Практичне завдання до уроку № 65
Текст 1
Українські Карпати
Карпати — це перлина нашої країни, дивовижний мальовничий край, улюблене місце відпочинку й оздоровлення людей різних поколінь, справжня туристична Мекка. Тут розташовано 6 вершин, які вищі за 2000 метрів. Усі ці «двотисячники», разом з найвищою вершиною України Говерлою, належать до Чорногірського хребта, що лежить на межі Івано-Франківської та Закарпатської областей.
Основна частина Карпат вкрита хвойними і буковими лісами. На верхніх схилах гір — полонини, багаті рідкісними видами флори. На плоскогір'ї ростуть чорниця і брусниця, а трохи нижче завжди можна поласувати малиною. На схилах Карпат беруть початок багато рік західного регіону України: Прут, Черемош, Лімниця, Тиса, Бистриця. У карпатських горах ви можете побачити ще багато цікавого.
Скажімо, високогірне в Україні озеро Бребенескул, що розташоване на схилі однойменної гори на висоті 1801 метр, чи оповите легендами озеро Несамовите неподалік гори Говерли; високогірну споруду України — залишки обсерваторії на г.Піп-Іван; постійно діючі грязьові вулкани поруч з селом Старуня на Богородчанщині; найбільший духовий музичний інструмент — трембіту — дерев'яну конічну трубу без бокових отворів завдовжки чотири метри.
Текст 2
Biography of Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie was one of England's most famous writers. Her crime and detective stories became famous for their clever plots. Agatha Christie was often called the queen of crime.
Agatha Christie was born in Devon, England in 1890 as the daughter of a British army captain. During the First World War she worked in a hospital as a nurse. Later on she got a job in a pharmacy. This influenced many of her crime stories because some of her victims were poisoned.
Agatha Christie was married twice and especially her second husband travelled a lot with her. Some of her novels, like "Death on the Nile" were set in the Middle East. "Murder on the Orient Express" was written in Istanbul.
At the beginning of the 1970s Agatha Christie became ill, but she went on writing. When she died in 1976 she had written over 60 novels, 150 short stories and 16 plays. Her stage play "The Mousetrap" is the longest running play in history. It was first performed in 1952 and after a record 23,000 performances it is still running today.
Many of Christie's books and short stories have been turned into successful movies.
Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple
In her works Agatha Christie created two great characters. Hercule Poirot is a Belgian detective who appeared in 33 of Agatha Christie’s novels. He his best known for his moustache. Poirot thinks logically and likes order. He examines the crime scene in detail and claims that every crime can be solved.
As time went on Agatha Christie became tired of her Belgian detective and wanted to get rid of him. But he was very popular among her readers. When he died in "Curtain" in 1978 he became the only fictional character to get an obituary in the New York Times.
Agatha Christie's other well-known character was Miss Marple, an old woman who wants to be an amateur detective. She likes knitting, walking around the neighbourhood and she observes things very carefully.