is one of those ideas like justice or world peace: we all know it’s a good thing but it’s not clear how to get there.” Tom Ward is the driving (internal or external) force that stimulates desire and willingness in pupils to do something with enthusiasm, to be continually interested in a subject or to make an effort in order to attain a goal. Motivation “Desire is the key to motivation.” Mario Andretti.“ Motivation
Plan for time. Remember to balance individual, pair, group and whole class activities is the key to successful language learning. Motivation Top motivating strategies. Plan for the pupils activities. Plan of an average of 5 minutes for each activity. Remember that children can’t sit still being passive for more than 2 or 3 minutes. Activities where children are actively involved can be longer than 5 minutes
This technology helps to stir up pupils’ memory, knowledge and skills. Interactive method "Mind - map" Universe. Moons. Planets. Galaxies. Meteors. Asteroids. Cosmic dust. Dwarf planets. Endlessthe Sunthe Solar systemsmall bodies Kuiper belts objectivescometsmeteoroidsconstant movement great. New Year’s Day. Snow Maiden. Santa Claus. New Year’s Treepresentsa cracker with surprise. Father Frost
Problems of environment Water pollution. Global warming. Land pollution. Light pollution. Destruction of rainforests. Industrial pollution. Greenhouse effect. Illegal hunting. Endangered species. Climate change. Acid rains. Ozone layer. Noise pollution. Nuclear contamination. Air pollution. Environmental pollution
Nature is beautiful in all the seasons. Air is always fresh in the forests. Together we save our nature. Unique nature of Africa is well – known all over the world. Rainforests are found in the topics. Environment is the air, water and the land where people, animals and plants live. Write sentences which begin on the proposed letter. Interactive exercise "Ice - breaker"ERUTAN
An interactive method of “ice – breaker” assists to a creation of atmosphere co – operation, interaction, development of communicative skills. Examples of “ice – breaker”:"Ice - breaker"animalsalligatornewtiguanamongooseantelopelionsquirrelplantspine - treelilyashnasturtiumtulipsilver fir. F L O W E R S snowdropwisteriaedelweissorchardlilacfoxgloverose
{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}environsundfloramojsfaunaweikmplandfnlnorpollutiogorskywatertocloudtsaebforeseasclwoodtrastemarshhlh. Find the words in the crossword. Key: environment, flora, fauna, sky, cloud, wood, forest, trash, fauna, grass, smog, pollution, protect, land, problem, water, marsh, sea, soil, sun.
crocusflilyroseclilacicovioletastertuliy pdais. Different variants of crosswords. Naturet r e e ss o g r b s s k y s g s a s l a m i n a i f b b e s ncts b idrs po a k l o p o p l a rb i r c h j l i m e a chestnuttreecmaplecedarbash. Key: birch, lime, ash, oak, poplar, maple, chestnut–tree, cedar. Key: birds, trees, grass, sky, insects, animals. Key: crocus, lily, rose, lilac, violet, aster, tulip, daisy.{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}dolphinwhalermcrabseesharkadstarfluoctoissesuprha. Sea inhabitants. Key: dolphin, whale, medusa, crab, shark, starfish, octopus, seal
Make up these parts into the logical order. Cutting sentence. Nature isfor example,animals, plants everything in the world that is not made and the weather.or caused by humans, Key: Nature is everything in the world that is not made or caused by humans, for example, animals, plants and the weather.
Успішним засобом розвитку творчих навичок обдарованих учнів на уроках англійської мови став рейтинг досягнень учнів. За кожну отриману учнем оцінку 10, 11 та 12 балів вони отримували відповідну наклейку з надписами “Молодець!”, “Відмінно!”, “Розумничок!” В кінці року було підраховано наклейки і за більшою їх кількістю було названо переможців.
This interactive exercise is necessary to sum up the lesson. "The tree of decision" Natureworked in groupsmade up the sentences solved the crossword discussed the video repeated the rules of reading wrote the associations made up the mind -map Made up the “association bush”remembered ways of motivating pupils