Презентація до уроку на тему "Food"

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Презентація на короткий опис уроку. Тема уроку: Їжа. Продукти харчування. Мета: • Практична: повторити вивчені у попередніх класах назви продуктів та ввести нові лексичні одиниці до теми, формувати навички читання з повним розумінням прочитаного; • Освітня: поглибити знання учнів про класифікацію продуктів харчування; • Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію; • Виховна : виховувати культуру спілкування , прищеплювати прагнення використовувати здобуті знання як засобу інтелектуального самоствердження. Обладнання: проектор, ноутбук, предмети для сервірування столу ХІД УРОКУ 1. Pronunciation Drill “ Do you want?” (слайд 2) Do you want chicken? Do you want fish? Do you want an omelette on a dish? Please and thank you we can say When we want our food today/ Do you want chips? Do you want rice? Do you want cutlets? I think they’re nice. Do you want spaghetti? Do you want beans? Do you want pizza? Say please, yes please. 2. To lay the table. To start our meal we have to know how to lay the table. (picture) 3. Brainstorming Normally we eat 3 - 4 times a day .What do you usually eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper? 4. A typical menu (слайд 3) As you know there are three courses of a main meal. Starters Prawn cocktail Chilled melon Garlic mushrooms Main course Cod in cheese sauce Pork ribs Lamb chops Served with rice, potatoes, vegetables Desserts Chocolate cake Ice cream Apple pie Tea, coffee Sort these dishes out under the headings (слайд 4) Starters, main course, dessert. Grilled chicken, pate and toast, grilled salmon, coffee, prawn cocktail, bread and butter, shrimps in garlic, fresh fruit salad, steak, chocolate cake, cutlet, vegetables soup 5. Flavours and tastes (слайд 5) Our food can have different tastes and flavours. Try to find the right words to describe the following. 1. Indian curry – spicy 2. pizza – savoury 3. sea water – salty 4. an unripe apple – sour 5. a cup of tea with five spoons of sugar – sugary 6. strong black coffee with no sugar – bitter 7. factory – made white bread – tasteless 6. Projects (слайд 6-19) “ENGLISH BREAKFAST” “CHESECAKES” “SANDWICHES” 7. Rules (20-21) The ABC of Table Manners 1. Do not attract unnecessary attention to yourself in public. 2. When eating take as much as you want, but eat as much as you take. 3. Do not eat too fast or too slowly, cut as you eat. 4. Take a little of every dish that is offered to you. 5. Sit up straight and face the table, do not put your elbows on the table while eating. 6. Do not reach across the table — simply say: “Would you please pass the pepper”, etc. 7. At a small party do not start eating until all are served. At a large party it is not necessary to wait for all. The hostess gives a signal to her guests by saying: “Start eating, please (your food will get cold)”. 8. There is no rule about eating everything on your plate. To indicate that you have had enough, place knife and fork together, not criss-cross. 9. When refusing a dish or a helping simply say: “No, thank you”, when accepting — “Yes, please.” 10. Do not leave the spoon in your cup, when drinking tea or coffee. 11. Do not empty your glass too quickly — it will be promptly refilled. 8. Home task
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2

Pronunciation Drill Do you want chicken? Do you want fish? Do you want an omelette on a dish? Please and thank you we can say When we want our food today. Do you want chips? Do you want rice? Do you want cutlets? I think they’re nice. Do you want spaghetti? Do you want beans? Do you want pizza? Say please, yes please.

Номер слайду 3

A typical menu Starters Prawn cocktail Chilled melon Garlic mushrooms Main course Cod in cheese sauce Pork ribs Lamb chops Served with rice, potatoes, vegetables Desserts Chocolate cake Ice cream Apple pie Tea, coffee

Номер слайду 4

Sort these dishes out under the headings Starters, main course, dessert. Grilled chicken, pate and toast, grilled salmon, coffee, prawn cocktail, bread and butter, shrimps in garlic, fresh fruit salad, steak, chocolate cake, cutlet, vegetable soup

Номер слайду 5

Flavours and tastes 1. Indian curry 2. pizza 3. sea water 4. an unripe apple 5. a cup of tea with five spoons of sugar 6. strong black coffee with no sugar 7. factory – made white bread

Номер слайду 6


Номер слайду 7

American Cheesecake The history of cheesecake Cheesecake recipes Today’s Cheesecake

Номер слайду 8

The history of cheesecake Cheesecake is believed to have originated in ancient Greece. Historians believe that cheesecake was served to the athletes during the first Olympic Games held in 776 B.C. However, cheese making can be traced back as far as 2,000 B.C. The Romans spread cheesecake from Greece to across Europe. Centuries later cheesecake appeared in America, the recipes brought over by immigrants.

