Зміст і цінність методичного посібника «Впровадження Case методу на уроках англійської мови в початкових класах» в тому, що підібрані матеріали відповідають програмі з англійської мови. Весь лексичний та граматичний матеріал,охоплюють теми, які учні вивчають у початкових класах. У кожному уроці подаються вправи, які допомагають активізувати та закріпити вживання лексики, формують навички і знання з кожної теми.
Впровадження Case- методу на уроках англійської мови в початковій школі
Національна доктрина розвитку освіти запроваджує пошук ефективних шляхів оптимізації іншомовної підготовки молодших школярів. Пріорітетного значення набувають використання освітніх інновацій у навчально-виховному процесі. Запровадження інноваційних технологій навчання дає змогу учням ефективно оволодіти іноземними мовами, мотивують до іншомовної комунікації, допомагають розкрити творчі здібності кожного учня.
Метод Case є цікавою активною формою навчання і має значний потенціал до застосування його у процесі навчання іноземної мови молодших школярів. Він ставить за мету максимально активізувати кожного учня і залучити його до процесу власної іншомовної діяльності, підвищує рівень знань та розвиває творче мислення учнів, формує інтерес і позитивну мотивацію до навчання.
Цінність методу Case у навчанні іноземних мов полягає у тому, що акцент навчання переноситься не на оволодіння готовими знаннями , а на продуктивні. Учитель і учні постійно взаємодіють.
Серед основних типів кейсів – кейс-випадок, кейс-вправа,кейс-ситуація. Доцільно у початкових класах використовувати кейс-ситуацію або кейс-вправу. Кейс-ситуація надасть змогу учням проаналізувати подану ситуацію. Кейс-вправа дозволить застосувати на практиці здобуті практичні навички іншомовної компетенції.
Даний посібник містить розробки кейс-вправ для учнів молодших класів.
Зміст і цінність методичного посібника «Впровадження Case методу на уроках англійської мови в початкових класах» в тому, що підібрані матеріали відповідають програмі з англійської мови. Весь лексичний та граматичний матеріал,охоплюють теми, які учні вивчають у початкових класах. У кожному уроці подаються вправи, які допомагають активізувати та закріпити вживання лексики, формують навички і знання з кожної теми. Вправи є комунікативно спрямованими з опорами різних видів: змістові і смислові, словесні і зображальні. Вчитель може використовувати матеріал в найрізноманітніших формах. Завдання, представлені до вашої уваги, є цікавими та творчими.
Ефективність навчання іноземних мов за допомогою методу Casе очевидна. Учневі надається можливість перевірити теорію на практиці, творчо мислити, активізувати свої здібності.
Перевагам цього методу перед традиційними технологіями, які застосовують
на уроках іноземної мови в початкових класах, полягає в тому, що він зацікавлює учнів процесом навчання, сприяє засвоєнню знань і навичок, формує інтерес до навчання.
Lesson 1
Apples here, apples there,
Apples, apples everywhere.
[æ] [ei]
bag name
bad game
glad date
cat make
2.Fill in the missing letters.
Go…d mo…ning he…lo
Goo…d e…ening h…
Goo… b…e by…-bye
Good after…oon goo…-night
What is your na…e? My na…e is Dan.
Добрий день - До побачення -
Надобраніч- Добрий вечір –
Привіт - Добрий день –
4.Find these words in the table.(hello,hi, name, is,what, goodbye,my your).
k |
i |
t |
e |
c |
m |
o |
T |
h |
E |
r |
h |
e |
l |
l |
o |
f |
m |
P |
i |
S |
H |
r |
g |
o |
o |
d |
b |
y |
E |
t |
O |
P |
h |
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n |
a |
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d |
w |
W |
h |
A |
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u |
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h |
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m |
A |
G |
P |
e |
n |
a |
m |
e |
o |
N |
y |
E |
S |
Lesson 2
B –Bounce! Bounce! It s my ball!
It does not want to stop at all!
Big Bob
Ben Ben
Bingo box
Bill bed
2.Find the right translation.
A bear крокодил
A fox ведмідь
A lion мавпа
A monkey лисиця
A crocodile лев
3.Find the words in the table.
