Позакласний захід: «Star Game: Great Britain. London» 7-9 класи

Про матеріал

Позакласний захід «Star Game: Great Britain. London »проходить в 2 тури. Три команди учасників відповідають на запропоновані питання різної вартості в першому турі. За правильну відповідь отримують зірочки з балами на плакат кожної команди. Зароблені бали підраховує «Лічильна комісія» До другого туру проходить 2 команди, які набрали більшу кількість балыв. На початку другого туру бали обнуляються. Перемагає команда, яка набрала найбільшу кількість балів у другому турі. Питання дані з різних областей (6 категорій в кожному турі). Кількість питань - 30. Ведучий читає питання, які з'являються по одному на екрані, учасники обговорюють в команді і відповідають. Бали отримує команда, яка відповіла швидше і правильно.

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Позакласний захід

з англійської мови на тему:

«Star Game: Great Britain. London»

7-9 класи






























Тип мероприятия: командный конкурс.

Цель: самоконтроль и обобщение знаний обучающихся по теме «Великобритания. Лондон»; активизировать и расширить знания истории, культуры, традиций страны изучаемого языка; способствовать развитию логических общеучебных умений и навыков; способствовать расширению общего кругозора, развивать навыки работы в команде; повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка; способствовать повышению уровня мотивации к изучению иностранного языка; воспитывать толерантность, коммуникативную манеру поведения, целеустремленность, волю к победе.

Оборудование: Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, презентации в редакторе Microsoft Power Point.





 Форма проведения:

Внеклассное мероприятие «Star Game: Great Britain. London» проходит в 2 тура. Три команды участников отвечают на предложенные вопросы разной стоимости в первом туре. За правильный ответ «Звездочет» размещает звездочки с очками на плакат каждой команды. Заработанные очки подсчитывает «Счетная комиссия» из 3 учащихся 10 - 11 классов. Во второй тур проходит 2 команды, набравшие большее количество очков. В начале второго тура очки обнуляются. Побеждает команда, набравшая больше очков во втором туре.

Вопросы даны из разных областей (6 категорий в каждом туре). Количество вопросов - 30. Ведущий читает вопросы, которые появляются по одному на экране, участники обсуждают в команде и отвечают. Баллы получает команда, которая ответила быстрее и правильно.





Список  литературы:

Использована литература и интернет - ресурсы:


1. Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе», № 6, 1996 г., № 3-4, 2000 г., № 3, 2001 г.

2. Г. Л. Кубарьков, И. А. Тимощук. 1000. Сборник новых тем современного английского языка. – Москва: ЗАО «БАО-ПРЕСС», 2005.

3. Клементьева Т.Б., Шэннон Д. Счастливый английский. Обнинск: Титул, 1996.-448с.

4. «Знаешь ли ты Великобританию». Составители Максимов Е., Невидимов А., Зиновьева Н. Томск ГНМЦ, 2003.- 90с.

5. «The United Kingdom: 100 questions answered». Составитель A. Praill. London Belmont Press, 2003. – 102с.

6. www.en.wikipedia.org





Ход мероприятия

           1. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово ведущего:

- Good afternoon, everybody! Today we'll have a competition. Three teams will take part in our competition. The first team is the pupils of the 7-a. The second team is the pupils of the 8-a  and the third team is the pupils of the 9-a form. I’m sure you know a lot about Great Britain, its customs and traditions, geography and history, holidays and about the capital of UK London. And now you will have a good opportunity to show your knowledge.

          2. Основная часть.

- It’s time the teams introduced themselves. The leaders, you are welcome. (Капитаны вызывают свои команды, называют девиз, идет представление команд)

- Lets introduce our jury: ….

- Pay attention to the screen, you see themes and points you can get for answers. Now some words about the rules for today. (объяснение правил игры) 

- So, we can start. I wish all the participants. “Good luck!” Look at the screen.


