Урок "Спорт. Олімпійські ігри."

Про матеріал
Ознайомити учнів з історією виникнення й умовами проведення олімпійських ігор, розширити знання про різні види спорту,видатних спортсменів, удосконалити вживання Past Simple Tense.
Перегляд файлу



Цілі: формувати уявлення учнів про історію виник­нення й умови проведення олімпійських ігор; розши­рити знання про різні види спорту, видатних спортс­менів, удосконалювати мовні навички (вживання мину­лого неозначеного часу, побудова питальних речень, лексичні вправи), мовленнєві навички (складання монологічних висловлювань, уміння працювати з тек­стом, навички аудіювання, письма); розвивати пам'ять, логічне мислення, пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховува­ти любов до спорту, прагнення до самовдосконалення.

Обладнання: портрети спортсменів, проект, карт­ки для індивідуальної роботи, картки з теслами. 




  •     Good morning, pupils! Today there are many guests at our lesson. Greet them. Let's start our les­son. I am very glad to see you in a good mood.

Мовленнєва зарядка

  •  What do people usually do when they are in a good mood?
  •  They give compliments to each other.
  •  Say a compliment to each other.
  •  Olga, you look wonderful today.
  •  Thank you. Same to you. I like your hair style.
  •  Thank you for saying so. Your new shirt is so smart.
  •  It's very nice of you to say so. Your English is much better now.
  •  I'm happy to hear it from you. I like your haircut.
  •  Thanks for the compliment. You've made much progress in your studying English.


Повідомлення теми й цілей уроку

  •   The topic of our lesson is "Olympic Games". Today we shall continue speaking about sports and games, about your favourite kinds of sport and your favourite sportsmen. Today we shall learn about the most important sport event, the Olympic Games. We shall continue making our project. So, the task for you, is to:
  •   Revise the vocabulary.
  •   Read your letters.
  •   Speak about your favourite sportsmen.
  •   Make up a report about the Olympic Games.
  •   Fill in the project.



Актуалізація знань лексики

  •      Show with the help of a pantomime any kind of sports, and the class should guess what sport it is. Write down the words on the blackboard and make a mind map.


Складання mind map






Перевірка домашнього завдання

Робота на картках

  • Well done! Thank you. But can you use these words? Do you remember the irregular verbs? Let's do some tasks on the cards. Write down the date (cards 1-3).

(Роботу на картках перевіряють сильні учні.)

Повідомлення про улюблених спортсменів

  •      Your task was to prepare reports about your favourite sportsmen. Speak about them, please.
  •       Thank you. I like your work. But imagine that you meet your favourite sport star! One day two girls of your form met HIM. It was a great surprise for them. Watch this situation, please.
  •       Look, Vicky! It seems to me, I know this man. Isn't he Andriy Shevchenko?
  •       Certainly, he is. He is so handsome!
  •       I can hardly believe it. Oh, he is my favourite sportsman. I want to receive his autograph.
  •       I think it is impossible. You can never do it.
  •       But I think it is easy. Look!
  •       Hello, Andriy! My name is Jane. I am your fan.
  •       Nice to meet you.
  •       Can you write some words for me? I dream about it. But my friend says you cannot write.
  •       She is wrong, Jane. Of course, I can write some words for you. Here you are.
  •       Thank you very much. Good-bye.
  •       Read it, Ann. "You are a very funny girl. With love, Andriy Shevchenko".
  •       Thank you, girls for your work.

Перевірка складених учнями листів

  •       Now it's time to continue our project. Your task was to write letters to your pen-friends from England about sport in Ukraine and about you attitude to sport. Read your letters and put them on our project.



Підготовча робота

Бесіда про спортивні вподобання та улюблених спортсменів, про заняття спортом.

As the topic of our lesson is "Olympic Games", it's time to speak about the most important sport event. Do you know what the motto of the Olympic Games is? (Higher! Stronger! Faster!) Speak about your favourite kinds of sports which were included into the Olympic Games. (Учні називають види спорту, включені до Олімпійських ігр.)

PI. My favourite kind of sport is gymnastics. It was invented by Youhan Zimmon in Germany in 1776. It was included into the Olympic Games in 1984.

P2. My favourite kind of sport is windsurfing. It was represented by Jim Dreyk in California in 1907. It was included into Olympic Games in 1984.

P3. My favourite kind of sport is hockey. It was represented in the 20th century. It was included into Olympic Games in 1912.

