Презентація до уроку у 9 класі 'Body Clock - Біологічний годинник' за НМК Solutions Intermediate

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Урок у 9 класі 'Body Clock - Біологічний годинник' за НМК Solutions Intermediate - додана презентація до уроку.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Body clock. Human Body

Номер слайду 2


Номер слайду 3

The Circadian Rhythm and Your Biological Clock. Useful vocabulary: Alert – жвавий; напружений, тривожний. Hormone - гормон. Jet lag – розлад біоритмів. Adapt to – пристосуватися до. Disruption – порушення, розлад. Fatigue - втома. Insomnia - безсоння. Obesity – огрядність, надмірна вага. Diabetes - діабет. Melatonin - мелатонін. Increase – зростати Decrease - спадати

Номер слайду 4

Watch the video and answer the questions. What is a circadian rhythm?How long does the circadian rhythm last?What problems may occur in case of the circadian rhythm disruption?

Номер слайду 5

The Circadian Rhythm and Your Biological Clock

Номер слайду 6


Номер слайду 7

Reading: how to read effectively. Read the text to get the general idea. Read the task carefully. Then read all the options. Don’t skip ANY WORDS, read every option up to the end. Read each paragraph one by one carefully, then match them to the correct option. Don’t get stuck at one point. If you can’t choose the answer, leave it for now and come back to it later.

Номер слайду 8

Understanding the gist. Read and listen to the article to get an idea of the general meaning. Which is the best summary: a, b, c or d? The writer's main purpose is to explain: a why children need more sleep than adults. b why we should always get lots of sleep. c why our bodies feel more or less tired at different times of day. d why some people feel more alert than others.

Номер слайду 9

Understanding the gist. Read and listen to the article to get an idea of the general meaning. Which is the best summary: a, b, c or d? The writer's main purpose is to explain: a why children need more sleep than adults. b why we should always get lots of sleep. c why our bodies feel more or less tired at different times of day. d why some people feel more alert than others.

Номер слайду 10

Read and match. Match the paragraphs (A—H) with questions 1-10 below. Two of the paragraphs match more than one question. In which period of the day ... 1 do you completely stop digesting food? 2 is it best to be physically active? 3 do our bodies have difficulty digesting certain foods? 4 are older people more likely to have accidents? 5 does your body contain the most melatonin? 6 are you best at remembering things over short periods of time? 7 are you at your strongest physically? 8 does your body stop making melatonin? 9 is your body at its coolest? 10 does your body begin to become cooler?

Номер слайду 11

Read and match. Match the paragraphs (A—H) with questions 1-10 below. Two of the paragraphs match more than one question. In which period of the day ... 1 do you completely stop digesting food? G2 is it best to be physically active? D3 do our bodies have difficulty digesting certain foods? E4 are older people more likely to have accidents? C 5 does your body contain the most melatonin? G6 are you best at remembering things over short periods of time? B7 are you at your strongest physically? D8 does your body stop making melatonin? A9 is your body at its coolest? H10 does your body begin to become cooler? F

Номер слайду 12

Answer the questions1 How much more sleep does a young child need than an adolescent? 2 What's the difference between 'larks' and 'owls’? 3 Why is it better not to exercise early in the morning? 4 When do sportspeople think is a good time to try to break a record? 5 If you want to lose weight, which is more important: when you eat or how much you eat? 6 Why is it not a good idea to use gadgets such as tablets and mobiles late at night?

Номер слайду 13

Summing up. Think about the video that you watched at the beginning of the lesson. Compare it with the text you have read. What new facts have you learnt from the text that were not present in the video?What words and\or phrases did you meet both in the video and in the text? Which facts mentioned in the text do you feel are true for you? What advice would you give yourself and your friend to improve your lifestyle?

3 червня 2024
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