Позакласний захід з англійської мови «LOVERS OF RIDDLES» 3-4 класи.
Мета заходу: перевірити знання та навички учнів у розумінні ДМ та ММ; активізувати ЛО тем «Тварини», «Школа», «Їжа», «Погода та пори року», «Дні тижня»; розвивати пам’ять, мисленя, увагу, уяву,зв’язне усне мовлення; виховувати бажання спілкуватися англійською мовою, повагу до товаришів,чесність.
Обладнання: проектор, ноутбук, подарунки.
Хід заходу
Привітання. Вступна частина
Teacher: Good afternoon, children and our guests! I’m very glad to see you here.
Повідомлення теми та мети заходу. Пояснення правил змагання.
Now we shall organize a competition called "Lovers of riddles”.
-In this game your task is guess the riddles.To particіpante in the game we need to select only 5 particіpants who will continue the game to the end and win, but the winner will be only one. So we will select the participants. I hope you like it very much.. It’s time to start.
Основна частина.
Хід змагання.
Start. What season is it now? What day is it today? What is the weather like today? What is your favourite season? How many days of the week?
Round 1. Завдання: It`s a wild big animal. It`s black and yellow. It has got a long tail. It looks like a big cat. It lives in the jungle. It eats meat. What is it? (A tiger)
It’s very small. It has got a long tail. It’s grey. It likes cheese.(A mouse)
It’s very big. It’s strong. It lives in Africa. It has got four legs and a long nose-a trunk. (An elephant)
It’s a black and white horse. It lives in Africa. It eats grass. (A zebra)
This animal is very dangerous. It lives in rivers in Africa. It has got big teeth, a long tail and short legs. It’s green. ( A crocodile)
It’s very long. It hasn’t got any legs. It eats small animals. It’s dangerous.( A snake)
It`s green. It can swim and jump. It likes eating insects. What is it? (A frog)
For the largest number of points the participants go to the next round.
Round 2. It`s a school subject.
You to count numbers and do sums on these lessons. What subject is it? (Maths)
You to read, writer and speak in English on these lessons.(English)
You to sing and dance on these lessons. ( Music)
You to draw and paint on these lessons. ( Art )
You to run, jump and play sport. (Sport)
Round 3. It`s a fruit. Its long and yellow. Monkeys like to eat it. (A BANANA)
Name a vegetable that is green
on the outside and white on the inside.
It starts with “C.” (A CUCUMBER)
Green and round, rabbits like it. (A CABBAGE)
Name an orange fruit
that grows on a tree.
It can be squeezed to make a juice.
Name a red juicy fruit
that we eat in salads
or cook it to make ketchup.
Some people think that it is a vegetable,
but it is not. (A TOMATO)
Round 4.
1.It`s a profession. A person that treats animals. (A vet)
2. She teaches children at school (A teacher)
3. He helps sick people. ( A doctor)
4. He looks after pigs, hens and cows. (A farmer)
5. She cooks meal. (A cook).
A school subject, where pupils learn new words, read, write etc. What is it? (English)
You have this lesson once a week. You sing songs on it. What is it? (Music)
3.Заключна частина. Підсумок гри. (Ведучий оголошує переможця та кількість набраних ним балів, нагороджує учасникa гри).
Let’s congratulate the winner.
-Do you like this game?
-Thanks everybody for your attention and participation. Good bye! Have a nice day!