T |
u |
r |
k |
E |
y |
C |
a |
t |
O |
w |
e |
z |
L |
p |
H |
q |
i |
R |
y |
d |
j |
E |
s |
E |
w |
g |
T |
p |
u |
p |
P |
y |
E |
k |
e |
O |
i |
l |
n |
H |
p |
T |
a |
r |
I |
g |
a |
w |
A |
y |
A |
p |
c |
S |
o |
m |
s |
N |
g |
H |
s |
a |
E |
j |
b |
y |
T |
s |
O |
z |
l |
P |
a |
n |
d |
A |
k |
I |
w |
f |
4.Fill can /can't in the sentences.
1The fox ____ fly.
2. The frog ____ play tennis.
3.The lion _____ run.
4. The tiger _____ read.
5. The giraffe ____ swim.
6. The parrot _____ fly.
Lesson 3 9
C- I am a cat
My name is Hat
Iam not fat
I like to chat.
[k] [c]
Cat cellar
Cab ceiling
Can center
Cap circus
2.Find the right translation.
A dog корова
A cat гуска
A goose папуга
A hen кіт
A parrot собака
A cow курка
3.Name the animal
4.Answer the questions.
1.Where can we see the domestic animals?
2. What domestic animals do you know?
3. Can the horse run?
4. Does the dog eat bones?
5.Has the cat got a long tail?
5.Fill don't/ doesn't in the sentences and translate them into Ukrainian.
1.Cows ______ live in the forest.
2.The cat _____ like fruit.
3.Pigs ____ eat meat.
4.Horses ____ eat bones.
5.The dog ____ like cats
Lesson 4
L – Who lives in Africa?
He, she or me?
One lion, two lions, three.
Leg look
Lip lost
Little doll
Left tell
How are you? шість
I am seven У мене все добре
Ten Десять
Three Як у тебе справи?
Seven Скільки тобі років?
I am good три
Six сім
How old are you? Мені сім років.
3. Translate the dialogue.
- Добрий день.
-Як тебе звати?
-Мене звати Ден.Як у тебе справи?
- У мене все гаразд.Дякую. Як у тебе справи?
-У мене все добре.Скільки тобі років?
-Мені 7 років. А тобі скільки років?
- Мені 9 років.
-До побачення.
-До побачення.
4.Match the words and the numbers.
six один
Eight десять
Ten два
Eleven вісім
Two одинадцять
One шість
Lesson 5
H- Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?
I am a poor mouse,
I have no house.
Hen has
Her hand
His hand
He hi
Hello hat
2.Find the right translation.
I jump. Чи вмієш ти малювати?
I can go. Я стрибаю.
I can not swim. Чи вмієш ти літати?
I can write. Я вмію читати.
I can play games. Я вмію писати.
I can read. Я вмію ходити.
Can you draw pictures? Я не вмію плавати.
Can you fly? Я вмію грати ігри.
3.Make the interrogative and negative sentences.
Example: I can run.- Can I run.-I can not run
I can go. I can sing.
I can fly. I can sleep.
I can swim. I can drink.
I can dance. I can eat.
4.Find these words in the table.
(Jump, swim, fly, run, go, sleep, draw, write, count, play, can)
j |
g |
s |
w |
i |
m |
W |
H |
Y |
m |
p |
y |
s |
u |
p |
l |
a |
y |
f |
R |
S |
L |
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e |
p |
g |
m |
a |
c |
a |
n |
r |
I |
D |
L |
p |
n |
v |
x |
p |
t |
g |
y |
u |
u |
T |
D |
R |
a |
w |
w |
q |
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y |
o |
a |
v |
n |
E |
B |
M |
n |
j |
x |
p |
d |
f |
l |
y |
l |
k |
C |
O |
U |
n |
t |
h |
i |
Lesson 6 12
This is my father.
This is my mother.
This is my brother Paul.
This is my sister, this is my uncle.
How I love them all!
Father for
Fox five
Flat family
Friend food
From fix
2.Choose the odd word.
1.Mother, father,uncle,grandfather.
2.Sister, brother, mother, cousin.
3.Grandfather, cousin, sun, sister.
4.Granfater,grandmother, husband, grandparents.
5.Grandson,aunt, niece, teacher.
3.Complete the sentences with words mother’s, husband, grandfather, sister, father, brother.
1. My _____________ is sixty years old.
2. My_____________ is a doctor.
3.My _____________name is Kate.
4.Do you have a younger______ or a______?
