Позакласний захід "Love makes world go around"

Про матеріал
Що таке любов? Це питання ставили протягом століть, і, здається, ніхто не має остаточної відповіді. Кохання настільки складне почуття, що воно може означати багато різних речей для різних людей. Для мене любов - це найголовніше в світі. Це рухає нами, мотивує та робить нас тими, ким ми є. Без любові ми ніщо. Кажуть, що любов змушує світ обертатися, і це дійсно так. Нам хочеться думати, що коли зустрічаєш свою другу половинку, все стає чарівним, і любов дається легко. На жаль, справжня любов ніколи не дається просто.
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The aim: to teach young people to take care of each other,

to make them understand that the basis of love is not only the attraction to somebody,

 it's the inner world of the person and the combining of interests;

to bring up the teenagers to have nice relations between the representatives of different sexes.

(The  stage is decorated with flowers, colourful hearts, famous St. Valentine ' s poems.)

(There are four pairs of chairs on the stage. Music sounds.)

Compere 1: Dear ladies and gentlemen. I'm very glad that you have come to the party, dedicated to the most wonderful holiday of the year - St. Valentine's Day. In all English-speaking countries, February, 14 is a special day for people in love. Boys send cards to their girlfriends, and girls send cards to their boyfriends. But often they don't write their names in the cards. The name of the person sending the card is a secret, - that's the tradition.

Compere II. But where does the holiday come from? Rome...50 century AD. The emperor Julius Caesar wants to form the strongest army in the world. "The real man must be the real soldier, he mustn't be at the woman's skirt," says Caesar. "He must go to the wars and nothing must connect him with his home. I forbid my war­riors to marry." The order was sent everywhere in the country.

Compere I: But can you forbid the sun to shine and the rain to water the earth, can you order trie irds not to sing the songs, and a young heart not to love? And the order is disobeyed when the young and handsome soldiers of the Roman army meet beautiful girls.                       

And if they cannot marry in a legal way they have the opportunity to marry secretly, because there is the priest Valentine in the army who marries the couples in spite of Caesar's order. Many families were formed due to the priest. But one day he was betrayed and executed on February, 14.

Compere IІ: The couples who found happiness thanks to this priest began to call him St. Valentine and celebrate February, 14 as the day of all Sweethearts. Not long ago we began to celebrate this holiday in Ukraine.

Compere I. So, today we celebrate the holiday of sweethearts - St. Valentine's Day.

Song "Love song"

Compere II: I'll introduce you the participants of our party, the pupils of our school who love this holiday. So meet …


We need 4 couples, so choose the heart and find your couple.

Napoleon – Josephine, Romeo – Juliet, Adam – Eve, Tarzan - Jane

And I also want to introduce our honourable  jury who will judge today's contests...                                                                                     


We wish you health, good marks and joy

We want your show to be enjoyed.

We wish you have a merry game,

We want you to be lucky and happy all day.

Compere I:    So we are ready for the first contest. Attention please. (Musk sounds.)


Compere IІ: Our boys had to prepare a poetic declaration of love. They had to learn some poems about this feeling.

If you will be mine.

All of my life

I’ll be your Valentine!

Be my Valentine!

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet

And so are you!

Be my Valentine!


I feel it in my lungs

I feel it in my toes

The love that’s all around me,

And so that feeling grows.

Be my Valentine!

A red, red rose

O my love’s like a red, red rose,

That’s newly sprung in June.

O my love’s like the melody

That’s sweetly played in tune


Boys: Let’s visit a restaurant! This song is for you


Compere I:    Now our jury will choose the best declaration. (The jury announces the winner of this contest.)

Jury: We liked boy's declaration of love.

Well done!

So our points are the following:


Compere II:  Our pairs are in the restaurant. It’s the time to ask the menu.

Boys: Menu, please! (The waiter brings the menu)

Compere I: But there you can’t see dishes or drinks. The couple should match the beginning of the proverb with its ending.

Loving is not just looking at each other, \  it’s looking in the same direction.

Love is a game that two can play and both win by \ loosing their heard.

It is never too late to \ fall in love.

Where there is love, \ there is life.

Life without love is like \ a tree without blossom and fruit.


