Інструктивна картка. Підручник “English”,5-й рік навчання. Алла Несвіт. Unit 3. Food. Lesson 32. Food. Fruit and Vegetables
Номер слайду 3
Lesson Outcomes:to learn new words;to use much/many/lots of/ a lot of in different sentences;to discover some interesting facts about vegetables;to do a survey how many fruit or vegetables you eat during the day.
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Warming up! Tongue Twister (Скоромовка) What vegetable is here?
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Task 1. Watch the video and learn the wordshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2h. X3 N7m. HYk
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Task 2. Vocabulary. Label all the pictures
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Task 3. Complete the table.
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Let’s take a break!
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Task 4. Read the Rule. Do act.4, p.56
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Task 5. Speaking. Do act. 5, p.56 (orally)
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Let’s take a break and dance!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKyu. Jh. HQCf. I&t=46s
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Task 6. Reading. Read the text and make up 6 True/False – statements.
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Task 7. Survey. Tick how many fruit or vegetables you eat during the week.{93296810-A885-4 BE3-A3 E7-6 D5 BEEA58 F35}Fruit/ Vegetables. I eat a lot of …I don’t eat many …Apples. Oranges. Lemons. Grapes. Potatoes. Carrots. Cabbage. Onions. Peas. What is the result?
Номер слайду 14
Send your story and a poem to the teacher. Do act.6, p.56.* Make up a poem using the names of fruit and vegetables.