5.Does every wife have a _______?
4. Find 9 words on the topic “My family”.
H |
F |
A |
T |
H |
E |
R |
B |
U |
S |
I |
S |
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G |
H |
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R |
Lesson 7
Kk- The King is strong.
The king is brave.
What is his name?
He is Nick grey.
Kept take
Drink desk
Make milk
Book ski
2.How old are the children?
3.Count and name.
4.Fill in the missing letter.
Sev…n fo…r
o…e ei…ht
…wo t…n
Ele…en ..ive
n…ne th…ee
Lesson 8
Gg-I am a girl
I have a doll.
Her name is May.
We like to play.
[g] [dz]
Go frog agent
Get log page
Egg big imagine
Bag dog age
2.Find the right translation.
Black рожевий
Red зелений
White коричнивий
Blue білий
Brown голубий
Green червоний
Pink чорний
3.Complete the sentences.
The sun is…
Sugar is…
The sky is…
Chocolate is…
4.Choose the correct word.
Raspberries are blue/red.
Mushrooms are green/ brown.
Snow is black/ white.
Sand is yellow/orange.
The sky is blue/orange.
5.Fill in the missing letters.
wh…te, b…ack, r…d, …ellow, gre…n, bl…e, or…nge, pu…ple, gr…y, pin…, bro…n
Lesson 9
Oo- Toys,toys,toys!
Lots of lovely toys!
In my toy-box there are toys
For every girl and every boy.
[ɔ ] [ɔ u]
Dog no
Fox nose
Got hello
On go
Hot so
2.Find the words which you can see.
P |
k |
A |
e |
c |
B |
P |
L |
i |
R |
y |
a |
A |
R |
A |
t |
M |
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r |
T |
Y |
N |
e |
U |
d |
o |
L |
L |
E |
t |
Q |
a |
v |
N |
W |
B |
i |
C |
y |
c |
L |
E |
3.Complete the sentences with names of the toys.
I always ride the _________ in summer.
My new __________ can really fly.
Lora has many ________ at home.
My favourite toy is____________.
4.Fill in the missing letters.
d…ll, k…te, bi…e, b…ll, c..r, teddy be…r, cl…wn.
Lesson 10
Uu- I have got a flower above my head
Blue and yellow, green and red
This is an umbrella.
[ʌ] [ju] [u]
Number computer ruler
Fun music sure
Run Ukraine blue
Under Ukrainian
2.Name the words.
3.Complete the sentences with words: timetable, teachers, pencil, bag, chalk, blackboard.
1.There are five or six lesson in my_________.
2.I cannot draw without my___________.
3.Our _________ always come in time.
4.We usually write with a piece of __________.
5.I always have a pencil box in my _________.
4.Choose the odd word.
1. a pen,a book, a dog,a daybook.
2.a bag,a cat, a ruler, a pencil.
3.a copy book, a sharpener,a lion.
4.a pencil, a pencil box, red,a rubber.
5.Find words which you know.
Lesson 11
Ii - Spring is coming! Warm and nice!
Ice is melting! Poor ice!
[I] [ ai]
Six kind
His nine
Big like
In ride
2.Name the words
3.Find 10 words in this table.
E |
Y |
e |
K |
H |
M |
A |
S |
a |
B |
A |
O |
R |
L |
n |
T |
N |
U |
N |
H |
e |
A |
D |
T |
O |
A |
c |
U |
V |
H |
S |
I |
k |
L |
E |
G |
E |
R |
l |
I |
P |
I |
4.Complete the sentences.
1. I can write with my________.
2. I can watch with my_______.
3. I can jump with my________.
4. I can hear with my_________.
5. I can smell with my_________.
Lesson 12
Ww – Why do you cry Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why Willy?Why Willy?
Why Willy ? Why?
2.Complete the poem with these words: yellow, green, white, bright.
Spring is ______.
Summer is _____.
Autumn is _____.
Winter is ______.
3.Complete the table with these words:
Hot, sunny, wet, frosty, snowy, warm, windy, cold.
Winter |
Spring |
Summer |
Autumn |
4. Read and say what season it is: spring, winter, autumn, summer.
1. It is hot. There are a lot of flowers in the parks and gardens.-_______
2. It is a tasty season. There are a lot of vegetables and fruit.-_________.
3.It is very cold. It often snows, it is usually frosty.-___
4.Holidays are over. School begins.-_______
5.Birds come back from warm countries.
