Presidents' Day in the USA

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Інформаційний бюлетень "Presidents' Day in the USA" є розробкою з курсу "Країнознавство, "Meet the USA" для 11 класу. Обізнанність про історичних і політичних діячив, які творили історію країни, про головні події далекого минулого допомагають учням у розвитку світогляду і поглиблюють знання про англомовні країни, а також вдосконалюють використання англійської мови. Матеріал може бути використаний як позакласний захід під час проведення тижня/декади ІМ або на засіданнях журналістських чи країнознавчих секцій англійського клубу.
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Presidents’ Day in the USA

Teacher: You are invited to listen to information about one of the national holidays of the USA. Learning English at school, you get acquaintance with the history, cultural life, customs and traditions as well as with prominent people of the English-speaking countries.

 Today’s lesson is neither a lesson in its general sense nor a project. It’s a sound information bulletin.


SLIDES 1 - 4

Presenter: Nice to meet you in the studio “World Holiday Calendar”. Some tourists guides have come to our studio to take us through interesting places and sights connected with the splendid country –the USA- and American Presidents.

 So, let’s start!  (a song: America the beautiful, words by Katharine Lee Bates)


  1. Attention, please! Today we are going to tell you about one of the federal holidays of the United States of America. The United States have at least one holiday in every month except August. On the third Monday of February, Americans celebrate the birthday of two former presidents. They are George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. They were both famous U.S. presidents and they both had birthdays in February. Even though they are different days, Americans celebrate both of them on the same day.


Presenter: Why is George Washington remembered by the Americans?


2. I have something to tell our guests.

To begin with, I’d like to tell about George Washington. George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 into the family of a rich landowner. He was the first president of the USA elected in 1789. His nickname is “The Father of Our Country (the USA). He was one of the people who fought in the revolutionary war and later helped write the United States Constitution.


Presenter: Well, George Washington was the first who took his oath of office. Is it really so?

 SLIDES 6 - 7

3.  It’s the fact. On April 4, 1789 George Washington standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York, took his oath of office as the first president.

I do

solemnly swear

to faithfully execute the Office

of President of the United States,

and to the best of my Ability,

preserve, protect and defend

the Constitution of the United States.

So help me God.



4. Can I say something? There is a famous story about George Washington when he was a young boy. It says that he chopped down his father’s cherry tree with an ax. When his father asked, “Who did this?” young George replied, “I cannot tell a lie. I did it”. Many children have heard this story and are encouraged to always tell the truth.


5. I’d like to add some information. In 1912 the famous cherry trees were planted in Washington. 3,000 flowering cherry trees were a gift from Japan and are still a major attraction for visitors and residents in the early days of spring.





Presenter: Could anybody of you tell us why Washington was made the capital of the USA?


6. You know, there are some landmarks to commemorate the life of this great man. First of all, Washington, D.C., the nation’s Capital. Why was Washington made the Capital of the United States? After the War of Independence the United States needed a capital city. Choosing the site for the capital was a difficult task because different cities in different parts of the country wanted to be the nation’s capital.

In the end it was decided to build a new city. In 1791 George Washington, the first president, chose the place where the city now stands. He thought it was a good place because the Patomac River was large enough for ships. The land round the city was called the District of Columbia, after Christopher Columbus; and the city on it was named Washington, in honour of the country’s first president.

The architect of the new city planned straight streets with trees on both sides, beautiful buildings, and monuments to honour great men.




7. I’d like to add. The next point to pay your attention to is the Capitol, the seat of the Government of the USA. The cornerstone of the Capitol was laid by George Washington on September 18, 1793. The Capitol is in the centre of Washington, it is the highest point in the city located on Capitol Hill. The Capitol Building is made of stone and marble. It contains 540 rooms. There is a law in Washington not to build houses higher than the Capitol.