Номер слайду 9

Cheesecake recipe 300 g butter biscuits, finely crumbled 110 g melted butter 600 g cream cheese 520 g any low-fat, soft white cheese 300 g sugar 1 tbsp vanilla essence 6 eggs 400 g sour cream

Номер слайду 10

Today’s Cheesecake Although the original cheesecake recipe came from Greece, it quickly adapted several culinary styles and variations during its journey to other territories. The basic ingredients, namely the cheese, flour and sweetener, are still present but the contemporary cheesecake bear little resemblance to the cheesecake of Ancient Greece.

Номер слайду 11

Sandwich History of the sandwich Etymology

Номер слайду 12

History of the sandwich 1st Century B.C. - The first recorded sandwich was by the famous rabbi, Hillel the Elder, who lived during the 1st century B.C. He started the custom of sandwiching a mixture of chopped nuts, apples, spices, and wine between two matzos to eat with bitter herbs.

Номер слайду 13

6th to 16th Century Meats and other foods were piled on top of the bread to be eaten with their fingers and sometimes with the aid of knives. The trenchers, thick and stale, absorbed the juice, the grease, and the sauces. At the end of the meal, if hunger had been satisfied, tossed the gravy-soaked bread to their dogs or given as alms to less fortunate or poor human. Alms were clothing, food, or money that is given to poor people. In the past, people thought it was their religious duty to give alms to the poor. Trenchers were clearly the forerunner of our open-face sandwiches.

Номер слайду 14

The first written usage of the English word appeared in Edward Gibbon's journal, in longhand, referring to "bits of cold meat" as a 'Sandwich'. It was named after John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, an 18th-century English aristocrat. Montague was a hardened gambler and usually gambled for hours at a time at this restaurant, sometimes refusing to get up even for meals. It is said that he ordered his valet to bring him meat tucked between two pieces of bread, and because Montagu also happened to be the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, others began to order "the same as Sandwich!" It is said that Lord Sandwich was fond of this form of food because it allowed him to continue playing cards, particularly cribbage, while eating without getting his cards greasy from eating meat with his bare hands.

Номер слайду 15

1900’s The sandwich became very popular in the American diet when bakeries started selling pre-sliced bread, thus making sandwiches very easy to create. Sandwiches became an easy, portable meal for workers and school children alike.

Номер слайду 16

English breakfast. to consist cornflakes with milk and sugar. porridge followed by fried bacon and eggs. marmalade . toast and butter. fruit. cold ham,or perhaps fish. coffee and a roll.

Номер слайду 17

In the morning an Englishman has his favourite breakfast of cornflakes with milk and sugar or porridge followed by fried bacon and eggs.

Номер слайду 18

Some marmalade might be spread on the toast and butter. Perhaps some fruit will also be eaten.

Номер слайду 19

For a change one can have cold ham, or perhaps fish, some coffee and a roll.

Номер слайду 20

The ABC of Table Manners 1. Do not attract unnecessary attention to yourself in public. 2. When eating take as much as you want, but eat as much as you take. 3. Do not eat too fast or too slowly, cut as you eat. 4. Take a little of every dish that is offered to you. 5. Sit up straight and face the table, do not put your elbows on the table while eating. 6. Do not reach across the table — simply say: “Would you please pass the pepper”, etc.

Номер слайду 21

7. At a small party do not start eating until all are served. At a large party it is not necessary to wait for all. The hostess gives a signal to her guests by saying: “Start eating, please (your food will get cold)”. 8. There is no rule about eating everything on your plate. To indicate that you have had enough, place knife and fork together, not criss-cross. 9. When refusing a dish or a helping simply say: “No, thank you”, when accepting — “Yes, please.” 10. Do not leave the spoon in your cup, when drinking tea or coffee. 11. Do not empty your glass too quickly — it will be promptly refilled.

19 листопада 2023
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