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Let’s speak about the system of Education in the United Kingdom. In England and Wales there are several stages of education: compulsory, pre-school, primary, secondary, further and higher.

So, compulsory schooling takes place between the age of 5 and 16. There is no law which provides for education of the under fives. In addition many children attend pre-school playgrounds organized by parents and voluntary bodies.

The first school is the infant school for children between 5 and 7. At this stage the children become acquainted with the R’s (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) in the form of games.

The junior school is for children aged 7 to 11. Most Junior schools (although some infant schools too) carry out a policy of streaming, that is to say the children are divided into an A-stream, of the cleverest, a B-stream, of the next of ability, then comes a C-stream – which is the lowest in most schools.

At the age of 11 the «Eleven-plus» examination is conducted by the local authorities and usually consists of three papers, one is English; one is arithmetic and an Intelligence Test.

State secondary school falls into 3 main types: secondary modern, grammar and comprehensive.

The grammar school provided a traditional literary and scientific education up to the age of 18. It gives pupils the ore academic education, and prepares them to entry to universities. The pupils usually wear uniform with he school badge. At the age of 16 the pupils take the General Certificate of Education O-level (Ordinary).

At the age of 18 a small number of pupils who remained at school take the General Certificate of education A- level (Advanced). The secondary modern school provides a general education, including much instruction of a practical sort, up to the age of 15 only. Boys are instructed in metal work and girls in domestic science and cooking. The children leave this school with no Certificate or written evidence of their studies.

Comprehensive schools provide all types of secondary education for all children. There about 2,500 independent schools (private, fee-paying) educating more than 500,000 pupils of all ages. There are three levels of independent school-primary schools (age 4 to 8) and preparatory schools (prep) age 8 to 13. At the age of 13, children take an examination. If they pass, they go on to public school, where they usually remain until they are 18. Public schools are private and very expensive. The most notable public schools are Winchester, Rugby, Harrow, etc.


EXERCISE 1. Make a plan for the text and try to retell it according to the plan.:

EXERCISE 2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English words and word-combinations:

Compulsory; pre-school; schooling; further education; under fives; nursery school; junior; policy of streaming; to conduct; local authorities; to entry; domestic science; written evidence; public school; school badge; General Certificate of Еducation; fee-paying; boarding-school.

EXERCISE 3. Answer the following questions:

1. What stages of education are there in England and Wales?

2. What is understood by streaming?

3. At what age are pupils usually transferred to the secondary school?

4. What kind of education do grammar schools offer?

5. When did the first comprehensive school appear?

6. What does the term «independent school» imply?

EXERCISE 4. Write down 5 sentences with the following word-combinations:

An education of the under fives, the infant school, a traditional literary and scientific education, the written evidence of their studies, an expensive school, local authorities, to entry to the university, General Certificate of Education, a nursery school, Intelligence Quotient, A-level, several stages of education,

EXERCISE 5. Finish the sentences:

1. State secondary school falls into 3 main types: … .

2. Public schools are … .

3. There are three levels of independent school-primary schools … .

4. Compulsory schooling takes place … .

5. In England and Wales there are several stages of education: … .

6. The junior school is for children … .




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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 грудня 2022
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