Позакласний захід " День Святого Валентина"

Про матеріал
План позакласного заходу із використанням інтернет ресурсів, матеріалів від British Council.Покликаний популяризувати день Святого Валентина, розвивати творчі та комунікативні навички. Тренувати навички читання, аудіювання, вміння працювати в команді, розвиває дрібну моторику. Сприяє позитивному настрою та підвищує мотивацію учнів.
Перегляд файлу

Lay out of extra curricular class “St. Valentine’s Day”. Brain Ring.( made by Chenenko T.O.-senior teacher)

Aim : to popularize St. Valentin’s Day, to promote tolerance, inclusiveness; raise awareness about this holiday for friends and family members , not only couples.

Objective: to develop students’ communicative skills, reading comprehension, listening skills, writing skills, critical thinking, creativity, cooperation and teambuilding, fine motor skills.

8th form (24 students)

Time :45 min


Students are arranged in two teams ( pink and red)  . They are going to compete for the prize additional points for the current module).Each task is aimed to get points .(2 min)


1. Introduction

The teacher has pointed out the date on the blackboard. The students are required to brainstorm  their associations with the date. They are  written on the board by students .( 2 min.)

2. Two teams are given symbols ( pictures in pink and red)  connected with St. Valentine’s Day. They have to match  words written on the board  with a proper symbol and name extra ones( mistletoe and holly). The team which is faster –wins a point.(5 min)

3. Two teams are required to make up definitions of the words pictured on the board. They take turns to challenge each other for a secret word to be guessed. They lose points for repetitions. They get points for each proper  definition and each guess.(5 min)

4. The teams are offered to read a text dedicated to St. Valentine’s day. They are requested to answer comprehension questions. They also have to fill in  the gaps. The team which is faster and correct  gets points.(10 min)

5. All students watch a video-instruction how to make a last-minute Valentine card. On their desks they are provided with sheets of red and white paper, scissors, red pencils and crayons, glue . They follow the instruction to make their own card. Each team gets a point if everyone within their team  is ready with a card, they lose a point if someone within a team fails .They are encouraged to help each other.(10 min)

6. The students are given four –line rhymes congratulating with Valentine’s Day. But one line is in wrong place. The task is to rearrange the lines and write them inside their cards. The team which is faster gets a point.(5 min)

7. Volunteers recite the rhymes  and exchange Valentine cards. Each student can gain a point for their team.(5 min)

8. Summarizing results and announcing the winner. (1 min)



2) https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/sites/teens/files/LearnEnglishTeens-Magazine-Valentines-Day.pdf

3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=wBZ8WnaCy9o

4) https://www.poemsource.com/friend-valentine-poems.html

5) https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/collection/valentines-day-poems-for-best-friends/



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