Compere //.For this contest we have prepared a piece of paper and a pen for every couple. Now you have to answer some questions. If the boy answers orally, the girt should write her answer and vice versa. If the answers coincide, the couple will get one point. So let's start.


For boys:

1.   What's her mother's name?

2.   What's her favourite season?

3.   What's her favourite flower?

4.   What's her hobby9

5.   Wliat's her favourite film? For girls:

1.   What's his father's name?

2.   What is his favourite dish?

3.   What's his favourite number?

4.   What's his hobby?

5.   What's his favourite subject?

Compere I: And now we'll have a musical pause. Song "Deep in my heart"

Compere II: I ask our jury to tell us the results of this contest.

Jury:  I think this contest was not difficult for our couples because they are

classmates and know each other. So the results of the contest are the




The girls take the cards with some tasks. They must show this task with the help of

gestures and the boys will have to guess.

1.1 want to dance.

2. Present me flowers.

3 I'd like an ice-cream.

4. I'd go to the cinema.

Every correct answer - one point.

Compere I: While our jury is counting the total score of each couple.

 Listen to a poem

 “My Valentine”

I have a little valentine

That someone sent to me

It’s pink and white

And red and blue,

And pretty as can be.

And in the centre

There is a heart,

As red as red can be,

And on it’s written

All in gold, “To you with

Love from me.”

Compere II: Thank you, girls.


Will you sit with your backs to each other? Thank you.

(The couples are sitting with their backs to each other.)

I've given every couple the cards with the numbers 1, 2, 3. These are the numbers of answers. Use them but you will have to choose only one.

If the numbers of the boy and the girl coincide, the couple will receive 1 point.

1.   Cupid is a god of ... .

a) nature


c) hunting

2.   On   St.Valentine's   Day   sweethearts   send   each other

a) money

b) presents

c)  unsigned cards

3.   The ornaments that decorate valentines are sym­bols of

a) love and friendship

b) happiness

c) prosperity

4.   Cupid was the son of a beautiful goddess,

a) Venus

b) Aphrodite

c)  Diana

5.   Valentines are usually

a) signed

b) unsigned

6.   Men often send valentines as...

a)  invitation for dinner

b) birthday greetings

c) proposals of marriage

7.   St.Valentine's Day originated in...

a)  France

b) the USA

c)  Great Britain

Compere I: Thank you, dear boys and girls \ Our jury and remote control centre are busy with summarizing and counting and

I'd like to announce the last contest. Every couple has to prepare   "QUOTATION OF LOVE". Let's see and listen to them.

Love is not finding someone to live with;   it's finding someone you can't live

without. (Rafael Ortiz)

It is never too late to fall in love. (Sandy Wilson)

Loving is not Just looking at each other, it's looking in the same directions.

(Antoine de Saint)

Loved cannot be forced.(Saying)

To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.


At the touch of love and heart, everyone becomes a poet. (Plato)

Life without love is like a tree without blossom and fruit. (Khalil Gibran)

Love is the greatest refreshment in life. (Pablo Picasso)

Compere II: And now we shall choose the best couple. While jury are counting the points, I'd like to announce “Dancing Contest”

The task for couples is to dance according to the music

Compere I: Attention please! The jury will tell us the results of the game.

Jury. It was very difficult to work. We decided to crown them and present with the following qualifications:

"The gentleman of the new time" and " The princess of the new time

"The Knight of girls' hearts " and "The girl who breaks the hearts "

"The Princess Fairytale" and "The Knight Marvelous Heart".

Valentine and Valentine.


We wish you to have the whole world in your hands.

We wish you a need of a song in your lands.

We wish you to follow your stars in your life

We wish you to have pupils' love in your school life,

We wish you to win a fortune in a game

And may your life never be the same.

 I'd like to tell you some words. I think the show was entertaining and interesting. I like it very much. And I want to add that all the couples try to do their best as more as they can. Thank you girls for your songs. It was great! Hope you enjoyed it too. We wish you love and be loved.

Song "Thinking of you".

Compere II: Our parry is over. But remember - Love is one of the best feelings, lit is unique and eternal as our life. It rules the world, it makes the World go round. It's beyond the age and time. So let's love and be loved by others. And our earth will become more beautiful and kinder. Thank you everybody.






































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