Презентація "Great Britain Etequette and Demeanor. Traditional English Tea Break"

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Презентація про специфіку британського етикету та історію традиційного англійського чаювання з тематичними ілюстраціями.
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Great Britian Etiquette and Demeanor . Traditional English Tea Break

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Every culture across the ages has been defined by the concept of etiquette and accepted social interaction. However, it is the  British – and the English  in particular – who have historically been known to place a great deal of importance in good manners. Whether it be in relation to speech, timeliness, body language or dining, politeness is key.

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Handshakes. A good firm handshake is a common way to greet someone in a business or social situation. People might make assumptions about you based on your handshake so it’s important to get it right. For example, if you offer a limp handshake, it can give people the impression that you are disinterested and/or not confident.

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Table manners. Good manners at the dining table are very important in Britain.  It is quite likely that you will find British table manners strange when you first arrive in the UK and it will take you a while to get used to them.

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Talking about the weather serves as an ice-breaker. When a British person meets a stranger a ‘safe’ subject of discussion is the weather. The function of the conversation is to initiate contact between two individuals. The conversation will usually take a diversion once a shared common ground is discovered but the weather in the UK provides us with a variety of topics as a starting point. Weather

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In the UK, tea is an integral part of everyday life. It is part of many British people’s daily routine and serves many social functions. In modern English, even there is a term of a person who is tea addicted - a tea-aholic. Tea has a long history in Britain.

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The whole world knows how the British love tea. It seems that the British drank tea at all times. But it was not. Known worldwide tea time appeared only in the XIX century and it became an integral part of life in Great Britain. Before the British began to drink tea after dinner, they ate only twice a day. History of the English Tea

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According to the British ideas about the culture of tea drinking, the table, regardless of the time of day, is always served with different kinds of tea, so that everyone can choose the tea according to the preferences and mood. English Tea Tradition

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The English drink tea six times a day, and each time of day has its own variety of tea and tea traditions. Time to Drink Tea!

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Tea is grown in England. Tea bushes grow in England for a long time - but only for decorative or scientific purposes. The British tea companies have tea plantations in Ceylon and India. Do you know that...

До підручника
Англійська мова (4-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Кучма М.О., Морська Л.І.)
8 травня 2021
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