Презентація англійською мовою "The Forts"

Про матеріал
Даний матеріал може бути використаний на інтегрованих уроках Англійської мови та Історії України при вивченні матеріалу про фортифікаційні укріплення Західної України.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Przemyśl fortress

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The history of the construction of the Przemyśl fortress Construction of the fortress began in 1872. For Austria-Hungary, Przemyśl was an important gate that had to be defended against the backdrop of deteriorating relations with Russia. The construction of the fortress was completed in August 1915. About 200,000 people were involved in the construction (in different periods).

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Plan of the fortress. At the beginning of 1914, the outer ring of the fortress consisted of 15 main artillery forts, 27 smaller fortresses for infantry and 25 separate ones for heavy artillery. In total, the fortress was divided into six parts, each of them had its own leadership, security services, and hospitals. The second line of defense, which corresponded to the old defensive ramparts, in the middle of the 19th century was strengthened with new concrete forts.

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The fortress All the fort sites were connected by paved roads, and some researchers say that all the forts are connected by tunnels. Fortifications were built away from the city, at a distance of 9-26 kilometers. Fortifications were built using concrete. The Przemyśl fortress was divided into eight defensive sections. Additional forts were built on the heights surrounding the city. The most developed and strongest were the forts of the VI direction, which protected the most important roads from Lviv and Dobromil. The group of "rural" forts in the village of Popovichi was the most mode.

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The power of the fortress. It was the most powerful fortress of the end of the 19th century in Eastern Europe, and in all of Europe, only the French fortress of Verdun could compete with it. 25,000 soldiers and officers, 1,050 artillerymen served in the fortress, 776 of them in the forts. It was armed with four 305 mm caliber mortars with charges of 630 kg each. The group of "rural" forts in the village of Popovichi was the most modern. These fortifications could defend each other, because they were connected by earth ramparts. They were equipped with 150 mm guns and 210 mm mortars. At the end of August 1915, there were a thousand guns of various types and models in the fortress.

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Forts on the territory of Ukraine. Fort 1.1 "Lysichka" Fort 1.2 "Bykuv" Fort 1.3 "Pleshovice“ Fort 1.4 "Marushka Forest" Fort 1.5 "Popowice" Fort 1.6 "Dzhevnchice"

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Lysichka Fortress The fort was built in 1897-1903. It has the wrong shape. The approaches to the fort were protected from the front by a moat in the form of an ordinary trench. The frontal section of the moat was protected by a counterscarp caponir.

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Fort "Bykuv" The fort was built in 1895-1900. The shape resembles a semicircle with a bastion in the throat part. It had two completed open flank artillery batteries.

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Fort "Plesevichi" and "Marushka Forest" It is most likely that these forts belong to the first phase of the construction of the Sedli group from 1882-1886. Both forts are made almost identically. They look like trapezoids.

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The fort was completed in 1900. It was built according to the project of the Pole Emil Hologurskyi. In plan, the fort is close to a semicircle with a bastion in the lower part.

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The construction of the fort was completed in 1897-1900. The fort does not have the correct shape.

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A powder warehouse has been preserved in the village of Popovychy.

До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
20 травня 2023
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