


Economic Commission for



Європейська економічна комісія


European currency unit  



Європейська валютна одиниця


European Free Trade Association  



Європейської Асоціації Вільної Торгівлі


European Investment Bank


Європейський інвестиційний банк


European Monetary




Європейська валютна система


European Monetary Union  ЄВС 


Європейський валютний союз



 The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 



Генеральна угода з тарифів і торгівлі


International Chamber of




Міжнародна торгова палата


International Finance



Міжнародна фінансова корпорація


International Monetary



Міжнародний валютний фонд


International Shipowners’



Міжнародна Асоціація судновласників


Organisation for Economic

Cooperation and



Організація економічного співробітництва та розвитку 


Organization of the

Petroleum Exporting




Організація країн експортерів нафти


 United Nations

Development Programme


Програма розвитку ООН


United Nations

Educational, Scientific and

Cultural Organization 


Організація Об’єднаних Націй з питань освіти, науки і культури


World Health Organization  ВООЗ

Всесвітня організація охорони здоров’я 


World Trade Organisation      COT



Всесвітня торгова  організація

English-Ukrainian Dictionary of abbreviations  



American Federation of Small


- Американська асоціація дрібних підприємців



Business and Professional

Women’s Association

- Асоціація ділових та професійних жінок



Cost-Accounting Standards


- Управління стандартів калькуляції собівартості



Committee for Economic


- комітет сприяння економічному розвитку



chief executive officer

- головний виконавчий директор; керівник вищого рангу



European Central Bank

- Європейський центральний банк



European Communities

Communications Office

- Бюро із зв’язків європейських спільнот



Economic Development


- Комісія економічного розвитку



foreign direct investment

- прямі іноземні інвестиції



Federal Financing Bank

- Федеральний банк фінансування



Generally Accepted Accounting - загальноприйняті принципи

Principles                                        бухгалтерського обліку



gross national product                  - валовий національний




International Advertising             - Міжнародна асоціація

Association                                     реклами



Joint Committee for Investment - Об’єднаний комітет з and Trade          інвестицій та торгівлі



National Union of Bank               - Національний союз

Employees                                      банківських службовців


National Association of

Participants on the Securities 


- Національна асоціація учасників фондового ринку



National Association of


- Національна асоціація гуртових торговців та дистриб’юторів



Scientific Advisory Board

- Науково-консультативний комітет



Scientific and Technical

Information Centre

- Центр науково-технічної інформації



Small Business Fund

- Фонд підтримки малих підприємств



state-owned enterprise

- державне підприємство



United Nations Special Fund for

Economic Development

- Спеціальний фонд ООН для економічного розвитку



World Trade Centre

- Всесвітній торговий центр













World Trade Information Centre - Всесвітній центр торгової




Reference list

1.   Буданов С.І., Борисова А.О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова / С.І. Буданов,  А.О. Борисова – Харків : « ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС», 2005 – 128с.

2.   Богацький Л.С. Бизнес-курс английского языка. / Л.С. Богацькій // Словарьсправочник. Под общей ред. Богацкого И.С. – 2-е изд.перераб. – Киев : «Логос», 1997. – 352с.

3.   Верховцова О.М. Making a new start / О.М. Верховцова // Навчальнометодичний посібник з курсу ділової англійської мови. – Вінниця : «Поділля2000», 2001 – 256 с.

4.   Гужва Т.М. Англійські розмовні теми : 67 тем / Т.М. Гужва // Навч. посіб. для студентів факультету іноземної філології. – Харків : Фоліо, 2006.

5.   Дюканова Н.М. Англійська мова професійного спрямування (економічні спеціальності ) / Н.М. Дюканова // Навчальний посібник. – Київ : ТОВ «ВП Логос-М», 2009. – 384 с.

6.   Качуровська І.М. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням) / І.М. Качуровська // Завдання для практичних занять. Укл.: Качуровська І. М. –

К. : НМЦ «Укроопосвіта», 2007.

7.   Красюк Н.Д. Економіка та фінанси в діловій англійській мові / Н.Д. Красюк // Навчальний посібник. – Львів : ЛБІ НБУ, 2004.

8.   Олейнікова    О.М. Англійська мова професійного       спілкування         /

О.М. Олейнікова // Навчальний посібник – Львів : ,,Новий Світ – 2000”, 2008. 9. Шпак В.К. Англійська для економістів і бізнесменів / В.К. Шпак //

Навчальний посібник – Київ : Вища шк., 2006. – 223с. 

10.      Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in use. Cambridge University Press. – 2001. – 350 c.

11.      Norman S. We’re in Business. English for commercial practice and international trade. / Student’s book. – England: Longman, 1990.

12.      David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, New Market Leader Business English Course Intermediate, Logman, 2007. 

Навчальне видання




Petrushenko Olha Oleksandrivna


Петрушенко Ольга Олександрівна





for students of vocational schools


Англійська мова 

для учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів 



Навчальний посібник з курсу англійської мови для учнів професійнотехнічних навчальних закладів



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