5. Write names of the month in the correct order.
August, February, September, December, July, March, April, May, November, January, June, October.
January,______,_______, _______,________ , _______, _____, ________.
Lesson 13
J j- Jolly Jimmy Jinn
Is jumping in his jeans
Jack January
Jacket job
Jam joke
4.Fill in the missing letters into the words.
B_o_se, d_es_, t_ouse_s, jea_s, ski_t, h_t, sh_es, co_t, boo_s, c_p.
Lesson 14
Mm- Little mice, little mice,
Would you like a piece of ice?
We would like a piece of cheese
Yes ,please.
Monkey melon
Mother milk
Meal meat
2.Look at the pictures and do the crossword
3.Circle the correct answer.
1.We usually drink tea with salt/sugar.
2. Small children like milk/ pepper very much.
3.I always drink honey/ coffee in the morning.
4.I like drink jam/ juice.
5.Chocalate/salad is very good for our health.
4.Complete the sentences.
I usually have_______________ for breakfast.
I usually have________________ for dinner.
I usually have ________ ______ for supper.
I like to eat ___________________for lunch.
5.Find the odd word.
1.Meat, apples, oranges, bananas.
2.Coffee,mushrooms, tea, juice.
3.Carrots, potatoes, pizza, tomatoes.
4.Meat, sausage,chicken,milk.
Lesson 15
Yy- Fly! Fly! In the sky!
My nice and funny kite!
[I] [ai]
Family fly
Happy my
Very sky
On Monday I drive a car.
On Tuesday I go to the cinema.
On Wednesday I go for a run.
On Thursday I lie in the sun.
On Friday I go shopping.
On Saturday I dance without stopping.
On Sunday I sleep until ten.
The I get ready to start a week again.
3.Find, circle and write the days of the week.
4.Say what can you do on these days (ex. It is Monday. I can watch TV).
Monday Friday Saturday Wednesday Sunday
Lesson 16
Xx- X is in the box, Max and six
Look at that and look at this.
Box mix
Fox fix
2.Match the words with it translation.
Tomato банан
Potato картопля
Cabbage морква
Carrot помідор
Banana капуста
3.Fill like/likes into the sentences.
1.The hen_____ seeds.
2.Cats _______mice.
3. The cat _____ fish.
4. Foxes ______chicken.
5. The crocodile_______ meat.
4. Complete the sentences with the names of fruits or vegetables.
1.I like to eat _____ and ______ in summer.
2.Many people like to drink _____ juice.
3.My mother always put _____ and _____ into the salad.
4. Do you like tea with _______?
5. Children must to eat one ______ every day?
6.I like to eat________ in winter.
7. My favourite vegetable is _______.
5. Find and circle words on the theme “ Vegetables and fruits”
C |
A |
b |
B |
A |
G |
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Lesson 17
Ss- Snake and snail
Want to sail.
Six school
Seven sport
Subject desk
2.Match the question and the answer.
1.Do you speak English? a) Run and jump.
2. What is your favourite subject? b) We draw.
3. How many lessons do you have c) No, I do not.
every day?
4.What do you do at PE? d) I have 5 or 6 lessons
every day.
5. What do you do at the e) Music.
Lesson of Art?
3.Read and say what thing it is.
1.I always draw there._____
2.I can help with its help. ____
3.I always have pens, pencils, a ruler in it. _____
4.There are five or six lessons in my…..___
5.We draw with a piece of chalk on it.____
4.Find 8 words and write them out.
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G |
L |
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D |
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G |
N |
Lesson 18
Qq-Mary the Queen
Can dance and sing.
Quickly question
Queen quite
Quiz quest
2.What holidays can these words describe?
1.Winter, snow, Santa Claus –
2.Love,February, hearts –
3. Parade, square, veterans –
4. Eggs ,Bunny, hot cross buns –
3. Match the guestions with the answers
1.What do we celebrate on the a)On the 25th of December.
14th of February?
2.When do we British people b)On the 1st of January.
Celebrate Christmas?
3.When do we celebrate the New Year? c) St. Valentines Day.
4. When do we celebrate Christmas? d) In spring.
5.When do we celebrate Easter? e) On the 7th of January.
