Презентація до уроку "Present Time in English"

Про матеріал
Objectives: - to control language skills and abilities of the pupils; - to develop phonetic skills; - to cultivate the ability to apply the learned grammatical material “Present Time"; - to increase an interest in learning English.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Thursday, the twenty-ninth of October. Class-work. Present Time in English

Номер слайду 2

Objectives:- to control language skills and abilities of the pupils; - to develop phonetic skills; - to cultivate the ability to apply the learned grammatical material “Present Time";- to increase an interest in learning English.

Номер слайду 3

{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Present Time Present Simple. I usually go to the Centre in the morning. – Я зазвичай іду в Центр уранці. He sometimes plays volleyball in the evening. – Він іноді грає у волейбол увечері. Do you often drink coffee? Does he seldom play volleyball? I don’t like geography. He doesn’t learn English every day. Present Continuous. I am going to the Centre now. – Я зараз іду в Центр. He is playing volleyball at the moment. – Він грає у волейбол у цей момент. Are you still drinking coffee? Is he playing volleyball now? I am not studying geography now. Look! He isn’t learning English. Present Perfect. I have already gone to the Centre. – Я вже сходив до Центру. He has just played volleyball. – Він щойно пограв у волейбол. Have you ever drunk coffee? Has he played volleyball yet? I have not studied geography yet. He has never learnt English. We have known each other since 2010. Present Perfect Continuous. I have been going to the Centre for 20 minutes. – Я йду до Центру вже 20 хвилин. He has been playing volleyball since 2 o'clock. – Він грає у волейбол з 2 години. How long have you been drinking coffee? Has he been playing volleyball for 25 minutes? I have not been studying geography since 10 o’clock. He has not been learning English since last year. We have been sleeping since 9 o'clock.

Номер слайду 4

Exercise 1

Номер слайду 5

Exercise 2

Номер слайду 6

Ex.3. Put the verb into the correct form.1. Sarah and Pam often … to parties. (go)2. Jenny  … Monica. (just/meet)3. Every day the children … in the garden. (play)4. Sally  … the board yet. (not/clean)5. My sister … blue eyes. (have)6. Bill  … the window for 20 minutes. (repair)7. Barbara  … a school uniform. (already/buy)8. They all  … dark blue pullovers today. (wear)9. He often  … the housework. (do)10. My mum  …shopping every Friday. (go)11. I … TV right now. (watch)12. She  … on her new notebook since the morning. (work)13. Fred … football every Saturday. (play)14. Hannah and Betty … pizza at the moment. (eat)

Номер слайду 7

Ex. 4. Put the sentences into negative and interrogative forms.1. My parents often watch westerns. 2. Mum is washing all the dirty clothes now. 3. Peter  has got a brother. 4. Dad has already bought a new plasma TV. 5. The boys  are playing football now. 6. In summer we swim in the river. 7. Since 2 o'clock we have  been playing the piano. 8. Mary  are doing her homework at the moment.9. Richard  watches TV in the evening.10. I  live in a small town. 11. He  studies in the library every Tuesday. 12. She always goes to work at 7. 13. Bill and Tom are driving to London right now.

Номер слайду 8

Homework Translate into English. Я вивчаю англійську мову щодня. Ми зараз працюємо на навчальному господарстві. Він щойно вивчив вірш напам'ять. Він спілкується англійською мовою з дитинства. Вона навчається в школі. Він ремонтує навчальне обладнання у даний момент. Він працював в університеті цього року. Ми навчаємося в ЦПТО з 2019 року. Хто не розуміє правила? Вони не зробили ще 2 вправи.

До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
2 грудня 2021
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