8. I think that the next great landmark is worth speaking about. George Washington decided that the President of the United States must have an official residence. It was he who selected the site and laid the cornerstone in October, 1793. George Washington died in 1799, before the house was completed, so the first President to live in the new official residence was John Adams. The White House has 132 rooms, 54 of which are reserved only for the private use of the First Family on the second and third floors.

The White House, official home of all US presidents, is the major attraction in this part of Washington.


Presenter: Sorry, I’ve heard about one of the monuments called “The Pencil” What’s this?


9. I’ll try to answer your question. There is one more sight which attracts residents, guests and tourists. This is the Washington Monument, one of the city’s most impressive sights. The monument was erected to the memory of the first President of the USA. It is also called “The Pencil” It is one of the tallest stone constructions in the world, standing just over 555 feet high. Around the base flutter 50 “star-spangled” banners. The Washington Monument is the tallest landmark in the city and a great place from which to get a bird’s-eye view of the capital. There are 898 stairs to viewing level – too many people couldn’t make the climb and had to be rescued – so now you can ride up in the elevator, though one can walk down if one prefers.



10 One more interesting fact. Today you can see the face of George Washington depicted on the one dollar bill since 1869 and a lot of post stamps have the face of the first President.

Three Universities are named after him.


Presenter: Wonderful! So many exciting facts about the first president. But people all over the world remember one more president whose name is connected with freedom for Americans and fight for being free and equal. Get us acquainted  with that outstanding personality!


  1. Well, Americans are proud of the claim that in America a man may rise from the lowest to the highest position. Abraham Lincoln is the most famous example of the claim. He was born on February 12,1809  in a small farm in Kentucky. He became the president in 1860.

His presidency was difficult. The states in the North and the South were divided because of slavery. White people in the South owned black people. The North people didn’t like this. A civil war began between the two sides. In the end, the northern states won and President Lincoln helped to free the slaves.



12. May I have a word?  A prominent person wrote about the 16th president of the United States:

 He could be compared

        with Beethoven - in music,

                                     with Dante -  in poetry,

                                                           with Rafael - in painting,

                                                                                 with Jesus - in philosophy of life. 



13.  I have something to emphasize about Abraham Lincoln. The main aim of his activity was to abolish slavery. In 1862 the American Civil War between North and South began. 5 years later, when the end of the war was not far away, Lincoln issued a proclamation setting free every man, woman and child in the USA. Slavery was ended. There is a famous speech of Abraham Lincoln about how everybody has the right to be free and how all people are equal.  


Presenter: Is it true that Abraham Lincoln was shot soon after that speech?


14. It’s a great pity, but … but on the 14th of April, 1865, the President and his wife went to the theatre in Washington. During the performance Lincoln was shot through the head and died next morning. To commemorate his memory the temple was built and such words are written:

In this temple

As in the Hearts of the People

For whom he Saved the Union

The memory of Abraham Lincoln

Is enshrined Forever


The Lincoln Memorial is located on the bank of the Patomac River. It is built in the style of a classic Greek temple. The splendidly carved marble figure of the murdered president is inside the building.



15. Sorry. A little bit to add. The Lincoln Memorial is pictured on the reverse of the US penny and the back of the US five dollar bill. In addition to this Car Company is named after him. The face of Abraham Lincoln is depicted on several postage stamps.


 Presenter: Not only on the dollar bills and post stamps are the faces of these presidents.



16.  Oh, yes, have a look at this National Memorial! Both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were very famous presidents in the United States. You can see their faces and the faces of two more Presidents carved into a big mountain. Mount Rushmore National Memorial is located in the American state of South Dakota. Featuring the monumental faces of 4 former presidents of the USA, (George Washington – the 1st,  Thomas Jefferson – the 3rd,  Theodore Roosevelt – the 26th,  Abraham Lincoln – the 16th) carved from the white rock, Mount Rushmore represents an iconic destination for many travelers to the area.


SLIDES19-23 (a short Quiz)


Slide 24

Presenter: It’s about time we completed our information sound bulletin. I’d like to thank everybody for the participation. Have a good success!

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