Позакласний захід "День подяки" для 5 класу

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Дана розробка знайомить з традицією святкуваання Дня подяки у Сполучених штатах Америки, допомагає вчителю цікаво та змістовно провести позакласний захід, сприяє зацікавленості учнів у вивченні англійської мови та культури англомовних країн.
Перегляд файлу

Мета: вдосконалення мовленнєвих навичок учнів;

 розвивати творчі здібності учнів, увагу, уяву, логічне мислення;

виховувати повагу до звичаїв та історії іншої країни, виявляти зацікавленість до теми, стимулювати учнів до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання: мультимедійна презентація, фонограма пісень, карта світу, 

           кольоровий папір, ватман, виставка овочів.

P.1 Good morning, dear guests.

P.2.Welcome to the United States.

P.3.Our country is beautiful.

P.4. But we love Ukraine.

Pupil 1.In the 15th century people knew only 3 places: Europe, Asia and Africa. They knew nothing about America. The man who was thought to be the discoverer of America was born in 1451 in Italy. His name was Cristopher Columbus.

Pupil 2. Knowing that the earth was round he decided to reach India by sailing to the west. It was very difficult for him to organize an expedition as nobody wanted to help him. At last the Spanish king gave him some money. In the 1492 he sailed with 3 small ships in to the Atlantic Ocean. They had been sailing for more than 2 months and at last they saw land.

Pupil 1. Columbus was certain that the lands he discovered were part of India and he called these islands “ The West India”. Many places have been named in his honour, but America named after another explorer Amerigo Vespucci.

Teacher. It’s a very beautiful country with its nature and people, with its history and culture. The USA is a highly developed industrial, political and cultural country. But today we shall say about American holidays. USA has many holidays. In autumn they celebrate Columbus Day, Hаlloween, Thanksgiving Day, Remember Day. Today we shall speak about one of the holidays, one of the most favourite holidays of all American families – Thanksgiving Day.

Входять учні з літерами у руках

T – for time to be together,

Turkey, talk and tender weather.

H – for harvest stored away,

Home and hearth, and holiday.

A – for autumn’s frosty art

And abundance in the heart.

N – for neighbours, and November,

Nice things to remember

K – for kitchen, kettles, croon,

Kith and kin expected soon.

S – for sizzles, sights and sounds,

And sometimes special that abounds.

That spells   Thanks   - for joy in living

And a jolly good Thanksgiving! 

Pupil 1. One of the most favourite holidays of all American families is Thanksgiving Day. The roots of this holiday go back to the 17th century when  Pilgrims, a group of English settlers, came to Massachusets on a ship called the “Mayflower”. They came to America because they wanted religious freedom. Their first winter was very difficult, the settlers didn’t have enough food and many of them died.

Pupil 2. In early 16 21 an American Indian called Samoset came to Plymouth and greeted the pilgrims in English. Soon Samoset returned with a friend Squanto. Squanto stayed with the pilgrims. He taught them how to survive. Squanto showed the colonists how to grow corn, how fish with a spear and where to hunt deer. He also taught them that they could make the soil rich by buring fish in the earth.

Pupil 1. So the following year, the corn harvest was good, and there was a celebration for three days.It was day to give thanks to the Indians, who had shown them how to hunt and to grow corn. They had a feast of wild turkey, fish, corn, fruits and pumpkins. That was the first Thanksgiving.


Red are the apples, plenty of all.

This is the harvest, this is the fall,


God gives us beauty, God gives us food

God gives us all things and good


Thank you, thank you let’s all sing,

Thank you, thank you for everything.


Thanks for the flowers, thanks for the trees,

Thanks for the sun that shines on me.


Thank you, thank you let’s all sing,

Thank you, thank you for everything.


For health and strength and daily food

We give you thanks O’Lord

Teacher. So, look at the map of one of the biggest countries in the world. You can now use your boats to trace the Pilgrim’s route to the New World they travelled from England to the north eastern coast of North America.

  1. Who were the first settlers?
  2. Where are Pilgrims from?
  3. How was the ship called?
  4. What ocean is devided England and America?
  5. What state did they come to?

Pupil 2.Nowdays Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Now it is a Harvest festival. It’s symbols are: a corncob, ripe yellow pumpkins and other fruits. The turkey is another popular symbol of the festival. And there is no festival without turkey as the main course.

Pupil 1. One interesting moment is connected with turkey. More than 150 years ago Harry Truman – thirty third president of the USA –pardoned one turkey. It stay a tradition of the Thanksgiving Day.

Teacher. Now we shall make a very nice Thanksgiving decoration. It is a symbol of Thanksgiving Day.

We have footprints. These two pieces will be the turkey’s  body .

Trace around the hand using red, orange and yellow construction paper. These 6 pieces will be the turkey’s feathers.

Glue the 2 footprints together to make the turkey’s body.

Make 2 legs from papers and glue them to the body

Cut out handprints. Glue the handprint “feathers” to the back of the turkey.   

Pupil 2.A Horn of Plenty is a symbol of the festival too. Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away, family members gather at the house of an older relative. All give thanks together for the good things that they have. They go to the church, watch football matches on TV.

Teacher. Let’s thank the pupil, who told us about such a nice holiday. And now  is a song “ Yesterday”.












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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
4 лютого 2024
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