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Віртуальна екскурсія “London Sightseeing Tour” Мета: вдосконалювати знання та навички набуті на уроках англійської мови, розвивати навички всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності, розширювати світогляд учнів, розвивати мовну здогадку та логічне мислення, формувати та розвивати навички співпраці (робота в групі, взаємодопомога), виховувати позитивне ставлення та інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
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Віртуальна екскурсія “London Sightseeing Tour”

Мета: вдосконалювати знання та навички набуті на уроках англійської мови, розвивати навички всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності,  розширювати світогляд учнів, розвивати мовну здогадку та логічне мислення, формувати та розвивати навички співпраці (робота в групі, взаємодопомога), виховувати позитивне ставлення та  інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання: карта Великобританії, проектні роботи учнів, картки з назвами завдань, завдання та малюнки, запис пісні “Dance Monkey, комп’ютер, проектор, білети.

Хід заходу

Вступне слово вчителя:

Teacher: Good afternoon, pupils and our gests! Today we are having an English holiday.   At our lesson we shall revise everything you know about Great Britain.

Pupil 1: Dear friends! The topic of our meeting is “London Sightseeing Tour”. The form of performing is unusual. It will be the virtual excursion round London, the capital of Great Britain. I want to say, that London is one of the world’s three largest cities. It is one of the world’s most important ports, it is the capital of England and it is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  

Pupil 2: London is a great political centre, a great commercial centre, a paradise for theatre-goers and shoppers, but it is also a very quiet place with its parks and its ancient buildings, and a capital of culture with its museums and libraries. London is full of things to see and do, with superb shopping, world-famous sights and a wealth of excellent entertainment and nightlife. One of the best ways to acquaint yourself with the city when you first arrive is to take a sightseeing tour on a red double-decker bus.

Pupil 1: Do you want to go on an excursion round London? Well. If you want to make a bus-tour round London, you have to get the tickets.

Pupil 2: To get a ticket everyone has to answer a question about the United Kingdom and London. For this task we have many mysterious balloons. Your task is to burst them and find a task inside. Let’s start!

  1. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of? Name them. (There are four of them: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland).
  2. What is the most important river of the UK? (The Thames).
  3. What is the highest mountain of the United Kingdom? (Ben Nevis in Scotland ).
  4. What is the population of the UK? (57 mln people).
  5. What is the population of London? (7 mln people).
  6. How many parts do you know in London? Name them. (There are four of them: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster).
  7. What is the administrative center of London? (Westminster).
  8. What is the poorest part of London? (The East End).
  9. What is the financial and business center of London? (The City). 
  10. What is the symbol of England? (Rose).
  11. What is the weather in Great Britain? (Foggy).
  12. What countries does Great Britain consist of? (England, Wales, Scotland).
  13. What is smallest country of Britain? (Wales).
  14. What is the favourite English drink? (Tea).


Teacher: OK, fine. Everyone has a ticket now. And now we can start our tour. You may consult the bus route of our London sightseeing tour. But firstly you should listen to the same excursion that took place last week. You will have almost the same route. You will listen to it twice and then we will decide what places to visit and in which order.


Teacher: Now let’s decide which places you will visit and in which order:

1. Madame Tussauds, Museum

2. Oxford Street

3. Big Ben

4. Houses of Parliament

5. London Eye

6. Tower Bridge

7. Tower of London

8. Buckingham Palace



DISCUSSION of listening (you are good listeners, thanks for your answers. The same stops you will have in your sightseeing tour but there will be some extra stops. Look at your bus route of London sightseeing tour.

The bus route of London sightseeing tour

Stop 1: Madame Tussauds, Museum.

Stop 2: Oxford Street.

Stop 3: Big Ben.

Stop 4: Houses of Parliament.

Stop 5: London Eye.

Stop 6: Tower Bridge.

Stop 7: Buckingham Palace.

Stop 8: Westminster Abbey.

Stop 9: The Sherlock Holmes Museum.

Stop 10: The National Gallery.

Stop 11: The Globe Theatre

Stop 12: Gerkin


Teacher: Firstly, I want you remind us of some general information and geographical position of London.

Pupil 1: London is the capital of the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England. It is situated on the both banks of the river Thames. London is divided into four main parts: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster.

London is an important political centre; it is the seat of the British Parliament and the British Government. This city is an important industrial centre; in London there are many factories and plants.

Pupil 2: The British capital is an important transport centre. Railways connect London with all parts of the country. London has two big airports. One of them – Heathrow – is an international airport. It receives planes from nearly all countries of the world.

London is an important scientific and cultural centre too. In this city there are many schools, colleges and the University of London. In the British capital there are many libraries, picture galleries, museums, concert halls, theatres and cinemas. London is a beautiful city; there are many parks, fine buildings and monuments in it.


Teacher: Thank you for your information. It was very interesting. Now it’s time to start our excursion. The first stop is Madame Tussauds, Museum. Who will be the guide here? 

Guide 1: Madam Tussaud’s wax museum is the most popular museum in the world. There are wax models of the famous and infamous people both living and dead. Elvis Presley, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Marilyn Monro, Michael Jackson, Charlie Chapling, the British Royal Family, Bill Clinton etc. There is no other place in the world where you can see all the celebrities at once, even if they are only wax figures. The museum is situated in Marylebone Road, not far from the street, which is famous as the home of the first great detective in fiction of Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. The wax figures are standing and sitting and sometimes even moving and talking. They are extremely realistic.