General information

10. How many parts does the United Kingdom consist of ? (4 parts)

20. What is the most favourite topic for conversation in Britain? (weather)

30. What is British money called? (pounds and pence)

40. What is the population of Great Britain? (More than 63 million people)

50. What is the area of  the UK? (244,100 km²)

Geographical Position

10. Where is the United Kingdom situated? (on the British Isles)

20. What sea separates Great Britain and Ireland? (the Irish Sea)

30. What is Loch Ness famous for? (for its legend about the monster)

40. What channel separates Britain and the continent of Europe? (the English Channel)

50. What is the highest mountain in Great Britain? (Ben Nevis)

Flags and Symbols

10. What’s the nickname of this flag? (Union Jack)

20. What is the national symbol of Scotland? (a thistle)

30. What country does this flag belong to? (Wales)

40. What is the national man’s costume in Scotland? (a kilt)

50. Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman? (John Bull)


10. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? (Belfast)

20. Where is the oldest university of Great Britain situated? (Oxford)

30. What is the hometown of the famous group “Beatles”? (Liverpool)

40. The second biggest city in the UK…. (Birmingham)

50. Two big industrials cities in the center of England… (Manchester and Liverpool)


10. What is the name of high London buses? (double-decker)

20. What colour are London Taxies? (black)

30. Another name for the London’s Underground? (Tube)

40. What is the largest airport of London? (Heathrow)

50. How many lines are there in the London Underground? (11 lines)



10. This holiday is celebrated on 14 February as a day of love and friendship… (St Valentine’s Day)

20.  These are the symbols of a spring holiday. Which one? (Easter)

30. What is Jack-o’-lantern made out of? (Pumpkin)

40. What do they celebrate in Scotland on 25 January? (Burn’s birthday)

50. When do the Irish celebrate  St Patrick’s Day? (on 17 March)


-  Жюри подсчитывает баллы,  определяет 2 команды, которые проходят во второй. Оглашение результатов.


- Инсценизация отрывка из сказки «Winnie-Pooh» (ученики 6-а класса)

Сценарий сказки “Winnie-the-Pooh”

Characters: a storyteller, Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet, Donkey, Eeyore, Owl.

S t o r y t e l l e r. I am sure you know the story about Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends. Now you will see a play about them. One day Donkey Eeyore invited Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet on his birthday.

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. Hello, Piglet! Look what a good present I have!

P i g l e t . Hello, Winnie! What is it?

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. It is a pot of honey. Donkey Eeyore will be very happy. And what have you prepared for him?

P i g l e t . I have prepared this beautiful balloon. You see, it wants to fly to the sky. Don’t let it do this. My present is so beautiful! I hope Donkey Eeyore will like it.

S t o r y t e l l e r. So they started walking, but five minutes later Winnie-the-Pooh felt that he was hungry.

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. Hey, Piglet! May I eat some honey from the pot?

P i g l e t. I don’t know, Winnie.

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. I think half a pot of honey will be enough for Donkey Eeyore. 

S t o r y t e l l e r. Winnie-the-Pooh ate the half of honey and they went to Donkey. Winnie felt hungry again. He liked honey and he began to eat honey again. He ate all the honey up.

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. It is not necessary to give Donkey Eeyore honey. He doesn’t like honey very much as I do. He will be happy when I give him just a pot.

P i g l e t. An empty pot?

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. Although it is empty now it is very useful. You can put everything you want into this pot. For example, your balloon. Oh, no, your balloon is too big. It can’t go into my pot.

S t o r y t e l l e r. They went further but suddenly a piglet stumbled on a hummock and fell down. Bang! What loud noise you could hear!

P i g l e t. Winnie! Winnie! My balloon! You see, it is not a beautiful balloon now, it is just a piece of red rubber.

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. Don’t worry, my friend. It is much better than before. You can see now your balloon can go into my pot and go out of my pot. Into and out, into and out. Can you see?

S t o r y t e l l e r. The piglet stopped crying and they went to Donkey Eeyore. Suddenly they saw a tail with a bow. It was very strange that the tail was hanging on the bush. But Winnie and Piglet didn’t understand that it was a tail.

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. Piglet! Piglet! What is it?

P i g l e t. I don’t know, Winnie. I have seen it somewhere but I don’t remember where I have seen it.

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. Let’s take it, Piglet.

P i g l e t. OK, maybe it will be useful for somebody.

S t o r y t e l l e r. They took the tail and soon they saw the Owl who was also going to Donkey Eeyore.

