Позакласний захід для 2 класу на тему " Job Fair"

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Позакласний захід для 2 класу на тему " Job Fair" за підручником Smart Junior ( конспект, відеоматеріали)
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Grade 2

Semester I

After-Class Event

“Job Fair”

Позакласний захід

«Ярмарок професій»

Мета позакласного заходу: повторити ЛО з теми «Професії», продовжувати формувати уміння усного та писемного продукування, зорового сприймання, сприймання на слух, парної та групової роботи, практикувати учнів у діалогічному  мовленні,

розвивати акторські здібності,

виховувати толерантність, підприємливість,

ознайомити із розмаїттям професій у суспільстві, навчати орієнтуватися у світі професій,

прищеплювати цікавість до вивчення англійської мови.


Очікувані результати:  до кінця заняття учні засвоять назви 15 професій та яке значення вони мають у суспільстві.

Learning Outcomes ( for the teacher ): by the end of the after-class event students will be able to say 15  jobs and their roles in the society.

Learning Outcomes ( for the students, on the blackboard ): by the end of the  event you will be able to say 15 jobs , you will be able to say what they do.


HOs: a laptop,  clothes, caps or objects  for different jobs, a mask for

 Job Hunter (a question mark on his head or a thinking Smiley) , flashcards ”Jobs”,  HOs for pair work, a big poster “ Job Fair”, green, yellow and brown envelopes with tasks for group work, pictures of a long hose with  word search, coloured cards - “money” for doing the jobs, призи (наліпки) для всіх учасників заходу.



The Procedure of the Event:

( There is a big colourful  poster “ Job Fair ” on the blackboard . Besides, there is the picture of a big pyramid on the right. There are a lot of job pictures  on the blackboard. Children are wearing special clothes for different occupations. Some  students have got the symbols of their jobs – caps, objects etc.).


  1. Greeting, goals:
  • Hello, everyone! Here we have got our colourful Job Fair ! And meet our Job Hunter from Great Britain!

(   Job Hunter comes in . He has got a mask ( a question mark or a thinking Smiley) on his head. He has got a lot of coloured cards - “money” in his wallet, or in his pockets, or in his hands. After each task he will give some “money”  for doing some work. )

Job Hunter:  Happy to see you ! I asked my parents about my job and they said:

“ Choose !”  Will you tell me about jobs in Ukraine ? I am ready to pay for your work! I have got a lot of money in my wallet (in my pockets, in my hands).

Students  ( in chorus) : Welcome to our Job Fair! Choose a job! But first . let’s review the vocabulary. ( video about jobs)

Teacher: Welcome to our Job Fair, everyone! Please, take a ticket for the Job Fair!

( Students choose green, yellow or brown tickets. They will be united into groups according to these coloured tickets later).

  1. Warming up( a song ) :

Singer ( holding a microphone) :  Now it’s high time for us to sing a song. Sing  this simple song with me :


“Look, look, look : who do you see?”



Job Hunter: Singer, here is some money from me for your work!






  1. Phonetic drill :

Actor ( wearing a cloak) : I am an actor. I act on the stage. Please, repeat the words  after me. “Teacher”, please, translate my words:



( Actor pronounces words clearly, “Teacher” translates them into Ukrainian)

Actor:       “Teacher”( holding a pointer ):

builds         будує

drives         водить авто 

sells         продає

treats people       лікує людей

sings         співає

flies         літає

puts out fires       гасить  пожежі

cooks         готує їжу

sing songs         співає пісні

teaches        навчає

brings         приносить

dances        танцює

saves  people       рятує людей



Job Hunter: Thank you! I haven’t got an idea about your jobs! Actor and Teacher, here is some money from me for your work!


  • Thank you, Actor and Teacher! Thank you, children! It was fantastic!



  1. Group Work:
  • Now  we will work in three groups.


Job Hunter:  I have got a task for your groups. Here these are jobs and their roles ( what they do).


 ( Job Hunter gives tasks for the three groups in green, yellow and brown envelopes)




A builder / builds houses.

A driver /drives a car, a truck, a bus.

A seller /sells at the shop.

