Позакласний захід Інсценізація казки "A Cinderella Story" (5-th form)

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Інсценізація казки "A Cinderella Story"

(5-th form)










A Cinderella

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

2 stepsisters





Scene I

          Speaker 1: ONCE UPON A TIME a girl named Cinderella lived with her                stepmother and two stepsisters. Poor Cinderella had to work hard. She had to wake up each morning when it was still dark and cold to start the fire. The poor girl could not stay clean, from all the ashes and cinders by the fire.

Cinderella: My name is Ciderella. Good morning, children.

Children: Good morning, Cinderella


(Cinderella and speaker go out. 2 Stepsisters come to the scene)


1-st Sister: “What a mess!

2-d Sister: Cinderella. Clean everything!


                        (Cinderella cleans everything, someone knocks on the door.  Then king`s servant comes to the scene)


            Servant: The King and Queen were going to have a ball!  It was time for the Prince to find a bride. All of the young ladies in the land were invited to come.

                           (All actors go out)

Speaker 2:  Stepsisters were extremely happy! They would wear their most beautiful  clothes and accessories. Cinderella got extra work to do.  She had to make two brand-new gowns for her step-sisters. 

                           (Stepsisters and Cinderella come to the scene)

1-st Sister: “Good-bye

2-d sister “Have a good time!”

                          (stepsisters go out)

Cinderella: “I wish I could go to the ball, too!”

              (Cinderella cries, then suddenly fairy appears on the scene)

Fairy: Did you call me?

Cinderella: Did I? Who are you?

Fairy: Fairy Godmother, of course!  I know your wish.  And I have come to grant it.

Cinderella: Well, I think you know. I want to go to the ball. But look at me. I look a bit of a mess.

Fairy: I will help you, don`t worry.

Speaker 1: At once, Cinderella was all clean.  She was dressed in a beautiful blue gown. At once, a beautiful carriage came to be, with a driver and four white horses.

                      (Cinderella appears in a beautiful dress)

 Cinderella:  “Am I dreaming?”

Fairy: It is as real. All of this lasts only to midnight.

Speaker 2: Cinderella rides to the palace. All heads turned.  Who was that lovely maiden stepping down the stairs?  No one knew her.

Prince: There is something about her.  I will ask her to dance.

              (Dancing scene)

Speaker 1: The Prince felt a leap in his heart.  He and Cinderella danced. When the song was over, they danced again.  And then they danced again, and yet again. Аll the Prince could see was Cinderella.  They laughed and talked, and they danced some more.  In fact, they danced for so long that Cinderella did not see the clock.

Clock: Dong! Dong!”

Cinderella: Oh, my! It is almost midnight!”

Clock: Dong!

Cinderella: I must go.

Prince:  But why?

                (Cinderella runs to the steps, prince runs after her, she loses her glass slipper)

Speaker 2: Аfter this situation prince went from house to house.  One young woman after another tried to fit her foot inside the glass slipper.  But none could fit. And so the Prince moved on. Then he comes to Cinderella`s house. Stepsisters tried to fit her foot inside the glass slipper but that was impossible. Then,  Cinderella stepped up to him.

Speaker 1: The Prince got down on one knee and tried the glass slipper on her foot.  It fit perfectly! Then, from her pocket Cinderella took out something. It was the other glass slipper!

           (Actors do exactly what speakers describe)

Prince: I knew it! You are the one! I have found you

Cinderella: And I find you!

                   (all actors come to the scene)

 A Cinderella,Speaker 1,Speaker 2, 2 stepsisters , servant, prince,

Clock: That's the end of the story. Did you like it, children?

Children: Yes, we did! Thank you!



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    Відповідність темі
12 грудня 2021
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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