Презентація "Modal verbs"

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Презентація для повторення та узагальнення вивченого матеріалу (модальні дієслова).
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Let’s practise English Grammar Presented by. Natalia Shuper Khmelnytskyi secondary school 21

Номер слайду 2

Modal verbs: should/shouldn’t,must/mustn’t, may

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There are lots of ways to communicate thoughts and ideas while talking. Many different words or groups of words can be used to express what a person wants to say. One of these groups of words is the modal verbs. The modal verbs in English are very particular, they share some characteristics that make them unique.

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Modal verbs are a very important part of speech, they help to ask for permission and when making requests!The modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should. They are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, and so on. Modal verbs are unlike other verbs. They do not change their form.

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Should / Shouldn’t. As a modal verb, “should” has many important uses in the English language. It’s used to give advice, to express what’s right, and to recommend an action. Its negative form is “shouldn’t ”. For example: A: My tooth hurts. B: You should see a dentist. You shouldn’t eat sweets.

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Let’s practise “should/shouldn’t”Ted has got a headache. He should take an aspirin. He shouldn’t listen to loud music.

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Tim has got a toothache. He should go to the dentist. He shouldn’t eat sweets.

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Choose the correct item. You should/shouldn’t eat so much fast food. We should/shouldn’t go in for sport to stay healthy. They should/shouldn’t go to work on time. Doctors say we should/shouldn’t eat a lot of fruit. He has got a cold. He should/shouldn’t stay at home. Nick should/shouldn’t apologise to Ted for shouting at him.

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Must / Mustn’t. The modal verb “must” is used when we talk about necessity. Also, it’s used to talk about possibilities, but in a much more certain way. Additionally, this verb can be used to talk about advice and recommendations. For example: It’s raining. You must take my umbrella. You mustn’t eat in class. I must tidy my room.

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Write in must or mustn’t. You … stop. You … throw your rubbish here. You … drive slow. You … park here.

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Complete the sentences with “must” or “mustn’t”1. We … finish our homework before next Friday.2. Peter … run in the school corridor.3. Sally … eat all her vegetables to grow strong and tall.4. They … throw rubbish on the ground.5. You can go to the cinema, but you … be late home.6. We can go to the café but we … tidy our bedroom first.

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May. We use “may” when talk about permission in the present, make suggestions and talk about possibilities. However, may is much more polite than “can” or “could”. Its negative form, “may not ”, is often used to talk about not giving permission. For example: May I go out, please?Mary may go to your party later. May I help you with anything?Leyla may not stay out of home late.

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Use “may” to ask permission. May I …

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Let’s practise:1. I’ve got a stomachache! You … eat sweets. a) should b) must c) shouldn’t2. … I use your computer? a) must b) may c) should3. Are you busy? Yes, I … finish this project tonight. a) may b) should c) must4. I’ve got a sore throat! You … take medicine. a) should b) must c) shouldn’t5. You … be careful when you cross the street. I know, Mum. a) may b) must c) should6. I’ve got a cold. You … have some soup. a) must b) shouldn’t c) should7. … I talk to you? a) should b) may c) must8. You … follow the instructions. a) must b) shouldn’t c) mustn’t

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Let’s check:1. c2. b3. c4. a5. b6. c7. b8. a

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