4.Write these words in proper column.
Holidays |
Month |
Seasons |
Days of the week |
5. On what occasions do we use these words?
1.Many happy returns of the day. ________
2.Happy New Year. ________
3. Be my Valentine. _________
4.Merry Christmas. _____
5.Trick or treat._______
6.Christ is risen. _______
Lesson 19
Pp- Penguin, parrot and peacock
Want to buy the better lock.
Pig profession
Pen pupil
Pencil pilot
2.Circle the correct answer.
1. A teacher woks in a hospital/ school.
2.A baker works in a bakers / school.
3. A waiter works in a cafe/office.
4.A doctor works in a supermarket/ hospital.
3.Find the odd word.
1. A driver, a baker, a book, a doctor.
2. A desk, a cook, a teacher, a waiter.
3. A techer, a nurse, a pilot, a cabbage.
4. A secretary, a pencil, a driver, a sportsman.
4.Choose, circle and write.
1. teach children/sick/ school - _teach children_
2.help people/ bake/cars - ________________
3.drive bike/ bus/ plane - __________________
4.grow car/ vegetables/ dinner - ____________
5. work in a bank/ job/sick - _________________
5.Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.
1.A __________ works in a hospital.
2. A__________ works in a school.
3.A __________ works at the zoo.
4. A __________ drives a bus.
5. A __________works in an office, next to her boss.
6.A ___________ works in a supermarket.
7. A ___________ works on a fire truck.
Lesson 20
Rr- Rabbit Rodger likes to run
In the morning summer sun.
Red rabbit
Read ruler
Ride run
2.Match the words with its translation.
To swim кататися на санках
To sledge слухати музику
To ski колекціонувати
To collect плавати
Football кататися на лижах
Listen to music футбол
3.Read the words and choose the names of the games.
Dancing, tennis. swimming,football, basketball, jumping,music,dancing,hockey,singing.
4.Complete the sentences.
1. My hobby is______________.
2. I like ___________________.
3.I have a collection of __________.
4.I am fond of __________________.
5. I like to_________ at my days off.
6. I like to ________ with my friends.
5. Match the sentences.
1.My hobby is a)skate and sledge.
2. My best friend b) the guitar.
3. I like riding c) in my collection.
4. There are 50 cards d) plaing football
5. I can play e) in singing.
6. I like to f) collect badges
6.Complete the poem with the words from the box.
duck, bird, fish, frog, rabbit, child, dog
Can you hop like a___ ?
Can you jump like a__ ?
Can you walk like a ___?
Can you run like a___ ?
Can you fly like a ___?
Can you swim like a ___?
Can you sit like a good__ ?
Lesson 21
Ee- Elephant is so big,
He likes eating tasty fig.
[e] [I]
End ear
Elephant he
Hen she
2.Choose the odd word.
1. hall, kitchen, flat, bedroom, bathroom.
2. shelf, sofa, armchair, carpet, bed.
3. stairs, window, door, wall,picture.
4.window,door, floor, table.
3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1.The place where people cook is ____________.
2.The place where people have meals is __________.
3. The place where people sleep is _______________.
4. The place where people wash, have a shower and a bath is _______.
5.The place where people take off coats, hats and boots is ___________.
6. The place where people have a rest is __________________.
4.Find and circle the words in the table.
s |
o |
f |
a |
c |
a |
r |
p |
e |
t |
a |
r |
m |
c |
h |
a |
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f |
b |
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k |
c |
a |
s |
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a |
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w |
a |
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d |
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b |
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y |
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w |
f |
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b |
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d |
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c |
o |
o |
k |
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r |
r |
p |
t |
a |
b |
l |
e |
j |
l |
e |
5. Choose the correct.
1. The vase / hall is on the lamp/table.
2.There is a big kitchen/ mirror on the wall in the hall.
3. There are two big bathrooms/ windows in my room.
4. The chair / bedroom is near the ceiling/sofa.
5. There is a big kitchen/mirror on the wall in the hall.
6.Name these words.
Lesson 22
Tt.- Tick-tock, tick-tock.It is 9 o clock
School starts at nine o clock
1. Read
Train ticker
Table travel
Tick travelling
2.Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
black travelling to travel fares railway station underground
3.Cross the odd word.
1)tram, trolleybus, underground, ticket.
2)trip, board, voyage, journey.
