Мета: активізувати вивчені лексичні одиниці та граматичні структури, розширити знання учнів про Об'єднане Королівство Великої Британії та Північної Ірландії, розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію в учнів, виховувати цікавість до вивчення англійської мови.
Обладнання: малюнки, кросворди, мультимедійна дошка, роздатковий матеріал.
Хід заходу
Good morning, everybody! We are glad to see you at our party “We love English”. Our pupils enjoy learning English. We do it at the lessons and after them. We try to learn this language as we realize that it is important in our modern world.
Today you are invited to see the English Contest between the pupils of the fifth, sixth and seventh forms. Enjoy our performance. Today pupils will compete in knowing English. We have got some teams.
Teacher: Your first task is to guess the word according to the explanation.
(вгадати слово (предмет) за поясненням)
Morning—it is time, when you get up
Ice-cream - it is cold and frozen, it can melt, children like to eat it
Book—you can read it
Summer - it is a favourite season of all children, when they don’t need to go to school
New Year—it is a holiday, means the beginning of a year
Computer game—it is a game on computer
Subject—pupils learn it at school
Teacher—this person teaches pupils at school
Blackboard- pupils write with a chalk on it at school
Winter- it is a cold season
Teacher: Our next task is “Name the odd word”
Для команд звучать слова, серед яких вони мають написати зайве.
Spring- winter- January-summer
Red- blue- big- pink
April- May- Sunday- December
Juice-milk- tea-salad
Desk- chair- table- room
Father- sister- aunt- neck
Hand- head- dress- face
tennis- volleyball- basketball – swimming
bread- meat- water- sausages
potato- apple- carrot- tomato
Monday- Saturday- Friday- July
Meat- cheese- sour cream- butter
Dog- cat- cow –tiger
Teacher: The third task will check your memory.
Each team has to remember as many words as they can. (Кожній команді кладуть на стіл 5 предметів. Протягом 10 сек. команда ознайомлюється з предметами.Через 10 сек. ведучий забирає предмети, і кожна з команд повинна по пам’яті назвати всі свої предмети).
Teacher: This task is called “Translators”.
Школа англійська говорити парта канікули готувати пиріг кухня будинок зелений чай море книга люди сім’я цукерки овочі друг вечеря їжа вода кімната домашній улюбленець допомога гра дитина дружна сім я столиця країна містечко хобі яблуко
Teacher: The 6th task is “Crossword”
Find 8 colours in the crossword
Знайти 8 слів, що позначають кольори
k |
r |
e |
d |
a |
j |
l |
a |
y |
d |
b |
b |
r |
o |
e |
k |
s |
g |
r |
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y |
l |
r |
f |
g |
r |
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e |
n |
m |
l |
c |
a |
o |
k |
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g |
a |
t |
b |
v |
l |
p |
c |
w |
b |
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u |
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n |
b |
o |
i |
k |
n |
i |
g |
z |
j |
n |
g |
y |
w |
n |
i |
f |
q |
c |
w |
h |
s |
t |
e |
o |
k |
p |
Relaxation Show that you are:
Flying, Running, Playing basketball, Having lunch, Singing, Jumping. Sleeping, Playing the guitar, Playing the piano, Playing snowballs, Listening to the teacher, Smiling.
Teacher: Read the words from every line. Take the first letter from the first word, the second - from the second, the third – from the third, the fourth – from the fourth. Read the word.
Garden, bird, fire, ball – (girl)
Letter, dad, camel, soup – (lamp)
Dog, bed, listen, bank – (desk)
Tall, dog, down, tennis – (town)
Nine, cock, lesson, cake – (nose)
It’s famous kind of game. I tell the word to one pupil and then he or she must to show it. The guests and other pupils must recognize what it is.
(To cook, to drive, to drink, to swim, to play computer games)
This game is called “Spy Game”. Your task is to guess the message with the help of numbers and letters.
Now we have “Running Dictation”. The text is placed on the blackboard opposite you. You change in walking to the text, reading and remembering as many words as possible, then run back to your partners and dictate what you remember. The second pupil then goes to the text and finds the place where the first one finished. You repeat it until the text is complete.
This is my classroom. It is very good and light. There is a blackboard on the wall. There are pictures near the blackboard. In the corner there is a flower. On the teacher’s desk there are some books. There is a chair at the teacher’s desk. There are some books and pens on the pupils’ desks.
The task is called “Wordchain”. Your task is to make up as many words as possible.
And at last “The quest”
Your task is to answer the questions:
1. What is the capital of Great Britain? (London)
2. What is the capital of Ukraine? (Kyiv)
3. What day of the week is after Wednesday? (Thursday)
4. What part of the day is after night? (morning)
5. Where does a fish live? (in the river, pond, lake, sea)
6. Where does a fox live? (in the wood)
7. Where do we buy food? (at the supermarket)
8. A box which shows us films? (TV set)
9. How much is 5+8? (thirteen)
10. How much is 5+10? (fifteen)
11. People whose profession is singing. (singers)
12. Who ate Kolobok? (a fox)
Summarizing the tasks and points.
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