“Lo! in that hour of misery. A lady with a lamp I see. Pass through the glimmering gloom,And flit from room to room..."Henry W. Longfellow. Nurses are superheroes who change the world
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ХVIII століття
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Французька революція (1789 р.)Наполеонівська війна (1808 -1812)Кримська війна (1853 -1856)
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Відкриття клітини. Перетворення та збереження енергіїТеорія еволюції розвитку організму
Відкриття наркозу. Перший апарат для вимірювання артеріального тиску
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Florence Nightingale was born on the 12th May , 1820
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Florence Nightingale was well-educated person
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Hospital conditions were terrible before Nightingale's reforms
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The Crimean War (1853–56)
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Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
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In 1860, the Nightingale Training School for Nurses was opened at St Thomas’s Hospital in London
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She wrote about 200 books, pamphlets and reports on hospital, sanitation, and other health-related issues
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The Order of Merit(1907)
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Richard Monckton Milnes
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Brucellosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria. People can get the disease when they are in contact with infected animals or animal products contaminated with the bacteria. Florence Nightingale’s room
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The Florence Nightingale Medal
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The Museum of Florence Nightingale in London.
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“Save one life you're a HERO. Save a hundred lives, you're a NURSE”Unknown