Практичне заняття "Лісове господарство"

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Конспект заняття з дисципліни Іноземна мова (за професійним спрямуванням) для студентів спеціальності "Лісове господарство"
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з дисципліни “Іноземна мова (за професійним спрямуванням)”


для студентів спеціальності


                  205 “Лісове господарство”


на тему: “Моя майбутня спеціальність - лісове господарство”

Му Future Speciality Is Forestry

Мета заняття:



- ознайомлення із новими лексичними одиницями з теми Му Future Speciality Is Forestry, закріплення раніше вивченого лексичного матеріалу;

- формування навичок упорядкування отриманої інформації; осмислення почутого повідомлення (активізація матеріалу сприйнятого через аудіовізуальні засоби);

- розвиток та тренування діалогічного (взаємодія в межах заданої ситуації) та монологічного мовлення.



розвивати пам'ять, увагу, мовну здогадку; вміння працювати в команді;розширити мовний світогляд студентів.



створити позитивну мотивацію подальшого вивчення Іноземної мови (за професійним спрямуванням). Виховувати та підтримувати пізнавальну активність студентів.


Методи: ознайомлення студентів із лексичним матеріалом, бесіда, повідомлення, тлумачення, виконання вправ. РРР (Presentation-Practice-Production/ Представлення-Практика-Продукування) - представлення нової лексики чи граматики (нових лексичних чи граматичних функцій), ситуативне використання вивченої лексики.


Форми проведення заняття: Мультимедійна презентаці. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом. Опитування.  Читання тексту. Говоріння.





Topic: ‘Му Future Speciality Is Forestry’

Type of the lesson: Practically



1) Forestry as a Speciality;

2) the notion of ‘a forest’;

3) the requirements to the forester;

4) Grammar: Conditional Sentences.



1) to define the notion of ‘a forest’;

3) underline the requirements to the forester;

4) Grammar: the use of 1st Conditional;


I. Warming up


1) Comment on the quotation:

‘Forests should not only be walked on, they should be walked under and through’.


walk through- to help someone learn or become familiar with something, by showing them each stage of the process in turn;


II.Актуалізація знань практичних навичок.  Conversation drill.


Визначення теми заняття


2) Brainstorming

Tell about advantages of forest. Write 5 sentences about its benefits for humans.


Benefits of forest for humans:

- reduce stress hormones;

- boost immune system;

- lower blood pressure,

- stabilize heart rate;

- produce life-saving medicines, etc.


3) Read the topical vocabulary and learn it.


Topical Vocabulary

        a forest





a forester, a forestry officer



fire safety rules and sanitary rules

release of standing timber


cattle grazing


 silvicultural work

 stop violations

 illegal logging


defense of forests

правила пожежної та санітарної безпеки
збут лісонасаджень



випас худоби

лісогосподарські роботи
припинити порушення

незаконні вирубки лісу

випас худоби
захист лісів


4) Write 5 sentences with new words.


ІІІ. Мотивація навчальної діяльності.


5) Read the text and translate it. Use the topical vocabulary.


Text A



The following definition is stipulated in the "Forestry Code of Ukraine", regulating the management of forestry:

"a forest is the type of natural complexes that is a combination of trees and shrub vegetation with appropriate soils, herbaceous plants, animals, microorganisms and other natural components, interconnected in their development, that influence each other and natural environment".

A forest is a dynamic phenomenon, therefore it must be regarded in its development and examined at different stages of its existence. The strive for existence and natural selection are distinctly visible at forests. An important feature of the forest is its ability to self-renovation.


6)Read the text and retell it.

Му Future Speciality Is Forestry

After finishing school I decided to enter college and to become a forester. I’ve been dreaming about this profession since my early childhood.

The work of a forestry officer is rather difficult. He must know topographic, landscape, forest growth and keeping conditions; fire safety rules and sanitary rules in forests, rules for the release of standing timber, haymaking, cattle grazing, hunting in the region and other rules for incidental use of the forest, as well as safety regulations; established standards of disciplinary, material, administrative regulations;  instructions, orders and other guidelines related to the work of a forester.

 The forester should also know the procedure for issuing and processing documents for various types of forest use, drawing up and presenting protocols (acts) on various forest violations, violations of hunting rules, seizure of forest, hunting and other products; organization and technology of work on sowing and planting forests and promoting natural regeneration; signs of the appearance and spread of harmful forest insects and forest diseases; basic information on the structure of wood and its properties; silvicultural work. Besides, the forester is involved into  protection of forests and property entrusted to him in the assigned patrol with the adoption of measures to prevent and stop violations of fire safety rules, illegal logging, haymaking, grazing, various thefts and other violations of forest and land use; monitoring the condition, protection and defense of forests in the region.


7) Give the synonyms to the following words (nouns):


- forest (woodland, wood, forestland, timberland);

- forester (forest ranger,· woodsman,  forest guard, forestry officer,  forest ranger,  forest warden);

- soil (ground, clay, turf);

-wood (timber, planks, logs);

-defense (protection, security);

-logging (woodchopping, lumberjacking, lumbering).


8) Grammar check. 1st Conditional Sentences



(if, when) Present Simple – Future Simple


 We use the first Conditional to talk about a likely situation and its probable result in the future (with words and phrases such as  as soon as,till, until,when, unless, before, after, in case,  if).


e.g. Якщо буде сонячна погода, ми підемо на прогулянку.

        If the weather is sunny we will go for a walk. 


9) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (use the 1st Conditionals);

1. Till he (arrive) here they won’t make any decision.

2. I’ll be ready as soon as you (be).

3. As soon as she (come) there I’ll write you a letter.  

4. When she (hear) this news, she will be happy.

5. I (lend) you my car whenever you want it.


10) Match the words with their definitions:


1) a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth;

2)all the visible features of an area of land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal;

3) the natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected by human activity;

4) a natural body comprised of solids (minerals and organic matter), liquid, and gases that occurs on the land surface;

5) a person who practises forest management and forestry, the science, art, and profession of managing forests.

6)a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.

7)relating to the arrangement of the physical features of an area;

8)a young tree, vine, shrub, or herb planted or suitable for planting;

        a forest










a forester








1) Write an essay ‘Му Future Speciality Is Forestry’.


2) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (use the 1st Conditionals).


1. If the weather (be) sunny we won’t go for a walk. 

2. As soon as she (learn) foreign language he’ll get her a better job.

3. You shouldn’t count on a salary increase before you actually (get) it.

4. When he (get) his salary, We’ll buy a new laptop.

5. As soon as she (get) there I’ll write you a message.   



Питання для перевірки знань



1) What is Forestry as a Speciality?

2) what is‘a forest’?

3) what are the requirements to the forester?

4) Grammar: when should we use the 1st Conditionals?


Список використаної літератури:


1) Лісовий кодекс України / Закон України № 3404-IV “Про внесення змін до Лісового кодексу України”; [Затв. Постановою ВР України 08.02.2006]. – К., 2006. – 15 с

2) Олійник В.С. Лісознавство: курс лекцій / В.С. Олійник, Р.М. Вітер. – Івано-Франківськ: Симфонія форте, 2011. – 264 с.

3) Верба, Л.Г. Верба. Граматика сучасної англійської мови. (довідник). Modern English Grammar. (reference book). ТОВ «ВП Логос-М». Київ 2006 р., - 341с.

4) Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries. https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/american_english/walk-through_1

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