Позакласний захід "Welcome to Ukraine"

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Розробка позакласного заходу з англійської мови для учнів старших класів "Welcome to Ukraine".
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Ukrainian National Party

Level: upper-intermediate

Student 1:

We all are people on the Earth.

Being in the east or in the west,

We wish to live a happy life

Without asking where and why…

Student 2:

The place we were born and raised

Is always special, the best!

The land of mother is unique.

It doesn’t matter – small or big.

Student 1:

The land of mother lives in heart,

Enriches soul, brings us up…

But sounds special like prayer

If you are here, in Ukraine.

St.2: Good afternoon, dear friends, teachers and schoolmates.

St.1: Today we are having a special occasion, an event, devoted to our country.

St.2: Let us start with the national Ukrainian anthem.


St.1: Ukraine is the country of independence and freedom.

St.2: Ukraine is the land of beauty and culture.

St.1: Ukraine is the home where you are always welcome.

St.2: Ukraine is the home where you are forgiven and loved.

St.1: We are proud to be Ukrainians.

St.2: We are proud of our Ukrainian language.

St.1: We can’t imagine our life without a beautiful Ukrainian song. It inspires, it entertains, it helps to live and create. It is definitely a symbol of our nation.

(Song “Україна – це ми”)

St.1: We love our traditions and customs.

St.2: We know and respect our national symbols.

St.1: Everyone knows that an embroidered shirt is a unique symbol of Ukrainian culture. It represents our national spirit and symbolizes unity and peace.

St.2: An embroidered towel is another bright and important symbol of our country. In the past each Ukrainian home was decorated with towels embroidered by the family.

St.1: It is long being known that snowball tree is also a special symbol in Ukraine. People usually associate it with the beauty of a Ukrainian girl.

Snowball tree:

If you ask anybody what he or she usually associates Ukraine with, you are sure to hear alongside with other things a snowball tree. If you visit picturesque Ukrainian countryside, this tree will gladly meet you near every house. Originally it was a symbol of women’s beauty. Later it also became a symbol of freedom.


Ukraine is also famous for hard-working people, for cherishing and preserving many customs and traditions.  An embroidered towel is an essential part of everyday life and ceremonial occasions such as engagement, marriage, Birth, death, Christmas, Easter. In ancient times a house without a towel was compared with a family without children, A towel symbolizes unity, peace in the family and respect among people. Ukrainians are very hospitable and they usually greet guests with bread and salt on an embroidered towel.

Together: Welcome to Ukraine!

St.1: It goes without saying that Ukraine is marvelous and magnificent place. It’s the land of wonders.

(Presentation “Wonders of Ukraine”)

St.2: Speaking about Ukraine we can’t but mention a great Ukrainian poet and painter who became our national symbol of real patriotism.

St.1: Taras Shevchenko. His name is dear to all Ukrainians, to kids and grown ups.  He is known all over the world. His great poems are translated into lots of languages. Our Kobzar will leave in the hearts of all generations.


St.1: Our country is a special and unique land and there are lots of interesting facts about Ukraine. Let us get acquainted with the most unusual ones.

(Presentation “Interesting facts about Ukraine”)

St.2: Ukraine is famous not only for symbols and prominent personalities, but also for wonderful traditions and celebrations.

St.1: And now is the lovely season when Ukrainian people traditionally sing Christmas carols.

(“Carol of the bells”)

St.2: We can honestly say that “Carol of the bells” sounds extremely tender both in English and Ukrainian.

St.1: Well, when talking about singing, the Ukrainian nation is considered to be one of the most melodic and marvelous.

St.2: I completely agree, but we have to admit that Ukrainian dances are also  rather lovely and full of joy and energy.

St.1: Let us see…


Student 2:

My land is so picturesque and free,

Ukraine, Ukraine,

The dearest land a man can see!

My Motherland.

Student 1:

When down the Dnieper I go boating

And birds are flying high above.

I hear a song, and it is flowing.

For peace, for life, for love.

(Song “Квітуча Україна”)

St.2: We wish all people to live in peace and love…

St.1: … in flourishing Ukraine…




Filipchuk Oksana
16 грудня 2022
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