Teacher: Very interesting information. In a moment you will see Oxford Street. This is our second stop. Who will be the guide here?

Guide 2: Oxford Street is the main London street of Westminster. It is the most crowded street, there are about 548 shops. Oxford street is a favorite and most popular place not only for London, but also for European fashion lovers. Every day thousands of tourists and locals come to the busiest street in order to buy new clothes or just look at the fashionable trends. Shopping street stretches almost 3 kilometers to the East and turns itself into an endless Paradise.


Teacher: Thank you very much. Our next stop is Big Ben. Who is ready to tell us something about this beautiful sight of interest?

Guide 3: Big Ben is one of the most popular places of interest in London and symbols of England. Every year many people visit the capital of Great Britain to see it and take some photos with it in the background. It is thought that Big Ben is a high tower with a very big clock, but that’s not really true. Big Ben is the huge bell inside the building. Its weight is about thirteen tons and it rings every hour daily: once at one o'clock, twice at two o'clock and so on. However, people who live near the tower can hear at New Year’s Night how the bell strikes thirteen. It’s considered to be the biggest bell ever made in the country.


Teacher: Thank you very much. Let us go to the Houses of Parliament. We’ll have the next stop there. Who will be the guide at the Houses of Parliament?

Guide 4: The Houses of Parliament in London, also known as the Palace of Westminster, is the place where members of Parliament (M.P.s) gather to make laws. The sittings usually begin at 10 o'clock in the morning and end in the late afternoon. When Parliament is in session, a flag can be seen over the building. The Palace of Westminster stands on the riverside near Westminster Abbey. Tourists always go to see them.


Teacher: Your story is interesting, thank you very much. But we need to go on our trip. Our next stop is near the London Eye.

Guide 5: The London Eye is a Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London. It is Europe's tallest observation wheel, and is the most popular tourist attraction in the United Kingdom with over 3 million visitors every year. One circle takes about 30 minutes. It does not usually stop to take on passengers; the wheel moves slow enough to allow passengers to walk on and off the moving capsules.


Teacher: Our next sight is Tower Bridge. Look at it.

Guide 6: Tower Bridge is one of the unique and amazing sights of England. Tower Bridge was built at the end of the 19th century to match the medieval style of the fortress. This bridge is opened to let big ocean ships move up the Thames from the ocean. Total length of the bridge is 244 metres. The height of the bridge is 65 metres.


Teacher: Thanks a lot for your information. The next stop is Buckingham Palace.

Guide 7: Buckingham Palace is the residence of the Queen of England. This is a beautiful building which stands in large gardens. It is situated in the center of the city. It’s the London home of the kings and queens. It’s also the place where presidents, kings and politicians come to meet the Queen of England, Elizabeth the Second. Palace is like a small town with a police station, two post offices, a bar, two sports clubs, a disco, a cinema and a swimming pool. There are 600 (six hundred) rooms here and three miles of red carpet. Two men work full-time to look after 300 (three hundred) clocks. About 700 (seven hundred) people work in the palace. 


Teacher: Very interesting! Let’s move to the next stop, Westminster Abbey.

Guide 8: Westminster Abbey is one of the oldest buildings in London and one of the most important religious centers in the country. Every King and Queen has been crowned in Westminster Abbey. In Westminster Abbey there are many tombs of many kings and queens, great scientists. In addition, many royalties and great people are buried there:  Queen Elizabeth I, William Shakespeare, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Bernard Show, Lord Byron, Walter Scott and many others.


Teacher: Very interesting place, I have to say. Who will be the guide at The Sherlock Holmes Museum?

Guide 9: In The Sherlock Holmes’ Museum you step back a hundred years in time. It is unique. You have a feeling as if the great detective had just left the room for a moment with Dr. Watson, and Mrs. Hudson is somewhere in the backrooms, and you’ll see her entering the room with a tray of tea cups. Everything in the museum reminds us of the stories we know so well. You can sit in Holmes’s armchair by the fireplace, you can examine his things.


Teacher: Your story is very interesting, thank you. I want to say, that London is rich in Art Museums and Picture Galleries. One of them is National Gallery situated at Trafalgar Square. 

Guide 10: The National Gallery is one of the finest collections of masterpieces in the world. It was opened in 1838. It was visited by newly crowned Queen Victoria. The main collection of more than 2000 (two thousand)  pictures is located in the gallery. The National Gallery contains paintings of many famous West European artists and among them such painters as Leonardo da Vinci, Velasquez and others. 


Teacher: Very interesting place, I have to say. The next stop is The Globe Theatre.

Guide 11: There are a lot of old and famous theatres in Great Britain and some of them have an interesting history. One of the oldest theatres is the Globe theatre. The first building was built in 1599 and William Shakespeare acted on its stage. His famous plays were put here such as Hamlet, King Lear and others. Unfortunately in 1613 it burnt down. It was rebuilt but later it was destroyed again. In 1997 it was rebuilt again but not exactly where it used to be. It’s open now.


Teacher: Very interesting place, I have to say. The next stop is Gerkin.

Guide 12:


Teacher: Great! Thank’s a lot!

Pupil 1: We think the excursion was great and you got much information. Unfortunately, it’s time to finish our trip.

Pupil 2: We hope that everyone is satisfied with this excursion. To prove it we invite everyone to sing a song!


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