A vet/  treats animals.

A doctor/ treats people.

A firefighter/  puts out fires.

A cook /cooks food.

A teacher /teaches children.

A dancer  /dances.

An actor /acts on the stage.

A waiter /brings food.

A policeman/saves people.

A singer /sings songs.

A farmer/works on a farm.

A pilot /flies a plane.




  •  Groups, let’s check your tasks ! Read, please!
  • What does a cook do? ( A cook cooks food)
  • What does a seller do? ( A seller sells things )


-Everybody is unique ! Your occupations are great and useful!

-Thanks a lot!


Job Hunter:  Kids, here is some money from me for your work!

  1.           Warming up ( video)


  1. Word search “Word Hose”:

– Now, Firefighter, have you got a task for us?


Firefighter: We use hoses to put out fires. I have got secret words on my hose. Find 15 words in this “word hose”.

( There is a picture of a long hose ( like a snake). Students find the words and circle them). 






cook,  builder, firefighter, dancer, singer, teacher, doctor, vet, driver, seller, policeman, actor, waiter, pilot, farmer



  • Let’s check. Read the answers one by one.


Firefighter: Good job, students! I am proud of you!


Job Hunter:  Firefighter, here is some money from me for your work!





  1. Moving time:
  • Dancer, will you show us some movements? Let’s start! I’m switching on the music… Move!


( Dancer shows simple movements, children follow him).

“Occupations Song”




Job Hunter:  Dancer, here is some money from me for your work!





  1. Poem “ What Do You Want to Be?”
  • Children, let’s recite a poem for our guest Job Hunter!  He will choose his occupation!

( Pilot ( holding a plane), Farmer( holding an apple), Vet ( holding a toy-cat), Driver( holding a wheel made of paper or wearing a black cap), Waiter( holding a towel on his hand), Doctor( wearing a white medical gown or holding a toy – stethoscope ) recite a poem, Job Hunter listen very attentively)

(video )” What do you want to be?”



( In chorus) : What do you want to be?

   What do you want to be?

  Can you tell me?

  Can you tell me?


Pilot:  Do you want to be a pilot?

  Yes, I fly my plane!


Driver: Do you want to be a driver?

  Yes, I drive a train!


Farmer: Do you want to be a farmer?

  Yes, my vegs are good!


Waiter: Do you want to be a waiter?

  Yes, I bring you food!


Vet:  Do you want to be a vet?

  Yes, I treat a cat!


Doctor:  Do you want to be a doctor?

  Yes, I treat people well!


( In chorus):  All our jobs are great!

  Job Hunter, choose our job!



Job Hunter:  Pilot, Driver, Farmer, Waiter, Vet, Doctor, here is some money from me for your work!





  1. Pair Work ( using flashcards”Occupations”)
  • Choose a card of some occupation.
  • Ask your partner : Do you want to be a vet? – Yes, I do! No, I don’t!
  • Job Hunter, come closer, please, and listen to our students. It will help you to choose a job!

( Students make up short dialogues. They work in pairs taking turns)


  • Interesting choices ! You have just done your best, kids!


Job Hunter: Kids, here is some money from me for your work!










  1. Word Pyramid


  • Now it’s time to build a pyramid. Builder, it’s your turn!

Builder: There is a pyramid on the blackboard. You will have to fill in its sections with jobs – from the short words to the long ones. The first letters are written.


( The words are written in the form of a pyramid. Kids go to the blackboard and fill in the names of occupations. )











Builder: What a fantastic pyramid ! I am really happy! 














Job Hunter: Well done ! Builder, here is some money from me for your work!






  1.  Summing up:


  • Kids, you were trying to show  some occupations of our country.
  • Builder, what do you do? ( I build houses).
  • Vet, what do you do? ( I treat animals).
  • Dancer, what do you do? ( I dance ).



  •  Job Hunter, what will you tell us? Did you choose a job?


Job Hunter: All the jobs are important ! I will take my time and think! I can’t choose ! Kids, thank you a lot. 

And here are some good prizes from me – interesting stickers! Enjoy them !

Stay proud of your jobs!


10 січня 2022
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