3. beforehand, airport, sea port, railway station.
4.underground, tram, bus, ground.
5.train, voyage, journey, trip.
4.Match the questions with the answers.
Do you go to school by tram? a) No, I am not.
How do you like to travel? b) On foot.
Are you going on a voyage this weekend? c) No, I do not.
How do you get to school? d) By car.
How can she get to London? e) By plane.
5.Complete the sentences.
I like to travel by .He likes to travel by .
They like to travel by . He likes to travel by
6.Translate into English.
Літаком____, поїздом____, автобусом___, машиною___, таксі_____, кораблем____, човном___, пішки____.
Lesson 23
Dd- Little doggy digs a hole,
Donkey doesn’t work at all.
Date do
Day dog
Doll daughter
2.Match the wordcombinations.
1. get up hair
2. wash teeth
3.clean early
4.drink face
5.brush tea
Get up, do morning exercises,have dinner, clean teeth, come home, do homework.
I ________at 7 oclock in the morning. Then I usually go to the bathroom to ____________.
Every day I ________. At 2 p.m. I ______ after school. I ______________ and go to my room to______.
I get up at 1 p.m.
I usually go to bed at seven oclock.
I have dinner at ten oclock.
I brush my teeth in the morning.
When do you usually get up?
When do you have breakfast?
Do you do morning exercises in the morning?
What do you do in the morning?
Lesson 24
Vv- Violet cans
In the violet vans.
Victory seven
Violet have
River live
2.Match the words with its translation.
Quarter година
Minute хвилина
Hour 24 години
Second половинна
Half чверть
One day секунда
3. Tell what time it is.
4.Complete the sentences..
I usually have breakfast at…
I usually go to school at …
I usually have dinner at…
I usually have supper at…
I go to bed at….
5.Read and say which sentence is false.
2: 00 – It's three o'clock.
10: 30 - It's half past eight.
15:25 - It's twenty five minutes past three.
05: 45 - It's a quarter to six.
9:15 - It's half past nine.
6.Translate into English.
1.. Уроки починаються о 9 ранку.
2. Котра година? - Зараз рівно 2 година дня.
3. О 3 годині я повинен йти на збори.
4. Том приїде в 8.30 ранку.
Lesson 25
Zz - Zebra Zeta in the zoo
Sees a little kangaroo.
2. Match the words with its translation.
Church університет
Theatre цирк
Cinema пошта
Zoo театр
University церква
Post office кінотеатр
3. Fill in these words: Butcher's , Baker’s , chemist's,a library, a supermarket.
4.Answer the questions.
What can you do at the zoo?
What can you do at the cinema?
What can we do at the library?
Where can you swim?
Where can you buy postcards?
5.Match the questions with the answers.
4.Are there any museums in your city? D)They are next to the supermarket.
5. Is your city big? E) Yes, it is.
6.Cross the odd word.
1.Restaurant, bread, bakery.
2.Museum, gallery, behind.
3.Post office, next, church.
4. Bus, bus stop, bank.
5. University, school, street.
Lesson 26
Nn- Number nine is so fine!
Birds are singing in the pine.
Nose pen
Nut not
No nature
Animal ocean
2.Match the words with it translation.
A desert Земля
A tropical forest пінгвін
A polar bear пустеля
A camel полярний ведмідь
A penguin тропічний ліс
The Earth верблюд
3.Complete the text with the words from the box.
Antarctic ice coldest plants
The_____________ place on the Earth is the South Pole. There is a lot of ____________ and
Snow. There are no _____________ there. Some animals live in the _____________.
4.Match the questions with the answers.
1. What is the coldest place on the Earth? A) By camel.
2.What is the coldest season? B) A desert is the driest place on the Earth.
3.What is the driest place on the Earth? C) The Antarctic is the coldest place.
4.How can you get to the Sahara? D) It is winter.
5.Cross the odd word.
1. Nose, North, West.
2. Chimpanzee, ship, sheep.
3. Mouth, mouse, polar bear.
4. Goose, owl , gate
6.Answer the questions.
1.What is your favourite animal?
2. I s it big or small?
3.Is it beautiful or ugly?
4.Is it friendly or dangerous?
5. What do you know about its life?
Васькова М.Ю. Вправи з англійської граматики Початковий рівень Харків « Торсінг плюс» 2011