Позакласний захід "Що ти знаєш про Великобританію?"

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Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "велика британія парламент" 




Інформаційно – пізнавальна година на тему:

«Що ти знаєш про Великобританію?»




Підготувала викладач першої категорії

Шевченко Людмила Володимирівна







How Much Do We Know about Britain?

 The United Kingdom is very small compared with many other countries in the world. However there are only nine other countries with more people, and London is the world’s seventh biggest city.When you travel about the country you can see how the scenery changes right in front of your eyes. Highlands turn into lowlands, forests and hills turn into meadows and plains very quickly. It’s hard to believe , but in Great Britain one can find practically every kind of scenery. Often what people first notice about Britain, especially if they arrive by plane, is the green of the fields, hedges and trees. Britain is an unusually beautiful country!

Пов’язане зображення 








You already know a lot about Britain and its people,

but some things are easily forgotten.

Let as brush up our knowledge

Of  the country.


  1. The Union Jask is…

a) the flag of the UK                 c) the flag of the Walse

b) the flag of Scotland                d) the flag of the England

  1. The British Prime Minister Lives at…

a) 12 Whitehall                            c) 7 Russel Street

b) 10 Downing Street                 d) 15 Oxford Street

  1. Whitehall is…
  1. a street leading from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament;
  2. a big hall in the centre of London;
  3. a white hall place near Trafalgar Square;
  4. the palace where the Queen lives in summer.
  1. The Greate Fire of London broken out in…
  1. 1066                                          c) 1106
  2. 1766                                          d) 1666
  1. Sir Christopher Wren built…
  1. Buckingham Palace                 c) St Paul’s Cathedral
  2. Westminster Abbey                d) the Tower of London
  1. The National Gallery is in…

a) Piccadilly Circus                        c) Trafalgar Square

b) Parliament Square            d) Leicester Square

  1. Westminster is a . . . centre of London.

a) cultural         c) buisness

b) political          d) industrial

  1. Great Britain is separated from the continent by…

a) the Pacific Ocean        c) the Bristol Channel

b) the Irish Sea        d) the English Channel

  1. Britain’s  population is more than . . . million people

a) 56        c) 560

b) 5,6        d) 7

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  1.  The haed of State in Britain is …

a)  the Prime Minister                   c) the Queen

b) the President d) the Speaker

  1. The Princess Diana was the wife of …

a) Prince John;               c) Prince Wilhelm;

 b) Prince Robert;                            d) Prince Charles.

  1.  The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. They are …

a) the pigeons                                  c) the squirrels

b) the cats                                         d) the ravens

  1.  Where are the British kings crowned ?

a) in Parliament Square                  c) in Westminster Abbey               

b) in St. Paul’s Cathedral                d) in Canterbury Cathedral

  1. What is the official religion in the United Kingdom ?

a) Catholicism  c) Protestantism

b) Orthodoxy d) Judaism

  1. What is the national anthem of Great Britain?

a) "God save the King"                    c) "Cod Save the Queen"

b) "In God We Trust"        d) Peace at any Price

  1. What is the most important airport in Great Britain?

a) Heathrow Airport c) Stansted Airport

b) Gatwick Airport                    d) Vnukovo Airport

  1.  Where is Greenwich?

a) in England                                     c) in Wales

b) in Scotland                                    d) in Ireland

  1.  What is the state system of the United Kingdom?

a) a constitutional monarchy         c) a limited monarchy

b) a parliamentary republic           d) a federal republic   

  1.  4. What is the highest mark in British schools?

a) A c) G

b) B d) F

  1. An English write best-known for her novel Jane Eyre

a) Lewis Carroll            c) Charles Dickens

b) Agatha Christie d) Charlotte Bronte

  1.  3. What is the most popular drink in Britain?

a) apple juice       c) milk

b) tea d) coffee


  1.   What do children usually say at Halloween?

a) "trick or treat"                           c) "give or take"

b) "sing or dance                      d) "cry or laugh"

  1.   What is London residence of Queen Elizabeth II?

a) the Tower of London                     c) Buckingham Palace       

b) Winsdor Castle                               d) Westminster Abbey

  1. Where can you see the wax models of famous people?

a) in Madam Tussaud's Museum          c) in the Westminster Abbey

b) in the British Museum                        d) in the Tower of London



        Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Westminster Abbey"

                           Пов’язане зображення

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Windsor Castle"

               Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "велика британія архітектура"




27 листопада 2019
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