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. Hello, Owl! Are you going to Donkey’s party?

O w l. Hello, Winnie! Hello, Piglet! I want to go to my friend but I don’t know what to give Donkey Eeyore as a present. What is it? I have seen this tail somewhere.

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. Tail? Have you said “tail”? We thought it was just a rope with a bow.

P i g l e t. We didn’t thought it was a tail.

O w l. I don’t know whose tail it is but I think that Donkey will be happy when I give it to him. It can be rather useful. Can you give the tail to me, Donkey? I haven’t got a present, and you have as I see it.

W i n n i e. Of course, you may take this tail as a present to Donkey Eeyore.

S t o r y t e l l e r. They went further and soon came up to Donkey Eeyore. Their friend was standing near the house. He looked very sad.

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. Hello, Donkey Eeyore! Happy birthday to you! Why are you so sad? What’s the matter?

D o n k e y. Hello, Winnie! Hello, Piglet! Hello, Owl! I am very happy to see you, but I have lost my tail, that’s why I am so sad.

O w l. May I give you a present? Please, look at this. Is it your tail?

D o n k e y. Yes, it is. Thank you very much, dear friends. Where have you found it?

P i g l e t. We saw it hanging on a bush. At first we didn’t understand that it was a tail.

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. Then Owl told us that it was a tail and we decided to give it to you. But we have got other presents for you. Do you like it?

P i g l e t. Sorry, Eeyore, I wanted to give you a beautiful balloon, but you see it is only a piece of red rubber. It was not a nice balloon now. 

D o n k e y. Thank you very much, dear Winnie and Piglet! I like your presents very much. I love you, my dear friends!

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h. Happy birthday!

P i g l e t. Happy birthday!

O w l. Happy birthday to you!


(Герои сказки исполняют песню «If you are happy» вместе со зрителями).


- So, team it’s time to know which team continue the game. (жюри называет 2 команды, которые продолжают игру)

- Well, let’s start the second round. Good luck.


Water, Water is Around…

10. What river does London stand on? (the Thames)

20. What is the longest river in Great Britain? (the Severn)

30. Which ocean washes  the United Kingdom? (the Atlantic Ocean)

40. What is the most famous lake in Scotland? (Loch Ness)

50. What river does the Shakespeare’s home-town stand on? (the Avon)

Places of Interest

10. Name the square in the center of London? (Trafalgar Square)

20. The most famous bridge in London… ( Tower Bridge)

30. What is the London home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)

40. Name a royal church in London. (Westminster Abbey)

50. What birds live in the Tower of London? (black ravens)

London’s Streets

10. Name the place which is the meeting point of 6 streets. (Piccadilly Circus)

20. What street does the Prime Minister of Great Britain live? (Downing Street)

30. What is the address of the house where Sherlock Holmes is believed to live? (Baker Street)

40. This street is the home of English Press. (Fleet Street)

50. How many streets are there in London? (about 10 thousand)

English Literature

10. Who wrote the play “Romeo and Juliette”? (William Shakespeare)

20. Who is known as the author of “Robinson Crusoe”? (Daniel Defoe)

30. What is the main character created by Alexander Milne? (Winnie-the-Pooh)

40. Who created the characters of Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes? (Arthur Conan Doyle)

50. What English writer did live in Alaska for some years and wrote 152 stories about the North? (Jack London)

Famous People

10. Who is the queen of Britain now? (Elizabeth II)

20. Who built St. Paul’s Cathedral? (Christopher Wren)

30. Who invented telephone? (Alexander Bell)

40. Who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar? (Admiral Nelson)

50. Who discovered penicillin? (Alexander Fleming)


10. When was Trafalgar Battle? (1805)

20. When was the Great Fire in London? (1666)

30. When was Great Plague? (1665)

40. When was St. Paul’s Cathedral built? (in 17th century)

50. What monarch did rule for the longest period in the English History for 64 years? (Queen Victoria)


            3. Подведение итогов. Награждение победителей.

Жюри подсчитывает баллы, подводит итоги, определяет команду победителей.

Оглашение результатов.



- Thank you for the game! It was wonderful. Good luck to you!





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