P4. My favourite kind of sport is handball. It was included into Olympic Games in 1936.

P5. My favourite kind of sport is volleyball. It was played in the USA in 1865. It was included into Olympic Games in 1964.

P6. My favourite kind of sport is badminton. It was represented by British Army officers in India. It was included into Olympic Games in 1992.

P7. My favourite kind of sport is cycling. It was represented in Paris in 1868. It was included into Olympic Games in 1896.

P8. My favourite kind of sport is wrestling. It was very popular in Europe. It was included into Olympic Games in 1896.

P9. My favourite kind of sport is figure skating. The first competitions took place in Germany. It was included into Olympic Games in 1924.

P10. My favourite kind of sport is horse racing. It was represented many centuries ago. It'was in­cluded into Olympic Games in 1912.

Pll. My favourite kind of sport is skiing. It was represented in Sweden Long time ago. It was includ­ed into Olympic Games in 1896.

P12. My favourite kind of sport is yachting. It was represented in the 16th century. It was included into Olympic Games in 1900.

P13. My favourite kind of sport is football. A form of football was played in ancient Rome. It was included into Olympic Games in 1900.

P14. My favourite kind of sport is boxing. The modern rules were introduced in 1867. It was in­cluded into Olympic Games in 1904.



Now listen to some more information about the Olympic Games and be ready to do tests.

Виконання тестових завдань

  •   You have tests on desks. Do them (card 4).

Робота в групах

Складання монологічного висловлювання про олімпійські ігри на основі опори (у різних груп різні опори). (Учні записують у зошити, капі­тан на аркуші паперу.)

Поділ класу на групи

  •   Now let's divide our form into two groups. (You have red and green circles on the desks. Change your sits according to the circles.) Choose a captain of your group.

Повторне аудіювання

  •   Listen to the cassette again and be ready to make a report about the Olympic Games.

Складання монологічних висловлювань

  •   Make a report using the word combinations given before and tests. Write it into your copy books (cards 5-6).


  • Read your texts and complete the project.


  • Now read the text about the British as a sporting nation. Answer the questions after the text.


Домашнє завдання

Читати, відповідати на питання; підготувати розповідь про олімпійські
ігри; опрацювати байку.

Підсумок уроку

  •   You worked hard today. What did you like at our lesson best of all?



1.  Make up sentences using following words.

     1.1. Is, outdoor, football, game, an.

     1. 2.  Just, they, won, have, the 8th , match.

     1. 3. Goes, my, in for, sister, every, fencing weekend. 

      1. 4. Play, the boys, in summer, volleyball.




Complete the table with the irregular verbs

То be



То come



То hold



То loose



То hit





То win



То speak



То find



То choose



То have



Complete the table with the irregular verbs.










 Put "+" near the right answer.

1. Where were the first Olympic Games?

   a) ...in Rome b) ...in Greece           c) ...in Egypt

2. How many events were there?

   a) ...one b) ...three                c) ...two

3. What was the prize for the winner at the first I games?

   a) ...a plum b) ...an orange          c) ...an apple

4. How often are the Olympics held?

  a) ...every five years     b) ...every three years           c) ...every four years

5. How many prizes are there for each event?

  1. ...one b) ...three                   c) ...two
    1.    Are there Winter Sports at the Olympic Games?

     a) ...Yes, there are.

  1. ...No, there are not.
  2. ...Every two years.
  1.  How many rings does the Olympic flag have?

     a) ...four   b) ...six                     c) ...five

  1. The Olympic flag shows the colours of...
    1. ...Greek flag
    2. ...flags of all countries
    3. ...nature



 Fill in the sentences with the word combinations given below.


Every four years; Olympia in Greece; 776 ВС; running, boxing and wrestling;

an apple;150 countries


The Olympic Games have a long history. They began in and took place (1) ... . The first games were in (2)... . They included many different kinds of sports: (3)... . The first prize for the winner was (4) ... . Then they were stopped. The first modern games took place in 1896 in Athens. Nearly (5) ... are represented in the International Olympic Committee now.


 Fill in the sentences with the word combinations given below.


Four years; four prizes; blue, black, red, yellow, green; golden medal, silver medal and bronze medal; colours of flags of all the countries

Every (1) ... people of the whole world come together to the Olympic Games. There are (2) ... for the winners: (3) ... . The Olympic flag has five rings: (4) ... . They show the (5)... .

Zinchenko Irina
24 березня 2020
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